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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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>"No one owes you their kindness"
>"No one has to have a reason not to like you"
>"You're not entitled to friends"
>"Thinking people have to like you is narcissistic"

All said by people who haven't experienced a lifetime of rejection, social ostracization and involuntary isolation. All said by people who haven't tried every way possible to be likable, but their autism still showed through.

I hate when normies say shit like this, and their stupid "boundaries" of not "owing people shit" which translated is usually; I'm going to act terrible to anyone I see as less than myself in a way that makes me look righteous.
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>expecting basic decency from other people as part of the social contract we all sign upon birth = immaturity
Please die, normalfaggot.


Oh man I remember that video. Grim.


I saw it too, the man actually did realize he fucked up and tried to run away but it was too late and the succubus just survival instincts which is common in spoiled white suburban succubi


This why I ghost so many of them, not even looking at their faces when they ask "how are you".

Not their damn issue how I be. They take their manners away? Then it's ghosting or beating. Hostility must be answered.


>like demon possessed
Looked like he knew what he was doing, huh. Too bad when the retaliator does not preserve anonimity against the goons

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My whole life I was treated like shit both at home and anywhere else. I coped to the extent I could with a mix of denial and dissociation. Only recently, after going no contact with my family and finding some people that seem to respect me to some extent, I have started to be honest with myself and process how much I've been bullied. Any small event or thought will trigger anger which can last from a few hours up to the the whole day. It makes me wonder how much I can truly recover and if I will ever not be angry. If you have any insights or similar experiences please share them in this thread.
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Why did you get bullied?
My problem with being bullied is that technically all the reasons I was bullied are still true. I'm still ugly, I still have no personality, etc.
I feel like when most people online talk about getting bullied it was for some noble reason because they were too special or awesome and everyone was jealous of them.


Hey yeah I was bullied, though only for a few months before I changed schools. Was angry too, and I had fantasies of revenge. What helped me move on was understanding the bullies' perspective. It was their way of unloading their own anger and hopelessness, and I just happened to be there, weak and vulnerable.


I just turned 39. In my case it still gnaws away at me deep inside. I still experience rage and fury as opposed to mere anger at the flick of a switch and it's tiring as all hell.


I hasn't gone away for me, though the fact that you at least have found some people who respect you, should make those scars heal, maybe I don't know for sure.
you get bullied because you're weak and vulnerable that's it


You still can be blackmailed by criminal groups living near to you. Have you got ready to minimally make them regret their mere existence?

Your soul needs revenge. But you might not even have a gun with you. Nor a strategy against anyone chasing you or making your life impossible. How to get rid of corpses, how to sow terror without being seen…

Cops are pretty little beyond decorative goons of an elite who gives less than a penny for your welfare.

This would just be a nice start. Are you (OP) minimally caring for your fitness, wiz? DID YOU LEARN THE LESSON OF SUCH EVENTS WHERE YOU WERE CLEARLY OUTNUMBERED AND OVERPOWERED?

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How do I get rid of my desire to have children and to continue my lineage?

I’ve been able to eliminate my desire for succubi and stop fantasizing about romantic relationships but I still have a desire to be a father and at times daydream about having children to raise and play with.

I feel once I rid myself of this want I can truly be content with my existence as a solitary invisible man in this decaying world.
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I am content with my wizard lifestyle. I have no desire to be with a succubus. I just have these fleeting thoughts of wanting to have a child to raise.

Another round of Cioran


because it's not a blessing to have a shit ton of responsibility in your life. Which is why most are neglected.
Why the fuck does it have to be pessimistic?
This. I thought the rules said the same?


Why should you? I mean, you can live with that desire like the rest of males who never get to reproduce.


just understand you're a modern day serf and your 'lineage' is worth shit.

You children will probably have a worse life than you, spare them the misery.


Not being able to, doesn't mean the crippling desire isn't there in the background nagging at you daily.

Especially as you age more and more, and start seeing things like video games or tv shows as meaningless background noise in the scheme of life.

The feeling can be squashed for a while with alcohol or drugs but then it comes back again.
It is painful and brutal to realize you were rejected from the human gene pool completely and nobody wishes to see it continue.

We are still animals at the core. Not machines. Things like this cause immense psychological torture.


I am now 30 years old. Still a virgin. Strangely, I don't really care about this point, I even stopped wishing for a girlfriend about 5 years ago. I'm completely satisfied with my situation.
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xD. It's funnier to be ready.
>so you better shut up. let us be batshit crazy crackpots



You are one of the only truwizzes left on this board it seems.


I'm also 30 and ok with it, though I'm still angry at everyone for being such horrible cunts towards me.


I hit 30 this year.
I used to deal a lot with >tfw no gf emotion during my younger years.
After a while, you realize they are not worth it.

Maybe it's because T drops a little bit when you hit 30, and with this decrease comes a more objective grasp on reality.

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I lack the "social thirst" and have an avoidant personality so isolating myself felt like the natural thing to do and the only thing that bothers me is how the lack of connections prevents me from having a successful career. With all the drama and the demanding upkeep that comes with relationships I felt like I was doing the right thing but then I read some comments about how the lack of life experience from current zoomer writers results in boring stories and in an argument online I was told my opinion on topics related to society doesn't matter since I am like an alien with how isolated I am and that hurt me at my core. I've shared my philosophy before and got told I need to "touch grass" because it reveals how autistic I am.

Do you think that's true? Are our views on human matters irrelevant? I want to make art but I worry that my autistic perspective will make it speak to no one as my lack of life experience will be visible through it and the ideas I will be communicating are not in touch with what people feel.
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Your limbic system mistakes normies as neurodiverse. But no, sir. Just crap and dullness that doesnt even make the mind interested even a bit

Just this stupid FOMO tingling your head, to fall for some begging of their attention and maybe get their piss in your face after trying to get it.


We lack, yes. But not what this normalcy whisper us we do.

It is a distraction


Have you ever read "The Vision of Piers Plowman"? Has anyone who was not assigned to read it by an educational institution? How much of the most important key fundamentals of the life of a common man does anyone alive today share? Really? "Those who work, those who fight, and those who pray." These are not understandable social categories to the citizen of the 21st century. They were the fundamental social categories of all of human history to a point, but only human history. Human prehistory was almost certainly as strange to the humans who lived within history as the human present would be to either category. Piers Plowman is kept current because it was so in touch with the experience of life of a normal vice-filled common man, but no-one shares that experience or that worldview and it would be nonsense to try to replicate it.

One day in the near future, perhaps as late as the end of the 22nd century, most human consciousness will flow from neuro-paste cultured in wafers which gained most of its experience of its "world" through interaction with diffusion models and language models which are themselves trained off of the creative output of those large banks of human biopaste wafers. There will be much more consciousness embodied in the relatively small volume of biopaste than in all the generations of human life that lead up to it. As far as we can tell today all human intelligence and consciousness exists within a relatively small volume of a few neural clusters along the surface of the gray matter of the brain, we would not really have much use for the majority of the neurons of a normal brain. The living space and resources required for an apartment complex would house the cognitive resource equivalent to millions in this more efficient human mind harvest farm. Life within the jar along the wafer in the dream of a robot harvesting your joy and fear and imagination and thought is the key, fundamental human lifecycle and human lifespan that is waiting for those who arrive in the near future, and it can only be averted to anything else by way of a competency crisis or by poisoning the advancement of science with deliberate scientific fraud. The experience of being human will not be fundamentally similar to life enmeshed in the family dramas and interpersonal traumas of early 21st century liberal two legged fully bodied society for long.

Perhaps most human brain matter will have been dedicated to living its early life as a buPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


I agree. Interactions with normgroids/normalfags/normies/normyloids that include humor, jokes, memes, etc. are great and very enjoyable. It's a shame that they're shit at every other thing and would backstab you over the smallest thing.


What you say may make sense for spiders, but not for humans.

We're social creatures, 'rite of passages' have always been a thing,
you may argue if those things really matter or if those 'key experiences' are just overrated
but truth is that for society those things matter, and not having them makes life even harder to navigate.

It would be fine if you didn't have to get a job or feel the urge to socialize sometimes, but we can't deny our nature.

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Okay, Almost all of us here barely have any friends IRL, me included (I am sure at least half of us here are fine with that), But what about online Socialization? even the biggest Hikikomoris socialize online, the issue is that I f*g can't relate to people online, even in circles that are meant for "losers" and "outcasts", even if i like many people there and we can somewhat get along, I still feel that I do not belong there and that we live in entirely different worlds, And I do not play online games, nor post in any other imageboard aside of this, I always feel home here, unlike anywhere else online, so it's comfy here, but somewhere like 4trannies? hell no, it really hits when my former online friends are advancing in life and starting romantic relationships and I am left in the same exact place (not negatively) it's when I realize that I don't belong around them and I am only going to relate to them less and less with the time, and I hate it when they try to get me to change my way and try to talk to me about "getting a G.F" and escaping wiz/apperantice-hood so i decide to just abandon them and live inside of my own mind bubble comfortably
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Imagine thousands of tiny twitters, youtubes, soundclouds, etc. that all connect to one another and can post and send images and so on to each other as if it were one website. Each one is independently run and cultivates its own userbase and forum culture, yet can communicate with each other as easily as you can email somebody from gmail to somebody using hotmail. For example, you join one forum that's on the fediverse (such as poa.st) and you can communicate with people from any other fediverse instance. Well, not every – some instance admins will block other instances for having muh wayciss nadsees because that particular instance is run by a literal tranny. Just stay off the no-fun-allowed side of the fediverse and you'll be fine.


I forgot to mention it's called the fediverse because the technical term for these sites communicating with each other is "federating" (as in being part of a federation) with each other.


Any time I try to join a chat these days like discord it seems like it's always young people trying to one up one another with shit memes from modern anime games.


Those are gachaniggers. Brainfried coomer normalfags who post safe horny ai slop. Bunch of 60-80 IQ indians and southeast asians now populate the chans instead of suburban whites.


If you don't do any socialization activity (not even playing games) hardly you'll get any socialization.
chans aren't built to socialize.

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Looks like the mainstream is very slowly starting to take unbiased interest in crabs, and what causes them. Though I don't expect anyone to find the root cause of it, only a bullshit band-aid therapy will be developed. The therapy will be cringy, humiliating, and will turn crabs into cucks at best. Then volcels will suffer even more stigmatization, and society will give even less fucks, because you're supposed to go to the crab therapy, problem solved. Just like depressed people just need to take lobotomy pills, autistic people just need to know their place, etc.


>Though I don't expect anyone to find the root cause of it
Because that would be heresy: "you actually dare suggest that succubi could possibly be at fault for anything?! BURN THE WARLOCK!!!"

>only a bullshit band-aid therapy will be developed

Yup. Just so they can fEel LiEk GoOd PeOpLe.


Something you have to understand is you don't get a psychology degree without being a liberal. They're called liberal arts for a reason. If you don't tow the orthodoxy in these courses you won't pass your assignments and exams. So there's no point in listening to anything these academics say.


>crabs UNDERESTIMATE the importance of qualities like intelligence, kindness & humor, and OVERESTIMATE physical attractiveness & financial resources
If that were true, most relationships wouldn't end up in divorce
we would be much smarter than people from 1000 years ago
and violence would be a thing from the past.

Truth is that people are just extremely shallow. The cosmetic industry is worth billions thanks to our insecurities.

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Has anyone here been able to astral project? I want to go make my own Avatar realm (last air bender not the blue fucks) and have fun being the avatar.
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how did you guys learn how to do it? Do you just listen to the gateway tapes and that it or do you have another method. I'm really interested in this subject.



kinda accurate. ive done it as a child instantly and i didnt really feel anything when it happened. all seemed normal. maybe cus my ego hadnt formed yet fully. as an adult ive had a few near OBEs. the closest i got i felt like i was in a void and the outside world was fading away but it was kinda peaceful and pleasant. knew i was about to exit then i wussed out.



those tapes suck. here what worked for me.

total silence, during the day or night but make the room dark. smoke weed or get yourself into a fully relaxed state. get good at doing yoda nidra/body scans. listen to the CIA hemisync beats on youtube (not the goofy tapes) then just do a body scan and after 10 mins your mind will be humming a lot. like your whole being is started to vibrate. this is sometimes accompanied with bodily vibrations but not always. eventually youll feel like you're gonna exit and just do it. imagine yourself doing it. thats common advice but for me i just allow it. dont force anything and get your intellect out of the game.


I have experienced astral projection many times before, but it usually happens when I’m not actively seeking it.


What is it like? I don't think I've ever experienced it and I'm curious.

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You know they literally have drugs now that make you have 30x the testosterone and natural muscle building abilities of the biggest high school jock/chad


This is the fucking revolution brah we’re all gonna make it.

When I got on sarms my jaw line grew, I got veins on my abs, and I can bench 315 10 reps
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Oh the USA falls under the shithole category as well in case you were confused


And who check on them if they're right or wrong? Who granted them the permission to play God?


>All of which lead 50% of young boys to have hard glandular manboobs and estrogen dominance.
Every roidtranny has manboobs. Cope harder.


Do you even know how steroids work? They crash your natural test production to zero once you stop injecting.

They try to prevent the ensuing manboobs by then injecting Nolvadex or other estrogen antagonists, often without good results.
Hence tons and tons of bodybuilders having massive manboobs.


Roidheads attempt to reboot their balls with all sorts of substances once they no longer steadily inject testosterone.

Many of those substances work only barely, or not at all, or are flat out scams from chinese laboratories containing chalk or empty bacteriostatic liquid, yet cost a king's ransom.

What then happens is their body still has estrogen but no testosterone production whatsoever. It starts binding to body parts like your chest.
Lo and behold, 8 months later the roidhead has literal female breasts and nipples. Brain fog. Apathy. Depression.

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My backup plan is completely ruined. In my turd world country, the only way to succeed as a sub-5 male is to be good in academics. I am not good in academics. I had a backup plan in my mind, if all else fails, I will become a taxi driver and that would ensure that I get enough enough to survive.

As things stand, it turns out, I am not good at driving either, I got my license, and somehow managed to clear the test. I think I can drive fine during the day, as I have been driving for 4 years now, but I can't drive at all in the night time. Like I get totally blinded. I have tried various glasses and they don't help either.

The only way to make a liveable earning as a taxi driver alone in my country I would have to drive long routes and therefore would have to drive during the time when the sun is down. But apparently I can't do that.

There are two more things, I suck at parking, I have no idea how I managed to parallel park properly during the driving test. I am really quite bad at parking. The other thing is that my confidence has plummeted because I had an incident where I accidentally cut someone off where I was 5km/hr over the speed limit so I thought that I could change lanes, but turns out I cut off a guy who was speeding even harder and that turned into a road rage incident.

What's worse is that both him and me traverse the same route daily, because I use that route to go to college, so I am afraid of encountering him again, and in a turd world country, these encounters could turn deadly.

All in all, my backup option to become a taxi driver is gone. I basically can't drive at night, and am not good at parking. I am also a slow thinker.

It is quite embarrassing and dare I say it makes me feel unmanly because there are so many succubi in my country who are able to drive so assertively and well, and can even drive in the night. My final option to make a living is gone.

I got my vision checked and it turned out to be largely alright, so I don't wear any prescription glasses but I still have no idea as to how people manage to drive in the night at see at night, even succubi can do it. And nobody likes a guy who can't drive.
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Thanks. I will look into nyclatopia. And I will also have my Vitamin A levels tested.

My major gripe is that I can't parallel park and that is actively ruining my fantasy life, I am (or was) a massive car guy but realising that I can't drive a car properly broke me to the core. It makes me feel so unmanly. All of the games that I have played, all of the dreams I have dreamt, the car magazines I have memorised from front to back, only to realise I am poor at parking the car.

My specific gripe is that I can't parallel park properly, today in my turd world country where parallel parking isn't usually done, I saw two cars with some space in between, I thought I would try for the first time in my life to parallel park. And what made the situation so tense is that in my third world country someone had a BMW. An expensive car in the third world be all means.

And it was one of the two cars, I tried parking in between both of them. And thank God I had my younger brother with me. I asked him to step out and tell me when I am gonna hit a car. And I was about to hit the beamer behind, I almost didn't hear my brother's voice. Until he jumped upon the trunk of the car to tell me and I just managed to stop between a hair's breath between my car and the beamer.

If I would've hit the beamer, I would've been in generational debt, and what's worse is that I am dependent upon my parents financially so they would've had to pay for repairs.

The reason it's ruining my life so much is because when I see European cities or San Francisco or NYC, my dream cities as a third worlder, most of the people there park their cars via parallel parking and I feel so inferior knowing so many people can park this way. I will never be able to get a licence in first world countries because I can't parallel park. It's actively ruining my life. Cars are everything for me. I want to travel in them, do things like travel route 66. Drive up and down in San Francisco. See the Golden Gate Bridge and so much more. But it turns out all of my dreams have went to trash.

I know it sounds weird to say this and would sound equally weird to hear this but I am suicidal because I can't parallel park especially after today's incident.

If I met God and he offered me a wish, I would wish for him to grant me skills that I can parallel park with.


No thanks we're full


Aye, thanks for the hospitality kind first wolderino.


Thanks for the cheap shitty shoes I suppose


You're welcome!

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