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So I'm in FL, I evacuated a little north to get out of central florida. I'm at my mother's house and I'm starting to get an awful lot of cabin fever. Normally I kill time by fooling around on ChatGPT and complaining about my life problems but oftentimes I grow bored of that. What else is there to do to pass the time, either with comfort or entertainment? Any recommended snacks, shows, bedroom setups, music?

I would try to add more detail to this question, forgive me, but this antsiness is even affecting my mind, I hope it doesn't bother you, maybe some of you could add more detail to your questions to make up for it.
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>James May was a wizard
Back this up with proof.


He was 37 before marriage and there was an episode of Top Gear where he said he had lived alone for most of his life. I forget the season and episode number but it was from 2005-2009, not one of the Dacia episodes, though.


>He was 37 before marriage
>there was an episode of Top Gear where he said he had lived alone for most of his life

Not an entirely unreasonable conjecture based weak evidence. Any other proof?


That is the most I have but there is some weaker evidence like some passing mentions that he was the black sheep of the family (I forget where this came from) and that he was quieter/much less sociable than his siblings (this was brought up several times, but I recall a story about his brother cutting off the head of a doll his sister had gotten).

This one is also somewhat weak, but May is an avid fan of railway modelling, having hosted and been on several television shows on the subject. I read somewhere that this hobby was unattractive, but I am not sure how trustworthy this is, but knowing that over 99% of people in the hobby are men (it is pretty obvious when going to the train show), it might not be all that unlikely.


I'll complain that I don't make enough money or various mental health things that have been done to me (victim)

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 No.311699[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


Previous thread: https://archive.fo/msC0D
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They are both Illuminati and that means nothing but another delusion to make their candidates tastier to the normalcattle.


Actually turns out that the image is fake.


I would ask them about shots, to know who are the cultured ones and who are the ignorant.


thread is bump-locked???


All threads have a bump limit, usually 300 posts or so. An old thread might reach bump limit or "autosage" mode just by the sake of it being too old.
You were already told to lurk moar so do it or fuck off.

[Last 50 Posts]

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The world cannot satisfy the emptiness of our hearts, but Jesus can.

You must seek Christ in prayer and in the Bible, he will guide you, for he loves you and will not let you fall.
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Jesus is not a Jew, you idiot.
Just because he went to a synagogue to preach that he was the Son of God? Where else would he go? He went to the place where there were humans who were more spiritual (at that time), there were no churches at that time. Christ has nothing to do with religions.


isn't mary jewish?


If you guys ever go to church you'll realize this religion is very normie and quite insane. They are supposed to believe that some guy was physical incarnation of god who was killed, resurrected, and then went to heaven. That a talking snake in a garden gave mankind an original sin, that the world will be destroyed by angels with bowls of blood summoning giant flying scorpions with human heads during judgement. That a spirit called Satan is following people around trying to tempt them into sin… on and on it goes.

It's all obviously crazy. And moreover very few young people even go or are terribly serious about it, because how can you possibly believe in this magical thinking. People cope by saying it is very based, very conservative and you'll find a succubus there. But really most of these churches are globalhomo to the max and covered in trans flags, gay pride flags, full of succubi pastors, real pedophiles, and are not even socially conservative at all. I'm sorry Nicker, maybe where you live there's something worth saving but over here it's a dead end road. I don't think anyone who isn't born and raised into it since birth can understand the value of this religion.


>If you guys ever go to church you'll realize this religion is very normie and quite insane
lol you don't need to. you just need to have a brain.
religious people don't.


I fell for the internet meme of it as an idealized deep conservative space with evolutionary benefits, only to realize how insane it all was.

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 No.300892[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

ok bros, i thought lolis were just a niche a topic that sweaty weebs get mad over when discussing it
but normalfags caught on and you really get in trouble when joking about it.
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there is something very wrong about lolis
though i wouldnt go as far as lynching people for it


I agree with him on the fact that murricans are insanely obssessed with laws of consent. I've seen insane schizos trying to cancel a 21yo for dating 17yo. where I live it is normal for the guy to be older, wait for the succubus to be of age, then marry her.


You wish those were schizos, you

That only makes it look like you are.

>>312366 Another delusional wanderer just about getting Bogdanoff'd. Damn cryptoscams, those currencies could not even pay me some lettuce where I live


The coom is just all one same thing. Down the drain, your brain fluids go.

And you along.


Meanwhile in certain Euro countries they treat drawings like they are real children under the law, while going out of their way to not protect real children when organized child exploitation takes place.

I don't really care about socially acceptable or not IRL relationshits are between highschool/collage age kids.
It's speech, thought, and artistic expression that is more important to me.

[Last 50 Posts]

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Dye really think the stories from OT and NT happened in real life? Egypt suffered from plague, famine, lots of people and soldiers died, it would leave strong evidences even if egyptian fbi destroyed all the writings on walls and books.
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why jews feels special and their religion is the true martyr religion. they put themselves on pedestal about their religion: they are the chosen people like they say. I don't understand why other religions at the time didn't get on a pedestal too or having miracles like moses had


Because jews are a delusional psychopathic race.


They must be special to some extent. Consider the fact that Europeans didn't have civilization until interacting with the middle east. European civilization began in the place that was closest to Jews, that's not a coincidence.


because historically christians were excluded from financial industries like money lending for ethical reasons, so jews did it instead. this lead to them gaining money and power. that power has been used by them in all sorts of ways to strengthen their position culturally, politically, financially, etc


Even their society had outcasts.

>3Let the day perish wherein I was born, and the night in which it was said, There is a man child conceived.

>The curse is against the day of his birth and the night of his conception as recurring yearly, not against the actual first day (Schlottm.), to which the imprecations which follow are not pertinent. Job wishes his birth-day may become dies ater, swallowed up by darkness as into nothing.
>8A base and nameless brood, they were driven out of the land. 9And now am I their song, yea, I am their byword. 10They abhor me, they flee far from me, and spare not to spit in my face. 11Because he hath loosed my cord, and afflicted me, they have also let loose the bridle before me. 12Upon my right hand rise the youth; they push away my feet, and they raise up against me the ways of their destruction. 13They mar my path, they set forward my calamity, they have no helper.
>In Job 30:8, Job describes people who were considered outcasts in society. He refers to them as a “base and nameless brood,” suggesting that they were seen as having no status or respectability. This language indicates how these individuals were shunned, without any place in society, and ultimately “driven out of the land.” Job’s own suffering has brought him to a place where he can relate to these outcasts; he now feels a similar sense of rejection and isolation. By comparing his current situation to those deemed “nameless” and “driven out,” Job is expressing the depth of his loss and the sharp change from his former respected position.
>13“The godless in heart harbor resentment; even when he fetters them, they do not cry for help. 14They die in their youth, among male prostitutes of the shrines
>They die prematurely or in debasement like the hierodouloi in the temples of Baal, comp. 1 Kings 14:24; 1 Kings 15:12

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Do you think it is okay to hurt animals? This means for food, sport, pleasure, or otherwise?

I look at the ways society treats animals, and I'm appalled. Mammals with complex social systems are kept in horrific conditions to produce meat, milk, and other animal products. Chicks are put into a blender live for the terrible crime of being the wrong gender.

It is rather appalling that people seem to so easily accept carnism despite the suffering that is behind the production of meat. Sure, animals make each other suffer and they also eat each other. However, unlike them, we have the choice to do differently. Yet so many don't. Eating meat is so, so horrifically cruel.
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The world is full of animals that have basic repetitive diets depending on their immediate environment. But supposedly humans need insanely complex, varied diets. Why would we be different and unique in this way? It doesn't make sense biologically and i dont buy it.

>Sure, animals make each other suffer and they also eat each other. However, unlike them, we have the choice to do differently. Yet so many don't. Eating meat is so, so horrifically cruel.
Reality - life - is cruel. This needs to be accepted. You are part of it and you can't just reshape it. Your feelings about cruelty are just arbitrary cultural programming that should be seen through.


>Imagine the scale of death and destruction if gorillas or lions had the IQ of humans and were able to talk and use tools extensively.
DC comics has a long history of imagining just that. There are several super villains who are basically gorilas but also smart.


>But supposedly humans need insanely complex, varied diets.
The same can be said of basically every other omnivore.
Omnivores usually have/need very complex varied diets to maximize their health.
Can you really think of a omnivore that when in nature only eats one or two things in a repetitive diet?


Nature's omnivores eat varied food due to eating whatever is available or in season.

Humans have the capability of eating every food from every hemisphere even if they live 12,000 kilometers away from the place where the food was grown.
It isn't too hard to create a balanced diet of various meats, vegetables and fruits, then stick to it forever as long as it has all the micronutrients you need.

There's no need for variety except for fending off boredom or the desire to taste new things and novelty foods.


What is even your core argument here?
That humans should eat bland human chow or something? Because reasons?

Even most carnivores and herbivores when outside of captivity eat a pretty large variety of things. Most aren't like pandas or whatever that only eat one thing always and forever.
At this point I don't even understand what you are complaining about nor the principle for which you base it on.

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I am a failed normie. Probably. Either way. Do you remember Chrono Trigger? Good game in my book. I had a humiliating school experience as a kid. For 5 years I was trying to work as a teacher and became a subject of bullying from elementary wealthy well-off suckers. Just like in the good ole times. The eternal reacurrance of Nietzsche makes much more sense now. Anyway. I am 36 yo old and I am an old boy still. Deep down I feel I did not sell my soul to the tribes of modernity. I am glad I failed at being a normie. Thank you for wizard chan. There are worse things then being what normies called "loser". So if you are a crab, a wizard or whatever, don't hate yourself please for not fitting in the modern society. It sucks. Deep down even normies know that. They are just too well off to admit it and walk away. And they are too stuck in their own ego to say to us, the losers: Sorry. Thank you. Please. Deep down they know that they deserve what is coming to them. What is coming to all flesh.
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With Freddy's case, he's so physically incompatible with other humans and had no marketable skills or achievements (aside from running a forum that at the time was burning with a hatred for succubi). He went on to warn others that any succubus willing to show any interest in a guy like him must be clinically deranged and dangerous.
>fat ugly succubus who shat on his bed
This is funny, because Freddy 2024 is an obese transvestite who commissions fetish art of his ugly fat fursona shitting the bed. Midgetry, not even once.


If it was still the 00s we'd have a closer clone and competitors. Imageboards died in 2014 (at the latest).


>an ugly cow gf they feel like they ascended and "made it"

heh i member when old friends of mine got their cows and then i did not want to hang out with them anymore.

when i was young i did not believe it. i refused to accept it but time and time again i have seen dudes ruined by the stupid cows they were with. domesticated them like dogs into compliant terror-victim type of dudes. these hoes just traumatize men.

i don't think the wizzards in here have sufficient pride in themselves for NOT having their life ruined by some stupid corrupted old bag with princess programming trying to theater her way into playing monarchy with the lives of good men.


I don't know who you are, but you made me think better of myself anon…. gracias


wow just realized i am histrionic. was too narcissistic to notice

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Do you think there's any truth to this shit?
The part about gradually tensing and releasing muscles reminds me of techniques used in hypnosis, and I've also read about it being used by practitioners of "OBEs".
As well, the breathing pattern reminds me of that "wim hof" thing or whatever it's called. Where you breathe in a specific way and become a nordic ninja werewolf or something like that.
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go fuck yourself thot



so you never went outside and people wanted to meet you? i don't even believe you, that's just you pretending to have an excuse for being offended, that must be your favorite emotion.


>Do you think there's any truth to this shit?
Looks like standard progressive relaxation followed by normal mediation.
Nothing really that exceptional about it. I don't know about replacing sleep with it, and the suspended animation thing is just dumb, but it's a decent breathing/meditation exercise that is likely to have lots of benifits while unlikely to have too many negatives, unlike some breathing/meditation techniques.

Also, while yes progressive relaxation is also used for some inductions in hypnosis, it isn't the only use of progressive relaxation. This particular application is pretty unrelated.

>the breathing pattern reminds me of that "wim hof" thing or whatever it's called

only really related in that both are breathing techniques. Other than that they couldn't be any more diffrent. Wim Hof uses a combination of hyperventilation and held breath pauses with muscle flexing to dramatically raise body temperature and force very oxygenated blood to the extremities at will.
>Where you breathe in a specific way and become a nordic ninja werewolf or something like that.
lol, no.
Wim Hof method is just about learning to raise body temperature at will using breathing techniques. It can boost your cold resistance with practice but isn't anything supernatural.


As is it yours to remain where you are despised? Indeed it's you who just run out of excuses for being here wailing.


hehe yea
fuck yourself, succubus
film it too
show us hehe

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some people spend their life wishing to be popular but they never know what it is like. they wish for it so bad, but not bad enough to turn into the person everyone likes.

to me it was always effortless and it felt like a burden. once you embody the thing everybody wants, you can't really go anywhere anymore and be left alone because all day people audition for your attention and approval. is just you go somewhere, and everyone gets an electric shock that compells them to come up with just any stupid excuse to force an interaction with you. makes you understand how enslaved the psychology of most people is. most people believe other people will be the solution to their problematic life, which of course is idiocy.

ugly succubi want to entangle you with conflict all day. they seek every opportunity to have some kind of fight with you to the point that you can not go to a place anymore and expect to be treated like a human because the succubi there will treat you like shit, believing this will break the ice. i guess there are men this works on because otherwise they would not do this on such a scale.

i was very popular in school and always had many friends but for the last 10 years i haven't really had friends and i don't miss it. i don't believe i am missing out. social life is just another war and there are no winners in war. i know a lot of you are not wizards by choice but i genuinely believe it is better to wiz then having a social life because i have had a social life. if only the internet wasn't so fucked up and centralized.

i dunno how to explain it better. go in my head, look around and come back out. you'll hate how it is like and realize that being a wizard is better i am sure.
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>I don't know what social rejection is, I don't know what it's like to share moments with others,

the propaganda machine through relentless training and repetition through movies and tv has people think in social expectations that don't necessarily exist. don't fall for theater and then look at yourself weird for being different then the actors, while you are real, they merely pretend they are. something fake can not the role model for something real. it is two completely different operating systems.

>nor do I know what bullying or mistreatment by others is.

all violence, manipulation and degeneracy are rooted in the desire for passive income. of being in a group and having wealth being brought to you though the work of others; specifically people not a high in the group as you so that you don't have to work yourself.

if you don't know what that is like, that means you found a way to dodge the horror that crippled most men at a young age and while most others were befallen by the curse, it did not befall you. congratulations. i dream of a world where every man can be as fortunate as you.


Left looks better (less bad) than right.


>Left looks better (less bad) than right.

i don't know how true this picture is or the circumstances but if it is true, i feel bad for her and the courage to still put up a smile after 7 years of trying in agony. i wouldn't have wanted to meet her before or after but definitely not after all this surgical intervention, what superficial idiot a man has to be to want a plastic surgeried succubus.


friendship is the topic Aristotle wrote about centuries ago. you cannot force it. if your interests are different, you will drift apart. it's kinda sad but its better to be honest


see my bookstore post…
i put up with shit every day from no nothings and shitwits..,
it never ends…
post your greatest encounter with stupidity and how it affected you… thnx

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