preparing the ground for krunchy krickets
>>314768it can be dangerous for people who are allergic. you have to make the recipe explicit
>and know that we'll eat it without question
i don't; i make +90% of my food myself, from recognizably real ingredients with as little equipment as a blender, a hotplate and a toasteroven AND SO CAN YOU! while i have disdain for industrial food, i appreciate your research into it because within your endeavor i recognize the desire for reality to prevail and illusion to crumble. right on brother.
>>314774any tips on how to eat healthy and do healthy poops??
>>314775>how to eat healthyas little processed nonsense as possible
>do healthy poopsprunes
>>314776do dry prunes works?
>>314775I started eating oatmeal and it's done wonders for my stools. Don't overdo it tho. Also added a probiotic pill each morning on an empty stomach because I started having some ibs-ish issues a few weeks ago.
>>314775yeah i could fill a book by this point. it's nothing you have not heard before. all the important stuff is widely understood by smart people.
here is a perspective you might not have considered to be important that i consider very important: digestion.
how do tomatoes digest? how does potato digest, what difference makes the way it is prepared to the digestion? what happens when you only eat apples for a weak, what if all you ate was watermelon? how do farts smell when all you eat is banana? do you start to stink when you eat pizza? when you eat pasta, does it make you tired in the afternoon? i know the answer to all these questions.
now fat people do the opposite. they don't care about the effect a food source has on the body, they worry about how it tastes. taste is an illusion. idiots swear stuff tastes good or bad but this is for the most part a function of habit that can be quickly overridden.
if you wanna go deep i know easy two portals into the highest form of human nutrition.
1) what do people do who have inoperable dangerous cancer who medicine has given up on do to CURE (not treat) themselves? are there people who have healed themselves?
2) each species has evolved together with certain food sources that the organs of that species reflect. the cow has several stommachs, that's because of what the cow prefers to eat. since animals are not psy-ops'd by human consumer culture (except for domesticated dogs maybe) they are also never confused about what their body has the best ability to digest but i digress. look at the body of a being through the lens of utilitarianism: stommach(s), length of the gastro-intenstinal tract, sleep time, ph value, teeth, claws, weapons and it will be abundantly clear what each species is best at digestion. once you understand the relationship with a foodsource shapes the animal to optimally digest the food source, you can no longer be in doubt or denial what humans should be eating. at this point it becomes clear to you. there is tons of stuff to learn and it is so worth it.
>>314777>do dry prunes works?this might work as quick temporary fix but the core problem is most likely when someone eats stuff that is not moist enough and does not drinks enough. what is a organism supposed to do that expects a constant stream of moist alive nutrients and then what ends up being swallowed is dry dead industrial food like crackers that crumble into grain powder when chewed. that's basically glue.
someone who eats according to his species will have healthy poops and needs no prunes to the rescue.
>>314777>dry pruneson second thought though, if eating the prunes (or raisins, or dried appricots, or dates [ow lawd there are dates so sweet and tasty, i once bought 12 packages of them for a good price and after eating all the packages i was sad that i did not buy 100 packages. i digressed again…]
if eating the prunes means eating less crackers, chips, pizza, pasta, bread and candy then yes, it will solve the problem and it is more then the temporary fix. if instead of eating chocolate in the evenings (that's when you should be eating your worst food, when most of the day is already over) you would eat a few prunes, then that means you would not eat the artificial garbage and this would indeed solve the problems. go solve your problem, wu tang!
>Constipation has nothing to do with dietthat's like saying adhesion has nothing to do with glue strength.
exercise will certainly help with constipation a lot though unless the person does not drink enough. i'd say to combat constipation: longer low intensity movement like cardio will be more beneficial then short high intensity movement like weight lifting, this will gently massage the obstructions out of the lymphatic system and even aid in digestion mechanically. it is quite fortunate that the human organism stands upright while the ass points downward, that means traveling through the GI tract can make use of gravity for the most part.
the human body assumes that there is body movement. sitting around most days was never part of being a human for the last hundreds of thousands of years…
swimming, walking, running, cycling, skating for an hour on most days would be wonderful regeneration for the constipated body. i'd set a goal for 10 minutes though and do that for a week and then slowly and gradually increase to 20 minutes, to 30 minutes and so on. going from 0 minutes to 60 minutes a day is a big leap and those often end after 2 days in frustration. the goal should be the forming of the habit, tune it up gently over the course of many days like a volume knob.
Fuck Big Food. And what the fuck are Kazbars? Sounds like you'd be eating some Mongolic people.
I'm noticing it in Europe as well, with the same words. And not only the naming and branding but the toxic waste they put in it too, "food" is getting more processed and more American. It started with the soy rubber garbage vegans eat, childish non-descriptive names and trendy ADHD zoomer marketing. At most they describe the texture and form, crunchy, crispy, soft, strips, pieces. Crunchy goobers with soft gloop inside.
It's now moving to regular food too, along with the text on the packaging being half or fully in English. The words describing the texture, sensation and form are most often in English. "Crunchy", "soft", "spicy" and "strips" are very common, like we don't have our own words for them.
The list of ingredients keep getting longer with more mystery stuff. Everything needs to have rapeseed/canola and sunflower oil that tastes like rancid ass. Sugar in everything, sugar being replaced by chemical sweeteners, not only one but sometimes 2-3 in the same product. The poisonous slop at least tasted good 10-20 years ago, now everything's changed so much, it all tastes like shit and makes me ill. Which may be a good thing, when you stop eating it as to not get severe heartburn or gut problems.
I am also noticing mascot characters either being completely removed or replaced by small-headed, long-limbed, green and purple-skinned globohomo characters.
>It started with the soy rubber garbage vegans eatvery much reminds me of this meme that i unfortunately can not find the screenshot for:
>young people have started to implant diamonds into their skin<no the fuck we don't
just because they sell this stuff in the store does not mean actual vegans eat it. being vegans means choosing to eat plants. soy schnizel isn't a plant. other then the vegan bodybuilders who still believe in protein and wives of braindead husbands who want to trick their husbands into eating less meat, i don't know anyone actually buying this stuff and i wonder what they do with the unsold masses of this stuff because they surely don't just dump it somewhere, where someone could take pictures and spread them to other consumervictims. i could be wrong though, i don't know many people. self respecting vegan wouldn't eat this stuff. vegan meal is: tomato and cabbage and steamed sweet potato with a few spices and a hand full of nuts and some seaweed.
pasta isn't even vegan…
>>314793>Erm us vegans actually aren't stupid like people say we are. We actually eat PLANTS. No not those plants they'rwe fakelol
>bodybuilders who still believe in proteinLOL. You must be a real moldy son of a bitch to have had a bad run-in with a VEGAN bodybuiilder to start denying their philosophy of "protein exists"
SUch an odd coincidence. Every time a vegan shows up here he makes multi-paragraph threads and replies spouting the most obscene nutritional nonsense.
>>314794>>Erm us vegans actually aren't stupid like people say we are. We actually eat PLANTS. No not those plants they'rwe fake>lolit is as simple as realizing that neither a breaded piece of industrial goo allegedly made from processed soy nor pasta (which is nothing but processed grain) can be plucked from a tree while the tomato can be plucked from a tree. bread is not vegan, it does not grow on trees. you only know what is vegan to you, but you are on the level of a drunk sportsballfan letting youtube autoplay your videos.
>>bodybuilders who still believe in protein>LOL. You must be a real moldy son of a bitch to have had a bad run-in with a VEGAN bodybuiilder to start denying their philosophy of "protein exists"
>SUch an odd coincidence. Every time a vegan shows up here he makes multi-paragraph threads and replies spouting the most obscene nutritional, you are just 20 years behind. i have not eaten protein in 7 years and kicking your ass would not even make me sweat. if there was something better then protein, would someone dumb like you learn it sooner or later? later of course, after enough other people who you can follow and imitate have understood it. i look down on you.
>>314799Your English is atrocious, but not in an ESL way… More like in a mental retard way.
>>314793This guy doesn't believe in proteins lmao. Then where do hamburgers come from? Checkmate atheists
>>314799Your English is atrocious, but not in an ESL way… More like in a mental retard way.
so what, you are dirt. so what if you don't like it. it is of no consequence. you have nothing to teach only to learn, you have nothing to offer, only to take. the audacity of insisting that you matter.
>Vegan is everything which doesn't come from animals, so bread included. It has nothing to do with whether the food in question is a whole food or has been processed.
to someone who wears a helmet as to not injure himself such as yourself maybe but not to an actual vegan. you don't understand it, you just parrot what the majority parrots and that attitude will leave you not understanding the nuance to anything. no understanding, just surface recognition of buzzwords for you. limitation of your mindset of being a follower.
>You should eat tofu, it's good for you. What you're promoting sounds like raw veganism, which is something that shouldn't be encouraged.
you don't know what is good, you only know what is normal and everyone knows what is normal so there is never a reason for you to talk ever.
who cares about processing? I love my coated bars with soft filling and crispy bits!
this is now the food general thread
>I'd like you to point me to any buzzwords in my last post.
first sentence, bitch.
>Don't be schizo
sorry, i can tell you desperately want to talk but i don't care, you are dumb and i don't believe in you.
>>314809>who cares about processingeveryone who does not slowly want to turn into a cripple over the years, that's who. getting older does not have to mean getting weak, frail and having to resort to doctors to keep you alive like a science project.
>Hardly a buzzword considering the post I replied to.
everything a dummy can not make sense of, is automatically schizo. and before it was schizo, it was "take your meds". there is always a buzzword or buzzphrase you generic minions default to, it changes a few times each decade but what does not change is how far behind a person who has decided to follow will inevitably end up being. i doubt there is anything a person could learn from you so how would you ever carry your own weight in a conversation, certainly not by repeating normality and pretend that it is news. you live like 10 years in the past, maybe 20.
no that's not what you mean when you say schizo. you are trying to refer to the psychological condition schizophrena but that's just you playing pretend to seem less petty. let me tell you what you are trying to say. you mean "guy on the internet is an asshole because he does not respect me".
and i disagree. someone who does not respect you is not an asshole. perfectly fine not to respect you. respect has to be earned and you deserve none.