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Hitler's thread:
Paintings or things related to him or to national socialism.

- Painting of a castle.


Just remember that because of Hitler stupid warmongering we don't have any eugenics laws anymore, now the low IQ, low impulse, low thrust people breed like rabbits and outbreed civilized people. Thanks Hitler.


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there's a lot of mistakes in this painting (it's obvious)


Meh. It's people theirselves who wish to attend their egoist pleasure instead of at least breeding properly.


WWII is a war on communism. Communism still exists, so the war hasn't ended. Meanwhile, mainstream media is in hysterics about the supposed prevalence of Nazis in positions of power. The countries with "Nazi problems" are flourishing while the countries that adopted communism are the most disparately self-destructive rat-holes on Earth.

>Sage'ing a thread on the top of page 1

We are all laughing at you.


Implying that higher capacity for self analysis and cognition is equally distributed in the population.


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Please tell that to our news organizations who spend every day screaming about Nazis.


who owns these news organizations?


Notice the masonic hand gesture he is making with his raised right hand. He is an actor fulfilling a role. Trump's campaign is being loaded with all these absurd figures in the interest of delegitimating the right wing and essentially preemptively sabotaging his electoral success.

Though in the end, it does not matter who is elected president, as the jewish death-grip on America will remain irrespective of a left-wing or right-wing victory. The parading of pretend 4 year election cycles is the cleverest tactic the jewish bankers have ever devised, as it creates the soothing illusion of change and participation, while nullifying the need for rebellion against the centuries-old judeo-masonic system, as the people believe new corrective leadership has been installed under their own collective will.


people do bad thing
this affects other people
but if you zoom out far enough it looks like a population is doing bad things to itself
therefore we should not organize legal systems to stop people from doing bad thing since the other people that they do them to look too much like themselves

stylistic transgressive false-realism


All brands of third-positionism / Fascism are really pretty bad at winning wars tbh. Even Bonapartists. Great at starting wars tho. Commies are the only economic position that consistently wins wars. Commies are really bad at winning elections though. Fascists typically win democracy by promising victory in war. Commies typically win war by promising democracy. Sometimes the commies deliver something like democracy, always a mistake, at which point the fascistic elements in their society converge towards democratic victory and immediately legalize homosexuality (ref. Cuba, soon China will follow). Sometimes the Fascists accidentally and against their own best efforts win their wars like the Falange or the Kataeb and that inevitably dissolves into demilitarization and democracy and sodomy.

>Communism still exists, so the war hasn't ended.
When a war ends in Communist victory that means the victor won the war. The War in Vietnam ended with an unquestionable Communist victory as well. The only unending war with Communists are in Asia, particularly the territorial dispute between Korean provinces which will presumably end with Pyongyeang's subjugation of the entire peninsula, and the long march of the People's Liberation Army into the rebel province of Formosa. Both of which will also end in Communist victory because both Seoul and Taipei rely on America for economic and civil development whereas the People's Republics have outlawed sodomy. The republic of Afghanistan thought that they could legalize sodomy, revitalize pederasty, and rely on America and now the Taliban has returned to outlaw pederasty and separate from America. We know what will happen in Ukraine as well because Russia has closed in on its communist history to outlaw sodomy, so it is just a question of time and losses. Do not kid yourself. Sodomite legions do not stand and fight the long war against Communism.


"Judeo-Masonry." No. White men are capable of self governance and Masonry is simply the natural hierarchic organizing principle of the White race. Masonry is the most quintessentially American of all social organizations from George Washington to George Bush. White men throughout history have been independent and self-empowered and self-governing and self-sufficient enough to become Masons and organize Masonic societies because Masonry is simply stronger than whatever fluffyheaded nonsense you think you might prefer. It does not take much wit to see the link between the secret society of Masonry and the Ku Klux Klan, and it does not get much more American than the common threads from the American Founding Fathers and the KKK. America was always the pinnacle of a society of gangstalking, the Klan simply perfected gangstalking as a pilot program splintered from the Masonic core before the FBI was founded (specifically to implement the Klan's gangstalking techniques against the civilian population on the whole). In non-Klan Masonic territory this was seen more directly, in the state of Montana for instance all police forces were founded by Masonic lodges and all pay tribute to those Masonic "vigilance committees" organized to control frontier society through distributed gangstalking. To love America and to love White America requires a fundamental level of honesty about the characteristics of White self-organization in America. Mormonism, the Ku Klux Klan, frontier police forces and mountain tradesmen, the Montana state police… Masonry. Whenever White America does not start Masonic it becomes Masonic. Mormons organized Masonry into an independent religion, with its own Bible and its own new separate mytho-Judaism.

The Bilderberg Group, that most gossipworthy branch of American masonry, was founded by Reiter-SS volunteer Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld. A Dutch aristocrat who joined the NSDAP in 1933, his American connections and authority to found an elite American Masonic group were not legitimized by any "Judeo-" variant of Masonry. Rather all American elite organizations recognize the simple humble common Freemasonry developed by Protestant White folk, internationally. Had the Nazis achieved victory they too would have Masonized themselves. Because it is the natural order of White self governance.


>stylistic transgressive false-realism
is this what you call it? I call it 'hitlerism'


Freemasonry is a Jewish engine of political revolution. It has expressly nothing to do with the White Race save as as a means of attack against it. The original colors of Masonry are Blue and Yellow, just as we see the current masonic flag of Jewish Ukraine making use of these same colors, while simultaneously featuring a large emblazoned hebraic Shin (W) in their horizontally halved midst : https://www.customflagcompany.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/2560px-Flag_of_Ukraine_with_coat_of_arms.svg.png

Even the powerful Venetian Jewish Contarini family uses the judeo-masonic color code of Blue and Yellow in their familial coat of arms: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contarini

Moreover Masonry is exactly 4 things:

1. it is anti-European
2. it is anti-Catholic
3. it is anti-Monarchical
4. it is anti-nationalist.

In other words, it is Jewish. You are Jewish and attempting to confuse the readership of this website.

"Masonry is simply the natural hierarchic organizing principle of the White race"

-No, Masonry is simply the artificial ad hoc hierarchic organizing principle of Jews and their many anti-Christian underlings.

"Masonry is the most quintessentially American of all social organizations from George Washington to George Bush"

-America was created by Jewish bankers as a second Venice on the 17th of Tammuz of 5536 (known in the goyish calendar as the 4th of July of 1776). Even the Revolutionary War itself was a goyish killing field managed by Jews on both sides – Haym Solomon financed the American side and Rothschild financed the British; stupid goyim died; many lies were told; Jews got their masonic New Atlantis; and the bankers have been having a blast in the satanic sandbox ever since. They've been killing "normal American citizens" in pointless wars for almost 300 years. To say that Masonry is American, is to say that Masonry is Jewish – as America has always been and remains a Venetian-Jewish project.

"It does not take much wit to see the link between the secret society of Masonry and the Ku Klux Klan, and it does not get much more American than the common threads from the American Founding Fathers and the KKK."

-The KKK (or 33, as K is the 11th letter of the alphabet, thus KKK = 33) is another federal project that acts as a luring mechanism for stupid whites who are then identified and entrapped by masonic intelligence groups.

"Mormons organized Masonry into an independent religion, with its own Bible and its own new separate mytho-Judaism."

-Rather, Freemasons organized Mormonism into an independent religion, with its own bible and its own modified neo-platonism based on Jewish mythology. This is why Mormons are the most philo-semitic religious group in America.

"The Bilderberg Group, that most gossipworthy branch of American masonry, was founded by Reiter-SS volunteer Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld."

-Is this why a genocidal Jew, Henry Kissinger, remains the distinguishing face of that group of plotting tyrants, because it is in fact a Nazi project furthering European power? Or rather, is Bilderberg merely a front for the Jewish Rothschild Empire, for which Kissinger is a willing representative? The Bilderberg plan to destroy sovereign nation states with their indigenous Christian traditions is taking place before our very eyes. For today’s European Union and the pending North American Union are manifestations of the Bilderberg’s Zionist agenda.

“Rather all American elite organizations recognize the simple humble common Freemasonry developed by Protestant White folk, internationally.”

-Protestantism was a Venetian Jewish project from the very beginning. Phoenician Venice devised the fracture of the Catholic Church as a wartime strategy against the League of Cambrai and monarchical governments generally, under whom they were being aggressively attacked. Martin Luther may be seen in his principal portrait making the same masonic M gesture with his right hand that the black “nazi” politician above is making with his own right hand.

"Had the Nazis achieved victory they too would have Masonized themselves."

-The Nazis crucially shut down many Masonic lodges, as they rightly identified the dangerous judeo-communistic-satanic influences issuing from out of masonry.

"Because it is the natural order of White self governance."

-Because it is the contrived order of secretive Jewish power.


>The Contarini claimed to be of Roman origin through their patrilineal descendance of the Aurelii Cottae, a branch of the Roman family Aurelia, and traditionally trace their lineage back to Gaius Aurelius Cotta, consul of the Roman Republic in 252 BC and 248 BC.[2][3][4][6]
>As the first inhabitants in the lagoon came from what were provinces of Rome in the 5th century, the Rialto initially being governed by a Consular Triumvirate elected at Padua and subsequently by Tribunes who were elected from among the most prominent members in their former Roman communes, it is not uncommon among the oldest Venetian patrician families to find Roman ancestry (e.g. Quirini [it] descended from gens Sulpicii Quirini, Marcello descended from gens Claudii Marcelli),[3][4][14] families who often kept their praenomina traditions and preserved their genealogy. The older branch Aurelli Cottae of the gens Aurelia came to prominence with the election of Gaius Aurelius Cotta as consul in 252 BC and again in 248 BC during the First Punic War and by the time Publius Aurelius Cotta moved to Padua four of his patrilineal ancestors, including his father, had achieved consulship in the Roman Republic.
You are engaged in a desperate attempt to separate the Masonic culmination of White tradition from itself. You know full well that Masonry began with the initiations into the Mystery Religions that preceded Christianity itself and was carried into a Christianized form by the Knights Templar before the French King and the Roman Pontiff initiated their persecution. Had Protestantism been Jewish then Luther would have written very differently about the Jews, had Protestantism been organized by Venetian Jewry then it would have not taken hold of the heart of the Germanic and Gotho-Celtic populations from Scotland to Prussia – it would instead have claimed Poland, France, Sicily and Spain.

>-Is this why a genocidal Jew, Henry Kissinger, remains the distinguishing face of that group of plotting tyrants, because it is in fact a Nazi project furthering European power?

Kissinger sold his face to many genocidal plotting tyrants, the notoriously antisemitic Richard Nixon foremost among them. It is not wise to think the purchase of deceit was a simple and straightforwardly motivated thing.
>Or rather, is Bilderberg merely a front for the Jewish Rothschild Empire, for which Kissinger is a willing representative?
There is no "or rather" stated here. The Rothschild Empire is a junior branch of European masonry which is at peace with more senior branches such as the Scottish Rite and the Skull and Bones societies that rule America and the Protestant Aristocratic branches that ruled the German Empire. Kissinger joining Bilderberg as a representative of the Rothschild sect serves to show how the aristocratic bloodlines of Europe would have opened a seat for the Rothschilds in a Nazi victory.
>The Bilderberg plan to destroy sovereign nation states with their indigenous Christian traditions is taking place before our very eyes. For today’s European Union and the pending North American Union are manifestations of the Bilderberg’s Zionist agenda.
Yes, and further, the aristocracy were known to be bent towards those goals as early as the nationalist philosophy developed by Rousseau. That is why Nationalism was formulated with the first and primary goals of the destruction or disinheritance of the aristocracy to reconstitute government on a basis of common language, tradition, race, and location; to depose the Teutons ruling France, the Swede-Normans ruling Poland, the Bourbons ruling Spain and the Franks elevated by the Latin Empire ruling Slavic Balkan men.


These inclinations among the aristocrats of Europe cannot simply be brushed aside. They are the nature of European aristocrats because they are part of the nature of Europeans. We have lived through the dissolution of the aristocracy, so far as it can go, and have seen no gap in the movement towards these Masonic drives. The monarchies were abolished long before the war; Hitler was never going to restore them, and was infamously dead set against blood succession in the Reich. Protestantism WILL be accomplished; the Papacy is deposed in all but appearance. European internationalism WILL be freed from mediation of Church and will instead be realigned by commercial and industrial interests which WILL leave Celtic Ireland a colony for the benefit of a foreign ruling class, though this time the Yankee of New York rather than an earl of Britain. The courses are set and would have been set in similar route had Hitler taken the Caucus oil fields.
>The Nazis crucially shut down many Masonic lodges
As with Mussolini's conflict with the Italian masons, and the Papacy's, this must be met with a firm "And yet." And yet, the Pope's Swiss Guard has been run by one Mason succeeding another for the entire 20th century. And yet, when GLADIO reformed Nazi and ItaloFascist militaries into anticommunist groups they rapidly proliferated through specific Freemason lodges and connections until they formed terrorist groups and mafias that would brand their contraband with Masonic insignia. And yet the masons formed part of the pipeline by which middle-high ranking Nazis were able to relocate to South America. Because while Hitler and Mussolini were willing and even eager to depose the Junkers and the Gothic-Norman nobility respectively, neither were able to do so. Because White aristocracy, moreso if Germanic, redoubled if Protestant, aligns itself towards Masonry. Because that is the course of nature, inherent in the race.


Selected quotations:
heretical doctrines that included deification of himself as a part of a trinity and other controversial concepts such as neo-Carpocratian "purification through transgression".[5][6]

The development of Frankism was one of the consequences of the messianic movement of Sabbatai Zevi.

The baptism of the Frankists was celebrated with great solemnity in the churches of Lwów, with members of the Polish szlachta (nobility) acting as god-parents. The neophytes adopted the names of their godfathers and godmothers, and ultimately joined their ranks. Frank himself was baptized in Lwów (17 September 1759) and again in Warsaw the next day, with King Augustus III as his godfather.

Some Frankists were active during the French Revolution, such as Moses Dobruška, a son of Frank's Sabbatian cousin in Offenbach Shendl Dobruska. Many of the Frankists saw Napoleon Bonaparte as a potential Messiah. The Frankists scattered in Poland and Bohemia eventually intermarried into the gentry and middle class. Maria Szymanowska, a piano virtuoso, came from a Frankist family.[15] Wanda Grabowska, the mother of Tadeusz Boy-Żeleński, also descended from Frankists.[16]

1716-The first known Jewish Mason, dating from 1716 (one year before the creation of the first Grand Lodge) was an English Sephardi, Francis Francia, also known as the Jacobite Jew. He was tried and later exonerated from an accusation of high treason. In an English newspaper of 1877, recounting this incident, Francia is called a Mason.

1755-Jacob Frank, in Poland, formed a sect that held that certain elect persons are exempt from the moral law. This sect abandoned Judaism for a higher Torah (Jewish Law) based on the Zohar, which was the most important work in the Kabbala, the Jewish mystical movement. Hence its members also called themselves Zoharists. Their practices, including orgiastic, were sexually promiscuous rites. Joseph II, Emperor of Austria beds with Franks daughter, Eva during a rite. (Antelman TETO vol.1 p.104)

1794-the Duke of Brunswick, the Grand Master of German Freemasonry wrote a letter to his brethren recommending the dissolution of the entire organisation, due to the fact that it had been infiltrated and was being manipulated by unseen hands. (Other such warnings would commence in the years after the Duke as governments took the revelations seriously. In the United States this was carried out by John Robison.)

1888-Adolph Hitler was conceived, in Vienna, during a Frankist celebration of the Ninth of Av, which took place on July 20th, 1888 in celebration of Sabbatai Tzvi’s birthday. Adolph Hitler was born 9 months later on April 20th, 1889. (Hitler would force European Jewry into Israel because when they announced the creation of the state of Israel, European Jews refused to move. We saw this again when Israel told Yemen Jews to leave before the Saudis attacked, they refused.)

Since he was conceived during a Frankist "celebration" (an orgy) held between Jewish and Masonic aristocrats, that explains why Hitler was told once that the odds were "about 50-50" that his bloodline was Jewish. I had always been curious why that was so questionable or confusing. Orgy conception must be far more difficult to sort out than normal illegitimacy.


I've visited this 19th century castle as young kid, it's in Bavaria, southernmost state of Germany. It's actually a home built by King Ludwig to resemble a castle. You can get there through a 2 hour ride from Munich. One could even mistake it for a Disney castle from pictures alone such as the one Hitler painted. He really cared about art and the german people.


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>substanceless /pol/ ragebait
You'd post soyjaks if they didn't get you banned


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-Every defeat may be made the foundation of a future victory. Every lost war may be the cause of a later resurgence. Every visitation of distress can give a new impetus to human energy.

The greatest wizard to ever live.


His spirit will rise from the grave and the WORLD will know he was right 88


Made this ditty to relieve feelings I've had all decade:


What is this link?


>he doesn't know


One can be proud of one’s people only if there is no class left of which one need to be ashamed. When one half of a nation is sunk in misery and worn out by hard distress, or even depraved or degenerate, that nation presents such an unattractive picture that nobody can feel proud to belong to it. It is only when a nation is sound in all its members, physically and morally, that the joy of belonging to it can properly be intensified to the supreme feeling which we call national pride. But this pride, in its highest form, can be felt only by those who know the greatness of their nation.

The spirit of nationalism and a feeling for social justice must be fused into one sentiment in the hearts of the youth. Then a day will come when a nation of citizens will arise which will be welded together through a common love and a common pride that shall be invincible and indestructible for ever


That's why he wanted to go to school


did he learn to paint all by himself or went to a school before asking a college?


I just came here and this is the first thread I've entered. I didn't regret it (not a nazi btw)


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>not a nazi btw


Oh, great. Another tired, old conspiracy theory. It's almost like some people have nothing better to do than blame an entire group for everything. Yawn. The idea that an entire group of people is responsible for all the world's problems is not only absurd but also a tired, old trope. It's like blaming the weather on your neighbor's cat. Let's move past these outdated and harmful stereotypes, shall we? The world has enough real issues to deal with.


>kikes are a conspiracy theory



but why do jews do these things? What exactly do they want?

I dont get it


is that like a power thing? "because we can?" Or is it something else

Im genuinely curious

But does it matter

I dont get most of people, and their actions which go against common sense

so it makes sense I dont get jews


"Our Führer Adolf Hitler never drinks a drop of alcohol and does not smoke. Without patronizing others in the least in this direction, he adheres to the self-imposed law of life. His work performance is tremendous."


"A satanic power has taken over our whole country, who had been able to grip key positions of our intellectual and spiritual life and also of our political and economical life."

~Adolf Hitler


Oh, great. Another tired, old JIDF chatbot response.


sex haver normal fag


they're extremely mentally ill. they want complete control of the whole world (and for the moment they have it).


You know that you live in hell when you're the only one who loves freedom and everyone else is a Nazi or a Commie.


Nazism is 100% just "Freedom for my people in our own nation". Your Americanized version is "Freedom for everyone when they come to this nation". And sure enough, people came in who took advantage of that concept by taking your freedoms away. Hitler predicted this and painted some guache postcards depicting it.


No it isn't in any way shape or form.
It's socialism plus authoritarianism.


Propagandized college-educated retard


I could understand Nazism if all they did was kick out invaders, but why did they take over other countries?


to spread the future rise of german people onto the continent


The Bolshevik communists in the USSR declared war on Germany followed by the rest of Europe receiving word that Russia would invade. Poland agreed to fight for the Bolsheviks and were waged against before they could fortify any opposition to the people to the West. Many coutries nominated leaders with a platform to unify [Axis] in order to keep Communists out, and those that didn't were annexed - peacefully in the case of France after Britain said it was either that or become an enemy of England. France flourished under German occupation and it wasn't until D-Day that the country saw a single bomb blast.

Poland was the only country invaded by the Axis and they deserved it. For a year leading up to the initial invasion, Germany propaganda bombed Poland with requests for citizens to seek refuge in Germany and join to fight against their Communist dictators. Many hundreds of thousands did, and weren't obligated to fight until the Soviets broke through.

>because penis in blonde succubus hurrrrr


those countries were german originally


hitler wanted to spread the german race to the east europe because he said he need a fertile land for the germans and also this is where the german are originaly from: east Europe


'All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.'

Doesn't sound very free to me.


>Doesn't sound very free to me.
This is why I prefer nationalism to globalism. If you don't like the laws just go to a different nation.
Even if the nation is crazy oppressive, you still have a chance of escaping as a refugee.
With globalism you're fucked unless you have a rocket ship.
No one governmental group should have that much power.


>If you don't like the laws just go to a different nation
It's adorable that you think a authoritarian government would just let you go or that you have freedom to travel to other nations in such a situation.


Like I said, you have a chance of escaping which doesn't exist with globalism.


>Poland was the only country invaded by the Axis
>german originally
Ioannis Metaxas was an honorable Fascist interested principally in uniting the ancestral land of the Hellenic races under an anticommunist state. When Hitler invaded his country, and Britain alone honored their commitments forged in peacetime, the tragedy of the 20th century was carved in stone for all to see.
>and also this is where the german are originaly from: east Europe
The German people descended from Thule through the Hyperborean North. The ancestral origin rights only give claim to the Finnic and Novgorodian territories, far from the Caucuses which belong to a lower and less developed branch of the tree of human races.
Robbing a savage race degrades both the savages and the higher race. Simply look at the United States and to modern Russia to see how the morality of a state built on treason and theft has destroyed the moral integrity of their ruling races even in victory.
This is the reason Kaiser Wilhelm was ultimately correct to state Hitler would lead the German race to ruin despite the Kaiser's own (far deeper) comprehension of Jewish and Bolshevist subversions of German society. And why the rule of Monarchs and hereditary warrior nobility with separate (and even international) bloodlines has proven superior to all demotistic social successor-states, including Fascism.


The fall of the monarchies was engineered descent into jewish world government. This descent was deceptively and carefully marketed as “democratic progress” by whole teams of masonic propaganda agents loyal to Venice. Amongst these agents can be reckoned Locke/Paine/Rousseau/Voltaire/Montesquieu/Mill, etc. And yes, monarchy is the only valid form of governance. Duly also, it is the one form of government that remains uniquely hated by jews and freemasons/rosicrucians/illuminati. Even in our own modern day, you may easily find jewish agents apparently contrarily promoting almost all forms of rulership, passing from Democracy to Libertarianism to Communism to Anarchism, yet you will never find them promoting pure Monarchy (or any type of ethnic Nationalism, for obvious reasons).

However, you are quite wrong to appeal to the judgement of Kaiser Wilhelm, as he was already a compromised figure being a freemason himself. Whatever the outward advertised aspect of his political rede was, it cannot be taken seriously owing to his earlier membership in masonic fraternities. There is even a quote somewhere of him saying something like “I deeply regret the favors I showed to jewish banks.” In fact, the creation of a modern unified Germany was a judeo-masonic project from the very beginning, financed by the jewish banker Bleichroeder; a project in which both Kaiser Wilhelm and Bismarck participated. Unification efforts, where they may soever be found, whether Italian or German or even American, are invariably and provably masonic and therefore jewish. I further believe jewish finance has dominated Germany for many centuries, stretching indeed all the way back to the bizarre compliance shown by Charlemagne in his acceptance of a foreign religious system, to the Venetian backing of Protestantism and its rosicrucian agitator Martin Luther, unto the more near creation of the state of Prussia (whose original flag was simply 1 stripe of white paired with 1 stripe of black, aka vexillary masonic checkerboard). And if we remain symbolically minded, we must find suspicion in the Nazi adoption of the colors of red and black, as this color code (red and black) has been employed by powerful jews for centuries (just look upon the portraits of Francis Bacon, Machiavelli, John Calvin, who were all crypto-jews working and writing against the surviving monarchical control of their respective times).


The problem is warrior nobilities were based on multiple hereditary traits running in a bloodline such as physical size and strength, intelligence, inclinity towards martial prowess (with close range weapons) and fearlessness combined with courage.

Now try to put a value on those traits in the age of the atomic bomb, hellfire drones and landmines.

No longer can one great man be worth 50 ordinary men on the battlefield. Now it's one soulless hunk of exploding metal flying through the air that can wipe out hundreds of men without them having any chance of fighting back.

There is no more nobility. Nor honor, or anything else but the cold autistic rule of whoever has the most explosive devices and the masses of personnel to utilize them.


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>The German people descended from Thule through the Hyperborean North.

Aztecs also believe they descended from a magical island. I cant believe somebody think this is true.


What's your theory on abiogenesis?


Judaeo-masonry will fall. It was all for nothing in the end, kikes.




We can go back even further and clearly perceive that Rome herself fell because of (((Phoenician))) infiltration. The Severan dynasty (Septimius, Caracalla, Heliogabalus) brought it down within 100 years. The traditional excuses given of “lead poisoning, Christianity, poor military leadership, etc.” are all masonic misdirection. Septimius firstly debased the currency and waged irrational weakening wars, then Caracalla undermined Rome's racial unity by allowing any barbarous mutt to attain citizenship, and finally Heliogabalus splintered the ancient foundation of native European religion by introducing foreign semitic sun-worship and transgenderism (the name itself of "Heliogabalus”, unlike what deceptive Wikipedia tells you, is actually a double Latinizing of the Hebrew "El" (an ancient Phoenician sun god) and "Gabal" (the original semitic name for the Phoenician port city of Byblos), thus Heliogabalus literally means "sun-god of Byblos.”) The Carthaginians indeed took full revenge on Rome for salting their homeland in Northern Africa. Admittedly, it took a while, but they did it.

It was these selfsame Phoenician-Carthaginians who established Venice, from where for many centuries they continued to practice ritual human sacrifice, the fomenting of large-scale depopulating plagues, currency manipulation, domination of all sea-trade involving drugs/slaves/metals, financing both sides of wars, the creating of debilitating propaganda movements that brainwashed whole populations, etc. But by the mid-1500s too many people had become enraged by sustained Venetian criminality and so the semitic bankers reasoned it was wise to move house to London. They chose London as it crucially represented the geographical middle-point between Catholic Spain and Catholic France — two countries whose European and Monarchical identities greatly threatened Venice. After some decades of dealing with puppet English monarchs, they decided to overthrow the English government entirely and in its place form a parliamentary system that would serve to better disguise their presence. Once Cromwell had taken the head of the English king, the British/Judeo-Venetian Empire was formally inaugurated, and the rest really is history. They created America and Prussia, toppled the Spanish and the French and the Russian monarchies, directly triggered both world wars, and crushed all competitive Arab/Ottoman nationalist governments in the Middle East. We are under their control right now.

Here’s a very literal translation of some pertinent words of (((Contarini))) when speaking anent the destruction of Phoenician Carthage:

“Quod Romanis quoque eadem prope causa accidisse compertum est, nec eventurum latuit praecipuos Romanorum senatores: in quibus Nasica censuit Carthaginem tametsi Romani nominis aemulam, quin potius inimicam sempiternam, minime diruendam esse, ut semper Romanus hostem haberet, cum quo agendum armis esset: ne inimico atque aemulo sublato Respublica ea instituta ad bellum, iuventusque in armis educata, in sese arma converteret, seque ipsa conficeret. Quod Nasicae consilium, quanvis tunc a senatu repudiatum fuerit, contraque eius sententiam decretum, rerum tamen ipsarum eventus prudentissimum fuisse ostendit.”

That which was discovered nearly by the same cause to have happened to the Romans, nor being about to occur did it escape the notice of the higher Roman senators, amongst whom Nasica reckoned Carthage although emulous of the Roman name, that rather [it ought to be] a sempiternal enemy [of Rome], in nowise to have to be destroyed, so that Rome would always have an enemy, with whom it might have to fight in arms; lest, with an enemy and a rival removed, that Republic instituted to war, and a youth educated in arms, would convert arms into herself, and would destroy herself. That counsel of Nasica, however much then it may have been repudiated by the senate, and decreed against his opinion, withal the eventing of things themselves does show to have been most prudent.”

This paragraph evidences Contarini’s judgement that Rome should never have destroyed Carthage, but rather have allowed it to remain an enduring enemy as a matter of ongoing strategic course. This position bears similitude to (((their))) current plan: despite just having poisoned billions of people across multiple nations with their covid vaccine scam, they are not going to let America or Russia or China fall, because the preserving of national rivalries is pregnant with political commodity, especially when you have made an extremely profitable habit out of financing both sides of wars for centuries. The Cold War was a Jewish hoax, but it was a successful Jewish hoax. Jews remain in pursuit of the same strategy now by playing up a shared belligerent rivalry between America and China and/or between America and Russia, despite covertly controlling all three nations. And being that we are fast approaching the completion of another 30 year Saturnian revolution cycle, Jews are again bound to the posturing of triggering war. Though who could be esteemed sound in speaking of when war will come or if at all, is a privileged answer belonging uniquely to the bankers.

Finally I should like to inform all wizards — as now should be apparent — that we've been fighting an ancient Judeo-Phoenician secret society for the last 2000 years. Our enemy is evidently very old and their command structure is much deeper than mere Judaism. Still ultimately no defensible explanation can be discovered for why we have allowed these jewish criminals to get away with their schemes for so long. But please take heart, because we may not actually be that far behind, because it would seem no one has mounted a meaningfully intelligent resistance to these secret societies in literal centuries.


you won't do shit goy.


The quote from Contarini matches very closely to Hitler's own declared intention to leave the Soviet Union as a minor rump-state from which innumerable wars would erupt for the entire future of the thousand-year Reich in order to temper and maintain the martial steel of the German race.
Hitler confirmed as Jew once and for all good day.


it's pretty amazing that we've allowed them to get away with it for so long, isn't it?


We need to bring them down.

It is incredible that after so many thousands of years of history, humanity has matured no further than allowing itself to be ruled by a group of religious cultists from ancient Phoenicia, who call themselves "jews". It is pathetic.


Nobody is forcing anything. If you live off the land in a forest or on a homestead you own, no jew will even know of your existence.


Ask Henry David Thoreau. Cluster B is always watching


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SHoujos LOVE him!


when they fall, they will fall forever


Yes. These phoenician jews should have been stopped centuries ago.


not centuries, millenia. they should have been stopped millennia ago, ere even ever having been in a position to have founded venice.


Impossible. They're destined to be defeated only at the time of reckoning, according to all eschatological teachings. No sooner and no later than the literal end of the world.
Until then, their victory will continue unabated, and any attempt to hasten their defeat or resist will be crushed.

That is why they persist after thousands and thousands of years.
This is truth.
You can't contend against fate.


Moreover, their reign of absolute control will be a time given to them, of pure prosperity only for them, and not for you.
That, too, is fate.


abrahamism is false.
an evil ancient criminal mafia that pretends to be a religious group has no fatalistic privilege to rule over anyone. their continued "victory" is exclusively imputable to the indolence and inattentiveness of the goyim who have without all sense allowed themselves to be victimized by every brand of semitic machination for thousands of years. this could easily change.

you are jewish, and your whole fucking repulsive group will be utterly wiped out long before any predicted fulfillment of an imagined eschatological interval. also by the way, as you must know, jews already have absolute control. in fact, the degree of control the jews have today is the greatest it has ever been. usa, europe, south america, russia, ukraine, china, japan, the middle east (yes, including iran) – are all under their control at this moment of writing. and if this is the "pure prosperity that is only for them" that you seem to be talking about, I can't begin to understand why anyone would want even the least share of something that is so illegitimate and satanic. so in final sum I say contrariwise that humanity at large is destined to be freed from jewish slavery at the exact moment it correctly identifies the frauds of fake judeo-abrahmic religion, fake jewish paper money, fake jewish science, fake jewish medicine, fake jewish democracy, fake war-ensnaring jewish boogeymen ie islamic terrorism, fake jewish social engineering ie feminism/transgenderism/climate change, etc. jews being an evil deceptive criminal cult wearing the mask of false religion clearly marks them as an enemy of all mankind, and one that true fate duly must seek to destroy. memento quia fatum non favet malo.


Until the flames in the middle east are themselves overcome by a flame yet stronger, and the Euphrates dries to its last drop, Israel attaining monopoly in this region entirely, shunning the Christian and the Muslim within, cradling the ancients desert, transforming them to a hearth uniquely of their own, all opponents in proximity eliminated, their prophet made incarnate - until then, their reign hasn't begun. Everything in history is a preamble, and the sacrifices throughout, to these people, hold no meaning.
They lavish in the lap of luxury, as you say, and so they shall until the anointed hour.

I'm not Jewish, but that's what the prophecies throughout Abarahasim; including Christianity, foretell. Nothing complicated to it. You can think of it as an explanation for why they've historically endured until now, and have always been the cabal steering the story. If you say Abarahamism is false, then that's that, but all of these people are enacting its accord either way, for the cabal believes a version of its account distorted to appeal to their objective.

Your ability to identify the world as fake and gay is commendable, but unfortunately, the game is such that it doesn't matter and won't have any effect until long subsequent to the third world war, even then just probably, where death will anyway spread everywhere. You're in a controlled environment, after all, and many of your peers, frustrated of this realization, have played to song and dance, shooting the local shop, mosque, school, church, and have even burnt themselves all to their own foolishness and anger misplaced. Just sad. Entertainment to the cabal. How stupid are goyim, I'm sure they think. Some people even read that and think shooting random civilians really is the key.

And the Jewish spectator doesn't flinch from his seat up high, as the social engineering continues. Identifying fake frauds? they'll be more to replace them. Complaining about interest and money? you'll be forced to use them anyway. Trannies? a significant amount of people have been destroyed by such a simple delusion already, and continue so. Terrorism? the global image of Muslims is already synonymous with it, to the extent you reach out for the gun in your pocket for fear if a random Somali will spontaneously explode. Feminism? you don't even have to say. Genocides have already run their course. Thousands are already vaccinated, and dependency on modern medicine is a reality inextricable. Cuckoldry is openly promoted across all media, and homosexuality normalized, as White nations unabashedly forever grow consumed in mind and soul. Seeing the pattern, being upset, small wins – it's a satisfaction they engineer unto you, artificial victory, and at all times can sweep it away. Goyim are called goyim because everything in their life moves to their decree, even when they apparently resist, even when they know their puppets. You're made a willing agent of destruction and dishonor by mere fact of existing in their global prison, regardless of your say in it. Like cattle, really. Some groups are very fortunate to spiritually and physically be spared of all this, given the mandate of heaven, though I'm sure I need not name them.

In order for demoralization to be subverted, the source factor of its production has to be eliminated. Therefore, you must with your hands somehow reach the millionaires of the world who espouse their doctrine backed with infinite capital and try strangling reason into them… which is impossible. On an individual level, maybe with two or three friends, but beyond -impossible.

That said, I don't believe in infinite despair, and even if things are bad, we can play games, the normal people beyond this place create things like families, you can still have friends, eat good food, feel good feelings. You're lucky to be born where you are and as who you are. Quite sad, though, that some people can never realize this for all the aforementioned reasons, and whose sacrificial count will probably continue as they're inevitably caught up in the, as /pol/ would say, Rabbinical theatre. For every person who escapes the 'virus', a thousand others fall for it. Remember that.


I'm reading your comment again. It's very sad you think their identifying it means anything, or that they'll be stopped by some collective agreement pre WW3.
Well, it helps I guess, to have some consolation, like knowing when the world will end or scifi stories where humanity will unveil super technology to destroy a meteor the size of Jupiter soon crashing onto earth.
That's all knowing affords you, though it's good all the same…

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