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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic

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Why NEETdom is so common among wizards? Even the wagies here had a NEETdom period in their life, why this type of lifestyle is so common among us? I'm genuinely curious to understand why.
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You would LDAR if your dad was nice? Confused and im sorry for your torment bro


Yep same here i refuse to work and will burdenmaxx this sick world


I've come to realize this site selects for people with mental and physical illness. It also selects for low IQ neet types who voluntarily choose unemployment. Both are barriers to finding a career or work


I don't know what to tell you. If I say it's because we're losers (according to society)
,some will tell you they're not losers because they don't kneel to society standards


Normalfags don't like us, we get the message and remove ourselves from society. That's what most hermits, sages and philosophers have done through the ages. All of them were neuroatypical people who were outcasted by the normalcattle.


Thread dedicated for those who are practicing abstinence. Share the changes you experience in your journey of self-control and celibacy as you reject porn and masturbation. What you’ve learnt so far about yourself. Your struggles with self-control, and what you expect to accomplish. The numbers of days you plan to go without it and why.

I plan to accomplish at least 5 months without wasting my seed this year and that time I’d squander watching porn I want to use it to improve at digital painting and become better at japanese which have always been goals of mine.

Disregard porn and destructive habits, acquire magic
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Your brain gets "scrambled" after watching porn consistently, this has nothing to do being "weak-minded".


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Ths isn't Discord. You can type up your opinion in detail. You don't need to settle for embedding some gay retard's YouTube video


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>this has to be like Discord for whatever reasons
>Can't get simple statments, wants everything brainfarted
>seething exactly as the guy in the video says normalfags do


Around 120 days.


use it or lose it idiot

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I fucking hate normalfags. the worst is we can't fight back when we try to hurt them, they act smug instead and we're distraught. insultting them ? it will show you're above them and will spout some facts that shakle your soul.
We are losers, we are punchingbags for them, we're nothing just usless cattle
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Dont hate. Hate weakens your soul and your connection to God. Try to understand and love everyone and never insult or judge them


Hate heals. You should try it sometime. Biblical proverbs and passages about loving thy neighbor were only applicable when our neighbors didn't want to fucking decapitate us just for merely owning a Bible. You don't agree with the Bible - you agree with the bubble that you live in.


What kind of bullying are we even talking about? Straight out inults in your face? Making jokes about you that you don't like when in groups? Mocking you behind your back? Do they get physical?

Imo, its best to not laugh about their "jokes" about you, say that is not funny, leave and avoid them. Straight out figthing normies in certain situations (i.e. workplace, school, family) can be a loss, because you are probably outnumbered, they can twist the truth and sway your peers against you, even your family. Going in insult fights is kind childish too.


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>Hate heals. You should try it sometime


Couldn't relate. I usually end up getting their weak points even if I need several tries.

You must find the best reaction. Even if it's ghosting. Also expect to receive different attacks from them, like getting robbed or pranked.

>kinda kiwifarmer resenting not bewing a wizard cause this sad shitsite is still better than where he comes from

Go tell those succubi about you posting here. Go, go! xD

Ok, OP. Give a read to "The Art of War" while you are on your way.

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I neither know how to cook, clean, or do anything household related, I rely on my mother for that nor do I have a job and earn money. I have flunked college twice that too in the turd world. My mother genuinely and seriously asked me today, what do I plan to do when she dies. And I have no answer.

I am a total loser I tried to turn things around after starting college once but I couldn't complete it second time either. And I live in Asia so flunking out of college once is seen as equivalent of a great failure let alone twice.

At this point I am too despondent to even get out of bed. I don't know where life is going. I don't know how I failed so spectacularly.

I am a total loser. I hope a thunderbolt strikes me and I would be done from the face of this earth instead of giving my parents the pain which they don't deserve.

Are there any people here in my position? Though unlikely anybody is going to be this big of a loser as me. But if anyone is please tell me how to cope.
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One time, one guy was telling a story about when he was working at a construction site and there was this worker whom he described as mentally slow. Guy was obviously new and had no idea how to do anything, and didn't know anyone, while everyone else have already formed groups and cliques. So they put him up to a humiliating and pointless job, think moving things from one place to another. They made him their mascot of sorts, an errand boy. He "let" them treat him like this, so they picked on him even more until he quit. But before he quit, he had to endure their treatment because this was a remote construction site and returning on his own would be very costly. The guys who listened to this story, concluded it by calling the poor guy a retard, and the moral of the story was "some people are just really fucking stupid". No consideration given whatsoever.

The real moral of story is that if you show weakness, that weakness will be abused. Also every normie is always part of some group, and if you're not with the group - you're against it.


damn it I hate normalfags. beware, wizzie, they may talk behind your back too


I'm sure they do, but I guess I just don't care because it doesn't affect me. Maybe this is a way to cope? Probably not a healthy way, at least not towards people you care about.


>Are there any people here in my position?
Yes, minus the young-normie self-blame and despondency.
Get NEETbux and then you're good.


Start small and build yourself up.

Don't know how to do chores, well they are easy enough to learn. Start there.
Cleaning is pretty easy to learn, especially if you ask your mom advice.
Cooking a bit trickier but is more fun to learn and with a little practice you can make all sorts of tasty stuff to make it worth the effort.


This is something I'd like other young apprentices and wizards alike to know so they don't fall into the same trap as normalfags

People from all walks of life more often than not reward the already rich and successful with praise and adoration celebrating any of their small successes in various ways and varying degrees. This creates a positive feedback loop where the wealthy and high status garner more admiration, while those who are poor or average remain poor and average themselves. This behavior only contributes to their own miserable sorry state of affairs.

Poor and mediocre people love to play the victim and blame things on inequality while being the very same actors who play a fundamental role in furthering the cycle of accumulative success the Matthew effect makes mention of—the aphorism that says the rich get richer and the poor get poorer:

“For to him who has will more be given; and from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away.”

This dynamic is visible in many contexts, from simps who worship, defend the honor, and donate money to e-thots who think nothing of them and are already millionares; fanboys who fervently defend multibillion dollar comapanies and rich celebrities, and even to those foolish peasant and vermin alike who attend political rallies to support candidates and engage in pointless debates all for the sake of a stranger, as if they will get anything substantial in return, or even worse, the stupid soldiers who go to war and die for the interests of the rich and powerful fully knowing that death is the end.

This people ignore that even if there’s a soul, wandering the world of the living as a spirit isn’t a continuation of life. When you die, that’s it. There’s nothing more yet this people feel compelled to serve and throw away their lives, their free time, serving others who have better lives than them.

I’ve concluded that it’s in their DNA to be servile and stupid so I don't feel sorry for them, this is what they love to do and there is no saving them.

It's a paradox where, in their pursuit of supporting others, they inadvertently reinforce their own status as mere pawns in the game.

They are nothing but mindless drones and pawns, willingly serving the interests of those already in high positions of power, who will not even remember their names or faces.
No pity for that vermin who never learnt such a basic lesson, don’t cry when your decisioPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>healthy fear
>like paranoia
>like prepperism
>like useful pessimism
Sorry about you being too blind to see how basic is such concept, to have obviously been possible since intellect exists regardless or religious influence.

Religion can be what twists it away from being healthy anymore, that's a different thing


No fear of anything weird beyond death, huh?


I was already doubting you as a sane wizard, no need to confirm my suspicion


your devout belief in after-life torture shouldn't daunt your judgement of others' wisdom. you're gonna die anyway and prove me you deserve no torture


Not even the people in your same rank care about seeing you succeed less the winners who always were at the top. No need to be a fan or cheer for them. It's a pointless endeavor that will get you nowhere. This is why sport fans who are poor or subhuman looking are ridiculous.

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Are the foids really starting this tirade or is it just a joke to annoy the male crabs? I'm a new fag.
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While "Chads" could be more appealing to succubi than us, succubi are inferior creatures whose opinion shouldn't matter a lot.


succubi aren't a universal hivemind. Overgeneralizing people like that just creates undue stress because thinking like this trains to think of the doomer fantasy as a reality.

I am sure you had bad experiences that makes you validate that view, but it is best single out the behavior specific to that person. That is how you stay focused in reality and not think yourself into depression and low self-esteem.


so i shouldn't trust my direct experience and observations and instead substitute it with some idealized notion handed to me by someone else? yeah, no thanks. i'll change my mind about this shit when i get information that contradicts it. go gaslight someone else with your fake concern.


No, what I am saying is to associate your experiences with what actually happened. If someone treated you poorly then that person treated you poorly. That is the objective truth here. Call that person a piece of shit and hate them all you want. The dangerous part comes in when you take that experience to craft some fake person to hate and then project that fake person on every female you see.

>substitute it with some idealized notion handed to me by someone else

All notions of other people are handed to you by someone else. That tends to be how this type of overgeneralization works.

I am asking you to take the wizardly route and transend all this bullshit. Just abandon any notion, good or bad. Don't make up some hypothetical succubus to get mad at. Literally wasting your energy on fantasies that just piss you off. Like I said earlier, use that energy to call the very real people who involved with your very real experiences a piece of shit, get over it and then be at peace with your wizardly self.


Moved to >>>/b/999100.

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How many wizard here are above 30 years old? I was wondering how many users here has passed the age of 30 and or even are entering their 40s.
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The older you get the more afraid of dying you become. Ironically.


Yeah I said the same thing at 35. I think it is just a thing people say when they are young because when you are young such an age seems so far away. Surely something will happen in all those years, right? Of course it wont if you dont actually put in the effort to change course.


For me it's the opposite, the older I get the more I embrace impermanence and the happier I get.



Redemption from what? Being a wizard?


>Redemption from what? Being a wizard?
From being born, I would answer on his behalf.

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Middle School High School Chad, what are your bullies doing now? I'm a new fag and I'm studying in high school. Chad in high school is both a bully and has 5 girlfriends. His girlfriends make fun of me and bully me. He makes rape jokes. He's a misogynist, but he gets along well with succubi.
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skibidi u are sigma dont care bully hawk tuah they end up wit alimony womp womp


türk müsün kanka


there needs to be a rule against these cuck fetish fake story threads, or at least banish it to >>>/b/


How do you know they're doing well? People lie. Are you really close to your bullies to know how they are doing?


Moved to >>>/b/999014.


Yearning for societal markers that promise happiness is embarrassing. Carve out your own path within you own means. That doesn't mean constant improvement or doing nothing. But it could.
Direct yourself and decide what's acceptable. Just be.

Sorry for the psychobabble, but it really can be as complicated or easy as you want. Why let the rules be defined for you?


The answer is marketing. Nobody *needs* the latest 1500 dollar iPhone pro or a $2000 Moncler jacket.

But because of their cunning positioning as luxury Veblen goods, ape-brains get depressed if in comparison they have a cheap $120 Android phone and a generic $70 puffer jacket from Target.

Ape-brains hate to be demoted or feel inferior in status, especially males. Which is why they compete in the rat race to afford all kinds of useless embellishments that signal status. It's all so primitive.

Or at the very extreme end of the bell curve, rich people in their $7000 tailored suits, 100k cars and homes full of 1800s french antiques, paneling and art.
At the core, in the primitive parts of the mind, most don't even like it. It's a display of social superiority.

Can you break free from the shackles and burdens of the ape-brain and live for something else than mindlessly accumulating status symbols? Will you live content and happy with good food, shelter, entertainment and nature?
Only time will tell. But most of you will utterly fail; Due to envy, anger and pride.


70+ years experience; summation: the creatures are not worth the air they breathe…
they bring nothing but stress aggravation frustration deceit greed misery treachery lies betrayal illness and death…
if you let your dick do your thinking, you are already fucked.
everyone i know who married wishes he hadn't, the creatures are evil incarnate…
i could provide all kinds of examples, but i will keep this short and to the point…
it isn't worth it, never has been never will be…
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>le succubi hate

crab mindset, if you are a truwiz you wouldn't care at all.


>just don't care about moral corruption
ALL HONEST MEN HATE MODERN FEMALES, you're a stupid faggot if you ignore the problem.


Don't care, won't have a child as to make me care about the state of le world, beside caring about "moral corruption" is a chuld crab mentality with idea of some idyllic past that never existed in the first place


what's a delta male?
and which type of male are you? i assume you consider yourself a skibidi sigma?


The very ugly, balding, short guys who make fun of wizards and virgins despite being virgins themselves as well.

They try to larp as a "normie" thinking they will get brownie points from society.

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