>>317718Until the flames in the middle east are themselves overcome by a flame yet stronger, and the Euphrates dries to its last drop, Israel attaining monopoly in this region entirely, shunning the Christian and the Muslim within, cradling the ancients desert, transforming them to a hearth uniquely of their own, all opponents in proximity eliminated, their prophet made incarnate - until then, their reign hasn't begun. Everything in history is a preamble, and the sacrifices throughout, to these people, hold no meaning.
They lavish in the lap of luxury, as you say, and so they shall until the anointed hour.
I'm not Jewish, but that's what the prophecies throughout Abarahasim; including Christianity, foretell. Nothing complicated to it. You can think of it as an explanation for why they've historically endured until now, and have always been the cabal steering the story. If you say Abarahamism is false, then that's that, but all of these people are enacting its accord either way, for the cabal believes a version of its account distorted to appeal to their objective.
Your ability to identify the world as fake and gay is commendable, but unfortunately, the game is such that it doesn't matter and won't have any effect until long subsequent to the third world war, even then just probably, where death will anyway spread everywhere. You're in a controlled environment, after all, and many of your peers, frustrated of this realization, have played to song and dance, shooting the local shop, mosque, school, church, and have even burnt themselves all to their own foolishness and anger misplaced. Just sad. Entertainment to the cabal. How stupid are goyim, I'm sure they think. Some people even read that and think shooting random civilians really is the key.
And the Jewish spectator doesn't flinch from his seat up high, as the social engineering continues. Identifying fake frauds? they'll be more to replace them. Complaining about interest and money? you'll be forced to use them anyway. Trannies? a significant amount of people have been destroyed by such a simple delusion already, and continue so. Terrorism? the global image of Muslims is already synonymous with it, to the extent you reach out for the gun in your pocket for fear if a random Somali will spontaneously explode. Feminism? you don't even have to say. Genocides have already run their course. Thousands are already vaccinated, and dependency on modern medicine is a reality inextricable. Cuckoldry is openly promoted across all media, and homosexuality normalized, as White nations unabashedly forever grow consumed in mind and soul. Seeing the pattern, being upset, small wins – it's a satisfaction they engineer unto you, artificial victory, and at all times can sweep it away. Goyim are called goyim because everything in their life moves to their decree, even when they apparently resist, even when they know their puppets. You're made a willing agent of destruction and dishonor by mere fact of existing in their global prison, regardless of your say in it. Like cattle, really. Some groups are very fortunate to spiritually and physically be spared of all this, given the mandate of heaven, though I'm sure I need not name them.
In order for demoralization to be subverted, the source factor of its production has to be eliminated. Therefore, you must with your hands somehow reach the millionaires of the world who espouse their doctrine backed with infinite capital and try strangling reason into them… which is impossible. On an individual level, maybe with two or three friends, but beyond -impossible.
That said, I don't believe in infinite despair, and even if things are bad, we can play games, the normal people beyond this place create things like families, you can still have friends, eat good food, feel good feelings. You're lucky to be born where you are and as who you are. Quite sad, though, that some people can never realize this for all the aforementioned reasons, and whose sacrificial count will probably continue as they're inevitably caught up in the, as /pol/ would say, Rabbinical theatre. For every person who escapes the 'virus', a thousand others fall for it. Remember that.