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Do you think it is okay to hurt animals? This means for food, sport, pleasure, or otherwise?

I look at the ways society treats animals, and I'm appalled. Mammals with complex social systems are kept in horrific conditions to produce meat, milk, and other animal products. Chicks are put into a blender live for the terrible crime of being the wrong gender.

It is rather appalling that people seem to so easily accept carnism despite the suffering that is behind the production of meat. Sure, animals make each other suffer and they also eat each other. However, unlike them, we have the choice to do differently. Yet so many don't. Eating meat is so, so horrifically cruel.


>Do you think it is okay to hurt animals? This means for food, sport, pleasure, or otherwise?

Food, yes. Sport/pleasure, no. As for what you mean by "okay", not sure. Humans gotta' eat and we're omnivores, and not all humans have the luxury to choose what we get to eat. So if you really gotta' eat, and there's some random wild animal nearby; then, well, just do your best to put it down as gently as possible.


Exploiting animals is an immoral demiurgic activity, everyone should go vegan


fuck off shill. go preach your religion to the orcs


based. This effeminate cucks follow the new religion of succubi and faggot men aka veganism which kills you in the end and no developed nation could survive on. They are the same people who wants to force everyone to eat insects. They should kill themselves to save the planet


im on a herbivore exclusionist diet.
u know this famous argument point anti-animal rights people use, "they'd do the same to us if they were in our shoes," "animals eat each other all the time so it's fine if we do it"

they're correct, it's a correct argument to make. but it doesnt apply to herbivores.
goats, sheep, cows, rabbits(nobody eats those here anyway) etc, i have not consumed these animals since 2016 and i never will again.
the lions in your pic eat babies and eat innocent herbivore animals while theyre still alive so who gives a fuck, fuck em. i would eat a lion. i would shoot a lion to save a bison. i would never eat a bison.


your based too anon.


>veganism kills you in the end
rather the opposite, meat is cancerous


>The World Health Organization has classified processed meats including ham, bacon, salami and frankfurts as a Group 1 carcinogen (known to cause cancer) which means that there's strong evidence that processed meats cause cancer. Eating processed meat increases your risk of bowel and stomach cancer.

Imagine eating a putrid dead animal and calling it freedom


why don't you go to da hood and preach to the orcs?
why do weak faggos never preach their bs to orcs. are they scared?


>believes and cites the WHO like they had the moral authority on anything
>wears the mask
>is vaxxed most likely
>simps for veganism
>an activist on imageboards for veganism and other "noble" jewish causes
>noo you cannot eat meat from a dead animal that's evil because I say so
>i-it causes cancer and that scares me!!

I will meat and I will welcome cancer at old age and then fuck off this planet while you will suffer from being a vegan cuck and get offended by meat eaters knowing that all your efforts will be in vain because people will keep eating meat and you will keep being a cuck.


lol you're right vegan faggots know that brown and black people will just laugh at them and want instead white people to starve and have health problems by following veganism and other dangerous garbage


Why does wizchan have so many progressive leaning faggots as of late. Over the last 3 years there was an increase with all this leftist stuff, we even have feminists on here now.


Always did dude, this place has had many hippy wizards for long time
4chan angry posters flyby spamming politics are the tourists


I don't see the issue of using them for food. Veganism is just one step before voluntary human extinction. Which…I guess you could make an argument for but at that point just kill yourself and let me enjoy my steak.


naw, I think what happened is it got invigorated with transsexuals


probably dudes eating bread


jidf and establishment bots. they don't want any place to have free speech


this is it. notice they never preach their enviro bs to the orcs. have you see the pollution in orc countries or the garbage.
they bitch and nag nonstop; because they don't want to see you strong and free


pol crabs don't belong here, right-wing ideology is anti-wizardly


post your hook nose jewy jewington


nazis love hook noses, they just call it aqualine roman noses on races they like


I think its the opposite, Wizchan was becoming more comfy and apolitical, but now we have orcman and noseman fucking up every thread with race and politics


oh yeah squat little pig noses are so beautiful


They are just temporary schizos who have been here for not even a month but the progressives and feminist faggots have been here for 2-3 years and the most notorious leftists dunbfuck has been banned a couple months ago because he was shitting up every thread for months. I'm sure that cunt is also still here but just with a more subtle approach to his faggotry but there's also others who are similar.


aquiline noses arent the same as jewish noses
you lack a sense of aesthetic to differentiate the two you're probably jewish or autistic


Polniggers derailed another thread again.


i prefer reading those posts to typical jew propaganda. for example the op post. you didn't seethe about how political that was nor the preachy nature of it.
anyone fighting back against the machine is based


My problem is not even if is political or not, the problem is that they can't do anything other than shitposts and fill the site with shit, It would have been interesting to see an actual discussion about the OP post.


If Jewish morality is what taught us, do not harm those who have not harmed us. Then long live Jewish morality.

For people who love shouting NPC, all you know is which Team an idea is associated with. Instead of actually considering it on its own merits.

You are a Wizard not a 4chaner, so start acting like one. Consider OP's ideas on its own merits, and whether it aligns with the ideas of Wizardry.

4chan shaming "succubi don't respect male vegans" isn't going to work here bro.


hook is literally in the definition of aqualine



Also your hero Hitler was a vegetarian, and he believed it was Aryan nature to love animals, and Jewish nature to abuse animals. Like in Kosher blood letting.

Schopenhauer, Hitler's favorite philosopher, said Spinoza was being very Jewish when he said that animals are machines to be used.

See its not always so black and white. Nazis claiming to be the animal-lovers and accusing Jews of being the animal-abusers.

That must be warping your little NPC mind, so used to putting ideas into Team Red and Blue, without having to put 1 second of independant thought into it.

The 4chaners who invented the NPC meme, are the definition of their own insult. Only thinking about the Team, and incapable of a surprising thought not predicted by their Ism


why are wizchan posters so low iq like you? What the fuck happened to this site
>hook is literally in the definition of aqualine
you don't even know how to write that word, nigger.
ugly hookish and deformed jewish noses arent the same as roman noses. Fix your eyes if you can't tell the difference or grow a brain because you can't even properly write the word aquiline.
You're a real NPC and radicalized nigger because you want others to follow your disgusting eatin habits of eating plants and insects and cry when they don't. Veganism is for limp wristed faggots and new age succubi who want others to be as weak and pathetic as them. Go fuck yourself. You're not a wizard. You're a female.


And here is the npc drone, unable to think and without any consciousness, only repeat things, cant process any or bring any information, only follow their subhuman programme, and are fully programmed by their drone hivemind. As soulless as any other normgroid drone.


and here is your basic subhuman NPC who follows trends just like a succubi who is devoid of a soul and a mind of her own. He is a self proclaimed veganist and activist and he wants others to suffer and endure a horrible existence like him by not eating animals because it hurts his feelings
Being born as a pathetic, weak, effeminate, castrated, and dumb fag he wants others to suffer the same fate as him.
Too bad for him, nobody will listen to his vegan cuck ted talk.


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I think there is nothing inherently wrong with eating animal products and meat. I think veganism is a bit extreme. But the way animals are treated in farms is appalling. Eating meat should be an indulgence and not an everyday activity. It should be treated with respect and not be used for low quality food like hot pockets and such. I would be willing to stop buying animal products from cruel factories if it was advertised better. If I spend a premium on organic animal products I want to be 100% sure it's actually from a farm that treats its animals well and not a scam. Considering how cruel nature is a life on a farm where an animal has plenty of space and is eating good food and any illness is taken care of it doesn't seem that bad.


What's the point of treating animals well if they get electrocuted and slaughtered? All farms are cruel there is no exception


>Sure, animals make each other suffer and they also eat each other. However, unlike them, we have the choice to do differently.
Do we really? Millions years of evolution give us the taste senses to enjoy meat, make our body to gain high amount of nutrition from meat, give us hunting and war instincts that allow us to automatically disable empathy in certain situations such as butchering animals, scarcity mentality that makes us greedy in obtaining and protecting resources such as access fo food. How much choice do we have compared to carnivorous animals? I don't humans are that exceptional compared to animals. We are highly intelligence and behaviorally diverse but that's it. Behind our civilized facade is the subconscious of an ape willing to kill their own kin for food. Veganism seem more like a fringe psychological phenomenon than a choice somebody make. Like being gay.


well if martians were farming us humans for meat, and let us live comfy free lives with all our needs met, and then one day we just instantly die and get packaged as meat. that would be a much better life for us than, being kept in crowded concentration camps our whole life.

as an anti-natalist i dont even see death as an evil.

so a genuinely humane farm, if it could exist, would be almost as good as vegan


Why don't you just come out and say here, what you would say on 4chad. "succubi wont have sex with you, if you're a vegan"

you said you can't be chad if you're vegan. and we've all seen your 4chad virgin vs chad memes.

You think being a virgin is effeminate.


>what you would say on 4chad. "succubi wont have sex with you, if you're a vegan"
I've never posted on 4chan and succubi will have sex with you even if you're a braindead vegan nigger as long as you're good looking and have money.
>you said you can't be chad if you're vegan
You can't.
Every wizard should aspire to be strong and have a big dick. Vegans are the opposite of strong, they're mentally weak and effeminate leftists cucks or homosexuals who get trampled over they will go extinct with their low iq eating trend. Everyone makes fun of them for being stupid and irrational.
Nobody wants to be a vegan cuck except virtue signalers twitter idiots and redditors. the weakest of meat eaters can brutally kill the strongest of vegan cucks.
Now take your supplements you don't want your brain to malfunction again or get anemia, cuck.


Keep working hard for my food stamps wage bitch.



I'll never understand those who cares about animals suffering.
It just doesn't compute for me.

I guess my bar for what constitutes consciousness is very, very high. I don't know.


God is a vegan 😇


it's a political stance and the people behind it are mentally ill or obnoxious normalfags who want to have the moral ground on something to feel they are better


>Do you think it is okay to hurt animals? This means for food, sport, pleasure, or otherwise?
Depending on the context I believe it's ok to hurt humans for all those reasons.
Non-human, non-sapient animals are inherently lesser than humans so of of course I think it's ok to hurt them in most context. The vast majority of animals would not hesitate to hurt you if they were in the dominant position.
Nature is beyond cruel, it is indifferent to suffering.
It is only humans that can upraise ourselves beyond that indifference and aspire to treat our fellow man better. But those lesser creature are still of nature and thus bound to it's rules. No matter how they are treated they will remain lesser animals and can not aspire to anything more then what they are. They don't even have the hardware needed to aspire.
As such if they live or die, suffer or feel pleasure, it is simply nature's way or according to greater will.
They are not human and human morality doesn't apply to them for better or ill.

To Man ascended, nature is simply a resource to be used according to his will and need.
As such animals are simply a resource, not moral agents worthy of concern as if they were equal to men.


God requires blood sacrifice to be appeased and loved the smell of burnt offerings of flesh.

He most certainly was not vegan.


Humans reflect deity as a concept as members of a primitive sapient species and their own lives. Not as a higher abstract idea. It needs to be simple and palatable by even the dumbest ape to spread across the globe.

Do you really believe an omnipotent being capable of creating matter and energy out of nothing, then setting them in motion creating entire galaxies, needs "protection" from a bunch of hairy muslims protesting against the burning of their holy book?

Does he really need apes reciting prayers, acting as if fermented grape juice is his blood, to be happy and content?

Religions are hilariously primitive. They are to be treated as light-hearted sword and sandal epics with lots of violence, absurdity and fascism like the Monty Python comedy series.

That's not to say some kind of creator couldn't exist or couldn't have created all existing matter out of thin air for his own amusement and machinations. I'm not ruling it out as a possibility. I just think human religions are all absurd and entertaining.

(Also, should such a being exist, he almost certainly doesn't need sustenance from plants and animals, if he was alive for hundreds of billions of years before life even existed.)


Very 'tips fedora' of a post while ignoring the context and thus missing the point.


Sport is probably less horrific than food, all things considered.

Sport has limitations and requirements that factory farming cannot provide.

Most pigs live almost their entire lives in a single metal box in which they cannot even turn around. In this crate they are routinely raped and impregnated/deseminated via machine without ever having affectionate physical contact with another member of their own species.

Compare that with a sports preserve deer who is shot and bleeds out a few years before their teeth literally wear down to the point where a natural death would be starvation or tooth infection brought on by dental wear. There is no comparison.


Weird. I thought fedora autists are almost always militant atheists.

I don't see how my post can be construed as anything but agnostic

I can't categorically deny the existence of a deity.


As if God enjoying the smell of burnt meat, has some deep philosophical point to it


well i can, shit's retarded.


I would be thrilled beyond belief if america would suddenly develop a taste for dog meat…
all the filthy monsters in our community would vanish overnight to the infinite relief of the dog hating population…
i am surrounded by dammed accursed rat dogs (chittywawas) and the like they serve no purpose and have no intelligance or trainability…
filthy noisy nigger violent pos genetic garbage…



The issue is similar to other mono-food diets in that eventually the body starts having a negative reaction to eggs if you over-consume them. Humans are built for variety.



Nature is fucking ruthless. Humans are actually quite merciful compared to what another intelligent species would do if they were in charge.


This. Humans are actually pretty peaceful.

Imagine the scale of death and destruction if gorillas or lions had the IQ of humans and were able to talk and use tools extensively.


this is why that natty slonk 20 eggs a day meme is utterly ridiculous. I got sick of them after a couple months of six eggs a day


The world is full of animals that have basic repetitive diets depending on their immediate environment. But supposedly humans need insanely complex, varied diets. Why would we be different and unique in this way? It doesn't make sense biologically and i dont buy it.

>Sure, animals make each other suffer and they also eat each other. However, unlike them, we have the choice to do differently. Yet so many don't. Eating meat is so, so horrifically cruel.
Reality - life - is cruel. This needs to be accepted. You are part of it and you can't just reshape it. Your feelings about cruelty are just arbitrary cultural programming that should be seen through.


>Imagine the scale of death and destruction if gorillas or lions had the IQ of humans and were able to talk and use tools extensively.
DC comics has a long history of imagining just that. There are several super villains who are basically gorilas but also smart.


>But supposedly humans need insanely complex, varied diets.
The same can be said of basically every other omnivore.
Omnivores usually have/need very complex varied diets to maximize their health.
Can you really think of a omnivore that when in nature only eats one or two things in a repetitive diet?


Nature's omnivores eat varied food due to eating whatever is available or in season.

Humans have the capability of eating every food from every hemisphere even if they live 12,000 kilometers away from the place where the food was grown.
It isn't too hard to create a balanced diet of various meats, vegetables and fruits, then stick to it forever as long as it has all the micronutrients you need.

There's no need for variety except for fending off boredom or the desire to taste new things and novelty foods.


What is even your core argument here?
That humans should eat bland human chow or something? Because reasons?

Even most carnivores and herbivores when outside of captivity eat a pretty large variety of things. Most aren't like pandas or whatever that only eat one thing always and forever.
At this point I don't even understand what you are complaining about nor the principle for which you base it on.

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