>>312542>idiots spamming the word "nigger" everywherebro, if you do not spam "nigger" everywhere, how should we distingues YOU from chatGPT and being a human?
only NPC/normalfags do not use the word nigger in theire post. cause they must be political correct. LOL, u are such a faggot.
the political stuff is everywhere, cause litteraly if you WALK on the funking street in any white country, you will see a massive fucking problem. and that is called "[sand/beaner] nigger fatigue" and people are just frustrated and need to vent to function normal. if you are none white, you simple can not understand nigger fatigue, also white LGBT+ social warriors trash can not do that also.
>>312563 walking the street in wester society as a person of western society and seeing forced shit and. Like, me just walking on the street, is horrible, cause i need to like pass people that literaly are invading and just fuck shit up and they are not nice to me, like from somalia and they like legit hate me. and like i do not even live in a no-go zone.
like shitskin do not understand how it is to have you hole culture errased infront of you and u can not do shit. ok… maybe indians and aboriginals, and some other people.
>>312568like the concept of "white race" is litteraly stupid. using the term "white race" is racist in my opinion. usa was a mistake.
>I hate normalfags of all colors and empathize with wizards and other people in similar positionsi agree with this 100%, but like. people should stay in there countrys. like i know US is a mutt land, and that can not be applied to that shithole over there,
>>313286>poltardpoltard are a endangered species, like after 8kun died. most "true hard belivers" in 2019 became normalfag and fullchan has been a race to the bottom with more and more trannys, communist, shitskin, shills, jews, normal fags, etc. people every year. todays pol is legit, unusable. like fuck that shit. only like happening threads, vax threads, competent crisis threads/boeing t
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