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how do i know if its autism or adhd? the only thing i have to work off of is that i crave constant novelty far more than repition
i sometimes have trouble with social cues but i don't feel like its that i can't understand them, more that i'm unable to properly concentrate on the conversation
maybe its all stupid to worry about
>inb4 adhd isnt real


it could also be both at the same time, then you're even more special!

for real tho, it doesn't matter. knowing you have autism doesn't really help you cure autism. there's no definitive test for it, it's just an "expert" or a bunch of experts listening to your self-report and making a judgement call on whether you're just a lil quirky or if your uhhh brain is somehow different i guess, wow! you're still dealing with the same issues, just with an excuse now.

with adhd, you get some meds that might help you get through your boring office job or do your college essay in the short-term, but in the long-term it just masks your actual problems and you end up wasting your life at a boring office job or in debt for a shitty college degree you thought you had to do. a lot of these psychs don't care about why you're underperforming and can't focus on your excel spreadsheet job, they certainly won't ask a simple question like is this really what you want to do with your life, they'll just give you legal speed to brute-force your soul-sucking bullshit existence. lucky you!


>they give you legal medication to successfully mask without mich suffering and effort to hold down a well paying low risk job to finance your life in a decent housing

How the fuck is this bad in any way? Sounds perfect. Especially compared to the alternatives which are horrendous.


Sperg the hell out and yell it away: "that shit is too stupidd to be cared about".

The more you people care about fitting in the more you lose yourselves into the normie idiocy.


>how do i know if its autism or adhd?
By going through if you fit the diagnostic criteria with a trained and certified professional.
Anything less is bullshit as far as I am concerned.


The help you get is autismbucks.

The VAST majority of autistic people (notwithstanding a small percentage of highly functioning ones) cannot work for a living and never will.

The only way to have a reasonable standard of living as an autistic person is either to have your rich family support you financially or obtaining a perpetual, monthly disability payment from the state.


Any tips
For bux?

Also should i bring a jrpg cutout to my exam?


do you get distracted by your own thoughts and inner monologues every second?


This is the only answer.

Like have someone evaluate you for like a week. Sure it costs money but it is very well worth it if leads to life changing treatment.


>life changing treatment
For aspies? What are you even thinking on?


I don't know what's available for adults with autism.
However proper treatment for adhd is truly life changing. So much so that in some cases it causes deep regret and resentment because it is such a upgrade to every aspect of life.


Taking socially-acceptable stimulants every day probably does that for everyone


I ain't just talking pills, also they really don't have the same effect on someone with actual adhd as they have on a normal person. You do not get high at all.

But learning proven methods to deal with issues you have been struggling with your whole life is huge. It's like finding out you been doing things the hard way because you didn't know that the way normal people do it is totally wrong for someone like you.


like what methods?


To copy and paste some stuff because I am tired.

Non-medication treatments for ADHD include: cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), behavioral modification techniques, exercise, structured routines, organizational strategies, social skills training, parent training, mindfulness practices, neurofeedback, and dietary adjustments (depending on individual needs), all aimed at managing symptoms like inattention and hyperactivity without relying on medication.
Key aspects of non-medication ADHD management:
Behavioral therapy:
This is a primary non-medication approach, often including techniques like setting clear expectations, providing positive reinforcement, breaking tasks into smaller steps, and managing distractions.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT):
Helps individuals identify and change unhelpful thought patterns that contribute to ADHD challenges.
Organizational skills training:
Learning strategies to manage time, prioritize tasks, and keep belongings organized.
Physical activity:
Regular exercise can significantly improve focus and mood, making it a valuable tool for managing ADHD symptoms.
Sleep hygiene:
Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule and creating a relaxing bedtime routine can positively impact attention and behavior.
Social skills training:
Learning strategies to navigate social interactions effectively.
Parent training:
Educating parents on how to best support their child with ADHD through positive reinforcement and consistent discipline.
A technique where individuals learn to self-regulate brainwave activity using real-time feedback.
Mindfulness practices:
Meditation and deep breathing exercises can help improve focus and reduce impulsivity.
Important considerations:
Individualized approach:
The most effective non-medication treatment plan will be tailored to the specific needs and challenges of each person with ADHD.
Collaboration with a professional:
Consult with a mental health professional like a therapist or psychiatrist to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.
Potential limitations:
While non-medication strategies can significantly improve ADHD symptoms, they may not be sufficient for everyone, and medication may still be necessary in some cases.


It's funny that normalfags have hijacked these two disorders so much that all I think about it tiktok-brained zoomers who try to fill the hole in their chest with 'adhd' and 'autism'.


I don't understand why they hijack everything even stuff they made of.


normies can't stand exclusivity, it's the same reason why we have an illusion of democracy
whenever a normie sees something he does not have, his brain instantly goes
crabs and their attitude towards sex is no different in this regard
crabs are just failed normies, and it is also typical normie behavior to destroy what they can't have, so crabs make it their life mission to hate on succubi
the real rich people know about this behavior, so they provide normies with cheap substitutes of exclusive things
to keep the normies docile, to make them think that they got a taste of what the "elites" have


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