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This shit really triggered me. Imagine caring for some little animals for 7 years then jew approved paper pushers come take them from you with no warning and then kill them.


amerikkkan politics is a joke. if the coppers didn't get him, then surely the haitians would eat him haha


It is a good example for demonstrating the type of society in which we live


Fairly emblematic of the needless over-regulation of everyday life by state authorities. This is like an anecdote you'd get from soviet days


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I would have gone Rambo on them


The problem is not with the bureaucrats. They were just doing their job after receiving a report that there was an animal that could have rabies. The problem is with the guy who sent that report in the first place. The no good busybody who lied knowing this would happen.


>It's not the fault of the knife-wielding murderer; the person who tipped him off to where another potential victim may be is the real killer

Both the bureaucrats and the blacks who complained are at fault


Maybe you deserved it.


>The problem is not with the bureaucrats
I strongly disagree.
>They were just doing their job
Just following orders makes evil worse not better.
The people who rounded up people for consentration camps also were just doing their job and following orders.


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white w*men are truly evil


voting Trump


This is just high trust society.


Texan succubi are insane


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>Just following orders makes evil worse not better.


The government kills thousands of children for no good reason every year.
Some tree rat isn't even a blip on the radar of my undying loathing for the evil that is government.


As evil as government is, never forget that all governments on earth are just puppets. Pawns on the chess board that is planet earth. And it's the trillionaire banker class and their billionaire minions who move the pieces.


Your conspiracy shit is both incorrect and irreverent to what is actually being talked about.

Bureaucrats don't kill a fucking squirrel because a shadowy cabal of trillionare bankers say so.
You just have a urge to oversimpfy the world with a grand conspricy narative because you can't properly comprehend how bad it really is.
That there is no grand plan and the vast majority of people in positions of power don't know what they are doing, don't have any morals, and do all they can to avoid accountability or liability.

The root of this evil isn't some hidden plotting elite. The root of this evil is the painfully mediocre sniveling bureaucrat. It's the boring dude flipping the swich on the gas chamber because they are just following orders.
It's the loser in the cubicle who just sees thousands of lives lost as numbers on a spreadsheet. It's the lawyer who sincerely believes that truth doesn't exist and justice is just a matter of semantics and perspective.

The banality of evil is a very real thing.


this is a jew. he >>316327 is perfectly right, and you are wrong. judeo-phoenician bankers and their whole ecosystem of political puppets must fall.
there certainly is a (((grand plan))) and the people in positions of power know *exactly* what they are doing. altho judging by the execution of the recent covid affair they may not be quite as smart as they once were.

and in any case the true "banality of evil" is the uncritical indolence of mankind generally for having suffered hannah arendt to fix that expression to a complete fiction of a holocaust.


>Your conspiracy shit
Stopped reading there. The fact that you knee-jerked with "conspiracy" as a swear word proves that you've been psyopped by glowniggers. Yes, they literally invented the term "conspiracy theorist" precisely to bluepill normalcattle such as yourself into meekly accepting the status quo without question.


Knew you were the kind of retard that defaults to blaming jews for all things at all times.

You are far too stupid to discuss reality. You got your head too far up /pol/s ass, lapping up their shitpost as gospel then regurgitating it out everywhere you go.

Again, the fucking tree rat wasn't killed because it's apart of some grand jewish conspiracy. I am getting so sick of people who are as miserably stupid as you are.
Go drown watching a rain storm.


You're talking to someone who wishes life had meaning but it doesn't. It's all random chaos and very inept people making stupid decisions.


Look around, everyone detests you guys.


/pol/ is full of retards with stupid political position and plain wrong worldview, they are almost like children afraid of some boogeyman, in truth their political view are so simplistic is almost naive and childlike, born from people desperate from change and wishsing power for themselves.


/pol/ is trying to justify their crusade against other group of people because they are oppressed by a group of people who control their country. all of this but can't tell they're just racist. no need to say more: just say you're racist stop justifying yourself


Jew do have some overepresatation in higher position, but they aren't the only elite, it's just stupid and simplistic to thinks that a monolitic elite trying to control a schizo freak permanently online, that just born from the imagination of a schizo desperate to be something in his life beside of a basement dweller loser.


there's a lot of successful racists. they want to choose who can stay in their country and who can't. also the /pol/ idea is an idea that only the far-right can be political
tell me if I'm talking bullshit but that's what it seems to be to me


Couple of decades ago irish and italians aren't considered white people, before the slavery black people aren't considered inferior to whites, many of /pol/ dreams are completely wrnog and based on historical unnacuary, they want to build a nation raised on fake history because is suit their emotions, and not truly the reality of the world


they don't care about equality, they want one thing: foreigners to gtfo of their country


Like I said before, irish and italians, in general people that aren't from northen european wasn't see as truly white, foreings are just people, you can draw the line when it comes to problematic or criminal people, beyond that is just a matter of "i just don't like that person because my feeling tell so" in another words: pure racism


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my theory on why they're racist is they got an unusual life, so they tend to be very different from others and know theor life is complete different from foreigners


I say that racism is born from bad experience with certain racial or ethinic groups or alright ignorance and fantasy that a person create is his mind of how people act, the first is born from empirical experience and extrapolation, the another is just ignorance and falty reality experience.


why you keep using the same picture everywhere


I saw this pic on a thread I don't remember. I liked the pic and saved it used it in this thread but I and the other guy who used the same pic ; we'rd not the same


It is a very nice pic

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