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to those who like to daydream, what do you daydream of?
I like thinking about a 12 yo succubus being my neighbour and coming too my home time to time to talk with me and treat her like my daughter and her thinking I'm cool and asking me a lot of question about my hobbies and have fun, and trying to teach her things. haha
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Japan being some sort of "hellhole" is a myth/propaganda from the WW2 times and now popular among jewtubers.
Not to say that it's a perfect country, but in many aspects it's better than modern western countries.


It depends on if you are there for leasure or there to work.
Their work culture is very much hellish, as is some of their social/cultural expectations of someone trying to make a living in Japan.
And don't get me started on their legal and criminal justice system.

I would love to spend time in japan, I really would. But I wouldn't want to try to make a living in japan or even be a permanent resident. Even if you were a independent or small business owner who worked for yourself so as to sidestep the toxic work culture, the regulatory and legal environment is literally rigged against you at every turn.
The objective is clear, they want pre-selected pre-approved companies to succeed and everyone else to just spend money and be a good little consumer. Any sort of industry disruption is not welcome and nether is true economic competition.


It's harder for gaijin but that's a good thing (gatekeeping).


It's hard on the natives too, and that is a bad thing.
Japan being for the Japanese is fine, but I still wish the best for the Japanese people and for Japan overall to do well instead of It's current stagnation and slow degradation.


>Japan being some sort of "hellhole" is a myth/propaganda from the WW2 times and now popular among jewtubers.
Japan post-WW2 is an american creation, why would they shit their own thing retard?

>but in many aspects it's better than modern western countries.

Sort of.

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how much do you earn per year?
how did you find your job?
what kind of degree do you have?
what school you went to?
do you struggle on daily life after you paid the bills?
do you have a hobby to spend your money on or it is not worth it?
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Which is safer to do. Let sports for sports time and have fun, wizzas.


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>yes goy, video games are childish, go be a real man and enter the military and die for israel
You're replying to a lunatic anti-NEET vegan.


>cmon hide in your room and play video game, it's safer!

great opinion you have there.



i told you whore i am not anti neet, work as much or as little as you wish, it is up to you. of course you hate when things are up to you because your life is nothing but a testament to addiction. you flee into fantasy while life passes you by.

so far you have done nothing but seek conflict, make false accusations, play dumb, play deaf. i can't think of a less respectable person then you, who is but a agentless passenger in his or her own life. calling you he would be assuming your gender, which your desire for attention somewhat contradicts.


Oh it's the vegan thread sperg once again thinking all of the people who call him an idiot are actually just one guy



[x] unsubscribe from your boring theater

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supermarket is a miraculous place i believe. they have so much to eat. food as well as stuff that people eat that i wouldn't call it food necessarily but culturally it is considered food by many.

how much of the food do you consider "ok to eat"? all of it? half? only a few things?

they have fresh plants that easily perish, well they used to, now they spray them with some kind of coating that prevents them from perishing for weeks. they also sell plants that are shelfstable for many months.

they have baked goods (that's process grains), again some fresh, some shalfstable ranging from weeks to months.

they have candy, that's processed sugar, which is isolated from plants in the factory.

they have animal products, most perish easily so they keep them cool. milk mostly from one species and then the dead flesh from several species. some processed animal products (cheeses, butters, milkshakes) and some stuff that is basically a mixture of everything processed like pizza or lasagna.

they also have a section for snacks like nuts ranging from natural, to slightly spicey to heavily processed and right next to them they sell complicated highly processed potato chips and stuff that is even more processed; basically human food pellets at this point. like animal feed for humans. that's what i consider pasta. pasta is human cattlefeed; is just highly processed grains but they also sell less processed grains.

last thing i can think of is the frozen aisle. they sell frozen versions of many foods and they sell a lot of processed convenience food like what i believe to be one of the most dangerous things a human can encounter: the frozen pizza.

ridicule me all you want, being unconscious about food is dangerous, even when i was younger i mostly succeeded in not eating terrible but now that i am older and never stopped looking into it, i can see the difference in me and people who did not give a fuck and ate terribly. i am never tired. i can work all day and it does not phase me. i never get sick. i can completely rely on my body to perform, it is a well maintained dream manifestation machine that asks very little of me and only gives all day, and i love it and it loves me back. some people are sick all the time and they hate themselves and everybody, they get bitter and they seek conflict all day and their emotions have them by the balls and keeps dragging them into problems and that's completely optionaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>humans have been eating animals since ever, but because some people who say that meat is good lied about something else a couple years ago, that means meat is bad
Unhinged AND retarded. Would you say that the sky is green if doctors said that it's blue?
>see you never had anything to say in the first place.
True. There's not much to say. Animals (including humans) eat other animals, that's just a fact of life. Just the way there's not much to say about the sky being blue.
>takes the "take your meds" meme literally
You prove yourself to be unhinged and retarded yet again.


>You prove yourself to be unhinged and retarded yet again.

if you really believed that you would not talk to me, so that's just you escaping into illusion again.

listen bitch, you have not said a single interesting thing, you just repeat your grandfathers worldview at me but i already know that world view so you are nothing but an advertisement nobody want to see.

you need to learn to carry your weight in a conversation and start to demand less and provide more. you come to a thread and insult and provoke and should your drunk idiocy but you don't say anything that is interesting to others. you are too heavy to be carried, go carry yourself.


*shout your drunk idiocy


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Nice meltdown. I'm typing this as I eat a steak with bacon and eggs and drink a glass of milk, and there's NOTHING you can do about it.
Please starve yourself to death eating grass and soy supplements.


>Nice meltdown

carry your weight and say something interesting, you have been nothing but an asshole.

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 No.307776[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

i don't remember anyone ever doing a thread about one of these. i've just started riding around on one of those. i don't see them so much anymore but they used to be very popular around the younger guys.
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>Might be a UK thing
Well there you go. You probably failed to produce your EV license and 2-Wheel license and Online Shopper's Card. Without those it is illegal for your to purchase this item.


I don't want to install an "app" and give another evil company my data. Otherwise, if they were really free, like state-sponsored, vandalism and overuse would be prevalent. Low trust society wants to live the green dream without cars, we will see how that goes. And of course I can't have my own, because it would be stolen. I hate people.


If range isn't too much of a issue then you could look into the thinner lighter foldable models that are relatively easy to take with you into places instead of leaving outside.

It's probably what I would go with in a dense urban area with theft issues if I wanted something electric.


>And of course I can't have my own, because it would be stolen

if you don't leave it anywhere you can drive around on it, though i agree with everything you said. computers were so nice before apps.

i like mine because i keep it in my car and when i don't find a parking space near my house i can park far away and use the scooter to drive home. cities were such a mistake. the idea to make them livable is fundamentally misguided, humans were never meant to live in density, it is an abomination.


they don't ride like a motorcycle, do they? as in i can just twist a lever and it goes theoretically without me having to pedal at all. i've never seen one or sat on one.

[Last 50 Posts]

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Do you think discovering imageboards early in life fucks you up?

I already had ADHD symptoms when I was young but I feel like imageboards made them worse with how fast they are, the ability to jump through boards each discussing different topics and the total lack of barriers for making new threads. I got used to making a thread for whatever question or thought I had instead of trying to think a bit for myself first. Also something I thought about is how my PC is full with images from years of imageboards and how that made me a very visual person. I just feel like imageboards molded my brain and behavior and every time I think I can quit them because I am tired of the shallow level of discussion that comes from the fast pace and lack of barriers I somehow end up back and spending my entire day on them even if it makes me regret it at the end of the day.
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you can reverse the effects of cocaine addiction is little over half a year of abstinence. And that's without interventions. There is no way computer brain is a premanent adaptation, just walk away from the screen and spam plasticity promoting supplements while doing something more healthy for a change


by repeatedly scrolling through and half reading the same posts over and over


Yes, i do think.


>I already had ADHD symptoms when I was young but I feel like imageboards made them worse with how fast they are

You fucked up.


Check multiple slow boards one after the other.

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it is possible to have a nice life and be healthy and happy. many people don't have a nice life but in almost all cases for almost everybody it is possible. many of the people who don't have the nice life are very few steps away from having their quality of life significantly improved.

you ever seen someone who is having difficulties with something that is easy to you and you knew exactly what to do even in the difficult person's case? i hope you find those steps in your life because i maintain they are there. things you are not doing that you should be doing as well as things you are not doing you should be doing.

may you stumble upon the good stuff.


Cool, how do you do then?


If it hasn't happened already it never will


> it is possible to have a nice life and be healthy and happy.
"Happy" is a temporary emotion that lasts very little time.

> many people don't have a nice life but in almost all cases for almost everybody it is possible.

Not really, no.

> many of the people who don't have the nice life are very few steps away from having their quality of life significantly improved.

Very false.

> that you should be doing

We shouldn't be doing anything.

> may you stumble upon the good stuff.

Thanks, I guess, lol


Shut up, downer retard. Shove your perma-doom blackpill up your ass.

>Uh, no, you will never be happy, and if you are, be sad that it won't last, lol

Peacefull Pill handbook, sodium nitate section


>Cool, how do you do then?
how do i do what


>If it hasn't happened already it never will

sounds like the battlecry of hopelessness.

>"Happy" is a temporary emotion that lasts very little time.

unless you are wrong and it is something you don't understand.

>aaaAAAAAAaccchhhuuuuaaaalllllyyyyyy Not really, no.

yeah like you'd know. you have not even found happiness. what you generic internet dummy (with intelligence that is not necessarily biological) is automatically suspect. you may be as degenerate as someone who does not know he can stand up and walk on both legs and instead chooses to crawl on the floor; but in an emotional sense. emotionally dumb.

>Very false.

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sports fans are the worst. they were tricked. i get it when they are disabled, i am not pooing on disabled people, they should be the only ones watching. but for everyone that isn't, they should not be watching people play sport, they should be doing sport themselves.

fucking degenerates watching others being alive while they sit on their ass and watch and many are drinking beer which will make them sick and ugly and depressed. stupid alcoholics doing everything their boss tells them and then at the stadium they vent all their frustrations about how they hate their life. instead of doing the healthy thing and not having their life suck.

whenever i am near someone who i suspect wastes his life being a knave of some stupid sports fandom, i feel disgust. a kind of disgust that is obviously not polite for me to have, but to ignore it would be dishonest. it is similar to being near gay men when they kiss; impolite to be disgusted to it but real.

so i choose not to be near soccer fans, i consider them frauds who bottle up their feelings and endure a shit life that they should not while glug-glug-glug-ing to make it through. i admire the dude who quits this life, says he no longer wants to do it and becomes homeless, while giving the world the finger. that's preferable to being a toddler in this stupid entertainment for children.

there is nothing wrong with liking sport. go do the sport. it is healthy, for the body and the mind. but sitting around watching beer and screaming like a bitch while the men play, that's disgraceful. living testament of how important it is not to develop bad habits. habits are everything.
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I used to hate sports but after reading many sports mangas i sort of gained some respect for it. I was a shitty fat kid in my youth who hated exercising though.


Sports is like cannabis. On its own it may be OK but the culture that springs up around it is terrible. Especailly with the NFL/NBA in recent years, you get the worst, most vulgar, prole traits glorified. Tattoos, whores, fat degenerates, eating slop gluttenous food, all manner of retarded sloth behavior.


You're right, soccer/international Football fans are the worst. This crab channel made a video about it.


actually doing sports yourself with your own body that's wonderful. doing something long enough to experience yourself getting better at it is quite the empowering feeling but this feeling can't be had through watching.

i have this theory that most people have had such poor access to everything and were so busy being tortured by teachers/parents/bosses/… that they never tried enough stuff to find stuff they'd love.


It's like everything you mean. All normalfag culture is bad. But it is irrelevant to us and what we like

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Is it me or is this being a very common trait amongst normies? I mean, feeling proud of an organized mafia who cucked their own people into taxation in order to set empires and start swallowing every other tribe around into their same misery
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num decretis recentibus observatis vocabula peregrina huc non permittuntur?


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normies are very similar to dogs. for millenia (this colossal mistake has been made and) dogs were bread to be slaves or if you are generous they were bread to be "good" at certain jobs.

the same can be said about normies. they were bred to be slaves as well. the education system as well as the system of punishment, incentives as well as all the "coindicences" that happen in a person's life shaped the normie to be a slave. to imitate the other slaves, never question the master, repeat the master, punish dissent and wrong opinions or at least call them crazy, enjoy the oppression of violence through schadenfreude and sadism, consider the other slaves not friends but competition,…

the normie are just those slaves who excell at not questioning authority and obey their master with the least amount of resistance. born through the desire for centralization a lot of humans are nothing but hostages with a hostage personality.

hostages enjoy when free people are oppressed by a centralizing empire and turned into hostages as well, well those who are left alive enjoy it, the actual people consider it dreadful but the actual people are usually killed of in some quick or slow way or simply lose the will to live or reproduce in the face of overwhelming slavery of violence.

normies are just the children of these chosen slaves who were the most obedient, just like dogs. that's all there is to them.


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I've identified a strange trend in modern processed junk food where they advertise "food" ingredients without saying what they actually are.

I first noticed it a few years ago with Taco Bell Fiesta Strips. This example isn't too egregious because they're presumably crispy tortillas but nowhere is it stated on the menu, just that they are "strips" of some kind.

Then in the past few months I've noticed a couple more examples.
Hostess Cakes advertises "sweet crunch pieces" as an ingredient in their new Kazbars. What are these pieces and why are they crunchy? Who cares just eat the shit.

Finally, Subway has introduced something they call "SubKrunch™" as an optional topping on their sandwiches. Not even the press release mentions what SubKrunch™ actually is.

They used to respect our intelligence at least a little bit and say "with almonds" or "with crispy onions". Now the average IQ has dropped so low that they know they don't even have to bother pretending that this stuff is real food. They can just call it SubKrunch™ and know that we'll eat it without question.
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who cares about processing? I love my coated bars with soft filling and crispy bits!
this is now the food general thread


>I'd like you to point me to any buzzwords in my last post.

first sentence, bitch.

>Don't be schizo

sorry, i can tell you desperately want to talk but i don't care, you are dumb and i don't believe in you.


>who cares about processing

everyone who does not slowly want to turn into a cripple over the years, that's who. getting older does not have to mean getting weak, frail and having to resort to doctors to keep you alive like a science project.


>Hardly a buzzword considering the post I replied to.

everything a dummy can not make sense of, is automatically schizo. and before it was schizo, it was "take your meds". there is always a buzzword or buzzphrase you generic minions default to, it changes a few times each decade but what does not change is how far behind a person who has decided to follow will inevitably end up being. i doubt there is anything a person could learn from you so how would you ever carry your own weight in a conversation, certainly not by repeating normality and pretend that it is news. you live like 10 years in the past, maybe 20.



no that's not what you mean when you say schizo. you are trying to refer to the psychological condition schizophrena but that's just you playing pretend to seem less petty. let me tell you what you are trying to say. you mean "guy on the internet is an asshole because he does not respect me".

and i disagree. someone who does not respect you is not an asshole. perfectly fine not to respect you. respect has to be earned and you deserve none.

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In January I will make 30 years old of virginity.
Do you think I'm really a magician/wizard?

Greetings from Spain.
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Thank you, great priestly magician. XD


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>I will make 30 years old
Nice ESLism, though as a Portuguese (=bootleg Spanish) speaker I can understand why you'd word it like that – it's a super-literal translation of "eu vou fazer 30 anos de idade" (or however that would be in real Spanish).


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I mean you're in one of the penultimate levels, so yeah.
Happy bday and cheers.:D


Well, I not know English, and sometimes I use the translate.

Thank you, gentleman.


Yes, once you make 30 trips around the sun you will ascend.

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