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this down syndrome couple are like barbie and ken within the down syndrome ecosystem and that realization made me laugh so hard but also they don't seem aware of what's going on.
On the one hand, they must not know they can't be normalfag since people get an uncanny v alley reaction the moment they see them, on the other, they are totally unaware of this and have only a superficial understanding of what their actions, words, and clothes convey to the public, so they can't change it. You can see towards the end of the video reporters don't recognize them as normalfags or part of a group and having to deal with them besides what's necessary for tv would be bothersome.
The downies for them are just disabled people in normie costumes and with a lent mindset for general public appeal and nothing the downies do will change that no matter how hard they try. I think something similar would happen if a wizard ever tried to be "normal". People would notice and you will be discouraged because it doesn't come off natural. This is why when autists and aspergers search for friends they tend to look for others like them or risk being the weirdo of the group and even so there's still the risk of being the undesirable of the group.


Is this /r9k/? It's a thread obsessing over the relationship of two random normalfags (downy or not, they're subscribing to "normal" societal values), and then you went on to compare yourself and your perceived view of "us" to them. Newsflash, newfriend. To pay any attention to news outlets like CBS makes you one of them. You're clearly not an netsurfer if you even give this video a click. Try to hide the fact that you're a blatant troll by not making these crypto "you're all RETARDS like these tards" threads.

>I think something similar would happen if a wizard ever tried to be "normal". People would notice and you will be discouraged because it doesn't come off natural.

Wizards aren't physically deformed, with differently shaped brains that greatly affect every thought and muscle movement of their body. A wizard of any age is going to be able to blend in as a normalfiend. Some may consider him ugly, or evaluate that his choice of wardrobe is uncommon, but they're not going to see the wiz and think "YUP, THAT MAN DOESN"T EVER WANT TO MAKE FUCK. HE'S A PERMAVIRGIN ALRIGHT". Whereas with Down's Syndroids, there's immediate physical and personalitic evidence that they have it.

And I the event that you're not a troll, and are rather just a dumbass: "Wizards" aren't all disfigured freaks who are only virgins because of the humpbacks or extra sets of teeth. We're literally just guys who at some point decided that losing our virginity wasn't worth it for one reason or another, and mens of any background or quality of living can come to feel that way.


I've noticed that downies are basically the pet of their parents or psychiatrists and can be toyed and influenced by them in any way they like. They have basically zero agency in life because of their low iq

Imagine the average person sometimes have difficulties and plenty of troubles in life or things they can't fix, now for a downie who needs a legal guardian or parent or carer at all times it must be hell
>The average intelligence quotient (IQ) of children with DS is around 50, ranging between 30 and 70
>Depression is one of the most common mental health diagnoses seen in individuals with Down syndrome (McGuire & Chicoine, 2021)
>Common symptoms of depression for children and adults with Down syndrome include: Extreme social withdrawal. Consistently sad and/or agitated mood.
This is one more proof that there is little free will in this world when you start to consider that things like iq can't be changed and how mental illnesses are related to certain genetic conditions.
Some people can't make it without supportive care in this world. Some people no matter what can't never be normal and it's not a choice for them.


normies can see through you they can recognize im autistic and not like them. they can always tell. Some female coworkers and turbonormies always make it hard for me to work I had to quit 2 jobs one because they spread rumous about me which were false they just felt uncomfortable around me and didn't like me because I have nothing to share about and im the silent type.


It's a hell because no one tries to help them, at slightest "un-normal" behavior they will drug and treat as a retarded because don't want trouble being a parent, everyone wants normalfags whom will be raised by themselves watching TV and being on their phones. As a kid I met a man who was a labor man, the hard work and sun tan blended him, he dropped in the bus stop with his family (down wife and down small daughter). I followed them, they arrived and the man got to work in a brick house with his father (probably 70 years old) while his mother, wife and kid were picnicking and chatting under a tree. The dude was able to provide to his family with hard work.


back then things were different.


what kind of cliched ass story is that lol


I like your response. Normalfags always ignore what's beyond their normie lives.


i doubt groups of people have the capability to accept humans, in some way or another groups will always try to subdue the individual, establish leaders through violence hierarchy and shape the individual through praise and punishment into becoming a slave. the promise of acceptance is the carrot dangled in front of the face of the fool. groups by their nature are a cancer on humanity.


File: 1698603491825.jpeg (59.51 KB, 900x900, 1:1, Rocket Launcher.jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

How is this newsworthy?


It is because it helps normalfags to be optimistic about the future, helps them feel safe, so they can breed, and deny the horrors of life. When they see that down symdrome couple being so happy go lucky and doing good, normies think "life is really just what you want it to be", "life is so beautiful", "life is always a miracle", and so on.


>Spreading positivity is something to mock
Back to /dep/!


what's positive about this video ?


Humans are monkeys really.



Well said, wise wizard.
The dumber and more normal they are, the more ape-like they become. They're like dogs who fuck on the street or engage in stupid barking competitions so as to show dominance.


>They're like dogs who fuck on the street or engage in stupid barking competitions so as to show dominance.
this made me lol


we will never be the same and that's why normalfags hate us


there is nothing more disgsusting than outcasts and bottom of the barrel males trying to play the normalfag game asking to be welcomed in a group and complying with them.


oh God just hearing about it makes me wanna barf




It's a slang term for vomit.
Both a noun and verb.

So someone could barf.
Or there could be barf on the floor over there where someone barfed.

Get it?


It's rare to see an underclass thriving on life enough to escape their situation and improve their situations. Autists, uglies, short, balds, etc. they remain like that for the rest of their lives.


Doing the same things takes you the same place.


downies are norpmaxxin now lol


being accepted in modern society is a form of illusion. people are locusts and when they regard you highly in socitey, then only because they believe they can take advantage of you and gain, thus 'getting ahead'. there isn't more to it. there is not some standard that you can pass and then suddenly human interaction stops being a monetary transaction.

what op implies, this yearning for belonging, is something that modern society can not provide because modern society is a theater serving the elite few with the clear goal of creating losers and winners. and the winners are actually losers too. so everybody* loses.

*everybody who believes in social status that is.

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