I live in a sisterfucker town and am hispanic. If I get into trouble with them I fear they'll try to deport my ass to some fuckass country that I'm no where close to being from.
I was born in Florida, but my family is from Puerto Rico.
>>316425How the fuck would that work.
Ether way you would legal so how the fuck could they deport you?
I tend to hate police for always giving me meaningless traffic fines and just generally being annoying cunts, but recently a couple of officers actually helped me out. I guess when they're not scraping money off motorists they can be alright.
Like many other wizards ITT, I don't trust the state, therefore I don't trust the police.
I support all policies that keep law enforcement in check like mandatory bodycam, exclusion of evidence acquired through torture, the right to remain silent, presumed innocence, etc. I also support prison reform since punishment in theory is the deprivation of freedom but in some prisons the de facto punishment is being thrown in a lion's den, where predatory violent thugs treat prison as their playground, and non-violent inmates (e.g. YOU if the state so wishes) are the prey.
fuck tha police comin straight from the underground
most of them are weak ass pencil pushers
instead of chasing actual crime, they punish you for not driving like a docile pussy, and steal your weed