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During my middle school to the end of my highschool I used to belive that i was better than the people that surrounded me, that I was more intelligent and that they were too emotive and dumb. But now, with 18 years old and on my last year of highschool, i just notice how this thought isn't necessarily true. I'm in this school since the last year and I had finally found people who are interested in things i like such as anime, arts and media in general. People that are intelligent, you can notice this by the way they express themselves, but on the other hand they also had developed the abilities of being social (thus not being weird), being healty and any kind of normalfag hobbies while also being intelligent.

This broke my illusion that i was the only smart guy in the world, or that i was somehow superior to my surroundings. So I was thinking about this and concluded that normalfags are naturally better than me, in some aspects (but not just socially) because the way they interact with the world and people is different than mine, but not in a normal subjective way: they get to talk with people more often, go outside with more frequency, satisfty their own sexual desires by partying and all sorts of things that they do, while i don't.

It's not like my way of living didn't provided me good things, it actually did: i was able to be a more empathetic person (this is also due to me watching Evangelion), observative person and also stimulated my sensitivity and thinking, qualities that i already had since i was younger. I'm not racist like they are, i try to respect people more than them and i don't drink, but… at what cost? Losing things like what its called "youth" by the slice of life animes that i watch, being ashamed of myself, feeling that i don't have a place to belong but my bedroom and my computer.

This maybe is confusing but to sum it up, normalfags have a better life than mine, they act dumb but they actually lived really good experiences which makes me inferior to a portion of them, as oposite to my previous beliefs. They naturally learn rich experiences by being sharing knowledge and
well-being with their peers, while I, as an outcast, doesn't. They will live happy lives, with not so much despair to feel, good jobs, fulfilling lives and all, even if they have to pay the price of being slightly dumber than they would if escaping from the rat race. Normalfags can feel disgusting sometimes, but i think that living Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>Excuse me if these sound more like personal gripes, but if you want, I can search and quote some of the stuff that, in my opinion, show that Aristotle was misguiding people with his words.
yes please, show me the quotes
>I could tell you what my definition of truth is, if you wanted to as well.
yes I want to hear it
>I enjoy history and philosophy, but neither of those pay the bills, so I chose engineering instead. I probably should have just taken up a menial job, it would have saved my parents the grief.
you're right. philosophy must be a hobby and not a job. better doing another job then philosopher or maybe Im wrong


From On Sleep, Section 3.

Aristotle follows his standard format, brings up previous points, states observations and draws conclusions. The issue I have specifically is that his argument comes across as being a non sequitur based on the information given, where he says sleep is a form of concentration, in which the hot matter draws in and the body cools down. He makes no concession towards common illness, such as fever, which would entail a visible warmness, even during rest. While I know this was not common knowledge, infants are also warmer. I do not know how much warmer, or if this would have actually been noticeable by touch, so I cannot hold that against Aristotle.

So many of his studies are easy enough to fault, but yet, there is no counterargument. At least no recorded counterargument. No concession is made either and this comes up repeatedly when discussing the natural world and human sensations. I am not going to pick on his studies on animals, as it is easy to do so with a modern lens.

I know this is more scientific then philosophical but the connection between science and philosphy is a core idea of Aristotle. You know, for someone who sought to figure out philosophy by observation of the natural world, he does leave very large gaps.

I could focus on his discourse on the elements too, but I feel that this is too much of a low hanging fruit to discuss, especially with the modern lens.

The truth is, as per my definition, what is righteous. I understand that righteousness alters from person to person, but righteousness, in the traditional sense, is concrete, in that what was righteous all came from one source: religion. I understand that we live in a world where religion is not universal, but religion all seemingly has a common root. For example, Islam, Christianity and Judaism are all known as Abrahamic faiths. More properly, I should say that Christianity and Islam take root in Judaism, so please excuse my somewhat incorrect conjecture. Similarly, the religions of Greece, Rome, Egypt, Canaan, Ugarit, Mesopotamia, India, etc. all have a common root in religion.

Without religion, there is no morality, even for those who have no personal faith. It must be argued that those of no personal faith still heed to a god, one of no name, no face, but a presence of sorts. In a sense, this could be a falsPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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>it [religion] is something very natural in existence
in our modern society (mostly western world) there's no reason to follow a religion anymore but people still do. Can religion be considered a natural state of the human being if religion can be acknowledge as false and there's no need to follow it anymore?
we oversteped religion through years


Yes and no. It is true the pure idea of religion is something that, as we see it, no longer relevant, but also, religion dictates morality even to this day. In other words, I do not mean religion is in the ideas of things such as Creationism and what actually happens within a religion's sacred text itself, but rather what lessons religion teaches. The most obvious example are the Ten Commandments. Just simply because we have overstepped religion does not mean that we have overstepped the fact that bearing false idols (for example, Charles Manson's Doomsday Cult) or that we murder or even consciously disrespect the elderly. We still follow religion in its case for morality, even if there are those who wish to strip parts of it away, for better or for worse.

I guess this is not the traditional definition of religion, but the name of this concept escapes me, so religion is what I refer to it as.


thank you, I guess people are still bound to religion so they still care about going to heaven so they follow the religion's morals

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 No.211212[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Is anyone else bothered by how much importance people place on sex?

I can't think of any other desire that you can satisfy entirely by yourself at no cost. And once you satisfy it you don't crave it anymore and might even feel disgust (aka post nut clarity/shame).

And yet because of sex people choose to ruin lives of others and their own, to ruin their health, to spend tons of money, to ruin relationships, to feel depressed and what affects me the most as wizard: also taint media with their horniness. Video games will have clearly cumbrained character design that looks stupid if you are not horny and if you criticize it you get called gay or a succubus. Movies have pointless sex scenes. They can't even comprehend people not being obsessed with sex 24/7. Imageboards are full with coomers shitposting and bitching and not getting laid.

Does no one else see how pointless it all is?
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not really. it's actually a great thing for them to constantly seek such mindless pleasure and keep each other busy behind locked doors. more normies have sex less I have to see them on the street.


Ever since the US Department of Justice started recording prison rape figures in the 1970s, succubi's prisons have hald TWICE the rate of inmate-on-inmate sexual assault as recorded in male prisons.

Recent figures will often be attacked as a result of "transexual" prisoner transfers so I do expect you, personally, to look into the reality of female lesbian prison rape until such time as you personally are exhausted by the literal mountain of paper evidence on the subject.


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This facebook-tier comic ironically contains more wisdom than every NPC on this planet. It really is just monkey + intelligence. We get a boner then we come up with entire philosophies centered around what it means to have a boner and put it in a fun hole.


>something is therefore should be and becomes a purpose, no, THE purpose
>believes in IQ
Yep, confirmed retard.


>He's a breeder normie so he'll simply tell you that you're wrong because you don't want to shit out more wageslaves for the demonic entities that want to harvest loosh.
I think he's been posting here for years because I've seen his natalist rants like a hundred times already and it's baffling. Why worship natalism and rant about it on wizchan?

I contribute to the wellbeing of people I care about. And to my wellbeing, first and foremost. I don't cuck myself by making the lives of ungrateful mouth breathers easier. They wouldn't do it for me (because they deem me different, i.e. a subhuman or a non-human that they have zero empathy towards), so why should I do it for them? It's like cuckoldry on steroids: instead of someone fucking a bitch you call your own, he fucks your entire life and you masturbate and enjoy it. Like the extreme sports version of getting cucked.


And he'd be right.

[Last 50 Posts]

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 No.214763[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I was arguing with some classmate today, who went on about how ugly people shouldn't have kids. And of course I am ugly too. Hence, eventually a wizard.

I don't know what happened to me today but I had almost a sudden change of mine, somewhere down the line of arguing with my classmates, I figured out that they don't give a shit about ugly people suffering. If they did they would do something to help them. Not fucking exterminate them.

It's like eradicating poverty by bombing people or eradicating cancer by shooting cancer patients. I don't know, now, I find myself of the opinion that if an ugly gut gets a chance he should have children. He too deserves all the happiness of having a child.

And who knows maybe due to the randomity of universe the child turns out to be Chad or Stacy. Do you guys ever have a change of mind like this? About a topic that you felt so deeply about?

Like I know my parents are ugly and responsible for my predicament. But I think that both of them have done a lot for me. And while it is their duty to do it. I feel grateful at times.
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>Ugliness is not a disability.
I have been thinking about this for a few minutes. To be "disabled" is to be unable to perform a basic lifestyle function. I am physically disabled. However, some people are officially considered "socially disabled" if they are sufficiently bad at reading facial expressions. Why is this a disability when ugliness is not? The official answer is that jobs exist which they cannot fill, but that is a bit strange when you consider that men over a certain height cannot fly fighter craft or work in a submarine, and there are many, many jobs that ugly people in general and ugly succubi in particular cannot accomplish. Pretty much every example of an "ugly" successful salesman that I've seen for example has actually just been old, or fat, or balding, with no attention paid to the things the brain really responds to on a deep level like symmetry, skin health, facial structure etc.

I think the idea of social disability may really be that a socially disabled man's response to social situations is sufficiently unpredictable that accident or intentional violence is the most likely result of coercing them into a position that requires rather than simply requests appropriate social responses. A socially disabled lawyer or judge or police officer would not just be inept, he would present a danger to society by misjudgment.


ugliness doesnt have a genetic part to it it's a developmental disorder. but you are right that humans are animals after all


>the not based part results to be incredibly unbased

Sleeping badly, are we?

Only safe if the changes are made inheritable, but that would finish the bussiness. So quite unlikely to happen.


so much effort to just say no and nothing else


>on an imageboard dedicated to 30 year old virgins
how utterly stupid and mentally ill do you have to be to end up on this corner of the internet and seethe when you don't fit in?

[Last 50 Posts]

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any other wizards have to deal with manic depression?
I was NEET for a few years, then went to university in 2020 (Eastern European and covid shit wasn't a big deal, also university isn't expensive, parents supported me)
I'm good with computers, particularly web shit (bought domain names and hosting), looking to become self-employed; missed out of crypto shit (bitcoin doubled in value along with NVIDIA stocks), but looking to buy a mining rig.
I started smoking, during elevated phases I could smoke a pack/day, but during low phases I don't touch it at all.
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>GTA 3
>Ancient game

Bro, I'm getting older


Stay away from psychiatry, you will regret it. CBT helped me with anxiety and motivation problems, but you have to treat it like physical exercise and expect pain. Maybe it won't cure you, but it can make things better.


I went to a psychiatrist, he seemed very intelligent, prescribed me 4 meds, including an anti-psychotic, but low dosage, he said schizophrenics take up to 8mg daily and he prescribed me 1mg. I usually skip it, only take it on the onset of a manic episode.


WTF is this reddit-spaced nonsense normalfag post? can't you troll somewhere else?


>Stay away from psychiatry, you will regret it.
good advice


Every problem you post about is just a symptom of the genetic deterioration of the population.
Life is too easy, everyone becomes pure trash, everything they do is trash, and they multiply like rabbits with trash mates and the next generation is even trashier.
They have zero resistance to lies because their lives are based on lies.
They need an ecosystem of lies so they can keep up the illusion that their lives have value.
It's a spiral that cannot be corrected. Total societal collapse is inevitable.
Nothing will ever get better until the dysgenics are purged with unrestrained natural selection.

The solution to everything is to collapse society with violent sabotage.
It's going to collapse anyway.
If we collapse it before they are ready to replace us we win. Their hordes of slaves will all starve and they will die because there is nothing to leech off.


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You're a glow in the dark CIA nigger monkey


Accelawiggers are the dumbest people on the planet and all irradiated or connected to them.


Dutton is that you?

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I usually think about wiz being well pressured by society. I mean, social relations like measurment of your quality as a DNA-container, normie-based entartainment and media, etc.
Moreover, in my country there are a lot of shit about duty and self-sacrifice. Fun fact, there is an option to be recruited and die as a virgin on a battlefield. 20-25 years ao there were a lot of such situations. Also, you need to work… I have good university- and self-education in IT and math, but todays job is based on normie tEaM bUildIng(a lot of such shit in our University) and I just dont want to think about the job perspectives.
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mordor I guess




> its socially acceptable, financially incentivized even, to “waste” time enjoying the horrors of the trenches

You literally cant suffer anon.


"Teambuilding" means "you're not a member of the elite so you won't get any money". Anyone who suggests otherwise is spreading propaganda.


Wtf a based wiz

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I'm 22, I'm an asshole, and I've basically wasted my entire adolescence being a friendless loser who stays inside and online 14 hours a day. I also don't have any online friends, so I don't even talk to people during those 14 hours.

I've lived like this for so long that I don't even know how to start dating. I don't even know how to make friends. I have tried, but when I get closer I feel that they are somewhat annoying since they only tell their shit, or about things that they like regardless of what you have to say, so I end up giving up trying.

I don't want to waste my 20s the same way. I just want one friend, just one friend. I just want… any contact with someone outside my family, but at the same time I don't want it, and I prefer to lock myself in my thoughts, and although I can extinguish the feeling of loneliness with books, series, work, or learning new things, the reality is that it feels nice to share something with others, even if it is within an anonymous forum.
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Before myself.

>¬ Leave this site ffs

I've been here for 8 years


It's very much real and many people learn of them having it only as adults. After this new knowledge, many past experiences will start to make sense


Well, "cold approaches" are pointless. Everyone sees through it, is inured to the game. The rules are different for us, and everything they do is about emphasizing hypocrisy and social distinction. So, if you're antisocial, you're with the majority of humanity at this point. Most people do their job, go home to whatever they have, expect little out of life. I've been told some people appreciate that I don't pretend and they don't have to "front" as much with me. The people who make this is an issue are people I want to push away, so of course I play up antisocial behavior. They really hate it when I smile and try to have a social life of any sort. I've never been bawled out worse than when I was pretending to try and meet people, thinking that I could do so now. You'd think they'd bawl me out over actually bad things, but they don't believe in that. They punished me more growing up when I was doing well, because "retards aren't supposed to learn". Despite everything I had some happy demeanor when I could, despite it being beaten out of me by all of the humiliations. I didn't show it often because it wasn't allowed, but others would sometimes say hello to me.
One rule I learned - the "right of transgression" extends to who is allowed to say hello. I'm not allowed to say hello. It's a demonstration of social rank in this society, not a pleasantry. The proper greeting for inferior caste, if that is allowed, is to wave/raise your hand if you see someone, and say nothing, or do so in response. It is expected - entrained, even - that you respond silently to greetings, rather than cheerly reply as an equal.

Basically, every one of these rituals is about emphasizing the exact opposite of the golden rule. You're actually supposed to treat others like shit, in accord with their caste, and follow an imagined chain of command. Some are harder asses about it than others, with most people not caring that much - but the rules are established and they do not allow too many transgressions. While I've never been explicitly pulled aside and told this, I was given warnings to that effect, and told explicitly it is best that I not speak unless spoken to or have a pretext worth their attention. Ideally they want lower caste to be obsequious, fearful. Think of what they want a black man to act like - utterly servile and fearful of white men, and espeically fearfulPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


As for "assburgers" that really doesn't matter the way it's made to be a thing. No one can conform to this society. It's designed to screen out anyone who isn't a Nazi like the people who started this shit, and promote little Einsatzgruppen when they enter the next stage… which is what they did in 2008 and again in 2020. Like I said, there is no defense against it. It started before many of you were born. I saw it in the final stages, and the 1990s were the worst when they were going hog wild to wreck the country.


>If people like you existed we would still use lobotomy
Not him, but wouldn't it be the exact opposite? The reason we destroy people's brains with drugs is that there aren't enough people like him.

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I think I'm slowly giving up being a magician. Sometimes I look in the mirror and smile at my own presence, one time I was quite excited and masturbated with my own reflection. I think it's too much, and even though it only happens once it is enough.I have never experienced romantic love, but if we define it as acceptance, forgiveness, benevolence and honesty, then that is how I feel self-love. Like an elderly couple with decades of commitment, where everything has already been seen, where there are no butterflies in the stomach or the nervousness of the first date. Also the hypocrisy of some actions such as despising violence, rejecting isolated people, You people have bad qualities of your own, which are unacceptable in others, but not in me. Because I wouldn't be near people like that even with a stick.

What can I say? In my defense, I think this is due to prolonged social isolation.
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cope, its never 0%


Is there a point where the chance of success is so low that it's not worth trying? If the chance of success is 0.1%, is it still worth making 1000 attempts until you make it with a swamp ass stank whale?

>When someone rejects you once, you try dozens more times until they buy from you.
what a pathetic way to be


>Is there a point where the chance of success is so low that it's not worth trying? If the chance of success is 0.1%, is it still worth making 1000 attempts until you make it with a swamp ass stank whale?
Of course it isnt worth it. Even for normal people the most common outcome is a failed relationship that damages them or costs a massive amount of money, time, suffering. Bad relationships can completely break people, it is very risky, especially for a vulnerable wiz autist


In this world governed by social networks, it is rare for a man to talk to a succubus irl, the same goes for sales, although this varies from country to country. But out of 10 succubi a normie talks to, it is likely that one will be interested in him, it is a matter of statistics.

>what a pathetic way to be

If a person rejects you, then that person wasn't worth it in the first place.


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By knowing how to sell, it is easier to find better clients, but if you stay locked in, and only have a couple of options, then they have you by the balls.

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After hitting 30 this feeling has been eating me and I don't know how to resolve it. I started watching different youtube channels and it made me realize how much time I wasted staring at a screen when I could be experiencing the world and creating things. The 21st century offers so many possibilities and yet all I did was sit at home play video games and read inane garbage online. Now I always had depression, anxiety, social autism, adhd, average iq etc. that lead to me being an underachiever but nowadays it feels like I was just the right self-help book and meds/supplement combination and some effort away from solving all these issues.

I could start now but after hitting 30 I feel this sense of hopelessness after experiencing aging. I felt like shit in my 20s but now I realize I actually felt good. Now I tire easily and years of sitting made my body feel rusty. I feel like the youth shield is gone and I can't take the future for granted anymore and expect it to make it even to 40. Every time I experience a new pain or sensation I imagine it to be the start of something serious.

How do you deal with this? It feels like modern technology amplifies winners so if you are a loser it feels extra bad because there is such a big contrast between living with your parents and riding the bus and eating mac and cheese and living in a multi-million dollar mansion with a beautiful view and driving a ferrari and eating at 3 star restauraunts.
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You have to learn how to let the past go. Focus on the you that matters, the one that exists right now. The version of you that is sitting here reading this.

Take a break from reading this. Look around the room. Focus on your enviornment and get out of your head. Once you are back in your enviornment think about what you want to do right now. Not things that you wish you had done, the thing you want right fucking now. Then do it or start taking the steps you need to know how to take to get it done. Dont think about any bullshit what ifs or how you got where you are, the only thing that matters is what you want to do.


pray tell, wiz
have you ever eaten a really weird mushroom? because you sound like you have (in a good way)


Nope. Just meditation and living the wizlife


This, but with a caveat. You first need to resolve the reasons that create an ongoing severe depression or you wont be repainting your chipped room, you wont even be getting out of bed.

When you figure out how to make it mid level or low level depressin, you finally get some energy to get shit done.

My process lasted 4 years from deciding to get shit done to actually taking the first step.
It's not something you can just do in a snap if you're covered in a shroud of severe brain fog resulting from decades of loneliness and severe depression.

(My main cue was getting surgery to fix a severe deformity, which caused a snowball effect making my life gradually better and better)


I have missed out on nothing. Every experience I had shaped me to be exactly who I am now, and I'm eternally grateful for it. I regret nothing. What if I teleported myself into my 15 year old body? I would do things differently, sure, but then the new 33 year old me would not be the one he is today.

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A couple days ago I became a wizard.

I worked so hard, accomplished nothing, life a piss.

So many years of my youth on toil and I am in a place little better than if I'd done nothing at all.
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Those types are likely very young and in that emotionally charged part of their life. They think the world is over and they are an eternal loser and then when they finally lose their virginity at the ripe old age of 23 they call us losers and brag that they had sex so they could get banned.

I think any elderwiz who went on the self improvement path far enough for them to attract a mate likely would've ditched this website early on in their journey so they wouldn't even think to post here. That or they know how such a post would be received so they don't bother.


74 in a few more weeks and i've never been saner or happier…


please stay away from here, failed normal.

This is what a truwiz looks like.


Nice, thanks for validating my decision not to work hard. Everyone who works hard imagines their hard work will make them a winner. But that's not how life goes, many people work hard and still lose. Why go through the effort if you have traits that will make you end up a loser no matter what you do?


I want to hear your life story and how you evolved through each decade. You come from a different world though.

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