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File: 1710589011012.jpg (218.47 KB, 647x360, 647:360, idiotjuice.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

 No.311496[View All]

do beverages even make sense? do they deserve to exist? i don't think so. beverages are shit. i question the general concept behind them. when i see someone drink lemonade i instantly consider that person an idiot; that someone who is drinking sugary industry juice because they made it taste nice. that's someone who was tricked into selfharm to me.

myself i like to drink fruit juices. i very much believe in the juices i make myself from real fruit. a fresh juice from an apple? that's so nice that everything else compared feels like a waste. occasional get distracted and resort to buying in boxes from the supermarket. currently i drink nothing but water. drinking only water is fine too though. that's plenty especially when the food is as dense as modern food. that's plenty for the body.


people drinking alcohol is so funny to me. i use 99% isopropyl alcohol to dissolve spraypaint off when some asshole spraypaints my car. and the same stuff people drink for fun. that's just more self-harm. why they keep harming themselves.
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>Degenerates such as yourself don't have a future.

if dogs could speak, this is what they would say. i'm the degenerate? neither beer nor unwavering loyalty to whoever is loudest will heal your trauma, or quench your infantile thirst for constant validation. your choices have put you on a path where the things you really want in life are not accessible to you. you have been tricked out of all the good stuff and you bark at me for pointing it out.

>arf arf!

valid point. clearly i underestimated you.


this liberal relativist bullshit is the ultimate cope



it's missing the point. in established systems only what serves the establishment is allowed to exist while everything else is treated with hostility and forbidden, ruined or reduced in some way by some bunch of assholes who would do whatever their boss tells them. the bitch reduces the issue to how people started drinking beer before they were able to make prohibitions. now they prohibit almost anything. what about all the stuff people would be using if they were not put in cages by psychopaths for it while those same psychopaths take steroids like retards so that they can beat people up on peaceful protests against war.

now they almost prohibit you to say no to poisonous injections.

clearly these people want the humans that were unfortunate to be born in their occupied territory to have alcohol. they just learned to use it to their advantage and advance the agenda of the shareholders.


No, alcohol is a normie hobby because it's normalized and addictive. This has nothing to do with Marxist hegemonic finklethink, it's a popular, cheap and available vice preying on the stupid and normies socialized into it.


>breathing is for normies because normies do it
>Out of spite I will stop breathing

How about you stop using normies as argument whenever you personally dislike something.


thinking alcohol consumption is the same as an autonomic nervous system is the dumbest thing I've ever read. You have to go back


Are you pretending to be stupid or do you legit not understand analogies?


because the analogy is patently false


You are being willfully ignorant just to be annoying.


>drinking alcohol is like an autonomic nervous system function beyond human control
Lol, normie


>No, alcohol is a normie hobby because it's normalized and addictive.

while this may sound dumb ("normal people are normal") at a glance, there is probably some sort of meaning in it that i can't make out. communication is a messy process but seems like you don't place a lot of attention and care in it. the bitches in here probably call that instagram spacing. the bitches in here complain about me leaving a lot of space in my posts however i do believe they understand what i mean.

addiction to me is nothing but a function of utility maximizing in a currency system that is built on reinforcing scarcity and exploitation that is not worth trusting. in an intelligent self-regenerative system of plenty people would not develop the addictive personality disorder. i think of it as a side-effect of debt-based economies.

>This has nothing to do with Marxist hegemonic finklethink, it's a popular, cheap and available vice preying on the stupid and normies socialized into it.

i agree completly agree with your observations but keep thinking. have you been to a liquor aisle in the store? how ridiculously cheap and plentyful it is. if the central did not like what alcohol did to the people, they would come up with some sort of theater as part of a larger campaign to get rid of it and never stop. but they are not. there is no war on alcohol meanwhile there is a war an almost anything else. alcohol is an essential weapon in the war on people, it keeps them dumb and obedient.

weed makes you smarter, it stimulates curiosity and makes the smoker question things; that's why governments hate it. unless the smoker smokes way too much and doesn't make sure to live an active enough life, which unfortunately happens to some people. they get hung up on it and then they don't get smarter, they melt into the couch.) a nice combination is weed plus an endurance sport. weed + dancing would turn most of you into handsome wizards.


>nervous system

what do yall silly omnivores know about the nervous system. that's an electrical system you mostly don't have access to because you cosplay as cats and dogs so much and disrespect our honorable ancestors the monkey by your choices in the supermarket.

that's why you feel so tired all the time and why everything is exhausting to you. that's why your posts are only a sentence long and it is not even a well thought-out sentence people from other continents can relate to.

>there is no way a lemon can power a light emitting diode! the big baldhead who coughs after every sentence and feels like he walks on glass shards every step at my gym said so and he swore!


>How about you stop using normies as argument whenever you personally dislike something
Why so? Butthurt much?


Just drink zero calories drinks, negro, they are safe and healthy.


They still have sweeteners.


They just mimick the swetness of the sugar, they are not like sugar.


>Just drink zero calories drinks
but why? they are unhealthy and they don't taste good. you just drink them because you are a bitch who is susceptible to marketing influence. mass formation victim.

>negro, they are safe and healthy.

no they say that the drinks are healthy and safe and since you're cursed with the inability to verify their claim, you choose to believe them but it is not a choice, it is just bitch training. repetition mostly. repetition, normalization, humanization, shit like that. propaganda. i'd hate to be you, i rather be me.

you were spawned in this dimension in a biological vessel that has a digestion dialed in to regional food that happen to be alive. there is no coca cola tree you poor industry victim. the suits and the labcoats invented coca cola in order to accomplish two things: become rich and make idiots sick. and then they build factories that made the coca cola, hoping someone would be dumb enough to buy it and drink it. and then YOU came along, sacrificing yourself to fulfill both their demonic wishes and for that i consider you a bitch. disrespect upon you though i appreciate you calling me a negro. i do like the negro very much. when i am in a bad mood, i listen to negro music and it cheers me right back up.



tldr diet soda are better, safe and healhtier than your sugarry soda, you speak bullshit and full of bias.


sugar did nothing wrong


>tldr diet soda are better, safe and healhtier than your sugarry soda, you speak bullshit and full of bias.

why do you let a website speak for you, i guess it is too much to ask for you to explain your opinion yourself because you don't understand what you believe and don't care to. just point to an university and with confidence proclaim "whatever they say!" and that's how the smart people do it.

no man you don't get it. you can't even explain to me what problem the soda is solving. what need does the soda fill?


no there were plenty of liquids before


i dunno i have a freezer where i put entire 0,5l glasses of fresh squeezed apple juice in and i just take one out per day. i freeze the juice when i want convenience, that way i don't have to pasteurize and kill the juice, which you probably don't even recognize as important given you think soda is safe to drink.

>liquid candy?

just eat fruit if you want candy, it is the reason your body wants candy in the first place.

>"good taste"

you develop your taste based on what you consume. the reason soda tastes good to you is because you are drinking it. you went to mcdonald because of the advertisement and ate a menu and it came with soda and this made you form a habit to soda.


just live healthy and you wont be tired all the time and have to drug yourself.

here is what you did not do: you did not ask you what the best choice of drink for you would be and then after careful research and weighing all the options you decided that it was soda. that is what you guaranteed did not do and i resent you personally for this because how dare you talk to any human about anything you did that you did not carefuly weigh. you are just a consumer victim. a chesspiece. a puppet on a string. there is no valid reason for drinking soda other then being a trained victim of consumerism.

what fucked up priority are you satisfying with soda? bitch tell me because i wanna know. there is no way to defend this degeneracy. traaaaaaaaash i yell!


diet soda is way worse than regular soda


diet soda is way worse than regular soda

none of you addicts said one thing about soda (and why would you even care whether one chemical cocktail is slightly less toxic then the other) that would make you seem like a sane person. yall just bums shouting at each other trying to prove how little you care.


>diet soda is way worse than regular soda
Got any evidence of that?



I am going to be honest, the nature article is over my head.
I don't understand it.

The one about aspartame possibly being carcinogenic isn't really solidly based on verified scientific data. Rather it's some bureaucratic agency just declaring something based on faulty preliminary research and not waiting for better research to be done on the subject.

The mouse study is relatively solid and understandable.
However I would wait until data about humans is generated before jumping to conclusions.

All that said, I am not a fan of artificial sweeteners because they taste bad so even if it is bad it doesn't effect me.


All nutritional science is untrustworthy and poor quality. Food is being pumped full of artificial shit that people dont understand. Cancer rates are rising rapidly. I think the best thing we can do is simply avoid anything artificial. Sugar is a basic molecule in plants and honey etc that we're obviously biologically evolved to deal with, in the right quantities. That's the basic logic i follow


The point is, transgenic food has augmented amounts of fructose, gluten and sugar.

>(((solid scientific data)))


>>(((solid scientific data)))
What the fuck are you whining about now?
You don't have a argument so just default to implying it's jews fault somehow.
How about it you have a actual point you write it out. If you have a rational argument then make it. Stop being a mental pussy ass bitch.


>Sugar is a basic molecule in plants and honey etc that we're obviously biologically evolved to deal with, in the right quantities. That's the basic logic i follow

one of the biggest successes of the tasty-poison industry is how they convinced all the dummies to call the industrially refined white powder (made from sugar cane of sugar beet or whatever they might be using now) by the same name as the energy inside fruits and vegetables. they just use the word SUGAR for everything as if it was the same.

BUT IT IS NOT THE SAME. the sugar in watermelon is not the same as the white powder that the undignified people who work in cubicles stir into their coffee.

NAWT ONLY do the fools not specify WHICH SUGAR it is… they could at least call it fructose and glucose to reflect some level of knowledge. no they don't do that. they could call it simple sugar and complex sugar, but their boss has not instructed them to do so, so they don't.

THEY DONT'T EVEN THINK THERE IS A DIFFERENCE for the human digestion. but there is and i try my best to make you bitches understand:

imagine two pictures. one picture is a little heap of a white powder, and the other picture is a slice of watermelon. can you find the difference between the pictures? yes? THEY ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PICTURES! one picture is a colorless dead, shelfstable industrial isolate, the other one is a volatile, juicy, alive marvel of creation in loud colors.

to hear you traitors of nature call both these picture mere "sugar" is insulting, ignorant and dangerous and i wont stand for it.


>All nutritional science is untrustworthy and poor quality.


the ""scientists"" did not start lying about everything because their boss told them to when covid was invented. they were already pros when covid was released.


selected sage by accident again.

>The mouse study is relatively solid

yeah it is really quite useful in determining what kind of soda you should give to your pet mouse.

other then that the venn diagram of what mice eat and what humans eat only overlaps a bit. yall pollo locos don't even understand most species have a dialed in digestion specialized in certain types of food so they are not directly comparable and besides when you think about humans, you have to differentiate between natural humans and industrial humans because there are quite a lot of differences, mostly in how often they get sick, endurance, sensory perception and overall function of nervous system. my nose functions better then all your noses, i'd not shy away from a smelling competition with yall normies…

at best this study could give you a rough idea what the stuff does to mammals but even if this is all you are trying to gather from the study, i don't see how you can trust these dirty corrupt scientists, who always agree with what their boss tells them. because of the incentive structure of the monetary system you can never be sure these motherfuckers are not trying to feed you bullshit or trick you somehow because of some dirty egotistical reason of the people who paid for the study.

before you look at any study, you'd have to find out who did it, who paid for it etc and at this point it is easier to just research whatever the study did yourself lol. to research whether you can trust the study is more work then the information is worth if it was accurate. what a nightmare.


>one picture is a colorless dead, shelfstable industrial isolate, the other one is a volatile, juicy, alive marvel of creation in loud colors.

i should have mentioned that the powder is not electrical, meanwhile the watermelon (just like the lemon that can power a diode) has volts and amperes that the nervous system can utilize, yet nobody talks about it. i guess nobody else knows. that's why i am so cool and most people aren't. they just don't have the electricity in their nervous system.

yall ever see fruit rot in timelapse? NATURE CAN'T WAIT TO TAKE THE ENERGY BACK. flies swarm it like drones deconstructing a smelting array in factorio. it only stays fruit for a short time until it changes form into something else; same as the human. a short non-shelfstable life. life is short so make an effort to make good use of every day jizzards.


File: 1714511975341.jpg (35.04 KB, 710x473, 710:473, sugar_proc.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

don't be fooled by the filetype, this is a video of sugar decomposing.


File: 1714512009030.mp4 (5.66 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, y2mate.is - Rotting Waterm….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

this is a video of watermelon decomposing. can you see how alive it is?


This rots because it has water. living beings need water to survive. Of course a dry pile of sugar isn't going to rot and a watermelon will. You mix that sugar with some water you'll see all sorts of shit start to grow. So essentially you're making a dumb point that does not lend any credence to your argument. Fruit snacks get their sugar from fruit, they're still the same as candy and just as unhealthy. Fructose and glucose are basically the same and fructose is in all sorts of processed shit thanks to corn syrup, it's not somehow magically healthier. Fruit is healthier because it has additional nutrients and the sugar is encased in fiber which slows its digestion and absorption, but the sugar is literally the same. All sugar comes from plants, refinement just gets rid of everything else the plant produces. You get the energy but not the nutrition and because they put so much sugar in you get way more energy than you need resulting in people becoming fat. Sugar itself is also highly inflammatory so dumping a lot of it in its raw processed form into the body causes inflammation.


I am tempted to make a chemistry joke and post a video of sugar decomposing through combustion but I thought better of it because it would have gone over your head.


File: 1714574042411.png (68.33 KB, 401x352, 401:352, 1f3.png) ImgOps iqdb

imma steal your balls


>This rots because it has water. living beings need water to survive. Of course a dry pile of sugar isn't going to rot and a watermelon will.

it seems like you understand the process of rotting way better then your own digestion. digestions also likes things to be moist.

>You mix that sugar with some water you'll see all sorts of shit start to grow.

i have not done the experiment but i doubt something would grow because the water might evaporate faster then anything could grow. a few bees, wasps and bugs might be interested. you probably have seen the years old burgers and fries from macdonald that simply do not decompose.

>So essentially you're making a dumb point that does not lend any credence to your argument.

it was you who changed the comparison from sugar to sugarwater. that's you admitting how valid the original metaphor was.

>Fruit snacks get their sugar from fruit, they're still the same as candy and just as unhealthy. Fructose and glucose are basically the same and fructose is in all sorts of processed shit thanks to corn syrup, it's not somehow magically healthier. Fruit is healthier because it has additional nutrients and the sugar is encased in fiber which slows its digestion and absorption,

it also has volatile stuff like living enzymes and probably a bunch of shit i don't even know about yet. well you just explained why fruit isn't candy. candy doesn't have natural fiber and it doesn't grow on trees. it is just a poorly designed abomination of industry, skillfully made to look, taste and smell interesting to inferior minds such as yourself.

>but the sugar is literally the same.

you just explained that it is not the same and now you want to revert on what you just explained and compare it to isolates. sugarpowder is an isolate made by industry for industrial application.

>All sugar comes from plants, refinement just gets rid of everything else the plant produces.

why not get rid of your digestive tract, replace it with a battery and replace your muscles and joints with servo-motors.

it sounds like you are blind to the evils that industrial manufacturing is doing to plants in order to make them shelfstable. when you heat a plant over 45°C the enzymes start to die. when you cook tomatoes and you reduce the water content of the tomato(-sauce) by half, IT IS NOT EXACTLY THE SAME BUT WITH LESS WATER. it is no loner alive and thus gets also digested like something that is no longer alive and the body when digesting it will detect with disappointing that while it tastes like tomatoes, some over the alive stuff it has been excitedly looking forward to was not included in the shipment when eaten.

>You get the energy but not the nutrition and because they put so much sugar in you get way more energy than you need resulting in people becoming fat. Sugar itself is also highly inflammatory so dumping a lot of it in its raw processed form into the body causes inflammation.

heh this implies the fan-favored "no i am not fat, my body is carefully storing energy so that it is available to me in a time of need". meanwhile in the most cases the process of weight gain is just various systems in the body failing to keep up.

you are an asshole and i look down on you.


>I am tempted to make a chemistry joke and post a video of sugar decomposing through combustion but I thought better of it because it would have gone over your head.

the ideology around the calorie trying to equate nutritional value with heat never sat right with me. to me it seems to much they act like for simplicity's sake that the body is burning the food to create heat, meanwhile there are no campfires in the body and the human originated in places where staying warm enough was never an issue and usually hindered the human organism in exerting energy. i'd argue staying cool enough was way more of a concern.

now these assholes want to center human nutrition around changing energy to heat.

when i do cardio i don't care how hot i get, i care for how long i can move the muscles and how present i am to keep the timing perfect as to keep as much momentum alive as i am able to.


As expected it went over your head.


>As expected it went over your head.

you'd better be expecting how fundamentally unrespectable the people who sage this place have been behaving if you believe this weak of a bait will get you any drama, shrek.

you have done so little to defend anything i have been talking about in this thread that goes contrary to your normalcy, if you had any decency born from innocence inside you, you'd be too ashamed to post in this thread. what would have been an inspiration how little you actually understand enough to defend must have deeply humbled you if you seek to shit talk to me like that.

this is you trying to kiss my ring and then being disappointed i am not wearing one.

oh my bad where i my manners, i should have been more considerate of how little energy you have. everything must be very exhausting to you and even just writing one sentence must be a struggle so hard nobody could ever know how hard it is.


sugar is absolutely based when you're doing a project. The soccer mom/WHO people who tell you to avoid it are talking about every day use. If you need fast energy for cognitive activities eat a pack of gummies. I used to do this every time I'd write a paper. There are plenty of tricks to normalize your insulin resistance levels after the fact. Fasting if I'm not mistaken for one


>sugar is absolutely based when you're doing a project

so is eating an apple and a banana. when i do light construction i eat nothing but apples the first half of the day (plus drinking expensive coconut water, i prefer the coconut water over water because it is vegan and water isn't) and i just don't get tired. i still get irritated, or in a foul mood or surrounded by assholes but the energy is figured out.

>Fasting if I'm not mistaken for one

i don't know the short term of fasting; if it can affect/counteract stuff but long term it is the holy grail of regeneration as far as i can tell. fasting is stop getting in the way of the body doing it's thing, interrupting the constant stream of dumb food so the body can catch up on it's todo list that it normaly does not have the time for because digestion is quite the cumbersome endeavor.


Oh, you want to sling insults now?
You are a nitwit attentionwhore who is utterly ignorant of just about every topic you erroneously try to engage with.
You are intentionally trying to annoy to farm engagement because your life is so hollow that getting replies to your shit post is all you will ever have in life.



i don't believe in this kind of interaction, i look down on it.


>so is eating an apple and a banana
i'm surprised by that given the comparatively higher carbs, it's not like that wiz is doing anything athletic when writing a paper


All I know is that at the time I would always do it. Gummie bears, caffeinated sugarwater, late nights typing. It worked and in retrospect I can see the high energy source was beneficial to the task


Then you shouldn't have started slinging insults then asshole.


>i'm surprised by that given the comparatively higher carbs

i don't even respect the macronutrient perspective enough to know what they believe is happening when 'higher carbs' enter the body.

unless it glues up the body something that is easily digested like banana will just flow through the human body like a river and the body will take from it what it can use and leave the rest to flow out. it's not like people study the energy content of their poop after it has flown through so you might be repeating myth.

>It worked and in retrospect I can see the high energy source was beneficial to the task

i guess you don't even know who you could have become if you had rejected these industrial science experiences and opted for something better. to just describe the feeling of it: maybe you have used an old skateboard or worn down inline skates once in your life and knows how it kind of works but it it takes a lot of effort to go forwards because the bearings aren't clean and don't roll that smoothly anymore.

and then when you change out the bearings into functioning ones that roll very easy, suddenly everything is easier.

>Then you shouldn't have started slinging insults then asshole.

this is such pathetic ugly-female-personality rejection-denial theater. that's how the ugly females do it. they start a conflict because they simply do not get the attention they want and then unless they are fled from, refuse to get the hint. play dumb and pretend, trying to get a conversation going and then slowly maneuver it into the thing they want to talk about. breaking the ice. well the ice is there for a reason, not for you to ignore it and keep talking.

if you had dignity you would not even care about these false-pretense compliance-based interactions and seek consent-based interaction. must be you growing desperate because nobody wants to talk to you. btw just to make it harder for you to play dumb: this is a rejection, not an invitation for further discussion.


have been eating 90% raw fruits and vegetables the last few weeks. the weeks before that i had eaten only ~30% and also bread, rice and cooked vegetabes. in the weeks before i would start to stink after ~3 days of not showering.

now i have not showered in 5 or 6 days and i just don't stink. i'll go ahead and shower now but i could go for another few days without. the good raw plants they don't make the body stink, simple as that.

meanwhile bread eating gourmet normies who eat cooked food stink after 24 hours and they slather themselves in dangerous products that don't work like parfume or deodorant. IT DOESN'T HELP, THEIR STINK IS ONLY MIXED WITH ANOTHER INDUSTRIAL STINK. but since most of them are noseblind, they rely on the patience of their fellow humans not to say anything.

the just pretend they don't stink. they just act, they are engaged in a theater play in which they play someone who doesn't stink and because acting rots the mind, they slowly become the character and forget there ever was such a thing as truth.

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