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 No.303591[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I would like to read your stories. How has your experiences shaped your worldview?
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I hate succubi, but moreso I hate how hard I crave their love and affection. I used to have tits, ass, and vagina on the mind 24/7, but now it's silly fantasies of them showering me with loving kindness and having cutesy interactions with them. I can't stop thinking how much I want them and at the same time I hate what nation-wrecking, infant-genociding parasites they all are. I wish I could get them out of my head, wish they'd stop being a constant psychic drain leaving me perpetually physically tired. Wish I could be as indifferent to them as I am to the price of tea in China.


As an ugly AND autistic male, I can corroborate these reports.


As a quiet guy who keeps to himself, I can report that succubi avoid me like I'm a flying turd with firecrackers stuck in, about to explode and spray shit everywhere.


Because of my autism I'm somewhat aware that they are talking probably behind my back and sometimes I care for a moment, then I just go back to my last activity and call it a day.


being able to not give a fuck is a blessing in these moments
but it feels kind of helpless, like there are other options, but ignoring is the only one available

[Last 50 Posts]

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This shit really triggered me. Imagine caring for some little animals for 7 years then jew approved paper pushers come take them from you with no warning and then kill them.
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my theory on why they're racist is they got an unusual life, so they tend to be very different from others and know theor life is complete different from foreigners


I say that racism is born from bad experience with certain racial or ethinic groups or alright ignorance and fantasy that a person create is his mind of how people act, the first is born from empirical experience and extrapolation, the another is just ignorance and falty reality experience.


why you keep using the same picture everywhere


I saw this pic on a thread I don't remember. I liked the pic and saved it used it in this thread but I and the other guy who used the same pic ; we'rd not the same


It is a very nice pic

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What's the reason you became a NEET/wizard? Do you believe is genetic or life circumstances led you to your actual life?
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It was never even my own decision, I simply had no alternatives.
>forced to go to school
>get shit grades and other students and the teachers are sabotaging me in all kinds of ways
>try to fight back and get steamrolled by the system
>get out of school and try to get a job
>literally nobody will hire me no matter where I applied
>years go by and if you are out of the system for some years your chances go down even more of finding employment
regarding the succubi it was similiar, Succubi never showed any interest and I never felt like trying to pursuade someone that has literally 0 interest in talking to me, always seemed pointless from my point of view.

and thats how I ended up as a NEET wizard.
no clue what I could have done differently.


implying I had a choice being born an autist


Does autism prevent you from being happy, or have you decided it's not worth pursuing happiness with autism?
I know it's a bit of both - autism is an obstacle in pretty much every area of life, and it can be very discouraging. But in the end, do you think it's possible for you to be happy with enough effort?


Autism + Dropping out from school + succubi are too much of a bother for a not so big reward

No idea how can you even afford to worry about having no G.F or being lonely when you have bigger issues that occupy your mind


Most people seek relationships because they are deluded by desires that are mere manifestations of the carnal urges of an animal. Others seek relationships because of dependency issues. But rather than curbing their desires and dependencies, they define their whole lives around sex and romance. Because of the unhealthy fixation on courtship, most participants engage in toxic behavior, to the detriment of both parties. Whenever I point out the typical problems with relationships to breeders, they are quick to point out that some relationships are positive. However, the fact that most relationships, even those between intelligent, rational people, are doomed to failure from the very start proves that virtually no one has any capacity to tell the difference between a healthy and an unhealthy relationship. Almost every person believes that their current relationship is "the one," even though it is most likely doomed. It is obviously better not to fall for such illusions as romantic love, and to pursue higher aims instead. Whether you are a wizard by choice or by circumstance, you are spared from one of the greatest wastes of time and energy in our society. I reached this conclusion early in my life and I have been committed to the path of the wizard ever since. If nothing else, I will serve as a living, breathing refutation of our sex-obsessed society.

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To add, I also came across a commentary which told a story about how the other shapes launched a whole coalition to drill a single otherly hole into the wall, and how the circle was in shambles after that.

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I will remind you again that this isn't r9k on shitchan and isn't /dep/.
Delusional demoralization will be laughed at as being absurd here.


I don't know what you're talking about and I suspect neither do you.


he wants you to just improvemaxx bro and stop complaining, John Rambo had it much worse, just pull yourself by the bootstraps, you just need to be more productive


I am so sick of your NPC shitpost you copy from place to place.

Think for yourself for once in your life.
Go make real observations of the world instead of regurgitating narratives you seen on the idiot box.


Whatever happened to webcomics like this? Stuff that used to criticize the normalfags.

He's a fucking retard.

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What is the difference between a cop shooting you in the face, and a gang member shooting you in the face? What makes the former 'legit' and the latter 'criminal'?

Has there ever been one example in human history of that invisible entity calling itself 'government' that didn't exist outside of its self-declared right to kill you if you didn't do what it said? That a tiny minority (or even one single person) one day declaring "I am in charge, now. Bow down or I'll murder you." and everybody else inexplicably nodding and going along with this psychotic nonsense?

I'm not being an anarchist nor a lolbert. I fully understand the need for this objectively nonsensical situation in order for humanity to function and prosper. Without somebody holding a bigger stick than someone else, that someone else has no reason to behave himself.

And there is no stick bigger than God.

There wouldn't be ~3 billion Christians and Muslims if somebody didn't convince them all (with violence) that if they misbehaved that after they died an invisible sky fairy would exercise incalculable sadism by trapping them in trillion-degree lava for the rest of time.

And the only reason that this schizophrenic idea stuck is that somebody with a big stick told everyone else that "this bronze age book of barbaric bedtime stories is all true and in fact nothing is more true than it, so do what it says or I'll kill you AND THEN you will 'die the second death' by being trapped in trillion-degree lava until the end of time".

What is the point of this OP? Nothing, really. Just had this on my mind while lamenting that existence in its current form was a ghastly mistake, if there really is some sort of unmoved mover and ground of all things that created it. And that if there is no outside-of-time-and-physicality lawmaker behind the invisible concepts we call the laws of nature, that all there has ever been and all that there ever will be is a fully-automatic universe consisting of incomprehensibly small bits and bobbles bouncing around in the cosmic void, then there is no such thing outside of things, that what we call "concepts" are just us trying to cast invisible nets around invisible nonsense to try and make sense of an ultimately senseless existence.

Happy fucking Caturday.


Often it is instead a mutual contract of violence, signed in blood by all parties.

The agreement in post-revolutionary France was that the French common citizen would engage in violence on behalf of the state through the service of conscription which was legitimized because the leadership of the state would themselves be subject to violence by the people through public trial. Hence Robespierre's march to the guillotine legitimizing the Republic for a time and having reinforced stability in what would otherwise have been an internal collapse. Rather than the invisible entity of an entity declaring that it would kill you, this was the visible entity of a representative agreeing that you had the authority and legal obligation to kill.

The agreement of harvest kings in water empires being that the king had the right to distribute the resources of heaven because his office is akin to a priest and chief of sacrifices, and the king would lose the mandate of heaven in the event of a poor harvest and so would be sacrificed to the gods. The practice of sacrificing kings to the skies proved unpopular among kings who frequently changed state religions wherever possible, hilariously in the khanate of the Khazars which is one of the few examples of a non-semitic race being converted to Judaism en masse just to avoid the need to propitiate the gods with royal blood. Again, rather than the invisible entity declaring itself your absolute killer, this was a visible individual declaring itself the mediator of both life and death, accepting the power to mete out death in exchange for the death penalty if it could not equally mete out life.

A state is not only composed of its appointees, employees, mercenaries, and elite, nor of its borders and materials. A state is composed of all of its participants, including those held in chattel slavery. Unlawful violence within a state is often a state of violence dividing blocks of a state; this is sometimes dignified by the name of "civil war," even when against what are by and large criminal enterprises such as the opium growers of Afghanistan in their war against the Taliban. The fact that one army is illegal and the other is legal does change the nature of the conflict and does mean that the state is dysfunctional, but a state whose legal use of force is applied recklessly without an illegal army in the field in opposition is also considered a dysfunctional state, little different from one in whichPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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impressionism is my favorite type of paint. It makes me go nostalgic/melancholic/saudade. share and post your impressionism paints and talk about it
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IDK if Nighthawks really counts but I feel like posting it


not really impresionism but if you feel like it why not

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I'm a catholic, I hate tradcath zoomers because they're degenerates (I used to have discord -big life mistake, I know- so, I know them) BUT I realize something is very ,very wrong with the Church in theology, sacraments, Orders, liturgy, penance and preaching, etc
I kinda narrowed down the possible alternatives\solutions to the mainstream RCC Church. I hope Im wrong and Francis is just the true Pope and that's it, because the implications are cosmically abominable for humanity, otherwise.
what say ye, about these here folk?
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become orthodox


Wow, it's if people could use religious ideology instrumentally for personal benefit


Just go to your local SSPX chapel.



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>Like their European counterparts, most American Protestants deny sola fide (that salvation is through faith alone). Most deny sola Scriptura. These two tenets, long considered a basic litmus test for Protestantism, are now held by only 30% of American Protestants. Another surprising stat: 30% of Protestants (including a whopping 47% of Black Protestants) believe in Purgatory.
The divided Christianities are now, as organized temples amongst the pagans were, in a state of confused syncretism. The Eastern Orthodox had to abandon their Emperor long ago but there is a vacuum in their structure where Constantine is expected to stand, and this has caused their syncretism to move towards Moscow. The Protestants are moving towards Rome. But Rome? Rome has no peers on this Earth, but nor any signs of material communion with Heaven. They appear to be unable to join with another, at least not in a coherent way, and so are simply falling apart. Their anime mascot for the year 2025 seems emblematic of this deep confusion and doubt.


Some faggots are pushing me around at school. I need advice on how to stop these fuckers from pushing me around. What should I do?
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thos. come to them or wait they get near you and do weird sounds, like this for exemple https://voca.ro/1zZhkAToq7hU


>People are browsing Wizchan in middle school

Goddamn, where has time gone. Anyway for the most part if they push you punch them or grab them by the hair and slam them onto something. And be ready to do it again if they push you, or something.


G- G- GR1?


Finish high school and don't shoot it up, anon!


mooch some cigarettes off of a family member or something and offer a few to them so they'll think you're cool
befriending my bullies back in middle school was probably the best thing that could've happened to me socially, although by highschool i was just a slight weirdo again with a small clique of friends

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Ho do I know if i have inner monologue? I cant understand people who have opinions about everything happening, can argue by posting long texts; lets say on current trump stuff etc. I dont have any opinion about things that dont affect me directly, this is on top of my autism. People sometimes think that i am mute and deaf


of course there is a sound in my head when i read texts or type/write, but i cant decide if i have the same sound when i think.


if you are able to self-reflect and ask such questions, then it's safe to say you're not an NPC. not caring about politics and current news cycle? yeah, i'd say even more so.


I record my thoughts quite often and don't care about mainstream news, but I barely feel sentient at times.


I don't have strong opinions about anything. Like if I did a movie review show I would probably rate everything an 8/10. I don't have a strong love of anything or a strong hate of anything. Sometimes I pretend to have strong feelings about things so I can fit in.

But I don't think that has anything to do with not having an inner monologue. I often have arguments inside my head, going back and forth on both sides of any point. I can never decide which is the "correct" side or proper opinion.


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i have noticed that some people just say opinions just to combat akwardness and start a converstion. This can be as small as telling someone else who is waiting in an line and you are too "ugh i hate standing in long lines" people hope to get an answer that way so they can talk about something

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What are the chances the change in average height are due to hormonal or environmental factors, in part, and that it's not all down to better nutrition?

Just for an anecdote, me and my brother grew up malnorished by western standards. I had low blood pressure as a child due to just eating the cheapest cereal grains for years. I remember being tested at 10 for low iron levels, and when I stood up too fast I often got dissy. Regularly 'd be hungry at school as my lunches were small. Both me and my brother grew up to be some of the tallest people in town, but we have tall, thin frames. We're both significantly taller than our parents too.

In the 1950s you never really heard of kids going to bed hungry that often in the west, they typically had a solid diet with three square meals and full pantries. That's not really much different to a kid in 1980 or the year 2000. I doubt there's been that much significant nutritional gains to cause increased height since then. Maybe it's an epigenetic change due to the abundance of food? Perhaps, but we know what we eat and how we live is also changing it. Even lower testosterone levels causing delays in when the plates fuse as a teenager could be behind it. People noticed Eunuchs used to be really tall and lean, so are modern people suffering from the same effect?

People say it's sexual selection driving it, with high status tall men being more desired. That might be true before the industrial revolution, but I don't think it's true anymore. The crabs had a source showing it's shorter men breeding more actually (because lower class people are short and fertility is dysgenic). Tall men might be more desired, but they typically don't have more children. So in recent years sexual selection doesn't drive it. Just anecdotally again, being around food banks, you see the people are very short by modern standards and have many children.

We can also look at jawlines and teeth malocclusion to see an environmental impact people put down entirely to genetics for years. You can see in the skeletal record that everyone used to have straight teeth and wide jaws, and that changed around the industrial revolution. People are only now coming around to realize that it's due to changes in the way we eat and live, especially with eating soft foods and breastfeeding less.
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>We tested the extents to which height was associated with having a certain number of children, and with having a certain number of children survive infancy. Multinomial logistic regressions were used. In terms of findings, height’s relationship to fertility outcomes was curvilinear: being shorter-than-average (0.75–0.5 standard deviations below the mean height) was associated with a higher probability of being married and having five to seven children, while being moderately tall (0.5 standard deviations above the mean height) was associated with the lowest probability of being unmarried.

>If paternal fertility played a role in the secular growth trend, we would expect to see very tall men have the most children, and clearly have the most children surviving infancy. Given this study’s findings, it is unlikely that this was the case.

This is from a dutch study


Seems like tall men consistently get into stable marriages, but short men sire more children. It makes sense, because the underclass is actually pretty midget and they proliferate like locusts.


Yeah, if you look at Mexico most big families are with 1 midget guy and 1 even shorter succubus.

If you see the rare tall man, they often have kids with multiple succubi but not enough to make their genes "mainstream" in society.

Due to sheer numbers, the short underclasses will always be the majority of the population in any country.


Are shorter succubi not more favored? Short mother/tall father is more likely to create shorter offspring than tall mother/short father.


Only by creeps and weeaboos. Like you said, genes are inherited from both parents.

Only a sadist weirdo wants his son to be even shorter than himself by breeding with a very short succubus.


>Are shorter succubi not more favored

Not really honestly. For all the quirky "I'm smol" things succubi do, guys are pretty indifferent to a shorter height and just want a partner a little shorter than them. In the abstract guys will go for "tall busty blonde" as their generic sexual desire.

succubi obsess over being small and short because they're often auto-pedophiles and enjoy feeling like literal children.

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