Until recently, surveillance functioned much like a modern panopticon, creating the illusion of constant observation. But with AI, we’re fast approaching a reality where it will be possible to genuinely monitor everyone, all the time.
It will become possible to instantly identify 'bad' behavior, and in some cases, even raise suspicion before it occurs. I use 'bad' in quotation marks because its definition is entirely shaped by those in power. Under the wrong circumstances, what’s considered 'bad' could be a personal opinion—or even an entire ethnicity.
Social media already allows a small group of powerful oligarchs to shape what people see—and by extension, what they believe. While propaganda has always existed, social media takes it to a new level, making it harder to recognize the source. Even worse, it's personalized, creating isolated groups with entirely different sets of information and viewpoints.
With the rise of AI, however, this influence will only grow. Not only will algorithms become more advanced in how they rank and recommend content, but they’ll also be able to generate fake content or messages, passing them off as organic.
I can’t predict the future, but I’d bet that the majority of people won’t even notice this shift. Most are tech-illiterate,and tech companies dominate the flow of information, which means any discussions about this will be limited and hard to find. It won’t be a secret, per se, but discussions about it will be few and far between. When those discussions do exist, they’ll likely be watered down to avoid sounding paranoid or extreme.
How does this make you feel emotionally? How would you react to it? The implications of this technology really bother me, but I know bringing it up in real life would likely make me seem paranoid, so I just keep it to myself.
I think you should look into the details of how AI actually works instead of hype peddled by people selling shit.
The reality is extremely underwhelming once you actually understand the topic as it is in the real world.
Speculative fiction about what AI could be is usually made by people who don't know what they are talking about or are grifters.
>>316919Well said.
AI is a high-speed matching and predictive algorithm. Nothing more. It is creatively extensive only insofar as the information that humans feed it. "Artificial intelligence" does not exist and will never exist. This notion of humans being able to create an all-intelligent autonomous thinking machine is proper only to the fiction of film. Humans cannot impart thinking consciousness to our creations (computers). Only God (whoever/whatever he/it is) can do this to his own. "Neural Networks" , "Machine Learning", these are all similarly marketing terms used to impress an air of unintelligible magic onto the credulous public mind (from whom scammers seek readily to make money). "AI", then, apart from grifting money from gullible investors, is about controlling information, isolating knowledge to filtered knowledge. Just type anything into (((Google))) and you will see that jews are already busy with implementing their predictive language algorithms as a way of presenting you with the politically correct answer at the very top of your search query.
>>316919>>316921I very much agree with that in general. AI is basically a scam of a field. It is not really intelligent. However, i think it can already achieve what OP is talking about. You just need classic machine learning to perform something like sentiment analysis on people's online behaviour. It can be used to classify and score people based on whether they have desirable behaviour or not. The tech was ready 10 years ago, thought i perhaps wasnt scalable enough. It can filter out high-risk behaviour and then a human can check those blacklisted people, or certain automated actions can be done. It's not really that complicated. It's exactly the same as how machine learning is used for anomaly detection in security systems, how financial services flag suspicious behaviour in anti-moneylaundering systems, how tax agencies flag suspicious data, etc. I already experience this when i try to preserve my privacy online because i am bullied intensely in all sorts of sneaky ways if i dont use a normie browser with a residential IP and pay for things in a normie way
>>316921>>316923Ai is currently at about Agi level, Agents are released: Ai can do jobs essentially, and is capable of PhD level science.
sad dude on sad website: its a umm a scam n stuff
>>316943It could write better comments than you, i concede that at least. Maybe you could try to make an argument next time?

>>316919>>316921I agree that it is currently massively overhyped. We are currently in a bubble and snake oil salesmen need to inflate what it can or will be able to do to not make venture capitalists realize they have been scammed.
Compressing the entirety of the internet with a transformer agorithm to create an interpolative database however DOES have its uses.
The main use case for average people is information retrieval. It is much better than a search engine at finding information that is vaguely requested in natural language and hallucinations are not a big problem if the topic isn't too niche.
It can, for example, be practical for surveillance cameras even if it misses a few events that should have been flagged and makes up a few more.
You won't be able to generate a youtube video with it any time soon, but you will be able to generate a human sounding comment, or with a specialized models, other types of content like photos of faces.
I agree that it is a scam, but I also think that it can and will be used to turn the modern day panopticon-like surveillance into truly oppressive monitoring of everyone.
>>316943>he fell for the generative AI scammy guy there are plenty of dystopian applications for AI and ML that are already happening but AGI through elaborate chat bots ain't it