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File: 1728795802517.png (544.31 KB, 934x1183, 934:1183, 1721736783927469.png) ImgOps iqdb


Do you think there's any truth to this shit?
The part about gradually tensing and releasing muscles reminds me of techniques used in hypnosis, and I've also read about it being used by practitioners of "OBEs".
As well, the breathing pattern reminds me of that "wim hof" thing or whatever it's called. Where you breathe in a specific way and become a nordic ninja werewolf or something like that.


i never did this with tensing and relaxing muscles but slow and deep breathing is amazing. gives a calm confident inexhaustable energy of pure optimism and possibility. i was young when i did this the last time and it made a lot of people notice me who i did not wish to attract.

so unless you want every untalented conflict seeking asshole come up to you and confront you with their clever pickupline or icebreakconflict, better not do this in public because every desperate broken person will do anything just to be near your energy.


>getting pickup lines from random assholes
succ detected


>succ detected

there seems to be quite the gap of experience in your understanding of human relation…

all females do is go outside and try to find people who are better then them and organize with them into groups to gain advantages.

untalented men do this too. they go outside and try to impress people who are too good for them. i guess it never happened to you because you aren't too good for anyone…


go fuck yourself thot



so you never went outside and people wanted to meet you? i don't even believe you, that's just you pretending to have an excuse for being offended, that must be your favorite emotion.


>Do you think there's any truth to this shit?
Looks like standard progressive relaxation followed by normal mediation.
Nothing really that exceptional about it. I don't know about replacing sleep with it, and the suspended animation thing is just dumb, but it's a decent breathing/meditation exercise that is likely to have lots of benifits while unlikely to have too many negatives, unlike some breathing/meditation techniques.

Also, while yes progressive relaxation is also used for some inductions in hypnosis, it isn't the only use of progressive relaxation. This particular application is pretty unrelated.

>the breathing pattern reminds me of that "wim hof" thing or whatever it's called

only really related in that both are breathing techniques. Other than that they couldn't be any more diffrent. Wim Hof uses a combination of hyperventilation and held breath pauses with muscle flexing to dramatically raise body temperature and force very oxygenated blood to the extremities at will.
>Where you breathe in a specific way and become a nordic ninja werewolf or something like that.
lol, no.
Wim Hof method is just about learning to raise body temperature at will using breathing techniques. It can boost your cold resistance with practice but isn't anything supernatural.


As is it yours to remain where you are despised? Indeed it's you who just run out of excuses for being here wailing.


hehe yea
fuck yourself, succubus
film it too
show us hehe


focusing on my breathing gives me panic attacks now, if you're not in a good mental state then doing this shit is dumb desu
if you want to achieve what feels like a state of meditation or an out of body experience that would take hours to work up to, just do some acid or shrooms instead and you'll get much farther than any amount of breathing techniques


This seems like intentionally the worst advice humanly possible.
Why bump this this thread just to troll?


actually its weird, a couple of weeks ago i was researching breathing teqniques, apparently there is one called Holotropic Breathwork. Apparently you can get high just by breathing really fast


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