Well the most advanced lifeforms usually do things that are against their nature in favor of abstract things like pride or love, those ethnic groups are more animal and less pro-abstract stuff, hence why they are less indoctrinable.
The good thing about white people is that their brain is very malleable.
If you send white people and ethnics to war guess which group is going to have more desertion rate?
btw those ethics are the slave caste and the whites are an upper caste.
The people in power hate White people. It's not that complicated.
Why are normalfags so desperate to ruin a site for wizards? Is evrything else still not enough?
There is no such thing as a superior race.
The most efficient race is the one that survives and reproduces its genes the most with the least resources possible.
>>306430I was thinking something more along the lines of a genetically-modified race of perpetually prepubescent females. Perhaps reproduces asexually somehow, like with the help of cloning and artificial wombs.
I am not even hindu.
That's the conclusion I arrived to when I watched countless animal documentaries, humans are no different.
In the US you have the issue of the whole white identity having arisen in the first place from slavery. There was no concept of whiteness or white people before it became a thing as part of a racial caste system, before then everyone just saw themselves as their ethnicity, german, dutch etc. So to say you take pride in your identity as a white person just seems to most people like you're saying you want to go back to that caste system, which basically 100% of people who say shit like that actually do. There are a lot of racist as shit people out there and they are all pretending not to be racist and pretending to be the victims when their bullshit euphemisms are not indulged. You are not a victim for being racist and then pretending that your racism is actually not racism.
The Asians seems pretty superior
>>306401The two biggest culprits are College education and Mainstream media.
>>306401Human history has pretty much always been defined by what happened in the last major war. 80 years ago a group of white people stood in defiance of the leaders of the world. Jews and other rich people. The group of white people (Germans of the NSDAP) ultimately failed. To do so the jews and rich people threw a mass of bodies and war material that was unheard of in human history. They had to leverage the entire planet to do this. To beat a country that accounts for 1/300 the landmass on earth.
So here we stand in the post war era as the losers of that war. Ultimately until another war comes along that overthrows the jews and rich people, it will stay this way. This could happen in our generation, or it could happen in twenty generations.
>>306411If you simply stopped whining…
Jared Taylor, who spent his second half of his life doing white advocacy, can't even come up with a definitive answer as to why. There's a few speculative answers, but the facts are
>The early signs started appearing in the 1930s, and the open borders stuff hit all at once in the 60s
>The open borders hit at the exact same time as the boomers came of age, second wave feminism and the new left. The mid to late 1960s
>It was practically every western country at once
>The cold war insulated eastern Europe, the iron curtain kept this mental contamination out all the way until wall came down. Hence countries like Poland and Bulgaria being 30 years behind (but are now on the same path)
>Even East Asian countries in the American sphere didn't get hit, the Japanese and Koreans work to keep their societies relatively pure
>Western working class average people never wanted this, polling has consistently shown 75% of the population and above is opposed to mass immigration
>Even anti-racists that advocate for this move to majority white neighborhoods and socialize with other whites
>Israel is in the western sphere but is totally immune, they are chud and proud of it.
Jared Taylor sometimes mentions the psychological toll of World War I and II on western countries. I personally think that white elites have always been idealistic and are relatively racially disloyal compared to the elites in other countries, and there's a genetic basis for it. Whites have less of a sense of an "in group" on a genetic level, and always have. With the abundance of wealth, this got to the point where it could express itself in a pathological fashion. Sort of like how hoarding is a healthy behavior in a tribe, but a hoarder in modern society lives in a house filled with garbage. An adaptive trait that made sense for like, the nobility of feudal Europe to make ties with other noble houses, or the germanic tribe to share food during the cold winter, but makes absolutely zero sense now and is actively harmful.
I'm sympathetic to the jew theory so I don't want to be too harsh on Kevin MacDonald. And jews definitely have been a contributing factor, the most horrid shit you see promoting this comes from Ashkenazi jews living in the States. Even in Sweden you have cunts like that Barbara succubus that /pol/ posts around, openly trying to dilute Swedish society so it "survives". They do seem to have some genetic instinct on some level to be subversive cunts. But I think it's not a sufficient explanation, because western jews outside of Israel are now succumbing to the same poison and are intermixing with whites at a rate of like 50%. If it was some genius gay-op to come out on top, they're failing, because western jews are going down with the ship. The white majority fading means the end of safety for western jews too, because no other race gives a shit about them or the holocaust.
>>306401I'm against racemixing but I hope the normalfags who bullied me get gang raped to death by shitskins after the collapse.
>>307026yeah it doesn't make sense for Jews to be the ultimate power behind it all.
It is Von Kalergi, the Hapa
>>307026I already explained the reason why. Racial identity did not exist until modern times. It only came into existence through the implementation of a racial caste system after the colonial era when african slave trade took off. The whites have been the ones that have been the oppressors during all this time. If you claim to be proud of your race, the only context in which that makes sense is that you are proud of your history as an oppressor. You are proud of being the ones on the top of the caste system. This is why it's considered bad form for white people to rally around racial identity, since the purpose and existence of such a thing was to implement a racial caste system where whites were supreme. People just assume that's what you're trying to do again if you do that which, let's be honest you fucking racists, you totally are. Everyone can see you are just lying when you claim it's not racist and it has nothing to do with white supremacy. White supremacy is predicated on the idea that whites are superior to the other races so taking "pride" in your "race" is a dogwhistle for saying you think white people are better than other people.
It's obviously different for the group that was the oppressed rather than the one doing the oppressing. If they take pride in their race, who cares, no one is going to use that pride to implement a system of oppression. It's only a problem when it's said by the oppressors because that is a primary tool and justification in implementation of their system of racial oppression which is the bad thing that no one wants.
This is reaaaaalllly not complicated. Stop pretending it is, it's quite disgusting.
>>307026Very well thought-out. You've done alot of research. Israel wouldn't even exist today if not for Britain making it a country and kicking all the Palestinians out.
>They do seem to have some genetic instinct on some level to be subversive cuntsWhile that sounds fatalist, how else would we explain that the founder of BLM is a jewess?
>The white majority fading means the end of safety for western jews too, because no other race gives a shit about them or the holocaust.It's already happening in culturally "enriched" Sweden, where 3 different Swedish synagogues have been set on fire by Muslims who moved into those neighborhoods. What Muslim would want to see a synagogue in their vicinity? They (openly, to this day) hate the jews. It doesn't make any sense unless there's a "jewish guilt" faction within the "White guilt" cult.
>>307048i was curious, and the very example you named, would suggest it is more ideology theology than DNA
as she is not half Jewish in genes, she is fully black, but has a Jewish stepdad No.307052
I'm not saying no one noticed race or spoke of it to characterize someone, I'm saying it wasn't a group identity or a personal identity. People didn't even have national identities until very recently, prior to that it was kingdoms before that, clans, before that families, each of these identities was gained as civilization matured and grew more complex and people started to associate these concepts with their sense of self. That identity was born out of the age of colonialism only once there was a racial caste system implemented and belief in innate white supremacy was a crucial part of justifying it.
well if a medieval white european, was to be told that all europeans, all whites are his brothers. that would be the equivalent of universal love today. everyone he ever knew was white. and all his enemies he hated was white. if he was told they are all one, and the only people he needs to hate are far away black, brown, yellow people. its the equivalent of telling today's man that his only enemy is green Martians.
Cause white people are coddled pussies that's why
>>307043You're putting the cart before the horse. It was only in the age of sail that whites had to contend with the Negro question, because exposure necessitates the Negro question. Before then, you only had a handful wandering up from Ethiopia to Rome once a generation to ask questions about religious doctrines, and you wouldn't even give much of a shit to think about it.
White supremacy was the foundation for white racial identity at the time because whites genuinely seen themselves as superior, it wasn't all just some post ad hoc justification for chattel slavery. The theories whites came up with about negro inferiority were based on observation of the negro for the most part. The same stereotypes we have for them now, they had for them back then. They're indolent, petty, irresponsible fathers, they have low intelligence, etc. You can't really say they were wrong. Even the Christians who did charity/missionary work across the continent in the 19th century recognized this behavior and talked about it. With East Asians, mass exposure came a little later, and with them whites were quick to realize that although they had undesirable characteristics, they were in a position to challenge white supremacy and were of about equal intelligence to whites.
Besides, it doesn't even matter if whites are a legitimate category or not, because our race is under attack on the basis of being white regardless. My racial enemies see me as white and attack me simply based on that, saying it's a "social construct" doesn't dissuade them in the slightest.
Also, other races do not see it as morally wrong that whites dabbed on the planet, they're just salty at losing. It's only the ones with enough exposure to whites that see white guilt as a moral vulnerability and learned to exploit it. I remember reading a book about some South African that travelled up and down the continent asking black africans about race, sometimes just asking them on the street, and most would openly admit they're not as smart as whites and are incapable of developing things like computers and aeroplanes.
>>307057I'll follow this further and say that, to the extent white moralization and justification over slavery occurred is due to the inherent need for whites to moralize their actions. Whites are idealistic, and are universalist with their idealism. This means that we often have a missionary like approach where we force our beliefs on other countries, like with how LGBT stuff is being shoved into the third world despite them hating it. The truth is us whites can be intolerant rude cunts with our "everyone must live like us" thinking. It's why western analysis of modern China fails so hard, they think Asians see the world like white people do. They don't realize that China isn't doing some grand strategy geopolitical maneuvers to spread their ideology and influence around like the Soviets were. China is behaving like a healthy country that's proud of their history, can accept other people and races have different government structures and just wants to do business.
The Negro doesn't have this moralizing instinct developed, and hence when they practiced slavery in West Africa, they were blunt about it being "we won, you lost". The whole reason the slave trade developed was because of West Africa's hyper-polygamous nature. Warlords in the region used to kill all the men and have a harem of like 20 wives, as soon as they realized the men were of value then they started selling them off to the Europeans.
>>307053>if he was told they are all one, and the only people he needs to hate are far away black, brown, yellow peopleThe mahometan faith on the other side of the Mediterranean was the great civilizational enemy for white Christendom at the time. There's a reason the Alliance of France with the Ottomans was called the "Unholy alliance". It was seen as an embarrassing betrayal of Christendom.
>>306411Wizardry (and Crabism) is a threat to the system. I mean think about it, a bunch of able-bodied men choosing to not wageslave for a pittance, choosing not sire a bunch of future wageslaves, and choosing just to exist in their own small world possibly on NEETbux? Not good for the system.
Call me crazy, but I think nerds/geeks/outcasts/wizards were one of the last groups of people capable of independent revolutionary thought. They had to extinguish that. That's why a lot of zoomer *would-be* nerds are either tranny faggots or alt-right nazis. They've become useful patsies.
something happened after ww2
White Jihad now
No.307083>Despite the careful planning and intensive training, on the day before the attack, Meade, who lacked confidence in the operation, ordered Burnside not to use the black troops in the lead assault. He claimed that if the attack failed, black soldiers would be killed needlessly, creating political repercussions in the North. Meade may have also ordered the change of plans because he lacked confidence in the black soldiers' abilities in combat.[12] Burnside protested to Grant, who sided with Meade. When volunteers were not forthcoming, Burnside selected a replacement white division by having the three commanders draw lots. Brigadier General James H. Ledlie's 1st Division was selected, but he failed to brief the men on what was expected of them and was reported during the battle to be drunk, well behind the lines, and not providing leadership. (Ledlie would be dismissed for his actions during the battle.)[10]>Grant subsequently gave in his evidence before the Committee on the Conduct of the War:>General Burnside wanted to put his colored division in front, and I believe if he had done so it would have been a success. Still I agreed with General Meade as to his objections to that plan. General Meade said that if we put the colored troops in front (we had only one division) and it should prove a failure, it would then be said and very properly, that we were shoving these people ahead to get killed because we did not care anything about them. But that could not be said if we put white troops in front."[26]White men have always preferred to lose over a victory gained by nonwhite hands. And they have always put the blame for failure in such cases on the white media for white guilting them. This is not new. You are all retarded.
Everything leads back to WW2
Nope, white, I'm just not an idiot that can't see through a flawed dichotomy
Friends, I am praying to Hitler ^~^
/r/ rule 34 of this grill
>>307328I'm fapping to hitler
Nazis are good people
>>307348harness that Vril, mein neger
>>306401> They can't express pride or love for their own people and skin color without being called racistI don't love normalfags whether they are of my race or not. In fact, I hate them.
>Whites no longer being the majority in their own countries is seen as a good thingI guess that's bad for white normalfags. As for wizards, there is no country for us. I don't see the relevance personally.
>>307058The life of a single brown or black wizard is worth more than the life of every single white normalfag that has ever lived in all of history.
>>308010Well said. Normies should be exterminated as they are all arrogant filth that fuck everything up
>Canadians have put Canada on a path to inevitable destruction.
>There is no history in human affairs when a society willingly gave itself away to foreigners. There is no history of a society maintaining any values once foreigners overtook it. Indeed, there is no history in human affairs where muti-culturalism and ethnic diversity have not led to massive civil conflicts, but Canadians love romanticizing these anti-values.Browns that most love the west are the ones pointing out how close we are to the end. I watched Jayant Bhandari's presentation and interview of this article, and it was filled with whites trying to cope and say things aren't so bad, and with responses from libertarian minded Indians sharing stories from their childhood and saying "you don't know what's coming, and idealistic people like you are always the first to suffer".
The truth is that the replacement is a lot worse than what people realize because people live basically segregated in ethnic enclaves. People's social circles are pretty racially isolated too. Thirdies coming to the first world aren't coming for values, they have their own values that they prefer, they're coming for money, land and resources. It's colonization, pure and simple, this more deep and permanent than what came before.
Furthermore, the talk of Universal Basic Income in Canada is a thirdie thing. It's the importation of the Indian red-tape, the same sort of welfare parasitism that plagues the subcontinent. Despite memes that white people don't work and are welfare leeches, thirdies are pretty desperate to leech the system dry. This is an expansion of the system from the white minded "help for poor and sick people" to the indian minded "Gibs for my social class".
The Sikh/Indian conflict happening in Canada right now is the first harbinger of what's to come. Bhandari predicts literal ethnic conflict spilling over into the street in less than a decade if things continue down this path, and I don't think he's wrong.
you dont want to know how nasty white people are when shit goes bad.
once its Bad,
eventually white people will rise up and expel non whites from ever european country,
Canada and US, idk.
Australia not sure.
SA was an abandon ship situation
every single aspect of this jewish system is anti-White
That pic is funny. Lots of conscripted russians are chechens, buryats, udmurts, tajiks, dagestans, etc
So much for the "White race"
>>308541I think they are supposed to be ukrainians
as a wizard now I'm sick of hearing this whole Israeli versus Palestine thing. On the news Palestinians are complaining about their poor babies dying and I'm just like "congrats on the sex, why should i care?". Both are complaining about antisemitism and anti-muslim sentiment, when those words are only ever used against white people. You fucking hate each other just admit it. Then Israelis with 3 children are asking I should care while I can barely support myself financially.
>>309052Kevin MacDonald who hates the jews with a passion went to Palestinian Arab Anti-Israeli meetings in the west and just realized this wasn't for him. He seen it was an ethno-nationalist thing and as much as they hated jews for demographically replacing palestinians, they were also chuffed at the demographic replacement they were doing in the States and Europe.
White people really shouldn't care about the conflict, both sides hate whites.
It's the jews.
>>309088it's white people (like you and everyone else itt) not having kids
>>309169Which wouldn't be possible without Jewish involvement in race replacement immigration.
>>309189how does increased immigration affect your ability to have kids?
>>309191>>309191Lowering wages, reduced social cohesion stemming from diversity (Bowling Alone, or, alternatively, brownoids overrating white succubi increases white succubi's SMV) increased competition for housing, etc. It all goes in one direction.
Apparently my post looks automated? Nigger nigger nigger.
>>309191>>309198And of course, the basic point which is that if there's no immigration, your population has to get used to shrinking, which at some point might actually spur succubi into doing their jobs instead of being dumb whores for all their reproductive years. But if you just keep importing brown people desperate to live in a White society, the need to have young workers to pay for social security, to maintain infrastructure, etc is lessened.
>>309198>>309199crab cope. the biggest crab countries with the lowest fertility rates (east asia and east europe except russia) are the most homogeneous countries in the world and have almost no immigration.
white people just hate having kids.
>>309296>crab cope. the biggest crab countries>white people So you not only cry about crabs in adjacent threads but you also hate white people. You can't go one day without spewing leftist feminist vitriol and your hatred for virgins and whites. get the fuck out of wizchan, mentally ill nigger.
>>306411>Why are normalfags so desperate to ruin a site for wizards?They are vermin that hates anyone who isn't like them.
>>309297>mentally illThis is leftist and normgroid word.
>>309296Thats because brown normalfags are even bigger wild animals than white normalfags.
And asiatics are just insectoids wearing human skin.
What the hell is the "white race", anyway?
I mean, what would you even consider to be the earliest documentation of "white people" in history?
When the Kassites first began showing up in Mesopotamia around 1700 BC?
being proud of something you were born with is silly
>>309336I agree, but i hope you realise that extends to pride of all kinds, since free will doesnt exist and all your achievements result from what you are born with
>>309342who cares, rabbi.
>>307026I'll like to follow up on this post, I spent the last few months reading the commentaries, texts, interviews and presentations of the higher tier white nationalists that have pondered this their entire career. Sam Francis, Jared Taylor, Sam Dickson, Roger Devlin, and to a lesser extent Paul Gottfried.
The theory these types have that best explains it is the "Managerial Revolution" as detailed by James Burnham. Basically, in the early 20th century, technological progress and the sophistication of modern industrial methods necessitated the rise of the managerial class over the bourgoise, this class consisting of highly educated technicians and planners that are required to direct large companies. Individual Capitalist shareholders lost power to this class of people over time, as they were too isolated from the factors of production and how society functioned to utilize their wealth properly. The Managerial class came to power with FDR during the great depression, and their interest was the expansion of government power and the proliferation of their class through all of society. The culture of the old bourgois of self reliance, individual religion and personal responsibility got gradually replaced with the new managerial ideology of stakeholder capitalism, social planning and social engineering.
The denaturing of white people is undertaken by the managerial class because they want to divide and conquer society to better maintain their control. They feel safer in a Brazil where there's different races with grievances to play against one another to maintain government power, different inequalities to justify solving. The excessive focus on racial and gender disparities gives justification for more social planning, more resources, more bureaucrats and managers to maintain the social engineering.
Climate Change, multi-culturalism, racial conflict, gender issues, feminism, LGBT rights, etc are all problems for the managerial class to have justification for solving. Climate Change denialism isn't seen as bad because it's anti-science, it's seen as bad because climate change as a threat gives justification for the proliferation of managerial power. They want to have commissars ruling over the economy.
What the ruling managerial class most fears is a Caesar type figure and a populist revolution from the white working class and "middle america". Trump was seen as terrifying to this class because he was a harbinger of what was still possible. With demographic replacement, there is no easy possibility of a single populist figure taking control and sweeping this bloated and parasitic class aside. "The Great Replacement" essay finished by quoting "Wouldn't it be easier for the government to dissolve the people and elect another". And that's literally what western governments are doing, the next step is foreigners serving in the army and police, loyal to the managerial regime.
The Trucker Protests in Canada are an example of how conscious the managerial class is to a white backlash, and how they freak out and shit their pants when it happens (Trudeau fled the country like Causescau attempted to do so). Notice how it was 95% white faces in those protests, Indians and Asians lived in their ethnic enclaves looking on with fear, secretly happy when the government cracked down on them, knowing the displacement of white people benefits them too.
>>310716Most things fall into place if you use this analysis, which is why the entire educated racialist right does so. The exception being Kevin MacDonald who replaces the Managerial Elite with "the jews". Paul Gottfried wrote a reply to him saying it's all managerialism, and I have to say I align with Paul Gottfried on this one. The Jews are disproportionately represented in the denaturing of white people only precisely because they, being educated and in major city centers, were disproportionately in the managerial class.
Covid, I interpret through this lens as the great "cultural revolution" of mangerialism. A total regulation of society and attempt at grand social engineering, the fanaticism of racial BLM protests being greenlit as hypocrisy was total gaslighting, but social engineering and fracturing social relations was always the goal. Kids being stunted due to being isolated learning through Zoom calls means more social workers, more funding for education, more teachers. What ended the cultural revolution wasn't any realization they went too far, it was the risk of the Chinese state literally collapsing. What ended the covid era wasn't any realization that it was wrong, it was that they were risking widespread economic ruin with all the money printing.
I think in the end two things will end Mangerialism. The class will grow so large, so fat, so bloated that will be too much of a fiscal drain on the society in infects. A fiscal crisis will necessitate the end of all the comfy benefits it uses to keep the population docile, necessitate a culling in the class numbers. And the unstable coalition against white people, the homosexuals, coastal elites, muslims, blacks, etc have nothing in common and hate each other, only united by their hatred of the white majority. With the passing of the white majority I think social engineering simply won't work, only whites are vulnerable to it, and more ethno-nationalist groups like Pakistani Muslims will simply be immune to the attempts.
>>306401Fuck off back to /pol/, stop ruining every imageboard
>>310716The instant I see climate change denial I know someone has just believed everything some retard oil spokesman has told them
>>310723The point still stands, the main driving motivation for climate change awareness is its usefulness to the managerial state. The idea of climate commissars regulating every facet of the economy is very useful to their class interests.
The Managerial State can get by without all these things, but they wouldn't have such control over the economy without these aforementioned problems. Sweden is a good example. Sweden was pretty much a utopia on earth from 1960-2000 with no real problems. The managerial state struggled to justify its existence and was getting beaten back by rounds of privatization and deregulation. So they imported not just foreigners, but the most poor and incompatible foreigners they could from war torn shitholes like Somalia, who promptly burrowed away in ghettos. More work for the managerial state, more problems for them to solve. Extra employed translators for schools, bloated bureaucratic staff for the education and healthcare system.
>>310725>The point still standsNo it doesn't. You are so concerned with someone have any power over you that you refuse to acknowledge the very real problem that needs addressing.
Hitler has become secular Satan.
Anything resembling Hitler is opposed.
Such as ethnocentrism, dislike of outgroups etc
Original sin has become White Guilt or better called 'Original White Sin' often this is just called "Whiteness" Whiteness is often talked about as if it were a virus or a parasite and sometimes explicitly called such.
Just because people are less Christian or not Christian at all does not mean they aren't effected by cultural Christian morality. We have not broken from the Christian system it's aesthetic merely morphed.
Not even Christians themselves are immune to this new religion.
I think humans are basically a religious animal at heart.
Morality is weaponized against Whites and empathy is exploitable we are told we are inherently evil and guilty that our ancestors were sinful and we can redeem ourselves by defeating ourselves; giving power to minorities, speaking up for them, bullying other Whites, apologizing, fraternizing with non-Whites, inter marrying etc
>>310727the hapa mastermind who pulls the strings even above the Jews
I don't blame arabs though.
Just looking at the political map of Syria is mind boggling let alone other states in the region like Lebanon.
There is no clear "homeland" to fight for like in Ukraine. When war erupts you're just in feudal Japan fighting 200 other small clans.
The war never ends because there is a constant stream of thugs and soldiers from other clans threatening your family, kidnapping each other and blowing each others homes up.
At least in Ukraine's case there is a clear opponent: Russia. If you live in Syria your opponent is just a weird faceless menace, a mixture of mercenaries, foreign agents, your own countrymen from different families, etc… You can't win no matter how much you fight.
I don't want them in Europe, but I understand *why* anyone with more than 80 IQ simply chooses to exit that hellhole.
>>310784If it were me I would try to make my way to Egypt, seems like the nicest place that is still inside the Arab world.
>>310784you just described the area so well. i really have a hard time understanding what the fuck is going on over there, but what you said has 'stuck' perfectly. thanks
>>309330I don’t know, ask all of the Latinos and Blacks and Asians in the United States who seem to have a clear idea of who it is and who they need to punish. You know you’re white because you’re not allowed to live in the US inner city - a Mestizos or African-American would almost immediately mark you. Look at this comedian Mark Normand - tells his story growing up in New Orleans as the only “white guy”. White guy in quotes because some might even look at this guy and decide that he’s not white do to his less than Nordic characteristics but the blacks in his neighborhood did not make the distinction. He was white so him and his family were regularly targeted for home invasions and theft. really doesn’t matter what you think “white” means, all that really matters is what other people are perceive you as and if your ancestry is from basically any country in Europe, you’re the devil. And maybe this doesn’t matter much now but as our institutions become more and more “diverse” thanks to affirmative action and DEI, I think conditions will get increasingly bad as anyone who they decide is white. I don’t think African Americans and South Asians and Mexicans and Hondurans and Arabs and Somalis will make a distinction between Nordic and Mediterranean and Irish and Iberian like a lot of online Nazis enjoy debating about. What matters is how you look and how you speak. Soon you’ll be going into Emergency Rooms and intentionally getting ignored by non-white staff - I have seen anecdotes of this in online that in some majority Hispanic areas that white people are noticing they’re getting ignored and pushed to the back of line for medical care by Hispanic staff
>>310793I feel so much safer going into the inner city seeing it full of Hispanics instead of Blacks, I give an audible sigh of relief wooosh that Blacks are being Great Replaced by Browns in the ghetto.
>>310793If you're going to let minorities define the white race for you, they also universally consider Jews whites, the most white of whites even.
>>310795Yes and Jews should understand this but they won’t. And that’s the biggest problem with them.
>>310785Iirc, most do go to Egypt and Turkey. An extremely small minority has the money to travel around Europe.
>>310796The Elon Musk/ DeSantis coalition trying to win over Jews to fight DEI
>>306401Wealth. Notice that poorer white nations are always more racist and less accepting of foreigners on average.
>We shan't agree on anything, because we shall lack everything; we shan't avoid neither Hunger nor Racism, and we shall only be able to be free from one by giving in to the other. One day we shall become Racists just to eat; we shall be men of need in the worst sense of the word, we shall be Materialists and Racists. No.311018
>>310822That theory makes little sense considering Switzerland, Finland and Austria are the most racist nations in the EU and they are also some of the wealthiest. No.311036
>>310822South Korea, Israel and Japan go against that theory.
>>306401this is going to happen to any other race once they achieve what the white men have. Once their whole idea of "we're punishing whites for slavery and wars" then their own children will become weak
Where the Transylvanian wizards at?
>>311762do u wish u were part of hungary?
EU should have open borders with Slavs to replenish their blond supply
>>310726So true. If we just keep putting more taxes on white people for everything they do, we will surely save the planet.
you all are a bunch of normalfags. the fuck it have to do with being a virgin.
>>309297Maybe you were speaking loosely but I'm "mentally ill" (schizophrenic) and vehemently hate normalniggers. I get that succubi have made mental illness cool but that's not the same as actually experiencing psychosis. And I'm a 29 year old virgin NEET
>>312049are you eating real food that is good for you or have you been tricked into believing it does not matter?
are you exercising in a way that makes you sweat around once or twice a week?
have you discovered that dancing is essential for a healthy human?
are you getting better at something?
do you refuse to do things that make you hate yourself?
do you refuse to comply with evil?
do you refuse to drink alcohol and other harmful idiocy?
do you refuse to be a whore in one way or another?
do you spend time in nature?
have you discovered the benefits of deep meditation?
do you refuse to believe things things that don't add up just because someone important tells you to?
if you answer all the questions with yes and what you were trained to describe as mental illness still persists, then there might be actual more complex mental thangs happening but regardless i hope you believe that it gets better. that's the number one most essential principle of healing anything. you have to believe that you have the ability to make things better and then seek out what you can do to help that process along. it's difficult to heal trauma and abuse but not impossible.
most people live like shit though and they feel how you would expect them to based on the choices they made. they'd have it easy to improve their life, but they don't do it. bummer. human life can be nice.
>>306401truth about the need for an eugenic culture must be kept in secret while also spread, this way the leftists wont detect the righteous
>>310795Everyone is defined by other people, that's part of identity. Self hating Blacks that consider their people irresponsible and lazy call attention to how other races behave. White people do the same thing to criticize whites, they will draw attention to how clean Japan is to draw attention to how dirty their own country is, for example.
Families do the same thing, "Why can't you be more like X's kid, X's kid studies every day for 2 hours after school" is used to define their child as irresponsible. Who you are is defined by how other people are, white people in all white areas don't really think much at all about their white identity, same with blacks in all black societies. It's only when you meet another group does it become obvious. If aliens existed we'd contrast ourselves with them to get a sense of what it means to be human.
And the point is yes, other races and the government face no scruples or difficulty selecting out whites for discrimination. It's only when the threat of white identity is there, will they pile on insincerely with "well what exactly is white anyway?". But when you are playing meta with definitions, you've lost the argument.
>>313454>Everyone is defined by other peopleif puppets could talk, this is what they would say. the puppet is just the empty container and the definition of others is the liquid filling the the container.
when a bunch of literal retards have an opinion about me, does that define me? does that make who i am? do they get to shape me into whatever they see fit just because they are a group? no, because i refuse to be a puppet. groups are trash.
>>313455You're misinterpreting what I said. You're defined by other people in the sense of you meeting them forces you to become cognizant of what you are and what's unique/different about you. In a world where only whites existed, nobody would talk about the "white" race as a thing because there would be nothing to compare it to.
It's a total projection that racism is caused by ignorance. "scientific racism" emerged because people noticed there were differences and tried to systematize it as best they could. The more people look into the world, the more different they find people.
>>313468>You're misinterpreting what I said. no
>You're defined by other people in the sense of you meeting them forces you to become cognizant of what you are and what's unique/different about you.that's just you being a puppet. you don't have free will so you don't understand the the force of cognition is transcendable. to you it is ultimate reality.
>In a world where only whites existed, nobody would talk about the "white" race as a thing because there would be nothing to compare it to. the skin is objectively light colored though. the people would refer to them as pale pink skinned maybe. what you talk about are all unimportant issues of identity though because you are a group puppet. you are so identified with your stupid group, you shouldn't even have a name. you should just be given a number.
>It's a total projection that racism is caused by ignorance. "scientific racism" emerged because people noticed there were differences and tried to systematize it as best they could. the racism isn't the problem. there is nothing wrong with noticing differences. the problem is that you do not have control of yourself. the problem is that you gave up controlling yourself and instead decided to identify as the group you are in. you sacrificed your individuality to become some stupid cog in a machine hoping to gain advantages for your group and disadvantages for everyone else. that's how all atrocities in the world came to be. by assholes who sacrificed themselves for their disgusting group. groups are the problem in the world and you are just some (possibly even imagined) group's puppet. there is a whole other dimension to the human experience that you don't understand because you are limited to licking boots in a group. if your breath didn't stank of shoe-shine you'd have a whole other outlook and a different set of possibilities would apply to you.
>>306401What made lefties be the way they are? The mishandling of right wing politics carried out in an authoritarian fashion. If you mix that the natural weakness obvious to the entire humanity, you can't help them. And they do not deserve to be helped, just be sure you don't get beaten sharing propaganda about what's really happening with the world.
They deserve to perish under their own idiocy, let them do so. Save those who will listen, be swift, be discreet.
Your greed and pride will otherwise become a weak spot.
>>313474>What made lefties be the way they are?Depends on the lefties. Most social democrats are just normal succubus with a nurturing instinct. Some rudimentary psychological research has shown the more radical ones are paradoxically more machivallian and sadistic despite their constant claims to virtue.
If you ask a leftist "why do you think you vote left and I vote right", they'll always answer it's because they perceive themselves as compassionate and caring for the little guys.
I've gotten in long drawn out political conversations with left wingers, mostly polite. And although they somewhat agree with me with some of my points about race, they're hesitant to endorse my views. I think they find comfort in the egalitarianism because it keeps them as "good people" without question. If they embraced race realism or the problem of dysgenics, then suddenly they are faced with some serious moral dilemmas that their worldview cannot address. So instinctively they avoid the point, shrink away from it out of fear.
>>313473Man is a social animal and radical individualism is a disease of the modern era. Even in the gilded age of cowboys where rugged independence was the norm, man was bound by his social duty and his community. The unfortunate fact of nature is that groups always win against atomized individuals. You can claim "I don't see race" all you want, but if the other side sees race, categorizes you by race, and targets you by race, you'll be left disarmed.
>>313474>What made lefties be the way they are?>>313500>Depends on the lefties. Most social democratsi don't even believe the distinction between left and right makes sense anymore. when i think of a rightleaning person, i think of authoritarians who want war and slavery. that's not true obviously but up until wokeness happened, the authoritarian elites cosplayed as rightleaning. now that wokeness happened all the authoritarian elites pretend to be leftleaning. they were never rightleaning nor leftleaning, it is all theater.
i thought i was leftie all my life, but it feels like i have 80% or 90% in common with righties. when you see these obnoxious genderless barking dogs these days, those aren't lefties, they are just authoritarian groupvictim npcs/shills/knaves currently identifying as lefties. don't watch mainstream lefties, they are all compromised disgraceful shills, watch dudes like jimmy dore.
>Man is a social animalrepeating this every chance possible doesn't make it true. i get it that most people avoid it but i recommend never to be fear being completely alone. it is a degenerative habit always to have others to depend on. it is a important fear to conquer and until you do, you don't even understand all the ways in which you will drag your group down and you don't understand how easy it is to seem attractive. nothing will make people notice and admire you as the ability to do everything yourself skillfully without despairing.
lol if i'm a leftie, i should not argue for self-reliance but obviously the left-right political distinction seems to be nearing end of life. rightleaning people from 2000 until ~2018 were really bad at memes but that is no longer true. 'the right can't meme' that was true back then. they caught up in communicating their ideas though. there are excellent memes making the rounds these days that help people see that rightleaning people have important ideas that are well thought out and contribute to the benefit of humanity.
i do not know the problem, but i just want to tell u all the solution. AND THAT IS varg vikiners PHILOSOPHY. Yes, it is not perfect, but it is the best thing/thinker we got today. U may not get kids, but u can support his thoughts and spread theme.
Here is link to his thoughts: Varg vikiners thoughts!
Support theme and spread theme.
>>313503>i don't even believe the distinction between left and right makes sense anymore. when i think of a rightleaning person, i think of authoritarians who want war and slavery. The left/right distinction has always made sense, it's why it's used and why parliaments arrange themselves according to the pattern. Leftists believe in egalitarianism, however they approach it, rightoids believe in hierarchy. Libertarianism, monarchism and fascism are defined by their belief that hierarchical and stratify naturally, and typically take a more cynical view of human nature. It's why the nazis were arranged on the right side of the Reichstag despite having "socialist" in the name, they recognized what they were. Leftists believe people are more similar and try to level out society, whether syndicalist, communist or socialist, this is at play. It's why you can have religious leftists, some interpretations allow for leveling out the differences between men on earth.
The radical political left hasn't always been with us, I'd say it was born out of the English Dissenters and Calvinist movements of the 17th and 18th century. They just had religious resentment instead of economic resentment. Then it really became a thing with the French Revolution.
In terms of race, it's obvious how the left/right distinction applies here. Racial egalitarians are on the left, believing the differences between races are trivial. Race realists are on the right, recognizing that race is an important aspect of social identity and races differ in meaningful ways. There's a reason the radical left has always championed racial egalitarianism, especially during the cold war.
>>310794I think that most blacks don't realize that Indians, SEA and Hispanics are licking their chops at the thought of being able to victimize them based on race. Unironically, this is the golden age for blacks, being given affirmative action, welfare and culturally worshipped with white people's weird negrophilia. You think a majority Indian or Chinese society would feel any guilt or remorse over how destitute and poor comparatively blacks are? Will they allow them to star disproportionately in their movies and media? Will they even allow intermarriage with them to be socially acceptable? Absolutely not.
They've reached their apotheosis of cultural relevance and they're hating on the very race that's made it possible, the race that's basically gifted them their Wakanda wank fantasies. It would be almost tragic if they weren't so utterly ungrateful and have a seething hatred for whites, because of that, it's just hilarious.
>>314553If you want to be an eugenist, you better be subtle. The world is rotting with leftardism and heresy
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