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 No.314140[View All]

No politics or religion in the crawl thread, please.

>Ambient sounds to wash away distraction

124 posts and 37 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


i'd say they're all three equal


>zoomy soylennial boomy woomy
speak engilsh


>speak engilsh

every time i hear someone use the word zoomer, i always think "must be an idiot". i think these new generational words are stupid.

also if "young people" is too long for you to write, maybe you talk too much about young people.


Anno endured severe depression, and even threats, for NGE.
Hiroyuki Imaishi took an immense pay cut for TTGL.
The Moldenhauers mortgaged their homes for Cuphead.

I lost my wallet, and put up with random food poisoning, for an animation that lasts a fifth of a minute. *.*


I need to start using cooler water in the shower. At least towards the end.

I was sweating a lot after showering and I thought it was just because I'm a fatass. However for the past few months I've been working out and losing a decent amount of weight and the problem is still happening. So I looked it up and it turns out to be pretty common because if you use super hot water, your body starts sweating after getting out of the shower to cool your body down. It should be obvious but yeah.

So from now on I'm going to make sure my body is decently cold before getting out of the shower.


joe rogan talks like an ai shill
he also advocates psilocybin mushrooms, which can be useful, but they can also make you fascinated with whatever you're interacting with during the trip
mushrooms and chat bots are a perfect recipe to make people trust AI with religious devotion


>i think these new generational words are stupid.
>i think these new generational words are stupid.
I think zoomers are gay and jewish. Cunts literally started the zoomer/boomer shit back in the early 10s.


I think I accidentally invented the word. I have memories that seem to point to that. I used it as a placeholder with no intention of everyone just using it. My worst invention, genuinely sorry


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I forgot to add though, it's probably quite easy to lose yourself in your own otaku world if you can mentally blockout normalfags in Japan. There is so much in the way of anime, manga, figurines, puzzles, gunpla, games, etc and a solid second hand market for these things. Almost unbelievable since all our second hand markets got destroyed by ebay and every normalfag thinking their garbage is worth 1000s.

I guess all you'd have to do is survive japanese school, though I don't know if Japan is better or worse for outcasts in the school system.


otaku always had a negative reputation in japan. in the western world, otaku are normalfags and the otaku culture is kind of cool/trendy BUT either in japan or overseas, there's two categories:
>the normalfag who like anime
>the extreme recluse otaku hentai who's a lolicon
ones get praised by their peers the other one is bullied for being a weirdo


Let's shift the focus to outcasts rather than "otaku". How do they fare?


well, some become hikikomori and other's struggle like homeless people (I guess?)
do you have an exemple in mind for outcasts?


>do you have an exemple in mind for outcasts?
Not exactly, but your otaku example was a little too specific. Normalfags do not need THAT much of a reason to cast you out.

I was thinking of how outcasts survive in japanese school, if they fare better or worse than their western counterparts.


frankly I don't know. heres an article about it but I don't guarantee you useful answers


>the Japanese have a new out-group, the finger of blame can be directed as the source of an assortment of social problems. Japan is now looking at these “fringe-groups” as the source of the problems, instead of examining the make up of society and the educational system as the root of the issue. The media continues to pounce on every opportunity it gets to portray just how sinister and deplorable members assigned to this group are.

Japan is (or maybe was) like a fractured view into the future (present).


wizzies take everything seriously and usually respond with insults.
it's all so tiresome.


Old Opera for Windows 7, non-updated. Installed Waterfox instead, no language except for a few despite a claim of having more than 90 languages in the welcome info.

Doesn't freeze opened MPC-HC with a 2 GB MP4 video on and doesn't freeze itself. Opera extensions were scarce, Chrome shop was for newer versions and old version of Chrome shop was hard to navigate to add the extension (although I managed to do it somehow in the past once).

Downloaded addon from the Firefox add-ons site. Now I can archive/check in archive.org and archive.today with one click. Archive.org opened badly on old Opera showing no connection. Archived Google Drive pdfs only scrolled to the third page. No problems with Waterfox. Although on Google Chrome for Android, I could add out 4 links in different windows and it only sporadically said I was over my limit for Save now function at the same time. Now even 2 windows and it shows about the limit. Batch Google Sheets option from archive.org itself took days in the queue and still after about three days I found that some links indeed got saved, but it was like 10 from 100. And only letter about the operation start was received, no letter about its end and then it disappeared from the status page.

Manually on Chrome for Android I had to change numbers of the telegram posts while looking at the laptop screen which didn't stop shinning without me having to use split screen or go from one app to another on the tablet. Only one freeze in about 4 hours vs countless on old browser. And Waterfox is updated for Windows 7. Although one of their support pages doesn't work. Had to uncheck some parameter for hyperlinks in the word document to be able to ctrl+mouse click to open it. At least I save time by clicking a few at the time vs pitting it manually, again the time would be lost on waiting for 1 of 2 links vs 2-3 of 4 links.


About 100 bookmarks on Opera were not in the folder. They failed to export to Waterfox. Had to delete bookmarks on Waterfox, put those bookmarks into the folder on Opera and then export.


I started using opera with the release of the 9 alpha through 12 when it was killed. I miss it so much. Specifically I have never found another tab switcher that was as nice as the right click+scroll wheel functionality. Set to cycle by last used tabs and with the previews it was amazing. The other gestures were also nice and I used them all.


Converted word file to html. That way its faster to click (right click for separate tab) and faster to open the link. Then change link for webarchive link in word to look at results on Android later.


>in room earlier, about to do a few sets of leg exercises w/ a 50lb dumbbell
>cat starts meowing at the gate even though his lunch is over an hour away
>I let him in this time, I figure he just wants a little company and won't be getting too close to me during my workout
>WRONG.jpg and feel my hand+forearm brush his fur on the way down once, he doesn't get hit but I think it was close, didn't see exactly what happened since I was looking forward
>now I'm both "glowing" since I had a good workout and feeling really irresponsible and retarded, like I coulda given him brain damage if I slipped up badly enough
>sorry kitty, feels bad man and felt like I had to tell someone sorry if I'm being cringe


I can't grasp the idea of inifity, when I tried is just mind blowing, even more mind blowing is that mathematics show there's bigger inifites than other, absolute insane.


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Does anyone else randomly get a weird dream-like pseudo-euphoric feeling once in a while (a couple times per year)? I never got the opportunity to really get drunk, but it might be like getting drunk while not having your mental capabilities reduced.
Currently feeling it. I wonder if it was caused/influenced by drinking an energy drink on empty stomach after "quitting" energy drinks a week ago.


I don't understand how something can emerge from nothing. They say water and microorganisms appeared on Earth from nothing, but previous conditions were still necessary.


>>315040 (me)
Maybe it's a weak form of "mania". I guess I can now virtue signal on Xitter and Discord about being le bipolar?


They didn't appear from nothing, they formed from a primordial chemical soup back on Earth early days, the real question is how a thing that not alive became something alive, that the real mystery, but yeah, how thing from nothing came to be is a mind blowing question if you think a little.


Do you use discord? I tried it once, but it feels weird joining a group, even when it's one for wizzie-lites. It really makes you feel like an imposter trying to join a clique with a social dynamics you are not privy to.



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On the brink of finishing all my inbetweens.
In the meantime here is Mr. Gilliam to embody the accurate representation of an ardent, if borderline superfluous, animator :D


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I slept 9 hours. I woke up and drank a cider. I wish to eat a bagel.


Archive.org got hacked and advised users to check their email addresses on haveineenpwned.com. My e-mail address is already there.


Im pwned in one breach, what do? T_T


Yeah, I got an email too


In the late 90s I remember a show on Disney Channel but forgot the name.
All I can recall is a scene where a guy digs into garbage and emerges desperately excited to find the paper/envelope he was looking for.
That's how I feel now.


Change your email password if it's not Google authenticator.


It seems that my IA account got "pwned", though I don't really care, I only created it to download one ROM, so the only "valuable" info they have of me is e-mail and IP address.
I don't see how that could help with anything? Unless your IA and e-mail passwords are exactly the same, though even then, it's hashed…
Besides, the provider I use (cock.li) doesn't even allow changing your password…


Nah, I was balding before surrender into NEET, so I am not stressed now. Besides, I lift.


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Iv u wan 2 keep frum knowin how to do figging proprli


Why does everyone who posts cartoons also make such dumb posts in general? Is it one guy?


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Tea or Coffee at your local cafe?


I don't think I have had ether at a actual irl cafe ever.
I drink tea at home.
Not a huge fan of coffee. Makes me have to poop for some reason. Like a lot.


have you tried cappuccino?


If i am 100% honest I don't off the top of my head even know what a cappuccino is. I know it's a kind of coffee preparation, but don't know the details.


>a type of coffee made with espresso and milk that has been frothed up with pressurized steam.
also it has more caffeine:
>Generally speaking, cappuccino has more caffeine than coffee because it is made with an espresso shot which is concentrated and contains more caffeine than regular coffee. However, it ultimately depends on how each cup is prepared since the amount of coffee beans, espresso blends, and milk can be different.
so nevermind My mistake


my bad cappuccino has more caffeine then coffe


I see.
Seems like too much work for a coffee casual like myself to try making, but I can see someone going to a cafe to have such a drink prepared for them.
I guess I will put it on a list of food/drink items to try at least once.


coffee gives me diaroheha, but enargy dranks dont
why is that?


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I think the other chemicals in coffee are responsible for the effect that causes people to poop besides caffeine.
Energy drinks tend to just be sugar/fake sugar + caffeine + a random handful of supplement bullshit that doesn't actually do anything.


"Coffee can cause bowel movements because it contains acids that increase the hormone gastrin," says Andrew Boxer, M.D., a gastroenterologist based in New Jersey. "Gastrin causes involuntary muscle contractions in the stomach (peristalsis), which can get the bowels moving."

Apparently even decaff coffee causes people to poop.
Also holy shit are search results polluted with articles copying each other and tons of AI slop.

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