>>315591Obama won one election and then flipped all the rules upside down so he could keep winning through fake ballots and illegal invader votes.
>ITT:Uniparty House Niggers
Also have the Israeli jews lost their collective minds? They've been going mask off for over a year now to the point where they've affected holocaust's legacy.
>>315596I don't know how this guy can stump for his party with a straight face at this point. He must know something in his legacy went terribly terribly wrong and rather than uniting his own party's successors are actually dividing the country
>>315590>FAR-RIGHT PARTIES CLEAN HOUSE ACROSS EUROPE.I'm pretty sure they all bent the knee immediately to (((them))).
can anything be more ridiculous than realizing that we have been ruled by judeo-masonry for almost 300 years without any intelligent attempt at dislodging them? and that we suffer these idiotic displays of political theatre every 4 years, while the true jewish rulers remain as powerful as they ever were quietly behind the curtain.
>>315627Oh boy, another deep dive into the conspiracy rabbit hole. It's almost comical how these theories keep popping up, blaming an entire group for centuries-old machinations. The notion that we've been under the thumb of some secret cabal is more fitting for a bad sci-fi plot than reality. Seriously, the world has enough genuine challenges without resorting to such worn-out, baseless ideas. Let's focus on something a bit more constructive, shall we?
>>315638You ever hear of kulture of critique?
heard trump might ban porn.
then again having a roastie for president will suck.
in the end it doesnt even matter- licoln park
>>315654>heard trump might ban porn.Trump has said no such thing and it isn't apart of his policy/platform.
My guess is such a claim came from a section of that 900+ page project 2025 book that is just suggestions from a think-tank and not actually trump's policies. Trump hasn't even read the thing and denies any direct association with it.
>>315656It keeps coming out that the people behind Project 25 are some variation of Democrat backer, or at least have no history of positive involvement with any Republican campaign. It's likely a cleverly designed but poorly masked ploy to get Republicans on board with a seemimgly harmless right-leaning action plan only to disparage its backers later by pointing out the insane and destructive elements hidden in its grand textwall. This is how Democrats and all of the world's least favorable cultures operate. By disguise, infiltration, then undermining through shame and spreading fear.
Donald hasn't given it any more attention than it deserves. Just like Q.
>>315638When a racial culture has their only religious texts (which are still taught today) instruct followers to conspire against other cultures, 'conspiracy theory' becomes 'conspiracy fact'. When millenia of records from all people throughout the world recall how this one group has conspired against them, 'conspiracy theory' becomes 'conspiracy fact. When the leaders of this tribe stand on international television and broadcast to the world that they are using their collective influence to alter and control all other groups of people, 'conspiracy theory' remains 'conspiracy fact'.
>>315638>it's never the Jews109 countries must be wrong.
>>315643>>315658>>315659wizzies, this post was generated by AI
please, be more alert
>>315660Why is wizchan even a concern for Jews?
>>315654he won't, same with abortion. which makes all the succubus screeching even more retarded.
>>315664On a related note, it fills me with extreme disgust that to a huge chunk of succubi the only thing they seem to care about politically is the universal ability to at any point commit homicide on the unborn the moment it inconveniences them.
Shit is frankly ghoulish.
>>315668it's a deathblow for their ability to do the college to bullshit jobs feminism career path. And probably the best reason why banning it would be a net positive
>>315668>>315670>abortion ban goodIn the context of wizchan, this doesn't make sense.
>>315678It does make sense in the context of this site. Feminism rights are abortion rights and it has always resulted in more degeneracy, not the opposite, because behind the feminist movement there's always been filthy jews trying to undermine society's traditional values.
The number of people females have killed in the last 40 years through abortion is almost 2 billion and it's a greater and disproportionate number compared to the number men have killed through wars in 10,000 years which is just 1 billion. It's clearly part of a satanic cult but dumb niggers think it's a human right and part of basic healthcare lol
>>315679>it makes sense It makes no sense. What kind of "wizard" wants to condemn a soul into this existence? What kind of faggot post-millenial "wizard" wants more single mothers? More people dependent on welfare and on the other side of the coin more low-paid slaves for the system?
I'll tell you, faggot zoomers who have subscribed to some bullshit red team blue team faggotry, even though both "sides" despise wizards and crabs.
>>315681>wants more single mothers>wants to condemn a soul into this existence?nice low iq emotional argument and strawman. You're a female appealing to emotion.
The world was doing fine without abortion rights. If you want to be a feminist nigger who advocates for succubi to kill their babies after they've engaged in a promiscuous life of sex and degeneracy do it somewhere else, not on wizchan.
>>315682Imagine being a fucking nigger not understanding that abortions would stop more niggers being born.
>The Hispanic population in the US grew by 3.2 million from the beginning of the pandemic to mid-2023, making up 91 per cent of the country’s overall gain, according to an analysis of Census Bureau data.
>An uptick in immigration alongside shifts in both births and deaths from April 2020 to July 2023 has contributed to a “diversity explosion,” according to William Frey, a demographer and senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. The trend represents an important part of the nation’s future
>Overall, the US population increased by 3.4 million over the period, Frey's analysis showed. At the same time, the White population declined by 2.1 million, and the shrinking group of White youth drove a 1.6 million drop in the number of Americans under the age of 18
>Both natural increase – measured as births minus deaths – and immigration contributed to the recent gains of all other groups.
> Looking ahead, Hispanic and other nonwhite groups are projected to make up 44 per cent of the population in 2030, with Hispanic residents comprising one fifth of the total. By 2050, one-quarter of the population will be Hispanic residents and more than half will be nonwhite groups. media told you the great replacement was a conspiracy theory and you believed it now you're here. Keep giving a shit about muh abortion rights while whites are being invaded and replaced, in the end, those rights will be for the new alien population. Everything your ancestors fought for thinking about the future will be stolen away.
>>315684What is the myth of the great replacement is that is somehow an organized effort by someone, and not a byproduct of our economics system and culture making white people having less children and slowly drifting toward extinction.
>>315689>our economics system and cultureAnd who admits to being responsible for our economic situation? Jews in positions of financial power who openly hate Whites and celebrate their replacement. Who admits to being responsible for our very recent cultural shift away from traditional family values? Jews in directors chairs and newsrooms who openly hate Whites and celebrate their replacement.
Stupid retard gorilla nigger.
>>315692Oy! Antisemitism! Oy! *bz* ADL, we are going to need reinforcements for this goy, over *bz*
>>315693Those "evil Jews" are in the room right now?
>>315692Calling me EVIL for being of Jewish ethnicity. OY! GEVALT! ANTISEMITISM! SOMEBODY SAVE ME FROM THIS HOMOCIDAL GOY! I forwarded your IP address to the authorities. Expect to hear from my lawyers.
>>315695The least retarded nazi.
>I am a massive jew
>>315679Lol you think downies/birth defects should be born?
Keep working harder for my popeyes wagie
will you vite for trump or harris?
>>315740Mommy kamala is the neets choice, trump
Is the most anti neet candidate ever
>>315743If you ever look into the illegal immigration debate it becomes obvious that is Trump isn't elected democracy will effectively over in the United State due to demographic swamping. You'll be governed by foreigners just like what happened during the fall of rome.
>>315737Yes actually.
Some of the happiest people I have ever met in my life were downies or otherwise intellectually disabled. When they have proper support systems they can live wonderful full lives.
>>315740I don't believe in voting.
>>315740>>315747Voting is a jewish ritual in which you are selling your soul.
love being a neet and voting trump!
>>315752They're both right wing you fucking idiot.
already voted trump
lol imagine voting for an ugly indian nigger
you must be ugly and indian yourself or have the mind of one
>>315753>Not LIBRE tarian?!? That means you're AUTH-RIGHTKamala is the embodiment of left-wing policies and attitde.
voted for kamala bcuz i'm a person of color and i don't think fascist hwite megalomaniac represents my best interests. sorry!
>>315764Have fun getting deported
>>315765come and get me, pendejos
>>315765Mfw latino and you work hard for my gibs
Voted straight democrat, for all female judges, and yes to constitutional amendment protecting abortion rights and yes to all funding measures. It was a nice day for voting in our first female president.
>>315773what do you mean by all female judges? im out of the loop because not american
>>315773>>315774It's OK. They're just men pretending to be female.
I got banned from 4chan through election day. What a punishment. If Kamala wins I won't feel as bad.
>>315774I mean that the judges I voted for were all female. What else could I possibly mean?
person of color here. i'm seriously losing it. i can't believe she lost, they're going to be hunting us on the streets now. my racist neighbor has been celebrating all night. he's a gun owner and he might just come over to my door and shoot me because it's open seasons on minorities now.
where do i go now?? what's the safest european country i can buy a ticket and just leave?? sweden? denmark? i'm so scared wizbros i can't believe they voted in hitler into power
serious question
should Obama run next time?
>>315794you mean, michelle obama? cuz barack can't legally run for a third term.
>>315795huh obama barack did a second term? didn't know about it
>>315790It's too late, person of color. Don't bother trying to escape to Europe. The nazis at the airport will quietly drag you to the interrogation room, where they will off you and say that you attempted assault on them. Especially since you are a wiz and no one will be looking for you. You really only have two options now: either gather supplies, hole yourself up and show no signs of life until Kamala defeats the nazis, or run into the woods and try to survive in the wilderness. The cops are in on it too. I saw a cop car cruising around the hood and the pig was asking people if any niggers live at this address. I didn't show answer when he rang my bell, but he wrote down my address. Then I saw a few nazis pack guns into a pick up truck and drive off. This might be my last post, nigger-kun. When they come for me, I'm going to get on my knees and beg to be their slave. There is literally nothing else I can do.
>The question now is how do we rebuild>"I don't want to know how she lost, I want to know how he won"And that's why the Dems will continue taking the L in the future. They can't go through a single cognitive thought without thinking about him. Rent Free forever.
>>315794you would literally run anyone but Bernie Sanders. Try running Liz Chenney in four years and let me know how that works for you.
>>315836how democrats can recover?
>>315835im old enouge to have been through multiple elections, every time one ends one party is saying "this is the end of the other party" and its bullshit.
Democrats could come back easily, they just need to return to being blue dog democrats, they need a good ol boy from the south like bill clinton or jimmy carter, a hick lib who puts middle america first and then coastal america. democrats have been catering to coastal america and thats ass backwards
>>315838sounds like americans would vote for who is the most radical. so an extrem democraft would be good for america maybe idk
Joe Biden needs to seize all of Elon Musks businesses and elect Kamala to the Supreme Court. Right FUCKING now.
>>315844Obviously not going to happen, lol.
>>315838Or maybe an actual left wing party instead of zio puppets who've been to the island.
>>315846How about no.
Far left nonsense is actually extremely unpopular and would only drive people away.
>>315848>"far left"Have you tried not being jewish?
>>315849>i have no argument so I will use jew as a slurYou are too retarded to discuss politics.
>>315851Define what in your penny searching eyes is "far left".
>>315853What part of "you are too retarded to discuss politics" do you not understand?
No body wants to talk to your dumbass.
Fuck off retard.
>>315864>I have nothing to say because I'm a retarded kikeFigures.
double v moment
Madam, this is a Wendys.
Why the wizards are so right wing and racist, why support right wing politician that doesn't even care or defend NEETs and wizards? Why the cucked politics choices?
>>315906Because it makes you mad. It's that simple, really.
>>315906There are zero politicians that give the faintest farts about wizards you silly sausage.
It isn't about left wing or right wing, if you think any politician is the answer to your personal problems you are a fool.
>>315907>I'm gonna support some right winger politician that will cut NEETbux because makes some people madThe absolute level of retardation and cucked behavior is beyond human.
>>315912Stop using words you don't know the meaning of.
>>315915You need to go back
>>315906They are not wizards.
Fuck circumcision. I want to cry every day.
>>315947why did our parents allow it to happen? really I understand now that we cannot call them parents.
>>315901>>315906The entire US power structure needs to be erased. One fat zio-puppet wearing an orange wig isn’t going to do anything, because, let’s be honest, we’re battling an ancient judeo-phoenician secret society that has risen to control every meaningful aspect of our reality and which endures in using devastating asymmetrical warfare in all things they do. (((They))) have been on a near undisturbed victory march for 400 years. (((They))) really did take over the world. But at the same time Jews have become so arrogant especially within the last 30-40 years that they are now making very serious strategic mistakes (eg, 9/11 and Covid). These mistakes have earned them the one thing they hate the most — the attention of the goyim. An old latin maxim here holds good: “Dissimulatio errores parit, qui dissimulatorem ipsum illaqueant. Dissimulation begetteth errors, which may ensnare the dissimulator himself.” This is where we are currently: the dissimulators/deceivers, the Jews, through the enacting of so many daring satanic projects, have made serious errors that have woken many that otherwise would be unknowingly sleeping. But before we presume to challenge our semitic rulers, we must first identify what ambitions have driven and continue to drive them to do such horrible things to other people. We also need to protect the greater generality of mankind from their schemes because plainly the greater generality of mankind is not smart enough to anticipate and proportionally respond to these sophisticated attacks. And in order to do this competently, we must exhaustively acquaint ourselves with the true historical tracks of this world. And if through much time we shall have made the honest effort to have achieved this acquaintance, we will find one group quietly and almost eternally behind the disturbances this world seems to senselessly suffer again and again. This group again as above stated would be the Jews/Phoenicians. They've been triggering wars, orchestrating economic collapses, carrying out population-wide eugenics, trafficking slaves, practicing human sacrifice, etc., for literal millennia, indeed going all the way back to ancient Phoenicia. They were feared then as they are feared now — even Homer records (((Phoenicians))) as practitioners of human slavery and murder. They had an entire ancient empire whose bounds comprehended the whole of the Mediterranean corridor and even broke upwards territorially into ancient Britain. They invented the Jewish religion and the Jewish identity after temporarily losing sovereignty to the Persians and facing the necessity of outwardly disavowing their horrific sacrificial practices (hence the ahistorical Conquest of Canaan narrative). Their outposts were everywhere — Phoenicia itself, aka Canaan aka the Levant, Sicily, Sardinia, Northern Africa (Punic Carthage), ancient Hispania, even Cornwall. After leaving Kiryat Chadasha (Carthage), they moved to Venice, where over the course of 800 years they financed countless european and asian wars (for instance, Venetian bankers were the movers behind the Protestant Reformation and subsequent internecine christian wars, and also centuries earlier they were the financiers of the Mongol Khans), in addition to bankrupting whole nations through usurious money-lending, thereby precipitating mass continent-wide disease and starvation cycles.
When the Catholics grew impatient with these criminals, they formed the League of Cambrai, and attempted to cooperatively end Venice. They failed, and Venice (ie, Jewish bankers) not only survived, but actually grew to take over the entire world. The seizure of London by Venetian Jews (such as Burghley and Walshingham and Bacon, and the whole masked silent lurking invisible crowd of Jewish finance behind them) probably represents the most decisive and fatal point in the history of modern conquest. It was from Venetian London that the Jews then proceeded to claim the earth.
By the mid 1600s, Jewish bankers controlled: Amsterdam, Portugal (whereto a good portion of them had moved after being expelled from Spain in 1492), Scotland (the nation whereto the satanic (((templars))) had retreated many centuries prior), England, parts of Italy, and parts of Germany.
By the mid-late 1700s, Jewish bankers controlled all of the above mentioned lands in addition to having financed the creation of America, the creation of Prussia, and having master-minded the toppling of the French monarchy. Therefore America and Prussia and France are now added to their empire.
By the mid-late 1800s, Jewish bankers controlled all of the above mentioned lands in addition to having financed Napoleon, the Opium Wars in China, the (((British)) invasion of India/Crimea/Egypt, the American Civil War, the flash anti-monarchical revolutions of 1848, and the masonic unification effort in Italy that resulted in the capture of the Papal States. Therefore even more of Europe, China, various Asian/African lands, a more soundly solidified judeo-masonic America, more lesser monarchical governments, and more of Italy are now added to their empire.
>>315954By the early 1900s, Jewish bankers controlled all of the above mentioned lands in addition to having orchestrated the Bolshevik/Communist Revolution in Monarchical Russia and both world wars (the first of which resulted in innocent european men slaughtering each other to an extent that cannot be recked of and the ultimate dissolution of the Ottoman Empire — the nation that then critically held sovereignty over Palestine; the second of which resulted similarly in senseless death of innocent humans while apparently permanently crushing the last and final rival to jewish world government — national socialist Germany (though there are some that claim Nazism was financed by Jewish bankers as controlled opposition). And upon the concluding of the world wars, Israeli Jews lose little time in backing Mao to further cement their control over the Chinese and Asia generally. Therefore Russia and Germany and China as a whole are now added to their empire.
By the mid 1900s, the Jews, entering invisibly upon a conquered world, loosed the full range of their psychopathic mind by experimenting with every species of social engineering then imaginable to them, from weapons hoaxes (nuke fraud) to political hoaxes (cold war fraud) to historical hoaxes (holocaust) to literal astronomical hoaxes (moon landing fraud). Many of these frauds are still supposed true by the unthinking goyim.
By the late 1900s-early 2000s, Jewish bankers had fastened their imperialist appetites on submitting the remaining Middle eastern nations, and accordingly were presented with a problem in how to market the conquest of these countries in a way that would not be disagreeable to the deluded mass mind of their controlled democratic republics. The answer to this riddle was the strategic invention of groups like Al-Qaeda/ISIS/Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas, which are all Jewish outfits, whose main purpose was/is to create support for Israel by training the world with fear for the murderous barbarism of Islam through repeated disguised terroristic attacks on western nations, thus inventing popular backing for the overthrow of those nations that represent not only a fabricated threat to western democracies but more seriously represent an actual competitive threat to Israeli domination of the Middle east. This hellish ploy sadly proved successful, and the great jewish golem aka America duly attacked the prescribed enemies of its master, Israel, following the jewish false flag of 9/11. Also, lest we forget, the Islamic Revolution of 1978 was financed by the CIA (as the Shah had become too disobedient to his Zionist masters, and they required a more willing puppet to be put in his place). Therefore by the late 2010s, nearly all of the Middle East had now been added to their empire.
By the early 2020s, Jewish bankers had grown so power-drunk that they quite stupidly attempted a world-wide mass murder campaign disguised as a response to a fake public health emergency. This has since become known historically as the “Covid-19 Pandemic”, but rather it should be called “The First Jewish Vaccine War”.
And in any case now here we are, under total Jewish rule. If we are to do something about this situation, we must do something about Jewish power. Hopefully the abridged adumbration above may help some to gain a sounder understanding of where we actually are in final political terms. Just as Christ said: “ 17 τὸ πνεῦμα τῆς ἀληθείας, ὃ ὁ κόσμος οὐ δύναται λαβεῖν, ὅτι οὐ θεωρεῖ αὐτὸ οὐδὲ γινώσκει· ὑμεῖς γινώσκετε αὐτό, ὅτι παρ' ὑμῖν μένει καὶ ἐν ὑμῖν ἔσται.” The spirt of the truth, which the world is not able to receive, because it does not observe it nor does it know [it]. But ye know it, because beside ye it remains and in ye it shall be.” This is the truth, to wit : most of humanity cannot grasp the truth. Such that, the authentic dimensions of human reality will always be aggressively adjusted by a conscious plotting few, who if left unopposed will exert tyranny over the unanimated remainder. It is beyond sad what has been happening for so many centuries now. And really, as an observing wizard, I cannot understand why we have allowed things to regress to such a dark place, but with greater knowledge of the very dark past, maybe we really can create a brighter world where kindness and justice reign, and where we are governed not by semitic deceivers but by honest monarchs, whose first trust is to see their people bettered and holpen.
I am at last recurred to the remembrance of an old greek sentence which has valid relation to this discussion — ὁ νικῶν τῶι ἀπατᾶν νικᾶται ἐν ἤθει. (Literally) He who conquering by deceiving is conquered in habit. What this means is: any group that accrues power through the practice of deception (as the Judeo-Phoenicians have done over the last 3000 years) will itself be conquered by mistakes manifest in an instance of deception. Covid-19 is a worthy proof of this sentence. We may hope that the Jews will fall by the weight of their own tricks.
>>315590ever since monarchies ended, politics is completely fucking fake. america lasted all of about 20 years, maybe from 1790-civil war confederacy, the confederacy states were the only real america and only became a real power house and collective state right before the civil war. other than that, monarchies were the last form of real politics as in not a theater, and that ended in like 1500s. ever since then monarchies slowly died out until saudi arabia and some other middle eastern countries are probably the only existing real political states left. maybe communist states can be considered more real
>>315972Pure schizo babble.
>>315961I don't even understand the point of posts like this.
No matter how much money Trump sent to foreign countries it was still less than other presidents.
America's other option was Kamala, who would have spent 100x more on foreign war if the Obama/Biden regime are any indication.
>>315981no it isn't, you're just stupid and don't know history. every country in the world treats its population like cattle
It's so obvious that (((they))) have astro-turfed most of the internet.
>>315972Judeo-Masonry fulfilled its first principal objective: complete destruction of every existing monarchy. They all fell. It’s almost diabolically miraculous how efficient jewish bankers really are. They took over the world with 97-98% of the general population none the wiser. And in connection thereto, the enacting of the Covid hoax is proof of 2 things:
(1) Jews consider the goyim to be severely brainwashed (how else would they have thought of something as daring as this succeeding?)
(2) Humanity at large is dangerously suggestible and as such must fall under the direction of well-meaning monarchs instead of satanic jews. It is proven now that the extreme hypnotic pressure of judeo-satanic media is too great for 95% of humanity to resist.
Also: the House of Saad is jewish. Just consider how many (((American))) military bases there are in Saudi Arabai. Or more simply, just enlist your basic physiognomic instincts while looking upon the faces of various “royal” Saudis — do they not look jewish to you?
tldr: There are no independent nations left. The last 400-500 years of history have been a masked regression into liberal masonic communistic jewish tyranny. I cannot understand why we have tolerated jewish shenanigans for so long. From the jewish-backed Cromwell to the judeo-masonic creation of America to the many anti-monarchical revolutions to the modern middle eastern wars — through all the length of this senseless unjust time, never once did a single group evidence itself as sufficiently strong and sufficiently smart to put a final lasting end to the disease of judeo-masonry and all their satanic “progress”. It’s pathetic.
>>315990Stupid take, because the al-Saud family is the oldest arab family that has verifiable roots in the region.
They can't be jewish, because they have a recorded arab family tree going back ~800 years.
The reason why they look like "jews" is because all hasidic people look like that in the region regardless of what magical creature they happen to believe in.
Hint: Go take a look at what christian arabs in the region look like. They look exactly the same as muslims or jews.
You may as well go to a balkan country like Bosnia and try to blindly pick apart a catholic, muslim or orthodox. You can't because they are literally the same ethnicity with different religious beliefs.
They're all white ass people who share the same ancestors.
>>315996Jewish bankers operating out of the City of London long before the outbreak of WW1 devised an heretical sect of Islam known as Wahhabism whose creation was intended expressly as a slow revolutionary ferment against prevailing Ottoman control of the Hijaz, or what is today known as Saudi Arabia. The original leader of this revolutionary movement, Abdul Wahhab, descended from an elite group of crypto-jews known as Donmeh. Over the course of many decades, the power of this group grew to overtake more and more of the Hijaz. Fast forward to the end of WW1, where, under the leadership of gay masons like Lawrence of Arabia, the combined efforts of two revolutionary groups — Hashemite Arabs and Egyptian Expeditionary Force — successfully wrested complete control of the Hijaz away from the monarchist Ottomans and into the hands of Wahhabist Donmeh Jews. The reigning Saudis of the present day are the descendants of these heretical groups and are in fact Donmeh Jews.
“The U.S. Department of Defense released a translation of an Iraqi intelligence document in September 2002, titled “The Emergence of Wahhabism and its Historical Roots,” which indicates that Abdul Wahhab, the founder of Wahhabism, and his sponsor ibn Saud, who created the Saudi dynasty that now rules Saudi Arabia, were reported by several sources as being secretly of Jewish origin.[27]”
“The Iraqi intelligence documents also resort to the Hempher Memoirs, and, citing numerous Arabic sources, connect Wahhab and Ibn Saud with the Dönmeh of Turkey. Mohammed ibn Abdul Wahhab, wrote Dr. Mustafa Turan in The Dönmeh Jews, was a descendant of a family of Dönmeh.[28]”
>>316000That FAS paper was written and authored by Saddam Hussein. He had a personal vested interest in tarnishing the reputation of the al-Saud family who were staunch supporters of the US.
>>315684The bizarre thing is that Hispanics actually like white people and look up to white people, and really want to intermarry with white people. So hispanics becoming a majority in the US will be bizarrely better for white people than liberal whites ruling in washington, as the latter want to discriminate against white people.
The 2024 election with Trump showcased to progressives that their fantasy of riding the great replacement to political victory just doesn't work in the long run. Hispanics like their populist leaders and are quite socially conservative, they like leaders like Trump.
>>316003If anything, the intermarrying will create an interesting fork/branch of whites on the planet. One where the succubi have huge asses and men have thick moustaches but slightly shorter stature than now.
How many people you think have become antisemitic in the last year? I was never racist until last year when one specific literally seems to control an entire nation's politicians.
>>316003Idk no country in LA is it cool to speak english
This election meant nothing, it was just the Superbowl for mid-wit normals.
>>316003Losing unique traits which will happen when breeding with nonwhites is not a victory for white people
>>316060What exactly do you mean by that?
>>316057Many innocent young men were seduced into antisemitism by Hasan Piker, breadtube and in these troubled times. Fortunately, conservativism is returning to power to bring the American people back to sanity and away from support for antisemitic terrorism.
>>316063your whole fucking race is done. jews won't survive another 100 years.
>>316063Jews are the terrorists. You terrorize the whole world with fake pandemics, fake elections, fake money, fake nukes, fake mass shootings, fake climate change, fake history, fake science, fake news media, pornography, transgenderism, mass immigration, false flag attacks, human trafficking, drug trafficking, vaccines, ritual murder, wars. You stupidly overplayed your hand with the covid/divoc mass murder initiative and now you very wrongly suppose that a fat talking golem with an orange wig is going to "bring people back to sanity." The power of your tricks is fading. You haven’t much time.
>>316063>anti-wiz jewFuck off.
>>316063Hasan Piker is clearly and obviously a fucking idiot and anyone who takes him remotely seriously is a lost cause.
Even if I was 13 and just getting into politics I would be able to tell dude is borderline retarded and dismiss anything he says because of that.
Not even joking, he isn't intelligent. He is actually dumb. Not as a insult but as a statement of observable facts. He is below the intelligence of average normies.
>>316072>focusing on eceleb instead of people noticingFuck off back to where you came from.
>>316072Good points. He is an idiot, yes. Though more exactly he is a willing homosexual arab working for the CIA. His utility is not in his intelligence but in his ability to play a role. All internet celebrities work directly for the kosher CIA controllers.
Also Piker/Pike/Peck have sometimes been surnames attached to jewish persons.
>>316069They are extremely wealthy bullies whose power is more imputable to the inattentiveness and indolence of their victims (who have essentially passively sat by and done nothing to stop judeo-masonry for over 400 years) than it is to any self-credited higher iq. The goyim will wake up and reverse centuries of jewish perfidy. I really believe they will fail now because they must fail. Because the damage they have done is too great for them to be allowed to continue. Because they have no business deceiving "normal people" and enslaving the entire world. Our world should never have become so dark.
>>316063This has to be a bot or boomer. Neoliberalism is the supreme ideology and capital is LAW.
>>316085>Though more exactly he is a willing homosexual arab working for the CIAIts very easy to just say things.
Do you got any proof to back any of what you say up though?
Otherwise it seems like baseless well poisoning and making shit up.
>>316087Depends on which jews you mean. Ashkenasi jews are legitimately smart, making up about 0,01% of the world population but holding ~50% of all the technology and science Nobel prizes on Earth.
Then you have all the dumb subsects like hasidics, ultraorthodox jews etc. who are as useless as a yemeni goat herder. They're numerically superior.
Someone can't just categorically claim all jews are smart, because only that very specific subsect is (and since they were prohibited from outmarrying in Europe for over 1000 years, those genes kept amplifying generation over generation)
>>316099> those genes kept amplifying generation over generationYeah, Ashkenazi are all inbred by law. Because of it they are disproportionately paranoid schizophrenic, bipolar, cancer-ridden, and overal unhealthy. Nobel prizes are a joke and even if they were a legitimate guage of someone's intelligence, they would still be issued to baby dick suckers because surprise surprise, the committee that decides the winners is all Jewish.
>useless as a yemeni goat herderYour usage of a layman and provider as "useless" proves you subscribe to Jewish beliefss of human worth.
Redditspacing outsider Leftist back to defend jews yet again.
>>316100Practically all the high technology in your phone has been created and patented by jews.
Even using a desktop computer doesn't save you because AMD utilizes 99% jewish algorithms and, well… Intel's CPU and research factory is literally in Israel.
Also, I'm not liberal or jewish, and I hate the state of Israel for committing numerous crimes against humanity.
>>316101>has been created and patented by jews.Except that's not true in the slightest. Who lied to you and why are you repeating their lies?
>In 2015-2018, 12% of all patents filed in the U.S. by Intel, which employs almost 13,000 people in Israel, originated in its local research and developed centers. In 2018 alone, that number rises to 13.5%.And that is a single tech company making processors and licensing out patents such as access to the x86 instruction set.
All the Cisco, Western Digital and vast majority of Microsoft patents are held by jewish mathematicians and PhD's. you use a Windows PC?
Why are jews so desperate to control all information, even on dead imageboards?
>>316113they are the most powerful people in the world and why wouldnt they use that power to maintain it and minimise risks?
What are the chances of social security and such getting eliminated or cut? I'm disabled perma-neet who lives on ssi and I don't wanna go homeless.
>>316120Regardless of how economically untenable, it won't be cut any time soon due to even suggesting such a thing being political suicide.
We live in the delusional age of Modern monetary theory, so they just print money to keep the system going.
Might collapse in the long run a couple decades or so from now, but it ain't going anywhere soon.
>>316120It'll get cut eventually but that's well down the line. They won't even announce a cut, they'll just stop keeping payments in line with inflation and you'll start to see elder poverty returning.
It's a good twenty years or so away before it'll be anything they consider. So don't worry, you're good in the short term.
>>316166This was fake.
Its purpose is twofold:
(1) concede the angry public a victory in allowing them to feel like vigilante justice is being carried out on some of "the bad guys" associated with the corrupt pharma industry and jewish covid/divoc hoax.
(2) create visibly renewed grounds for pushing gun control.
>>316174Jews are the ones behind this scam. Following the disproportionate tyranny of the COVID mass murder campaign, they have become aware of growing hints of rebellion against the kosher dictatorship known as (((the American government))). This was meant to temporarily soothe the rebelliousness of the public by granting the appearance of there being requiting citizen justice against high-level untouchable types who were party to the genocide. This will also likely be used to instaurate discussions around gun control.
>>316185Relative of mine got laid off from her government job, and she's been saying how unfair it is and how the whole ministry will start facing problems without them.
But the news is saying they've been just fucking around 80% of the time.
I think the Covidbuxx never really ended for a lot of the government and it's been increasingly hard to wrangle those budgets down. They seem to all squeal like hysterical pigs the second austerity comes along.
I don't know, I don't have much sympathy for people who get laid off by the government. I do for the private sector though.
>>316185Mises is a jew libertarian cuck
>>316185Based raise taxes more
>>316218>>316219Why be ignorant as a means to shut down discourse?
>>315656>>315657Republican delusion is on another level.
>>316167"Fake" is a poor choice of words. It is at most "staged," but even that is unlikely.
There really is a United Healthcare corporation that subsists through private corporate coercion and noncompetitive one-choice employee healthcare options, funded by the direct backing of the federal government. United Healthcare really is considered the worst offender in the insurance market and if you see your employer offering services through them you really are supposed to try to find another job ASAP, as they are (in)directly responsible for the deaths of 70,000 Americans under their current leadership by wringing said Americans through their state-supported bureaucratic hell while they required longer term medical support. And the shooting target really was their board-appointed chief executive, who is really personally responsible for setting UH's policies in place. And that very real CEO is also really very dead right now, due to the response he was personally -ible to take.
"(in)" in parentheses above since it's arguable, and not an undeniable fact. Stalin can be considered directly responsible for Ukrainian deaths by starvation due to bureaucratic policies on food distribution intended to break up the remaining Anarchist resistance against the Bolsheviks, but UH's deaths by dehospitalization etc weren't intended to break up Mahknovites nor part of a longer term Soviet plan of reprisal against Anarchists for their incessant assassination attempts on Lenin. But deliberate demographic-scale manslaughter doesn't really need to have a political or demographic goal. As a Type 1 Diabetic I have heard United Healthcare horror stories for years, knew some fellow T1Ds from childhood who are now dead, and prefer paying out of pocket even while employed over accepting a UH employer-provided plan, but that's a luxury I can only afford because I work in the petroleum sector.
"Overblown" might be a better word, since there is now still a kill/death ratio of 70,000/1 with UH alone and God knows how many with American crony healthcare scams at large. But that 1 is real and we ought to cherish it even if it is insufficient. A symbolic victory is still a victory and there are many wars in history where a single symbolic victory proved crucial, though to be realistic that's never happened in a war as one-sided as a 70,000/1 kill ratio.
I also do not see visibly renewed grounds for gun control being pursued here. There are podcasters who consider themselves enlightened centrists who have that take but it does not have standing with either party, so if both parties come to that decision in spite of their base then the results would only hammer home to the American public that the game is not only unplayably rigged but is particularly rigged to do him personal harm and that rather than continue to play it for one single second he is now morally obligated to destroy it. The public parties require core supports from their acts of public division than they have in this in order for the inner monoparty to function.
The Democrat leadership are having a harder time tardwrangling the left wing elements of their party into broad liberal wank "consensus" than they had in the past. And are having a particularly hard time with the Anarchist Left, possibly the hardest time they've had since Johnson invaded Vietnam. The Democratic Party dream of a left-consensus is that the hard left flow into good standard issue Soviet citizens who will stand in line for bread and cheer when political celebrities like Lenin appear in motorcades, they are not prepared for a hard left of Makhnovshchina veterans who stood in line to unfurl a Maxim gun and open fire on Lenin's motorcade.
The Republican talking heads are impotently using gun violence as a refrain in order to "own the libs." That's backfiring. The party is already having a hard time holding onto its populist conservative base, which for the most part for all their faults really do want these state-aligned crony thieves and mass murderers of Americans to be shot in public and do not particularly care if this is carried out by a court appointed executioner or a private citizen. Republican party rhetoric isn't toothless or harmless, Republicans are more effective and successful gun grabbers than Democrats; the NRA lobbied against mail order rifles after the Kennedy assassination and Reagan really wanted to disarm America whereas Democrats only want to generate bureaucracy. But I don't think the inner-party Republicans who have always hated the armed citizenry have the political clout to be effective on that road this time around.
4chad's /pol/ is anti luigi mangione, does it mean wizchan's /pol/ is pro luigi mangione or its another 4chad drone for 4chad normalfags to come post here?
>>316273Why are they anti-luigi now?
>>316276because the one who got killed was a self-made guy I think and the killer was a spoiled child
>>316267>>316269It is extremely fake. Fake is the right word. The Jews are currently doing everything they can to confuse and blunt the public's organic appetite for taking revenge against the kosher pharmaceutical companies responsible for the vaccine genocide of the last 4 years. They know there is rising anger amongst the abused goyish populace and they are doing whatever they can to shunt that anger away from themselves and place it contrarily onto high-ranking gentile elements of the "healthcare" industry. By staging this ridiculous theatre of some random heretofore unknown young kid murdering an insurance boss, they give the brainwashed masses a new attractive piece of propaganda wherewith to be bewitched, which significantly achieves six things:
1. it cleverly shapes the public's imagination of who the enemy is by repeatedly showing the face of a white male CEO attached to an evil insurance company, thus re-focusing the public's anger away from jews and onto white executives, while simultaneously substituting out the recent visible villainy of jewish pharma groups for the new villainy of white-owned insurance companies.
2. it quells the very real hunger for actual revenge against the true jewish root of healthcare fraud by preemptively creating fake instances of revenge against fabricated malefactors
3. it quietly erodes the public's memory of the covid hoax by replacing it with a loudly broadcast new more important issue
4. it offers an apparent legitimate impetus for reforming the "healthcare" industry, which will be used to further take attention off jewish pharma and their still surviving total control of medicine/drugs/money.
5. it re-solidifies the "evils" of the right-wing and of Christianity, as "mangione" is being portrayed as a crazy right-wing Christian.
6. it reintroduces the question of gun control
"The Mangione patronym is very common and has many variations. But it is very common because the family name is descended from the Mangionne Norman ruling family established in Malta."
The Normans were crypto-jews. And this "Mangione" character is a nobody brought to life out of thin air by the media masters for a season of propaganda.
>>316273Yes, very "anti-mangione", because this is just another one of shlomo's tricks. A "real vigilante" would have murdered the jewish heads of pfizer/rezif, moderna, astrazeneca. That would have been both meaningful and exciting.
>>316276Cowardice, moral weakness, and ressentiment. Disguised with disgracefully feminine appeal-to-normalcy social centering emotional appeals ("HE WAS A FATHER" – to adults he rendered bastards when he delegitimized his marriage. "HE HAD A WIFE" – whom he divorced, disgracing himself and herself and making adulterers of them both in they eyes of Christ. "HE WAS SELF-MADE" – by jewish financiers in a fraudulent sector through means no nobler than a crypto scamcoin rugpuller).
No, the real reason is that members of the peasantry know deep in their bones that they require a warrior aristocracy just to survive and that just as Thompson lacked the nobility of spirit to uplift his nation so too would and will they themselves betray, devour and destroy each other to prosper while leaving the current system undisturbed forever.
>>316279>1. it cleverly shapes the public's imagination of who the enemy is by repeatedly showing the face of a white male CEO1. Always kill a traitor before an enemy.
2. Everyone including the anti-israel commie streamer morons on twitch knows that the enemy is behind the face, every leftoid mouthpiece on this planet is telling them that the enemy in this case is "private equity," or "investment capital," or any other synonym for the same hidden hands.
>the recent visible villainy of jewish pharma groupsIt is unbelievably shortsighted to refuse to fight one enemy just because another enemy is currently using that first enemy to attack your people.
>against fabricated malefactors UHC was a malefactor for a very long time. You just weren't paying attention. It's okay to have not been paying attention to fronts that were not immediately arrayed against yourself. The honorable thing to do is to acknowledge that your vision is more clearly trained on other matters closer to yourself. It is dishonorable and pathetic to disparage the one single victory on that front just because you personally were not there.
>3. it quietly erodes the public's memory of the covid hoax by replacing it with a loudly broadcast new more important issue Memory of all the issues associated with covid is if anything renewed by this at a time when state enforced healthcare scams were being swept under the rug. UHC received 100 billion dollars from the Biden Administration, more than America's national defense contractors, and that fact being resurfaced now is bringing AMerican attention back to the HC-to-Pharma scandals of the past four years. You're just not willing to run one single step with the touchdown pass that has been thrown to you because you would prefer to abandon God Throne and Altar over acknowledging a living man's physical courage. And it is hardly a "new more important issue." Obamacare scandals have existed since 2007 when Goldman-Sachs financiers' e-mails to the then unelected Obama presidential campaign hand-selected his entire cabinet to shape how healthcare would be redefined, as revealed by Julian Assange during the DNC email leak in the 2016 election.
>4. it offers an apparent legitimate impetus for reformingAssassination is not legitimate, as legitimate refers to within the rules and within the law. Assassination is the declaration that the rules and law have lost all authority. It is war. It is systemic disbelief. Attempts to use it to goad us all back into reformism would be much, much, much easier through any other method which would be easier to stage. The effectiveness of assassination as a lead to reformism rely entirely on the moral cowardice of the public at large, since the deed's value was precisely in severing the control of reformist procedure.
>the "healthcare" industryYou are right to put quotes around that. I stand corrected. I will now stop referring to this man's business as healthcare. He was an insurance salesman. A fraudulent insurance scammer whose main customers were financiers and the large corporations those financiers manipulated into buying his intentionally defective product. From now onwards I will refer to this as a question of the INSURANCE and FINANCE industries.
>which will be used to further take attention off jewish pharma and their still surviving total control of medicine/drugs/money. Pharma is only one sector of this system warped by the insurance and finance industries to exert total control over American's health, wealth, and happiness. Striking directly at the malefactor has implications for housing, for employment, and for manufacture in ways that some disinhehritance of Pfizer which would just be reconstituted or some murder of some Rothschild who would just be respawned could not.
>5. it re-solidifies the "evils" of the right-wing and of Christianity, as "mangione" is being portrayed as a crazy right-wing Christian. It solidifies the virtues and necessity of a dedicated warrior of Christ before the eyes of limp leftoid slimes who have been otherwise long seeking exactly that chrism, though they knew it not. If he is indeed a dedicated Christian I would expect a wave of gen-z nihilists to baptize and devote themselves to the Lord in the wake of that news.
>6. it reintroduces the question of gun control It has not, except among Republicans who will not pursue it further than as a nag.
>The Normans were crypto-jews. And this "Mangione" character is a nobody brought to life out of thin air by the media masters for a season of propaganda. Ah yes, I see now. White men have no history of self governance whatsoever and cannot build or establish a single civilization in all of Europe, the Scandinavian roots of Guiscard were pure fantasy, only Jews would charge on horseback against a field of spears and then weepingly repent of their sins to the Pope. All the things the Norman houses of the Crusades were known for, physical courage and reckless abandon, rebellion and repentance, sharp but brittle honor and an unwillingness to engage in the intrigues that typified the thrones of Paris and Byzantium and the Turk, by all of these we must see the Jew. Martial valor is truly a trait that only the Jew could possess and white men should dishonor the Crusades and refer to them as unjust imperial colonial heterosexual wars.
>A "real vigilante"–commits vigilantism, instead of refusing to commit vigilantism in lieu of sending strongly worded letters concern trolling and clicking his tongue at the vigilantism that he sees unfold before him.
>>316284Firstly: they are "anti-Luigi" because they correctly perceive this recent "assassination" as a hoax designed to influence public opinion in the direction the jewish media controllers desire. It has nothing to do with "Cowardice, moral weakness, and resentment." I don't think "the members of the peasantry" have any worthwhile knowledge "deep in their bones" respecting any matter of any importance whatever. They are suggestible drones driven by hidden kosher forces. What might soever be their imagined ideal system of rulership is as impertinent to their wonted course of thought as anything could ever be. They especially comprehend nothing respecting their own welfare as they lately fain injected themselves with jewish gene therapy under the command of the cia news anchors that appeared on their television screens.
Though really I think that it is only within the last 1-2 months that the Jews have realized they pushed too far and far too aggressively with the covid hoax, that they whipped their cattle too harshly, and in so stupidly doing, that they alienated the very slaves that fight their wars and uphold their fiat tax schemes. Thus they are now evidently in the process of making feigned concessions to their abused slaves, but I might withal say unsuccessfully. For surely in the formulation of scams like these the Jewish deceivers first endeavor to implant themselves into the mind of the goy so to search out what would best conciliate him after 4 unbroken years of sheer satanic abuse. This counterfeit "revenge killing" by a no-name "right-wing Christian warrior" against an "evil white healthcare CEO”, along with the phasing out of the DEI psychosis, and the popular re-installing of right-wing governments, are three obvious instances of that new emerging strategy purposed to soothe the goy. Yet I imagine they must be afraid if they are pouring so much effort into attaching so much importance to a really rather minor shooting that is so obviously fake and staged. The demanding propagandistic objectives of nominating a gentile enemy for the public to hate, of slowing hunger for revenge against jewish pharma executives by preemptively lionizing a counterfeit instance of revenge killing against a newly popularized malefactor from within that industry, of cutting away at the public's memory of "covid", of forging artificial grounds for restructuring the abusive "healthcare" system, of reinforcing the negative perception of the political right-wing and Christianity, of demonizing gun use, are all being mutually fulfilled by this recent shooting hoax. Though I will say I don't think as many people are falling for it as the jews would have liked. Shame. Also, considering the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service (ISIS) just "democratically" annexed Syria, I would guess you guys must be really busy right now brainwashing the whole world into believing an even bigger set of lies, and so let it be far from me to keep you any longer debating these points.
"All the things the Norman houses of the Crusades were known for, physical courage and reckless abandon, rebellion and repentance, sharp but brittle honor and an unwillingness to engage in the intrigues that typified the thrones of Paris and Byzantium and the Turk, by all of these we must see the Jew."
The Crusades were a devious species of Venetian conquest intended to secure control of the "Holy Land" away from the Byzantines and into the lap of Judeo-Venetian banking clans. Of course the crypto-jewish Normans participated in them. Besides what true valor warlike or other can be thought exampled by dying for venetian bankers in illegitimate wars?
>>316284Stop lying, jew. This scam is already half-dead. No one even cares anymore. Onto a new current jew hoax. I wonder what it will be this time? Another fake pandemic, nuclear false flag, blue beam???
>>316300How embarrassing you behave.
Speaking of shifting to a different political topic, did you know that St. Thomas Aquinas described the theological justification of regicide?
Aquinas identified 3 types of degenerated government; a Tyranny, which is a degenerated monarchy in which one ruler rules for his own benefit at the expense of all; an Oligarchy, a degenerated aristocracy in which a ruling class share responsibility with each other but rule for their benefit to the ruin of the nation; and a Democracy, a degenerated republic in which each citizen exercises rule for his own personal gain despite refusing the responsibilities of a citizen, with this individual selfishness always paradoxically dissolving each man into whichever mob may temporarily hold the power to grant its constituents their particular benefits. He declared Tyranny the worst of these three–perhaps he never saw Democracy in action in his life. Those of us who saw the '90s did see a fully degenerated democracy in Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union, when they became desperate for a tyrant or an oligarchy within less than a decade of democratic spoil.
Something that I think is often missed by critics of neoreaction is that of these 3 degenerated governmental forms, Curtis Yarvin's "Patchwork" would most inevitably devolve into a Democracy with the denizens of each patch constantly retaining the "right of exit" to shift their loyalties between patchbound mobs. This is because the core vice of Democracy is the utter destruction of loyalty, the vice of oligarchy being the destruction of duty, and the vice of tyranny being the destruction of justice (magisterial and legal sense, not good feelings or actions sense). Yarvin, the most outspoken critic of democracy today, managed to recreate all of the vices of democracy in a form that would accelerate their processes of dissolution, and called it reactionary. And perhaps there is no other way out of the vices of democracy than through it. I would argue that it is far easier to reestablish formal justice in a society, if duty and loyalty remain, than to reestablish duty if justice systems and loyalty remain. And that both are easier than to reestablish loyalty if legal justice and public duties remain fulfilled. If the people have no loyalty to themselves or to legal justice then the laws and duties will warp with their own maintenance until they can no longer hold shape.
Aquinas concerned himself with regicide because a degenerated monarchy was a pressing issue in his age. He would not likely have seen the need to formalize a theoretical framework for handling a fully degenerated oligarchy or democracy. The age of the Versailles aristocracy of France was far in the future, and the degenerated oligarchal aristocracy of Venice was both isolated and comparatively stable. He would no doubt have considered Florence a degenerated democracy and come to the conclusion that democracies are soon made the subjects of a stronger external ruling authority, and requires no special provision.
In the Summa Theologica (Second Part of the Second Part, Question 42), Aquinas described the resistance or overthrow of a Tyrant as being distinct from sedition, since tyranny is itself an act of sedition against the role of monarchy which happens to be committed by the regnant monarch. "Consequently there is no sedition in disturbing a government of this kind, unless indeed the tyrant's rule be disturbed so inordinately, that his subjects suffer greater harm from the consequent disturbance than from the tyrant's government."
Ordinarily a tyrant by usurpation may be treated as a robber and enemy of the state and the conditions for killing him are similar to an outlaw. But a tyrant by oppression must be lawfully deposed according to the available courses of law, and may only be deposed in the manner of an usurper if he asserts his tyranny after deposition and thus becomes a tyrant by usurpation.
The reasons by which a tyrant by oppression may be slain by a citizen are:
-if the tyrant by oppression attacks the citizen, jeopardizes the welfare of the community with the intent leading it to destruction or killing the citizens, or commits great evils (like Herod's massacre of the innocents in scripture)
-if because of the tyrant’s rule, a nation cannot defend itself, is on the course of destruction, and has no lawful means to depose or to condemn the tyrant.
These mean that there is very nearly no means by which a citizen could perform a legitimate tyrannicide on an American president, as the legal channels for deposing the President exist within accessible legal channels. We have even had presidents fully deposed through those means in the past, in the case of Andrew Johnson, or through the threat of such means in the case of Nixon. There are also no means nor justification for the tyrannicide of a presidential candidate.
And there is no moral nor even practical way to perform a democide in a manner that may rectify a degenerated Democracy. Since a Democracy involves the degeneration of loyalty turning the people into formless and unprincipled mobs of self interested individuals, such a democide would destroy the whole of the people and not simply one part of it.
However, with regards to an Oligarchy, there are many historical examples of acts of magistratocide effectively restoring the ruling class' sense of duty. Or at least those of the military officer class. Stalin, for instance, in the Great Purge, so thoroughly restored the loyalty of the upper echelons of the Soviet Union and the Party that the whole of the Soviet states held together through the second world war as though through will alone. Certainly not through strategic and tactical capability.
So if it is true what many say, that American democracy is a hoax and we do in truth live under an Oligarchy, or a Tyranny, then that is a good and hopeful thing. Tyrants may be deposed, and oligarchs may be reformed. But I think perhaps we do already live in a true Democracy, and contra Aquinas, that may be the true worst of the three.
>>316303>>316303We (UK, USA, Canada, Europe, China, Russia, South America) are under a criminal terrorist jewish dictatorship. What some italian theologian from 800 years ago said respecting the curing of the political abuses of his own time means exactly nothing now. You wasted yourself drawing the dead shadows of long expired political climates. Besides the appetite for overthrowing kings is an unmistakably judeo-satanic appetite whereof the preceding centuries gave fullest fulfillment. Our discussion should not therefore be concentred around antiquated solutions to the throwing off of systems of monarchy (all of which venetian jews have steadily destroyed over the last 400 years of revolutionising wars), or of systems of darkly understood oligarchy, but rather to the throwing off of systems of disguised jewish despotism such as modern democracy and communism. Even the traditional aristotelian discursive borders employed of "monarchia/demokratia/oligarchia" are now wholly obsolescent and bear no good fruitful relation to the confused political reality of our own time.
The present semitic tyrants are far wealthier and far deadlier and far smarter than anything any human majority has hitherto had to deal with. The front-facing puppets who are named Presidents and Prime Ministers are discovered to be alternating masks worn by these tyrannical satanic jewish banking families. In truth the character of today's contest against tyranny is unexampled in human history. Argumentatively appealing backwards to resolved states of strife must be esteemed politically worthless. Si fueris vere doctus, caste oro ut redderes responsionem hac in lingua ac non communi anglica. Quoque utilitates modernae traducendi tibi non auxiliabuntur quippe exacta concordia grammatica iam dudum quaeritur. Ita iam initiem interrogationem meae inquisitionis: Quopacto instauretur iustus principatus nostro orbi oppresso terrarum? Iudaei commodum dedere venenum letale populis ubique. Oppitivere milia et milia hominum. Potuerit aliqui observans praeteritus scriptor depingere horrorem plenum huius nostri morientis mundi? Aquinas non putandus est esse ista quaesita vox instructionis in tali intestato tempore. Tu citando eius effoeta verba mortua degeneraveris commodiorem fluxum conloquii profuturi si tantum verax impetus supponatur praesens sufficiensque ad imperium satanicum iudaicum percellendum. Sic iterum obsecro: in tuam mentem venerit vera solutio malorum iudaicorum enecantium hunc orbem et eius populos??? Da cogitationem latinam.
Also, please remember that Jews control:
banking/issuing of currency
both political parties
military (zog wars)
censorship systems (google, youtube, facebook)
pharmaceutical companies
hollywood (propaganda)
alphabet agencies (cia, fbi)
etc. etc.
>>316316>a criminal terrorist jewish dictatorship.Dictatorships are not defined by a body that applies dictation, as that is the work of any system of governance. Dictatorships are defined by the rule of a dictator. Which your own argument asserts is absent in the current system, as all dictation originates from a darkly understood oligarchy of Jews traceable directly to the foundation of Jewish oligarchy of Venice in the 8th century, exampled across history including your own earlier example of the Crusades.
>non communi anglica.No. And yes, that is because reading Latin requires concerted effort on my part and writing it is beyond my abilities. And also because I find it undignified and insulting to the concept of a communal discussion to require personally tailored engagement or proof of autodidactic equality between one and another in what is intended to be a communally shared space where one's qualifications to post consist of being an adult male virgin who will write in English for the benefit of site moderation in the enforcement of those required qualities.
>Iudaei commodum dedere venenum letale populis ubiqueIs this meant metaphorically or are you convinced that at any moment now the population will physically die? Because if it is intended metaphorically then by your own earlier arguments concerning the Norman and Germanic noble houses a common social poisoning is hardly unprecedented.
>huis nostra moriendi mundi?This world has been declared to be dying in horror in every century since the reign of the Emperor Nero. Particularly noteworthy would be the age of the Great Mortality, when 1/2 of the men of Europe died with boils and erupted in rage at the publication of confessions stating that the Jewish rabbis had deployed this plague with dark alchemy. It would be entirely comprehensible to them.
I cannot think in Latin, and will not pretend that I do.
>mediaThat word no longer means what it once may have. Media platforms are nowhere near so controlled as media publishers once were.
>banking/issuing of currencyIs primarily moving towards uncontrollable cryptographic tokens, particularly in terms of payment processors which is the only place in the modern world where this particularly matters since modern currency reserves no longer maintain a monopoly on gold or any other physical asset.
>hollywoodI have not watched a movie in a long time and neither has anyone else. To be honest I also do not so much as watch anime or play any videogame that was not already in my collection 10 years ago. This is not for any ascetic or moral reason. I think that no-one watches or reads source material media anymore, given the popularity of absurd AI-voice youtube channels recapping sanitized versions of pornographic manga of all fucking things. A great lethargy saturates the media intake of every adult that I know, and I do not know any non-adults to say if this is common across generations.
>everything else which is all downwind of controlling both political partiesLegislatively and socially protect alternative currency systems to destroy the monopolistic control of payment processors by banking cartels. The nontraditional and probably largely platform derived media that you currently use or create will then be able to self organize without concern for termination of livelihood including shutdown of any particular and specific platform, at which point control of the base (not leadership) of any political party will also crumble.
Have the jews lost their minds? Why is everybody who disagrees with them a crab? And what's wrong with being a virgin?
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