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Do you think bullying and shaming are good ways of changing someone's behavior?


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I've heard that bullying is the harshest in Asian countries such as China and Japan and they seem fairly well behaved.

In terms of shaming, in my city, back in the early 2000s, there was an ad campaign saying that it was bad to be a teen mother and it should be avoided. But there was massive uproar and the ads got taken down immediately.


What do YOU think, OP?
>Sam Hyde Adult Swim skit Youtube embed
Oh, right, you don't think.


Bullying is for the pleasure of the bully, any positive outcome is incidental, the bully has no interest in the behaviour change or positive growth towards desirable behavior- in fact bullies will try to prevent that because it removes their source of pleasure. Bullies seek to create stratification in fact, they don’t want conformity they want someone to classify as different to abuse, no matter how small. Maybe it creates conformity for the herd with the individual as a sacrifice evopsych mode but for wizards why would you want to be the sacrifice for normie herds.
Wise application of pain comes from a wise master or person in authority, even then this can fail. Bullying is completely indifferent to an accurate model of how to improve someone.


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The reason people bully is because they feel uncomfortable with the way a person is behaving.
The bully acts out of a sense of protectiveness toward their peers.
You say that it's a "sacrifice for normie herds" but the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
If the person being bullied persists in their negative behavior despite being bullied, the responsibility lies with them, not their peers.


I hate normalfags


Bullies aren’t protective, apes display behaviours where higher ranking and stronger apes abuse their own family and lower ranking apes with violence to relieve their own stress. Abusing others benefits the individual.
You worship the herd who consume and abuse outcasts, this is fine. Worship your rotten world, don’t try and say it’s anything other than you thinking that’s worth the price for whatever delusional image you have of humanity as a whole.



You may hate normies but they're the building blocks of society and need a leader to guide their behavior.


indeed thank to them for building soceity and create the hermit neet hiki situation were we can be safe etc…


What kind of wizard thinks that? Have the zoomer nerds/geeks been beaten down by the world so thoroughly that they accept their bullying as a positive?


I think the answer will be politics-brain of modern internet. I may be wrong.


I think bullying students and bullying teachers is the main reason I wont send any children I have a role of guardianship over to a school

I will teach them everything they need to know in a few years at home and then leave them to find a marketable skill or trade while sending them to sports and arts clubs

Bullies are usually dumb scummy people and best avoided at all costs in a society where you can't legally kill em if they fuck with you


I wouldn't worry about that.
Think about the reasons why people get bullied. It's not because they're an awesome, productive, intelligent, athletic, well-liked person.
No it was because they were behaving like a degenerate.
The way bullying is portrayed in American media is a total fallacy, they often show the "smart" kids getting bullied.
In reality getting the highest grades in class commands respect. Japanese anime is more honest in regards to this.


I was bullied and I am an awesome productive intelligent etc.

Teachers bully the children they are supposed to teach.


I was bullied for no other reason than that I looked similar to someone who had bad social skills (at age 11)

Luckily for me I have a pair of balls and I fought my bullies and brought knives and hammers to school to defend myself and had older kids I was friends with to back me up.

The bullying stops when you defend yourself with physical violence, just like how a disease stops with medicine.

Bullying is a disease and the cure is violence.


The people who dont stick up for themselves continued to get bullied. The only thing bullying proves is who is the bigger coward.

There is no need for it in a place of education.


I often wonder what kind of psychopath would come to wizchan and post something like this.


People have been bullied and shamed for years into being "politically correct" and it has worked hasn't it?


I was expelled from school for mauling a bully with a hammer I stole from my grandfathers toolbox. I was also made to pay tens of thousands in restitution because the bully lost cognitive function (I hit him as hard as I could in the head, then after he fell down, everywhere else in his body).

So instead of the bullying ending I got a transfer to another school where nobody would talk to me and once I turned 18 I was already in severe debt.

There is no escape. I was bound to be alone.


you got revenge, at least


Normalfags become total cucks around those who they fear or even before us if we manage to properly beat the shit outta them… but vileness, folly seems to be somehow innate.

It's like pokemon, there is no type change: those born psychopaths will always do their stuff whenever they can.


May God replenish you for such robbery.


i mean there's a difference between standing up for yourself and beating a guy with a hammer so bad that he becomes a tard. This dude might have bullied you, but that's no justification for the crime you committed.


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>Japanese anime is more honest in regards to this.


God bless you




Violent faggot. I'm glad you had to pay.


The debt is regrettable, but you made the world a better place


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creepy crabs need psych treatment


Means you haven't been bullied hard enough to understand the rage against the bully. It's a shame the worthless animal continues to live as a tard instead of dying then and there. Though at least the hammer wiz didn't get locked up I guess.


>I don't know what compelled to beat him with a hammer.
Being a violent mental retard that would likely have punched down and bullied others if he were raised to a higher social standing. Low impulse control is the quintessential normalfag trait. There are many ways to deal with bullies but acting like a nigger isn't one of them, and the victim in question is likely stronger and more self-assuring because of it.

He chose to be escapeless. He put himself in a position of being alone against his greater desires.


What are you even talking about? It's easy to write stoic stuff like that from the comfort of your chair. I'm not saying beating the bully with a hammer was the right thing to do, but everyone knows that, it's not some great wisdom from the divine dimensions. But try to show some empathy. I don't know how the wiz was bullied, but I imagine being punched every day, being constantly humiliated, having your head shoved down the shitter, your notebooks thrown in the trash, and overall being treated like a disgusting, soulless punching bag - I imagine these experiences can make your blood boil to the point where you can't take your mind off revenge.


>I don't know how the wiz was bullied, but I imagine [things that only happen in shitty American movies]
>I imagine these experiences can make your blood boil to the point where you can't take your mind off revenge.
But if his idea of revenge is caveman ooga-booga beat head with hard stick, then his ideas of retaliation are more shameful than the act of bullying.


>[things that only happen in shitty American movies]
So you reject that these things happen. Do you fear to accept the harshness of reality? That would explain your sterile view of the world, and how you believe that everything can be just talked out. But talking it out only works in cringy anime and shitty American cartoons for children.


I have a bully story to share too. When I was around 8-10 years old, I was the "big fat retard" archetype at school. I would often get punched on the shoulder by older kids in the hallways, and these weren't harmless prods, but actual punches that left bruises. It was painful, but I kind of allowed them to do it because I never reacted. I was taught that if ignore you the bully, they will just go away (this is bullshit advice given by elders who just want you to fuck off). One time, a smaller kid from the bully group jumped on my back and tried to ride me like a horse. A true brainlet was the kid, for he did not realise the position he had put himself into. About two meters behind me was a wall of the hallway. All I had to do was lean back and backpedal at full speed. Just as I was about to tip over - at the peak of the momentum - we reached the wall, and I felt a sudden but gentle stop, then heard a thunk, then the soft rebound of my rider's compressed ribcage. His screeching insults stopped. The thunk was the sound of the back of the critter's head hitting against the wall. He slunk down from my back and onto his knees, and was left dazed and had trouble breathing for a few minutes. The execution was perfect - every witness reported that the weight of the kid on my back caused me to lose my balance, and that I tried to regain it by walking backwards. It was considered an accident and I was deemed innocent, but even despite that, the frequency and intensity of the shoulder punches decreased since that event.


It was your fault for being a gay fat retard.


Good as in effective? Yes, it does alter someone. Very few people walk away from shaming unchanged. But you can't direct it and the consequences don't lead to a better person or healthier behavior.
It's a similar flaw that's behind why torture is essentially worthless to gather information.


it's good and fun until someone decides to retaliate by shooting up the school. which is horrible and I hate to see it.


Ban guns, problem solved.


You should be swirlied for this bait.


>It was considered an accident and I was deemed innocent, but even despite that, the frequency and intensity of the shoulder punches decreased since that event.


Bullying is about gaining power. I think Nietzsche was right that the will to power is a fundamental driver in human psychology.

I remember reading somewhere that bullies usually have very high self esteem and that bullying others increases their popularity and self-confidence.
The only way to mitigate this is to provide alternate outlets for kids to express dominance and hierarchy over others: sport.

The targets of bullying are kids who are physically meek (easy target) and/or have unusual social behaviour and dont instinctually mimic the behaviour of other kids like a normal neurotypical person.


>changing someone's behavior

you like that? i guess you must think it is a good idea and are open to have your behavior changes by others then. good little puppet you are probably. just an agentless disposable cannonfodder type, mass-human looking for a master to shelter you from thinking yourself.

makes me think you are a middle aged female with no more eggs in the carton, trying to be a dictator to the people around you now, steadily diving deeper into the idea that life is struggle and competition.


normies treat those who are different with disdain. Then, when they succeed in alienating such individual becomes psychotic. Then they can play they favourite game - playing good samaritain. But when they succeed in producing another psychopath, they are also affraid… Oh, yes. So, of course. Treating someone like crap is very effective way to changing someone's behaviour. Is it good? Hmm. If you treat someone like crap, don't expect a cookie from me, gringo


>they succeed in alienating

i agree with all your reasoning but i think the deeper truth is that being alienated is better then being part of a culture of broken machine humans.

alienated people consider it a curse to be alone even though it is not. it is WAY better to be alone then to be not alone among corrupted guilty humans from the conveyor belt. i can't think of a nicer thing then being alienated from people who were turned into the thing they hate. if your head was clear, you'd want to be alienated from normal people, they are psychological beggars and when you are away from them, you don't have to be and instead can live as an actual human.

anyways cheers muchacho


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I similtunously agree and disagree. It is better to be alone in modern society. If only the nights were not so darn long, dark and cold. If you catch my drift…


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>If only the nights were not so darn long, dark and cold. If you catch my drift…

i like to smoke very small amounts of weed but only in the winter, and then i listen to music and dance in my room to it.

there are tons of ways to make yourself feel good. breathing exercise and meditation for example, don't be swept by the wave of dumb guys who never experienced this who will cry that this is new age nonsense (only because they never succeeded in feeling it and have no idea how good it feels)

exercise is great, gently approaching the limit of your body, sweating, moving lymph. that's another way to make yourself feel wonderful.

being creative in some way, that's another way to feel good.

getting rid of old stuff you hate i dunno if that officially counts as a feel good method but for me it does.

fasting is crazy. that's a rough way, that will make you look at yourself in a new like and appreciate how strong you are. is a scandal how little fasting is discussed among the people who would benefit so much from it. it is a hand to hand combat against all the bad parts in yourself because when you stop eating for a while, those parts of you will come out of hiding, trying to seduce you to stop and with fasting you can punch these bad parts of yourself in the face and then they will shut up and stop sabotaging your life.

the more ways you find to feel good the more your nights will be good automatically.



i forgot building shit. going to the construction store and trying to understand what all the things do and then make use of them in your home. i build a big ridiculous crude shelf with a bed on top and i love it. i have slept so much better since i built my own bed.

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