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 No.311496[Last 50 Posts]

do beverages even make sense? do they deserve to exist? i don't think so. beverages are shit. i question the general concept behind them. when i see someone drink lemonade i instantly consider that person an idiot; that someone who is drinking sugary industry juice because they made it taste nice. that's someone who was tricked into selfharm to me.

myself i like to drink fruit juices. i very much believe in the juices i make myself from real fruit. a fresh juice from an apple? that's so nice that everything else compared feels like a waste. occasional get distracted and resort to buying in boxes from the supermarket. currently i drink nothing but water. drinking only water is fine too though. that's plenty especially when the food is as dense as modern food. that's plenty for the body.


people drinking alcohol is so funny to me. i use 99% isopropyl alcohol to dissolve spraypaint off when some asshole spraypaints my car. and the same stuff people drink for fun. that's just more self-harm. why they keep harming themselves.


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i don't know how real the colors in this video are; they might be exaggerated. they could be real though because some times when juicing stuff, those surprisingly bright colors appear.


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i use this juicer, it's a lazy man's juicer. juice purists would rage at this. they swear these slower juicers are better but they are too much work. using them is like having an additional child to feed.

i use this lazy juicer because all i have to do is to buy a bag of apples. the apples fit into the hole in the top of the juicer without me having to cut the apple into smaller pieces. with the slower juicers the fruit has to be cut into chunks first which is annoying.

bag of apples 2kg or 3kg is costing me 2€-3€ and yields ~1,5liter of juice.

during the summer when it is hottest, i eat nothing and only drink the juice. this practice is called juice fasting.

for me usually works like this: i stop buying regular food and only buy fruits for a few days and then as i run out of other food because i ate it all, i stop buying anything but juice-able fruit. apples, grapes, watermelon, cucumbers, tomato. and then i use the juicer all day and occasionally a few bites of fruit but mostly juicer.

i've done that for weeks. 3 weeks only juice, 10 weeks only fruit. the fruit juice is alive and alive food is different from the dead food the industry provides.


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when all i ingest is watermelon, after maybe 2-5 days the poop that comes out is bright pink. startled me the first time. it is pink and as the days go on the poops become more frequent and quicker and less complicated. pooping then happens 3 times a day and it takes seconds to poop and there is hardly any wiping necessary and it doesn't smell nasty.

for me it was the discovery that the human body is not that different from a car. depending on what fuel you put in the tank, your engine will run better or worse. fruit juice is precise manual fueling of the human body. it is pure, there are barely any emissions and the energy is higher. all day every day. there is never a lack of energy, it is infinite energy cheat. ability to do stuff all day every day. it is the exact opposite of "everything is so tiring". nothing is tiring.

while juice fasting you could spend a day jogging around and then still have enough energy to go dancing in the evening. availability of energy stops being a determining factor. usually energy is a limiting factor but it suddenly stops to inhibit. all that is limiting is the speed of which ideas on what to do next is formed. made me realize that my body is strong and my mind is weak; here i always believed the opposite to be the case before i felt that. made me feel inadequate, like i am a incompetent manager of my own body.

i never felt like i have made good use of the energy once. i still feel like a beginner and a failure for not rearanging my life in a way that lets me make use of the energy i am feeling fully. every year i get better at it though.


Not much difference, I've gotten fat drinking too much juice thinking it was healthier.


>op doesn't know what words mean again

Juice is a kind of beverage.

Wtf do you think the word beverage means?


>Not much difference, I've gotten fat drinking too much juice thinking it was healthier.

how do you even get fat. when you eat too much and move too little. don't you know the human body is a fun movement and dancemachine? i guess you don't. maybe you are the type of guy who prefers to sit around and plays warhammer while eating gourmet food.

juice made me in the kind of guy who likes to sit around too but can not stand it because every second i am sitting around, i could get up and practice dance moves and turn and do a kick. i wish i had known sooner how rewarding the path of being active as a human is.

>Wtf do you think the word beverage means?

beverage sounds so official and civilized, so that it would include products made in factories that were designed by economists and food scientists that not necessarily care to help you make good decisions other then a few seconds of mouthpleasure while they weaken your teeth. beverages have gas bubbles in them and were made to have a specific color and taste.

the juice you buy in the supermarket gets pasteurized. they heat it to a very hot temperature to keep it from rotting. what if that kills the fragile good stuff? you don't know. you only know how to sage and nothing else.

i wanted to create a contrast to juice as in fresh squeezed juice from actual fruits that quickly rot because they are very sought after by the ecosystem. a beverage is shelf stable and you can easily buy it at a gas station.

a beverage is what you drink when you try to make yourself feel good.

a juice is what you drink when you are already feeling good because it is your default state and you are trying to keep it up.


>I've gotten fat

every fat person could just eat less and become thin, yet most don't. they don't know how good fasting is for the human body. i never fasted long but juice fasting is similar in many ways. it is similarly beneficial but without this lack of energy, without feeling like starving.

lol one time i ate and drank too little for a few days and i was thin as a skeleton. bmi of 17.5. all my bones were sticking out 😆


if i had any dignity and self respect, this is how i would make juice:


i like the way my centrifugal juicer does it. simultaneous shredding and juicing as i press the whole apples onto the rotating shredder and the centrifugal force presses the pulp though a strainer.

but it does create quite a lot of foam and the foam is beginning to annoy me. also there are theories about how this ruins the juice by introducing too much oxygen into it. still centrifuge is the way to do it with the least hassle. i can make a juice in 2 minutes with it. cleaning it takes 5 minutes.


for me its coke zero, cawfeee and sometimes gweeen teee


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>zero, cawfeee


>gweeen teee

green tea is fine, herbs are medicine and tea is almost a herb.

but coffee makes me think of you as someone who would sink so low as to wear a suit and make someone else a lot of money. like someone who is wearing a wrist watch and schedules meetings at 11:07 because you want people to think you are so busy that you have a lot of meetings.

one arm for the coffee and then one arm for your phone and you'd need another arm to hold the razor you are constantly shaving with.


You don't really get to redefine words however you want.
It just makes you sound like a idiot.


>You don't really get to redefine words however you want.

i guess you don't realize that not everyone is as experienced in communicating in the english language as a native speaker would be. if i speak with someone in my native lanuage and they can barely speak it, i just lower my expectation and try to interpolate and guess the message despite the suboptimal choice of word and you would be wise to do the same.


Are you really trying to moralize about you being a idiot?


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there is an hour long review/comparison video about the expensive one. the dude is hard to listen to though unfortunately.


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~2500€ is a bit much for a juicer…


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this dude made one from a carjack. uses stainless steel for all the parts that touch the food. material cost is 40€. i guess that means is time for me to use my tools again.


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a 2500€ device that requires the produce to be sliced small so small that it can be shredded to fit through the tiny hole in the top. there is no reason to design it this inconveniently. it can not even handle apples whole.

if i had to use such a hydraulic juicer, i'd probably prefer to break up the fruit into small pieces in a food processor before i squeeze it and not use the little shredder.

and at that point why even have the entire thing.


>it can not even handle apples whole.
Remember to deseed them first. Potassium cyanide tastes bad.


juicing basically just destroys all the health benefits of fruit. The main benefit is that they have sugars that are encased in fiber which makes them harder and slower to digest which means they provide slow release energy. Fruit juices are like pre-digesting them. It breaks open all the cell walls and makes the sugars directly accessible to the GI tract meaning you basically get a big sugar rush just like if you drank some soda. That probably explains their popularity among normies. It gives you a way to eat sugar while fooling yourself into thinking it's healthy because it came from a plant so it must be healthy, right? All sugar comes from a plant, it doesn't matter where it comes from if you process it into an easily digestible form. The body treats it all the same.


>The main benefit is that they have sugars that are encased in fiber which makes them harder and slower to digest which means they provide slow release energy. Fruit juices are like pre-digesting them
This is the same case with whole grains. Juicing acts as a cleanse for the same reason outright fasting does, by making your lower intestine dormant resulting in a mass death of gut bacteria. This can kill off lot of the bad stuff and bring balance to the lower biome, but it's still going to weaken and starve the good stuff. It's worse than fasting when done wrong too because the amount of sugars coupled with gut agitators such as caffeine can actually trick the gut in to working hard, but working hard against nothing. It's unnecessary stress and entanglement on the system.


Woo Pseudo science.


"not eating human food normally by using industrial granite crushers to radically change its physical and chemical properties is such a way that the muscular strain on the digestive system will not be able to process it" is not psuedo science you dumb hippie


>juicing basically just destroys all the health benefits of fruit.


>The main benefit is that they have sugars that are encased in fiber which makes them harder and slower to digest which means they provide slow release energy.

there is a big difference between natural living fructose and the white powder you buy in the supermarket and there is nothing slow about it. the human body (while having the ability to digest other stuff) is evolved around fruits, vegetables and nuts. you'll find that to be true once you take a look at the organs of the human digestional tract and compare them with the animals. cow eats grass all day and has multiple stomachs, you don't have multiple stomachs and there are reasons for it you have yet to understand. fruit digests very fast. if i ate as disciplined as the body of my species expects me to, i'd poop 3 times every day, within minutes of eating it.

>Fruit juices are like pre-digesting them. It breaks open all the cell walls and makes the sugars directly accessible to the GI tract meaning you basically get a big sugar rush just like if you drank some soda.

your description and the range of your understanding is limited to the mechanical digestion. there is chemical digestion going on, which is why you don't shotgun a juice, you let it melt in your mouth as with all food. the chemical digestions in large parts happens in the mouth.

>That probably explains their popularity among normies. It gives you a way to eat sugar while fooling yourself into thinking it's healthy because it came from a plant so it must be healthy, right? All sugar comes from a plant, it doesn't matter where it comes from if you process it into an easily digestible form.

it does matter where it comes from. eat sugar for a month and fight someone who has been drinking juice for a month.

your understanding is limited and misguided. you'd be wise to do more of your own thinking.


It literally is
pseudo science.


>This is the same case with whole grains. Juicing acts as a cleanse for the same reason outright fasting does, by making your lower intestine dormant resulting in a mass death of gut bacteria.

i don't think it is dormant. it might appear dormant because the load you expect it to digest is reduced so much.

>This can kill off lot of the bad stuff and bring balance to the lower biome, but it's still going to weaken and starve the good stuff.

i don't think that's true. the bacteria is something i don't believe i ever need to worry about. i'm not waiting to implant the poop of healthier people like in the south park episode. besides there are few people who are more healthy then me.

my microbiome will reflect the ability of help digest the kind of food i am eating. whatever i am eating will keep those microorganisms alive that can help digest it and everything else starves. and then when i eat everything else again, the bacteria that is able to help digest it will settle in my gut once again. no good stuff is lost, there can never be shortage of bacteria, your judgement is clouded by the unnatural limitation you are used from currency systems.

>It's worse than fasting when done wrong too because the amount of sugars coupled with gut agitators such as caffeine can actually trick the gut in to working hard, but working hard against nothing. It's unnecessary stress and entanglement on the system.

coffee is what fools drink so they can meet the deadline their boss decided for them. i don't think it is unnecessary stress, drinking only juice is bringing the human organism closer to the state it was evolved to thrive in. for the modern human it is an unusual relaxation and eating bread, pasta, pizza and other factory food is the unnecessary stress.


>that the muscular strain on the digestive system will not be able to process it" is not psuedo science you dumb hippie

i don't think i know what you mean when you talk about muscular stain to the dumb saging child.


That saging "uuh actually" guy mentioned South Park so I'm not reading anything he types

The digestive tract needs solid food within it in order for its digestive movements to work properly. If mostly liquid, soft matter, or mucous is being digested, there is no resistance when the muscles perform. This forces the tract to overwork by trying harder to move matter that is just sloshing around. Vascularity of the tract benefits from this solid resistance too. Basically, the human digestive system is highly optimized for solid waste, and when you only feed it liquid and / or take agitators such as caffeine that forces to mucous membranes to hyperact and soften what solid food you've eaten, you're just inflicting upon regular function. The muscles responsible for digestion don't need a "break" just as the muscles that make up the heart don't. They'll still be working all the same but with reduced efficiency. Consider how muscles fall apart when someone is in Zero-G for a while. The same applies to removing resistance in the digestive tract.

If you want to do good for your digestive system, just stop poisoning it and get your fill of pre- and probiotics. Fasting is only good for expelling dead bacteria and giving new good bacteria room to flourish. Juicing is good for nothing.


>That saging "uuh actually" guy mentioned South Park so I'm not reading anything he types

uuuh actually that was me, not the saging guy, i must have clicked on sage instead of noko by accident, read it you hoe, southpark was edgy once.

hmm i've done quite a few experiments with varying nutrition over the years and i never encountered the ideas you speak of where digestional muscles are not getting enough exercise. in nature during different seasons, different food is available and you mean to tell me if something isn't chewey enough my digestional system could decrease to a point where it could not increase again when the food becomes available again? i don't believe this is true. my approach to digestion is different, i don't think digestional muscles require babysitting. i've subjected myself to g-forces, heavy accelleration and decelleration, prolonged vibration, rotational forces. i try to stir up my body and exercise and sweat at least a few times every week. also i've heard stories of people who don't even have a digestional system anymore and survived by drinking olive oil through their skin.

however i do respect the idea that all muscles need to be used in order to promote lymphatic flow.

the muscles don't need a break but i do believe the idea that the digestional tract appeciates a break does hold up. apparently some people have the inner bowel walls so "caked" up with hard to digest matter that when juice flows through it, it is like a power wash. eggs are glue, ever fried an egg without fat? it sticks so hard it makes you want to throw away the pan. what makes you think your body doesn't glue shut when you eat an egg? also i believe people can be "behind on schedule" on their digestion, especially when you account for the ridiculously long digestion times some foods require. the entire gi tract becomes a complicated balancing act when the wrong food is eaten. the gi tract tries to draw the energy out of the food, which takes a lot of time because the modern wrong food is so dense, so dry and so sticky. so it has to work on this load but when it takes too long, it starts to rot while still in the body, which i believe to be a much more pressing concern then muscles not getting exercise.

>Juicing is good for nothing

blasphemy! i guess you never tried it for weeks. if you were to chew correctly, your food would already be thinner then a smoothie when you swallow it. that's almost a juice. it should be almost liquid. try to disolve something in acid, you want it to be big 1cm³ cubes or small grains of sand. fiber is nice, like a broom that runs through the body but other than that you can very much do without for a while and not miss anything.


made a juice yesterday from 2kg of apples from a bag. the apples were tiny, dry, old and soft. there was barely juice coming out. yielded maybe 700ml; what a ripoff.


Apples are mostly not juice.
So it takes a fuck ton of apples to make apple juice regardless of the apples you use.


>Apples are mostly not juice.
So it takes a fuck ton of apples to make apple juice regardless of the apples you use.

depends on the apple. they are not like watermelon, watermelon is ~90% juice and just a little bit of fiber. in apples there is quite a range of juicyness. For eating apples i focus most on the texture, i like them dense and crispy; i mostly buy breaburn for eating.

for juicing i just buy whatever. sometimes they sell 3kg of apples that are too ugly to sell them for eating. those are apples that the robots have sorted out for being crooked or have a small wound that can be easily cut off. sometimes those cost as little as 2€, sometimes even only 1,50€, which is quite the good price for 3kg. when they are good i buy like 8 bags and juice daily. those usually yield quite a lot. 3kg sometimes end up being 2 liter.

if i had a composting heap i'd dump the solids onto it and wait for it to become increadible fertile soil but since i live in a idiotic little box in the dense city i just flush it down the toilet.


>apparently some people have the inner bowel walls so "caked" up with hard to digest matter that when juice flows through it, it is like a power wash.

lol who believes this shit. This is chinese medicine tier nonsense


alright then mr big brain, let me ask you, what chemical form do you think the nutrients are in when you juice fruit and what do you think the body has to do to digest it and how does that differ from how the body digests sugar, and why does that make it healthier?

I'm tired of idiots like you who pretend you know shit you don't.



if you did consider me an idiot, i wouldn't mind that. you erroneously assumed i came here to convince you and wanted to argue with you but i believe that is nothing but a waste of time and also it would be torture for me. give it a rest tough guy.


I only drink water, coffee and milk



>I only drink water, coffee and milk

one morning recently i drank a big coffee from a cheap industrial bakery a few days ago. was like 400ml coffee and i put coconut milk in. drank it throughout the day from a thermos. my sleep was fucked up the following night. i wanted to sleep but i couldn't.

i think high level veganism changes the body into something that feels stuff stronger. 400ml may have been a ridiculous overdose. i should have went for 100ml or 50ml. i was a fool who bought so much because i defaulted to choosing the "best value"… facepalm.jpg

some people drink this all day every day. i think the coffee changes them into something worse.

i drink one every so often but i don't know why at this point. i don't like it and i believe it makes the human body slightly sicker. it has an interesting smell and taste, until i smell my own breath from it or stand next to people who drink coffee all day. it stinks nasty. fruit juice always makes me smell nice. i dunno if this is too much to handle for you unfortunate normies but it is true: when i only drink juice and eat fruit i don't stink anymore and my nose grews to superhuman perception levels. i wouldn't even have to shower but once a week and i would not stink. i still do it though because i worry that if i smell too good, people gonna molest me and stand close to me and when sniff me.

when i see people put industrial sugar in their coffee, to me it feels like they rain a little bit of sickness into their beverage that makes it taste "better" to them. i don't think they are smart for drinking coffee. when i hear the loud coffee machines from my neighbors i keep thinking how dumb they are to drink this and shake my head laughing.


again i misclicked and saged by accident. clearly the user interface of the site is made for sober people. i keep forgetting i have to click noko to stay in the thread, who wouldn't wanna stay in a thread? i guess some very motivated serial shitposter who comes into every thread just to poop in it and then go to the next. lol it is defaulted for shitposters.


>coconut milk
Is not milk. If you don't want to drink from a female mammal's mammary glands, then don't, but don't try to rise up your fruity pisswater to the honor of milk by calling it such.

Also sage = rage you are butthurt lmao slapslapslap


there is coconut water, which is what you get when you open up a coconut, this is the stuff i wish i could drink instead of water all day.

then there is coconut milk which is the coconutflesh blended with varying coconut contents. some thick stuff with 40% coconut and 60% water is still called coconut creme, it should be called coconutcream i guess.

i call it coconut milk because once i realized that it tastes better and digests better i no longer cared about cowmilk. it is like videocassette to me now, an old outdated format i have no reason to go back to because there is better stuff now.

the milk is meant for baby calves which are about to gain hundreds of pounds of weight, not for fullgrown humans that don't even have multiple stomachs. cows don't even have fingers you wanna put tape around your fingers and no longer use them too just like your role model the cow or just the milk because how would i know, is both equally silly to me to pretend to be a species that you aren't. maybe that is how people become furries. milk might be the gateway. i know a furry but he is a bit mad at me currently because i made fun of him being a furry so much. i always wanna know if he wants to drink from a glass or from a bowl on the floor XD


>coconut milk
But its not milk. If it doesn't come from mammary glands, it's not milk.


>it's not milk.

if you are this anal about it, you might as well instead say cow milk because milk could also be human milk. when you only say milk, you are rather imprecise, checkmate atheist.



this is you buying a coffee next monday morning: "hello i would like one small coffee with milk please."

and then the barista ask "from which animal?"

"cow milk?!" you say confused.

"oh i'm so sorry" says the barista "we are fresh out of cowmilk but i have mealworm milk or cockroach milk"

"no big deal" you say "in that case give me the cockroach milk please"


and then the barrista takes a scoop of fresh organic cockroaches and throws it into a blender, adds a cup of hormone waste water from a pharmaceutical factory, blends it and pours it onto your coffee. enjoy anon!


and then next time you order a steak, they use the same tasty cockroach milk with the addition of something like cowbonepowder so that it becomes gelatinous and pour it into a steak-shaped mould and microwave it for a few minutes and then that's your steak.

then you see me walking by, undisturbed cheerfully crunching on an apple "hay anon i hope you like your steak pff pff pff"

and then you moan and complain but you still eat it and after a while you got so used to it, that you drink the cockroach milk straight from an extruder like the hamster drinks water from a dripping upside down bottle in his cage.

no more fork, knife and spoon, you just get the top part of a baby bottle and you strech it onto your cockroachmilk extruder not unlike a condom and then you feed on it and you become so much industrialized, that you forget that there is another way to feed yourself.


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Holy butthurt lmao

Only maple syrup is maple syrup.
>Oh but this corn syrup with dye and maltodextrin looks the same, so it must be maple syrup too
But where does the maple come from?
>Doesn't matter, it's still maple syrup in my head
This is your logic.

Only milk is milk. Any fluid that is White and sweet is not also milk because of the similar appearance. You'd think the "Deep vegan" would want to disassociate from animal products by using the word "juice" to refer to a sweet vegetable, fruit, or nut liquid, but xe/xim still clings on to "Milk". This is because vegans and synthetic animal product imitations can only sell their philosophy and slop through trickery and deceit. It's why "meat substitutes" can only sell if they're right next to real meat and refrigerated despite not needing to be. It's why the #1 selling margarine brand is only doing so well because the biggest boldest word on the carton is "BUTTER!". Try baking a shepherd's pie with cocounut "milk", what we can't believe isn't "Butter", and beyond "meat". See if you can fool yourself before trying to fool others. Retard!!!



>Holy butthurt lmao

what? i was merely illustrating your love relation with the extruder. you probably eat pasta. that's just grainpaste extruded into human feeding pellets. i like how barilla sells pasta in these elegant blue boxes. it should be sold in buckets or 20kg plastic bags.

maple syrup is a delicacy to me. i wish i could always have it. probably the best way to sweeten something that there is. i like coffee with coconotmilk and honey but with coconutmilk and maple syrup that's so nice. in my supermarket they sell it maybe once or twice a year and i make sure to buy a few bottles every time. if they don't have it i get the honey, which is shameful because honey is not vegan.

>You'd think the "Deep vegan" would want to disassociate from animal products by using the word "juice" to refer to a sweet vegetable, fruit, or nut liquid, but xe/xim still clings on to "Milk".

i think a deep vegan would! calling not-milks a milk is probably just people seeking vegan alternatives in their eating habits. they have been putting cowmilk into the coffee for a long time and once they want to find out if it is true that milk is poison and not drink it, the milk left a hole in them that they are trying to fill with something. they try to replace all the animal products with these fake imitation products but i never buy those because to be a real vegan means relearning how to eat completely, not just replacing animal products with these new industrial mimicry products.

for a shallow vegan, salt is vegan because it does not come from animals. for a deep vegan, salt isn't vegan because it is not a plant.

>shepherd's pie

i'm looking at pictures, this looks rather difficult to digest and you probably fart really mean from it and start to stink for it as this slowly walks it's way through your digestive tract. and then you drink a bit of coca cola and have someone walk you around on a dog leash or whatever you non-vegans do. something like that. meeting with other smelly people and bark at each other while drinking beer and watching sports ball.


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this reeks of product designers trying to make this dystopian poverty food more expensive by making a sexy product carton.

they should sell pasta pre-cooked in 20kg fuel cannisters. you just open the cannister and pour your pasta into a bowl and add sauce from another cannister and put it into a micrwave and that is industrial human nutrition and it is infinitely shelf stable, doesn't need cooling and is completely dead and it will not rot or mold because no other lifeform is interested in this grotesque perversion of the human life cycle.


>a sexy product carton
It's solid blue with a photo of a forkful of the cooked product, the logo, the description, the weight, and then a small window to see the raw product. If that type of minimalist postmodern design is "sexy" to you in any sense then I think you may be mentally ill.


>If that type of minimalist postmodern design is "sexy" to you in any sense then I think you may be mentally ill.

this making things sexy is why they get away with making cars so expensive and it is the same with macbooks. make the idiots think it is sexy and then they pay more. how to get the dummy to pay more? buy making the box blue and have this perfect fork loaded with good looking pasta and the leaf of basilicum behind the sauce, clean sharp and distinct.

pasta is such low quality disgraceful strugglefood, they might as well sell it in trash bags. just trash bags filled with pasta and you leave a big portioning scoop in there the same way you do it with dry dog food.

at least have some dignity and eat rice from a rice cooker and vary it a bit by adding different grains and/or lentils.


i don't think yall bunch of beginners understand how disgusting this industrial extrusion is.

when you bite into a plant, it has slowly and elegantly bothered to form into a specific shape. an organic edible self replicating elegant tasty artform; that's what a grape is. plants are magical, slow and determined. i pity the fool who never looked at timelapse plant videos on youtube.

a plant is like a staw into the ground, it sucks up nutrients and turns them into something. sometimes something tasty comes out, sometimes something useful comes out, sometimes something dangerous can happen with a plant.

the concept of a seed is mindboggeling to me. the plant creates little versions of itself that it saves into a tiny format.

that tiny format can sometimes be stored for a long time and then when it gets in wet ground a new plant will grow from it.

that's slow organic copy and paste. when a plant produes 4 seeds and you are lucky enough to have them. you can make 4 more of those plants by just sticking the seed into wet dirt. or you can make 2 plants now and 2 more in a year if you are lucky. some seeds don't grow though. since seeds are so complicated, there is always the chance of one being dead.

if a human could do that it might look like men being able to ejaculate little stone marbles and once they drop a marble in water and wait long enough, they have a son. human seed.


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now having tried to communicate the magic of plants what magic is in pasta? none. you blend the plant into a nasty ass paste. just shred it into undignified thick liquid. and this is what makes it pasta: IT SQUEEZES THE UNDIGNIFIED PASTE THROUGH A NARROW PIECE OF METAL, as to autistically force it into a perfect shape as if they were forging iron.

it becomes dry and hard and then people buy the concentrated form and at home they boil it so it becomes bigger and wetter again.

natural liquid, contained in plants is something they just concentrate away. a dead plant is different from a plant that is still alive and the degree of aliveness left in a food intersects with digestion because alive food is thriving with microorganisms and fragile stuff like enzymes that can't handle the heat of an industrial process.

pasta is dead, the tomato (currntly on my little cart where i put the fresh vegetables on) is still alive. when i don't eat it, the mushrooms in the air will try to digest the tomato. if i time it poorly and forget a few days about the tomato, the spores will gather on it and start eating it.

the fresher i eat, the more fruit flies start to live in my kitchen. i don't mind a few because they sometimes suprise me. i see them eat stuff i did not even knew they would like. they only like the stuff that is most healthy to me i believe. when lots of them are around that just means i am doing a good job living that deep vegan life.


>it's one guy spilling his spaghetti


i'm trying to be nice to unfortunates such as yourself and tell them things that are too complicated for them in a accessible manner and this is the thanks i am getting for it i guess.

you don't even know about seeds, you still think they are a conspiracy theory but they are real and i resent your arrogant disregard of their magical existence.


I solved the fruitfly issue by always sticking my biotrash in the fridge. There is literally no way they can get in there, and as long as the bag is sealed it wont give off too much odor either. And since it's in cold, it's not going to spoil further.


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>I solved the fruitfly issue by always sticking my biotrash in the fridge. There is literally no way they can get in there, and as long as the bag is sealed it wont give off too much odor either. And since it's in cold, it's not going to spoil further.

that's a nice way to handle it. i have the biotrash in a small paper bag outside the kitchenwindow on the windowsill since i don't use a fridge most of the time, i just go to the grocery store every 2-3 days.

what also helps: i bought 2 collapsible mesh-cylynders from thin plastic that can be put over fresh fruit on the counter and it keeps them off.


Looks nice, but I'm not sure it would stop them from propagating inside the mesh (if the fruit was already infected with larvae from the store).

I hate fruit fly invasions with a passion. Last time I had one years and years ago the only way was to vacuum them one by one. All the vinegar tricks etc. were worthless.



every so often one gets inside or grows inside but it can be easily blown off. i think the fruit flies are biologically compatible digestionability indicators, if they don't like something, i probably shouldn't be eating a lot of it.

what i like to do to thin out their numbers peacefully is have a little glass jar from salsa sauce where i drilled a small hole in the lid and i always put small bits of what i am eating in the jar. the flies descend on it, which i can easily see because the glass is see-through and once a day whenever a few are in there, i put my finger over the hole so they can't escape, pick up the jar, go outside and open the jar and blow inside to get them out. that way only a few remain in the kitchen at all times and the ones i threw out theoretically still have the chance to find something else.


I hate the fizz of all sodas, don't understand why people enjoy carbonization, makes you gassy, changes the taste, and burns your nose every time your burp.


>don't understand why people enjoy carbonization

i wonder about that myself. i enjoy a good burp when i drink the stuff but some people only drink it. i remember hearing about the carbonization messing with the ph level of the beverage, making it even more ill-suited for human digestion.


I can only drink it with food for some reason, and that's when it tastes delicious.

If I have Pepsi Max "just because" or on an empty stomach, I feel like vomiting and it's hard to swallow after just a small sip. Weird.


>If I drink poison, I feel like vomiting



i don't think eating and drinking is a good idea. when i see people order food and a drink in a restaurant i think that's unhealthy culture. i drink throughout the day and the only time i am not drinking water is when i eat because i believe it dilutes the stomach acids and makes digestion more difficult. unless i eat something concentrated/dry/hard and then i drink a bit of water, believing it will help digestion.

when people who are fat drink the stuff you describe, i keep wondering if their entire digestion is a scam and their actual source of sustenance is the idiotjuice. their entire digestion mechanism might be nothing but a completely useless slide for tasty food that the body has given up on while the sugar to fuel the cells comes from the idiotjuice. i've been theorizing about this for quite a while. they might not even have the ability to draw stuff out of food anymore after having been over capacity, infested with fungus and potentially caked bowelwalls.


>i use 99% isopropyl alcohol to dissolve spraypaint off when some asshole spraypaints my car. and the same stuff people drink for fun.

public service announcement:
those are two different substances>>311496


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Dude, where are you getting this nonsense?


>public service announcement:
>those are two different substances

obviously the stuff that people drink is less concentrated but other then a bit of water what meaningful difference is there?

they not only sell the 99% stuff but also 70% stuff, that's closer to the stuff people drink.


>Dude, where are you getting this nonsense?

i don't see a reason to care that you say it is nonsense though. you probably say a lot of things and when you do, take a look in the crowd of people listening to you and you will not see me there. you probably think picard lost his hair because of genetics because the back of the can of energy drink did not inform you otherwise.


Your post makes no sense because Pepsi Max has literally zero calories. It's not making anyone fat.


not him, but zero calories doesn't mean it doesn't affect your body in some way. there are studies that show that artificial sugar can produce a insulin spike just like real sugar and that influences if and/or when the body burns fat. the calorie in/out conceptualization is too simplistic to account for all the variables in a person's metabolism.


>Your post makes no sense because Pepsi Max has literally zero calories. It's not making anyone fat.

i don't believe you read the post but regardless, i can tell you respect calories and i look down on you for it. you don't question deep enough. you question minor details based within the framework of established conversational habit and that is a mistake. your degree of questioning is within establishment bounds. what you would do if you were smart is this: your questioning would include the validity of the framework and if the framework is not a genuinely useful tool, you would leave it behind.

calories are a useless information, i do not respect calories, what i do instead is bothering to keep track of how each type of food digests. you can not reduce the complex issue of human digestion into a number. fuck your number.


>not him, but zero calories doesn't mean it doesn't affect your body in some way.

the dude (clearly conditioned by the same min/max logic of currency systems) probably believes that a certain number of calorie is needed by the body. less is starvation and more is getting fat and it does not matter what the food is because everything is just this calory number.

furthermore he most likely believes the body bothers to store unused calories; like his body is a bank account. he thinks his body cleverly digests the food, retains only the energy and saves it in the body to be used at a later date when times are not as plentiful. the currency logic makes him think that he is an investor but he can not access his bank account and also the interest payment is cancer…

meanwhile what he believes are his fat reserves is more accurately seen as a malfunctioning digestion process that simply can not keep up with the massive loads and exceeds the body's capacity to clean itself. so the body carries on uncleaned with lymphatic systems so stagnant that they turn his lymph into cheese, including the characteristic smell. microorganisms love this internal human cheese. what a great investment, why not have another slice of pizza; i'm way over here where the air smells better crunching on an apple in the meantime.


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Then explain how Auschwitz only had underweight skeletons and not a single overweight prisoner, if weight isn't simply an equation of calories expended daily vs. calories eaten.


Himmler lyposuctioned the fat out of those Jews in order to make soap


Where are the lipo scars? Their bodies are uniformly skin and bone everywhere.


>Where are the lipo scars?
can't show, rule 7


>Then explain how Auschwitz only had underweight skeletons

my first guess would be they did not eat enough. i don't see how this relates to the nonsensical invention of calory.



i have seen none of you calorie believers ever bothered to care how many of the calories where pooped out again unused. you pride yourself on knowing how much energy goes into the system but do you know how much energy comes out? no.

do you know whether there is a difference in each food on how much of it goes out again unused? nope you not know.

do you know whether everyone excretes the same amount of unused calories? no you don't.

do you know how much unused calories should be excreted? of course not, you would not even know what parameters to choose in such an experiment.

the more you think about how the human turns food into energy, the more you care about digestion. it is more of an artform or a craft then a science.

these short sighted math acolytes in their undignified quest to lie and pretend that math is the purest of all the sciences will have you believe it makes sense to express the complex interconnected issue of human digestion as just another number. that's not science, that's the same greed you find in monetary systems. i twisty my lips while stroking my beard in arrogance towards your smallminded legacy ideology of currency and math.


you would go this far to defend whales chugging pepsi max

of course it's not a perfect system. but for losing weight it is sufficient to understand consume less calories


>i have seen none of you calorie believers ever bothered to care how many of the calories where pooped out again unused. you pride yourself on knowing how much energy goes into the system but do you know how much energy comes out?
That isn't how it works.
The energy output isn't poop. Poop is a waste product.

Are you just trolling or did you get straight F's in biology all your life?


The body pretty efficiently digests everything by the time it reaches the other side of you, over 95% of the calories. There are some differences in how much energy is lost to heat from one macronutrient to the next, but the only one that has significant losses to heat is protein. Your body is also not equally good at converting all macronutrients to fat. Fat and carbs are easy to store while excess protein takes more steps to turn into sugar and sometimes can just be turned into waste products like urea and filtered out by the kidneys if your body can't use it all. So basically your body will absorb virtually 100% of the fat and sugar calories you ingest and like 80% of the protein calories.


btw, I should mention that research shows that more processed foods are easier to digest and therefore lose less energy to heat. The two main factors are protein and fiber. So if you destroy the fiber (like in juicing) it means you're increasing the amount of calories available to the body.


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You're entertaining the argumentative side of a guy who believes that knowledge regarding carrot's benefits on eye health is "deep vegan lore". He's only here because everywhere else he'd like to be has kicked him out for being how he's being here.


I wouldn't call conversations to heat as waste since with warm blooded animals like humans it's apart of maintaining homeostasis. Bodies are cool like that. What would be waste in a artificial system is put to productive use.


>of course it's not a perfect system. but for losing weight it is sufficient to understand consume less calories

>but for losing weight it is sufficient to understand consume less

then why even have calories? there is no reason. the only reason calories make sense is if you desperately seek reasons to do more math and go so far as to invent reasons to do it. like a lonely person inventing imaginary friends.

you could have known that you lose weight if you eat less without having to invent math. seriously the more i see you acolytes defend it without a reason the more i consider mathematics a mental illness… math seems to be a subdivision of christianity, it is a way to get people used to their oppression. it detaches people from reality and turns life into statistics.

fun fact (well fun for me, i don't think math acolytes have fun, they instead have pride in having the right numbers in their idiotic equations)… anyways fun fact: that's not even true depending on what you eat that if you eat more that you gain weight. i know food that you can eat as much as you want from, even overeat and you don't gain weight and you don't get fat from it. i did the calculation, the knowledge of calories increases your chance to know why that is by exactly 0%.


>That isn't how it works.

that's the strong biblical conviction to calories that cloud your mind. you must believe that you have a digestional efficiency of 100%.

math says it, you believe it, that settles it. trust the science. safe and effective.



i resent that you try to build your understanding of a natural process of digestion on the foundation of a unnatrual mathcist concept.

when i see you throw that high number of 95% around, reminds me of what some dude once said as a joke when someone told him that people only use 5% of their brain. he said "oh yeah? i heard people only use 5% of their hand"

as the body of a person learns how to digest something by choosing a different digestion program (like choosing different settings in a washing machine) the efficiency gradually increases, the macrobiome gradually learns to handle it, the bowelwalls learn how to draw the nutrients out of the pre-poop BUT THEY DON'T REACH 95%. that's astronomically unrealistic. obviously i have not measured but 95% is something i expect a body to reach after a decade of only eating the one food in question and that's something you have not even begun to account for that different food that you eat reaches a different percentage.

would not surprise me if most what you eat only gets digested like 20% and then most energy you drink come from alcohol or energy drink or some other nonsense that the industry trained you to accept via marketing and peer pressure.

also protein is nonsense. stupid macronutrient perspective, again tricking people out of doing the hard work of understanding digestion deeper, despite being affected by it as regularly as the lung draws breath.


>btw, I should mention that research shows that more processed foods are easier to digest and therefore lose less energy to heat

oh yeah, is that what the covid nurse told you?


>I wouldn't call conversations to heat as waste since with warm blooded animals like humans it's apart of maintaining homeostasis. Bodies are cool like that. What would be waste in a artificial system is put to productive use.

in most people's bodies that hardly use their body to perform, heat mostly is a reflection of the emotional state. in other words it uses the 'heatmap' of the body as a canvas to paint on the depression the person has as coldness.

if you ever danced for a long time and feel how nice the body feels during and afterwards. even if you usually did not perceive it as cold the next day when you have stopped dancing, the body feels all cold and nasty; which explains the way people who know how to dance dress on an off day to an extend.


experts agree that massaging your back gently without making fun of your pimples reduces harmful greenhouse gases by 30%


>btw, I should mention that research shows that more processed foods are easier to digest and therefore lose less energy to heat.

don't you live in the developed world just like i do where supermarkets are filled with the finest food from all over the planet? your priorities are completely disconnected from your lived reality. chances are you never experienced food shortage ever and most likely never will.

in a technological world with advanced supply chains, even if you were correct that processed food is easier to digest (which it is not), what reason to you have to focus on energy loss? ENERGY LOSS? not enough energy? not enough food? nobody has that problem. completely misguided line of thinking. not enough energy is the exact opposite problem people have. people have the problem of having too much food and eating beyond what the body should ingest. you are like a blind child and you worry about colors even though you have never seen a color…

>The two main factors are protein and fiber. So if you destroy the fiber (like in juicing) it means you're increasing the amount of calories available to the body.

i've been living without protein (unless you count the two times a year where i eat tofu for fun) for almost a decade and i've been living without fiber for weeks, i don't think either are necessary. they serve their purpose but if you know what you are doing, there are ways to prevent the problem they are solving.

mathist sheep though i don't respect you i hope i have not angered you, may your god (the numbers) protect you because you are too innocent for this complex world of cause and effect.


because it's still useful

we use fuckng 'british thermal units' for calculating heating and cooling and 'tonnes' of equipment inr elation to square footage. is it perfect? fuck no. windows, wall insulation, trees outside, attic insulation, siding and roof color, there's a million things that you would need to actually factor in. but it works, kinda


>because it's still useful

i don't think it is. name a use (and i'm trying not to be an ass about it)

i get that you are conditioned to accept it and led to believe it is useful but what is the actual use?


>because it's still useful

you insist it is useful, yet you can not name a single use. i can't either but i am not so arrogant and foolish like you are to insist that they are good for something even though they are not.

i have yet to encounter a single good justification for the existence of calories. what can they do that i can not do without? nothing. they add nothing. they add a lot of work for obedient nerds in labcoats who also insist they are good for something. is just part of the big theater.

some people actually work, they build the roads the cars drive on. those roads then are needed by the actors in labcoats so they can be rescued with ambulances every time something goes wrong in their fragile mismanaged bodies. safe and effective *thumbs up*

how people like you accept scientific concepts just out of obedience disgusts me deeply. you parrot things that are not useful just to belong i guess. now you belong to a group of undignified actors and liars who are either unable or have accepted that they are forbidden from questioning the world that has been constructed around them without their contribution; similar to a labrat. that's what you are. and you were one of the nice one who would even speak to an edgelord like myself with this evil questioning of what is sacred. i already feel weird about the future and i understand a lot of shit. i don't even wanna know how bad someone like you must feel, to whom almost everything is a mystery with no ability to make sense. this is me trying to say something nice to you so that it will make sense to your cultust brain: i hope that the numbers allign for you in a way that makes the probability permutate in your favor.


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>then why even have calories? there is no reason. the only reason calories make sense is if you desperately seek reasons to do more math and go so far as to invent reasons to do it.
>some people actually work, they build the roads the cars drive on. those roads then are needed by the actors in labcoats so they can be rescued with ambulances every time something goes wrong
It can be a potentially harmful abstraction, for instance low-carb and low-fat diets can appear the same in terms of calories, yet produce different levels of glucagon/insulin and other hormones. An industrious age thinks in terms of processes that consume inputs and produce outputs, rather than networks, cycles, or monist states, so thinking in terms of calories in/calories out instead of the changing nutritional pathways comes naturally to most people. The same critique applies to your precious roads



>The same critique applies to your precious roads

how did you know they are precious to me? because they are. roads are nice mane, i like two diametrically opposed kind of roads.

i like the roads in rural area between farms and woods. minimal roads, sometimes with bad asphalt, sometimes no asphalt and sometimes they have old ugly industrial stones.

i also like the modern 3-lane highways. when those are in good condition and not too crowded they are an unbelievable way to go to a different city fast. if you have ever driven on a nice highway you can not help but be in awe of how conveniet and useful this can be and how difficult the construction must have been. oh yeah and they are cumbersome to maintain and repair. i shit on my government for every reason i can find but the roads are something to be proud of. what a logistical achievement.

>for instance low-carb and low-fat diets can appear the same in terms of calories, yet produce different levels of glucagon/insulin and other hormones

this can be easily felt. only eating a certain food for a week for example. i believe if most people ate only pizza and then saw how they felt a week later they might never eat it again. but people don't do that, they mix their food so much that they can never know the impact one single food source has. i've come around to believe that this is foolish. if a food is bad, it can hide among better food forever and the sinner who eats it will never truly know.

i've done this with watermelon. i've eaten nothing but watermelon for 3 weeks. quite the enlightening experience. made me look at 'normal eating' with bewilderment. it was befuddeling.


Was your poop red?


>Was your poop red?

yeah. it was bright pink rather and as thin as a finger. since it leaves so little residue in the body, consequently wiping after a monofruit poop is 2 wipes and done. it takes seconds. it does not include any kind of inconvenience like when eating industrial. it is such a minor event, i don't even sigh in an annoyed manner when i have to go pooping.

there is no need to wipe extensively because nothing sticky comes out the ass. IT IS NOT THE FIGHT AGAINST GOO ARMED WITH BITS OF ABSORBING PAPER. unlike industrial wiping, it is more like drying off pink water. once i felt it i was convinced that this was normal human digestion i am experiencing in a sick world that was taught to selfharm through food.

poop was not meant to feel like dry toothpaste barely letting itself squeeze onto the toothbrush. it was not meant to be sticky like nutella. oily poop is disgusting, i don't even wanna know how disgusting pooping must be for fat people.


>it is more like drying off pink water.

there is this linguistic expression "having a stick up their ass". i think this points towards something real.

when the bowels are not filled with such a gooey mess, then the entire body feels better. it feels like a curse being lifted. i do think there is something to that idea of bowelwalls being obstructed. caked intestines.

you ever seen someone build a house from bricks or stones? they make a goo from wet stone-powder and use it as a glue and then they put it in between their stones or bricks and they hold up resulting in a house.

i imagine it behaves similar in the gastrointestinal tract when someone was so foolish as to eat industrial. like nutella there is this gooey paste getting squeezed through the moist tunnels, which at some point even goes upwards where the gravity doesn't help but becomes an obstacle. this paste travels through the human pipe and touches all the walls all the time and might leave a residue whereever it touches. also it is warm in there so that helps everything stick. depending on how horrible the person eats there might be a curved wall inside the person, slowly getting harder and obstructing the ability of the body to absorb through the bowelwalls.

the sides of the boweltunnel want to suck the nutrients out of the pre-poo but they can't do it because for pre-poo to be able to be absorbed, it needs to NOT BE BLOCKED BY A HARDENED WALL MADE FROM GOO whenever it tries to touch. imagine you were reputable industrial manufacturing company and you make a complicated product and it has like 30 steps until a product is finished. and then towards the end of the process one of the machines that should drain liquid from your products but since the drain is clogged, no water can flow down the drain. that means one of the 30 steps has stopped and you no longer get the quality the factory was built to put out.

so the absorption part of the digestion, the part the entire digestion was about, gradually loses efficiency. you may have started at 60% and then you eat garbage over the years and the layer of cake build inside of the bowelwalls. 55%, 50%, 45%, 40%, ….

as the layer of cake becomes thicker and thicker it functions as a barrier against human absorption to occur. of course someone like that will end up with a cancer somewhere down there and it will be a complete surprise.

what do you think fastfood does to the bowelwalls. does it help to build up the obstructive layer of cake or does it help to powerwash the bowelwalls clean, like a 3 week matermelonjuicefast does?


I do feel like absolute shit after eating a huge pizza for several days afterwards.

But the feeling it gives while you eat it is sometimes worth it.


>But the feeling it gives while you eat it is sometimes worth it.

maybe for people who don't know how to make themselves feel good, otherwise this short term pleasure is a bad trade for long-term-unhealth when you could dance or skate or run for fun.

that's industry seducing you with one of it's most devastating inventions. cheese i believe to be poison.

this video does a good job of describing cheese from a shallow vegan perspective. is geared towards a basic audience. this does not have the deep stuff in it, this is what i as a conspiracy man myself would consider shallow, safe and uncontroversial.

Dude in a labcoat who speaks fast has a 50 minute powerpoint presentation where he is shitting on cheese:



Even so, I'd rather die than never have molten parmigiano reggiano cheese mixed with some garlic.

Despite it cutting my life expectancy by a year.


>I'd rather die than never have molten parmigiano reggiano cheese

oh that's terrible to hear someone decides to throw a human life away for some mouth pleasure.

>Despite it cutting my life expectancy by a year.

for it to only cut off a year you'd have to eat it as alittle as a small portion every few weeks. months without. you probably don't go months without…


>cutting my life expectancy by a year.

i've head this excuse as a defense for a foolish short-focuses way of life quite often. i guess that is all you believe the choice of food amounts to. however one critical element is missing from this equasion:

not only do you live shorter then someone who uses his brain. you still wanna believe that the difference is years however the difference is decades.

but the short life you live is also reduced quality. maybe half a life or a third of a life or a fourth of an actual human life. you only feel half as good, you only smile half as often, you only feel part of the planet half as much, you only wake up feeling half as alive, you only have energy for half the things you think are important.


when you have the choice between taste and a life twice as nice and you choose taste, i'll go ahead and consider you dumb. and when you want to explain to me how you aren't, i'm not gonna listen because dumb people never say interesting things so no need to listen.



>What makes you even think it is unhealthy?

you wanna talk about it. that's not gonna change anything in your life and teach you nothing. if debating me with the ideas you picked up from other people solved anything, you'd be the smartest and happiest person in the world right now.

eat nothing but cheese for days and you will have your answer.


You sound unhinged.

>eat nothing but cheese for days and you will have your answer.

Logically invalid methodology. Food can be healthy as part of a diet without being something that feels good to eat solely for days.

Nutrition is very hard and many people come to insane conclusions. Sad that you would avoid tasty food and harm yourself just because you have misconceptions.


>You sound unhinged.
yeah, i try to be polite though and pretend towards people that they aren't garbage at least a little bit.

>eat nothing but cheese for days and you will have your answer.

Logically invalid methodology.

there isn't another method though.

>Food can be healthy as part of a diet without being something that feels good to eat solely for days.

whenever there is other food coming in: you can not be sure about how much the other food is nullifying a potential harm. the harm can then hide in the rest and you can not be sure what caused it. with only the cheese you would feel how it interacts with the body really quick but i guess you are too scared to question something you enjoy so much. probably every time you wanna think about it, you get an electric shock and are forbidden from going there by your fragile entitlement for comfort and ease. that's the part of your personality who most likely wears the pants while you are merely a passenger in your own life.

>Nutrition is very hard and many people come to insane conclusions. Sad that you would avoid tasty food and harm yourself just because you have misconceptions.

everything is hard to a fool. noo i eat tasty food in the winter. i'm coming out of a period of eating some cooked vegetable curries and they made me feel slow and dumb and weak. just rice was sauce made from actual organic tomatos from a blender and herbs/spices. i add lots of coconutcream in those curries. occasionally i have potato and sweetpotato fries with ketchup. that's tasty. biting in a nice apple that's like an electric feeling. i only feel how strong it is when i suddenly stop doing it and wonder why i feel so bad and don't even wanna be alive. and then i get the nice electric fresh fruit again and live feels good like it was supposed to.


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for simple cooking, i love my rice cooker. i make a cup or 2 of rice and while it cooks, i make a sauce with vegetables. recently been a bit lazy and i just put vegetables in a blender (tomato, bell pepper, garlic,) and pour them over some gently fried onions and spice and that's already a sauce. sometimes i make raw sauces too. also i use the rice cooker with a little stainless steel basket and that way i can use the steam to almost cook some vegetables. i love this with pumpkin or sweetpotato for some more fiberous dense meals.

that's probably not good enough for the gourmets. if i was disciplined (and i will be during the summer) i would switch the curry with a salad made from coleslaw. I STILL HAVE NOT ORDERED A FOOD PROCESSOR TO HELP ME MAKE COLESLAW. god damn i hate buying stuff so much. it is such a disgusting feeling to engage in the monetary system, just thinking about it makes me feel disgusted all over. so i procrastinate on buying things usually.

other then that i currently eat apples, bananas, dates, hazelnuts.


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in the summer i like to make a raw meal mostly from cabbage. is so simple i shred the vegetables with a mandolin-slicer (any self-respecting person would use a food processor…) and then i pour over a sauce i made in the blender. shreds+sauce=meal. here is a simple version:

bell pepper

real tomato as much as i can fit in the blender
1 onion
a few cloves of garlic

and i don't put it into a bowl like all you basic people would, i put it into individually portioned thick glasses with a lit and those i put into the fridge with the sauce already on top. is so nice to have the fridge filled with so many glasses. when i eat those all day with a bit of fruit in the morning, i have these gigantic fiberous shits. having these rhinoceros sized shits cleans out the bowel like a broom sweeps the floor.


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this is what it feels like to run those cabage-meals through the body for a few days


you are literally schizo


I'm not saying that losing out on the energy is a bad thing, quite the opposite. When you have lots of easily digestible calories, especially carbs and fats then it creates a blood sugar spike and the liver starts making fat. This is the primary health issue that people face today:obesity. Fiber helps to literally encase the nutrients and keep them from breaking down so easily. Most processed foods are made from "nutrient slurries", ie ground up and otherwise processed ingredients. This is like doing a part of the digestion process for you. Your body absorbs it and the food itself doesn't really have bulk like normal actual foods because it's been ground into a paste so your body quickly digests it, stores it all in fat, but then you get hungry again because your stomach is registering that it is empty and all the calories have been digested already so your blood sugar drops. This causes people to eat again even though they've already taken in enough calories.


>you are literally schizo

because someone who spends his life saging imageboard threads would know? i don't think you'd know. you are just a sheep who uncritically follow whoever is the loudest and the cruelest.


>I'm not saying that losing out on the energy is a bad thing, quite the opposite. When you have lots of easily digestible calories, especially carbs and fats then it creates a blood sugar spike and the liver starts making fat. This is the primary health issue that people face today:obesity. Fiber helps to literally encase the nutrients and keep them from breaking down so easily. Most processed foods are made from "nutrient slurries", ie ground up and otherwise processed ingredients. This is like doing a part of the digestion process for you.

grinding up i think could indeed help the digestion theoretically… in reality it makes people eat faster then they should, i am guilty of this myself. food should be chewed even if it is unnecessary because that way the enzymes in the saliva start to break down the food in the mouth takes a few seconds. people who don't chew enough or don't know they should be chewing as to mix the saliva with the food they are skipping an important step in digestion. chewing more even when it seems unnecessary is an easy step to improve digestion. so i could argue food already ground up makes the average unaware person chew less and thus reduce the quality of their digestion. pre-digestion in the mouth through sufficient chewing is important and this importance is reflected by the undignified measurement of calories exactly: not at all.

what about dehydrating, diluting, heating or even just pasteurizing, freezing, adding oil, or whatever else they are doing that i am not even aware of. that just kills enzymes, it kills helpful microorganisms and discharges the electricity that is contained in the food leaving you with dead food. that's like replacing batteries in your appliance but instead of fresh batteries you put in old batteries that barely hold a charge.

>Your body absorbs it and the food itself doesn't really have bulk like normal actual foods because it's been ground into a paste so your body quickly digests it, stores it all in fat,

i don't believe this to be true with the "storing fat". dude your body doesn't have a fat bank account where it carefully and deliberately stores the fat that you refined from your digestion. the fat isn't stored. it is stack overflow.

>but then you get hungry again because your stomach is registering that it is empty and all the calories have been digested already so your blood sugar drops. This causes people to eat again even though they've already taken in enough calories.

i've heard this lore but then i have also seen the people where i live. not so much recently but when i was younger i've seen some real fatties. it seems like their bellies slowly become so large that what they believe a proper portion for them is, ends up fitting inside them. the body tries to become whatever the driver of the body needs it to be. i believe it would be a matter of weeks until the situation that you describe where someone would eat again and again would result in the the tissue expanding and the person becoming fatter so that more can fit in one round of digestion, especially when you consider that the dense artificial industryfood does not digest in a matter of minutes like watermelons or oranges do, they can range from hours to days. meat is particularly difficult because it needs a certain strength of acid and it needs time. cats (unlike humans who may pretend to be) are actual carnivores and they sleep for large parts of the day.

the most intelligent way to eat industryfood i think would involve the longer digestion times. this idea OMAD (one meal a day) when it comes to industryfood is probably a good idea and maybe it is not even hard enough because of how densely packed the industry food is. maybe one gigantic portion of pasta every 2 days would be a better way of eating industrial, i dunno, i don't care. i like to eat in a way that respects the evolutionary work that has been done by the ancestors of being able to eat the most electrical foods and have the most developed nervous system. when i only eat fruit, my senses are so hightend that it freaks me out. smells are so strong that i am constantly disgusted how my dense city smells. living in a big city is a big mistake…


>i don't believe this to be true with the "storing fat". dude your body doesn't have a fat bank account where it carefully and deliberately stores the fat that you refined from your digestion. the fat isn't stored. it is stack overflow.

imagine a toilet where the flush is broken. it can't be flushed but people continue to poop and piss in it. the heap grows so big that they errect a ladder over the toilet and poop on the heap from high above. and then it leaks on the floor, you get the picture.

you are the dude who sees this and then says "LOOK, LOOK THE TOILET IS STORING FAT!". but the toilet isn't storing fat, it doesn't flush properly and everything is a mess and it smells bad.


you are legit the stupidest person on this site


so what if that is what you think, little conflict machine.


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poops are good small, thin, solid but not dry and 3 times a day. i ate apples, perfectly ripened bananas, blendercurry with rice and nuts. i even made a decafinated instant coffee with oat-milk and honey as kind of a sweat treat. mood is not good but the flame of hope is still flickering in the wind. breath is getting deeper. i have to get out of this nightmarish city of violent puppets.

wishing yall digestionally disabled wizards a nice day.


Methilic and Ethilic alcohol is different. Don't be a muzzie and grab a beer every now and then.


Beware of fruit juices too. It's waste also.
>clip related


How are they different?



>grab a beer

beer is a brutalist centrally planned, industrial, dead machine liquid for social utility functions and reprogramming.

it ruins people, it aids in the process of education as in ripping out a person's free will, creativity, natural effortless tranquility and replaces it with conformity, tribalism, disregard for the boundaries of individuals, hostility, regret and discontent. it quickly begins to change the personality and aids in people selling their soul and believing the ends justify the means.

most of the alkies have the same alcohol personality. no need to get to know an alkie, if you know one you know them all, just interpolate their opinion from probability and you are correct 95% of the time. very few people remain themselves and drink a bit of wine on the side.

alcohol is the bandaid that you put over your hurts that don't make them better. it is an inferior drug for inferior people. the shit you drink so your life seems less depressing while you go to the stadium and scream at the millionairs doing their silly teamwork ritual chasing the round object.

at this point in the post i'd like to take the time to call you a bitch but not to hurt your feelings, ruin your day or display any kind of malevolence towards you. bitch this is something i have to do to stay true to myself.

thank you for the link kind sir. imma watch this soon, not today, for a change i actually had a real life this week, which is rare.


Beer was a method of turning compromised freshwater in to a safe shalf-stable drink with a high carbohydrate and calorie value. It was never a tool of conspirators to control masses of people. If it were, the Hindus and similar religions would have deployed it among their own slave class.

And stop Redditspacing. It makes your poss difficult to read on many screen configurations.


>Beer was a method of turning compromised freshwater in to a safe shalf-stable drink with a high carbohydrate and calorie value.

that's the myth about it but i don't believe it to be correct. it is not safe. if you truly have a problem with getting drinking water you shouldn't live where you live first of all. but if you still do, then drinking water that has a bit of alcohol in it for a while is better then dying of thirst, even though alcohol, even just beer, dehydrates the body. when i was younger and drank beer, i would always drink one beer and then one water and only then another beer.

>It was never a tool of conspirators to control masses of people.

then how come beer is legal but man's best friend the marijuana is not? there is a bunch of drugs and they made most of them illegal but for some reason not the beer. this alone should make it abundantly clear that it must have been a useful tool, otherwise the psychopaths who believed they were in charge ever since would have made it forbidden.

>If it were, the Hindus and similar religions would have deployed it among their own slave class.

maybe they already had better ways to manage the lower classes and keep them down.

>And stop Redditspacing. It makes your poss difficult to read on many screen configurations.

difficult you bitch say? explain what leaving more space in text makes it harder to read, go ahead bitch i'll wait for your undignified bitch response. bitch when you read a physical book especially for bitches, do you cut the pages out and then cut the paragraphs out and tape them back together without so they leave no space in between? no you do not, you are just beging a karen on purpose as to rake heat of how loq quality your posts are and what a sorry excuse for a wizzard you actually are. a wizzard who just parrots what is normal and doesn't think for himself, that's what you are. conformist, boot licking bitch.


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>man's best friend the marijuana
That tells me all I need to know.

Besides, they tried to make alcohol illegal in the US, it was called prohibition, and it was pushed mainly by religious people. Make of that what you will.

I'm not even defending alcohol, I don't care for it too much myself but you sound like a preachy asshole.


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>I'll keep avatarfagging with reddit formatting you ittle BITCH
>Conformist bootlicking CHUD
>Nigger weed is GOOD
Yeah, it's time or you to order the sodium nitrate.

These are the kind of people who make threads complaining about a /pol/ boogeyman in 2024.


>That tells me all I need to know.

i thought so. all you conformist peons are blind and deaf towards the wonders of the good herb and other psychedelics and instead drink your pathetic slave juice that splits your personality into a professional self that isn't really professional (because how can you be professional if you hate yourself, your job and the world) and a 'fun'-self that isn't fun (because how can you be fun when you agree that people need to be punished for being happy to be alive.

>Besides, they tried to make alcohol illegal in the US,

but the people were already too far gone to be saved. the habit was built too strong already. the addiction to alcohol is so dangerous, when someone who has his biology dialed into it too much suddenly doesn't get any, that person can die. i've heard this happened to some artist named Amy Winehouse.

>it was called prohibition, and it was pushed mainly by religious people. Make of that what you will.

>I'm not even defending alcohol

as far as i know the only people who defend alcohol are very ugly people who want sex and when other people are drunk then ugly people don't seem as ugly. so they want everyone to be drunk so they get relieved from the consequences of being ugly that they did sign up for. (genes don't force people to be ugly, that is a biological expression of choice of personality).

and they always pretend they like alcohol for other, more noble reasons but that's all a lie. they want the artificial , substance induced social acceptance that a sober world would deny them.

here have some space bitch: [ ]


>and it was pushed mainly by religious people. Make of that what you will.

whenever i encounter something about christians from murica they always don't seem that bad, trying to preach purity and speak out against degeneracy. i keep thinking they aren't as bad and don't really make the world a worse place. they seem like the mostly friendly neighbor who advocates against drinking on his free time without bothering anyone. yeah some a fools and fall for prosperity gospel but most seem like harmless sheep.

in europe the christians are such evil cancer. they are the driving motors behind all the evils of centralization, violence and passive income and in that regard they very much agree with the jews on hierarchy. after finding out how evil they all are and how far they go to defend their established system, i don't even mind muslims taking over the world anymore because in comparison to the christians and jews i see, they are innocent saints who can only make the world better with their presence.


>then how come beer is legal but man's best friend the marijuana is not? there is a bunch of drugs and they made most of them illegal but for some reason not the beer. this alone should make it abundantly clear that it must have been a useful tool, otherwise the psychopaths who believed they were in charge ever since would have made it forbidden
Alcohol like beer and wine have a very long history in Europe that includes cultural, medical and religious aspects. Its simply a part of culture and therefore can't be just banned which also doesn't mean that alcoholism is the rule. For the same reason theres a big hash culture in Morroco and Afghanistan despite them being muslim countries. It gets produced in these areas since centuries by mountain people and its part of their culture. They didn't need an institution to put them on drugs, its even prohibited where they live. Native indians and ancient south american people also have been smoking tobacco since ancient times. Theres just drugs that have a deep rooted history in some locations and those drugs will always be treated differently and be more present.


must be nice in your head where wind howls through the empty dome. where time stands still and things always have been and always will be.

cultures suck, they are just dead people's garbage that you have been trained to regard as something like pavlov trained his dog. the people back then didn't know better and had very little chance to escape their ignorance. today this ignorance (you call it culture) is voluntary and those who question what you believe 'always will be' refuse to carry the garbage into the future.

>Its simply a part of culture

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


>who question what you believe 'always will be' refuse to carry the garbage into the future.
Degenerates such as yourself don't have a future.


>Degenerates such as yourself don't have a future.

if dogs could speak, this is what they would say. i'm the degenerate? neither beer nor unwavering loyalty to whoever is loudest will heal your trauma, or quench your infantile thirst for constant validation. your choices have put you on a path where the things you really want in life are not accessible to you. you have been tricked out of all the good stuff and you bark at me for pointing it out.

>arf arf!

valid point. clearly i underestimated you.


this liberal relativist bullshit is the ultimate cope



it's missing the point. in established systems only what serves the establishment is allowed to exist while everything else is treated with hostility and forbidden, ruined or reduced in some way by some bunch of assholes who would do whatever their boss tells them. the bitch reduces the issue to how people started drinking beer before they were able to make prohibitions. now they prohibit almost anything. what about all the stuff people would be using if they were not put in cages by psychopaths for it while those same psychopaths take steroids like retards so that they can beat people up on peaceful protests against war.

now they almost prohibit you to say no to poisonous injections.

clearly these people want the humans that were unfortunate to be born in their occupied territory to have alcohol. they just learned to use it to their advantage and advance the agenda of the shareholders.


No, alcohol is a normie hobby because it's normalized and addictive. This has nothing to do with Marxist hegemonic finklethink, it's a popular, cheap and available vice preying on the stupid and normies socialized into it.


>breathing is for normies because normies do it
>Out of spite I will stop breathing

How about you stop using normies as argument whenever you personally dislike something.


Are you pretending to be stupid or do you legit not understand analogies?


You are being willfully ignorant just to be annoying.


>drinking alcohol is like an autonomic nervous system function beyond human control
Lol, normie


>No, alcohol is a normie hobby because it's normalized and addictive.

while this may sound dumb ("normal people are normal") at a glance, there is probably some sort of meaning in it that i can't make out. communication is a messy process but seems like you don't place a lot of attention and care in it. the bitches in here probably call that instagram spacing. the bitches in here complain about me leaving a lot of space in my posts however i do believe they understand what i mean.

addiction to me is nothing but a function of utility maximizing in a currency system that is built on reinforcing scarcity and exploitation that is not worth trusting. in an intelligent self-regenerative system of plenty people would not develop the addictive personality disorder. i think of it as a side-effect of debt-based economies.

>This has nothing to do with Marxist hegemonic finklethink, it's a popular, cheap and available vice preying on the stupid and normies socialized into it.

i agree completly agree with your observations but keep thinking. have you been to a liquor aisle in the store? how ridiculously cheap and plentyful it is. if the central did not like what alcohol did to the people, they would come up with some sort of theater as part of a larger campaign to get rid of it and never stop. but they are not. there is no war on alcohol meanwhile there is a war an almost anything else. alcohol is an essential weapon in the war on people, it keeps them dumb and obedient.

weed makes you smarter, it stimulates curiosity and makes the smoker question things; that's why governments hate it. unless the smoker smokes way too much and doesn't make sure to live an active enough life, which unfortunately happens to some people. they get hung up on it and then they don't get smarter, they melt into the couch.) a nice combination is weed plus an endurance sport. weed + dancing would turn most of you into handsome wizards.


>nervous system

what do yall silly omnivores know about the nervous system. that's an electrical system you mostly don't have access to because you cosplay as cats and dogs so much and disrespect our honorable ancestors the monkey by your choices in the supermarket.

that's why you feel so tired all the time and why everything is exhausting to you. that's why your posts are only a sentence long and it is not even a well thought-out sentence people from other continents can relate to.

>there is no way a lemon can power a light emitting diode! the big baldhead who coughs after every sentence and feels like he walks on glass shards every step at my gym said so and he swore!


>How about you stop using normies as argument whenever you personally dislike something
Why so? Butthurt much?


Just drink zero calories drinks, negro, they are safe and healthy.


They still have sweeteners.


They just mimick the swetness of the sugar, they are not like sugar.


>Just drink zero calories drinks
but why? they are unhealthy and they don't taste good. you just drink them because you are a bitch who is susceptible to marketing influence. mass formation victim.

>negro, they are safe and healthy.

no they say that the drinks are healthy and safe and since you're cursed with the inability to verify their claim, you choose to believe them but it is not a choice, it is just bitch training. repetition mostly. repetition, normalization, humanization, shit like that. propaganda. i'd hate to be you, i rather be me.

you were spawned in this dimension in a biological vessel that has a digestion dialed in to regional food that happen to be alive. there is no coca cola tree you poor industry victim. the suits and the labcoats invented coca cola in order to accomplish two things: become rich and make idiots sick. and then they build factories that made the coca cola, hoping someone would be dumb enough to buy it and drink it. and then YOU came along, sacrificing yourself to fulfill both their demonic wishes and for that i consider you a bitch. disrespect upon you though i appreciate you calling me a negro. i do like the negro very much. when i am in a bad mood, i listen to negro music and it cheers me right back up.



tldr diet soda are better, safe and healhtier than your sugarry soda, you speak bullshit and full of bias.


sugar did nothing wrong


>tldr diet soda are better, safe and healhtier than your sugarry soda, you speak bullshit and full of bias.

why do you let a website speak for you, i guess it is too much to ask for you to explain your opinion yourself because you don't understand what you believe and don't care to. just point to an university and with confidence proclaim "whatever they say!" and that's how the smart people do it.

no man you don't get it. you can't even explain to me what problem the soda is solving. what need does the soda fill?


no there were plenty of liquids before


i dunno i have a freezer where i put entire 0,5l glasses of fresh squeezed apple juice in and i just take one out per day. i freeze the juice when i want convenience, that way i don't have to pasteurize and kill the juice, which you probably don't even recognize as important given you think soda is safe to drink.

>liquid candy?

just eat fruit if you want candy, it is the reason your body wants candy in the first place.

>"good taste"

you develop your taste based on what you consume. the reason soda tastes good to you is because you are drinking it. you went to mcdonald because of the advertisement and ate a menu and it came with soda and this made you form a habit to soda.


just live healthy and you wont be tired all the time and have to drug yourself.

here is what you did not do: you did not ask you what the best choice of drink for you would be and then after careful research and weighing all the options you decided that it was soda. that is what you guaranteed did not do and i resent you personally for this because how dare you talk to any human about anything you did that you did not carefuly weigh. you are just a consumer victim. a chesspiece. a puppet on a string. there is no valid reason for drinking soda other then being a trained victim of consumerism.

what fucked up priority are you satisfying with soda? bitch tell me because i wanna know. there is no way to defend this degeneracy. traaaaaaaaash i yell!


diet soda is way worse than regular soda


diet soda is way worse than regular soda

none of you addicts said one thing about soda (and why would you even care whether one chemical cocktail is slightly less toxic then the other) that would make you seem like a sane person. yall just bums shouting at each other trying to prove how little you care.


>diet soda is way worse than regular soda
Got any evidence of that?



I am going to be honest, the nature article is over my head.
I don't understand it.

The one about aspartame possibly being carcinogenic isn't really solidly based on verified scientific data. Rather it's some bureaucratic agency just declaring something based on faulty preliminary research and not waiting for better research to be done on the subject.

The mouse study is relatively solid and understandable.
However I would wait until data about humans is generated before jumping to conclusions.

All that said, I am not a fan of artificial sweeteners because they taste bad so even if it is bad it doesn't effect me.


All nutritional science is untrustworthy and poor quality. Food is being pumped full of artificial shit that people dont understand. Cancer rates are rising rapidly. I think the best thing we can do is simply avoid anything artificial. Sugar is a basic molecule in plants and honey etc that we're obviously biologically evolved to deal with, in the right quantities. That's the basic logic i follow


The point is, transgenic food has augmented amounts of fructose, gluten and sugar.

>(((solid scientific data)))


>>(((solid scientific data)))
What the fuck are you whining about now?
You don't have a argument so just default to implying it's jews fault somehow.
How about it you have a actual point you write it out. If you have a rational argument then make it. Stop being a mental pussy ass bitch.


>Sugar is a basic molecule in plants and honey etc that we're obviously biologically evolved to deal with, in the right quantities. That's the basic logic i follow

one of the biggest successes of the tasty-poison industry is how they convinced all the dummies to call the industrially refined white powder (made from sugar cane of sugar beet or whatever they might be using now) by the same name as the energy inside fruits and vegetables. they just use the word SUGAR for everything as if it was the same.

BUT IT IS NOT THE SAME. the sugar in watermelon is not the same as the white powder that the undignified people who work in cubicles stir into their coffee.

NAWT ONLY do the fools not specify WHICH SUGAR it is… they could at least call it fructose and glucose to reflect some level of knowledge. no they don't do that. they could call it simple sugar and complex sugar, but their boss has not instructed them to do so, so they don't.

THEY DONT'T EVEN THINK THERE IS A DIFFERENCE for the human digestion. but there is and i try my best to make you bitches understand:

imagine two pictures. one picture is a little heap of a white powder, and the other picture is a slice of watermelon. can you find the difference between the pictures? yes? THEY ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PICTURES! one picture is a colorless dead, shelfstable industrial isolate, the other one is a volatile, juicy, alive marvel of creation in loud colors.

to hear you traitors of nature call both these picture mere "sugar" is insulting, ignorant and dangerous and i wont stand for it.


>All nutritional science is untrustworthy and poor quality.


the ""scientists"" did not start lying about everything because their boss told them to when covid was invented. they were already pros when covid was released.


selected sage by accident again.

>The mouse study is relatively solid

yeah it is really quite useful in determining what kind of soda you should give to your pet mouse.

other then that the venn diagram of what mice eat and what humans eat only overlaps a bit. yall pollo locos don't even understand most species have a dialed in digestion specialized in certain types of food so they are not directly comparable and besides when you think about humans, you have to differentiate between natural humans and industrial humans because there are quite a lot of differences, mostly in how often they get sick, endurance, sensory perception and overall function of nervous system. my nose functions better then all your noses, i'd not shy away from a smelling competition with yall normies…

at best this study could give you a rough idea what the stuff does to mammals but even if this is all you are trying to gather from the study, i don't see how you can trust these dirty corrupt scientists, who always agree with what their boss tells them. because of the incentive structure of the monetary system you can never be sure these motherfuckers are not trying to feed you bullshit or trick you somehow because of some dirty egotistical reason of the people who paid for the study.

before you look at any study, you'd have to find out who did it, who paid for it etc and at this point it is easier to just research whatever the study did yourself lol. to research whether you can trust the study is more work then the information is worth if it was accurate. what a nightmare.


>one picture is a colorless dead, shelfstable industrial isolate, the other one is a volatile, juicy, alive marvel of creation in loud colors.

i should have mentioned that the powder is not electrical, meanwhile the watermelon (just like the lemon that can power a diode) has volts and amperes that the nervous system can utilize, yet nobody talks about it. i guess nobody else knows. that's why i am so cool and most people aren't. they just don't have the electricity in their nervous system.

yall ever see fruit rot in timelapse? NATURE CAN'T WAIT TO TAKE THE ENERGY BACK. flies swarm it like drones deconstructing a smelting array in factorio. it only stays fruit for a short time until it changes form into something else; same as the human. a short non-shelfstable life. life is short so make an effort to make good use of every day jizzards.


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don't be fooled by the filetype, this is a video of sugar decomposing.


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this is a video of watermelon decomposing. can you see how alive it is?


This rots because it has water. living beings need water to survive. Of course a dry pile of sugar isn't going to rot and a watermelon will. You mix that sugar with some water you'll see all sorts of shit start to grow. So essentially you're making a dumb point that does not lend any credence to your argument. Fruit snacks get their sugar from fruit, they're still the same as candy and just as unhealthy. Fructose and glucose are basically the same and fructose is in all sorts of processed shit thanks to corn syrup, it's not somehow magically healthier. Fruit is healthier because it has additional nutrients and the sugar is encased in fiber which slows its digestion and absorption, but the sugar is literally the same. All sugar comes from plants, refinement just gets rid of everything else the plant produces. You get the energy but not the nutrition and because they put so much sugar in you get way more energy than you need resulting in people becoming fat. Sugar itself is also highly inflammatory so dumping a lot of it in its raw processed form into the body causes inflammation.


I am tempted to make a chemistry joke and post a video of sugar decomposing through combustion but I thought better of it because it would have gone over your head.


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imma steal your balls


>This rots because it has water. living beings need water to survive. Of course a dry pile of sugar isn't going to rot and a watermelon will.

it seems like you understand the process of rotting way better then your own digestion. digestions also likes things to be moist.

>You mix that sugar with some water you'll see all sorts of shit start to grow.

i have not done the experiment but i doubt something would grow because the water might evaporate faster then anything could grow. a few bees, wasps and bugs might be interested. you probably have seen the years old burgers and fries from macdonald that simply do not decompose.

>So essentially you're making a dumb point that does not lend any credence to your argument.

it was you who changed the comparison from sugar to sugarwater. that's you admitting how valid the original metaphor was.

>Fruit snacks get their sugar from fruit, they're still the same as candy and just as unhealthy. Fructose and glucose are basically the same and fructose is in all sorts of processed shit thanks to corn syrup, it's not somehow magically healthier. Fruit is healthier because it has additional nutrients and the sugar is encased in fiber which slows its digestion and absorption,

it also has volatile stuff like living enzymes and probably a bunch of shit i don't even know about yet. well you just explained why fruit isn't candy. candy doesn't have natural fiber and it doesn't grow on trees. it is just a poorly designed abomination of industry, skillfully made to look, taste and smell interesting to inferior minds such as yourself.

>but the sugar is literally the same.

you just explained that it is not the same and now you want to revert on what you just explained and compare it to isolates. sugarpowder is an isolate made by industry for industrial application.

>All sugar comes from plants, refinement just gets rid of everything else the plant produces.

why not get rid of your digestive tract, replace it with a battery and replace your muscles and joints with servo-motors.

it sounds like you are blind to the evils that industrial manufacturing is doing to plants in order to make them shelfstable. when you heat a plant over 45°C the enzymes start to die. when you cook tomatoes and you reduce the water content of the tomato(-sauce) by half, IT IS NOT EXACTLY THE SAME BUT WITH LESS WATER. it is no loner alive and thus gets also digested like something that is no longer alive and the body when digesting it will detect with disappointing that while it tastes like tomatoes, some over the alive stuff it has been excitedly looking forward to was not included in the shipment when eaten.

>You get the energy but not the nutrition and because they put so much sugar in you get way more energy than you need resulting in people becoming fat. Sugar itself is also highly inflammatory so dumping a lot of it in its raw processed form into the body causes inflammation.

heh this implies the fan-favored "no i am not fat, my body is carefully storing energy so that it is available to me in a time of need". meanwhile in the most cases the process of weight gain is just various systems in the body failing to keep up.

you are an asshole and i look down on you.


>I am tempted to make a chemistry joke and post a video of sugar decomposing through combustion but I thought better of it because it would have gone over your head.

the ideology around the calorie trying to equate nutritional value with heat never sat right with me. to me it seems to much they act like for simplicity's sake that the body is burning the food to create heat, meanwhile there are no campfires in the body and the human originated in places where staying warm enough was never an issue and usually hindered the human organism in exerting energy. i'd argue staying cool enough was way more of a concern.

now these assholes want to center human nutrition around changing energy to heat.

when i do cardio i don't care how hot i get, i care for how long i can move the muscles and how present i am to keep the timing perfect as to keep as much momentum alive as i am able to.


As expected it went over your head.


>As expected it went over your head.

you'd better be expecting how fundamentally unrespectable the people who sage this place have been behaving if you believe this weak of a bait will get you any drama, shrek.

you have done so little to defend anything i have been talking about in this thread that goes contrary to your normalcy, if you had any decency born from innocence inside you, you'd be too ashamed to post in this thread. what would have been an inspiration how little you actually understand enough to defend must have deeply humbled you if you seek to shit talk to me like that.

this is you trying to kiss my ring and then being disappointed i am not wearing one.

oh my bad where i my manners, i should have been more considerate of how little energy you have. everything must be very exhausting to you and even just writing one sentence must be a struggle so hard nobody could ever know how hard it is.


sugar is absolutely based when you're doing a project. The soccer mom/WHO people who tell you to avoid it are talking about every day use. If you need fast energy for cognitive activities eat a pack of gummies. I used to do this every time I'd write a paper. There are plenty of tricks to normalize your insulin resistance levels after the fact. Fasting if I'm not mistaken for one


>sugar is absolutely based when you're doing a project

so is eating an apple and a banana. when i do light construction i eat nothing but apples the first half of the day (plus drinking expensive coconut water, i prefer the coconut water over water because it is vegan and water isn't) and i just don't get tired. i still get irritated, or in a foul mood or surrounded by assholes but the energy is figured out.

>Fasting if I'm not mistaken for one

i don't know the short term of fasting; if it can affect/counteract stuff but long term it is the holy grail of regeneration as far as i can tell. fasting is stop getting in the way of the body doing it's thing, interrupting the constant stream of dumb food so the body can catch up on it's todo list that it normaly does not have the time for because digestion is quite the cumbersome endeavor.


Oh, you want to sling insults now?
You are a nitwit attentionwhore who is utterly ignorant of just about every topic you erroneously try to engage with.
You are intentionally trying to annoy to farm engagement because your life is so hollow that getting replies to your shit post is all you will ever have in life.



i don't believe in this kind of interaction, i look down on it.


>so is eating an apple and a banana
i'm surprised by that given the comparatively higher carbs, it's not like that wiz is doing anything athletic when writing a paper


All I know is that at the time I would always do it. Gummie bears, caffeinated sugarwater, late nights typing. It worked and in retrospect I can see the high energy source was beneficial to the task


Then you shouldn't have started slinging insults then asshole.


>i'm surprised by that given the comparatively higher carbs

i don't even respect the macronutrient perspective enough to know what they believe is happening when 'higher carbs' enter the body.

unless it glues up the body something that is easily digested like banana will just flow through the human body like a river and the body will take from it what it can use and leave the rest to flow out. it's not like people study the energy content of their poop after it has flown through so you might be repeating myth.

>It worked and in retrospect I can see the high energy source was beneficial to the task

i guess you don't even know who you could have become if you had rejected these industrial science experiences and opted for something better. to just describe the feeling of it: maybe you have used an old skateboard or worn down inline skates once in your life and knows how it kind of works but it it takes a lot of effort to go forwards because the bearings aren't clean and don't roll that smoothly anymore.

and then when you change out the bearings into functioning ones that roll very easy, suddenly everything is easier.

>Then you shouldn't have started slinging insults then asshole.

this is such pathetic ugly-female-personality rejection-denial theater. that's how the ugly females do it. they start a conflict because they simply do not get the attention they want and then unless they are fled from, refuse to get the hint. play dumb and pretend, trying to get a conversation going and then slowly maneuver it into the thing they want to talk about. breaking the ice. well the ice is there for a reason, not for you to ignore it and keep talking.

if you had dignity you would not even care about these false-pretense compliance-based interactions and seek consent-based interaction. must be you growing desperate because nobody wants to talk to you. btw just to make it harder for you to play dumb: this is a rejection, not an invitation for further discussion.


have been eating 90% raw fruits and vegetables the last few weeks. the weeks before that i had eaten only ~30% and also bread, rice and cooked vegetabes. in the weeks before i would start to stink after ~3 days of not showering.

now i have not showered in 5 or 6 days and i just don't stink. i'll go ahead and shower now but i could go for another few days without. the good raw plants they don't make the body stink, simple as that.

meanwhile bread eating gourmet normies who eat cooked food stink after 24 hours and they slather themselves in dangerous products that don't work like parfume or deodorant. IT DOESN'T HELP, THEIR STINK IS ONLY MIXED WITH ANOTHER INDUSTRIAL STINK. but since most of them are noseblind, they rely on the patience of their fellow humans not to say anything.

the just pretend they don't stink. they just act, they are engaged in a theater play in which they play someone who doesn't stink and because acting rots the mind, they slowly become the character and forget there ever was such a thing as truth.


been 24 hours, did ~45-60 minutes of cardio this morning, did sweat enough that the back of my tshirt was completely wet, but here i am not stinking, even if i sniff my armpit direcly. no stink. balls don't stink either. feet don't stink either. i did just eat rice with steamed vegetables though so i am probably gonna stink after 4days is my prediction.


Nigga really think drinking tons of fruit sugar is somehow more healthy than to drink a zero sugar drink, kek


how could contents of fruit be less healthy than some untested industrial chemical cocktail with ingredients that are suspected carcinogens?


>Nigga really think drinking tons of fruit sugar is somehow more healthy than to drink a zero sugar drink, kek

even if you understood the facts correctly (which you didn't but whatever), that is no reason why you drink the shit. you don't understand why you drink it. i do however. let me explain to you why you are such a disgraceful zombie:

you drink this shit
>not because it tastes good to you
>not because you think it is good for you
>not because you like the ingredients (you have no understanding what is in there, if you did, you wouldn't drink it)
>BUT BECAUSE YOU WERE TRAINED TO. with the advertisement and because it is featured in your favorite shows, because it was part of the happy meal and because it has been repeated into your mind. they just bombord you with images of the shit and then you in turn accept it. that's how much of a consumer you are.

you are like a little doggy. an industrial puppet who learned the command "drink the poison".

you try to poop on my but there is only hot air coming out. you're a bitch and a puppet and you don't understand your own actions because you are just a passenger in your life. you don't sit in the driver's seat of your life because if you did, you would not fall for this obvious trap.

not trying to be an asshole to you, you were probably traumatized and violated just as i have been but because you fall for traps like the idiotjuice, i automatically believe you are dumb and you can not be trusted with anything because the chance of you being a mindless fool is too high. you know how there are certain jobs no good person would do? there are certains things no intelligent person would eat.

i did try not to be an asshole to you even though i truly don't believe being respectable is within your reach.


>how could contents of fruit be less healthy than some untested industrial chemical cocktail with ingredients that are suspected carcinogens?

he probably believes in the ideology of his favorite clinical physician Dr. Ronald McDonald.


i just watched a stupid video on youtube about how the recipe of coca cola is a secret.

and people buy it and drink it, having no idea what is in it. damn people are bitches. people don't care about their body and their health it seems. kind of sad.

i get it when they are forced to get vaccinations and get sick from it, that's not their fault. they were just too scared to say no to it. but nobody threatens them with homelessness and social exclusion for not drinking the idiotjuice, they could just not buy the stuff and be safe from it. but they wanna buy it. they want to be seduced by it, fucked by it. what a sad bunch of degenerates.


My god, it has been 6 years since covid and you still bitch about vacine. you people are truly schizo


in eurepe coca cola for western and eatern eu is different quality as well as other products

same product different ingrediemts


hard to type on broken keybpard


My pleasure. And also my condolences, this place is still not conspirationist enough.

How could you know, because they told so? Anyway, have this video


I know it because it is known fact among people here


i will check the video

btw I only drank like 10 coca colas in my life at most. Never liked its taste


So, deciding facts about coke ingredients basing yourself on an imageboard, huh?


i never said I was smart


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>My god, it has been 6 years since covid and you still bitch about vacine. you people are truly schizo

you remind me of the large bird who likes to stick his head into the sand. go have your head in the sand, take all the shots, question nothing, believe whoever is loudest, want me to care about what happens to people like you? you are being sorted out and i guess you don't mind. i also don't mind. there is plenty of you, maybe not for much longer. you must be one of those people who actually don't want to be alive and a culture gently nudging you into self-harm is no big deal. thousands of little cuts.


almost 48 hours later. no stink yet. today is not gonna be as active as yesterday, little to no sweating probably.


>200 replies on a thread about some dumb thinking that sugary fruit juice is somehow safer than a zero calories zero sugar drink

Jesus the level of dumbness is high


>200 replies on a thread about some dumb thinking that sugary fruit juice is somehow safer than a zero calories zero sugar drink

so far there has been no meaningful justification for the liquid abomination of the chemical industry. i've called you puppets and passengers of your own life and you did not even disagree, you just took it. all the likes of you have said were empty smug implications.

>Jesus the level of dumbness is high

you've done it again. you must be out of ways to defend this. i guess this is the peak defense of the drink of stupidity. this is as far as your mind can carry to defend your habits. i look down on you. when you get your cancer, think of me skateboarding. when you can no longer walk and need this little old-people cart to push in front of you with the handbrake, think of me sprinting up a mountain with cat-like elegance, barely breaking a sweat.

don't ask jesus for help, he didn't trick you into trusting chemical factory juice. the only person to blame is you.


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this is what you look like to me


>He think fruits are somehow without chemicals and addictive

Kek, lmao even


It's mainly two nuts bumping the thread with schizo nonsense and replying to every single post with bait.
It's attention seeking behavor at it's worst.


Yeah, this thread is ridiculous and full of non sense, just like people thinking "organic" somehow is free of chemicals and other stuff, probably it's the type of people that fall for pseudoscience scams like chiropractor.



i thought the years of being a hermit really fucked with my communication ability, but then i encounter someone like you who falls so short on being able to express his ideas and suddenly i feel better about myself. i should thank you but obviously i believe you are trash, so i don't.

>Kek, lmao even

you're just being smug without anything to back it up. you really are the fat retard demanding to leave the multibillion dollar company alone because there is no way you are really this dumb. you pretend to be dumb in order to protect the guilty thinking this will influence the good name of chemical sugarwater, failing to account for that this is a dead board that nobody reads.


'bumping the thread' as if threads on a dead imageboard are prime digital realestate that go up and down in value.

there is not a single benefit to you being this pessimist. i guess you already became what you hated. sucks to be you, oh well i'll leave you to your misery.

>Yeah, this thread is ridiculous and full of non sense, just like people thinking "organic" somehow is free of chemicals and other stuff, probably it's the type of people that fall for pseudoscience scams like chiropractor.

that's your mental gymnastics of how an apple and a banana and a coca cola are basically the same so it is just a wash and it doesn't matter. bitch have you heard of organic produce? did you know you can just plant seeds on your balcony and have food for free? you probably didn't know because you are a dumb consumer who acts based on his training like a dog. you too exhibit the conusmerist mindset and you have done NOTHING do defend on the copies amount of disrespect i have hurled your way. i called you puppet, and bitch, and bootlicker and passenger in your own life and so far you have not even tried to defend your honor. it is probably that all you retards can not write more then a single sentence because you don't understand the internet. packets are sent over the internet and it doesn't matter if your answer is 10 or 1000 words long, yet your act like this shit is twitter and you only have limited words.

it's mostly me responding to unintelligent people and algorithms with trivial inherited opinions who are usually ignored, it is like taking care of retards. they are probably surprised someone even answers them. are you even wizards who have the privilege to spent time in solitude to find answers? because to me you seem like you have not found a lot of answers. you don't exhibit the calm, rational, experienced presence of a wizard. you most remind me of nervous chicken.


Sorry, dude, but you're a dumb schizo I had enough time to hide the thread.


>Sorry, dude, but you're a dumb schizo

you just say that. don't overestimate your ability to act though. you run away from being wrong so much and because you can only write one sentence answers.

lol when i talk about your weak, empty, dead answers, i can just call them your "sentence" because that's as much strength as you can muster up in your shivering omnivore fingers to type.


it is ~74 hours later. i did ~100 minutes of cardio, was lightly sweating the entire time, is very sunny.

now do i stink?

armpits? nope
balls? yeah lil bit. if i could ventilate the balls better, they wouldn't stink either because it is not smell coming from inside the body, it is ballsweat that is trapped between balls and thighs and becomes thick and nasty.

imma shower in half an hour.


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>how an apple and a banana […]
>have you heard of organic produce? did you know you can just plant seeds on your balcony and have food for free?
in the case of bananas this isn't accurate, since they were domesticated to be sterile. you may have noticed the fruits have no seeds


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>in the case of bananas this isn't accurate, since they were domesticated to be sterile. you may have noticed the fruits have no seeds

yeah. unfortunately i only know real bananas from videos. maybe a plant genetics expert could still somehow reproduce the consumer banana, but i couldn't.

i think the real seed-bearing banana will have it's comeback once more people understand that earthships are way better then houses. they build greenhouses as part of the heating/cooling of the house and i've seen a few people growing banana trees in there.

in a way the rapid adaption of solar panels on the roof is the first step of evolving houses into earhthips.

one very easy thing to grow is sweet potato, i did that on my tiny balcony. i just cut a sweet potato, stuck tooth picks into it and then balanced the toothpicks on a glass that i kept full of water so that the cut-surface of the sweetpotato would hang into the water. then after many days it would grow leaves and i stuck the young plant into the potting soil. many weeks later i had a tub full of delicious selfgrown sweet potatoes.

when you buy a sweet potato in the store, it is still alive…


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perhaps bananas would come back once domesticated ones are no longer cultivated in their native indomalaya, depending on local conditions. seeded fruits like apples would likely revert to smaller variants like crab apples, as they can expend less energy and still spread their seeds

for sure earthships are better than houses, but i'm skeptical of human dwellings and settlements generally. really you could just roam around harvesting whatever you find such that it grows back next year. if that isn't possible from drought or flooding, just follow birbs and deer because they are hungry too


>perhaps bananas would come back once domesticated ones are no longer cultivated in their native indomalaya, depending on local conditions. seeded fruits like apples would likely revert to smaller variants like crab apples, as they can expend less energy and still spread their seeds

i'm watching a dude on youtube (chanelname: primite skills) who built a farm from nothing in a peaceful mountainous region of vietnam. he uses bamboo, wood, sand and stones for everything. at some point he tried to make iron naturally and he somewhat succeeded but it was so poor quality that he introduced bought pieces of iron (which he then started to turn into all the tools he could ever need as well as selfmade nails, doorhinges and fishing hooks. complete badass this dude!) anyways apparently he has wild banana trees near his farm and occasionally he just chops one with his selfmade machete and boils the stem of the banana tree into a soup that he feeds his pigs. he has pigs, chicken, ducks, fish and currently he is building a wall from stones he found near the steam and selfmade cement.

>for sure earthships are better than houses, but i'm skeptical of human dwellings and settlements generally. really you could just roam around harvesting whatever you find such that it grows back next year. if that isn't possible from drought or flooding, just follow birbs and deer because they are hungry too

that is how the hunter gatherers did it before they became infected with the disease of (land-)ownership which turned humans from smart naturemonkeys into sociopathic warpigs. in a way agriculture as well as domestication of dogs turned out to be horrendous mistakes.

what the billionaires do with living in their planes and what i do with living in my truck is scratching the same hunter-gatherer itch. probably many people will opt to live in spaceships soon. having a house in a place kind of sucks, because you can't just change location whenever.

just being a poor human with a few good tools who is constantly moving seems so much better then being a moderately wealthy human who has to stay in one place because of some unfair shit job benefiting some evil owner mostly.


I'm just adding this comment so that this shit thread will be one more post closer to the bump limit


>I'm just adding this comment so that this shit thread will be one more post closer to the bump limit

why is it shit, because it reminds you how bad of a mistake your commitment to being an uncritical thinker who just follows the leader blindly turned out to be?

the same way japanese gardeners keep the bonsai tree from growing into an adult: whoever claimed you, trained you to remain a child in your head. and here you are, a puppet of your lowest emotions, steered around by frustration, looking to make the others feel as bad as you feel, so far with little to no success.


It's literally just one guy who refuses to listen to any scientific evidence just spouting bullshit about what he "feels" is true and claiming that is better than people who have done scientific studies. In short, OP is a fag.



has covid taught you nothing? you can not trust the scientists. you can not. you have to see for yourself, the word of the scientist is not good enough. the scientist will always agree with what his boss wants, they will go along with anything.

when a scientist says that there are 3 apples in the fridge, you don't know how many apples are in the fridge, you have to open the door yourself and count them yourself.


scientific evidence =/= scientists

You disregard all evidences regardless of validity or if it's independently verifiable to instead just make shit up.
You also seem to totally disregard the scientific method and empiricism as a whole and instead embrace woo and feels over reals.

You aren't a skeptic, you are just deluded with a overinflated ego.


>You also seem to totally disregard the scientific method and empiricism as a whole and instead embrace woo and feels over reals.

no i pay attention to how corrupt the scientists have been and how blindly, religiously people like you who merely claim loyalty have been behaving. your loyalty is inconsequential and so are you. your disgraceful t-shirt that proclaims that you love science is meaningless. while you pay attention to the sand you stick your head in, i do my own experiments. i practice science, you preach science.

i do my own experiments and draw my own conclusions from them. i listen to all opinions and my model accounts for all evidence with weighted probability and i recompile it every time new evidence appears. you don't have a model, you just listen to what the people in the suits and the labcoats proclaim to be true and write in their despicably manipulated scientific paper. your science paper is my toilet paper. your peer reviews publication is usually years behind the anecdotal reality of those who actively experience. if you thought it all the way through, you are just a victim of bullying and you listen to whoever is loudest.

when a new conspiracy theory shows up, my model usually already accounts for it, while your entire reality crumbles.

your method of determining truth by lagging behind corrupt establishment scientist (who in term is already lagging behind) is vastly inferior to observations based on cause and effect. don't advocate for your outclassed, normality based, error prone, sponsored science. i do my own science and i shit on double digit IQ sheep such as yourself. go fuck yourself you disgraceful normie, may the myocarditis gently end the meaningless suffering of your existence.


You are blatantly full of shit.



>You are blatantly full of shit.

the reason you have to resort to insults is because you have no valid points left. i trampled them all. now you're just an empty hostile pancake squished to the floor, still trying to make others feel as bad as you feel.

there is no need to ask you whether you are wizard by choice, clearly you are not.


The reason for saying you are full of shit is because you are full of shit.

Also whining about insults when this is what you posted
> i shit on double digit IQ sheep such as yourself. go fuck yourself you disgraceful normie, may the myocarditis gently end the meaningless suffering of your existence.

You are so fake. Trying to cry about tone when this is what you really are.
No reason, just illogical proformative ranting and raving for attention.
So pathetic.



you're just a female looking for drama. you have contributed nothing to the thread, you don't understand the thread and all you do is pick fights with people who are too good for you. be gone, ugly.


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>you're just a female looking for drama.


such a painfully wrong image


You can't resist responding to anything.


You can't resist responding to anything.


i'm still amazed how little i stink. i do cardio to the point of gently sweating every day, lots of working on the truck which is often hot so that i also sweat a bit and i am active all day. yet no stink. lololol some people stink 4 hours after they have showered because the pores of their skcrabls basically are tiny anusses secreting shit (the smelly, possibly fermenting, potentially parasite infected metabolic waste from trying to "burn" dirty energy from wrong food) all day.

their life is like this: they shower and then they watch a movie and another movie and as soon as the second movie is over they again smell like a trashcan of organic waste. maybe they have been sweating from being fat which constantly keeps the body in overheat mode (in effect gently trying to balance in the direction of healthy weight) and as the sweat passes though the skin, it drags along the oily stink residue and they stink.

meanwhile in healthytown where i live, washing myself is next to meaningless because i didn't stink before i take the shower and i don't stink after the shower and when i exercise i still don't.

partly this is from what i currently drink (coconut water, 1 liter every day, the stuff is expensive but when i can buy it, i buy it.). to me it feels like the coconut water is more liquid then water. it flows through the body more.

mostly this absence of stink is what i eat. currently all i eat is
>grapes or apples in the first half of the day (I'd say ranging from 400g to 1000g total swallowed food mass)
>fresh raw cabbage meal the second half of the day (I'd say ranging from 1000g to 2000g, the stuff is heavy.

this cabbage meal has so much fiber, feels like swallowing a broom that cleans out my entire insides. it is shreddings of cabbage, bell pepper and cucumber with a sauce from the blender on top. and the sauce is also raw: cherry tomatoes, fresh cilantro, half a grapefruit without the peel, cilantro, fresh garlic, fresh ginger, sesame paste *moan.wav* and spices that i like. i learned this so late in life, sesame paste + tomato + whatever in the blender makes a easy, delicious and healthy sauce i can put over everythang. treat yourself piggies.




one more thing i forgot to include in the textwall: my pee is bright highliter_pen orange.

if you are a whore and drink pee on camera, you better not be inviting any raw vegans to the gangbang because their pee is actually dangerous when swallowed, it contains toxins filtered from the body. if you drink the pee, you better invite industrially eating omnis because their pee is the least chance of being toxic, their lymph system most likely doesn't filter out the toxins, they choose to keep the toxins in their ridiculously ill-managed body and never get them out and then get sick often, die sooner, have less energy, get dumb from it, have their senses dulled, grow tumors and stink.


one more curious thing i can think of about my current eating habits: i eat and drink until my stommach is full and then i wait a while till i have more room and eat and drink more and i stay thin. if i did this with dense food i'd instantly turn fat.

in other words it is impossible to get fat from what i eat. lol these poor fatties restraining themselves without success meanwhile i can stuff myself with the good stuff. i probably mentioned this before but i still think many of them lost the ability to digest. their gi tract is nothing but an ornamental cave where food passes through slowly without much absorption, while the energy they sustain themselves with comes soley from the sugary soft drinks.

unfortunately it did not happen in this thrad, no fattie tried to make a genuine case for the addiction to stupid beverages. hearing idiots justify their bad choices is very entertaining. they don't want to be laughed at and considered losers so the most i ever heard one describe was this:

>oink oink well you know when you are between meals and you get kinda slow

no sorry i don't know that but keep going
>oink oink well what i like to do is treat myself to a mountain dew and then you know it kind of picks me up, gives a boost of energy to help me carry through the day
so you don't get energy from the food you eat
>phew that was exhausting, i think i have another family-sized bag of individually wrapped candy bars around here, i better eat a few after all this commotion WITH THESE PSEUDO SCIENTISTS! omnomnom nom nom nom you know these guys are such idiots mnooomnomnom they would rather be healthy, thin, light and full of energy mnomnomnom then to eat as good as i eat mnomnomnom that's how you can tell they are retarded mnomnomnom i mean cmon why would i want to be a pretty corpse and live one year longer nom nom if i could have this delicios sugar PFFFRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTT my bad!


saw a wreck of a female the other day at the supermarket. overweight, frail, pimply, obviously uncomfortable, hair colored as to hide gray hairs, thick layer of makeup to hide pimples, wrinkles and deadness. i don't wish harm on her but i think she wishes harm on herself. this is what she bought:



I love milk.


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Unpasteurized, and still warm…


It's already to have the occasional juice/soda. As long as you drink water 80% of the time when you are dehydrated.

water isn't even the best thing you could drink and juice should not be mentioned that close to soda, i can tell you have done little else in life then collecting anime pictures.


>i can tell you have done little else in life then collecting anime pictures.
None of those images are from an anime, or even ai-generated in an anime style.


Dude never heard of zero calories drink, lmao.


>None of those images are from an anime, or even ai-generated in an anime style.

none of those images are real either. who cares if i used the wrong word to describe your particular illusions, illusions don't matter.

i would even go so far as to say that pictures itself are trash because they aren't real either but that is too far out for a normie casual peasant on easy mode by trying to escape from it.

whatever you use to escape into, i automatically don't respect, so why would i take care to use the approved political correct title as to not accidentally misgender you.

fuck your pictures, unless you drew them, then i wont shit on them because that's you actually doing something.


>Dude never heard of zero calories drink, lmao.

oh yeah the good people at the sugardrink factory probably made sure not to put anything too bad in there, am i right bro? jo bro! what is it bro? pass the doritos! here you go bro, thanks bro!

if anything you like or do is advertised, (as your stupid zero drinks have been) you can be sure it is bad for you. they hate you, all they do is try to trick you into making bad decisions like drinking chemical experiments and training you to like them through repetition and other propganda.

that was probably too harsh for you, so here is a crude image of kirby playing with rings:



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>who cares if i used the wrong word
I do, obviously, or else I wouldn't have said something. If you're going to use off-the-shelf retorts, try to chose ones that make sense.

The rest of your post is you disparaging 2D in your usual Reddit-spacing troongrammar formula. Once again, guzzle cum until you drown, outsider. Your absurd nutritional platitudes inter-spliced with you preaching the most basic entry level common sense health advice (i.e soda BAD) as if you've cracked the DaVinci Code is entertaining, but for the sake of the website's own long term health it would be better if you left.


>>who cares if i used the wrong word
>I do, obviously, or else I wouldn't have said something.

well whatever, you are fake. so what i do not really respect what you devote your life do? just do what you always do and pretend i did. after all that is your solution to everything. hide and pretend.

my real world and your pretend world to not intersect. if something in the real world is not to your liking, what difference does it make, you don't participate in the real world anyways and you do not value the truth. i don't remember you ever making one valid point about your addiction ever. i remember you pathetically saying nothing and then declaring yourself the winner.

neither you nor your beliefs nor your preferences nor anything about you is valid, everything about you is theater, you are a manchild who wastes his short life playing pretend.

then go play, be in your fake world and don't bother me trying to have a real life, simple as that you fake bitch, what are you even doing here, you aren't a man, you don't have the love for truth and reality in you.



>but for the sake of the website's own long term health it would be better if you left.

you have nothing to contribute, all you ever do is seek conflict, you should really stay on /dep/. obviously you are depressed, who else is /dep/ for but people like you who have lost control of themselves and are just a unconscious passenger in their life while hate and degeneracy rules you.


Stop samefagging


>Stop samefagging

go shut your whore mouth and hack the site to have an edit button then.


You're wasting your time replying to a (((vegan schizo))). (>>314938)


File: 1728165726598.png (443.81 KB, 550x900, 11:18, 7a1293a22b6e8e5af65fda366c….png) ImgOps iqdb

>Change the site software to accommodate my inability to write basic things
>(I'm a retard, and it's everyone else's responsibility to tend to that fact)
Vegans, not even once.


you're just desperate for attention, like a female or a child. a man would not seek attention through conflict and provocation. that's you trying to get stuff you don't deserve.


being you seems very easy. just be depressed and pessimistic all day and play dumb and assume the worst always. are you done finally with being a cunt and wanting conflict? you should be on the jersey shore trying to insult other braindeads over nothing. how is this a life what you are doing, completely invalid.

my guess is you are also physically disabled, sitting in a wheelchair, insulting people on the internet all day because the company that made your proprietary wheelchair put you on a waiting list to replace the joystick that you poured mountain dew over and now you can't leave the house. that's how you sound like.


>>Change the site software to accommodate my inability to write basic things

what if i think of something after i sent it? do you have a dumb tribal pessimistic midwit explanation for that too?

all your criticisms are so generic, i am surprised you don't dwell on me making a typo because that is how desperate your struggle for conflict is.

that you come to this thread seeking conflict in the first place is plenty evidence to never respect you. respectable people don't come to threads purely to start shit. that is what people do who are so rejected for positive attention that negative attention is all they have. like a child who breaks stuff on purpose because the parents don't give it enough attention, that's what you remind me of. you probably suffer from the same desires as orphan teenagers: nobody understands me *sadface*


>sitting in a wheelchair, insulting people on the internet all day because the company that made your proprietary wheelchair put you on a waiting list to replace the joystick that you poured mountain dew over and now you can't leave the house
More disparaging of NEETs and other shut-ins. What a fag!

>what if i think of something after i sent it? do you have a dumb tribal pessimistic midwit explanation for that too?
Stop lying. You don't think. What you type is nothing but emotional, reflexive insults. And it still stands that if you can't think of all you want to say before hurrying over to the reply button, then that still doesn't make it OK for you to samefag and make it look to observers as though there's more than a single person who shares your point of view.


>More disparaging of NEETs and other shut-ins. What a fag!

i don't mind you being a neet or a shut-in. i have been both myself and to a degree still prefer to be. what i do mind is your pathetic addiction to illusion and you being a typical follower heard animal midwit who still believes in normality and thinks the doctor is your friend.

>Stop lying.

i don't lie. i don't have your attachment to outcome. i don't cut my food into square shapes and allign it perfectly in right angles on my square plate like you obsessive-compulsive wreck probably do.

>You don't think. What you type is nothing but emotional, reflexive insults.

no i include the substance and then i insult because insults is the only language a dog like you understands. if i leave it out, it does not make sense for you, your mind is simple. you are so blinded by rage and you hurt so much from the disrespect that you only react to the insults and never to the substance. on top of that i always explain shit to you like you are a 5 year old, which you love but you can't admit it because then you would agree with me how dumb you are, which you believe you can skillfully hide.

>And it still stands that if you can't think of all you want to say before hurrying over to the reply button,

again you try to use theatrics and drama in an attempt to make something i do look bad but for no reason that you can reasonably defend. what is wrong with thinking of something a few minutes later. you probably type very slow and are generally quite new to using a computer.

>then that still doesn't make it OK for you to samefag and make it look to observers as though there's more than a single person who shares your point of view.

repeatedly you say how recognizable my writing style is and you call it reddit spacing but never for a good reason; this is pure tribalism by you. you say stuff but you don't know why, the same way a trained dog does not know why it salivates. and now after doing all this theater you now pretend the opposite and say that my writing style is so inrecognizable, that people are fooled by it when i write something a few minutes after another post.

which one is it? is it recognizable or is it not recognizable or does it depend on what stupid narrative you are trying to weave.

your staunch belief in narratives is what reveals how dumb you are and how much of your manliness you have abandoned in your deep relation with illusion. the lying and pretending have started to take it's toll on your mind. you are a freely programmable propaganda victim who will do whatever his owner says and you can be puppeteered by your emotions.

when i insult you, that hurts you, when you insult me, it means nothing because you do not value the truth and in turn that makes everything you say invalid.

you have not brought forth a single defense of me pointing out how illusory you are. you just pretend it away. you think you can get away with it while you slowly turn into the puppet of the disney movie pinocchio. i guess the difference between you and pinocchio is that pinocchio wants to be real and can't help being a puppet and you are the opposite, you crave fakeness and can't help it. now i watch you squirm and ignore and pretend that i have pointed out how fake you are, while it continues to gnaw at you.


Bro still pushing his agenda to make people drink fruit sugar like it's healthy or something, what a schizo. I wonder if he know the process of agriculture to make fruits nowadays.


>Bro still pushing his agenda
there is no agenda and congratulations on not being too tired to write two sentences, i know how limited your energy is.

>to make people drink fruit sugar like it's healthy or something,

when i live 1,5 times as long as you while being active and enjoying my life while you are busy being depressed and hate your short life (that would be even shorter if you had not the doctor that you run to like a overwhelmed child runs to his parents) you wheezing bitch call this 'health or something'

>what a schizo.

you just call everything you don't like or understand schizo because you are a dumb person and also you are full of hate. you call others crazy and seek conflict because you are behind.

>I wonder if he know the process of agriculture to make fruits nowadays.

i eat a mix of organic and non-organic and i hope for the best, this is my process. i know very little about the real process and what goes in. i can't imagine you know anything. i've seen wizzards post in here for a while, you are not really the type who knows anything or can do anything so everything you say is most likely wrong. you should have a tattoo that says "born to be wrong", this would be a nice expression of your inner self that you hide behind your mask.


It's almost end of the year and bro still yepping about drinks and shit after months on end, certified schizo.



you are down to one sentence, what little energy you had 2 hours ago must have already left you.


Blame de vaxx and the bavarages, schizo. Just to 2 more week until vaxx apocalypse, kek.


>Blame de vaxx

you took the vaxx?


Will the mods lock this thread? The schizo OP has being shilling bullshit FOR MONTHS NOW, mods, lock this shitty thread already.


Yeah, enough is enough. OP seems to be taking his anger out in other threads now so he's been let go.

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