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The Wizard's Lounge

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I am a failed normie. Probably. Either way. Do you remember Chrono Trigger? Good game in my book. I had a humiliating school experience as a kid. For 5 years I was trying to work as a teacher and became a subject of bullying from elementary wealthy well-off suckers. Just like in the good ole times. The eternal reacurrance of Nietzsche makes much more sense now. Anyway. I am 36 yo old and I am an old boy still. Deep down I feel I did not sell my soul to the tribes of modernity. I am glad I failed at being a normie. Thank you for wizard chan. There are worse things then being what normies called "loser". So if you are a crab, a wizard or whatever, don't hate yourself please for not fitting in the modern society. It sucks. Deep down even normies know that. They are just too well off to admit it and walk away. And they are too stuck in their own ego to say to us, the losers: Sorry. Thank you. Please. Deep down they know that they deserve what is coming to them. What is coming to all flesh.


>Thank you for wizard chan.
I mean, it's wizchan, it's not a particularly great clone of wizardchan but I get your sentiment.


dayum i just wrote something similar in another thread: https://wizchan.org/lounge/res/313922.html#q315063

>I am 36 yo old and I am an old boy still.

hope you are doing good my man, focus on your health and keep learning new stuff and everything will turn nicer for you every day and you can mcgyver your dreams into existence.


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go get your regeneration on


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>it's wizchan, it's not a particularly great clone of wizardchan
Wait, there used to be a "Wizardchan" before, and this is just a clone of it? Any QRD?
>t. newfag


>Wait, there used to be a "Wizardchan" before, and this is just a clone of it?
How new are you? It literally happened at the death knell of all imageboards.


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>Chrono Trigger

yeah this eerie feeling of being at the end of time for the first time


original owner got seduced by a fat ugly succubus who shat on his bed, site went to a few other guys, all too damn low energy to actually maintain the site. The last one just let it die. Then wizchan popped up


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it's funny how when failed normalfags and crabs find an ugly cow gf they feel like they ascended and "made it", but it only ends up causing them more problems and end up even worse than before.


With Freddy's case, he's so physically incompatible with other humans and had no marketable skills or achievements (aside from running a forum that at the time was burning with a hatred for succubi). He went on to warn others that any succubus willing to show any interest in a guy like him must be clinically deranged and dangerous.
>fat ugly succubus who shat on his bed
This is funny, because Freddy 2024 is an obese transvestite who commissions fetish art of his ugly fat fursona shitting the bed. Midgetry, not even once.


If it was still the 00s we'd have a closer clone and competitors. Imageboards died in 2014 (at the latest).


>an ugly cow gf they feel like they ascended and "made it"

heh i member when old friends of mine got their cows and then i did not want to hang out with them anymore.

when i was young i did not believe it. i refused to accept it but time and time again i have seen dudes ruined by the stupid cows they were with. domesticated them like dogs into compliant terror-victim type of dudes. these hoes just traumatize men.

i don't think the wizzards in here have sufficient pride in themselves for NOT having their life ruined by some stupid corrupted old bag with princess programming trying to theater her way into playing monarchy with the lives of good men.


I don't know who you are, but you made me think better of myself anon…. gracias

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