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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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Are the foids really starting this tirade or is it just a joke to annoy the male crabs? I'm a new fag.
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While "Chads" could be more appealing to succubi than us, succubi are inferior creatures whose opinion shouldn't matter a lot.


succubi aren't a universal hivemind. Overgeneralizing people like that just creates undue stress because thinking like this trains to think of the doomer fantasy as a reality.

I am sure you had bad experiences that makes you validate that view, but it is best single out the behavior specific to that person. That is how you stay focused in reality and not think yourself into depression and low self-esteem.


so i shouldn't trust my direct experience and observations and instead substitute it with some idealized notion handed to me by someone else? yeah, no thanks. i'll change my mind about this shit when i get information that contradicts it. go gaslight someone else with your fake concern.


No, what I am saying is to associate your experiences with what actually happened. If someone treated you poorly then that person treated you poorly. That is the objective truth here. Call that person a piece of shit and hate them all you want. The dangerous part comes in when you take that experience to craft some fake person to hate and then project that fake person on every female you see.

>substitute it with some idealized notion handed to me by someone else

All notions of other people are handed to you by someone else. That tends to be how this type of overgeneralization works.

I am asking you to take the wizardly route and transend all this bullshit. Just abandon any notion, good or bad. Don't make up some hypothetical succubus to get mad at. Literally wasting your energy on fantasies that just piss you off. Like I said earlier, use that energy to call the very real people who involved with your very real experiences a piece of shit, get over it and then be at peace with your wizardly self.


Moved to >>>/b/999100.

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How many wizard here are above 30 years old? I was wondering how many users here has passed the age of 30 and or even are entering their 40s.
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The older you get the more afraid of dying you become. Ironically.


Yeah I said the same thing at 35. I think it is just a thing people say when they are young because when you are young such an age seems so far away. Surely something will happen in all those years, right? Of course it wont if you dont actually put in the effort to change course.


For me it's the opposite, the older I get the more I embrace impermanence and the happier I get.



Redemption from what? Being a wizard?


>Redemption from what? Being a wizard?
From being born, I would answer on his behalf.

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Middle School High School Chad, what are your bullies doing now? I'm a new fag and I'm studying in high school. Chad in high school is both a bully and has 5 girlfriends. His girlfriends make fun of me and bully me. He makes rape jokes. He's a misogynist, but he gets along well with succubi.
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skibidi u are sigma dont care bully hawk tuah they end up wit alimony womp womp


türk müsün kanka


there needs to be a rule against these cuck fetish fake story threads, or at least banish it to >>>/b/


How do you know they're doing well? People lie. Are you really close to your bullies to know how they are doing?


Moved to >>>/b/999014.

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Why wizzies are against the left wing? Why so many wizard doesn't even have class consciousness and support the right wing capitalist? Many here are NEETs on welfare would benefits immensely from a left leaning government, instead they support the right that are extremely against welfare and pro exploitation of workers? What explain this cucked behavior coming from wizards?


hatred doesn't need to justify itself because it's a feeling of powerness. wizards who are rightwings are powerfull because they don't need to tell why they hate others, they just hate.
don't know if my explanation is clear


Moved to >>>/b/998555.

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I am that same Indian guy who made the post about having C-PTSD and living with abusive parents. I have hit a new low, I think I am becoming low T, I check every symptom on the box, having brain fog, constantly fatigue, constantly sleepy, not being able to get it up anymore, no more morning woods, and no erections.

The problem is this, I am still a student and the effects of having low T are affecting my studies greatly, risking me going into a negative feedback loop where I feel like it's gonna take a toll on my studies. And thus reduce my likelihood of getting a job. I have managed to start gym after intense fighting with my parents.

But there is only so much I can push them as someone who is dependent upon them. I am sorry to post this here, after few long years, I just burst our crying today when my parents denied me to visit a urologist, while I have no symptoms (apart from slight shrinkage of my testicles), I probably have Varicocele too.

This is more of an SOS post, please if there is someone here who can take me away from my parents please do. Please give me a home, some love, some help to fix myself. I hate my life, I hate constantly being low T. My parents also hate all sorts of medicines, and they are going to freak out if the doctor recommends a surgery for varicocele. I can't get a job in this tough market either. It's truly hellish being a crab in the third world shithole.

Low T is affecting all areas of my life, and there is no redemption in sight, is my entire life going to be like this from this point on?
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What I don't understand is why is this thread about my nationality when I am trying to seek some advice or have a discussion on topics that I mentioned. Why can't people here use 4chan to hate on Indians if they want. I don't even live in the West.


You admit to hating yourself, so why should other keep secrets about hating you?


Where is that, precisely? Nta I hate my country, but not myself


Moved to >>>/dep/295572.

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Does anyone have archives/screenshots of the "Earth is a trap" thread? I am asking because there were a number of posts in that thread that are still engraved in my mind to this day.


Moved to >>>/meta/65026.


Sometimes I am asked about personal things but I ghost the intruders about it, since they did neither told me first about theirs and also it usually serves them as material for lecturing me or mocking me. After going this way, some other normies tell me about how I should be more sociable to achieve something in life.

Is this the only way or do they have more stupid games to gaslight us?
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meant to quote >>219523



The past trauma doesnt really matter. What matters is that The normie is most likely in a relationship at The moment. Its The only thing that has value in The normies mind at That moment


That Is Not To Be Feared By A Wizard

This how you can know they seethe. Recover your mental energy by triggering them even more.
>whatever you answered they would mock it
>indirect badmouthin their most loved stuff can shit their souls
>beware of letting social pressure handle you without that receiving punishment

Less regrets.


Absolute crap. Look how females dominate them, that they only have to look whorish for them to start building science tactics to approach and convince them.

This type of privilege is a dishonor and I feel ashamed by mankind due to this sociosexual dynamic of selling your attitude and life away to such whimsical, spoiled creatures just because you cannot have sanity enough to withstand life without sex.

Even if I, in the past, were to eventually get into something by talking to whoever, today it gives a feel of coomer: they got hooked to it so they chase succubi madly. And succubi laugh stupidly and arrogantly about it.




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>30 years old
>live with folk
>No perspective of attaining a high paying job

How can I find peace with that fact and my life situation? What should I do?
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But I never agreed with that red deer retard. Maybe your vaxxie brain can't process that different anons might make different predictions about current events? Did you go to a neurologist to check for brain damage already? Poor vaxxie…


You retarded to think that your experience means that the entire world is suffering the same, go read a book about bias, dumb nig.


The older you get the more you learn the inescapable truth: cash rules everything around me, cream, get the money, dollar dollar bills y'all.

Acquire skills and use them to make yourself wealthy without wage cucking. It's possible. The best plan is something you can start small with just one man and then expand to a business where you are exploiting others rather than being the one exploited. For many years I resisted that because I found it morally repugnant. But if the world gives you a choice between the exploited or the exploiter, it's not your fault if you want to choose the latter because it is clearly much better. It's odd that most people only dream of being a high tier wagecuck, but ultimately they are still being exploited even if they have a job that pays 6 figures. The one exploiting them is a millionaire, maybe even billionaire.


I've been seeing hundreds of people that report the same exact shit. The fycking ironing get out of your liberal whacko bubble shit for brains


Your predictions are the equivalent of the "red deer retard" and have been force-fed to you by the online places you frequent while you ironically fancy yourself a free-thinker. Do heed my prior advice, most other people have the capacity to discuss other things as well but as this is all you're capable of, that place is much better suited for the likes the red deer fellow and you.

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I don't want to see any kind of a female being in my entire life, i dont have much friends and i have assburger syndrome, i cant even talk well infront of people it just feel uncomfortable to have a friend in real life, i can deal with online friends but i always be afraid when some of these friends says
>Im in your city anon
Its just feels wrong to me, also i cant call my self ugly because i see myself beautiful mybe aswel i feel ugly. The worst feeling is when i see someone mybe uglier than me and have bitches and friends that treating him so well. I just stop atm and asking my self
>Is my face wrong?
>Is my talking way?
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>The worst feeling is when i see someone mybe uglier than me and have bitches and friends that treating him so well


there is no fixing autism, anon. Unless you're female then you're seeing as quirky.


Most based shitpill. So based it is disempowering.



Remember that they have such company out being social, and social in terms of normalcy always had bootlickery in it. Observe that person closely, listen to their words, they will say time to time things you wouldnt want in your mouth.

When I stopped being a failed normo in high school, I started caring about my looks only to spit on any female attention I would receive about them.

31 years old and I still have this sadism on me, in spite of how much times normos told me "you will regret not going for this blah blah". Had I gone for whatever they would have played with me like a toy:
>Do you want to come here?
>Why so quiet?
>Etc, etc…

That constant anxiety for getting female attention was killing me, yet the truth is, that this attention easily drops no matter how deep or long, nor the type of the relationship be. They do not want men, they want their power, their status, their vis comica, their whatever…

They are like that quote about the world: "when you laugh, the world laughs with you, when you cry you cry alone". This disgust I feel is what somehow keeps shame away when faced with these "harem guys" with so many succubi on them around me. It has this scent of coercion, subtle and stingy… but I decided long ago: if succubi go after some man we do not estimate much, that should not be taken as an error from our judgement, but rather as succubi being at his level and therefore despicable. Such was amongst my motivations towards wizardry when I started this path


You could imitate that person in character, only to be even more rejected by normals, making you even deeper down about yourself.

But when these normals are questioned about their hatred, they do not give clear answers. They be mere animals attracted by something entertaining or appeealing that little has to do with the heart of a person or even worse, disregarding how much vile such person is as long they have from him this required feedback they love so much.

A little bit sold, we are, when these pressures hit us from inside.
Hatred is not healthy… most of times.

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