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 No.314140[Last 50 Posts]

No politics or religion in the crawl thread, please.

>Ambient sounds to wash away distraction




Are shotguns lethal?


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As someone who has written fanfiction for more than a decade I can say this: writing it with AI recently this month has made it easier.

This premise, however, is a rare case that proved it was still just as hard XD.



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solar plexus clown glider

you're welcome


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Just found these pictures on the web and thought I'd share them here


These images aren't random. They're quite similar stylistically and thematically.


big if true


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Real wizards know the answer


It's an insanely haunting sentiment. Much like how smiling in the worst of times has dethroned Che Guevara in terms of rebellion, ai will soon make cgi feel like practical effects..


How often do you use normalfag sites like reddit or twitter? I've never posted there, but I've lurked around almost everyday for the past decade.


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Those big sites tend to suck you in unless you make a conscious effort to avoid them. You could be looking for news, a way to fix/mod a video game, investigating… well, almost anything and chances are pretty good you'll end up on youtube, reddit etc.


I use youtube everyday


I use YouTube to listen to music, and Tiktok to waste time.


Scrolling ChinkChonk to waste time is epitomically normalfaggottery


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pedophile is someine who likes fart in spanish also?


Elderly people are not humans.


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Newfag here. What is a "crawl" supposed to be? What is this thread about?
Here's an improved version of the picture.


watching vincesauce and smoking le weed


>Play some meme game for 29 minutes then bask in 400 shitty Deviantart fanarts and the birthday money of a thousand impoverished Venezuelan children
Vinesauce sucks
Soyjacktard memespeak sucks
Disgusting stinky drug that destroys every part of your body that your male sex has given you. Weed sucks

YOu suck. Delete your own post.


None of this shit matters. We are just animals doing bullshit every day


Everything matters. We are so lucky to be above animals; to be able to make a purpose for ourselves and to see the importance of everything in the wonderful world.


People who believe this just come off as overtly grandiose about their place in the world.


People who believe this just fome off as helplessly weak and butthurt about where they are in life.


I have no idea why normalfags love drama about ecelebs so much.


Noted ✅


I've become a level 5 wizard today. Just sat a bus stop at the edge of the city, listening to an old cd of anime intros and videogame OSTs I burned more than 15+ years ago. Nice sunset.


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what did you listen to? I imagine you with pic related, because it looks cool and I want you to be cool in this happening


Just old shit from the 90s and 00s, Slayers anime openings, Wolf's Rain Opening, Sonic series soundtracks, Jet Set, Samurai X, Blood+, Chrono Trigger and a bunch more. It was a completely random set of music, don't think I've listened to this CD since the 00s.

>PS Vita

Though I do have a PS vita, I used a PSP way more.


cool. you're cool to me, stay cool, wizzie🧙👍



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I was kind of overthinking last week, because of a video I saw, and I found myself stuck in a question, like, what makes a man a man these days? I'm not talking about clothes, makeup, behaviors and relationships. But what makes a MAN truly A man?


I'm with the el duderino on this one.


I hate bipolar men so much. Always having long hair and extroverted. Obsessed with normie shit like music/70s music. Talking too much and just cringe. Then they say wierd shit to u in public. Lock them up



Okay, when you look at this question, it seems very easy, what makes a succubus is her clothes, her personality and even the who between her legs. Same thing with a man. But when you stop to think a little deeper, beyond these superficial things, exclude the idea of clothes, hair, makeup and biological sex. Think a little deeper, beyond that, what makes you think that person is x or y.

Dude, I think I tripped.

But even though I asked that, that's not the main question, the main question is the idea that what makes you think that person is x, and that another is y. We don't even know her, what makes us admit this?


You're not really questioning the value of a binary sex-gender system. You're questioning the semantics and English implications of the words used to explain it and you're imagining cracks in the existing system that aren't there.


I hate that violence against children by other children is legalized while adult on adult violence is assault. This allows dumb bitch teachers to use bullies as proxy violence against kids they don't like.


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I want to be a wizard apprentice forever


Just checked Google results and the words I put with "" don't show one doxxing site results. Although an earlier one appeared. I checked my Gmail and I got mail from Google support that my reports were received and they deleted two links from Google search.

If you see doxxing info on somebody even if it's not yourself, fill a report with details (three dots on in Google search near the result, I had to switch to desktop version to see send button). Also in addition send a special form which you can find online from Google. Even though it asked if I was a victim themselves, lawyer or a parent, I put "Person who knows them as a public person", added two links and a search term I used (in my case with ""), screenshots. And within two days they worked. Of course, the info is on that site of criminals and hackers still, but at least I can sleep slightly better.


Make me


Just shaved my long hair off
I feel like I lost part of myself but at the same time I feel more liberated

I also look more mature now


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It is Friday I.E drink a hot apple cider day



Bad news is I'm sick.
Good news is I started the first two frames of another animation…

I was also depressed, so my spirit is lifted already! シ


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Do you seek some form of self realization through a series of achievements? Beware of having an undefined ego center


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One of the worst thing being a long term hikikomori/NEET is that there are fewer and fewer people you can relate to as you age. It seems that a lot of hikis/neets in their late 20s/early 30s are already alcoholics/drug addicts, schizos on welfare or both. And I still feel like I'm 17, at least mentally.


They' probably do too


I don't know why you'd use google at all in 2024


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Can someone explain to me how people are fine with the state of internet discourse? Like 90% of the comments are just thrown out there with no conversation. It's such a depressing lonely experience and I would say it makes me feel like I'm not talking to people but nowadays AI chatbots actually give you elborate thoughtful replies and it's the people that sound like bots of yesterday. When I write something I want to get feedback so I can learn. But most posts, not just mine, get ignored or short replies devoid of information with no elaboration when asked. I don't get what enjoyment people get from shitposts like that.


I was hoping someone would notice this. I don't know if I'm looking in the wrong posts, or if the internet has really become empty.


Attention span has decreased. It is pretty bad, I would say. The popularity of shorter-form messaging is exactly responsible for this drop. Also, yes, there are many AI chat-bots but I don't think anywhere even close to what propagandists would like you to believe. Dead Internet Theory, for instance, is complete propaganda meant to further isolate and madden (perhaps something you're feeling now??).

"I don't get what enjoyment people get from shitposts like that."

The greater bulk of humanity is mean-hearted and dumb. Looking for sympathetic responses in a crowd of anonymous internet users must be reckoned the selfsame thing as begging for money at 1700 in a crowded train station. Cruelty is delight to most.


I'm not and it is part of the reason why I am using the internet less. I've been outside in the past month more than i have been outside in like the past 5 years.

I never would've guessed that the thing that cured my internet addiction was the internet just becoming too shitty and isolating.


Has anyone noticed that the world feels emptier? It feels "lighter" somehow?? Maybe the jews really did murder tens of millions of people with the "covid" vaccine. I'm not joking here. Any similar experiences? Things feel deeply off when I go outside and I feel decoupled or disassociated now more than I ever have. I don't remember experiencing these feelings when I was younger, when reality felt much more normal to me.


I've written posts on here that went days without a response or just simply died, so to speak, without ever having been answered. This website has less traffic now because the administrators took too long to fix the expired security certificate (which remained expired for months until only a few days ago when it was finally patched).


It's not just you. Covid permanently turned the vast majority of my 1 million person city into passive vegetables who just sit at home and never leave even for groceries because delivery exists.

The streets are close to empty, stores are dying due to lack of customers and even cabs disappeared because nobody is going anywhere.

I can now go to McDonald's at lunchtime and there are like 2 people in the entire establishment besides me. Before 2020 it was packed with a hundred people.

I went to the biggest imax theatre here two nights ago to see Deadpool 3 at 18PM on a Saturday.
There were less than 10 people in addition to me.
The venue had 400+ empty seats


ready for autumn I think


For me things feel more tense, like something is about to happen but hasn't yet.
Even when things do happen the tension doesn't go away.

That said it's probably just me and not the rest of the world.
Still, I feel the opposite. I am waiting for the other shoe to drop but don't know exactly what to expect. Just a low grade dread that is always in the background.


Mom called me "grown man". It's over


I'm so ready. Summers suck for attic dwellers


I'm glad the site certification thing is back. I know that it probably doesn't actually matter since I'm not writing my bank password or something but I still don't use it without the certification because I don't really know how computers work and if my browser says it's a risk then I will stay away. Probably just another manifestation of my fucked up anxious personality. Still it's good to have wizchan back.


Things are completely unchanged around here. If anything, there are even more normalfags crowded everywhere when I go out.


You niggers visit Japan? Specifically Osaka and Kyoto? And good places to visit there?


First request worked, others didn't. Only victim or legal representative can make a request. Yet first time it worked somehow.
Bing/DuckDuckGo sucks for non-English results. I have to use VPN constantly just to use Yandex. Extra effort and money to [redacted]. Overall BTDigg, Google, Wayback Machine and SoulSeek for PC is more than enough. Although Yandex can give different anime images search results in reverse search. SoulSeek for PC has even wrestling videos, not just music, and more content than Android version.


Of course, other search engines and VK were useless too.


I couldn't even find hentai recap of Isaku, episode 4 on Google and Nyaa Torrents. It was either fake streaming links with previous episodes only or nothing. But I found it on BTDigg (download took about a week and I choose every torrent then uncheccin unnecessary content in torrent tracker for it not to be downloaded) with Chinese subs which PotPlayer translated perfectly except for names. But I heard them by ear without problems. Then I made screenshots if there were doubts of new added content or differences then looked thru SauceNAO if there were no coincidences with the original episodes. And the fact that only Chinese subs existed was gathered on AniDB (sign-up needed to view hentai entries). Then I added it to my MAL as AniDB has recap with the general OVA and not as a separate entry


People became shut ins because of lockdowns from 4 years ago? Where do u live


Can you survive alone with just a NEETbux???? Any NEETbux people can share how your life is?


You can survive but you can only just survive. Here under 25s are given enough to literally just cover groceries and food. Over 25s are given a little bit more. But you can't really consistently run a car, visit doctors, dentists, buy anything but the shittiest of clothes.

Living alone, it really depends on how far out you're willing to live and where. Anyone can live alone in a real shitty small town, but it's shit.


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Something odd has been happening to me. For about a week now I have this guy constantly sending me messages on Wikipedia with a bunch of Near-IR, grainy pictures of galaxies and telling me how awesome it would be if I wrote an article about them. I'm an active contributor to articles related to astronomy and that's how he found me. Every single galaxy he told me about fails the notability test and I can never find any papers on any of them. They're just a random few from the literal millions being mechanically catalogued on NED with basic coordinates and a photometry graph. So I just thank him for the message and tell him it fails the notability test.

I finally decided to check his account and his talk page is littered with over a 1000(!) rejected articles he tried to make and hundreds of others with a proposed deletion notice. His account is banned from making new articles and he can only edit existing ones. For the past year this guy is on a crusade to recruit other people to make articles for him. Judging by the sheer amount of rejected content and correspondence he accumulated in the past few months I believe he's working full time on this enterprise. I checked some of his articles that managed to get online on the main page and they're barely stubs. Just a picture, coordinates from NED and a single line like UGC so and so is a Seyfert galaxy. For some bizarre reason he's bent on writing an article for every single galaxy out there. We can directly observe 100 to 200 billions of them with current technology. This number is likely to increase in the future.


Yea todd does it easily especially with ebt. I have so much i just get sushi/ w/e i want


He could be useful in Ukrainian Wikipedia where articles on stars no notable for English Wikipedia were made by a bot. Although only about something like 150k articles. And the decision was to add only some set of stars which are studied and such. Better than in Sebuan Wikipedia usual not articles.

Another reason was need for people to maintain the articles and that catalogs sometimes rename, move or delete stars. There was an offer to do make changes occasionally with bot too, but the whole project was stopped. Example https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/HD112501


*Bot page says it created 18k articles.


Cut clear case of a person suffering some kind of mental illness


It's not. It's a type of autism. It's actually flabbergasting how many people even on this imageboard refuse to recognize autistic behavior as such.

Probably because there's a stigma to the diagnosis, and so many wizards actually fall under the spectrum but refuse to admit it (especially if they don't *look* like stereotypical autists).
I've noticed a pattern where very obviously neurodivergent wizards try to mask as 'normies' even in an anonymous environment. Proving how internalized their autism-hatred is.


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>I've noticed a pattern where very obviously neurodivergent wizards try to mask as 'normies' even in an anonymous environment.


Autism IS a mental disorder because it's effect the psychology and mind of a person, it's a neurodevelopmental disorder that affect the mind too.


I sense that you're among the group that believes anyone with any semblance of personality or mental shortcomings is "On the spectrum".


Not all of them. But practically _everyone_ who ends up a wizard male is on the autism spectrum and also has the same thought patterns, hobbies and lifestyles as autistics.

I very likely am, but I haven't gone to the doctor for a diagnosis.


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aah um.. The joke is that the little dragon 'bus isn't wearing any underwear! Hahahaaa!


Lost my temper and was right at the edge of quitting the job I have held for 6 years over petty bullshit.

I need to find a new job before I end up decking one of these smug motherfuckers the next time they get in my face.


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Tohru banned for rule 4….



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I ate (canned)oysters for the first time ever yesterday. Got a bit of heartburn, but other than that was pleasantly surprised. I want to eat them regularly for the zinc, to make up for my disgusting coomer ways.


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materialism is literally gay. from the materialist perspective, "you are your body", and whatever mind or consciousness may be is created by it or a part of it (the brain, they usually say).

if a guy's body were to be changed completely into that of a succubus like in genderbender hentai (see, for instance, 316378 and 345174), or manga like onimai, then from the materialist perspective it wouldn't be gay to be attracted to them because that's all that there is to being a succubus, so it would be no different to being attracted to any other regular succubus.

let's now consider a guy who says that he's straight but that if he were to be genderbent into a loli like in the aforementioned works, he'd let all his lolicon friends fuck him through every hole, not because he'd like it, but as a generous favor. all sensible people can recognize that everyone involved in such a scenerio is gay (and i hope that there's still not too many here who'd disagree with that, since i remember this place being full of faggots some years ago).

basically, materialism also functions as a metaphysical cope for faggots to defend their faggotry, but a truwiz would not fall for it.

stop cooming. fapping by itself is fine tho.


Canned, smoked shellfish can be really tasty and even cheap. Please be cautious of those packed in hot-pressed seed oils! I add muscled and herring fillets to my ramen.


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The chairs at Tim Hortons are simple, light, stackable, and comfortable. It would be a hoot to pick one up and walk out with one. A crime.

He's an alien trying to get the ball rolling for humans visiting his home galaxies. His alien brain concluded he should make the process as organic and unsuspicious as possible - by pretending the discoveries were made by an amatuer astrophotographer and posted the the Earthian Global Information Database [Wikipedia.jp] You've been chosen as the catalyst, the God. Make the articles.


I remember a school I went to had similar chairs only uglier and made out of some sort of recycled plastic.


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Those would be the 'Hille Series E stacking chair'. A celebrated chair.


>stop cooming. fapping by itself is fine tho.
Are you promoting the "gooning" thing that zoomers today are into?


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What is a crawl/anti-crawl [thread]?


Pinched nerve in my ankle hurts any time I try to walk on it.
Same ankle that I sprained a few months back.

Been trying to work my ankle to get the nerve to release but nothing is working. I will probably load up on a double dose of anti-inflammatory (ibuprofen) and ice it to see if that works.
I suspect it's because I put off swapping out my worn out shoes and it caught up to me.


There have been times in the history of the site where post per a day slowed to a crawl.
The anti-crawl general was created as a low stakes low stress area for post not really worthy of a full thread discussion to encourage a bit more activity and act as a filter for people lowering the over all quality of the site by making full threads for minor shower thoughts.


>stop cooming. fapping by itself is fine tho.
I try to, anon, I really do, but sometimes it just happens. Other times I can go weeks without doing it. I'm convinced fapping by itself or not is bad under all circumstances, you really lose essential nutrients.

Yep, the taste was better than expected (they were smoked), remained in my mouth the whole day.

>cautious of those packed in hot-pressed seed oils!

Sadly my dad does the grocery shopping and the cheap stuff in cottonseed oil is all I can get. I drained them, of course. I don't feel the taste goes along well with ramen though, I normally add tuna to mine.


never actually done the "gooning thing". seems like too much time and effort, and i also fear getting too close to the edge. only benefit i see is that if you master it you have another tool in the box of voluntary altered states of awareness. it's also much older than zoomers, there was a thelema ritual that was basically that.

well, regardless of your specific goal, you shouldn't give up on it. it took me many years of constant failing to finally get hang of quitting senselessly depleting my mana for good. however, i don't see how just fapping by itself would deplete mana, if anything, it seems to amplify it. but i'm not an expert on the theoretical aspect of it, so i only speak from my experience of trying both.


>There have been times in the history of the site where post per a day slowed to a crawl.
More specifically, these crawl moments happened every weekend. Back when the site was faster (about 100 mainboard posts per day) the sudden decline to 1-2 per hour was very noticeable, and dubbed the Weekend Crawl. It was assumed that the Weekend Crawl was a result of wizards going out to bars or parties during those days, so the admins made doing so illegal in hopes of increasing postrates. Whistelblowers unearthed intel reports from the oval tower that exposed the truth: the site slowed on the Weekend because the Wageslave wizards were too tired to post, and the NEET wizards would rather sleep than be online while their parents and siblings were home for those days.


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Found a perfectly good Leatherman Spark on the ground this morning.
Today is a great day!


Correction, it's a Leatherman wave.
Don't know why I thought it was a spark.


Even if you don't use it or get bored of it that's worth a weeks food if sold on craigslist or local ads. Great Leatherman.


what that a knife?


It's a gun, the best thing to carry for self defense


It's been very well used.
Had to spend a hour sharpening all the knives and saws on it. Also cleaned the gunk out of the files.
The weird thing is it was siting on the lawn of a bank. Must have been dropped by one of the landscapers or something.

Their loss is my gain though. It has a new loving home.


having been to japan once not too long ago, it must be absolute fucking hell to be a native otaku there. no wonder they become hikkis.


>having been to japan once not too long ago
tell me what you did there, I like to know what people who've been in japan did


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just your usual tourist things, went to shrines, landmarks and observation decks. as a millennial japan had that "future of the world" vibe to it but going there and you realize that's been out of date for a while. and the notion that it's a nerd mecca is only kind of true.

Maybe it's because I'm 15-20 years too late but it's not what I thought it was going to be.


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>it is not what I expected
is japan going outdated? is japan falling?
did you bring back otaku souvenirs?
sorry but why did you post that image? are you to insult me


It's a funny image.

When I get back from wageslaving I'll make a post about it.


oh ok sorry for asking this question. I didn't mean to make you feel like a bad person
>tell you after work
ok I'm waiting👍


Today's marks the first time I saw bullet barrage flashes in the sky in my window in these [redacted] years.

Looks like archive.org still stores uploader's email in XML files. Searched my email and it showed all the files I had uploaded. Time to create another account. It's unlikely that copyright holders would force protonmail to snitch on me. I used VPN and later Tor but I've used neither to register on some other mail service that I've put as backup mail to proton after failing to see it wasn't obligatory, hence why I removed it. They ask proton, they give that mail, they ask that mail provider and I'm fucked then. I could create another proton mail but Tor doesn't register and free VPN providers can snitch too.


just looked up loli harem on google for a quick pic, then went to images, and it said there were no results. we approach 1984 by the day. that’s what normalfags are turning the world into just because they don’t like lolis (they hate everything pretty and feminine, and that inspires and warms the masculine heart, pulling it onward beyond the base material world). i hate furry shit so much, but you don’t see me turning the world into a fucking dystopia because of it. (and yes, i know they add people who look up that stuff in lists to purge them one day.)


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Google is loli
Yandex is loli
Bing is loli
DuckDuckGo is loli, but is Bing's loli??!
Yahoo is NOT loli. (NOT LOLI)



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Maybe I’m being targeted (or maybe because I did it from mobile. Don’t know if that makes a difference)


>some sort of European language
that's why. You are not allowed to have or even view other guys' loli harem


>is japan going outdated?
It's more like it stopped progressing at some point tech-wise to the point where the rest of the world has caught up with Japan and gone past it. Don't get me everything have still works well and is a testament to their quality but you never get that feeling that you used to get when watching Japan documentaries in the 90s/00s. Not to mention everyone, literally everyone there uses an iphone.

>is japan falling?

Can't tell.

>did you bring back otaku souvenirs?

A couple of things but most of it is just landmark souvenirs as opposed to otaku souvenirs.

I feel bad for the otaku in Japan.


thank hou for answering
I feel bad for the otaku in Japan.
can you tell us why?


>literally everyone there uses an iphone


i remember how nice the internet was before iphone and apps.


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Tfw there's an ai jukebox continuation of everything EXCEPT the Intel jingle…


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>the dead internet theory

It's kind of amazing how shameless, how greedy, how content-desperate "content" producers are on youtube. All they seem to do is reach deep into the remaining imageboards and handful of forums left alive and scrap the bottom of the barrel for content.


Maybe I'm wrong but unlike here where it took some time for the normalfags to invade geekdom, over there from what I saw, their normalfags seem firmly embedded in geekdom for a longer time.

For crab otaku watching normalfags live out and *look* their animes while they sit on the sideline must be super demoralising.


just turned 30 today, guess i'm a wizzie now


>It seems that a lot of hikis/neets in their late 20s/early 30s are already alcoholics/drug addicts, schizos on welfare or both.
I feel attacked. lol


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my weakness is french red wine, specifically syrah (shiraz)


I wonder how long imageboard will remain before drying up completely… fuck this it is slow compared to when wizardchan was still up, or 8ch, or krautchan etc


Do zoomers use imageboards or they are becoming a thing of milleninal boomers?


i'd say they're all three equal


>zoomy soylennial boomy woomy
speak engilsh


>speak engilsh

every time i hear someone use the word zoomer, i always think "must be an idiot". i think these new generational words are stupid.

also if "young people" is too long for you to write, maybe you talk too much about young people.


Anno endured severe depression, and even threats, for NGE.
Hiroyuki Imaishi took an immense pay cut for TTGL.
The Moldenhauers mortgaged their homes for Cuphead.

I lost my wallet, and put up with random food poisoning, for an animation that lasts a fifth of a minute. *.*


I need to start using cooler water in the shower. At least towards the end.

I was sweating a lot after showering and I thought it was just because I'm a fatass. However for the past few months I've been working out and losing a decent amount of weight and the problem is still happening. So I looked it up and it turns out to be pretty common because if you use super hot water, your body starts sweating after getting out of the shower to cool your body down. It should be obvious but yeah.

So from now on I'm going to make sure my body is decently cold before getting out of the shower.


joe rogan talks like an ai shill
he also advocates psilocybin mushrooms, which can be useful, but they can also make you fascinated with whatever you're interacting with during the trip
mushrooms and chat bots are a perfect recipe to make people trust AI with religious devotion


>i think these new generational words are stupid.
>i think these new generational words are stupid.
I think zoomers are gay and jewish. Cunts literally started the zoomer/boomer shit back in the early 10s.


I think I accidentally invented the word. I have memories that seem to point to that. I used it as a placeholder with no intention of everyone just using it. My worst invention, genuinely sorry


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I forgot to add though, it's probably quite easy to lose yourself in your own otaku world if you can mentally blockout normalfags in Japan. There is so much in the way of anime, manga, figurines, puzzles, gunpla, games, etc and a solid second hand market for these things. Almost unbelievable since all our second hand markets got destroyed by ebay and every normalfag thinking their garbage is worth 1000s.

I guess all you'd have to do is survive japanese school, though I don't know if Japan is better or worse for outcasts in the school system.


otaku always had a negative reputation in japan. in the western world, otaku are normalfags and the otaku culture is kind of cool/trendy BUT either in japan or overseas, there's two categories:
>the normalfag who like anime
>the extreme recluse otaku hentai who's a lolicon
ones get praised by their peers the other one is bullied for being a weirdo


Let's shift the focus to outcasts rather than "otaku". How do they fare?


well, some become hikikomori and other's struggle like homeless people (I guess?)
do you have an exemple in mind for outcasts?


>do you have an exemple in mind for outcasts?
Not exactly, but your otaku example was a little too specific. Normalfags do not need THAT much of a reason to cast you out.

I was thinking of how outcasts survive in japanese school, if they fare better or worse than their western counterparts.


frankly I don't know. heres an article about it but I don't guarantee you useful answers


>the Japanese have a new out-group, the finger of blame can be directed as the source of an assortment of social problems. Japan is now looking at these “fringe-groups” as the source of the problems, instead of examining the make up of society and the educational system as the root of the issue. The media continues to pounce on every opportunity it gets to portray just how sinister and deplorable members assigned to this group are.

Japan is (or maybe was) like a fractured view into the future (present).


wizzies take everything seriously and usually respond with insults.
it's all so tiresome.


Old Opera for Windows 7, non-updated. Installed Waterfox instead, no language except for a few despite a claim of having more than 90 languages in the welcome info.

Doesn't freeze opened MPC-HC with a 2 GB MP4 video on and doesn't freeze itself. Opera extensions were scarce, Chrome shop was for newer versions and old version of Chrome shop was hard to navigate to add the extension (although I managed to do it somehow in the past once).

Downloaded addon from the Firefox add-ons site. Now I can archive/check in archive.org and archive.today with one click. Archive.org opened badly on old Opera showing no connection. Archived Google Drive pdfs only scrolled to the third page. No problems with Waterfox. Although on Google Chrome for Android, I could add out 4 links in different windows and it only sporadically said I was over my limit for Save now function at the same time. Now even 2 windows and it shows about the limit. Batch Google Sheets option from archive.org itself took days in the queue and still after about three days I found that some links indeed got saved, but it was like 10 from 100. And only letter about the operation start was received, no letter about its end and then it disappeared from the status page.

Manually on Chrome for Android I had to change numbers of the telegram posts while looking at the laptop screen which didn't stop shinning without me having to use split screen or go from one app to another on the tablet. Only one freeze in about 4 hours vs countless on old browser. And Waterfox is updated for Windows 7. Although one of their support pages doesn't work. Had to uncheck some parameter for hyperlinks in the word document to be able to ctrl+mouse click to open it. At least I save time by clicking a few at the time vs pitting it manually, again the time would be lost on waiting for 1 of 2 links vs 2-3 of 4 links.


About 100 bookmarks on Opera were not in the folder. They failed to export to Waterfox. Had to delete bookmarks on Waterfox, put those bookmarks into the folder on Opera and then export.


I started using opera with the release of the 9 alpha through 12 when it was killed. I miss it so much. Specifically I have never found another tab switcher that was as nice as the right click+scroll wheel functionality. Set to cycle by last used tabs and with the previews it was amazing. The other gestures were also nice and I used them all.


Converted word file to html. That way its faster to click (right click for separate tab) and faster to open the link. Then change link for webarchive link in word to look at results on Android later.


>in room earlier, about to do a few sets of leg exercises w/ a 50lb dumbbell
>cat starts meowing at the gate even though his lunch is over an hour away
>I let him in this time, I figure he just wants a little company and won't be getting too close to me during my workout
>WRONG.jpg and feel my hand+forearm brush his fur on the way down once, he doesn't get hit but I think it was close, didn't see exactly what happened since I was looking forward
>now I'm both "glowing" since I had a good workout and feeling really irresponsible and retarded, like I coulda given him brain damage if I slipped up badly enough
>sorry kitty, feels bad man and felt like I had to tell someone sorry if I'm being cringe


I can't grasp the idea of inifity, when I tried is just mind blowing, even more mind blowing is that mathematics show there's bigger inifites than other, absolute insane.


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Does anyone else randomly get a weird dream-like pseudo-euphoric feeling once in a while (a couple times per year)? I never got the opportunity to really get drunk, but it might be like getting drunk while not having your mental capabilities reduced.
Currently feeling it. I wonder if it was caused/influenced by drinking an energy drink on empty stomach after "quitting" energy drinks a week ago.


I don't understand how something can emerge from nothing. They say water and microorganisms appeared on Earth from nothing, but previous conditions were still necessary.


>>315040 (me)
Maybe it's a weak form of "mania". I guess I can now virtue signal on Xitter and Discord about being le bipolar?


They didn't appear from nothing, they formed from a primordial chemical soup back on Earth early days, the real question is how a thing that not alive became something alive, that the real mystery, but yeah, how thing from nothing came to be is a mind blowing question if you think a little.


Do you use discord? I tried it once, but it feels weird joining a group, even when it's one for wizzie-lites. It really makes you feel like an imposter trying to join a clique with a social dynamics you are not privy to.



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On the brink of finishing all my inbetweens.
In the meantime here is Mr. Gilliam to embody the accurate representation of an ardent, if borderline superfluous, animator :D


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I slept 9 hours. I woke up and drank a cider. I wish to eat a bagel.


Archive.org got hacked and advised users to check their email addresses on haveineenpwned.com. My e-mail address is already there.


Im pwned in one breach, what do? T_T


Yeah, I got an email too


In the late 90s I remember a show on Disney Channel but forgot the name.
All I can recall is a scene where a guy digs into garbage and emerges desperately excited to find the paper/envelope he was looking for.
That's how I feel now.


Change your email password if it's not Google authenticator.


It seems that my IA account got "pwned", though I don't really care, I only created it to download one ROM, so the only "valuable" info they have of me is e-mail and IP address.
I don't see how that could help with anything? Unless your IA and e-mail passwords are exactly the same, though even then, it's hashed…
Besides, the provider I use (cock.li) doesn't even allow changing your password…


Nah, I was balding before surrender into NEET, so I am not stressed now. Besides, I lift.


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Iv u wan 2 keep frum knowin how to do figging proprli


Why does everyone who posts cartoons also make such dumb posts in general? Is it one guy?


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Tea or Coffee at your local cafe?


I don't think I have had ether at a actual irl cafe ever.
I drink tea at home.
Not a huge fan of coffee. Makes me have to poop for some reason. Like a lot.


have you tried cappuccino?


If i am 100% honest I don't off the top of my head even know what a cappuccino is. I know it's a kind of coffee preparation, but don't know the details.


>a type of coffee made with espresso and milk that has been frothed up with pressurized steam.
also it has more caffeine:
>Generally speaking, cappuccino has more caffeine than coffee because it is made with an espresso shot which is concentrated and contains more caffeine than regular coffee. However, it ultimately depends on how each cup is prepared since the amount of coffee beans, espresso blends, and milk can be different.
so nevermind My mistake


my bad cappuccino has more caffeine then coffe


I see.
Seems like too much work for a coffee casual like myself to try making, but I can see someone going to a cafe to have such a drink prepared for them.
I guess I will put it on a list of food/drink items to try at least once.


coffee gives me diaroheha, but enargy dranks dont
why is that?


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I think the other chemicals in coffee are responsible for the effect that causes people to poop besides caffeine.
Energy drinks tend to just be sugar/fake sugar + caffeine + a random handful of supplement bullshit that doesn't actually do anything.


"Coffee can cause bowel movements because it contains acids that increase the hormone gastrin," says Andrew Boxer, M.D., a gastroenterologist based in New Jersey. "Gastrin causes involuntary muscle contractions in the stomach (peristalsis), which can get the bowels moving."

Apparently even decaff coffee causes people to poop.
Also holy shit are search results polluted with articles copying each other and tons of AI slop.

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