>Social integrationOnce aliated with proper, positive aliations with others, prosocial people become integrated into society which comes through
understanding and practicing the proper social courtesies and societal
expectations over time. Crick et al. [19], through their research, found
that as a child grows and develops, these evolving changes impact the
child’s cognitive understanding and, as they mature, develop certain
social reasoning skills where their information-processing abilities
improve over time and they become integrated into society as a way of
life. Once integrated into the dierent aspects of society, the tendency
is to make positive contributions to people and communities.
Нese activities positively impact those in the same level and
promote a healthy set of behaviors that are non-aggressive in nature.
>Social outcast stageAnother element in behavioral theory is that there is a relationship
between aggressive mannerisms and a lack of peer acceptance. When
peer-acceptance needs are not met, a person of interest can be labeled
an ‘outcast’ from the school norm at which students avoid this person
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