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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic

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I have a small dick, small hands, shitty hairline, big nose, small and horribly misaligned teeth, ugly facial hair when I bother growing it out, and a faggoty sounding cuck voice. Just your typical genetically inferior dysgenic abomination muttmerican who gets indirectly cucked by Chad and Tyrone on a daily basis when they pump and dump all my crushes.

However, there has never been a greater blow to my confidence than being told on countless occasions, by multiple people, that I look like Mister Bean. Typically delivered in one of the following normalfaggoty manners:

"Ayo anyone ever told you you look like Mista Bean?"
(succubus) "Oh my god you know who you look like? You look just like that one guy on TV, what's his name? Ummmmmm, oh! Mr Beam! You look JUST like him."
"Hey man you ever seen Mr Bean's Holiday? No? You be lookin like him doe straight up"

At some point I tried playing it off. "Oh you mean Rowan Atkinson? Yeah I like his standup." (I really don't but I'm trying to get off the subject.)
"I dont know who dat iz cuz, all I know iz theres a dude on TV Mr Bean and you look like him"
Didn't work. The normalfags are completely fixated on my appearance and resemblance to a bumbling retard on TV.

I'm in my 30s now but this has been going on since high school ever since the niggers started calling me Bean, i.e. "What up Bean?"

One day at work some nigger started commenting on my appearance and said I look like someone… I was ready to be humiliated in front of everyone and called Bean once again. Imagine my relief when he revealed that he was thinking of "the guy from Step Brothers" (aka the ugly one.) It wasn't flattering in the least, but anything beats being called Bean.

If you're ever feeling down on yourself, just be glad and count your blessings that you don't resemble "Mr Bean from Mr Beans Holiday" or any other famously ugly person for that matter.
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>able to empathize
as if they have enough brain capacity to understand, normies see everyone as below themselves and and will lash at you in anger if you will say they look like Dr.Evil


He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth for his contribution to comedy and television. He holds a very high distinction (CBE, or Commander of the British Empire).
Yes he looks goofy but it's not the worst insult on the planet.


>"Ayo anyone ever told you you look like Mista Bean?"
>(succubus) "Oh my god you know who you look like? You look just like that one guy on TV, what's his name? Ummmmmm, oh! Mr Beam! You look JUST like him."
>"Hey man you ever seen Mr Bean's Holiday? No? You be lookin like him doe straight up"
literally respond
"Haha yeah I get told that a lot"
omit the laugh if you want
and remember to smile


This. Don't dwell on it, it's no use. They are vampires and will get only joy from you giving a fuck


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Why do the feds waste their time profiling me over a stupid email I sent to Putin's office? I'm just a random Australian citizen with broken teeth stuck at home who got lost in the system.. in an average ass taxpayer. Three times I've been in a psych ward and there's always a guy or a succubus that quotes something from my search history to me… Do they think this is a good strategy to find nuclear launch codes? Why the fuck would I have nuclear launch codes?? Ridiculous. Wasting your time but enjoy the entertainment I suppose. Billions of dollars and wizard grade technology and they waste their time on me as if I was god or something.. lmao. Jesus didn't even exist the calendar is fake and gay. Morons. Positivity only gang gang. Have my exif I don't give a fuck I'm angry because you're wasting tax dollars on me instead of giving me my goddamn jaw surgery and dental implants. Think I'd waste my time playing around with acoustics and 432 resonance otherwise? Jeez.. and yesz they will see this. Feel free to comment some shit for them to see.

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Are you autistic?

Here's a free test: https://rdos.net/eng/Aspie-quiz.php
Pic related are my results.

I feel that there should be at least some correlation between autism and wizardry. When I tried to apply for a job in military (since that's the kind of job that pays really well even if you don't have a degree) their psychologist told me to fuck off (in more polite terms) and that I could be autistic, but I don't have an official diagnosis or anything.
How about you, Anon? Are you on the spectrum?
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my asperger score 123/200 (probably asperger)
my autostic score 86/200 (non autistic)


non autistic asperger … that's a wild combination


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Yes, diagnosed
>Your score: 130 of 200
>96% probability of being atypical (autistic/neurodiverse)


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does this mean am special or else?

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>Maladjusted males, meanwhile, took to grooming all day—preening and licking themselves hour after hour. Calhoun called them “the beautiful ones.” And yet, even while obsessing over their appearance, these males had zero interest in courting females, zero interest in sex.
just like wizards
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there's been a resurgence of interest in barbershops in the last decade and a half, beard oils, men's skincare products and the like… manscaping, dude wipes, boar bristle brushes and stuff

maybe it's because of men lacking places for them exclusively, and barbershops usually only have one female hairdresser at the most. but i was thinking if it could be related to the mouse utopia experiment, these same guys don't seem to be as concerned with personal fitness just pampering and preening themselves


No One gives a fuck about your fuckin grooming habits,

the key point of the study was once a society reaches certain over population levels it will collapse,


I think the entire conceit of assuming there's anything significant to learn about human society based on an artificial mouse society to be flawed. My understanding is that scientific experiments are mostly done on mice because they're cheap, easy to manage and have negligible rights, not because they're actually ideal for making inferences.>>219932


Q - could the mice experiment can be applied to our soceities?

A - no


Excessive population density will cause a form of trauma in most mammals, it seems. What happens when relatively high body mass mammals are crammed into population densities similar to that of an ant colony….

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and so, I decided to speculate tkt about the fact that very soon sex dolls with and artificial intelligence will appear and even now there are neural networks making sex chats. What I want to say is that human females will soon get a competitor. yes, they will be very expensive, but think that we will have a chance for a relationship, even with a robot
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Only true to some extent. There are hordes of sub-80iq men who can be completely fooled by a rudimentary AI pretending to be a succubus.

They are so horny and childlike that they will believe the bot is real and they will want to marry said bot.

Never, ever underestimate how animalistic, simple and primitive the average person is.
They're basically a fox, chicken or zebra in a human body.

Dangle some tits in front of them on Twitch with an AI generated female model, and they will spam the hairy geek running it all with $50 donations and marriage proposals without even realizing there is no succubus.



It Could Of been an answer to a lot of social problems.

Team RAD FEM already decided to classify female robots as:
r a p e robots and an active campaign to stop it.

none of you here will protest for it, most of you probably arent even registered to vote,

it will be put in same category as porn and prostitution,

sorry bro s


I think they could be a pretty good solution, even for men who don't want to date them.
By providing some actual competition to the foids, which is what they desperately need.
Currently any 40 year old sub 5 homely chick can go onto a dating app and have 200 men match with her in a day, with sex droids men will be able to just dish out a couple grand to get everything they've ever wanted.
People spend thousands of dollars on fancy smartphones, big screen TVs, and import cars that do the exact same thing as their inexpensive counterparts, so even if sex waifus are like $100,000 a LOT of men will still buy or more likely finance them.
This is something I have been talking and dreaming about ever since like 2018.


no, its a trap! men will realise that the dolls are just extravagant masturbation, and will still want succubi. but then succubi will not have to give sex because
>honey youre not with me for the sex ))) you have the doll for that lelelelel


It's possible, because many heterosexual relationships are based on the succubus tolerating the man for financial motives one way or another (or continuing the family but pretty much refusing sex once that's done).

There is a very small subset of men who physically elicit lust responses from succubi, but they tend not to stick to relationships in favor of a string of fwb's and one night stands.

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 No.211629[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What, my friend, made you a wizard? Was it ugliness, mental issues, being ethnic or a combination?
The first day of being born I knew it was over
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whats so intresting about a wizard?


more importantly, normalfags aren't interesting


I just remember going to a therapist when I was age 9 or 10 and I told her I really wanted to fucking die, and she told my parents. Then some Jew gave me Prozac and told me my teenage years were going to suck. She wasn't wrong.
I've got to the point where I'm at peace with myself and find the desire to die as normal as living another day. I just have to blink and I will eventually be 50.
Absolutely no desire to be with succubi, I keep to my particular interests and have a way of seeing the world, and live to be cozy. I cannot say there is much going on for me in life, but I don't desire much either.


Cruel family


narcissistic evil older sibling, anxious overprotective low IQ mother, distant financially abusive alcoholic father

[Last 50 Posts]

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What are the chances the change in average height are due to hormonal or environmental factors, in part, and that it's not all down to better nutrition?

Just for an anecdote, me and my brother grew up malnorished by western standards. I had low blood pressure as a child due to just eating the cheapest cereal grains for years. I remember being tested at 10 for low iron levels, and when I stood up too fast I often got dissy. Regularly 'd be hungry at school as my lunches were small. Both me and my brother grew up to be some of the tallest people in town, but we have tall, thin frames. We're both significantly taller than our parents too.

In the 1950s you never really heard of kids going to bed hungry that often in the west, they typically had a solid diet with three square meals and full pantries. That's not really much different to a kid in 1980 or the year 2000. I doubt there's been that much significant nutritional gains to cause increased height since then. Maybe it's an epigenetic change due to the abundance of food? Perhaps, but we know what we eat and how we live is also changing it. Even lower testosterone levels causing delays in when the plates fuse as a teenager could be behind it. People noticed Eunuchs used to be really tall and lean, so are modern people suffering from the same effect?

People say it's sexual selection driving it, with high status tall men being more desired. That might be true before the industrial revolution, but I don't think it's true anymore. The crabs had a source showing it's shorter men breeding more actually (because lower class people are short and fertility is dysgenic). Tall men might be more desired, but they typically don't have more children. So in recent years sexual selection doesn't drive it. Just anecdotally again, being around food banks, you see the people are very short by modern standards and have many children.

We can also look at jawlines and teeth malocclusion to see an environmental impact people put down entirely to genetics for years. You can see in the skeletal record that everyone used to have straight teeth and wide jaws, and that changed around the industrial revolution. People are only now coming around to realize that it's due to changes in the way we eat and live, especially with eating soft foods and breastfeeding less.


This thread is better suited for /lounge/ not /wiz/. Also, I don't know, the popular idea is nutrition, there was a study that tall men were selected and had more children in Netherlands


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So, fellow wizzies, what's your history and background? What do you think lead you to your path that you are in now? What do you thinks were the factor that lead you to your life now? Fate or just a bad set of choices?
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>Are you that nagger always crying about schizos? Take a break, damn.
no, i'm not. that's just a factually correct way of referring to him based on his clearly identifiable posts. i shared my metaphysical thoughts here one time and everyone ganged up on me calling me a schizo nutcase.


I didn't want to go to school because of the stress of teachers and homework, my parents wouldn't let me go out, and they didn't want to take me to play sports or things like that, so by not going to school, and by not going to a sport , or do any other activity, he did not socialize with anyone, much less with succubi.


pics or did not happen


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>I killed her,(it's still unsolved, check marseille )

If true then nobody seems to give much of a shit


I found out that people make me nervous so I try to avoid them as much as possible. Talking on the internet is different because I can't smell, hear, or feel anyone.


I've been thinking about this for a while. If you have moderately wealthy parents the best strategy to be a neet long term is not to just keep living with them forever. This is the lowest effort option, but not the best because having wealthy parents gives you another option: Get a loan and start a business by hiring wage slaves.

Being the owner of a business that runs itself because the proper wageslaves have been hired is basically the same as being a neet only you get wealthy as a result. Passive income has always been the key, but let's be honest it's hard to achieve unless you got lucky with crypto or something. Business is a much more surefire way to make money and it can easily become passive for the owner of the business. It's actually more normal for business owners these days to not work than the opposite. This means that business owners are essentially the highest class of neets. Those who own stocks and stuff are similar but you have to have lucked into that unless you can manage to wageslave long enough to build a nest egg. That is too long though. I think the amount of time required to become wealthy via passive income is much less for business than wageslaving. You could earn in one year what it would take you 10 years of wage slaving to earn.

The key is to start something with low capital start up costs. At first you will need to do a lot of work yourself to establish the business, but once it is going, you can just let the wage slaves do everything. If you have parents that can supply or cosign for a 30k loan you could probably start a business. That is enough to hire a couple of wage slaves for several months. Do stuff like advertise your business to get clients/customers. Utilise cheap contractors on fiverr or whatever to do stuff your wageslaves can't do like web/graphic design . Glitz it up, make it look professional. The other key is of course hiring the right wage slaves with the right combination of exploitability/reliability and then finding the most effective way to exploit them long-term. I would say having a business plan is another key but honestly just copy an existing business plan. Business is a game that has already been solved. Just copy whatever everyone else is doing but with a different logo. All that happens is you end up with a slice of the same pie as them.

Like they say, if you can't beat them, join them. If you're gonna be a neet leeching off the largess of society, might as well be aPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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says tard never worked or started or ran a business.


why do you regret? what is your job?



my job is Not windin up homeless,

cause i was a neet dumbass, so im stuck at zero

be a neet, end up homeless ,

Neet - O


nigga talk normaly


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NO LOANS. NO THROWING MYSELF INTO SUCH GAMBLES LIKE A FOOL TO GENERATE DEBT. Whoever pays usury is just giving himself away as a slave for the banker. A type of cuckodry, no other thing.

Imagine not being a manifestor while running into such idiocy just out of "I might work" and then just being left with debt and failure or rather a horrible set of occupations you never manage to fully digest.

Not even manifestors are told to act that recklessly out of urgency!

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When I was a teenager I only had few friends at school and would lose them in the summer because I'd never go out with anyone and wouldn't socialize with anyone If I didn't have to(school, classes).
I'd never get anything out of social interactions, they were fun from time to time but I'd get more fun and fulfilling time on my own and I was really happy living like that.
Then for some reason when I got extremely depressed I got this desire that I had to form a special bond and deep emotional connection with someone.
I have a weird and romanticized view of love and friendship so I began looking for people that I can form that bond with, people with traumatic childhood, outcasts, people that are odd in some way.
It's been 5 years and this shit doesn't work, even when I found someone that fits the criteria it just ends up being underwhelming or me being their emotional punching bag while they don't really take it seriously or put any effort into it at all.
I'm a NEET and money's not a problem so I can live pretty well without ever need to work.
But these thoughts and fantasies about finding someone is just torturing me because I know I can be happier without them and most importantly they're not achievable.
Can anyone help me out with this? How can I get rid of them once and for all and going back to what I was before?
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Thanks for replying, though i dont think ive ever met that kind of person before. Where did you find them?


English-speaking imageboards (not wizchan).


>Well, the ugly truth is a lot of chan types are malevolent sociopaths who are not smart enough to manipulate anyone or make it in the business world.
there's no more truth then what you wrote. most of us, wizards, are like that. we're bitter
am I right or wrong?


>There's a reason why they're overrepresented in all kinds of bizarre perverted crimes or shootings. They're fucked up in the head. You can't befriend people like this. Failed narcissistic normies who think the world owes them. They are the most dangerous type of person alive due to their deranged delusional nature.
Yep, failed narcissists, mainly the covert/vulnerable type who sounds like a whiny, needy, manipulative pussy. You usually see them in dead end jobs (if they're stupid) or tech (if they're average or slightly above average). But they're always bitter and delusional about what they really deserve. I have an uncanny ability that lets me sniff them out within 5 seconds of interacting with them and I can't stand them.


>all kinds of bizarre perverted crimes or shootings
These are lolcows. I hope they translate their delusions into actions. My life is such a bore. I always need an escapist fantasy of joining a gang, romanticize nature or something. I don't want any friends.

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