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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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I have now turned 30 years old. I have now attained wizardry. I spent years waiting for this moment and now I am witnessing the transformation before my very eyes.
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True, becoming a succubus would make life easier, but so would getting a lobotomy. Forcing others to take care of you.
Trooning out is not a means to becoming a succubus. You are still a man, but with boobs and with your dick lopped off. The technology isn't there yet.


>The technology isn't there yet.
And I don't think it ever will be, I mean you would have to change your Y chromosomes into X, and even if you managed to do that to every single cell in your body, you're still too old for your body to transform into a true female body. You would need to transplant your brain onto your artificially grown female clone, and even then there are differences between the male and female brain. So the only way to truly become a female would be to take your memories, skills, your brain software essentially, copy them onto your female clone, and then somehow transfer your point of view onto that clone. Only in fantasies.


You were born aspie/autist and it can't be "cured" no matter how much family yells at you.


Closest thing you have is masking.
It's not really a "cure" as much as Linux trying to emulate being Windows.

That or just dealing with it and trying to make the best out of it as is.


Yeah, except the input lag is major and the kernel keeps bugging out and annoying anyone interacting with it.


Any wizard here got so deep into the ways of handling urges that he can fap edging (like weekly, lets say) without finishing it and zero consequences (like night pollutions) because he learned to handle the energy?

Please elders share the ways of aura charging. I wish to thrive in this path
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It's just retards suppressing their natural bodily function. It's absurd to deny yourself that in a world where some male model fucks 7 different succubi a week.

And then you have those "gooners" denying themselves even their own touch. They're just torturing themselves for no reason.


Semen retention has a plethora of physical and mental benefits.


You will risk inflammation of the prostate. Stupidity


just ignore those retards, ejaculate, and move on with your life

semen retention is for insecure self-loathing /pol/tards who think theyre gonna bloom into go-getter type normalfags by not touching their wand

the supposed "benefits" can be attributed to many other variables and anyone can convince themselves of anything eg snake oil faggot forums full of sunk cost fallacy idiots hyping eachother up


All of which aren't objectively measurable or empirically verifiable.

I don't find testimonials compelling.

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How can I stop feeling jelous or envious of my peers who have countless things that I lack (not speaking about muh sex or circles of friends), I recognize nature, genetics, and luck are not in everyone's favor and people are different hence it is irrational to envy someone else since we are different, you just thrown into this world and the rest is history, I wish to end my Īrṣyā:
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I think it's pretty much as you say, we're all on different paths. You have to come to terms with the fact that not everything in life is granted or possible to everybody. My disposition made it so that I spent my teens inside playing games and watching anime instead of seeking interaction with peers. Then later in higher education, it took me about twice as long as 'normal people' to finish my degree because I couldn't handle a full course load. Feeling bad about it won't change anything. Wishing it was different will only make the pain worse. It's probably about detachment and acceptance.


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Thank you, Thank you


>probably a brainrotting coomer in denial


Polish the car of your good neighbour who you envy, sabotage the other.

Be cautious…

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I usually think about wiz being well pressured by society. I mean, social relations like measurment of your quality as a DNA-container, normie-based entartainment and media, etc.
Moreover, in my country there are a lot of shit about duty and self-sacrifice. Fun fact, there is an option to be recruited and die as a virgin on a battlefield. 20-25 years ao there were a lot of such situations. Also, you need to work… I have good university- and self-education in IT and math, but todays job is based on normie tEaM bUildIng(a lot of such shit in our University) and I just dont want to think about the job perspectives.
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Another one fucking himself about future perspectives?

Google this expression: strategy and authority.

For real, I cannot be only one who felt relieved after knowing stuff.


> its socially acceptable, financially incentivized even, to “waste” time enjoying the horrors of the trenches

You literally cant suffer anon.


"Teambuilding" means "you're not a member of the elite so you won't get any money". Anyone who suggests otherwise is spreading propaganda.


Wtf a based wiz


That's for brainfog, not for not being able to punch social pressure back into the anuses of normies.

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and so, I decided to speculate tkt about the fact that very soon sex dolls with and artificial intelligence will appear and even now there are neural networks making sex chats. What I want to say is that human females will soon get a competitor. yes, they will be very expensive, but think that we will have a chance for a relationship, even with a robot
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It Could Of been an answer to a lot of social problems.

Team RAD FEM already decided to classify female robots as:
r a p e robots and an active campaign to stop it.

none of you here will protest for it, most of you probably arent even registered to vote,

it will be put in same category as porn and prostitution,

sorry bro s


I think they could be a pretty good solution, even for men who don't want to date them.
By providing some actual competition to the foids, which is what they desperately need.
Currently any 40 year old sub 5 homely chick can go onto a dating app and have 200 men match with her in a day, with sex droids men will be able to just dish out a couple grand to get everything they've ever wanted.
People spend thousands of dollars on fancy smartphones, big screen TVs, and import cars that do the exact same thing as their inexpensive counterparts, so even if sex waifus are like $100,000 a LOT of men will still buy or more likely finance them.
This is something I have been talking and dreaming about ever since like 2018.


no, its a trap! men will realise that the dolls are just extravagant masturbation, and will still want succubi. but then succubi will not have to give sex because
>honey youre not with me for the sex ))) you have the doll for that lelelelel


It's possible, because many heterosexual relationships are based on the succubus tolerating the man for financial motives one way or another (or continuing the family but pretty much refusing sex once that's done).

There is a very small subset of men who physically elicit lust responses from succubi, but they tend not to stick to relationships in favor of a string of fwb's and one night stands.


It is you who has the problem. p0rn is like Fel Magic, if not literally that.

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Hello, fellow wizzies, I'm making this thread with the idea of gathering knowledge about how to maximize well being as a wizard, we all know how hard life can be, specially as a wiz, so we our combine lived experience I thought we could make a "rule for life" on how to better maximize our well being. So, what should every wizard should know?
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It's better to look into what others have discovered first to avoid wasting time reinventing the wheel. It's very ironic that you invoke the tired "kids these days" meme ("you zoomers") but it's to be expected of a weak minded individual.


it's because you zoomers never invent or come up with anything new
you rely so heavily on already existing solutions, that you lack the ability to observe and make your own conclusions
chat bots only regurgitate and coagulate words to form passable sentences, but there is no meaning behind them
those 10 points are truisms applicable to almost anyone

for example
this is infinitely better advice than the "be good and don't be bad" AI slop


>look into what others have discovered first
You had asked a thing incapable of thought or reason or any kind of feeling, made out of data collected from normies with all of their hypocrisies and fallacies for an advice on how to live as a wizard, you completely missed the point of my post and it was not intended to be an insult but as a critique and if it read like an insult then my bad


I'm not that anon.
>kids these days
You're ironically being more cliched and off-topic than GPT.


-Be into conspiracy stuff (specially about healthcare and world domination)
-Into prepperism
-Share and discuss those two things whenever it might be useful for anyone while online, spread what makes scammers and psychos weaker.
-Practice precognitive awareness (wonder about how bad things can turn after any of your actions), expect traps, errors, deceits.
-Copy and store useful data
-Expect the collapse of society
-Expect enemies from anywhere.
-Being fit and instructed to fight is a need.
-succubi are to be despised as coldly as possible.
-Never coom, but edge if you can to boost your hormones.
-P0rn is your WORST pitfall. Then booze, then unfitness, then diseases…
-Water fasting is needed to get rid toxines that you get from everything around you.
-Be sure you do not want to fit in or be normal, but rather judge them according to your own standard. Still do not expect great things from anyone.
-Be discrete, expect to be chased even because of your most innocent, healthy ideas (or specifically because of these). Do not reveal much about yourself.
-Learn when to ghost people.
-We wizards often eat industrial sugars and they make us age badly.
-Have reminders on hygiene and dental health, which we often forget unless something is written around us at home, about these things.
-Understand that the normie world is based on dominance and bootlickery of abusers. "hierarchies" out of pure degenerate idiocy.
-When something cannot be confronted, use whatever necessary to attack it from where it cannot sap you.
-This: >>219441

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When the average normie is afraid and shy, and they don't have the balls to talk to a succubus, or even for more important things like getting a job, or opportunities in life other than a simple vagina, they don't do it, Nor will they either, since they are locked in their screens, which covers them from their ridiculous fear. I am not a normie, I lack a complement of normality, too much time locked up posting on image boards rotted my head, my social skills are broken, but you know one thing I don't care, the world eats introverts, shy people, socially stupid people, and I'm tired of being one of them.

Even with everything against me, I will show that I can do it, I don't care if I'm afraid, if I'm not ready, and with multiple insecurities involved, I will prevail in the face of adversity, and I will show myself that I can.
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no it's not, it's superior to extraversion


Muh misogyny.
Grow some balls.


Wrong, there are actual ideological crabs, and then the smear/slur crab used against men for basically any reason. It's often conflated with "loser" or "virgin" regardless of actual ideology. It's also used to discredit any contentious, less than glamorous opinion one might have about succubi (similar opinions about men are fine though) as milquetoast as it might be. Basically: "You don't know your place, shut up crab (nigger)." That's three different meanings depending on context. I've even seen gamers call each other crab for disagreeing over game mechanics.

Also they aren't misogynists. If they were, they would not literally kill themselves over not being with a succubus. If they wanted to "use them for their body" as you might suggest, they would simply use prostitutes - but they don't, because they want intimacy, not sex. They are, actually, succubus worshipers turned bitter and resentful. The concept of misogyny is as vague and nebulous as the word crab itself.

You also can't just say these words only have one true, *real* definition, and that's the only one that counts, because that would just be playing dumb. If you call someone a pig, you aren't literally calling them a pig. Most words have multiple meanings and use cases.


>Also they aren't misogynists. If they were, they would not literally kill themselves over not being with a succubus. If they wanted to "use them for their body" as you might suggest, they would simply use prostitutes - but they don't, because they want intimacy, not sex. They are, actually, succubus worshipers turned bitter and resentful. The concept of misogyny is as vague and nebulous as the word crab itself.
That's correct.


Which social skills are broken?
You spend your time wanting to fit instead of exerting proper pressure against a world of idiots around you whose nature is to make societies tougher to live in.

It'd be them who should be fearing and desiring you. Work on that. Take their filthy standars out of your mind, be the judge yourself of who is actually unworthy of your company.

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How I life better with autism? I am confused. I need one light. Because my life is boring and empty.
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it depends on your special interest really. As tacky as it sounds, autistic accumulation of academic knowledge is something I enjoy the most. I think that trying to bingeread wikipedia articles or reading some popscience book (or something more serious) could make you feel better.


Can you get on neetbux?


Just accept that your life is not going to change for the better. You're stuck if you have autism. Don't be gaslighted.


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If he has hobbies and interests and has the proper mindset to enjoy solitude, he can be happy with him self even with no social life, I believe we can create our own happiness without the need of others unlike normalfags who can't enjoy solitude


Learning about prepperism and tax evasion. Martial arts, getting fit. Life is not to have fun but to be prepared against regular disgraces coming along.

Brush your teeth, wizzies. We forget this too often.

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>"No one owes you their kindness"
>"No one has to have a reason not to like you"
>"You're not entitled to friends"
>"Thinking people have to like you is narcissistic"

All said by people who haven't experienced a lifetime of rejection, social ostracization and involuntary isolation. All said by people who haven't tried every way possible to be likable, but their autism still showed through.

I hate when normies say shit like this, and their stupid "boundaries" of not "owing people shit" which translated is usually; I'm going to act terrible to anyone I see as less than myself in a way that makes me look righteous.
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>expecting basic decency from other people as part of the social contract we all sign upon birth = immaturity
Please die, normalfaggot.


Oh man I remember that video. Grim.


I saw it too, the man actually did realize he fucked up and tried to run away but it was too late and the succubus just survival instincts which is common in spoiled white suburban succubi


This why I ghost so many of them, not even looking at their faces when they ask "how are you".

Not their damn issue how I be. They take their manners away? Then it's ghosting or beating. Hostility must be answered.


>like demon possessed
Looked like he knew what he was doing, huh. Too bad when the retaliator does not preserve anonimity against the goons

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My whole life I was treated like shit both at home and anywhere else. I coped to the extent I could with a mix of denial and dissociation. Only recently, after going no contact with my family and finding some people that seem to respect me to some extent, I have started to be honest with myself and process how much I've been bullied. Any small event or thought will trigger anger which can last from a few hours up to the the whole day. It makes me wonder how much I can truly recover and if I will ever not be angry. If you have any insights or similar experiences please share them in this thread.
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Why did you get bullied?
My problem with being bullied is that technically all the reasons I was bullied are still true. I'm still ugly, I still have no personality, etc.
I feel like when most people online talk about getting bullied it was for some noble reason because they were too special or awesome and everyone was jealous of them.


Hey yeah I was bullied, though only for a few months before I changed schools. Was angry too, and I had fantasies of revenge. What helped me move on was understanding the bullies' perspective. It was their way of unloading their own anger and hopelessness, and I just happened to be there, weak and vulnerable.


I just turned 39. In my case it still gnaws away at me deep inside. I still experience rage and fury as opposed to mere anger at the flick of a switch and it's tiring as all hell.


I hasn't gone away for me, though the fact that you at least have found some people who respect you, should make those scars heal, maybe I don't know for sure.
you get bullied because you're weak and vulnerable that's it


You still can be blackmailed by criminal groups living near to you. Have you got ready to minimally make them regret their mere existence?

Your soul needs revenge. But you might not even have a gun with you. Nor a strategy against anyone chasing you or making your life impossible. How to get rid of corpses, how to sow terror without being seen…

Cops are pretty little beyond decorative goons of an elite who gives less than a penny for your welfare.

This would just be a nice start. Are you (OP) minimally caring for your fitness, wiz? DID YOU LEARN THE LESSON OF SUCH EVENTS WHERE YOU WERE CLEARLY OUTNUMBERED AND OVERPOWERED?

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