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I hate cyberpunk 2077, it failed at depict a cyberpunk. it mimics cyberpunk and looks like a gta game in the future they should have made the game based on the genre and not only mike pondsmith's table top rpg game.
It is lame compared to other cyberpunk games (example: deus ex).
I hate cyberpunk 2077 for another reason too; it is that when you type cyberpunk 2077 in the search bar, every results is about cyberpunk 2077. the results are 99% of the time about cp2077 (it completly broke the genre on internet). cp2077 was a mistake to me and a burdden for the genre.
But now that the game exist, it is good because now you can separate the bad cyberpunk media from the good ones (and cp2077 is a bad one!).
about cp2077, is now normalfags think what is cyberpunk is what they saw in cp2077 (neons, shitty rap music,…).
anyway, enough of cp2077. I only played 10 minutes of the game.

>What cyberpunk media (game, book, music,etc…) did you consum?

>Is your life High tech, Low life?

"The future is here. It’s just not widely distributed yet." William Gibson
there's some elements of cyberpunk in real life but cyberpunk is just far away from reality. just take surfing in the virtual world (cyberpsace) and using internet on the computer or even cyborg arms/legs. Or megacorporations, but yeah william gibson is right, we have cyberpunk things in reality.

-I like the neo-tokyo city in Akira. it make so much sense to me to build an artificial island on tokyo bay with neverlasting buildings.

-I also like Kowloon walled city. maybe the most cyberpunk area to ever exist. If I was about to make a video game on cyberpunk, I'd add a kowloon level haha!

-One thing I don't like is flying cars. when you see cyberpunk cities, they have roads but if flying cars exist, better make all cars flying therfore not making roads. I don't want to it to turn into the fifth elements. The cars must no fly. or only for ambulances, firefighters and police. so to me cars shouldn't fly

-There's a lot of cyberpunk media that are in fact post-cyberpunk media like Matrix and Ergo proxy, am I right?

-I like the role of megacorps have in cyberpunk genre. I like them to be the main antagonist and those who don't like corps are punks in the sense of anti-megacorps. it make so much sense about the name of cyberpunk. (the cyber part=future). it's the rich against the poors like in real life for nowdays world. so cyberpunk is kind of down to earth sci-fi genre.

-one of the aspect of the genre is the hacking part. it is cool: it gives to the genre another point of vue to the protagonist (the protagonist must know some hack shit and not only knowing how to shoot guns).

-When we think about cyberpunk cities, we think about asian megapolis first and american coast's cities but never about european cities. what can make cities in europe more cyberpunk is to think about commieblocks in eastern europe countries (example russia)

-overcrowded cities, most of the population living in big cities. crime and gangs everywhere, drug and cyberspace, hacking and cyborg parts, electric impulse and micro technology, endless underground parties, silly fashion, that's what cyberpunk is!

watch this: https://youtu.be/nAuYKQ-j86s?si=lskFJL1TYsvrCJat


Burn:Cycle and Dreamweb were pretty fair games for their times, and also loving Cybershadow and Ghostrunner.

But let you you know about the really noice Cyberpunk game who rang the bell:
>same franchise and timeline


waoh hacking part is weird. is doing a mini game for hack level is good game design?


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nice thread. i really hate this recent development of companies or pieces of media calling themselves after something that happened organically.

the game cyberpunk being 99% of search results is such garbage. i remember days where i could exclude stuff from searches but it seems like search engine in an effort to be more useful to their owners became less useful to their users; the feature never seemed to work for me back when i was still using google. dirty facebook did the same thing. they called themselves meta after the word was used to discuss the current strategies in online videogame/esports. assholes.

i very much enjoyed animatrix. i remember being very impressed when i saw it; with the genre being a canvas to tell stories, teach life lessons, express humanity, warn of potential dangers, question boundaries with thick emotions and surprises. also the different art styles did it for me as well as the music not just being background but actually helping in carrying the load of the storytelling.

i noticed several memes in the last weeks of people exploring the idea of taking both pills.


The hacking in Ratchet and Clank 3 was specially fine, for this case.



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Yeah, I myself prefer post-cyberpunk things.
In an age where imagination seems to be at war with intelligence, I just find more solace in character-driven things with just barely enough of its genre's components to qualify. Otherwise it just isn't worth immersing in.


why many cyberpunk media have a policeman as a protagonist?
>blade runner


Same reason there are so many crime shows in general.

Most jobs are extremely boring, so you ether have to pick one of the very few intresting ones, make something up, or keep the job as just something in the background of interpersonal stuff.
There are exceptions but something like cops or criminals are common because it's inherently interesting and sets it self up for certain genera.

For example blade runner is a Neo-noir film inspired deeply by detective pulps.
PSycho-pass is in part a mystery that also addresses issues of state/police power and the idea of thought crime taken to the extreme, among other things.
And gits is also largely a mystery with a mystery plot structure. Both the movies and most of the shows.


It's because they inspired in blade runner. and blade runner took themes from noir movies, which often had cops/detectives as main characters.

Wish there where more media from the view point of marginalized groups or outlaws like neuromancer or cyberpunk 2077 nomad and streetkid paths.


>marginalized groups
Oh no.
Only a certain kind of people use that particular buzzword. The kind who are actively toxic to any and all communities they interact.
Please, wherever you came from, I beg you, go back.


I agree with >>313233. That phrase is government propaganda to a tee.


cut the soy pls


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anyone into cyberpunk who knows a lot about it? I want to ask you some questions


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apparently, cdtproject is going to make another cyberpunk game: cyberpunk 2. jeeeez killing the genre on internet wasn't enough, they need to kill it twice. I fucking hate them


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Well you can expect that for just about anything that once was interesting and/or meaningful. It's a race to see how can turn as many once-good things as possible into lowest-denominator slop.


I'm glad you agree with me and on my side. bitching about things is childish but it is rightful when they ruin an entire genre


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cyberpunk vibes


anyone here think it is maybe only a little more than insane that the game cyberpunk 2077 was essentially just a really well marketed scam? what kind of mentality do you have to have as an adult GROUP of "video-game developers" to use that amount of marketing deception just to trick people into wasting 60 or 70 dollars on a counterfeit product? what is wrong with these people? and also how is this a permissible "video-game business practice"? human nature will never change – it's just greed and manipulation everywhere. the jews have set that pace for centuries now, scamming goys out of everything. maybe these retards looked at the jewish covid/divoc depopulation scam and thought to themselves "we can do the same in our own little way." fuck these scum. i just wanted a fun game to play.


it's scam. my brother who's a normalfag, cracked cp2077 and play some time. he deleted it after 2 or 4 hours in game because he said it was pure shit. I didn't play the game and those who like the games are people who (I think) don't know much about cyberpunk most of the time. tell me if I'm wrong


>it's scam. my brother who's a normalfag, cracked cp2077 and play some time. he deleted it after 2 or 4 hours in game because he said it was pure shit
And he's right.

I played the game and uninstalled it after maybe 8 hours, idr how much I played exactly, then I got a full refund from gog. I think the money is still on the account too, lol, since release. But yeah it's a dogshit game, bad combat, woke politics injected, etc, everyone already knows how bad it actually is.

>what kind of mentality do you have to have as an adult GROUP of "video-game developers" to use that amount of marketing deception just to trick people into wasting 60 or 70 dollars on a counterfeit product? what is wrong with these people

You're new to corporations doing anything, I see. That's to say that it's a pretty normal thing to do if you're a corporation/company. Ironically what C2077 tried to 'warn people about', lul.

There were a ton, ton of redflags (for those with the experience to recognize them) that this game was going to suck, and I even knew it before buying it. Crowbcat with the C2077 vid listed many of them, although it came after release.


Forgot to say that the whole 'yeah so you are a protagonist but you are going to die at the end because we're too retarded as writers to do anything else, it would mean more work anyway' was also a major thing that ticked me off about the game. I really hate when I play some guy in death row with plot armor then dies at the end in some tragic shit way where you can't do anything. Normalfags will shed a tear and say it's genius, though, as always.


Tbh the only reason they made them die is because since they were pulled out of the writers' ass as such were not really canon/present in the base game, so they needed a justification as to why they don't appear in the game. "Oh they died tragically" sounds better to customers than "well idfk we just made it like that out of our ass to save the company with an animme".

Although i'm glad too, I suppose.


>There were a ton, ton of redflags (for those with the experience to recognize them) that this game was going to suck, and I even knew it before buying it.
I knew it was going to suck the very first time when they showed the trailer (video related) in 2013


I remember it, true. No gameplay at all, for the most part just some shitty slider that explains absolutely nothing. Then people went ultra-hype for this for some reason.
>when it's ready
Just an excuse to hide that the game cannot be released commercially because the game is too much dogshit to an intolerable point. Until funds run out/when the project manager asks for it to be released anyway. Bannerlord did the same and it was complete trash, still is. Only difference is that those games never really improve at the core because the foundations upon which it was built were garbage. It's so funny when CP2077 was delayed so many times and yet it made no difference in the end. Still released broken and bad.


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thank you, yeah you're right, when you start calling your idea the genre your creation come from the same idea: it sucks. also yeah I hate now cyberpunk search on internet 99% of time gives you cp2077 results: it sucks.
animatrix was cool, indeed.

teasing games before even slightly work on it will be dead on arrival for sure


You should stop drinking booze.


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any wizzies who are true conoisseurs about cyberpunk, please??


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>I hate cyberpunk 2077
I don't, well I used to but not anymore. Kind of consider myself a fan of anything Cyberpunk, love the aesthetic, politics, technology, the entire premise resonates with me very well. Naturally being a fan I had Cyberpunk 2077 pre-ordered only to find out that the devs pulled a fast one. On release the game was downright unplayable piece of shit game with horrible performance but I still tried to give it a shot. This unfortunately resulted in me being unable to return the game since I've spent way too many hours playing hoping it's just a bad start. Losing money wasn't a huge problem at the time but either way this whole ordeal made me lose hope. Like if CDPR couldn't deliver then no one could gaming was officially over.
Years would go by with me pretty much not playing anything and only occasionally playing one game an hour a week at best all I did was brain rot. Nothing was fun. During 2023 my decade old shitbox was starting to work way too slow and began dreaming about a new PC. Around February 2024 I slowly started building my new PC piece by piece by sniping cheap open box deals. In the end I had B650E system with 7800X3D and RTX 4080 Super.

I have played a lot of games during my life, I spent more time playing vidya than sitting in education or working but even by old classic standards, Cyberpunk 2077 with the DLC is definitely a game that goes to my top 10 list maybe even in the top 3 it's just enjoyable for me. It has great gameplay that is actually fun and not some grind fest to go through like I look forward to fight some no-name generic goons just cuz it's so fun obliterating them. And what's cool is the more skilled you are yourself, the more flashy and cool you look while fighting. It's a joy to jump around doing flips and shooting fuckers to the head then teleporting behind with katana and em finishing off. There are skill trees, RPG elements, your implants dictate your style great customization and replayablity(tho not the best), difficulty is decent and the hardest one feels fair but challenging as hell. If you want you could even have romance with temptatious succubi if you're one of those kinds of wiz I honestly cringed at all that.
The story itself has so many twists and turns, it's quite deep and fantastic I just loved it and I couldn't care less that there's le holsum keanu reeves as a character. There are choices, alternative ways to finish quests, a huge city to explore with secret rewards and finds. The DLC it adds so much more stuff and it's all 10/10 premium content it would be cool if it was free but 20 euro is not the worst. The street lingo, the designs, THE GRAPHICS oh and music god damn audio here is just perfect I love the style. All in all it was prefect, it's like the whole game was designed for me enjoy and the choice to make it FPS was probably the best decision CDPR had ever done. Honestly Cyberpunk 2077 made me like video games again, I've now been playing tons of games it's nice to feel like it used to feel.


well I'm glad for you you enjoy cp2077. You almost mad me hyped playing it haha


are deus ex games worth it??


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maps of kowloon walled city


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The OG one from the 2000 and Deus Ex: Human Revolution are good. Avoid the rest.


ok thank you


What do you even mean by it being a scam? My expectations were low due to the same red flags mentioned and of course the launch issues and a whole clusterfuck of problems the game had, even though I bought it at a discount after the major patches that reworked almost everything about gameplay mechanics.

In the end I was pleasantly surprised by how well it played, the gameplay offers a lot of freedom of how you want to fight enemies and it's really fluid with almost no jank. The story is great too, Johnny's character is really good even though Keanus voice acting is probably the worst in the game. Apart from some shit characters like Panam and useless features such as separate prologues and choosing the size of your penis, I had much more fun with it than say, GTA V or pretty much any other open world game released in the last 10 years.


Forgot to add, I'm not a fan of Pondsmith's cyberpunk universe and never played the PnP or read anything about it prior to the game, but from all I can tell is that they have got the lore right.


I liked cyberpunk stuff a lot when I was younger, but it's a bit too realistic for my tastes now. Gibson was writing in the 80s but I feel like today we very much do live in a (boring) cyberpunk dystopia


>"The future is here. It’s just not widely distributed yet." William Gibson
gibson told this, he was aware we're already in a cyberpunk soceities but its not as far in the future as it be in gibsons book

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