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 No.311496[View All]

do beverages even make sense? do they deserve to exist? i don't think so. beverages are shit. i question the general concept behind them. when i see someone drink lemonade i instantly consider that person an idiot; that someone who is drinking sugary industry juice because they made it taste nice. that's someone who was tricked into selfharm to me.

myself i like to drink fruit juices. i very much believe in the juices i make myself from real fruit. a fresh juice from an apple? that's so nice that everything else compared feels like a waste. occasional get distracted and resort to buying in boxes from the supermarket. currently i drink nothing but water. drinking only water is fine too though. that's plenty especially when the food is as dense as modern food. that's plenty for the body.


people drinking alcohol is so funny to me. i use 99% isopropyl alcohol to dissolve spraypaint off when some asshole spraypaints my car. and the same stuff people drink for fun. that's just more self-harm. why they keep harming themselves.
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>Sorry, dude, but you're a dumb schizo

you just say that. don't overestimate your ability to act though. you run away from being wrong so much and because you can only write one sentence answers.

lol when i talk about your weak, empty, dead answers, i can just call them your "sentence" because that's as much strength as you can muster up in your shivering omnivore fingers to type.


it is ~74 hours later. i did ~100 minutes of cardio, was lightly sweating the entire time, is very sunny.

now do i stink?

armpits? nope
balls? yeah lil bit. if i could ventilate the balls better, they wouldn't stink either because it is not smell coming from inside the body, it is ballsweat that is trapped between balls and thighs and becomes thick and nasty.

imma shower in half an hour.


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>how an apple and a banana […]
>have you heard of organic produce? did you know you can just plant seeds on your balcony and have food for free?
in the case of bananas this isn't accurate, since they were domesticated to be sterile. you may have noticed the fruits have no seeds


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>in the case of bananas this isn't accurate, since they were domesticated to be sterile. you may have noticed the fruits have no seeds

yeah. unfortunately i only know real bananas from videos. maybe a plant genetics expert could still somehow reproduce the consumer banana, but i couldn't.

i think the real seed-bearing banana will have it's comeback once more people understand that earthships are way better then houses. they build greenhouses as part of the heating/cooling of the house and i've seen a few people growing banana trees in there.

in a way the rapid adaption of solar panels on the roof is the first step of evolving houses into earhthips.

one very easy thing to grow is sweet potato, i did that on my tiny balcony. i just cut a sweet potato, stuck tooth picks into it and then balanced the toothpicks on a glass that i kept full of water so that the cut-surface of the sweetpotato would hang into the water. then after many days it would grow leaves and i stuck the young plant into the potting soil. many weeks later i had a tub full of delicious selfgrown sweet potatoes.

when you buy a sweet potato in the store, it is still alive…


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perhaps bananas would come back once domesticated ones are no longer cultivated in their native indomalaya, depending on local conditions. seeded fruits like apples would likely revert to smaller variants like crab apples, as they can expend less energy and still spread their seeds

for sure earthships are better than houses, but i'm skeptical of human dwellings and settlements generally. really you could just roam around harvesting whatever you find such that it grows back next year. if that isn't possible from drought or flooding, just follow birbs and deer because they are hungry too


>perhaps bananas would come back once domesticated ones are no longer cultivated in their native indomalaya, depending on local conditions. seeded fruits like apples would likely revert to smaller variants like crab apples, as they can expend less energy and still spread their seeds

i'm watching a dude on youtube (chanelname: primite skills) who built a farm from nothing in a peaceful mountainous region of vietnam. he uses bamboo, wood, sand and stones for everything. at some point he tried to make iron naturally and he somewhat succeeded but it was so poor quality that he introduced bought pieces of iron (which he then started to turn into all the tools he could ever need as well as selfmade nails, doorhinges and fishing hooks. complete badass this dude!) anyways apparently he has wild banana trees near his farm and occasionally he just chops one with his selfmade machete and boils the stem of the banana tree into a soup that he feeds his pigs. he has pigs, chicken, ducks, fish and currently he is building a wall from stones he found near the steam and selfmade cement.

>for sure earthships are better than houses, but i'm skeptical of human dwellings and settlements generally. really you could just roam around harvesting whatever you find such that it grows back next year. if that isn't possible from drought or flooding, just follow birbs and deer because they are hungry too

that is how the hunter gatherers did it before they became infected with the disease of (land-)ownership which turned humans from smart naturemonkeys into sociopathic warpigs. in a way agriculture as well as domestication of dogs turned out to be horrendous mistakes.

what the billionaires do with living in their planes and what i do with living in my truck is scratching the same hunter-gatherer itch. probably many people will opt to live in spaceships soon. having a house in a place kind of sucks, because you can't just change location whenever.

just being a poor human with a few good tools who is constantly moving seems so much better then being a moderately wealthy human who has to stay in one place because of some unfair shit job benefiting some evil owner mostly.


I'm just adding this comment so that this shit thread will be one more post closer to the bump limit


>I'm just adding this comment so that this shit thread will be one more post closer to the bump limit

why is it shit, because it reminds you how bad of a mistake your commitment to being an uncritical thinker who just follows the leader blindly turned out to be?

the same way japanese gardeners keep the bonsai tree from growing into an adult: whoever claimed you, trained you to remain a child in your head. and here you are, a puppet of your lowest emotions, steered around by frustration, looking to make the others feel as bad as you feel, so far with little to no success.


It's literally just one guy who refuses to listen to any scientific evidence just spouting bullshit about what he "feels" is true and claiming that is better than people who have done scientific studies. In short, OP is a fag.



has covid taught you nothing? you can not trust the scientists. you can not. you have to see for yourself, the word of the scientist is not good enough. the scientist will always agree with what his boss wants, they will go along with anything.

when a scientist says that there are 3 apples in the fridge, you don't know how many apples are in the fridge, you have to open the door yourself and count them yourself.


scientific evidence =/= scientists

You disregard all evidences regardless of validity or if it's independently verifiable to instead just make shit up.
You also seem to totally disregard the scientific method and empiricism as a whole and instead embrace woo and feels over reals.

You aren't a skeptic, you are just deluded with a overinflated ego.


>You also seem to totally disregard the scientific method and empiricism as a whole and instead embrace woo and feels over reals.

no i pay attention to how corrupt the scientists have been and how blindly, religiously people like you who merely claim loyalty have been behaving. your loyalty is inconsequential and so are you. your disgraceful t-shirt that proclaims that you love science is meaningless. while you pay attention to the sand you stick your head in, i do my own experiments. i practice science, you preach science.

i do my own experiments and draw my own conclusions from them. i listen to all opinions and my model accounts for all evidence with weighted probability and i recompile it every time new evidence appears. you don't have a model, you just listen to what the people in the suits and the labcoats proclaim to be true and write in their despicably manipulated scientific paper. your science paper is my toilet paper. your peer reviews publication is usually years behind the anecdotal reality of those who actively experience. if you thought it all the way through, you are just a victim of bullying and you listen to whoever is loudest.

when a new conspiracy theory shows up, my model usually already accounts for it, while your entire reality crumbles.

your method of determining truth by lagging behind corrupt establishment scientist (who in term is already lagging behind) is vastly inferior to observations based on cause and effect. don't advocate for your outclassed, normality based, error prone, sponsored science. i do my own science and i shit on double digit IQ sheep such as yourself. go fuck yourself you disgraceful normie, may the myocarditis gently end the meaningless suffering of your existence.


You are blatantly full of shit.



>You are blatantly full of shit.

the reason you have to resort to insults is because you have no valid points left. i trampled them all. now you're just an empty hostile pancake squished to the floor, still trying to make others feel as bad as you feel.

there is no need to ask you whether you are wizard by choice, clearly you are not.


The reason for saying you are full of shit is because you are full of shit.

Also whining about insults when this is what you posted
> i shit on double digit IQ sheep such as yourself. go fuck yourself you disgraceful normie, may the myocarditis gently end the meaningless suffering of your existence.

You are so fake. Trying to cry about tone when this is what you really are.
No reason, just illogical proformative ranting and raving for attention.
So pathetic.



you're just a female looking for drama. you have contributed nothing to the thread, you don't understand the thread and all you do is pick fights with people who are too good for you. be gone, ugly.


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>you're just a female looking for drama.


such a painfully wrong image


You can't resist responding to anything.


You can't resist responding to anything.


i'm still amazed how little i stink. i do cardio to the point of gently sweating every day, lots of working on the truck which is often hot so that i also sweat a bit and i am active all day. yet no stink. lololol some people stink 4 hours after they have showered because the pores of their skcrabls basically are tiny anusses secreting shit (the smelly, possibly fermenting, potentially parasite infected metabolic waste from trying to "burn" dirty energy from wrong food) all day.

their life is like this: they shower and then they watch a movie and another movie and as soon as the second movie is over they again smell like a trashcan of organic waste. maybe they have been sweating from being fat which constantly keeps the body in overheat mode (in effect gently trying to balance in the direction of healthy weight) and as the sweat passes though the skin, it drags along the oily stink residue and they stink.

meanwhile in healthytown where i live, washing myself is next to meaningless because i didn't stink before i take the shower and i don't stink after the shower and when i exercise i still don't.

partly this is from what i currently drink (coconut water, 1 liter every day, the stuff is expensive but when i can buy it, i buy it.). to me it feels like the coconut water is more liquid then water. it flows through the body more.

mostly this absence of stink is what i eat. currently all i eat is
>grapes or apples in the first half of the day (I'd say ranging from 400g to 1000g total swallowed food mass)
>fresh raw cabbage meal the second half of the day (I'd say ranging from 1000g to 2000g, the stuff is heavy.

this cabbage meal has so much fiber, feels like swallowing a broom that cleans out my entire insides. it is shreddings of cabbage, bell pepper and cucumber with a sauce from the blender on top. and the sauce is also raw: cherry tomatoes, fresh cilantro, half a grapefruit without the peel, cilantro, fresh garlic, fresh ginger, sesame paste *moan.wav* and spices that i like. i learned this so late in life, sesame paste + tomato + whatever in the blender makes a easy, delicious and healthy sauce i can put over everythang. treat yourself piggies.




one more thing i forgot to include in the textwall: my pee is bright highliter_pen orange.

if you are a whore and drink pee on camera, you better not be inviting any raw vegans to the gangbang because their pee is actually dangerous when swallowed, it contains toxins filtered from the body. if you drink the pee, you better invite industrially eating omnis because their pee is the least chance of being toxic, their lymph system most likely doesn't filter out the toxins, they choose to keep the toxins in their ridiculously ill-managed body and never get them out and then get sick often, die sooner, have less energy, get dumb from it, have their senses dulled, grow tumors and stink.


one more curious thing i can think of about my current eating habits: i eat and drink until my stommach is full and then i wait a while till i have more room and eat and drink more and i stay thin. if i did this with dense food i'd instantly turn fat.

in other words it is impossible to get fat from what i eat. lol these poor fatties restraining themselves without success meanwhile i can stuff myself with the good stuff. i probably mentioned this before but i still think many of them lost the ability to digest. their gi tract is nothing but an ornamental cave where food passes through slowly without much absorption, while the energy they sustain themselves with comes soley from the sugary soft drinks.

unfortunately it did not happen in this thrad, no fattie tried to make a genuine case for the addiction to stupid beverages. hearing idiots justify their bad choices is very entertaining. they don't want to be laughed at and considered losers so the most i ever heard one describe was this:

>oink oink well you know when you are between meals and you get kinda slow

no sorry i don't know that but keep going
>oink oink well what i like to do is treat myself to a mountain dew and then you know it kind of picks me up, gives a boost of energy to help me carry through the day
so you don't get energy from the food you eat
>phew that was exhausting, i think i have another family-sized bag of individually wrapped candy bars around here, i better eat a few after all this commotion WITH THESE PSEUDO SCIENTISTS! omnomnom nom nom nom you know these guys are such idiots mnooomnomnom they would rather be healthy, thin, light and full of energy mnomnomnom then to eat as good as i eat mnomnomnom that's how you can tell they are retarded mnomnomnom i mean cmon why would i want to be a pretty corpse and live one year longer nom nom if i could have this delicios sugar PFFFRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTT my bad!


saw a wreck of a female the other day at the supermarket. overweight, frail, pimply, obviously uncomfortable, hair colored as to hide gray hairs, thick layer of makeup to hide pimples, wrinkles and deadness. i don't wish harm on her but i think she wishes harm on herself. this is what she bought:



I love milk.


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Unpasteurized, and still warm…


It's already to have the occasional juice/soda. As long as you drink water 80% of the time when you are dehydrated.

water isn't even the best thing you could drink and juice should not be mentioned that close to soda, i can tell you have done little else in life then collecting anime pictures.


>i can tell you have done little else in life then collecting anime pictures.
None of those images are from an anime, or even ai-generated in an anime style.


Dude never heard of zero calories drink, lmao.


>None of those images are from an anime, or even ai-generated in an anime style.

none of those images are real either. who cares if i used the wrong word to describe your particular illusions, illusions don't matter.

i would even go so far as to say that pictures itself are trash because they aren't real either but that is too far out for a normie casual peasant on easy mode by trying to escape from it.

whatever you use to escape into, i automatically don't respect, so why would i take care to use the approved political correct title as to not accidentally misgender you.

fuck your pictures, unless you drew them, then i wont shit on them because that's you actually doing something.


>Dude never heard of zero calories drink, lmao.

oh yeah the good people at the sugardrink factory probably made sure not to put anything too bad in there, am i right bro? jo bro! what is it bro? pass the doritos! here you go bro, thanks bro!

if anything you like or do is advertised, (as your stupid zero drinks have been) you can be sure it is bad for you. they hate you, all they do is try to trick you into making bad decisions like drinking chemical experiments and training you to like them through repetition and other propganda.

that was probably too harsh for you, so here is a crude image of kirby playing with rings:



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>who cares if i used the wrong word
I do, obviously, or else I wouldn't have said something. If you're going to use off-the-shelf retorts, try to chose ones that make sense.

The rest of your post is you disparaging 2D in your usual Reddit-spacing troongrammar formula. Once again, guzzle cum until you drown, outsider. Your absurd nutritional platitudes inter-spliced with you preaching the most basic entry level common sense health advice (i.e soda BAD) as if you've cracked the DaVinci Code is entertaining, but for the sake of the website's own long term health it would be better if you left.


>>who cares if i used the wrong word
>I do, obviously, or else I wouldn't have said something.

well whatever, you are fake. so what i do not really respect what you devote your life do? just do what you always do and pretend i did. after all that is your solution to everything. hide and pretend.

my real world and your pretend world to not intersect. if something in the real world is not to your liking, what difference does it make, you don't participate in the real world anyways and you do not value the truth. i don't remember you ever making one valid point about your addiction ever. i remember you pathetically saying nothing and then declaring yourself the winner.

neither you nor your beliefs nor your preferences nor anything about you is valid, everything about you is theater, you are a manchild who wastes his short life playing pretend.

then go play, be in your fake world and don't bother me trying to have a real life, simple as that you fake bitch, what are you even doing here, you aren't a man, you don't have the love for truth and reality in you.



>but for the sake of the website's own long term health it would be better if you left.

you have nothing to contribute, all you ever do is seek conflict, you should really stay on /dep/. obviously you are depressed, who else is /dep/ for but people like you who have lost control of themselves and are just a unconscious passenger in their life while hate and degeneracy rules you.


Stop samefagging


>Stop samefagging

go shut your whore mouth and hack the site to have an edit button then.


You're wasting your time replying to a (((vegan schizo))). (>>314938)


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>Change the site software to accommodate my inability to write basic things
>(I'm a retard, and it's everyone else's responsibility to tend to that fact)
Vegans, not even once.


you're just desperate for attention, like a female or a child. a man would not seek attention through conflict and provocation. that's you trying to get stuff you don't deserve.


being you seems very easy. just be depressed and pessimistic all day and play dumb and assume the worst always. are you done finally with being a cunt and wanting conflict? you should be on the jersey shore trying to insult other braindeads over nothing. how is this a life what you are doing, completely invalid.

my guess is you are also physically disabled, sitting in a wheelchair, insulting people on the internet all day because the company that made your proprietary wheelchair put you on a waiting list to replace the joystick that you poured mountain dew over and now you can't leave the house. that's how you sound like.


>>Change the site software to accommodate my inability to write basic things

what if i think of something after i sent it? do you have a dumb tribal pessimistic midwit explanation for that too?

all your criticisms are so generic, i am surprised you don't dwell on me making a typo because that is how desperate your struggle for conflict is.

that you come to this thread seeking conflict in the first place is plenty evidence to never respect you. respectable people don't come to threads purely to start shit. that is what people do who are so rejected for positive attention that negative attention is all they have. like a child who breaks stuff on purpose because the parents don't give it enough attention, that's what you remind me of. you probably suffer from the same desires as orphan teenagers: nobody understands me *sadface*


>sitting in a wheelchair, insulting people on the internet all day because the company that made your proprietary wheelchair put you on a waiting list to replace the joystick that you poured mountain dew over and now you can't leave the house
More disparaging of NEETs and other shut-ins. What a fag!

>what if i think of something after i sent it? do you have a dumb tribal pessimistic midwit explanation for that too?
Stop lying. You don't think. What you type is nothing but emotional, reflexive insults. And it still stands that if you can't think of all you want to say before hurrying over to the reply button, then that still doesn't make it OK for you to samefag and make it look to observers as though there's more than a single person who shares your point of view.


>More disparaging of NEETs and other shut-ins. What a fag!

i don't mind you being a neet or a shut-in. i have been both myself and to a degree still prefer to be. what i do mind is your pathetic addiction to illusion and you being a typical follower heard animal midwit who still believes in normality and thinks the doctor is your friend.

>Stop lying.

i don't lie. i don't have your attachment to outcome. i don't cut my food into square shapes and allign it perfectly in right angles on my square plate like you obsessive-compulsive wreck probably do.

>You don't think. What you type is nothing but emotional, reflexive insults.

no i include the substance and then i insult because insults is the only language a dog like you understands. if i leave it out, it does not make sense for you, your mind is simple. you are so blinded by rage and you hurt so much from the disrespect that you only react to the insults and never to the substance. on top of that i always explain shit to you like you are a 5 year old, which you love but you can't admit it because then you would agree with me how dumb you are, which you believe you can skillfully hide.

>And it still stands that if you can't think of all you want to say before hurrying over to the reply button,

again you try to use theatrics and drama in an attempt to make something i do look bad but for no reason that you can reasonably defend. what is wrong with thinking of something a few minutes later. you probably type very slow and are generally quite new to using a computer.

>then that still doesn't make it OK for you to samefag and make it look to observers as though there's more than a single person who shares your point of view.

repeatedly you say how recognizable my writing style is and you call it reddit spacing but never for a good reason; this is pure tribalism by you. you say stuff but you don't know why, the same way a trained dog does not know why it salivates. and now after doing all this theater you now pretend the opposite and say that my writing style is so inrecognizable, that people are fooled by it when i write something a few minutes after another post.

which one is it? is it recognizable or is it not recognizable or does it depend on what stupid narrative you are trying to weave.

your staunch belief in narratives is what reveals how dumb you are and how much of your manliness you have abandoned in your deep relation with illusion. the lying and pretending have started to take it's toll on your mind. you are a freely programmable propaganda victim who will do whatever his owner says and you can be puppeteered by your emotions.

when i insult you, that hurts you, when you insult me, it means nothing because you do not value the truth and in turn that makes everything you say invalid.

you have not brought forth a single defense of me pointing out how illusory you are. you just pretend it away. you think you can get away with it while you slowly turn into the puppet of the disney movie pinocchio. i guess the difference between you and pinocchio is that pinocchio wants to be real and can't help being a puppet and you are the opposite, you crave fakeness and can't help it. now i watch you squirm and ignore and pretend that i have pointed out how fake you are, while it continues to gnaw at you.


Bro still pushing his agenda to make people drink fruit sugar like it's healthy or something, what a schizo. I wonder if he know the process of agriculture to make fruits nowadays.


>Bro still pushing his agenda
there is no agenda and congratulations on not being too tired to write two sentences, i know how limited your energy is.

>to make people drink fruit sugar like it's healthy or something,

when i live 1,5 times as long as you while being active and enjoying my life while you are busy being depressed and hate your short life (that would be even shorter if you had not the doctor that you run to like a overwhelmed child runs to his parents) you wheezing bitch call this 'health or something'

>what a schizo.

you just call everything you don't like or understand schizo because you are a dumb person and also you are full of hate. you call others crazy and seek conflict because you are behind.

>I wonder if he know the process of agriculture to make fruits nowadays.

i eat a mix of organic and non-organic and i hope for the best, this is my process. i know very little about the real process and what goes in. i can't imagine you know anything. i've seen wizzards post in here for a while, you are not really the type who knows anything or can do anything so everything you say is most likely wrong. you should have a tattoo that says "born to be wrong", this would be a nice expression of your inner self that you hide behind your mask.


It's almost end of the year and bro still yepping about drinks and shit after months on end, certified schizo.



you are down to one sentence, what little energy you had 2 hours ago must have already left you.


Blame de vaxx and the bavarages, schizo. Just to 2 more week until vaxx apocalypse, kek.


>Blame de vaxx

you took the vaxx?


Will the mods lock this thread? The schizo OP has being shilling bullshit FOR MONTHS NOW, mods, lock this shitty thread already.


Yeah, enough is enough. OP seems to be taking his anger out in other threads now so he's been let go.

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