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 No.314140[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

No politics or religion in the crawl thread, please.

>Ambient sounds to wash away distraction

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I don't really have hobbies besides Youtube and videogames.


Does this upset you or are you fine with it?


some would argue vidya and watching Y.T is not a "hobby" because you are just consuming instead of creating something, anyways don't feel bad about it almost everyone is like you, don't pretend the average person does interesting things like drawing or swimming


Right now I don't care. But will I in a few days again or in ten years?


Do you live in a city or a big urban area? I live in a town and that's literally never happened to me, and I go on daily walks for about 40 minutes. Not so much as a peep from anyone.

[Last 50 Posts]

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 No.304779[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I made this thread for posting various kinds of pictures. Feel free to post some too.
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>There are album covers, old paintings, architectural designs, classic cinema, historical accounts, memes, manga, artistic photography, photos of technology and products, and little windows in to various cultures. Then the cartoons boy's images are just "cartoon cartoon cartoon cartoon cartoon cartoon cartoon cartoon cartoon cartoon.

I see. Well, i will post more of my real art folders and less cartoon ones.


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I thought Romero only made zombie movies. Really cool Knigths pictures

That's either an edit or kim went goth in one episode. Is that oficcial art from BattleTech


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[Last 50 Posts]

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Fellow wizards, what is your stance on the concept of free will? It's been on my mind for the past month or so, and I have reached the conclusion that, on a metaphysical level, free will simply doesn't make any sense. This has huge implications, and has massively altered my perception of the world. I think that it validates shitty behaviour in a contrived sort of way, but I still think that people should be punished for their actions
Obviously you are going to be influenced by
>what you know
>what you don't know
>what you want to do
The ability to reflect on this and be aware of yourself must mean something. Isn't the ability to do what you truly want free will?
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time to learn numerical coding, wiz.

multiples of 11 are used by jewish media masters to indicate a fake event.

33, 44, 77, 330, 660, 11000, etc.



"‘Concerning’ Bird Flu Mutation Found In Human
As of December 30, the CDC has confirmed 66 human cases of the bird flu virus in the United States."

The CDC is a jewish org.


I decided not to drink yesterday and the day before and I didn't. I fucked up and drank today but that's on me. Perhaps it is all just a chain of events that led me to type this very sentence.

I think the healthy mindset is to believe that fatalism happens, to tolerate and have compassion when it occurs to others, but to deny and strive against it when it's us


That's about the stupidest comment i've ever read. Predetermined to become a psychopath but doing psychopath things is choice and free will. lmao. It's like sticking your hand into a wasp nest and blaming the wasps for stinging you: they are simply doing what is in their nature


Not all psychopaths become mass murderers. A lot that are at least medium functioning go into politics or business. That's a choice.

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I am not sure where to post it so I guess I will go with lounge? I don't watch movies, tv shows or anime anymore, I do it rather rarely. Browsing internet is not entertaining either most of the time and besides I would like reduce my time on the web anyway. That basically leaves me just with playing video games and hobbies. But I don't feel like always spending time actively. Sometimes I would like to just be passive. That's where usually most people watch something or browse funny images. But I am looking for some kind of alternative. So far I came up with

listening to websdr
watching some live streams from real world like feed from ISS or junkies in Philadelphia

and that's it.

Can you help me and suggest something else? Basically I would like to just sit down, relax and look or listen to something that is non-fiction.


Podcast and music?


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Music no but podcasts sounds like an idea. What are some interesting podcasts? I only know about joe rogan and lex friedman


The Fall of Civilisations podcast is pretty amazing in my opinion. If you like video games I can suggest the long videos made by PatricianTV.
They can just be listened to, no need to watch the video itself.


Perfect Guy Life


Oh and most people here, despite being abused by society time and time again are too meek to do anything anti-social, but being in a similar boat of having lost interests in most passive distractions while not having in it me to work 16 hours a day, my hobby since this malaise set in is to just go into the city and start conflicts with random strangers. YMMV.


imageboards are dead. I am having trouble on finding what else I can do on the internet. it's strange to think for the past decade this was not an issue for me and my boredom was mostly covered by looking at pictures, watching videos and reading jokes posted on imageboards and responding to them.

do I need to use twitter now? most of that site is ragebait and outrageous crap designed only to lure interactivity. bunch of grifters trying to become famous then to sell a book or a ticket tot heir show to bank on their newfound fame or just boring and pointless politics. it's pathetic.

seriously, what now?
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[c=FF69B3]Like this[/c]


thank you <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>


what else is new


I never have to deal with normalfags yelling at me about what kind of person I should be and what I'm allowed to like. I have to deal with weebs.


Yes. Mid 2000s imageboard culture is dead. Of course it is.

Forum culture persists with what I guess is youngish people but it's all stuff that's been banned from the big four. ovarit, crystal cafe, lolcow, kiwifarms, cumtown.org, rdrama. None of them are good but have a surprisingly healthy amount of users, way more than here


this down syndrome couple are like barbie and ken within the down syndrome ecosystem and that realization made me laugh so hard but also they don't seem aware of what's going on.
On the one hand, they must not know they can't be normalfag since people get an uncanny v alley reaction the moment they see them, on the other, they are totally unaware of this and have only a superficial understanding of what their actions, words, and clothes convey to the public, so they can't change it. You can see towards the end of the video reporters don't recognize them as normalfags or part of a group and having to deal with them besides what's necessary for tv would be bothersome.
The downies for them are just disabled people in normie costumes and with a lent mindset for general public appeal and nothing the downies do will change that no matter how hard they try. I think something similar would happen if a wizard ever tried to be "normal". People would notice and you will be discouraged because it doesn't come off natural. This is why when autists and aspergers search for friends they tend to look for others like them or risk being the weirdo of the group and even so there's still the risk of being the undesirable of the group.
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It's rare to see an underclass thriving on life enough to escape their situation and improve their situations. Autists, uglies, short, balds, etc. they remain like that for the rest of their lives.


Doing the same things takes you the same place.


downies are norpmaxxin now lol


being accepted in modern society is a form of illusion. people are locusts and when they regard you highly in socitey, then only because they believe they can take advantage of you and gain, thus 'getting ahead'. there isn't more to it. there is not some standard that you can pass and then suddenly human interaction stops being a monetary transaction.

what op implies, this yearning for belonging, is something that modern society can not provide because modern society is a theater serving the elite few with the clear goal of creating losers and winners. and the winners are actually losers too. so everybody* loses.

*everybody who believes in social status that is.


For goodness sake. Who downies are and what they represent should be both whitepilling and illuminating. Society sucks in many ways but at least in the case of downies they support those who can't support themselves. Downies are ruled by the part of the brain they make them most empathetic to everyone. Everyone can be both pathetic and lovable, yours is a choice


>exploration is dead
>all the ui design looks bland
>a majoraty of the internet is ownd by a handfull of companies that track your every move
>ragebait is at an all time high (especially reddit and twitter)
why does this era of the internet has to suck balls there used to be hope for the future idk what now
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^^^ this.. it was what op described. monetization and soulless companies are what killed (most of) the internet


Doesn't have to be one or the other. Without iphones/smartphones normalfags wouldn't be uploading their photos without a computer and a considerable amount of normalfag effort. Normalfags have trouble using computers to this day when it doesn't have retard-proof programs.


I miss old sites like newgrounds, pown.it, even /f/ on 4chan. The content there wasn't high quality, but that somehow made it more relatable. It was made by young people fascinated by the internet and just starting to learn how to create animations and games and stuff, but their ideas were unique and full of soul. Nowadays the new content on the internet seems like it's all made through a small number of templates, just different flavors of the same thing.


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old internet had some cringe moments


Yes, however the version of me from that time likely wouldn't have cared. Things were simpler then, at least subjectively

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who were the best roman emperors?
also is the following true:
The Illyrian emperors
It was from this group that the most successful emperors of the time came from and it was they who brought the Crisis of the Third Century to an end. Examples include Claudius II Gothicus, Aurelian, Probus and later on Anastasius I Dicorus.
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gotta catch 'em all


Magnas Animus


Peak autism. I like it


gotta stab them all


It is a bit sad when expansionist taxcuckers are glorified this way

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Long story short, I live in what you would say is a penal colony. Fortunately I've managed to get by. But I want more form life and thus, I wish I didn't have to deal with other people on a daily basis, as it is always so troublesome, I think I've always been a schizoid, so I need my space, in my dream life, I would only have to deal with characters on a screen on a daily basis. But I know that this is not how evolution shaped most humans, so at least, I would really like to limit how much time I have to interact with others face-to-face, and some beer money job (for a first worlder) would be a godsend for me.

The minimum salary in here is 250 dollars, that's all I would need to earn on a monthly basis and I have most of my waking time free, I've looked job listings on fiverr and all those other sites but if some anon here knows like a plan for me to eventually earn more (my dream salary would be 500 dollars) programming on whatever language, that would be ideal.

If I don't get many answers here, I plan to look up mostly east asian redditors looking for scraps, just like me and then team up with them. But I figured some wizards could come up with a more helpful plan for me, I think. SQL seems easy enough and I've done hours of exercises, but I don't know if there is some more profitable language.


>I wish I didn't have to deal with other people on a daily basis

that is pretty nice. i've had it like that for many years now and i don't know how else to have a peaceful life, i doubt there is another way.

i hope you find something.

if you can find someone who doesn't work for a big corporation but does everything himself, is inexperienced in computers and can not type that fast. this might be a way.

you might offer to answer emails and keep the files neat and easy to use (meaning creating folders, sorting files in the right folders and rename the files to be easy to find). assuming you can use a computer pretty fast you might be able to answer emails and create documents many times faster, meaning you could do in half an hour to an hour as much as the person would need all morning for, which would obviously lighten that person's workload so much, they would gladly pay you to help.


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I'm also from the Third World but not from Asia. I work as a data analyst and it allows me to have a decent life, all things considered


>that is pretty nice. i've had it like that for many years now and i don't know how else to have a peaceful life, i doubt there is another way.

OP here. I long for that kind of life, maybe one day I will get there.

>if you can find someone who doesn't work for a big corporation but does everything himself, is inexperienced in computers and can not type that fast. this might be a way.

This is a good idea, I am pretty fast with PC's, I've been on them since a very young age. I guess I will look for someone with these needs.

Were you self-taught? I worry about a portfolio because I don't even know what language to use, I just want to interact with a PC to make money.


OP here. I just want to interact with a PC to make money… and I wonder what language or IT path could be the most profitable, even if it is not the fastest, working from home of course.

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Have any wizards did intermittent fasting before? I am planning to do a 24 hours fast only drinking water.I do the 16:8 fasting routine daily as well as having did 20:4 fasting before and a handful times of a 24 hours fast, it's relatively easy and gets further easier with the time, best thing is to start easy and build your way up


I did a 5 day water fast this month, I've done it before but not for this long (usually I do it for 2 or 3 days)
I wanna recommend it for three mains reasons, for one I have some acne issues and fasting helps a lot. In 5 days no new pimples showed up and all the ones I already had dried up or disappeared.
It also helps a lot with my mood. I have some issues with depression and social anxiety, and fasting improves my mood for a good amount of time. After I finish it I feel a lot better about myself for some reason, at least for a couple of days following it.

Another main reason is you lose weight pretty fast, if you're worried about that. I'm already a bit underweight but even then I lost around 4 kilograms (8lbs) in this 5 day fast - so I'm guessing around 1kg (2lbs) of fat lost. And if you're overweight you'll definitely lose more.
Online there's people mentioning other benefits related to fasting, but these are the main ones I can experience immediatly.

Now there's a couple of downsides. One if you've never did fasting before you'll feel lethargic, at least for one or two days.
Also the hunger can be very bad sometimes, if you're not used too fasting. But after you've done it for a few times it gets a lot easier.

So I recommend you guys giving it a shot. I haven't experienced any real downsides other than maybe losing too much weight.


I do this everyday without realizing it was called "Intermittent fasting". I hate leaving my room so I've learned to just eat once per day. Honestly I've never noticed any health benefits. If anything it's probably hindered my digestion.

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