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to those who like to daydream, what do you daydream of?
I like thinking about a 12 yo succubus being my neighbour and coming too my home time to time to talk with me and treat her like my daughter and her thinking I'm cool and asking me a lot of question about my hobbies and have fun, and trying to teach her things. haha


>I like thinking about a 12 yo succubus being my neighbour and coming too my home time to time to talk with me and treat her like my daughter and her thinking I'm cool and asking me a lot of question about my hobbies and have fun, and trying to teach her things. haha


Pedos unite!


I imagine her betraying you into making everyone else believe you are some sort of a pervert who wanted to lure her into forbidden activities, ruining your life.

Fear the loli.


sounds like a manga script


it's just what I was daydreaming lately. before that I was daydreaming about making a video game and being a hit


God bless piracy


It's pretty dickish to pirate indie games.


weirdo pedo


Well, i day dream something similar, except that the little succubus takes my precious magic by force.


Been a daydreamer since I started going to school as I can't process my mind what's worth learning and just to pass time. I remember thinking that I am from the future and came out of portal at the present time to warn my classmates there's gonna be an apocalypse or something


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I was daydreaming about making a cyberpunk video game. I feel excited but it will never be real it sucks


Making games is fucking brutally hard.

The tools for making them have gotten better, and there is more free information then ever, but it's still a ton of work and requires a huge range of high level skills to make something halfway decent.

To put it another way, I too daydream about games I will never make.


I think this is why westerners indie developpers make metrovania games and japanese indie devs make games on rpg maker. making a game with unreal engine or any 3d modelizzing game is too hard like you said


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again I was daydreaming about making a cyberpunk fps game like neotokyoº. it ducks I don't have video game making skills


UPBGE can help you, if you bother yourself with the YouTube tutorials for blender


I'm daydreaming about playing ff11 on ps2 back in the days. I wish I did for real (T_T)


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>again I was daydreaming about making a cyberpunk fps game like neotokyoº. it ducks I don't have video game making skills

have you tried lowered your expectation into something that you do have the ability to create?

you know how in windwaker there is the sploosh-kaboom minigame? is just some dude who could not afford to have actors act out a story on stage so he just held a picture of different characters and changed his voice to fit the picture. with that spirit you could create something.


those daydreams are mostly thoughts that will never be. I don't need to lower my expectations because I know it will never be real


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>with that spirit you could create something.
thank you to cheer me up, you're a kind wizard, my wizfriend



you sure video game is the only body you can birth this into? maybe there are other, less complicated vessels to milk your creative juice into. work with what you have.


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yeah I often daydream about making avideo game because it is close to my dreams. I can try to write a book about cyberpunk too… have you daydreamt lately?


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The happiest moments of my life are when I immersively daydream about jumping and laying down in clouds. I have to close my eyes to really visualise the warm comfy feeling of the sun in my face and the soft frothy clouds, when it is accomplished I can live inside it for about 5 minutes until I lose visualisation of it. It sends butterflies to my stomach, I hope you wizzers can also experience it.


>have you daydreamt lately?

no currently i am busy all day doing home improvement stuff, working with electric tools, wooden boards, steel rods and so on. takes forever because i am level 1 of 20. or i'm working part time. no time for day dreaming because i'm never idle. all day every day. only nice thing for the soul i am doing is skating but i have to cram it in before noon because that's the only time to do it peacefully; when all the assholes are at work and can't befriend or bully me.


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I wish you luck. you seem a hardworking being, which is good


>I wish you luck. you seem a hardworking being, which is good

thank you kind sir. this is a recent development. i used to be lazy and i still believe in laziness. i'm just taking a break from being lazy currently. has something to do with me finally understanding the seasons more.

when it is warm out, it is the best time to create things and catch up on stuff i wanted to do, travel (as in look for nice places outside this hellish city i was spawned in and still did not manage to move away from). when the sun is out, it is so easy and comfy to be active, besides the body actually needs sunlight.

when it is cold out, it is the best time to stay inside, smoke weed, listen to nice music and play video games.

this summer i am actually living by it. i don't smoke weed and i am out and about every day. i still do play video games in the evening for an hour or two but only when there is a game i really dig. currently really digging a game called autonauts.


>a game about farming
haha even in your game, you like to work


wasn't trying to be rude to you sorry haha


I am the same Pajeet who posted about CPTSD and abusive parents a while back

The only thing that I dream about now, is that I have a GF who earns money and who will take me away from my parents, all while telling me that "Everything is gonna be ok". Because I can't get a fucking job in this shithole country.

And I have heart problems induced by depression, paranoia, and stress given to me by my piece of shit abusive parents. Fuck them.

So in my case dreaming is almost a necessity. I wish it wasn't but if it weren't for dreaming, in that case, I would just realise the truth that there is no hope and die. I don't want to die. I want to live even just for a day.


what did your parents do to you?


Pretty much everything, tortured me as a child, beat me for no reason, never let me go out, never let me build a life for me, caused me to fail in exams by not letting me study, and then bitching about it.
They still do it, things are so bad that at this point I am having real health decline. To tell you the truth, at this point, I don't even wanna remember it, I can't sleep if I try and remember all that stuff. It's honestly like being raped or beaten, that whenever you try to think about it, your mind just blocks it knowing damn well that it can't take the abuse.


>haha even in your game, you like to work

no it is about the exact opposite i am living irl: building robots who do the work for me while i just stand around. farming is only a small piece of it. at some point the robots build themselves and i just program them to do stuff.

autonauts is similar to factorio but more accessible. it's not on an alien planet you are trying to escape from by building a rocket, reminds me more of a simplified/cartoonified earth full of more basic resources. all but the most advanced robots are build from wood, which i think is fun.

instead of the buildings interacting with the resources automatically like in factorio, in autonauts the robots are programed to do it. they have a simplified source code, it is programmed by dragging and dropping instructions onto it. the user interface is both, extremely simple to learn and use, but satisfyingly deep. is really well made.

is like this

1st robot
>i click him, then i click the red recording button to program
>i call him Nut Collector
>go here, search for a tree nut in this area (my wood farm)
>take it to this crate (tree nut crate)
>put it in the crate
>repeat forever
>i press the green play button which means start working!

2nd robot
>i click him, then i click to program
>i call him Tree Planter
>go to the nut crate
>pick a nut
>go here, search for a hole in my wood farm
>put it in the ground
>repeat forever
>start working!

3rd robot
>i click him, then i click to program
>i call him Tree Cutter
>if your hands are empty, pick an axe from the axe crate
>search for a matured tree in my wood farm
>cut it
>repeat forever
>start working!

4th robot
>i click him, then i click to program
>i call him Stump Digger
>if your hands are empty, pick a shovel from the shovel crate
>search for a stump in my wood farm
>dig it out so that a hole remains
>repeat forever
>start working!

5th robot
>i click him, then i click to program
>i call him Log Hauler
>search for a log lying around in my wood farm
>pick it up
>put it on the log pile
>repeat forever
>start working!

6th robot
>i click him, then i click to program
>i call him Stick Collector
>search for a stick lying around in my wood farm
>pick it up
>put it in the stick crate
>repeat forever
>start working!

7th robot
>i click him, then i click to program
>i call him stone miner
>if your hands are empty, grab a pick from the pick crate
>go to this stone formation
>hit it with the pick until you loosen a stone
>bring the stone to the stone crate
>repeat forever
>start working!

8th robot
>i click him, then i click to program
>i call him axe maker
>if the axe crate is full, wait 20 seconds and check again
>if not {
>grab a stick from the stick crate
>bring it to the axe-making workbench
>grab a stone
>bring it to the axe-making workbench (this completes the axe)
>take the axe
>put the axe in the axe crate }
>repeat forever
>start working

just takes a few seconds to program a robot. similarly:

9th robot is shovel maker
10th robot is pick maker
11th robot makes logs into planks
12th robot makes planks into poles
13th and 14th robot make robots from planks, poles and treenuts


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intresting. I was never fond of games like this but that's good if you enjoy this kind of games. You seem to enjoy things and not depressed. I wish you the best of our world


I dream of the happier life i wouldve had with my father still being alive, not having to rot with the way things turn out instead. My biggest fantasy is finding a happy old couple and they take me in as their new neet son


Im in the usa but i believe this and you should too. LDAR forever no matter what, never give back to this sick world that never protected us


Can't LDAR if you've got no money. I largely agree with your sentiment however.


I've been daydreaming a lot about owning a 2nd story gated apartment in town away from people. Only times I'd go out would be at night and when it rains, when there aren't people out. I would board up my windows and live in the night on my PC and have fun on the internet. Sometimes I'd go out to the balcony for a smoke, but I wouldn't smoke indoors because I don't want to harm my PC parts. Having a 60 inch TV and a really comfy sofa that feels like jello in my living room / kitchen would be really nice. I watched a lot of succubi Last Tour on that sofa! I wonder what I'll do tomorrow in my apartment. Maybe I'll rip some Blu-rays I bought second hand off of the internet? Sure, I'll do that tomorrow, why not.


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max comfy, thank you for sharing


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At the moment my go to is Galactic Overlord
You know the kind of guy you need the whole Justice League or Avengers to deal with


I m currently drunk and I think I read on another thread "God I love feds", and then I read this one. And I thought he meant the OP was a fucking fed (which he is), and said that out of spite, but now that I got into this thread I cant finf the post


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Inm day dreaming about being in japan anyone?


Wizard, irl Japan is probably just a hellhole filled with bugmen. It is not animeland where everything is joy and childlike wonder


Wizard, irl Japan is probably just a hellhole filled with bugmen. It is not animeland where everything is joy and childlike wonder


apparently it is dying out, mostly old people who can't retire, nobody wants to have children and many children hate school so much they have trouble not jumping from top of the skiscraper.

such rich history, traditions and skills but the old people must have been such assholes that the young people would rather die out then carry the torch on. many such cases.


I'm day dreaming living alone in an appartment and the neighbour's daughter go to my flat when their parents isn't there. and she's like my daughterfu and I show her all the cool things I own and she like spending time with me ☺️


>I dream of escaping… anywhere

that's what i would have expected of you. knee deep into denial. that is what you have invited into your life with your warmth towards illusion.


Japan being some sort of "hellhole" is a myth/propaganda from the WW2 times and now popular among jewtubers.
Not to say that it's a perfect country, but in many aspects it's better than modern western countries.


It depends on if you are there for leasure or there to work.
Their work culture is very much hellish, as is some of their social/cultural expectations of someone trying to make a living in Japan.
And don't get me started on their legal and criminal justice system.

I would love to spend time in japan, I really would. But I wouldn't want to try to make a living in japan or even be a permanent resident. Even if you were a independent or small business owner who worked for yourself so as to sidestep the toxic work culture, the regulatory and legal environment is literally rigged against you at every turn.
The objective is clear, they want pre-selected pre-approved companies to succeed and everyone else to just spend money and be a good little consumer. Any sort of industry disruption is not welcome and nether is true economic competition.


It's harder for gaijin but that's a good thing (gatekeeping).


It's hard on the natives too, and that is a bad thing.
Japan being for the Japanese is fine, but I still wish the best for the Japanese people and for Japan overall to do well instead of It's current stagnation and slow degradation.


>Japan being some sort of "hellhole" is a myth/propaganda from the WW2 times and now popular among jewtubers.
Japan post-WW2 is an american creation, why would they shit their own thing retard?

>but in many aspects it's better than modern western countries.

Sort of.

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