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File: 1739073318041.jpg (114.65 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Merlin-Royal-Doulton-Arthu….jpg) ImgOps iqdb


It's called wizchan but I've never once seen anyone talk about magic here. Do you like (real) magic?


You didn't lurk enough.


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magick is about the will and intention, its about taking your will and pushing it into the hive mind of humanity. You can do this in many ways, a magick ritual. or art, like painting or singing
magick can be divided into three categories, theurgy, divination, will


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How were you first exposed to magic? What made you interested?


I was a natural, i figured it out myself through schizo intuition. only later did i find a quote by crowley

"Aleister Crowley, an English occultist, defined magic as the science and art of changing reality in accordance with one's will"

im also an artist and i would notice the way art manipulated people. Like the beatles singing songs might as well be them chanting spells to get all those succubi screaming for them.

i was also into comic books when i was younger and writers like alan moore and grant morrisson were into the occult.

funny enough it was seeing the kek deity be summoned into real life through meme magick that confirmed for me there was something to this stuff.

I have tried chaos magick, making sigils, but they never worked.
Im mostly into what is called mundane astrology nowadays.


that just sounds like ordinary doing things to achieve things
if i want food to appear on my plate, i have to do the cooking, but i wouldnt call it magic
and sure, lots of bands play with the goal of getting the succubi


Yeah, that poster is a larper.

Though I do regard some chemical reactions as magic, like when you cook food and it caramelizes on the surface (Maillard reaction).
Or how mixing magnesium salts with other chemicals produces a bright blinding light.
Or how a synthetic drug created by a random lab guy in China can make you experience very vivid lucid dreams while you're awake.

A lot of things in the world feel inexplicable of magical even when there's science involved.

Heck, to me even 5G mobile connections are close to magic. You sit in a random, basement and your handheld device somehow has enough signal strength to connect to a cell mast 30 miles away with a 50ms latency.

We do live in an incredible world even if it is depressing much of the time. And if Elon Musk has diagnosed severe depression, then no amount of money, achievements or life experiences can shield you from it either.


>only later did i find a quote by crowley
>"Aleister Crowley, an English occultist, defined magic as the science and art of changing reality in accordance with one's will"

I know it's probably not what you meant, but I would totally buy that someone like Crowley would talk about himself in the third person lol

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