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wizards love exercising they love feeling powered out from a hot workout session

when was the last time you exercised
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Finally got me a 50lb dumbbell for some actual weight training, I was cool with doing pushups but I feel like there's limits to what one can gain from that.
This wasn't the best idea perhaps, it's lookin like me doing hammer curls with both hands and just the one weight until I can handle a bit more with one arm? And trying not to bop my balls when I bring that shit down lmao


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>CoC is really good for grip training

Thanks I decided to buy it, the No. 1 resistance version.
I like that it has metal knurled handles, seems high quality. Hopefully it'll help build up some calluses. The gripper and dumbbells I have now are rubber handles which are a little too soft on the hands.

Nice. Dumbbells are super versatile. You can use them for all kinds of exercises like leg squats, ab crunches, etc… not just for your arms.


Well met. I just got back from the gym. Hit 4 sets of 6x120lb tricep pushdowns, 10x10x250lb shrugs, and a bunch of 100lb barbell curls to failure in between. I'm too too heavy to do a pullup (my bones are made of depleted uranium) but I can hang for 30 seconds and growing


I was planning to do some squats with it too, just did but had to wait until my upper body felt way less cooked :3
And also did a lot of [that flank workout where you lean to one side with the weight and pull back up to the starting position fuck I wish I could remember what that was called]. feels good man


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My gym's Precor leg press sled is 136lb on 45° rails. Added 400lb of plates for a total 536lb. 45° incline detracts 30% of 536 for 375. That means I can SINGLE calf raise 375 at full range for 10+ reps with no noticeable fatigue. I will try to hit doubles of 850, but after incline deduction that would push the max load of the machine… I am not going to quad press that weight because I will literally shit my guts out.

Here's a kawaii wolfsuccubus

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vermis a book about a video game that never exist but it's comfy. don't worry you don't have to buy the books because the volume 1 and 2 are available in pdf format:
>vermis 1
>vermis 2
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Reading through the 1st one.
It's interesting.
As a amateur gamedev it seems silly to me to make an artbook for a nonexistent game instead of just making the game because the hardest part about making a videogame these days is the art assets.
I could easily see this being like Kings Field/Lunacid moreso than a Soulslike


as soulslikes are in fashion, so I will see the game as a soulslike haha.
>as a amateur gamedev
what game are you working on?


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open world roguelike
I haven't touched it in months, I lost motivation


looks like you need a lot of work to do it, how much time did it take to make this (actual progress)?


I took me a few months, but that is because I effectively enginedevved and nearly everything is my own code.
If it was done in Unity, Unreal, or Godot it wouldn't have taken nearly as long.

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 No.303590[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Fred bought 420chan for $4200 a couple months ago, details of the agreement are here: https://420chan.org/contract.pdf
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have not been keeping up with this but my guess is the site is still nothing but a link to this dead irc channel.


Anyone here regularly train with gymnastics rings?


Why even give this traitorous, degenerate attention-whore any attention?


that's a past wizchan admin, show some respect


Why give him attention? Why call him a gutless dogfucker? Because he is, and his actions continue to afflict the internet as a whole. It's important to keep tabs on people like him and to laugh at such an abomination's expense. He continues to do evil unto us so we shall make sport of him. Believe it or not, but Freddy is a 100% normal person (at least the brain part) so it's not likely he's beating his little midge meat to our words of hatred.

I assure you that on a board filled by adult men, your train of thought is alien. Asking (and Sageing no less) why we give something we dislike any attention is no different than a gypsy succubus mumbling a "just chill, no bad vibes allowed" mantra.

Well, as of May…

[Last 50 Posts]

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Many, many years ago, I think it was 2017 I really wanted to help fellow wizzies.

So I got rich off crypto, yes, one of those early adopter guys.

In 2017 or so Ethereum was just starting to take hold. It cost around 7$ to 14$.

I did some modelling and extrapolated that it has extremely high likelihood of replicating Bitcoin's initial success due to tokenomic system.

I made a post on wizchan back in the day (forgot which domain) and told you wizzies to buy ETH as it will most likely go up 100x and you will all be rich like me.

Guess what happened next? Admin deleted the thread for no reason. I tried to help and admin just deleted the thread and warned me.

Of course ETH did 100x at least. All what I said happened over the course of next few years. If any lucky wizards read the thread before it got deleted you'd be rich right now.

It's really sad and kind of disgusting moderators did this and shot community in the foot. I really wanted to help and nothing more. For wizards like us getting rich is the ONLY redemption we can hope for.
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crypto leeches are the lowest of the low. I have no respect for you or anyone else who lives off of collecting financial arbitrage.


My only complain about mods its because they are now allowing crabs to post


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Teach people how to fish, instead of giving them fish.
I think that it would be better if you posted videos and free courses which explain the logic and economic theory behind your calculations. Or just general economic functions literacy.
I know it's realistically even more impossible but at least you'd have a chance to actually hwlp a couple of wizzies out not just with ETH but generally understanding investment.


OP just won the cassino, nothing more or less


>monero bad because it has actual use case

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wizards itt i try to channel a spell. since i am a legit health wizard, my focused attention can manifest physically. there is surprisingly few magical activity happening in here but i am not willing to take example of that.

the spell i am humbly attempting is healing. these are the magic words:

>may every wizard who wants to be more healthy find a way to become more healthy.

the idea is i keep posting in the thread, having the thread serve as a reminder for you; of your power to create positive change in your life and not succumb to the general direction of decay. i intend to hold high the proclamation that you can be both the architect and the builder of a better life if you so choose, it is up to you. you can just decide to be more healthy, demand it from yourself and watch the gears start to turn as your intelligence comes up with ideas to improve your situation and then your muscles turning the ideas into actions.

i've said this before, don't mind me repeating it: the number one most important aspect of healing is the belief that it is possible to improve. everything starts from this positive expectation, this confidence and if you boil it down and look into why some people have it and others don't, it is that those who have it decided to have it. choose health.
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after a while of putting effort into maintaining a positive habit, it no longer requires the effort. it just becomes normality. everything becomes effortless and quick and suddenly there is space to do other things.

in the beginning making a big change costs willpower, a short duration of climbing up a hill. the hill is never as big as it seems though. after walking up this hill carefully, making small steps, the top is reached and after that it goes downhill and everything becomes easy.

the willpower only needs to be summoned in the beginning. i keep wondering if most people's perception of willpower is just wrong. they think of it as a genetic attribute. an adjective that you are either born with or not. that's idiocy to me, all willpower is keeping a thought in your head. thinking it often. thinking about it, imagining it. that's all it is. achieving something is thinking about it for one minute today and for two minutes tomorrow. it's a verb, it's an action, it's a skill and the more you do it the better you get at it.

every time i completed something using willpower i am left with the same feeling: this was easy, i thought it might be difficult but it turned out it wasn't, had i known how easy it would have been i would not have procrastinated it for so long. complete a few things that way and you are already deep into using your potential and everything seems like it is easy and possible. that's how a positive upward spiral that can lift a person out of depression/ nihilism can begin. just by holding the thought.

i already eat healthy but recently i put a bit more effort in and bothered to get stuff i believe is even better for me and stopped eating a snack here and there once in a while. my father wanted to buy me dinner in an indian restaurant today and i tricked him. i said "sure come over at 11 and then later we can go eat there" and instead of having him buy me cooked dinner in a restaurant, i made a big ass salad with this increadible sauce from sesame paste and raw tomato. been feeling good the last few days, i know i am over the hill now and maintaining eating like this and rejecting all sinful food will be easy now.


time is the only currency. there are other currencies that pretend to be the currency but they are not the currency.



time is not money

one thing (which arrogantly insists on being called currency) decides how big and luxurious your bedroom is or how shiny and new your vehicle is. it can be measured in pieces of paper, or variables in a computer. mostly just bytes on a memory.

the other thing (which humbly doesn't advertise for itself) decides whether you will be here tomorrow.

one can be easily regulated, manipulated and stored.

the other one is just and righteous, it is distributed to everyone fairly. similar to the sun who shines on everybody unconditionally. it is so perishable that it can never be stored. it can only be used fresh.

through the theater of 'work' one (the fake one) exists as a desperate attempt of those who don't have the other, to trick people out of their fair share of the other.

money is just a complicated, cruel, deceitful method of holding other people's time hostage.

don't be tricked into giving your fair share away. you can not hold it, only slightly bend it in your favor. keep it and use it while you have it.


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I don't know whether this has to do with me being a virgin bro, but I've always loved the trope in shows where a serious, angry female fighter, attacker, villain, or any upset and belligerent succubus blushes after being randomly kissed by the guy she is trying to physically hurt, or after receiving some form of affectionate treatment, whether by accident or on purpose.
I like that it shows more depth to the character, revealing that she is a vulnerable human, and has a softer feminine romantic side. It's also hilarious as well, seeing that a kiss can break her concentration and make her feel infatuated for a moment. I've enjoyed this trope ever since I was a kid. It’s a masculine idea that you can quell a succubus’s ire with a kiss, even if it's just for a mere second, and I think it works really well in fiction. It is a male fantasy I suppose but it is a funny and interesting one.

This thread is to share all those tropes that you like, virgin bros
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if the two of you were both *really* as satisfied with your respective lives as you claim, there would be no need to come on here and defend your choices, much less belittle the life paths of others.


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don't lump me in with someone who may as well put on a vr-headset and stay in virtual reality all day while real reality happens without him. just cut off your body, have your brain be kept in a glass filled with glowing fluid, attach it to usb and keep it alive so you can watch videos in your head.

if you don't think this should be belittled then you defend it, what's so great about a life based on illusion and without substance?. i'm just over here belitteling the concept of illusion and entertainment while you come up with something of substance, in the meantime (assuming you too can not come up with anything that justifies this life) i look down on you.


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>you are literally mentally ill lmfao

that's not a lot you have to say for yourself. just some canned, generic, uncreative response that could have applied to just any thread.

you know the penguin holding the tray? here you probably love that meme and you can use it in any situation because that's all you ever have to say. you're just a machine.


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i like the trope of Pinocchio. just some liar who finally understands being a liar sucks and then once he stops lying, he becomes real.


then why don't you point out what is mentally ill? probably because you can't.

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Some seriously evil people in this world, what do you gain out of purposefully shitting on people's lives? Your life is not better than ours, quite the opposite if you're going to harass wizards…
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I hope not. Look what happened to 4chan. I just want to have this


If i was living some fulfilling normie life i honestly don't think i'd bother shitting on wiz's with such venom. They'll laugh and tell you "LOL, IT TAKES NO TIME OR EFFORT TO SHIT ON YOU!", but it seems like such an odd thing to do if you're genuinely happy with your station in life. I guess modern life has reduced everyone to an online schizo and all that's left to do is signal to everyone how totally above it you are.


>Look what happened to 4chan. I just want to have this
wait, you want the same thing to happen to wizchan?


No sir. I just want to have wizchan be free from the riffraff


The internet is just the facilitator. In reality most people were such demons thousands of years before the internet existed.

People are just vile and disgusting.


I'm a 34-old permanent virgin and my future looks bleak. Strangely enough I'm not really bothered by all that.

I fully realized one truth today however, and it hit me like a sledgehammer: Succubi, surely not all of them but the vast vast majority, are boring and predictable as some cutout cartoon character. I don't dislike them, I masturbate to pictures and fantasies including them on the daily, I've got really nothing against them. But I don't appreciate their prolonged company, as most of them are shallow, overly fixated on looks and trends and are really touchy … If I were gay (and this thought keeps echoing in my mind for some while now), things would be so much easier.
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They're like a pet that can ruin your life and has the whole legal system on their side. On top of that they're chronic liars and cheaters. I don't understand why normalfags chase after them. The only difference between a female and a demon is that demons are much nicer.


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A coomer's future always looks bleak. You could at least try edging or SR but like no damn way, so there is your life force going literally down the drain.


>I remember years ago discussing with a neurotypical friend our 'ideal' partners. Some stuff I said were shared niche interests, being able to discuss things deeply, reserved and loyal etc. He just looked at me and said "Dude you're not looking for a girlfriend, you're looking for a bro you can fuck".
He was spot on when he said that.
What you described is definitely not something a succubus can offer and it sounds more like a buddy or roommate. succubi and relationships like that only exist in anime.

You came to the right conclusion as you chose to not be a nice guy weirdo and instead disregard females as any self-respecting man would. If you can notice a hostility in their expressions and remarks you are most likely right about that as well because that's how they act.


> If I were gay (and this thought keeps echoing in my mind for some while now), things would be so much easier
you will most likely be on some medication, have mental disorders, and be a sexhaver with a high body count, if you were gay.


There are some succubi like that but they are usually fat and a bit masculine, i. e. the polar opposite of the ideal most men go for.

They are basically just guys who happen to have female private parts.

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Getting a job has proven to be nigh impossible and it frustrates the hell out of me. It's been one week since my seventh interview, and like all others, I've gotten no call from the company. All that I am seeking is entry level minimum wage bogus, because that's all I'm qualified for. I'm mildly autistic, I'd put myself at a two or three on a scale of ten. Not impaired enough for anyone to sense it, I just come off as an awkward and quiet man. That being the case, I feel like all my interviews have been good enough, I can answer the questions given to me aptly and in a polite manner. So I really don't know I am doing wrong for the interviews. Does anyone know of any incantations to use on an interviewer that would guarantee employment?
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think of it as less bullcrap, and more connecting the dots for them. they are looking for A, B, and C characteristics to do job X, Y, and Z. Oh, and it just so happens you're the person for the job, because you have A, B, and C qualifications and can do X, Y, an Z jobs. obviously this is all very generic advice, and the truly best advice is to mold yourself into what they're looking for. to tailor the resume, the interview, the candidate (you) to be as hirable and appealing as possible, at least until you secure the deal

best of luck out there wizzie


>I feel like all my interviews have been good enough, I can answer the questions given to me aptly and in a polite manner.

Looks, height, race, sex, age and perceived social skills are mostly what determines the outcome of a job interview more than anything else. A young perky blond bitch can pretty much get any job she wants even if she's under qualified (that's how you end up with all these succubi that have useless jobs but still make six figures). A balding brown manlet is gonna have the odds stacked against him no matter how qualified he is.
In your case it's almost certainly the 'tism that's doing you in. I'm not autistic, but I'm a bit socially off despite my best efforts and it's definitely affected me during job interviews as well. If people pick up on even the slightest hint that you're socially different than them, it's over.

Also, certain jobs are associated with certain groups of people. You'll find it difficult to get a job in housekeeping or as a domestic cleaner if you're a man, even if the job doesn't require any qualifications. Many cafes or restaurants will only employ young succubi to serve as waitresses with the occasional hot guy. And ever see a guy working at a lingerie store? Didn't think so, even though gender discrimination is technically illegal.

For guys like you (and me for that matter) you either need to find a job that insta hires people with no interview (look into temp agencies) or develop skills that are so in demand the pool of candidates is low enough they don't get to be picky about superficial bullshit.


>Looks, height, race, sex, age and perceived social skills are mostly what determines the outcome of a job interview more than anything else


You might have projector's aura. Which means you should never go after things to achieve them, but await for an invitation towards something, and it needs to be the right something, with chances of getting away whenever you need it, if you do not want to end up messed up badly.

Check here:https://sanctuarybykristenrice.com/bloghome/humandesignprojectors
(do not fall for paying a thing, there are apps which can tell you everything about your type and strategy and many things more, this page is worth just its text)


this wizard knows

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Why are many here are certified /pol/tards ?
I do not Care About politics, I could never effect or change anything in my own country's politics, but I am wonderibg what makes many social outcasts, perma virgins, and Hikis attracted to that board's ideaolgy
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That's because of numbers. In terms of crime percentage it has no use to put white race as the worst to live with

they ignore data on purpose, as lefties do for an habit


it become a must be after 2016 4chan


Teh! Teh colonizars! They coloniz'd muh cuntrey! and.. and gave me electricity.? and… knowledge? wut… they're still evil doe..


spaniard kikes(sephardic jews) decimated and racemixxed with amerindians ruining a once based empire and continent and then lost their colony which didn't even last for 3 centuries.
Now look at Spain's population, they are all left leaning radical feminists with moor blood and without any fucking gold because their gold reserves was given to the bolshevisk, all that conquest for naught.

I have more respect for the Incas and amerindian people than any racemixxing spaniard nigger. Their so called civilization has proven to be a downgrade and they committed the worst crime of all, racemixxing. Spaniard colonizers are no better than niggers.

I don't have to call them evil like the other poster, they are simply animals and dysgenic, no different from white chicks who breed with niggers or white men who marry asians and produce a hapa offspring.


>idiots spamming the word "nigger" everywhere
bro, if you do not spam "nigger" everywhere, how should we distingues YOU from chatGPT and being a human?
only NPC/normalfags do not use the word nigger in theire post. cause they must be political correct. LOL, u are such a faggot.

the political stuff is everywhere, cause litteraly if you WALK on the funking street in any white country, you will see a massive fucking problem. and that is called "[sand/beaner] nigger fatigue" and people are just frustrated and need to vent to function normal. if you are none white, you simple can not understand nigger fatigue, also white LGBT+ social warriors trash can not do that also.

like, >>312563 walking the street in wester society as a person of western society and seeing forced shit and. Like, me just walking on the street, is horrible, cause i need to like pass people that literaly are invading and just fuck shit up and they are not nice to me, like from somalia and they like legit hate me. and like i do not even live in a no-go zone.

like shitskin do not understand how it is to have you hole culture errased infront of you and u can not do shit. ok… maybe indians and aboriginals, and some other people.

like the concept of "white race" is litteraly stupid. using the term "white race" is racist in my opinion. usa was a mistake.

>I hate normalfags of all colors and empathize with wizards and other people in similar positions

i agree with this 100%, but like. people should stay in there countrys. like i know US is a mutt land, and that can not be applied to that shithole over there,


poltard are a endangered species, like after 8kun died. most "true hard belivers" in 2019 became normalfag and fullchan has been a race to the bottom with more and more trannys, communist, shitskin, shills, jews, normal fags, etc. people every year. todays pol is legit, unusable. like fuck that shit. only like happening threads, vax threads, competent crisis threads/boeing tPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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