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 No.303590[Last 50 Posts]

Fred bought 420chan for $4200 a couple months ago, details of the agreement are here: https://420chan.org/contract.pdf


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Kirt/Aubrey doesn't smoke weed, he says it gives him anxiety. Fred is a marijuana addict


hate that place, wish kirt and his userbase all died. low t left wing faggots the lot of them


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they're both the same, saying theres a variety is just part of the pothead sales pitch. kirt doesn't smoke the stuff because it gives him anxiety because he was bust for kiddie porn a long time ago and has been criminal informant bitch ever since. weed gives ppl like that paranoia.
CSIS he mentions in picrel is the Canadian Security Intelligence Service


Can't wait for him to disavow 420chan in a couple years, like he always does to his user bases. Fucking quarter-sack of potatoes-looking bitch.


he hasn't even gotten around to making any content or boards yet, he is too stoned to make it happen. he spends all day errrry day smoking weed and preening on twitter, that $4200 is going to go completely to waste


>helped get trump
It *is* wild that the almost complete totality of chan culture (and by extension internet geek culture) has been absorbed into the mainstream but is he insinuating that the chans got Trump elected?


To him a chan is fine as long as it doesn't get too chaotic like 8ch, he's stated 4chan is heavily moderated and doesn't like that but also bitches about 8ch when there's less moderation and more freedom. I think 420 will be okay (not ideal) under him, it's very tame anyway and won't have the concerns of getting out of control which is possible but unlikely. I'm surprised he wants to admin a chan again


Why are you so butthurt about copypaste?


He betrayed pol


He betrayed wizards before he betrayed pol


"you told me you CRIED!!"
- wizardchan administration c. 2015


Trump's vault to the top of the polls in the summer of 2015, a lead which he never relinquished, was accomplished in part by a campaign on /pol/ of spamming local TV news channel online polls that had poor security with votes for Trump. Some of them were so bad that deleting their cookie allowed you to vote again without even changing IP. Before that campaign Jeb was considered a foregone conclusion and Trump was considered a joke candidate. That was /pol/'s main contribution, Trump took if from there all by himself with stellar performance in the pre-primary season debate series and eventually in the debates and the general election. The guy has an incredible memory, he was bringing up minor 20th century events that everyone else had long since forgotten about and combined that with his insult comic act and blew the rest of the field away handily, completely ending Jeb Bush's political career in the process.
But those early poll results that /pol/ helped provide were the toe hold he needed to be taken seriously as a candidate, that why ppl say /pol/ won the race for him


Hotwheels got finessed by one mentally ill succubus who got a kick out of taking the virginity from this wheelchair bound man. The dark asian 'succubus' you saw him with after that was a ladyboy. We've seen this phenomenon through imageboard history, the most repulsive neckbeard can get the attention of some mentally ill obsesed slut if he's somehow a popular figure amongst the autists on the internet.


Legit forgot this guy and 420chan existed for a while. Honestly I'm surprised kirts been around for as long as he is.

So cripplekike is a huge stoner now? I knew he was paying for that other dudes pill habit.


He's in that weed phase now that people usually go through in high school


Peak BPD whore


i use to be into wrestling and 420 chan had a good wrestling board until of course the mods went power mad. Then 4chan created a more chaotic wrestling board which didnt take itself too seriously. Anyways i thought 420 chan died. i imagine hot wheels is like going to die in the next 10 years so he is just burning his brain out on drugs


Biden won


Is this loser still living in thr phillipines?


>mentally ill poster thinks 4chan won Trump the election
>not the fact that Dems decided to run the worst candidate in a long time
>not the fact that people would rather have a clown rather than a demon as a president
>not the fact that Killary called half of america deplorables
>not the fact that people were tired of the "status quo"
>not the fact that the Dems failed the working class

Your post is one step away from that book that said Trump was all SA forums' fault. Bunch of normalfags looking to blame anyone but themselves.


epic politics thread


Back to /leftypol/


>orange man bad

Regardless, the age of imageboards is over. You can't recreate it.


r/4chan does this daily


>>not the fact that Killary called half of america deplorables
Massive underestimation by shrillary


hillary actually specifically said those voting for Trump for economic reasons were not deplorables, but SOME of his voters were, and could never be won over.

and come on the /pol/ types with their pepe shitting in wojak's mouth types are so shocked and horrified that they got called deplorable?


I'm an apolitical guy, and I used to hate left-wingers like a fire is in me, and had a slight dislike of right-wingers. After finding frenschan AKA fedschan, my hatred of right-wingers has risen to match.


I like that little wheelchair fella


This is good news. It's sad that Kirtaner killed the site when he had a negative narcissistic spiral. Hotwheels is more sane at least and should provide some stability.


I got banned there several times for saying very tepid conservative things. Fuck kirtaner


Good. The moderation on 4chan is fucking awful. Keep getting 3 day global bans for nothing.


>Hotwheels is more sane
he is just too stoned and lazy to moderate, which would be just fine, except he is also too stoned and lazy to get the site up and running


He bought 420chan, not 4chan, you dyslexic nigger. I'm just joking, you dyslexic nigger, you're alright.


Fred is without legs
420chan has no boards
yet summer still blooms


why did it go offline in the first place?


Everything that potheads are in charge of inevitably crumbles down as a decision must be made at one point to either get high, or do the minimum that is required to uphold the site / commune / club.


the admins life started spiraling out of control when his wife left him and took their baby and his dad died and he went on some stupid campaign to gather narcissistic supply that involved pretending he was some super hacker and it pissed off the feds and they took his servers. At least I think that's what happened as far as I can recall.


yeah that sounds about like the kind of hallucination someone would have while making a lifestyle out of doping up


It was one of the oldest chans. Hard to blame dope when it lasted longer than nearly all the others?


No hehe, it's pretty easy to blame dope for much of the poor cognition of those who smoke it.


why would you buy a site when you can just build a site. i guess it is the users being counted like cattle and sold like cattle.

i hate the selling of websites so much, i'd rather see the good websites die then some fool buy the creation of someone else and trying to keep it alive.


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>why would you buy a site when you can just build a site
He tried that. Vid related happened and then it was shut down lolololololol



i don't quite see how it relates but thx for the background information. i never bothered to learn about the popular chans and what happened there.

wouldn't the potential for shit like that be even bigger if he bought something that is already established compared to just his 'fanbase'?


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>wouldn't the potential for shit like that be even bigger if he bought something that is already established compared to just his 'fanbase'?

if he built the website maybe he would have 200 users.

if he bought another website that already had 2000 users he would have 2200 users. that's ten times as many potential attacks, isn't it?

i guess would be best if the dude would stop turning the users into terrorists! must be his fault, maybe he is a spellcaster and can charm people to do evil.

he does look bretty cool.


Those are the Super Mario pajampies that got Freddie laid btw. Wizardchan was never the same again.


>Those are the Super Mario pajampies that got Freddie laid btw. Wizardchan was never the same again.

lol i hope i find any sincere attempts of video documentation or experienced commentary about this, seems like a fun rabbit hole.


that fat swedish succubus, if only she had rolled over, his brittle bones would have been crushed to dust


he tried, but failed and since he's a fed rat now, needs a huge userbase to keep them happy


Is he still seamaxxing?


That's an invalid question when it's asked in regards to Freddie because Freddie can't "max" anything. Like how a car with a fuel tank that is half full of paper can never be truly full of gasoline, a Freddie can never do anything to the max. He can eat but only a bit. He can break his bones but the extra fat prevents shattermaxxing. He can be a dirty diaperfur but he can't furmaxx because he would be eaten by a real dog if he tried to enter one. Even his cripplege isn't maxxed out because he still retains the ability to type.

But no, he's back in New York or some other progressive city that pays for his internet and PSW service.


i was gonna kill myself but now knowing 420chan is back i might not



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That caption is fucked up. Hating Frederick is probably some personal Jealousy from the moderation team who probably knew him on chatrooms. Let the dude be


>Let the dude be
We are on an old imageboard. The old admin of this imageboard who violated the core rule and mingled with lolcow forum operators just bought for a large sum another similarly-sized old imageboard. This is after Fred's previous imageboard adventure ended in a mass shooting that spiraled in to private ownership and hate-thought laws being upped globally. When interviewed about that, Freddy goes on to talk about this place, describing it as an "crab board", which in actuality has long since been a banned mindset.

"just leave poor freddy alone you bullys :(" fuck off and die no-legs


he is actually a fent addict these days



I knew Fredrick, the succubus only used him for his pills and threatened to break his arms for more, she also pissed all over his bed and furniture because he wouldn't give them up. She hung out on the IRC just looking for somebody who had perscriptions to the pills she wanted, she was also like 400 pounds.


I thought kirtaner and fred had a falling out and hated each other. Did they reconcile?


he wrote a whole manifesto for a nazi site on why it was a crime he was born


>crab bad

Always looking to piss on others. That rule change was a bad one. A purity spiral.


Crab bad.

Crab? Go crab site.

This "no crab" site.

We ooga booga here. No snippy snappy.


calling crabs crabs is dehumanizing crabs, and not even a mammal, but an even lower level of life with a barely developed brain that can only think of reproduction


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>phoneposting MSM reader
you are the reason Hotwheels had to make 8chan in the first place


That's not the point of the comparison. The point is if you put crabs in a bucket of boiling water, eventually some try to climb out but other crabs grab the escapee and make sure he also dies. This is repeated ad infinitum until all the crabs die.

They hate each other so much they'd rather pay with their lives than see another crab ascend or escape hell.


>They hate each other so much they'd rather pay with their lives than see another crab ascend or escape hell.
Crabs communally protect one another. They even protect robots pretending to be crabs.


> robots pretending to be crabs.

r9k normies?


>r9k normies?
No, 7cuck zoomerpillers. learn your words, categorycel.




back when he was the Boss of Wizchan


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Fred is a fentanyl addict


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Meth too



Methadone isn't meth… Meth refers to crystal methamphetamine.


>Methadone isn't meth
You're right! Methadone is actually something way worse than methamphetamine! Glad we cleared that up.


Why is it worse? It's just a synthetic opioid? Aren't the main side effects of opioid use, addiction, constipation with the side effects of meth being oral hygiene issues, weight loss, psychosis, insomnia and addiction? Meth is worse in my eyes.


No it's not, methadone is an opioid agonist that eventually breaks people away from methamphetamine dependency.

It's like saying Buprenorphine is the same thing as heroin. It's not, it's an analgesic opioid agonist that given enough time and usage, will remove withdrawal symptoms and eventually the craving for opioids itself from a severely addicted person.

The hard part is getting a severely drug addicted (opioid addicted) person to start using and accepting subutex or dolophine.
Many of them are so deep in the drug lifestyle they hate all outsiders or medical professionals, so it's like trying to squeeze water out of a rock to get these people to start opioid withdrawal medically.


>The drug addicts and doctor believers have woken up for their Friday refill and immediately went to defend their particular brand of poison as "not like the other poisons"


You're making little sense. The opioid agonist is used with the end goal of completely giving up drugs.

Think of nicotine patches. No chain smoker is going to get their fix from those and they cost even more than cigarettes.
The only reason to use them is to completely give up tobacco.


methadone is opioid replacement therapy, it would do nothing for methamphetamine dependency. It does nothing for craving, it is to mitigate the harms of withdraw. An opioid naive person could get high from it, but an active user, likely could not.


So Freddy IS a meth user? And is taking the stupid way out by "easing off" his addiction with even more drugs? What a loser


Methadone is not related to methamphetamine. Opioid addiction is what gets you prescribed methadone, so you don't get flu like symptoms when you discontinue use.


So Freddy's addicted to opium and was prescribed special meth so he doesn't die of AIDS when he can't afford the 'poids?


I like to think hotwheels is addicted to fent because he has a soul and feels guilty about some of the stuff that went down on 8chan. He really created a hive of scum and villainy and just leaned into it like some sort of edgelord feeling fully justified, and of course, some dude went on a shooting spree and killed a bunch of innocent people because that was part of the ideology being spread there. Hate and violence as an answer. The beta uprising, boogaloo, glorification of christchurch and other mass shootings, etc. He enabled and lead that sort of thinking and it had real world consequences that were of the worst sort imaginable. I don't know the guy though so I can only speculate as to his reasons. I'm glad he is on the methadone though, it is a good way to deal with the physical symptoms of withdrawal as well as the psychological cravings. I hope he grows as a person from this.


Incorrect, methadone has nothing to do with methamphetamine, and is only prescribed for opioid addicts. It's more likely that he is addicted to heroin or fentanyl and prescribed methadone as a maintenance dose. We don't have enough information to say if he does methamphetamine recreationally, but I would assume yes. Life with HIV is much better today then it was decades ago, it's no longer a death sentence and with medical management doesn't even progress to AIDS.


low iq take. you give one person far too much credit. if it wasn't that place it would have been other place. things happened the only way they could.

how are you to know that this timeline isn't so much better than the timeline in which he didn't act.

are you God? do you see everything and all ends?

nobody can judge anyone, really, and things aren't ever going to make sense to anyone because everything is beyond all of us. so what is all this nonsense about growing as a person and this and that. it's all garbage.

judge a person when you've walked a mile in their shoes. this is the most simple take and something that normals can never do. such prideful and petty creatures.

i'm not so upset because how can i bet upset at people that have brains that don't reason well and can't see they are saying stupid things, can't understand other things.

how does this not make sense?


According to this "logic" then literally no one ever can be held responsible for anything they do simply because if they didn't do it then "someone else could have". Fact is he enabled that shit so he holds some amount of responsibility for it.


>judge a person when you've walked a mile in their shoes
Excellent idiom, pleasant reminder that fat Freddy has no legs


In my head I was prepared to respond to the meth is methadone poster over 100 more times, pretty disappointing he gave up


>i need teh srs discushuns about how my favorite drugs are totally not bad like those other drugs. i need to use facts and logic and sealioning to do this

you are freddy the furfuck…. you cant unfuck that landwhale cripplekunt


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hello fello imageboard enjoyers, have you considered also enjoying trafficked, trafficking, or partaking of Schedule I substances?


Freddy refuses to submit reports of illegal habbenings to the CIA and FBI because he says they only benefit Republican social interests


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and i'm sure that he in particular of all people would never deceive his userbase about his motivations for operating a community or the communications channels he has open with people outside of and antagonistic to said community.


Just checked Hotwheels' Telegram… Apparently he's been trying to post in this thread to extinguish the rumours but whenever he does the Captcha forces him to identify stairs and that gives him a panic attack.


The image creator tries to be funny with the glowie reference but the text is 100% correct.

Normal citizens have zero reason to use some ultra privacy oriented commandline only linux distro with three vpn:s and tor just in case.

All those people are without exception psychos, pedos or various criminals like drug pushers.
Nobody else can be bothered to go through all that effort just to use a computer.


>the text is 100% correct
Oh kay! Let's go through it TOGETHER, oni-chan!

>Linux users are criminals (serious)

Not GUIX, not Kali, not whonix, not tails. Ubunchu and Raspian.

>No one with a right mind would download a piece of garbage operating system for "privacy" there is no privacy on the internet and there won't be any.

Scare quotes, hm, nyaaah! ^owo^ I guess the operating system doesn't function and also doesn't offer any privacy or protections from lawmen after all since it doesn't work as an os and privacy doesn't real anywhere anyways. But why would the crimeboys be using it if it doesn't help crime since it doesn't work and online privacy doesn't real? It sounds almost like the real issue isn't online privacy dependent on browsers but instead OS backdooring during offline activities.
>There are many hackers and such that use linux
Ineffectively. Good hackermen from China use linux since they're state actors and Xi mandated the adoption of linux in state cyber labor capacities, but good American cybercriminals still tend to run on ms or apple systems, unless they're operating home servers for their drug market tor unless you count some offshore server system they're running as "using linux" and if you count those then "most linux users" would be legally compliant corporations.
>When you look at a linux user, they don't use any software of big corporations, use throwaway accounts, don't use tiktok, use reddit
Every desktop linux user uses Steam and logs in with their steam account and most of them tell you up front that if you want to pirate videogames you're pretty much stuck to Windows since Steam and Lutrix are effectively the only way to play AAA titles. Most tof them don't use MS Office but end users are not even the Office target demographic, it is meant for offices.
Reddit use is the indefensible shocking truth though I have nothing to say on that.
>if someone were to ask you if you use linux that already answers most of the behavior you contribute to the internet.
I swear I have never answered a single technical question nor closed a single stackoverflow thread nor replied to any hackernews articles in my life, you can't just stereotype people as technically competent enthusiasts like that it's not fair.
>No criminal would use an operating system and major social media or tools that the majority of people use.
This is like saying that bank robbers go around wearing domino masks and striped shirts with big bags with dollar bill signs printed on the sides instead of purses or wallets.
>There are many cases of Linux users being psychos. Please tell me, in what fucking use case would you ever use something like Tails or Whonix, public wifi?
No, the four months that I spent in a third world hotel on company time did not present any security risks for myself at all, I trust the kind people of Mexico City to have no criminal connections or behaviors and for the internet requirements of my job to therefore not expose me to any hazards.
>VPN, you don't need another operating system for that.
Nor for TOR, nor for ftp/usenet, nor for any criminal activity. Most criminal tools work better on Windows, were built for windows users, and were built by windows users, anyways. The crime toolkits on the Microsoft-owned site GitHub are proof of that.
>facebook discovered a 0day in tails to catch a pedophile
How many Apple or MS OS system exploits have been used to catch pedophiles? Is there a number to go with that? If it's more than 0 then this wouldn't have a point.
>ed snowden
based motherland resident. you aren't a ukraine supporter by any chance are you?

Now for you.
>Normal citizens have zero reason to use some ultra privacy oriented commandline only linux distro with three vpns and tor just in case.
That's a big heckin' yikeserino. Normal citizens don't have a reason to use a desktop operating system of any kind, they only have reason to use their Samsung Android phones. Linux users have difficulty setting up most VPNs though, moreso than Windows users who get a few simple oneclick installers and taskbar icons. Linux tor packages are easier to setup than Windows but since tor nodes are publicly listed and also questionably operated they don't really function very well as a basis of commerce without a VPN endpoint which, like most commercial software, is easier to set up and use in Windows. What's the criminal user's use case for his system? Web browsing and playing Japanese eroges? VPN on Windows (exclusively). Nip porn games don't support Linux. Not even RPGMaker. Steam certainly doesn't release loli porn, and good luck with a lutris package. Steam, GOG etc actively police that kind of TOS violation.
>All those people are without exception psychos, pedos or various criminals like drug pushers.
The drug markets running on linux are running on web servers, not desktops? Windows systems are better for ordering drugs for the average person since you have less of a browser fingerprint and better VPN integration.
>Nobody else can be bothered to go through all that effort just to use a computer.
Effort does suck. And Windows is harder to install on an empty system or to upgrade out of an ancient system. By multiple orders of magnitude the up front effort of a linux install, especially on inexpensive hardware or with an AMD graphics card, is lower than that of W10, much less W11. If you're talking about picking up a machine off the shelf with an OEM OS yeah fair fine swell.


he is a professional snitch, part of the FBI's criminal informant program.


When I first started posting on this site, about 2014 IIRC, and met cripplekike I always heard everyone say how he wouldn't be alive in 5 years and shit. Yet here we are, 10 long fucking years and the cunt not only isn't dead but somehow evolved into some furry abomination. I ask you, my friends, what can *I*, as a humble anonymous poster, do to speed up his death?


Legalize fentanyl in all 50 states and push to end America's war on drugs, which will have global impact ending the lives of millions if not hundreds of millions of drug addicts and create a generalized genetic uplift of the human race.


Good post. I was mostly trolling and trying to upset Linux cultists, but I learned new viewpoints and considerations from your post.

I also just realized how hard it has to be to make such setups on Linux for 99,99% of the population when they are, as you said, point and click ops on Windows.


so how is that 420chan? give me your opinion.


It's bad it's full of potheads and lgbt


THE SITE IS STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION, what a bunch of lazy bitches. i read fattie no legs is a wikipedia contributor so he is probably lying when he says he wants to open the site. he is probably making the enemies of his boss look bad on wikipedia.


I don't expect anyone here to know but I will ask anyway. Does anyone know how Kirtaner and Spardot are doing? Did they get back together and give their little baby with the stupid name a complete family? Kirtaner has always been somewhat of an attentionwhore and was never shy about sharing details of his life with members of 420chan. I worry about the guy. I hope things turn out well for him. He is a flawed human like anyone but not a bad guy deep down. Now without people from 420chan telling me how he is I just wonder. I hope he's not still spiraling since his dad died and the feds cracked down on him and spardot left him and took the kid. It's been a long time. That shit is brutal though, the shit succubi can do to you. This is why it's better to be a wizard. I wonder if some other man is raising his kid and his kid calls him dad instead of him. That shit would drive a nigga insane no cap.


>That shit would drive a nigga insane no cap.
Perhaps you should go back to 13-50 chan


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>420chan.org is temporarily brought to you by leftypol.org !

>This page will automatically redirect to www.leftypol.org in ten (10) seconds. Please wait…



come now, if you don't adopt the language of the youth you can't be a hep cat


I shifted from leftist to conservative while frequenting ye olde 420chan, was painful interacting with them as my opinions shifted, how quickly people turn on you when you do wrongthink. And they always thought I was trolling too, like people can't shift their political stance as they age.


I browsed through there for a while out of curiosity. Dang what a shit hole. I say that as a leftist.


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heres a video that illustrates what entitled human trash people in wheelchairs are.


Now the guy who fell will be in a wheelchair as well.


thats how they breed


Fattie nolegs thread on KC
get it while it's hot


>while it's hot
>9 single-sentences and stale memes from people who are OK with posting on a board that would ban them for saying that men can't become succubi



420chan is now a redirect to leftypol


have not been keeping up with this but my guess is the site is still nothing but a link to this dead irc channel.


Anyone here regularly train with gymnastics rings?


Why even give this traitorous, degenerate attention-whore any attention?


that's a past wizchan admin, show some respect


Why give him attention? Why call him a gutless dogfucker? Because he is, and his actions continue to afflict the internet as a whole. It's important to keep tabs on people like him and to laugh at such an abomination's expense. He continues to do evil unto us so we shall make sport of him. Believe it or not, but Freddy is a 100% normal person (at least the brain part) so it's not likely he's beating his little midge meat to our words of hatred.

I assure you that on a board filled by adult men, your train of thought is alien. Asking (and Sageing no less) why we give something we dislike any attention is no different than a gypsy succubus mumbling a "just chill, no bad vibes allowed" mantra.

Well, as of May…


Ewww, it redirects to leftypol.org

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