No.312907[View All]
We really can't stop winning wiz bros while dumb cattle who follow blindly the media fell victim to one of the biggest pharma corpo scams of the century and to this day, they keep losing.
They bought into the psyop, wore double masks, took the jab and got triple quadruple boosted, and even got into fights with people who did not want to take the deadly jab. These npc cattle shilled for it as well on social media, it wasn't enough for them to take it themselves, they wanted everyone to be vaxxed.
On the other hand, every intelligent wizard was able to tell from a mile away that it was fishy, you can just do a quick research and see that Pfizer CEO is a kike and kikes have a bad reputation, as liars and fraudsters. The kikes behind the media were pushing for this state of emergency and lockdowns due to a harmless virus that supposedly came from china, yet wizards did not fall for it because we knew it was bullshit.
Everyone that took the vaxx might as well be dead, because in their compliance for the powers that be their human freedom was gone as well. Their spirit to be free from mental slavery was not there, maybe it was never there in the first place.
I did not fall for it and wasn't afraid because I've been gifted with foresight. Now, almost 5 years later, the sheep have to admit they were wrong and got manipulated, that the vaccines were not safe and effective. That the science was more concerned with money than with saving lives.
>AstraZeneca withdrawing Covid vaccine, months after admitting rare side effect. The Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid vaccine is being withdrawn worldwide, months after the pharmaceutical giant admitted for the first time in court documents that it can cause a rare and dangerous side effect
>AstraZeneca has insisted the decision to withdraw the vaccine is not linked to the court case or its admission that it can cause TTS. It said the timing was pure coincidence.
Stay strong, wiz bros, and remember: the biggest hoax is reproduction.
59 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. No.313366
>>312907bro, you brought literally nothing to the table with this thread. no new insight, no personal take, no unique context. three possibilities:
1- youre a troll. in which case this topic has been done to death and isnt amusing or interesting if you have nothing new to offer in your trolling. if a troll, you are literally the lowest level of troll. im not mad and im not amused. im bored.
2- youre sincere. if so, read my initial statement. why should i care about anything you have to say? making threads is like art. everything we do/say has been done/said a million times, so you have to stamp what you do/say with your identity, which is the one unique thing a person has to offer… sort of…
3- youre a russian/north korean bot trying to flame culture war. i wonder if bots are tailored to specific sites, or if they just roam around the internet spamming the same shit with a title tweaked for the sights they copy pasta to.
please, bring something new to the table, or at least, something sort of, almost new.
>>313332> humans aren't meant to have violent resource conflictsviolent resource conflicts? that is darwinism 101. it is exactly what we have been programmed to do based on millions of years of evolution.
>humans had the chance to transcend all this shit but what fucked it up are groupsagain, darwinism 101. groups enable better odds at survival. all human knowledge/progress is based on cooperation and the sharing of knowledge. no groups means all individual progress is lost when the individual dies, meaning knowledge cannot compound over time.
>groups are trash, religions are trash, sports clubs are trash, nations are trashtrue in some ways.
>it's all just vanitycompletely true in every way
>nature's plan was so much bettereverything you are bitching about is the result of natures plan. all human instinct/behavior is just reactivity to our environment… you know, nature?
>humans had the chance to transcend all thisi guess the question is will we ever have the chance to transcend this? do we have that evolutionary capacity? i'd argue we have the capacity but the odds are against us achieving it.
>violent resource conflicts? that is darwinism 101. it is exactly what we have been programmed to do based on millions of years of evolution.that's not universally agreed upon. look into hunter gatherer communities, their culture, values and social norms. you fell for the psychopath's theater, trying to insist that everything is war all the time. the hundreds of thousands of years when anatomically modern humans climbed down trees were not one big war and rape orgy, that's just what warriors and rapists say because they don't want to be considered mentally ill.
>again, darwinism 101. fuck your darwinism you teacher's pet. it is not the golden key to open all doors that you want it to be.
>groups enable better odds at survival. all human knowledge/progress is based on cooperation and the sharing of knowledge. no groups means all individual progress is lost when the individual dies, meaning knowledge cannot compound over's all about the group size. there are group sizes that make sense and then the large the group gets, the more ridiculous, centralized, psychopathic, illusory, injust and dystopian the group becomes. there are group sizes that are mutually beneficial and then when the group becomes too big, it turns into slavery and war.
dunbars number suggest human group size is organically around 150, which sounds a bit too big for me but i could handle 150.
millions of people, billions of people, that's automatically slavery. that's people licking public toilets.
>everything you are bitching about is the result of natures plan. all human instinct/behavior is just reactivity to our environment… you know, nature?agriculture, proprietary industrialization, landownership, armies and war are all the reactionary game of problems and solution made by people who try so desperate to be gods but never quite got there. then there are people who are already gods, who live dignified outside the narrow constraint of desperation you call normality. they live in harmony with nature, they are wise as to the consequences of their actions long before they become apparent, they solve problems, they learn, they are on the path of constant improving and understanding, they are responsible for their actions, they think far into the future and if everyone was like them, there would be not a war.
the shit you erroneously lump together as natural is exactly those greedy people who never get enough, who insist being alive means war and struggle for resources, who would never be content even if they owned all the riches. they don't feel it, they don't feel like gods, they crave external validation as a substitute but it can never be as good as living as a god. always wanting more is not natural. living in the abundance nature provides already and deciding that this is not enough is not natural. trying to enslave other humans and make them cogs in a machine that generates passive income is not natural. stock markets are not natural, interest is not natural, atomic weapons are not natural. greedy people are sick and i look forward to nature throwing them off. as you may have learned during the pandemic, your precious doctors in fact are not able to protect you from getting sick. but those who lived in harmony with nature were protected.
I love how there are "mysterious" excess deaths in many, many countries and also how constantly ill vaxxed normies are now. In my country now I constantly see normalniggers with WEEKS long flu or colds. And that is the fun part, they now say it's a cold or flu, they don't even think about covid when 3 years ago they would get diagnosed even if you got shot in the head lmao. The vaxx destroyed their immune system. Hopefully they start to die soon so housing prices go down. Total Normalnigger Death.
>>313501the arrogance on these jews to deceive so many people into sickness and death and then to assume the character of the victim and feign moral concern. fucking psychotic.
Why don't you apply the same level of skepticism that you apply to vaccines to everything else in life? I bet today you ate some snack from some megacorp like Cheetos, if the elites were trying to poison people why not just put the poison in there?
>>313746>…if the elites were trying to poison people why not just put the poison in there?Yeah, they do that too.
this was the greatest crime in human history. have people really forgotten about it? I don't know who is more pathetic – the "elite" jews who are so devilishly psychotic that their obsession with depopulation of the hated goyim caused them to fake an entire plague; or the goyim themselves who are so robotic and indoctrinated that they unthinkingly trust the jews who control media and medicine (and everything else).
>Stay strong, wiz bros, and remember: the biggest hoax is reproduction.
True. Anyone against abortion is generally under the Jewish spell. Stop sex, abort babies, and end the world. The Jew worships the satanic and old testament god.
>>313843anyone who is pro-abortion is under the jewish spell. they run all the abortion clinics and advertising agencies that market these procedures to trusting goyish succubi. they are demons. really everything jews do (beyond just abortion) is about stultifying/lessening/mixing/weakening/destroying the populational strength of competing racial groups. vaccines, feminism, communism, lgbt, processed food, mass immigration, senseless wars, and much more, all act as pressures that slowly reduce population size. they are a demon army, a literal ancient blood cult that must be stopped or humanity will be wiped out. it's remarkable that this murderous group has been allowed to have so much power for this long.
>>313844Jew science. Abortion is the only thing succubi can do that isn’t Jewish.
This paper puts vaxxie subhumans on suicide watch:"We found that 73.9% of deaths were directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination."
A world ruled by wizards would be one of kindness and mercy and clarity in all dealings. The people would not be deceived as they are now under Judeo-Phoenican-Masonic rule. It is beyond sad what has happened. The enormity of this crime is unexampled in human history. I don't know if it more witnesses the idiocy of every kind of norman who uncritically submitted to the experiment or rather the complete detached madness of the elite jews who somehow surmised it was strategically prudent to execute something as deranged as this. In just the last 25-30 years they've unmistakably announced (((their))) existence to the world at least two times (9/11 and Covid). I cannot understand the mentality that would drive a group that is so fixated on secrecy to make such poor command decisions. The older generations of powerful jews were just as evil but many times wiser not to betray the motions of their meddling hands. In any case, the management of the world itself without any public agreement has been deputed to the wrong people for many many hundreds of years now. It must change. The judeo-satanic rules are indeed sufficiently smart to fool 95% of the goyim, but the remaining 5% must work to displace them, so that a better world may form.
i hate so fucking much nfags, like it is a blessing if the consperacy therey of vax tard will die. i really hope it is true.
>Deagel report for 2025
also the red cow in israel and the ((())) are buiulding the ramp/altar at the mound.
from what i belive (and ofc this is all pulled out of my ass)
AI will be the "anti-christ/messiha".
they also destroyed the guide stones or what ever shit it is called, which probebly indicate, that they have done the thing to reduce the population. which may be the vax or maybe ww3 that is to come…
as it is obious, if taiwan war breaks out. ww3 will happen, and according to taiwan PM it will be in year 2027.
so, i belive. like(i understand my selfe this is pulled from my ass). like in year 2025 we will see begining of vax die of, cause like "Deagel report", and there was a united nation loan or something that said they were giving out money until 2025, as they expect it to end after that.
so, like 5 year after the vaccine has been injected, people will die. they also, injected the vaccine 2 years BEFORE the annoncment of openAI and AI becomeing mainstream, as to hide to the public why they "will not be missed". cause AI will replace the people who die… if you look at "mouthy buddha" documentary, he made a video in 2019 or so… maybe 2021? (i know that mouthy buddha is dead as of right now, just using him to show my point) idk. were they were talking about AI giving theme citizenship. thus the elite knew, like in 2019-2021 that AI is near and will have soon AGI(Artificial general intelligence).
to be honest, maybe the vaccine is the 1st plan for the elite to reduce the population and if it dose not work, they will do 2nd plan, that is to cause ww3 and drop the bombs. or maybe the 1st plan is both. one thing is for sure, if ww3 happens, and taiwan get bombed to shit, the only place left to produce chips will be in south korea and maybe israel). do you think this has some connection/relvancy to something?
i have been following, with great enthusiast the vax thread on 4ch and of late, they seem to have deteriorated in quality, sadly. like 1 month back, and they were much better. (maybe it is just summer time and people are going on holidays? idk)
i like when people give us like CDC or sientific pappers of vax dying. but after 5 years, the charts should show trends going down in people health. the only real shit i know of, is if you search "us life expectancy" in google.
2019 - 78,79
2021 - 76,33
but china life expectany gose up, but that could be because it is "fake and gay" as everything offical in that country is, or so i was told by "china uncensored"
either way, when we get the data for all countrys life expectany between year 2020 to 2025, i think we can defenetly say if vaccine is a truthfull conspiracy.
i like more graph to look at then "pappers that covid vaccine cause death", cuase that is better to see who is correct. u get me wizards?
>>313871>make such poor command decisionsJews aren't perfect, anon. They still make mistakes
Regardless, you are very naïve with
>but the remaining 5% must work to displace them, so that a better world may formnormalfags are like rabid dogs, they are instinctual creatures. They almost have higher order thinking, but they really don't. It's like a facsimile of thinking, interacting with chat bots made me realize that what they do and how they work is very similar to normalfags, they're entirely context based creatures that simply emulate what "seems right" based on their context, but leave them alone and they will rip and tear everything without a care like animals that follow their basal instincts (The entire field of behaviorism exists to prove that shit)
>>313956(((they))) will be stopped. i cannot understand throughout all the tired course of history no man or group ever evidenced himself capable of stopping them with finality. Phoenicia - Carthage - Venice - Amsterdam - London - New York: thousands of years of time saturated with their treachery, and not one group truly meaningfully opposed them. it is an embarrassment to be ruled by these deceiving jokers.
>>313998We will win, my brother.
>>314034Yes. A new juster world is coming. Millenial monarchist wizards will rule it.
it is
CDC is the only source we have.
>>315364whats your country?
2 more weeks until vaxx apocalypse, any moment now.
one of the more intelligent people became rabid mad-dog paranoid fuck-wit during the bullshit going around, it got so bad that he put up a sign saying everyone must double mask before entering the store… then after approving you he would buzz you thru to stand in front of floor to ceiling 1'' plexiglass and do not speak at all just pay for what you wanted and leave…
i asked him if he thought the precautions actually did any good. i got yelled at for speaking…
When i repeated my inquiry he got all red in the face and grabbed me and shoved me out the doors screaming never to come back.
i left a note reminding him that books are a marvelous breeding home viruses and other bugs and he would need to burn the entire 70 year old bookstore to the ground and have acid baths every
day .
he never spoke to me again i never went back.
dam'd shame it was the bestest bookstore in north kalistan…
>>315376That doesn't sound like a very intelligent person, educated aren't always intelligent. Sometimes they just have good memories to graduate in something with zero actual thinking skills, schools don't teach people to think.
>>315380understanding is a rare gift
most people's brains are just repeat machines
I mean was it really that difficult of a test not to take a some weird shot for at the beginning four and as time goes on six and maybe more times for a disease that has less than 1% chance of killing you even if you got it in the first place?
>>312907>Stay strong, wiz bros, and remember: the biggest hoax is reproductionBased.
>>313332>every excuse for violent manipulative psychopaths to sit together at a table and think about how to hurt everyone else is trashBased.
>bros, soon the vaxxed will have mass collpase!
>4 years later
>nothing happened
Wow, unvaxxed nigger are so dumb, kek.
>bros, soon the unvaxxed will have mass collpase!
>4 years later
>nothing happened
Wow, vaxxed nigger are so dumb, kek.
>>315404>>nothing happeneda lot of things "never happened" because the media didn't report on it. just because a tree falls in a forest and no one hears it, then it didn't happen, right? if you bother to look, a lot of people are dying from heart related issues and having bad auto-immune responses. it's hidden in plain sight, like many other things. maybe in 20-40 years we will start to see some awareness about it, like we did with cigarettes, asbestos and lead in the water pipes lol
This is becoming the big lie amongst normalfolk, that covid was saved by the deathjab and this is all beyond questioning. People get really mad when you push them on it because of the emotional buy in.
It'll be interesting to see what happens if we can ever crack a hole in their mental wall. Some boomers seem to be hearing the music, there's a viral video of one berating an invader here just today and before that would have been unheard of.
>>315458normies will only question covid if mainstream media tell them to
>>315500same here
>>314109>A new juster world is coming. Millenial monarchist wizards will rule it.kek
I still think about this.
who’s more insane? the goyim who believe uncritically all things the talmud box tells them, or the jews who thought up the concept of fake pandemics as a way of getting people to suicide themselves?
>>316118Jews are by far, because they are the propagandists who conditioned people to believe the lies in the first place.
>Almost 2030
>Zero mass deaths of vaxxed people
Lmao, schizo will be schizos.
>>316146>1984>almost 1990>zero mass deaths of sugar and seed oil eaterslmao schizos will be schizos
>>316147>>316148You niggas really can't use your head, lmao.
>>316148The effect of lead on Rome has been dramatically overstated. Mainly by people who have no understanding of chemistry or biology. The Victorian era was far more dangerous from a envirmental toxicity perspective.
>>316149no u
no one believed there would be mass deaths except actual schizos
there are long term negative effects of the vaccines, but mainstream media and science denies this, just like they have been doing about seed oils, high sugar low fat diet, asbestos, even tobacco was advertised as healthy
I didn't get vaxxed and rarely get sick, didn't even have a cold this whole year
but the people at my workplace, the majority of them are constantly at least mildly sick with stuffed sinuses, headaches, mild fevers etc.
some of them I got to know well enough that they told me they got vaxxed
there is also the minority of healthy wagies like me, and some of them told me they never got vaxxed, and I don't know about the rest
the covid vaccines were unnecessary for most people who took them, and they messed with those people's immune systems
i'm not saying it's any crazy conspiracy involving the jews
just that it's dirty business and abuse of the system
vaccine producers found a way to pretty much force governments to buy their product and they used that opportunity, that's all
>>316159How would you react if the government and society tried to force you to get a lead injection, though?
>>316163Die I guess.
High speed forcible lead injections (aka being shot) tend to be fatal.
I am not bullet proof.
You know that you live in the Twilight Zone when Americans look you in the eye and say tyranny is good because everyone who loves freedom works for a college.
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