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File: 1722626402725.jpg (394.59 KB, 901x1077, 901:1077, 51e9157aa1e3d0c8.jpg) ImgOps iqdb


some people spend their life wishing to be popular but they never know what it is like. they wish for it so bad, but not bad enough to turn into the person everyone likes.

to me it was always effortless and it felt like a burden. once you embody the thing everybody wants, you can't really go anywhere anymore and be left alone because all day people audition for your attention and approval. is just you go somewhere, and everyone gets an electric shock that compells them to come up with just any stupid excuse to force an interaction with you. makes you understand how enslaved the psychology of most people is. most people believe other people will be the solution to their problematic life, which of course is idiocy.

ugly succubi want to entangle you with conflict all day. they seek every opportunity to have some kind of fight with you to the point that you can not go to a place anymore and expect to be treated like a human because the succubi there will treat you like shit, believing this will break the ice. i guess there are men this works on because otherwise they would not do this on such a scale.

i was very popular in school and always had many friends but for the last 10 years i haven't really had friends and i don't miss it. i don't believe i am missing out. social life is just another war and there are no winners in war. i know a lot of you are not wizards by choice but i genuinely believe it is better to wiz then having a social life because i have had a social life. if only the internet wasn't so fucked up and centralized.

i dunno how to explain it better. go in my head, look around and come back out. you'll hate how it is like and realize that being a wizard is better i am sure.


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i still have empathy for people who believe in having a social life but i refuse to befriend people out of pitty anymore. it's awful.

i feel bad for people who want to and they spend their whole life wishing and it doesn't work like this unfortunate example. she bent herself into a pretzel and still no dude wants some and for succubi there is this biological time constraint since they get uglier and more desperate every day and they seem to get dumber with age.

horrible situation to have seen the promised land and to understand that it is hell. people wish for this state that i have seen and they don't and if they had seen it, they'd stop wishing for it but they are never gonna get there so they will spend their life chasing this big lie that they can't see.


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i miss being nice to people though. i always did that but after a certain point it just gives people false hope and i could not do it any longer.

when people have a shit life and awful days and then suddenly this unique, difficult to define dude comes along reminding them that life can be nice and bothers to say something kind and funny, that's to much for them. they instantly want to have some kind of connection and ask for a name and want some kind of contact information and the begging just never stops, they just turn full beggar.

when i was younger i thought i can just be nice to people for once sentence and carry on to be on my merry way but that's not reality. reality is if you make a random person smile, they believe they have struck gold and they want to mine you.


I haven't had friends in a while, the only friend I remember was when I was between 5 and 9 years old. Then nothing, so any social experience is rare. I don't know what social rejection is, I don't know what it's like to share moments with others, nor do I know what bullying or mistreatment by others is.




>I don't know what social rejection is, I don't know what it's like to share moments with others,

the propaganda machine through relentless training and repetition through movies and tv has people think in social expectations that don't necessarily exist. don't fall for theater and then look at yourself weird for being different then the actors, while you are real, they merely pretend they are. something fake can not the role model for something real. it is two completely different operating systems.

>nor do I know what bullying or mistreatment by others is.

all violence, manipulation and degeneracy are rooted in the desire for passive income. of being in a group and having wealth being brought to you though the work of others; specifically people not a high in the group as you so that you don't have to work yourself.

if you don't know what that is like, that means you found a way to dodge the horror that crippled most men at a young age and while most others were befallen by the curse, it did not befall you. congratulations. i dream of a world where every man can be as fortunate as you.


Left looks better (less bad) than right.


>Left looks better (less bad) than right.

i don't know how true this picture is or the circumstances but if it is true, i feel bad for her and the courage to still put up a smile after 7 years of trying in agony. i wouldn't have wanted to meet her before or after but definitely not after all this surgical intervention, what superficial idiot a man has to be to want a plastic surgeried succubus.


you sound like a wuhman or some kind of fembrained narcissistic homo

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