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any dirt poor wizard during their childhood? (in USA especially)
how was your life? I also was dirt poor when I was a kid too
write down if you ALSO had a hard childhood


I was poor for the early years of my life until my dad got a better job and then we lived comfortably.

But I was abused physically and verbally almost daily as a kid.


Yea, had a shit tier abusive childhood in a bad neighbourhood full of drug addicts. It's not really a surprise I became one too.


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well yeah. always were insecure about that. also was a fat kid. how are you poor and also get your kid fat? the abuse i experienced because of that, all the rejection directly contributed to the social issues i have now. i had friends as a teenager but never invited them over to my ugly old house. and parents wondered when i will bring a succubus over lmao. anyway this caused me to hyperfocus on getting degree and a job. currently if i keep on renting only a room i have 5 years of expenses in savings, 3 if i rent a flat. there is high probability i will breakdown and kill myself if i lose my job so i might never get to use that money lol.

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What's your personal philosophy towards death? How do you deal with death? The older I get the more "real" the idea of death becomes, I was wondering if could achieve peace with this fact.
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post this image one more fucking time i fucking dare you


I embrace it, I have nothing to live for.


Doesn't matter nearly as much as you're led to believe. Have had family and people close to me die, saw fam die in front of me and couldn't do anything to save them. The idea that you're supposed to obsess over death this much is something people tell you if they hold you in contempt - and they say this precisely because they de-value life and want to convince people of the glory of death, sacrifice, and if they can get you to agree to it, killing on their behalf. Death sucks and it's a bunch of bullshit. Life, however futile it may seem, is basically good, and so is the world. It's not life itself or the trees or birds that did something so awful by living.

Basically - find a way to die alone, so the bastards don't have the satisfaction of leering over you as your life ends. If you can win that, and settle whatever affairs you have, you've already won the greatest victory of all. Reasonable people don't want to be by your side as you die, and wouldn't want to drag people they like into the abyss of death. You might say how selfish that is, but when death comes, you will be alone. Better that than being given over to ritual sacrifice and the grotesque soul of those who did this to the world. If anyone truly cares about you, they will understand this, and probably think the same about their own death. Perhaps the one thing someone might want is someone they trust to watch over them and guard them, so that those who would leer at their death with pleasure are unable to barge in. The assholes love doing that just to twist the knife. So, I think about that, and am so thankful that I'm probably going to die in my home, no medical attention and no one needing to know. I don't expect to die any time soon, and I quite like living and keep in touch with people, so if they can't reach me after a week or two, they know I'm either dead or hiding from something.

There is no Hell and you don't physically "go anywhere" when you die. A child can see through that. The afterlife is something we sense while we are alive - a potential that is difficult to describe in language unless you are someone inclined by true need to find it. It's not something that applies to most of humanity, I've learned. Most of humanity really doesn't think about death in this way. They're too attached to their sense of self and social standing, and when you really see what they feel and think about death, it's some of the most pathetic idiocy I've heard. I thought I was stupid anPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


I know all of that sounds flippant and nihilistic, which isn't the purpose. I don't glorify death or fatalism. Like I said, life is basically good, or at least, life and most of the world is neutral. Even at its worst, the natural world can't really do much. If I died to a fire, that would suck, and I would want to prevent that. That's one of the most painful natural deaths I can think of. But, odds are, I die of a heart attack and that's enough. I'd prefer to know it's coming, rest in bed, and let whatever will happen do its thing. But, if the past is any indication, I'd likely seize up one day while I'm about my business at home, and that will be that. I intend to be alone and want it that way, and I have means to guard against anyone using this to insinuate any foul play about the nature of my death, or use that as their pretext.


All that said, it's probably better to do the necessary investigation, then see that life is basically good - up to a point where you're not really living or doing anything, and that there are things far worse than death in this world. If you can only think about all of the terrible things humans do to twist the knife, you're going to waste a lot of energy, and that's one reason why they push it so aggressively. If I were interested in eternal life or legacy, I know I'm not going to find it with the approval of those people. That's not an eternal life or legacy worth living or contributing to. The world deserves better, and most of humanity really deserves better, even if they don't appreciate me. This isn't about my own aggrandizement. I'd be quite happy if my name were lost to history and my deeds didn't have grand world-historical impact, simply because I don't think the world needs to owe a heroic debt to a human failure like me. If I were going to "save the world", one of the first things I'd tell people is to get rid of this insufferable hero and guru worship fad, because ordinary people are capable of better than this, and we had the sad misfortune of living in a social order which commanded the exact opposite, for the worst reasons imaginable. I believe in the end there is enough interest in something other than that shit to carry on, even if I remain a human failure with nothing good to say for myself.

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I remember being on wizardchan over a decade ago thinking one day I'll definitely become a wizard. I left imageboards a few years back. Now that I'm turning 30, I remembered fond memories of this place.

My transformation is happening soon.


Experience with any issue of those which torment wizards' lives day by day?


I know that feeling. I discovered this place long ago and it actually inspired me to improve on things and improve my skills. I'm still not where I want to be, but now that I reached my ascension, I feel like things will truly be different now.
I'm hoping you can reach the same.

How much do you feel you've changed in that time?


I need advice for how to approach my long term dental health.

I have always had pretty shit teeth, mouthbreathing as a kid meant I developed an overbite. Since then I've had blunt force impact to my right side that shattered one tooth that I had to get extracted. Then after, I had a temporary cap on for repairs that I forgot about and left there (stupid). The tooth rotted away, fell apart and damaged the tooth below it due to a jagged edge chipping away at the emmanel, and the one to the other side due to the formation of a massive cavity.

Is it better to just cut my losses, extract all the damaged shit and contain the damage? Or should I bother with temporary caps, false teeth and reconstruction. I thought removal was the way up until now, but the resulting gaps in my teeth have meant other teeth get chipped away, it's like tooth decay is logarithmic, once you have one damaged its a domino effect through your mouth.

All the damage is located in one area, the rest of my teeth seem to be for the most part fine.
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Yeah I'm starting to realize that replacements are better than leaving dead shit after this one rotted away on me. I guess if you're doing yearly check ups you won't be taken by surprise by one decaying on you.

The damage isn't as bad as it seems, none of my cavities have gotten any worse over the last 7 years. I'll still get the ones close to the core filled though because they're at risk. This last remaining dead tooth at the front I'll get replaced with an artificial implant in two years hopefully. It'll be tough savings but I'm sure I can manage it.


Removal is often the better choice over trying to do a root canal and save the tooth. After that the implants are basically just cosmetic. If you have the money, get the implants because appearances matter in this cruel world.

I hope this thing pans out

I read about this research a long time ago where some guy supposedly cured cavities by creating some alternate form of the main bacteria that causes cavities that produces ethanol instead of acid. The new form of bacteria replaces the old one somehow and you don't get cavities anymore. I think he wanted to get it approved as a medicine or something but the regulators shut it down. Recently some group of investors uncovered the research and are trying to sell it but from what I heard last they are also running into regulatory issues.

I feel like I am just barely managing to hold onto things now after years of neglecting my teeth. I brush after every meal and floss with a water flosser almost every day. I have dry mouth from weed so I use a nanohydroxyapatite toothpaste since it is less reliant than flouride on saliva to remineralize teeth. I only started brushing because things started to hurt. I am lucky it started hurting before things got too far to salvage.


When I was 18 and ignorant about the world, I just told dentists "lol remove it" after every sports injury shattering teeth or when it needed a root canal. This has caused one wisdom tooth to come in impacted.

So I lost 3 teeth, not counting wisdom teeth, all in all, all on one side. One tooth is chipped from another tooth moving. I'm only in my early 30s so I feel like I'm so far behind the game.

The thing is though the rest of my teeth seem pretty healthy, sure, there's cavities, but they're fine for the most part.

>Removal is often the better choice over trying to do a root canal and save the tooth

It depends. If you start getting gaps in your teeth, they shift and chip away at other teeth. But if you get a root canal and let it rot, you'll quickly find that yeah, your other teeth around them will fuck out.


Just got the tooth removed. I felt the chipping each night as I tried to sleep and freaked out, I got it early on as it was beginning to embed in the next tooth over.

However the foul taste in my mouth still isn't gone. I'm wondering if it's an abcess in my dead front tooth and I just freaked out, picked out the most obvious tooth and blamed that. I never had a front xray so you wouldn't know.


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It's a lie that baking soda harms your teeth. Cheapest thing for washing and brushing.

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now i know you've been asked similar stuff before but this time im going a little wider
how the fuck do i leave all social media, including imageboards? im tired
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It's an unfortunate fact of the human condition that your chimp brain simply cannot survive absolute zero interaction with other humans ever. You will go painfully insane
You need to get your dose somehow, and posting on imageboards is a sustainable minimum for those people who only get negative emotions from social interactions


I decided to delete the apps and bookmarks for instagram, x, tiktok, twitch, and discord. I was engaging with too much ragebait and it was frying my brain. It got to the point where no matter what opinion or thought I had, it felt like I was making half the population extremely angry and wanting to kill me. It felt like there was zero nuance to any topic whatsoever, no sense of neutrality to anything. I want to get away from that feeling.
Besides that the only other thing I used these apps for was for mindless coomer content. I was obsessed with the mundane daily updates of these bathing suit models who will never talk to me. Such nonsense, yet it was the first thing I looked at when I got up in the morning and the last thing before going to bed.
I don't have your problem where I'm looking to interact with someone. I'm really introverted so I only used these apps to consume content.


nta, we receive deja vus from places we've been in another life before. Those can be used as clues. More likely to say weird shit as a kid too like when I was 5 on the way to Disneyland in Paris I said out loud I've been there before on that highway when I only been there my first time. Said it about some other places too. Then there's my high school French teacher in French class telling me I have a Parisian accent. I doubt this can be experienced by anyone who can't even fully visualize a 3D apple and hasn't a constant debate in his mind between 3 voices. I think even full blown memory can appear but only in dreams and visions. Had a dream about A German opera over a hundred years ago, I swear it's real


You need to replace those activities with other ones. I took an internet break yesterday, mostly played videogames and watched Squid Game. Today and tomorrow and every day after I'm limiting my time online to 2 hours max.


I tried to do it, I went out with my brother, and sometimes I went out alone, wandering around the city with nothing to do. I listened to the radio, and read books. I felt a need to talk to someone, since I was extremely bored. But I think the best way to burn hours is to work, you go to work 8 or 10 hours, you read for another 3 or 4, you bathe for another hour, and you finish the day.

Every day I dream of being able to leave her, and force myself to focus on doing what I mentioned to you. Because out of sheer boredom I did things I never thought I would do. With enough time, I will be able to focus on being a magnificent person.

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It just dawned on me that I never really had any chance at a normal life. Despite THEIR careful planning of every detail and influences in the environments I was raised in, I was doomed from the start. I didn't go through the worst of situations growing up, other than the most basic levels of third world poverty and being unlikable and annoying to kids my age, things that for sure didn't shape me into what I am today, if anything they taught me a basic notion of hardships I use to analyze stuff. I always felt detached to everyone and everything around me, I knew ever since I was a kid that I wasn't "normal", and dwelling on that thought most likely reinforced it, but also helped develop my capability of insight which is my main link to this world. It goes beyond not being "normal" in that way as I don't have any real interests or hobbies, the closest thing I have to a feeling of self-realization is using pattern recognition, I used it to understand people growing up, connecting dots and developing a semblance of "adequacy" to have around the few people that liked me, and to use in lesser interactions. The only thing actually capable of stimulating me nowadays ever since people started to stare at me with disgust on the street, rendering me unable of most interactions, is breaking down THEIR schemes, I love it. I feel like I understand every single step of the way they go through with them, the way they set the world against us, they corner us, they kill us with anguish. I do enjoy malice, it's something intelligent animals develop, after all, maybe even the most primitive of intelligent behavior. And I can't help but feel like I was born for that, meant to orchestrate and pull strings to such a degree, if I were to fully succumb to malice. I just can't seem to find passion in anything really, dissecting humor maybe, but it's a rather basic way to employ pattern recognition. Maybe if I was born during a less shittier period of humanity, with an environment that actually helped with my developing, I could have done great things. It's just that way, nowadays they systematically set us up for failure, the only ones capable of fulfilling their potential being those raised outside their bubble of control.
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nta it lowers testosterone and increases prolactin that's the shit causing brain fog. I've been trying semen retention with varying success for half a year now and when I get several weeks in it's like a world of difference, it makes you wittier, it genuinely makes you smarter, your reflexes are better, when I play videogames it's like I play better than I've ever experienced, like I was retarded before in comparison. You're more confident, that could be for varying reasons. The biggest thing of all to note is the extreme increase in energy, you barely need sleep weeks in, you become a machine that's super alert, any goal you work on will be done 10 times faster because you could be doing it at night after only sleeping 2 hours and finding that was totally sufficient and you feel zero tiredness. You need less food too oddly, great for losing weight, you can barely eat and not feel hungry and then work out for many hours without feeling tired to burn extra calories. If anyone here's fat, this shit is the best weight loss program, just stop masturbating for a few weeks and put in 200% effort and you'll lose kilos per day potentially. People should just give it a shot, don't expect miracles, such an incredible boost for attaining realistic goals in your life.




We must make the best of what we have minimise regret


It's hard to make the best out of such a terrible hand, I honestly can't find genuine and lasting enjoyment in anything, and can't even gather enough interest nor the will to gravitate towards and act upon anything.


It's not a very advanced lore, that normals and their organization of the world into several, unscapable ways of being a cuck is not far from dire evil.

You feel like enlightened but you are not even started. Best wishes, tho!

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>I've been on image boards for 7 years
>4 of them that I visited recurrently closed or they have very low activity
>I just have to visit wizchan
I don't even feel very comfortable doing it since I don't know how to speak English, and I require the use of a translator to understand what they say.
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> anonymous forums,
what is this except imageboards?


hispachan died because of the censorship of its moderators, nido.org died the day its administrator committed suicide, voxed died because its administrator got bored of the page


Something like this 1chan.ca


I really, really loved the time I spent on 8 before it got hammered down because of the New Zealand dude, I legitimately felt like I had no place on the internet the day it closed.
I still come here from time to time, and it took me a long while to find the new remnants from 8 after it died down from the webring in 2021, but unfortunately it's not the same without the post activity. The essence is there, but I miss when it had more post activity because it's not very often that I find something that I can opiniate on, and more posting just means statistically more likely that this happens.
The remnants also has something called hisparefugio, which I don't know if it's related to where you came from or what you're looking for, but at least it's something, even if the posting speed is as slow as here is nowadays.


Hispachan was so dead that 8 out of 10 threads were mine. It was my first social network, and the only one where I knew how to handle myself.
Spending so much time here has made me stop giving importance to other people's opinions, laugh at myself, and be honest. But I think what I like most is to impose my thoughts and way of thinking, so that even in anonymity certain ways of thinking of mine are followed.


I am now 30 years old. Still a virgin. Strangely, I don't really care about this point, I even stopped wishing for a girlfriend about 5 years ago. I'm completely satisfied with my situation.
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why does everything needs to be a conspiracy? the world is just chaos and war and suffering, it's very complex but it's simpler than crazy conspiracies.


i reached that point about a year ago on my birthday. you get to a point where just start asking yourself "whats the point of stressing over something thats probably not gonna change anytime soon or ever?". At some point it your life you just stop caring and learn to enjoy the little shit you have like coming home to comfy bed and watching anime or some shit.


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>I am completely satisfied with my situation
Oh, rly?

Yes, you seemingly go down the drain. Wait for some years when consequences of lowered mana capacity starts hitting your door.

Holotropic breathwork has same benefits without the risks


xD. It's funnier to be ready.
>so you better shut up. let us be batshit crazy crackpots


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What should I do to maxx my happiness as a wiz? Yes, I'm a NEET, yes I'm 30 years old know, I wonder if there's any content happy older NEET wiz there could share some wisdom.
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We were not meant to be happy in the first place. Each one of us only has around 70 years to live on this planet and time flies very fast, especially when you are a wizard. 70 years is not enough time to figure out anything. Most people die without ever having their shit together. Anyone who sells you the idea that you need this or that in order to be happy is bullshiting you. All of us are different and we don't want then same things. What could be very important to me could mean shit to you and same goes the other way around. We all have to find what makes us "happy" on our own.



I believe that happiness comes from freedom, from being able to do what you want without being conditioned to anything or anyone, and there is no better way than to find freedom than through knowledge, since knowing ourselves, and accepting who we are. we are, we will be able to live in peace. As well as learning useful things that allow us to acquire material wealth, so as not to be subordinate to anyone. Focusing mainly on your life, and stopping giving importance to social, cultural, and political issues, or simply other people's thoughts, since at the end of the day, the only and most important thing in this world is yourself.


I didn't realize this until I turned 30. Time starts flying after that point.

Now I'm 42 and it feels like it's been a blink of an eye. In no time I will be 70 and life will be for all meanings and definitions done for me.

Life is incredibly short. And it sucks big time living it as a wizard, especially a poor one like me who will neither get disability-bucks nor a job no matter how hard he tries looking for either.


Incredibly sad pic

 No.211512[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Wizardcel or Wizcel for short is neither a volcel nor crab
It's an ascended state of wizardry.
It's a wizard celibate who truly believes in the definition of celibacy, advocates for it, and follows this lifestyle. Not a degenerate who calls himself volcel but does drugs, watches disgusting porn, chats with camwhores, and masturbates his brains out and has female friends but thinks he is any different from a crab or failed normie or some unthinking pleb.
It isn't either an in cel who can't shut up about blackpills, dating app stats, and how over life is for him and the rest of ugly males who got the short end of the stick when it comes to looks.

The true wizardcel is something you attain after naturally getting rid of labels and going your own way beyond what internet memes and society tells you.
It's someone like Nikola Tesla. You don't see him often but he exists. You won't find him posting on imageboards less on any social media. He barely communicates with others, he prefers to spend his time by himself, alone, and unbothered. He needs no socializing, his soul is entirely dedicated to higher pursuits beyond the mundane. He lives in his own world and his world rewards him with a wisdom that satisfies even hunger because at times he won't eat because of how engaged in his own thoughts and studies he is.

To quote, the biggest Wizcel of all time Nikola Tesla:
I recognize the importance that sex plays in the life of man. Nature has made its attraction irresistible to ensure the perpetuity of the race. As for myself, I have found that the thinker is confronted with the problem of perpetuating either the species or the mind. It is almost impossible, at least in certain realms of high endeavor, to do both. This has been recognized by the Hindus, whose adepts practice complete sexual abstinence, and by many of the great religions.

Before I produced the rotating magnetic field, I concentrated all my powers upon my experiment. The strain would have killed a hundred oxen. I certainly could not have survived it if I had permitted my energies to be diverted into the channels of sex.(USER WAS BANNED FOR BEING FROM THE "WIZKID" GAY ERP DISCORD SERVER)
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Wise words from Gandalf the Great.


Sex haver that killed wizards


Wrong. He is definitely the Greatest Wizard to ever live. All wizards know this.


Sounds like youre close to being on the right path because being a degenerate isnt healthy for your soul. God prescribes the medicine for your soul to get healthy and happy and only through Him you can achieve that. Pray and repent


for me, it's immanuel kant and isaac newton

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