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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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Doesn't have to be this year. I'll start:

Got neetbucks at the start of 2024
Renovated my condo alone with minimal expenses
Started a new hobby
Lost 15 pounds of fat purely through not eating bread
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what thing?


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For the first time since maybe 2004 I felt a special kind of freedom these past few days. But I'd rather not parade over it. Suffice to say that I deleted all traces of my ai fanfics outside of wizchan and a usb. Rest assured I'll likely start a blog if I ever return to making them. Here is, however, one more that was certainly one of the most personal ones, tbh.



>I deleted all traces of my ai fanfics outside of wizchan and a usb
Delete them from Wizchan too.


pretty comfy contract


Some would kill for that. It works out to be cheaper than ownership if you factor in inflation and manage to stay alive for 50+ years.

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>normalfag: people who generally lead normal lives and have a social life, its connotation varies widely between users; aliases include normie or normal
>its connotation varies widely between users
what id for you a normalfag? I'm asking this because I'm not sure anymore about the definition; enlighten me
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you're right, I agree with you. is 'not being a normalfag' a state of mind?


It's just a description that befits someone, it's like calling someone a communist because they believe in communist ideals. You can stop being or become a normalfag just according to how well it fits to describe you.


I'm largely calling bullshit on the physical end of the chart. Taking any of those drugs means you are socializing just to get those drugs.


I got 6 on this.


If you don't count bonus round then only 3 actually.
>minor or no abnormalaties
>no interest in tabletop
>no interest in anime
Puts me at 6 from bonus. Otherwise grand wizard.

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Have ever held a micro-job? if yes what was the task and how much money you'd made from it per day/week/month? was the work easy?
you may had heard of micro-job from the 'amazon mechanical turk' held by amazon.


honestly, If you find a good one its 100x better than being a wageslave and dealing with people.

keep in mind that its not easy to fin a reliable one and the paymend is above average. still, its better than leaving home and dealing with stupid people

freelance is also fine if you have some skills


>freelance is also fine if you have some skills
aren't all drawfags freelance because they price their work on twatter?


Not really, some are employed by companies to do concept art and such. But that is definitely rare.

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I thought, what if we all got together and started our own community in real life? And we all begin to live in one small “monastery” far from the norms with the Internet and other garbage
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let's create a discord server first


Even those have all failed. Non neurotypicality, isolation and virginity often creates the type of males who get along with nobody and are angry towards everyone else in existence. It's the worst combination socially.

Yes, there are a few mellow enlightened wizzies, but for every one of those you have 20 raging crabs. No "community" can form out of that.
I gave up on wizard discords and groups years ago. It's all so very bitter, hostile and ragey with zero social skills.


I don't like when talking about wizchan for exemple a community


Why is the female nerd sitting on her knees on that chair

Why is someone laying on the ground randomly

I just don't understand people's minds


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I've had this bottle for 5 years since I became 18 and realized my life is in a slow decline of low motivation and self hatred. Got into the part where I started playing a game I couldn't stand up to go to the bathroom because bad bladder and needed something close by. I've grown attached to my companion after a while. After it was full I'd not throw it out but empty it, wash it, and reuse. I don't know why but there was a connection. There was a time I fought with my dad because he said it was disgusting and tried to throw it out but he gave up and decided it was not worth it going back to the bottle from the outside garbage everytime he tried to throw it out. I don't know what is wrong with me or why I'm so attached to it. But there is this sense of guilt when I throw it out or the thought of doing it. I tried decorating it a bit too so it doesn't look so bland. I need help ffs.
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The last part struck me. You have to live in Ukraine / Russia?


Ukraine. Parents are about to buy a plastic bowl for a female cat, but I won't ask to buy me a jug as my mother already said no about looking into the place at home where the previous jug was from.



that's both funny and adorable. i see your 5yo piss bottle and raise you a 30yo teddy bear!


>though I prolly still be ineligible)
Do you believe that? They everyone from epileptics to AIDS ridden amputees. It is a wild time to be sure. At least in the some areas, in my shit town there is little of that bus throwing. Probably cause it's filled with eastern 'refugees' with fat purses. But I do know that if you are on their radar, you are going to serve even if half-dead.

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 No.211212[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Is anyone else bothered by how much importance people place on sex?

I can't think of any other desire that you can satisfy entirely by yourself at no cost. And once you satisfy it you don't crave it anymore and might even feel disgust (aka post nut clarity/shame).

And yet because of sex people choose to ruin lives of others and their own, to ruin their health, to spend tons of money, to ruin relationships, to feel depressed and what affects me the most as wizard: also taint media with their horniness. Video games will have clearly cumbrained character design that looks stupid if you are not horny and if you criticize it you get called gay or a succubus. Movies have pointless sex scenes. They can't even comprehend people not being obsessed with sex 24/7. Imageboards are full with coomers shitposting and bitching and not getting laid.

Does no one else see how pointless it all is?
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This. Neurotypical and normie communities will always and forever consider babies the greatest blessing life can endow on someone.

Ironically the only people pushing antinatalism are guys who were never going to be accepted for procreation by any succubus in the world.
And maybe 1% are old academic spinster succubi who were highly undesirable to men all their lives.

I'm an antinatalist, but at least I admit I was always going to stay a virgin anyway because nobody wants me.
I also think the world is vastly overpopulated at 3 billion humans let alone 8+.


>Neurotypical and normie communities…
…have children who are embraced by the village and don't need to burn it down to feel its warmth.


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Yes. I'm very bothered by it.
My generation may not be entirely responsible for it. But they're certainly complacent to normalizing sex to the same level of stigmatism provided to an ordinary hand-shake.

You can tell others that you're a virgin in even your early twenties and they'll draw their faces as a grain-fed fluoride stare. You'll then be spoken to as if there's something wrong with you. Then assumed it's either because of religious implications, or that you're impotent, or that you have no 'game'.

No, because you don't want to surrounded rubbed against, shoulder-to-shoulder by complete strangers in a claustrophobic room with blaring noises, epilepsy-inducing lights and take mystery pills YOU'RE the freak.


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>tfw am impotent and have no game as well as religious implications

It was truly over for me before it began.


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>I can't think of any other desire that you can satisfy entirely by yourself at no cost.
"If only it were as easy to banish hunger by rubbing my belly."

[Last 50 Posts]

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During my middle school to the end of my highschool I used to belive that i was better than the people that surrounded me, that I was more intelligent and that they were too emotive and dumb. But now, with 18 years old and on my last year of highschool, i just notice how this thought isn't necessarily true. I'm in this school since the last year and I had finally found people who are interested in things i like such as anime, arts and media in general. People that are intelligent, you can notice this by the way they express themselves, but on the other hand they also had developed the abilities of being social (thus not being weird), being healty and any kind of normalfag hobbies while also being intelligent.

This broke my illusion that i was the only smart guy in the world, or that i was somehow superior to my surroundings. So I was thinking about this and concluded that normalfags are naturally better than me, in some aspects (but not just socially) because the way they interact with the world and people is different than mine, but not in a normal subjective way: they get to talk with people more often, go outside with more frequency, satisfty their own sexual desires by partying and all sorts of things that they do, while i don't.

It's not like my way of living didn't provided me good things, it actually did: i was able to be a more empathetic person (this is also due to me watching Evangelion), observative person and also stimulated my sensitivity and thinking, qualities that i already had since i was younger. I'm not racist like they are, i try to respect people more than them and i don't drink, but… at what cost? Losing things like what its called "youth" by the slice of life animes that i watch, being ashamed of myself, feeling that i don't have a place to belong but my bedroom and my computer.

This maybe is confusing but to sum it up, normalfags have a better life than mine, they act dumb but they actually lived really good experiences which makes me inferior to a portion of them, as oposite to my previous beliefs. They naturally learn rich experiences by being sharing knowledge and
well-being with their peers, while I, as an outcast, doesn't. They will live happy lives, with not so much despair to feel, good jobs, fulfilling lives and all, even if they have to pay the price of being slightly dumber than they would if escaping from the rat race. Normalfags can feel disgusting sometimes, but i think that living Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Odds are you are just a crab



It's not about being better or worse than anyone. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. There's a good chance you actually are way smarter than the rest of them, but they are better at socialising then you are. There's nothing wrong with that. You can just work on your weaknesses and take pride in your strengths.


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This is exactly what happened to me back then. I realized that I wasnt more intelligent than them, but also more retarded than the average person. I basically cant learn at the same rate that normalfags do, and also lack a general sense of ambitions compared to them. They all look so fulfilled and cheerful, and no matter how many storms come at them, with the power of "just do it" and normalfaggotry (friendships, relationships, life experiences, etc), they manage to get through them.
And so, I became a bum.


You are a kind person who foolishly and needlessly insults himself. How silly. You have a larger soul than they do and feel things more acutely. This disallows you the disguise of cheerfulness they always wear. You have no idea what "normalfags" are actually like absent their wonted social groups. They are mostly cowardly counterfeit creatures. Like wo/men, their currency is the wearing of masks and the telling of lies. They are not true characters in the philosophical sense. We wizards endure so much pain in this life, why do you even think to judgmentally set yourself alongside people who are a thousands leagues below you in real worth of mind and soul? I wish you strength, wiz.


Anyone here who just wants to talk about life?
Every evening I feel sad and sad for no reason, I started doing a little sports and finally learning English
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also you shouldn't delude yourself that spending hours in ticktok or other modern shit social media is by any means different from imageboards. discord and other kinds of chats are same story. it's all a manifestation of some underlying mechanism, which we need to understand better to make it work most efficiently. i doubt anyone understands it here though. but if somebody did learn the thing from a book or whatever, share please


> spending too much time on imageboards is much like playing games.
this is complete non sense.
how do you sit for many hours in a painfully slow imageboard ?


no idea it just happens


haha like >>218027 said. it just happens. I toi browse wizchan all day


What's your native tongue, friend?

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How can I stop feeling jelous or envious of my peers who have countless things that I lack (not speaking about muh sex or circles of friends), I recognize nature, genetics, and luck are not in everyone's favor and people are different hence it is irrational to envy someone else since we are different, you just thrown into this world and the rest is history, I wish to end my Īrṣyā:
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I will see if i can find the quotes general thread


let go of things that don't belong to you


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I have read this thread two days ago, but i did not pay enough attention to some posts, thank you for linking it, i will re read it and read the newer posts


you do a good job of making me feel stupid! i appreciate your skill honestly


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>>218003 Do not think like that, often i skip some posts in the threads am reading or just skim too fast to gasp anything


I cant post in /meta because
"Please disable your VPN before posting in this board"

Pls help


Posting with VPNs was disabled on /meta/ due to rampant samefagging used to sway site policy. You'll either have to not post with it there, or find a VPN IP that public databses don't have listed as belonging to a VPN.


Moved to >>>/test/6629.

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