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File: 1734142599875.jpeg (195.31 KB, 600x840, 5:7, 20449D6C-99A0-48D6-A325-A….jpeg) ImgOps iqdb


To add, I also came across a commentary which told a story about how the other shapes launched a whole coalition to drill a single otherly hole into the wall, and how the circle was in shambles after that.



Good one, I like it. Even the smug, shit-eating grin on the round shape, it's somehow really punchable.


The cracks around the hole show that the circle had to struggle to break through the hole, meaning he didn't have it easy. Also now that the wall is already damaged the other guys can also get through with light effort thanks to the work the circle did in breaking it.


no, the other shapes should lobotomize their pointy bits until they become a worse, but conforming version of the round shape


File: 1734188408381.jpg (134.7 KB, 1080x1299, 360:433, 1dfch1fgtt901.jpg) ImgOps iqdb


what if the square is too large for the hole, even sideways?


Then the square deserves to suffer for decades then die like a dog because it's objectively inferior to the circles.

The above was an example of what normalfaggots actually believe.


I will remind you again that this isn't r9k on shitchan and isn't /dep/.
Delusional demoralization will be laughed at as being absurd here.


I don't know what you're talking about and I suspect neither do you.


he wants you to just improvemaxx bro and stop complaining, John Rambo had it much worse, just pull yourself by the bootstraps, you just need to be more productive


I am so sick of your NPC shitpost you copy from place to place.

Think for yourself for once in your life.
Go make real observations of the world instead of regurgitating narratives you seen on the idiot box.


Whatever happened to webcomics like this? Stuff that used to criticize the normalfags.

He's a fucking retard.

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