>>316998You know full well that your bitch ass would cry to the mods if someone bantered back at you.
I normally don't care much about politics but can someone here explain the following to me. So Trump is making things happen that could end the Russian - Ukrainian conflict quite soon potentially. I live in the EU. All I see and hear is voices that say that we can't trust Trump, he wouldn't involve the Ukraine or EU in his negotiations. But it's obvious that the Ukraine or EU has no interest in stopping the war, they failed to do so for 3 years and there's no improvement in sight, they failed to agree to the deal shortly after the conflict started which could have stopped it after a few weeks. The only explanation could be that EU and Ukraine are interested in prolonging the war, the killing, the fascination of sending weapons in a war zone and let soldiers fight to their death, make money in the meantime. Shouldn't we be against war?
>>317287Sounds like a leading question with your conclusion already drawn.
>>317287✡️✡️ will never step down thats why theres a war
>>317287-EU is a Jewish supremacist organization.
-Trump is very literally an alternating stage actor – like all (((American))) presidents – whose theatrical purpose is to front the power of Jewish banks.
-Ukraine is the modern diplomatic title given to what used to be called the Pale of Settlement (where Jews lived in monarchical Russia prior to the kosher communist revolution). It is being presently developed into a Second Israel under the direction of the CIA and EU.
-Russia fell to disguised Judeo-Satanic forces in 1918. These same forces manage its affairs to this day.
-USA, EU, Ukraine, and Russia, are all under mutual Jewish control.
-Killing white goyim, creating a Second Israel, upholding the strategically necessary image of Russia as a big independent bad guy, are the three main objectives of the war.
-The war only stops when the Sanhedrin rules it stops.
>"I live in the EU. All I see and hear is voices that say that we can't trust Trump, he wouldn't involve the Ukraine or EU in his negotiations"You are under a Jewish dictatorship. All your media are owned by lying Jews. Trump is a fat talking golem who decides nothing, plays the role of a fake European nationalist, and above all else *loves* the Jews for whom he works.
>>317287i'll make it real simple for you: trump is literally a russian asset. They have blackmail or something on him. He is capitulating fully to russia for nothing in return.
Funny thing in europe the jew politicians all dye their hair blonde, trump did that too
>>317299What kind of kompromat could they possibly have on him? He has been convicted of fraud, he has been indicted for assaulting succubi sexuaully, he has cheated the tax authority.
Even if Putin had a secret video of him doing satanist rituals or child abuse in the 1990s, it would probably drop his support by *maybe* 0,5% or he would claim it's an AI fake and his supporters would believe it.
Putin has no leverage over him. He just likes the guy and autocrats stick together.
>>317302Lmao amerimutts got BTFO so hard by Russia they think they're friends now
>>317303During his first term visit to North Korea, he said he admires Kim Jong-un for being a badass who manages to rule at barely 27 years old.
He just has a soft spot mentally for sociopaths who kill, blackmail and extort their way into power and manage to keep it.
There is some sort of spiritual kinship between them.
He will always hold someone like Kim or Putin in higher regard than Joe Biden.
He admires "self made men" (even though Kim inherited his post) who forcefully hold onto power by eliminating opponents by force.
>>317302They have video of him fucking kids most likely.
>>317302The other option is that it's not kompromat but simple understanding that they scratch his back he scratches their back. I mean if you think about it the Russians have been helping him get elected in all of his elections. Without their help, he very well may have lost and ended up in jail.
>>317309He's been bankrupt 8 times, I'm sure a few people are angry with him, so he has to play along or he'll probably get skinned alive
Trump is the most anti low status men goy ever
>>317311And how are they going to do that? Even large global criminal organizations like Camorra have maybe a few hundred hitmen at most. Cartels have 100 each.
Trump has not only 8000+ secret service agents making sure nobody gets near him without permission, but countless police and army officers.
That being said, SS agents often do fail.
How they failed to stop the guy who shot him from climbing on a very low rooftop and managing to take a shot, still baffles me to the point of suspecting conspiracy.
>>317310this explanation makes the most sense, because if putins counterintel and propaganda efforts through twitter, tiktok etc. managed to swing even 2% of the vote towards trump, he basically got him elected.
which means they're going to help each other out as long as the other is alive.
>>317313Vaccines are safe and effective, government agencies like the tax office and the police exist for your benefit
>>317309Joe Biden:
>Has been filmed sniffing, caressing, and pinching the nipples of little succubi since the Obama election campaign>Is in good with the Clintons, criticized for funding [[[Jeffery Epstein's]]] capitol endeavors, visiting his island>Sardoned his son Hunter who was under scrutiny for participating in [[[Epstein's]]] invitational partiesDon Trump:
>Undid Biden-era executive orders that lessened investigation priority and punishment for child sex trafficking>Visited [[[Epstein's]]] islan once, wrote publicly about how [[[Epstein]]] is a bad person.But yeah, orange man fucks kiddos.
Crazy how even after so long, leftards' only arguments against the Trump administration is
"He's a RUSSIAN ASSET and he PROBABLY does bad stuff" No.317326
>>317320>leftardsDo you know why things will never get better? Because you retards like you confuse liberals like this faggot
>>317310 with actual leftists.
>>317320>>317326Because none of you can still get to know they are all actors with the very same hidden agenda in service in the Antichrist. Trump may fuck kiddos as well, politics is acting.
Wake the up, you have normie-tier political mindsets. Schizo up.
"Leftists aren't like the OTHER left-wing people!" guy is still here? He must have a hard time enduring all the right-wing posting while waiting for someone to mention leftists (In this case leftards) so he can pounce in and make a fool of himself.
Far-left, Leftist, Liberal… All equally deserve to be mulched in to fish food. Things will get better then!
Why are soicucks so psychopathic? Nobody sane draws and animates something like this, they belong in a padded cell.
>>317352>Talking bad about the left makes me a Jewish slave>Talking bad about the right makes me a Jewish slaveWe are all goyim, here. You must be goyim too, or else you wouldn't be here.
>>317299I'll make it even simpler for you: Trump and Putin are both (((Chabad))) assets.
>>317361Goy is nominal singular.
Goyim is nominal plural.
Goyische/Goyish is descriptive.
>>317363>We are all [of the] goyim [tribe], here. You must be [one of the] goyim [tribe members] tooIt's correct in the context of goyim as a group.
I gotta hand it to Donald, he's rugging asset prices hard and if that isn't deflationary, I don't know what is. If bitcoin craters to zero, we can all finally upgrade our computers.
>>317391are you so retarded that you think bitcoin is still mined by consumer hardware?
>>317392Maybe he means there will be another buy opportunity. The current dip seems like panic selling after a few big sells appeared on the blockchain.
Passively waiting after buying, has generally been a profitable BTC strategy for the last 15 years.
>>317391> if that isn't deflationary, I don't know what is.You don't know what is.
Blorf is the most anti neet pres ex: social security. I can understand going after no aids treatment for nigs but ss ?
>>317391It's pretty clear he's intentionally tanking the economy so that he can refinance his real estate debt at a lower rate.
Remember fellow wiz: US/Russia/Ukraine posturing is just political theater managed by jews on both sides, no different from the "Cold War", which was a 50-year long jewish diplomatic hoax.
All these people are actors playing roles in a televised drama. Taking this political stage-play seriously is the equivalent of a group of succubi religiously following the changing relations of their favorite characters on a soap-opera.
US is under Jewish dictatorship, Western Europe is under Jewish dictatorship, Israel is obviously under Jewish dictatorship, Ukraine is under Jewish dictatorship, and Russia is under Jewish dictatorship. Jews have world government right now. This means they can play their puppet states against each other at any time to achieve whatever ends they want (like mutually killing white men, setting up a Second Israel within Jewkraine, and upholding the illusion of Russia being independent from Europe/the West).
Finally, Jews are backing off on much of the madness they inflicted on the goyim over the last 4 years, as they've stressed their slaves far too harshly, to the point that many of them no longer want to participate in their usual kosher games. The ending of the "Ukraine/Russia War" is another element of this de-escalation strategy.
>>317429Yes, it's all merely a kosher theater act. But can you really say it is not funny???? No.317435
>>317431scroll to 20 seconds in.
I wonder if there are Japanese people who actually think this jewish garbage is real?
>>317298why do people allow (((them))) to deceive like this? we need to somehow ban lying or at least alert others to the fact that they are being deceived. anyways good summary. the situation is very bad and 98% of the population is brainwashed.
Trump and Elon have kind of turned the US into Twitter in the sense that all of our investors are going to bail on us. When you cut spending and turn isolationist, it's almost like an admission of bankruptcy. I appreciate Trump trying to fix the country and telling the globohomo warhawks to kill themselves but we might be past the event horizon already.
how can you still be a poltard after the shitshow trump and vance gave us during zelenskys meeting
>>317447Good to see well informed people about the shitshow upon us all. Now, I wonder, which politics are we wizards into, by ourselves?
>>317450very easy, most trump voters hate zelensky and think ukraine is stupid, they admire russia more for being a strong man/ conservative bastion in this globohomo world.
What people like you, the EU, an the uk dont realize is that the so called "rules based order" is over. the unipolar moment is over. We enter a multipolar world where the big fish eat the little fish, were might makes right.
the idea of humanitarian wars was always a joke, well that shit is over now anyways.
>>317453ok. I believe there will be more war for territory annexion in the future
>>317453> We enter a multipolar world where the big fish eat the little fish, were might makes right.Hasn't it always been like that?
>>317453>rules based orderI love Trump for tearing off the mask. You can hate him for what he is and that he's essentially part of the group of demon elites but his absolute lack of finesse in revealing what the American Empire really is, is something you can't condemn him for.
Now either the workers rise up or an apocalypse. Either way is fine with me.
>>317457>demon elitesCalling them "elites" is the ultimate dicksuckery
>>317298Yes, Jews have essentially total power and are accordingly preparing to satanically play their puppet slave-states against one another in a managed war scenario that is likely coming quite soon. March is also significantly a month full of frequently-used numerological symbolism, so we should be especially alert to any coming kosher treachery.
Remember March 11 is 3/11 is 33. Jews at the CDC declared the pandemic on 3/11/2020 (3 x 11 x 2020 = 66660).
3/11 was also the date on which HAARP was used to intimidate the Japanese into submission.
322 is a well-known number in the Judeo-satanic secret society of Skull and Bones at (((Yale University))). Here we find another pairing of a 3 with a multiple of 11. 322 signifies the return of the sun (roughly March 22nd), when that luminous body seasonally re-asserts himself. An important number in paganism.
Purim also begins on March 13 2025. The (((US))) first began bombing Iraq on March 20 2003 – a date which coincided with the start of that year's Purim festival.
Also pursuant to their wonted belligerent wiles, the flash point for a meaningfully deadly worldwide conflict will near certainly come in the form of a false flag (observe WW1 quickened by Lusitania false flag, WW2 quickened by Pearl Harbor false flag, Vietnam quickened by Gulf of Tonkin false flag, Iraq quickened by 9/11 false flag, etc.) There exists no reason to believe demonic jews will change their polemopoietic methods at such a late stage as this now sad enslaved time in which we live. Recall that (((CIA))) controls all major news media and they as a rule always lie; as such whatever will be dramatically broadcast on the mainstream jewish news media must be met with full skeptic distrust.
Remember wizards:
Russia is not Russian, it is Jewish.
Ukraine is not Ukrainian, it is Jewish.
China is not Chinese, it is Jewish.
Britain is not British, it is Jewish.
America is not American, it is Jewish.
The same puppet-master deceptively manages the diplomatic spheres of all these nations. (((His))) control must be broken, elsewise all goyim will remain victims.
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