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I wonder about my fellow wizzies' hobbies and interests sometimes. Don't post any contact info in these.
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Kek, that could be me. Maybe he made a mistake. Maybe it's not literally him, Maybe it's been literally me all along.


>types all retarded and posts shit tier normie memes. Opinion discarded.


Go collect data somewhere else, filthy normalnigger.


Fed nigga thread

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we write a book paragraph by paragraph.
I'll begin.


I woke up in my dream…or I fell asleep in reality. I don't remember it anymore but my eyes were wide open. In fact, I didn't really know because it was dark, I didn't know if my eyes were closed or open. To find out if I was awake, I decided to get up. In this dark, dark room, I realized where I was. Now it all comes back to mind, I remember, unfortunately…
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When suddenly, a cassowary entered my room. It was like living proof that dinosaurs are deadly yet beautiful creatures with feathers. "Do not fear dissapointment" said the cassowary "Karma has been unkind to the ones you've loved despite having them shower you with expectation and radically subjective ideals" I cried happy tears, knowing such a deadly creature could understand me instead of succumb to its instincts. "Thank you, mighty cassowary, my heart feels whole again" I said.


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The cassowary taking notice of my Dorito encrusted fingers pecks hungrily. I humbly oblique, "Free maid service? why not?" I state even though I was saving those Dorito crumbs for a snack. Such a wonderful and glorious creature, truly misunderstood. The cassowary pecks every molecule off my sausage fingers, then turning its head, looking upon my sofa it sees the its prize, an unopened crushed Dorito bag, which I had in fact earlier passed out on…


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haha this is good so far. re-reading it made me laugh. we need more writers


The cassowary starts rummaging its beak, now dirty with dorito, inside the crushed Dorito bag, searching for something. As I watch it, I realize that something is off. Have cassowaries always worn such beautiful shoes? Before I can return to my questions about avian fashion, the cassowary pulls something out of the dorito bag and delivers it into my round hands


Guys do you know any underground websites for crabs or wizard or volcels or whatever the fuck there is that have some advices or informations about life or discussion places or looksmaxxing or whatever there is
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We need looksmaxxing to keep those normies triggered.


A wizard who started looking like a male model wouldn't have self control to stay in celibacy though. They would fuck the first thirsty succubi that throwed herself at him.


>Poor crab


Top project


I don't think looking different would change my level of distrust I hold for basically everyone and most of the systems and government interventions in relationships.

You don't fuck because you can't get anyone to want to fuck you.
I don't fuck because I can't trust anyone to not fuck me over.
We are not the same.

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 No.306401[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

How is it that white people have become so pathetic and self destructive in modern times? They can't express pride or love for their own people and skin color without being called racist, every predominately white country is expected to be flooded with other ethnic groups, and when those groups begin to take over by way of gaining political power its celebrated as progress. Whites no longer being the majority in their own countries is seen as a good thing, when the inverse would be seen as colonialism. What the hell happened?
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I think it started with the mediterranean, the mingling of european and middle eastern cultures, and the introduction of christianity.
From what I can tell, white people on their own weren't particularly advanced. They were basically the same as any other race, mostly living in small tribes.
But with the mediterranean and trading and learning from the middle east, they were able to make major cities like rome and greece.
Middle eastern people imbedded themselves in european culture.
They taught europeans to follow christianity which is all about "turning the other cheek" and always putting others above yourself. This made europeans easy to subvert whenever necessary.
Then they used europeans as golems to conquer the world through colonization so they can have an international banking network.
Most of the countries ended up getting "decolonized" and earning "independence" but the banking network is still there so middle easterners are ultimately still in control.
Now the europeans served their purpose and aren't useful anymore.


I think that most blacks don't realize that Indians, SEA and Hispanics are licking their chops at the thought of being able to victimize them based on race. Unironically, this is the golden age for blacks, being given affirmative action, welfare and culturally worshipped with white people's weird negrophilia. You think a majority Indian or Chinese society would feel any guilt or remorse over how destitute and poor comparatively blacks are? Will they allow them to star disproportionately in their movies and media? Will they even allow intermarriage with them to be socially acceptable? Absolutely not.

They've reached their apotheosis of cultural relevance and they're hating on the very race that's made it possible, the race that's basically gifted them their Wakanda wank fantasies. It would be almost tragic if they weren't so utterly ungrateful and have a seething hatred for whites, because of that, it's just hilarious.


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If you want to be an eugenist, you better be subtle. The world is rotting with leftardism and heresy

[Last 50 Posts]



>Social integration

Once aliated with proper, positive aliations with others, prosocial people become integrated into society which comes through
understanding and practicing the proper social courtesies and societal
expectations over time. Crick et al. [19], through their research, found
that as a child grows and develops, these evolving changes impact the
child’s cognitive understanding and, as they mature, develop certain
social reasoning skills where their information-processing abilities
improve over time and they become integrated into society as a way of
life. Once integrated into the dierent aspects of society, the tendency
is to make positive contributions to people and communities.
Нese activities positively impact those in the same level and
promote a healthy set of behaviors that are non-aggressive in nature.

>Social outcast stage

Another element in behavioral theory is that there is a relationship
between aggressive mannerisms and a lack of peer acceptance. When
peer-acceptance needs are not met, a person of interest can be labeled
an ‘outcast’ from the school norm at which students avoid this person
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


> For support, they turn to others in the same condition, establish a bond with these individuals, and begin to form a self-identification conglomerate or clique which can be quite large at this level.
i think wizchan and other crab/neet communities can be an example to this.


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You'd have to nuke the govt first.


I was one of those. It's not only rejection but also harassment. That cuckery is not even telling it full despite being a damn textwall.

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let's make a written text (or book) of phrases, quotes, and wisdom that we, wizards, have acquired during our lives
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the magic acquired is yours to command, sure, but never show your power level


"NEETdom ends at 40s, be prepared"


"If something is imaginable while also inconvient, it should be expected to happen"

"Whatever evils torment anyone anywhere are direct threats smiling at you from afar"

"There are only two safe ways to live telling truths: anonymously and posthumously"

"Whatever want is causing pain when not satisfied is a declared enemy and deserves to be positively fed the opposite of what it yearns. Otherwise it feeds on our souls"

"Be patient, polite, modest… but always have a plan to kill everyone in the room"

"I didn't know what to say, so I decided that nothing should be said"


thank you for your contribution👍


What does this mean sir?

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Este es una especie de experimento, he visto a algunos hispanohablantes por aca, veamos si podemos crear un hilo(please remember this is an english-speaking website. posts must be in english.)
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Being a Wizard in Latin America is different than in the Anglosphere countries since Hispanics families and people in general are commonly closer and force you more to interact with people instead leaving you on your own.


that's why hispanic wizards are extremely rare yeah.


burrito?? anyone??


Yeah and that sucks even more since you don't wanna be around your loud, turbo-normie family. Also no such thing as neetbux here, you either have to wageslave or leech off your parents.


How do you think these walls in Peru were built? The only thing I can imagine is they had some way of melting the stone and were able to fit them together almost like clay.

It seems that long before us there was a civilization of intelligent people who had technology that we still don't understand, despite how "advanced" we are.
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>f it gets destroyed, it's not because it wasn't built to last, it's likely because the people don't want it anymore, for whatever reasons, and they might build something else there instead.

It gets destroyed because our culture is disposable. People only care about money. If anything doesn't serve that purpose then it needs to be destroyed and replaced with something that does maximize profit.

In the case of ancient cultures I wonder how often they demolished things compared to our culture which is constantly demolishing and rebuilding things.

There are some people who try to promote the idea that the dynastic Egyptians didn't build the pyramids because the earliest pyramids were
the most advanced and the later ones were more simple. The older pyramids used really hard materials like granite and had very defined shapes. While later pyramids were more simple and used mud bricks and natural hills. The theory is that the Egyptians inherited the early pyramids from an even more ancient global civilization and later on tried to recreate them with more primitive methods.

But if you compare it to our culture, we are constantly demolishing old structures to build new ones in their place. If our society was to fall, most of our oldest structures would be our best ones, and people would build more and more simple structures as society deteriorated.


>There's zero drive among anyone to make anything that will stick around because our culture is such shit and not something we would want to pass on.

i can respect the ambition to build something monumental that is supposed to last a long time as well as planting trees i will never be able to enjoy the shade of as a present to future generations.

but i also feel responsibility towards the reality of how short a human life is and how much tradition can be dead people's garbage weighing the current generation down.

personally i like to build things that are fast to construct AND equally fast to deconstruct so that i can replace them with something i would rather have once i no longer need the thing i have built. to me that is also a form of wise forethought. it reminds me of treating objects like objects and not personify them. i prefer '100% function 0% aesthetic' and to my surprise i end up liking how the stuff looks.

building something that is supposed to last this long into the future i consider slightly arrogant. it implies that current generations know best what future generations want and need while at the same time being tortured by the idiotic anti-human administrative stupidity of the past generations.

also what if you build somethig nice and then comes some evil empire that wants to steal your oil and just conquers the beautiful thing you built and puts a fast food restaurant inside as an insult.

does strike me as odd though that there are such incredible heavy building machines and the ease of industrial productions that would make building something monumental so achievable. it is a surprise to me that billionaires don't do that more. building big ass buildings would be a way better past time then wasting their life trying to influence elections that are mostly theater anyways…


maybe they put up gigantic sails that funneled the naturally occuring sand storms so that the sand falls onto the stones in a certain angle. or maybe they put up stones against the sand storms that naturally smoothed, with the sandy wind acting as the sandpaper.


>People only care about money

i guess this is the root of it. if other economic models would be implemented and the entire shadow of the money would to collapse and with it the shackles it holds humanity bondage in, culture might be more durable.

i'd still want my stuff to be biodegradable though so that it just melts back into the planet after a few decades. i wanted to build stuff for me, not giving a fuck what was before me, future people wanna build stuff they need themselves based on their dreams. i wouldn't want my old garbage to inhibit what little creativity that wasn't beaten out of future generations, it would feel selfish to me.

if i wanted to have a nice place to skate to spend my life and there was a big area unused because it was some ancient theater that the vain people of today want to keep around even though the bones of the last people who went there have already decomposed, i'd feel disrespected. i am more important then the dead people.


I was looking at some tourist videos of Egypt. The Red Pyramid in Dashur looks really nice to visit.
The Giza plateau is where the Great Pyramid is, but it's insanely crowded, tons of plastic trash on the ground everywhere, and tons of people trying to sell stuff to tourists.
However in this video showing the Red Pyramid it looks very chill and cozy by comparison. It actually kind of looks like an ancient, deserted place.

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It's not about how hard you work. Or how much you study.

To win promotions and get better opportunities, you need to be promoted by others who already have opportunities and money.

Those are not awarded on merit - they are awarded by social relations.
As a neurodivergent, you will never forge alliances with those in power or those who can promote you beyond anything other than shift manager at Starbucks or McDonald's.

It's a prison made by normies - for normies. You cannot escape it as a non-NT unless you make massive amounts of money through investments, which is completely unrealistic for 99,99% of the population.

Being neurodivergent is almost the same as a death sentence, it's a poverty trap. In fact, 86% of autists can't even get hired at all let alone get promoted to better positions.
Only 14% have jobs at all!

The cards were always so massively stacked against you, it cannot be said it's your fault at all. You can only curse or blame your parents for giving you these genes.
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>"cannot ever" implies that you know what isn't possible; you don't. you're being arrogant

no, it's not arrogance, just truth. Science is not a religion. It is a system designed to study the natural, material world. Using science to understand greater concepts of metaphysics, philosophy, etc. is just silly. It's like using a tape measurer for a job that needs a screwdriver, it doesn't make sense, it was never intended for that purpose, and any attempt otherwise is to try and elevate a system of study into something it's not. Read about the history of science and its origin and not what some new age stoner or atheist talking head. There are, by definition, limits to science if science is defined as an investigative system of studying the material world, namely that by definition, it cannot speak on fully immaterial properties.

People confuse science for formal logic, which is its own discipline, and similary for mathematics, its own thing, both of which are rooted closer to philosophy. Philosophy of course, has its roots in religion and faith, theology the father of all these things.

Stop worshipping science, it is worse than a false god, it's not even a god. It's just a tape measurer.


>Science and religion are one and the same.



to me it looks like your insistence of strict disambiguation and formally defined terms hinders more then it helps; assuming you are even interested in clearly communicating your thoughts.

words can never be more then signs pointing in a general direction. your ultimate belief in them looks misguided to me.

science and religion may as well be considered languages or habits. in science you publish results. in religion, you preach. you can use the one to express the other to some extend.

when looking at your statement
>science cannot ever explain any of these things
in that light, science can easily be used to explain religion and vice versa. your belief in the validity of limits has limited you from understanding that your limits are invalid.

i still maintain that it is an arrogant assertion to claim that you know what isn't possible. it implies that you have all the information (you do not), ran all the simulations (you did not, how could you with incomplete information) and know all possible scenarios (you don't, it would require you to have run all the simulations). that's arrogant delusion. my guess is you have chosen a very weak definition of 'impossible' the same way teenager say "oh my god" to everything. somebody does a backflip and you cross your arms and croak "that's impossible" even though it clearly is possible.

i guess more generally your assertion that you know what is impossible represents your long relation with limitation.


define science and religion in your own words then

cease such nonsensical pseudo mysticism, that is the stuff if charlatans. i am certain you can at least agree that words have meaning, and definitions matter, otherwise this conversation in English is meaningless. Formal definitions don't hinder or help, they simply define. That is an apple. This is a chair. I am possibly replying to a troll, that is, someone who argued to get a rise out of people in bad faith online. Words. Definition. Clarity.

Science, if one takes the time to actually study its history, development, or even picking a dictionary, will find in actuality that it is indeed, nothing more than a tape measurer of things in the material world. That is, things that are tangible, and ideally, repeatable in a scientific experimental system. Again, by definition it does NOT explain the WHY behind things, only HOW things happen, and if you asked yet another why underneath that, you are only met with another scientific how answer of chemicals, reaction, PHYSICAL properties either observed or inferred. Absolutely and utterly nothing to do with anything spiritual or metaphysical, that is, above physics, the physics of physics itself, the realm of pure abstraction and reason.

Without this clarity of thought, confusing science and religion, yoi are simply lost. Up is down and down is up, it is just by definition nonsense spouted by cannibas-addled minds pretending to discuss a level of intellectial depth via an inflatable kiddy pool. Bah.

I urge to examine yourself, or at least stop smoking as much weed before posting. Next you will tell me the numbers 1 and 2 are the same thing, just uttet nonsensd



thoroughly uninteresting post, i can appreciate you bothered to write a lot, for some people writing does not come easy, your reluctance could be an indicator that you are among those who have difficulties but the foul aftertaste of your words remain. in that case despite me disagreeing heavily, i could still appreciate the effort.

regardless, you are certain in things you have no business being certain of. wise men are full of doubts, they leave room for error and the unforseen.

you can't really prove that something is impossible. you can prove things are possible by doing them. but there is no proof of things being impossible, you can only prove they are impossible for you with your current situation. people can't prove god but neither can they disprove god.

to me this represents a severe lack of humility. the humble wiseman would take the blame and say he did not succeed. but the bumbeling fool loudly and arrogantly declares that things he tried are impossible, like an elephant in a shop that sells fragile porcelain tea cups.

the human eye does not even see the full spectrum, the human ear can only hear limited frequencies and you mean to tell me that you with all your limitation (including the cornucopia of things you don't even know enough to understand how limited you are in even just perceiving them) detected something to be impossible? well that doesn't really say much given how limited you are, compared to possibility.

when i read your words, i don't get the feeling you are someone who has had his mind blown with possibility, i suspect the opposite: you had your mind imploded, collapsed in itself due to lack of utilization…


wizards love exercising they love feeling powered out from a hot workout session

when was the last time you exercised
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Finally got me a 50lb dumbbell for some actual weight training, I was cool with doing pushups but I feel like there's limits to what one can gain from that.
This wasn't the best idea perhaps, it's lookin like me doing hammer curls with both hands and just the one weight until I can handle a bit more with one arm? And trying not to bop my balls when I bring that shit down lmao


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>CoC is really good for grip training

Thanks I decided to buy it, the No. 1 resistance version.
I like that it has metal knurled handles, seems high quality. Hopefully it'll help build up some calluses. The gripper and dumbbells I have now are rubber handles which are a little too soft on the hands.

Nice. Dumbbells are super versatile. You can use them for all kinds of exercises like leg squats, ab crunches, etc… not just for your arms.


Well met. I just got back from the gym. Hit 4 sets of 6x120lb tricep pushdowns, 10x10x250lb shrugs, and a bunch of 100lb barbell curls to failure in between. I'm too too heavy to do a pullup (my bones are made of depleted uranium) but I can hang for 30 seconds and growing


I was planning to do some squats with it too, just did but had to wait until my upper body felt way less cooked :3
And also did a lot of [that flank workout where you lean to one side with the weight and pull back up to the starting position fuck I wish I could remember what that was called]. feels good man


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My gym's Precor leg press sled is 136lb on 45° rails. Added 400lb of plates for a total 536lb. 45° incline detracts 30% of 536 for 375. That means I can SINGLE calf raise 375 at full range for 10+ reps with no noticeable fatigue. I will try to hit doubles of 850, but after incline deduction that would push the max load of the machine… I am not going to quad press that weight because I will literally shit my guts out.

Here's a kawaii wolfsuccubus

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