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File: 1723793402899.jpg (148.99 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, mpv-shot0001.jpg) ImgOps iqdb


i thought i'd share with you an example of the state of female corruption. warning, this is cancer, consider ctrl+w out of this thread.

apparently this is a girlgroup from the Philippines. they just sit in a room being their fake, plastic selves while filmed by cameras pretending to like nestle nescafe. they make all kinds of random noises and faces to produce this 5min58sec video; obviously because the company paid them.

this video doesn't count as advertisement for some reason, it just appears in the news feed of the succubus group on this horrible website called reddit.

many comments suspiciously praise the beverage and comments like i would have made are suspiciously absent.


my guess is that these are just personifications of advertisement, pretending to be a succubus group or to put it more grimly: pretending to be human. pretending to have emotions, pretending to have hope, dreams, feelings, opinions and a personality. the theaterplay of being more then puppets. i'd rather starve in the street then prostitute myself like that but there is no shortage of unremarkable modern succubi who (with the the promise of being celebrated and paid above average) will say and do whatever the soulless corporate overlords want them to do.

i think is nasty that they pretend to be humans. humanity should have some kind of defense against this. some way to sue these shills because they pretend to be humans.


w/om/en are not humans.


also: i think w/om/en know that they are not human, which is why their behavior involves so much masking in both a literal and figurative sense (makeup as literal masking, figurative masking as habitual lying/cuckolding/using weak normie men to injure other men/etc).



the digital world has become their tool to identify with illusion.

tricking people, pretending, acting, gaslighting, convincing, distracting, enslaving, colonizing, marketing, spying, surveilling. those are female strengths for obedient female bootlickers.

corruption. they are experts in every aspect of war except for actually going places and killing others.

i keep imagine their life is like the book sun zu the art of war, where war becomes the central element of life and in order to be good at war it must consume your life and the life of everyone else. and everything is about obedience and loyalty and hierarchies and social structures and exploiting one group of people because another group of people seek to control and enslave them and females are just fine with it. war is normal for them.


Fuck off foid worshipper.


it's not succubi's fault that men are natural simps and worship the ground they walk on.
Females won, they have low value men and outcasts seething and others trooning out to experience how great being a female is lmao


How long before you troon out?


men are the ones who give succubi all the power
if you don't taliban's sharia law, you have male-enforced gynocracy


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I agree with the part about men fueling this crap. Without simps all this nonsense collapses in an instant.


Posting photos of succubi should be banned like it used to be.
Wizchan 2024


The entire Nestle company is a jewry, don't even mind about that



>wiz discovers influencers

yes, modern reality is cancer, that's why it's best to shut out most of it.


Whenever I see them 'dancing' it feels like I need an fucking exorcism. I at least refer in the perjorative to all those rap-like hand wavings as "cultural gesturing" but I don't even know what you can call the dancing. It's like an aesthetic nerve agent. Weimar 2.0 is accurate in the generalised sense but not specifically to the dancing thing that they do. It is viscerally unnerving.


I agree with this post and have nothing more to add to the discussion


this is just advertising. also this >>314436

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