Have you ever read "The Vision of Piers Plowman"? Has anyone who was not assigned to read it by an educational institution? How much of the most important key fundamentals of the life of a common man does anyone alive today share? Really? "Those who work, those who fight, and those who pray." These are not understandable social categories to the citizen of the 21st century. They were the fundamental social categories of all of human history to a point, but only human history. Human prehistory was almost certainly as strange to the humans who lived within history as the human present would be to either category. Piers Plowman is kept current because it was so in touch with the experience of life of a normal vice-filled common man, but no-one shares that experience or that worldview and it would be nonsense to try to replicate it.
One day in the near future, perhaps as late as the end of the 22nd century, most human consciousness will flow from neuro-paste cultured in wafers which gained most of its experience of its "world" through interaction with diffusion models and language models which are themselves trained off of the creative output of those large banks of human biopaste wafers. There will be much more consciousness embodied in the relatively small volume of biopaste than in all the generations of human life that lead up to it. As far as we can tell today all human intelligence and consciousness exists within a relatively small volume of a few neural clusters along the surface of the gray matter of the brain, we would not really have much use for the majority of the neurons of a normal brain. The living space and resources required for an apartment complex would house the cognitive resource equivalent to millions in this more efficient human mind harvest farm. Life within the jar along the wafer in the dream of a robot harvesting your joy and fear and imagination and thought is the key, fundamental human lifecycle and human lifespan that is waiting for those who arrive in the near future, and it can only be averted to anything else by way of a competency crisis or by poisoning the advancement of science with deliberate scientific fraud. The experience of being human will not be fundamentally similar to life enmeshed in the family dramas and interpersonal traumas of early 21st century liberal two legged fully bodied society for long.
Perhaps most human brain matter will have been dedicated to living its early life as a bu
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