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Do you take philosophical tenets from specific authors or do you tend to criticize and even correct them until the point of elaborating your own wiews apart entirely.

Everytime I engage groups about this, they are always talking about non trascendent sutff told by Camus or Kant which brings not much to my mind. Did you wizards find anyone out there worth having his ideas spread and well known or rather useless and obsolete while having better eyes for your own counterceptions?


What do you mean? I dont really believe in transcedence. For me the good philosophy is the one who helps me to prepare my mindset for practical stuff.


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this guy


>For me the good philosophy is the one who helps me to prepare my mindset for practical stuff

here is some good philosophy that helps you with the practical stuff: when you watch a video and then a female appears, just turn down the volume (or try pressing m on the keyboard to mute) so that you don't have to hear what undignified, vain nonsense she most likely is saying.

you're welcome.


Let's just make a rule that if you're a known or suspected gay man you can't post on this site.


So you would block Nikol Tesla from posting?


I would trade all the crabs in this website for gay wizards any time. At least they don't whine all the time


wizgains will win
wizimps will loose
moderate yourself, bitch


>I would trade all the crabs in this website for gay wizards any time
says the leftist nigger who hates white men.
Just kill yourself, you're not a wizard and you're so stupid to think there are faggot wizards.


nearly all major philosophers were gay men. you know this, right? all the original greek philosophers (with aristoteles as an exception) were quite literally gay mystics who hated w/o/m/e/n. gnosticism is EXTREMELY gay. the G in freemasonry indeed stands for gnosis, but just as well may stand for gay. there is a particular verb in latin which is "paedicare" which means "to sodomize"; however the origin of this verb is the ancient greek verb "paiderastein/παιδεραστειν", which itself comes from one of the words for boy "pais/παις", which declines to "paidos/παιδος". Read the following sentences from a philosophical encyclopedia I found some years ago:

“Those men who are ‘fertile in body’ fall in love with w/om/en and beget children (208e), but those who are ‘fertile in soul’ transcend the limitation (209a), and the ‘right approach’ is open to them alone.”

“The erastes tries to educate the eromenos (209c; cf. Xen. Smp. 8.23) and ‘paiderastein rightly’ (211b) is philosophical education.”


Neither should be allowed on this board
Please go back to /pol/


faggot comes with a wild claim that every philosopher was gay. Prion disease has degenerated his brain and projects his homosexuality onto other men, he also worships succubi and the feminine as his goal in life is to get fucked by other men getting as many stds as possible.

Eat a bullet, dishonest faggot.


Sounds like gay cope.
>back to /pol/
Let the men have fun, you!

Gays despair to be recognized as such as if nothing wrong, to receive acceptance. Yet the inner trauma will never stop demanding more and more, degenerating into furtherly deviant forms which will also starve for acceptance. It's like succubi when they roamed the chans, they were told tits of gtfo because everybody could easily sense they were just claiming their condition to be given a special attention… toxic traits


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this gentleman, more specifically his metaphysics, since that is what the enlightenment tried to bury just because a handful of libertines were iffy about the Church or academia or what have you
werner heisenberg, the father of quantum mechanics, loved philosophy a lot and viewed particles as forms, as in plato's theory of forms
im not saying they are infallible men, just be suspicious of idiots trying to bury knowledge without making a through exposition of why something belongs in the bin. some people speaks ill of aristotle because his physics was btfo by newton, huygens, and galileo, although his work is still useful to describe what physics really is


I get succubi but why shouldn't gays be allowed?


Not him, but years ago there was a pretty obnoxious gay clique that was active on here and supposedly had some pull with the mods. I haven't posted here regularly for a while so idk if that's still happening but that's probably what he's referring to.

Personally I don't mind gays that much as long as they don't try to pull shit like that or antagonize the userbase.


Philosophy isn't meant to be practical. In fact, as soon as it is practical you aren't doing philosophy anymore. Useful things are only good for some other end. Things that depend on another are lower goods than the thing they serve. But, there exists truths which are good in themselves and depend on no other. This is what philosophy is chiefly concerned with.


If you wanna talk about practicality, once I came to accept Determinism, I was not able to hold onto bitterness I had built up in my life. We're all just going through the motions until the grave and whatever happens is what I have to accept.


It's a crab site about how much you want a succubus now, rather than disregarding succubi as it used to be, so they dont fit in anymore

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