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So, is it possible to be a NEET well into the 40s and 50s? Well all know it's possible to be a NEET in your 20s when you folks are alive, but… they don't live forever, so how a NEET can sustain himself and still be a NEET after their folks are gone? I hate wagiedom, any lucky NEET could share some tips?
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36 yo and I did buy them two years ago, hope it will be enough.


One way to remain neet all your life is to build passive income, with real estate you can expect a 4% return yearly. I have managed to invest around 100k(dead uncle's money) in a small apartment that gives me €300 monthly(€650 in total but there are taxes and maintenance). With this sum I can pay for all my food and bills. I plan to buy another apartment when my parents die, so I will have €600 net monthly which is enough to live a comfortable life.


damn lucky you


Seems Finnish. The only downside is you need to endure cold.


I will buy a trailer and an electric guitar. Will record some simple tunes to sell for even $1 that will pass as normieslop 2-3min songs. Will eat frozen food that is delivered from stores nearby. Bux to cover frozen food. Save up some money to gamble and for beer, hot food, vidya…

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There's any anon here that lived that type of lifestyle of a hobo, vagabond and streetNEET? How was it? Why is so tied to being a wizard?
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I never noticed that before, but the clock in the background says 21:43.

Where might this ascended wiz be located? Probably somewhere in either EU or CA…



he is probably watching sports or something else, i think it's an edit.


He is probably in some Latin American shithole. The "No Parking" sign's got an E, which is only used in Portuguese or Spanish speaking countries. And that place doesn't look like Portugal or Spain. Well, from what I've heard maybe they do nowadays, but that image is fairly old.


The one that took the Gondola plushie with him? What a clown that was.

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How can I stop feeling jelous or envious of my peers who have countless things that I lack (not speaking about muh sex or circles of friends), I recognize nature, genetics, and luck are not in everyone's favor and people are different hence it is irrational to envy someone else since we are different, you just thrown into this world and the rest is history, I wish to end my Īrṣyā:
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>probably a brainrotting coomer in denial


philosophical detachment


The way past such feelings is to find something about yourself to be proud of.
Be that something you are doing/done, some positive aspect about yourself, or something you have obtained through great trial and tribulations.

When you have shit about yourself that you like and reasons you like your life, other people's shit doesn't matter as much.


Damn wizzie that really spoke to me. I'm still in higher education at 26 and will still need another 1.5 years to finish my bachelor's due to mental issues. I've been doing better recently with the constant comparison, I keep telling myself that my best is all I can give and if that means graduating way later than my peers or only being capable of tiny, gradual change than it is what it is. As you say, there's no point beating yourself up over it. If anything those negative feelings will prevent you from moving forward and enacting what little steps you are capable of.


I can't get over it either, I will add 'emasculation' to it as well. See OP, in my personal life, I have been obsessed with cars and growing up and realising that I can't parallel park or drive in the night time without being blinded has broke me. Not only has it ended the man within me, seeing teenage succubi do what I can't do is pretty emasculating. It's even more painful because I have been driving for years and almost daily.

And then there's the other thing too, I don't live in a country like Germany so getting a licence where I live is pretty easy. However, I have such a weird OCD that I am obsessed with perfection, I have no plans to ever leave my country, (although I would like to travel to the West and see how things are there, and return back because people of my race are widely hated) but I find myself constantly worrying about whether I would be able to get a German Licence or not, I don't know why I even think about it all the time, my OCD-ridden brain can't stop me from thinking about this. Some of my close "friends" think I am crazy because I constantly keep talking about parallel parking and driving at night.

Anyways, coming back to your topic on dealing with irshya (as we call it in Hindi), well I am not good at it either, but I try to think of it with regards to determinism. Your life and you are shaped by your genetics, environment, and circumstances so there isn't much that you could do, you had no choice either way, whatever is happening is bound to happen, I truly believe we don't have a choice. Now, I am not trying to justify crimes or inaction by individuals but that's how it is. We can believe in determinism in our hearts but act like we have free will. As to regain some sense of agency, albeit false. BTW while I am an Hindu Atheist, some religious Hindu Books imo have better cures than Buddhist doctrines, but then again even the so called cures in Hindu Books aren't perfect or applicable to modern world either.

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Have ever held a micro-job? if yes what was the task and how much money you'd made from it per day/week/month? was the work easy?
you may had heard of micro-job from the 'amazon mechanical turk' held by amazon.
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I see. I'm also on ssi (disablebux) and if I work, my disablebux will stop


In my state there's no point because it's all locked down by regulations. Pretty much all you can do is shit like hanging stuff on walls or setting up ikea furniture. Everything else needs to go to licensed contractors.


I am guessing somewhere in the EU.
I am always shocked by the amount of red tape even the most basic stuff over there requires.


Imagine if every business had the equivalent of micro-jobs: like small, carefully defined pieces of work that were useful to the business, maybe standardized so they can easily be reused. None of which would constitute a full time position because the company doesn't want or need anyone full time.

And anyone could just come in and grab a micro-job, do the work, and easily get paid. No hiring process at all needed. If someone doesn't "work out", the chunks of work allocated are so small anyway that anything wasted costs almost nothing and is more than made up for in the efficiency gains from the open hiring process.

Essentially, under this process it might look like this: a cleaner ordinarily wants a full time cleaning gig but they're harder now to come by. So instead of one full time gig, they pick-up 10 micro-cleaning jobs from local companies in a row. The work is listed in chunks and allocated intelligently based on a simple reputation system. Perhaps, optimized to balance supply and demand in a way where the system is sustainable.

The core idea is there would be no interview process at all, virtually no hiring contracts, and standardized work. In place of bureaucratic inefficiency would be an open system for work running on a simple reputation system. Opportunities for scamming would be minimal due to payments done for small divisional chunks. Relationships are both fast to be made and fast to terminate. This weeds out bad employees and bad employers. As they are caught early on in the process.


reminds me of this

tbh i like the idea of the small "quests" that you can do whenever you want, and with a lot more variety than doing the same thing for years and having to show up at cruelly early hours

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What finally pushed you over the edge, and did you in?
I spent $300 trying to help a very close friend, and he literally threw it all away into the dumpster, made me out to be the one in the wrong, while at the same time I was planning on surprising him with a gift I had spent $200 on.
So I turned to drugs and accidentally overdosed on DXM, and ever since then all the light in my life has drained away, i spend every day feeling like i'm one foot in the grave, it feels like anemia where i'm constantly light headed


in what he spend the money on?


i just bought him enough groceries to last him for months, snuck it into his kitchen with the help of his roommate to try and suprise him with it because he was in so much debt that he was turning to our church for help with food
and the next week i found out he threw it all out in a rage, and he talked to me like nothing happened
it made me absolutely mortified because i had spent all that effort and work just to wind up hurting him more
i'm only a college retard and that money i spent on him was more than half what i had saved up
i was just so worried about him, i didnt want him to go without paying rent or starving himself or something


what a asshole, you're fault for hanging out with a normalfag


It's painful experience, but at least you learned not to trust people easily, i am sure this will distort your ability to Trust others, for Good and bad.

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So, why being a NEET, shut in, basement dweller, hiki, is always tied to being lazy and underachiever in general? Like, what's the psychological process behind it?
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t. the demiurge


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Yeah I am pretty convinced we will see complete economic and probably a lot of ecological collapse within our lifetime (complete ecological collapse will happen but only after we're dead I think). The last estimates I saw was that we had about 30 years worth of oil left and we're already starting to tap into the hard to get shit because we used up all the easy reserves, hence off shore fracking and so on. At some point we will reach the point of diminishing returns, where a barrel of oil worth of power will only be able to extract a barrel of oil from the earth. Then it's going to be game over as everything is built on this card house of easy cheap energy.
And this is just the purely economical side of it, the cascading ecological effects will also be insanely bad and will probably drive human kind close to exctinction, if not wipe us out completely. We had our chance and we wasted it but I weep for all the species we are dragging down with us.

I think we could see many more Unabombers in the future as younger people realize what their future entails and become more and more radicalized. Maybe this is wishful thinking but I do hope that the ceo shooter was just the first of many to come.


>I think we could see many more Unabombers in the future as younger people realize what their future entails and become more and more radicalized. Maybe this is wishful thinking but I do hope that the ceo shooter was just the first of many to come.
It is all going exactly as Ted foresaw. Memes about him have spread very effectively over normie social media, even tiktok, despite all the algorithms obviously being designed to prevent exactly this. The time for his ideas is coming. It is incredible what he achieved. It has been shown so clearly by him that violence can spread ideas to millions of people


The insurance shooter guy killed someone who is personally responsible for causing a number of avoidable deaths comparable to upper ranking nazi officers in 1930s Germany, purely for financial gain.

Unabomber targeted companies mostly based on their environmental impact. His home did get ruined by roadworks but there was no implicit killing (except of the forest ecosystem).


I realize the difference between the two. I meant more broadly "small", regular people fighting back

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>The culmination of Dirac’s scientific career came in November 1933, when he had been awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics, sharing it with Schrödinger. One would imagine that young Dirac was overjoyed to become a Nobel laureate, but this was not the case. In fact, at first, he seriously contemplated rejecting the prize because of the publicity it would inevitably bring with it. But as the British physicist Ernest Rutherford pointed out to him, a refusal would surely create much more publicity, so Dirac reluctantly accepted it. At the time, a London newspaper, the Sunday Dispatch, described the 31-year-old Cambridge professor to be “as shy as a gazelle and as modest as a Victorian maid.” It added that he “fears all succubi.”
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i can't really say that because he hated his father and i don't. i have had this vision that scientists were actually normgroids (see feynman) social enjoyers and sex havers. although dirac married, he didn't stop being turbo shy, which can be seen in his lectures (he sounds like someone reading a book). his persona is that of someone toying with something to see what comes out, and i am willing to bet that is what he liked about math so much; i couldn't verify this with a better source but it is claimed that the antimatter was discovered by him multiplying both sides of an equation by -1, only then he worked on the meaning of what he had found according to quantum physics.
why did i create a thread for this? i just found something on the internet i found interesting and i thought wizzies would like too; i find this sarcastic reply unnecessary


stem people nowdays seem to be less shy and more successful with succubi


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here some virgin scientists


>yet home come i still suck?

cuz you obsess over being a virgin loser instead of channeling your energy into a subject that you're interested in.


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ok cool
i thought you were one of those obnoxious zoomers who just discovered a smart but awkward baznigger, and thinks himself a genius
sorry, here's a cool gif

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Holy shit, got this really awful epiphany in the middle of the night, I'm a 30 years old man that never had sexual experience, by now, a man at my age has like maybe 14 years of sexual experience and relationship experience under the belt. I know, sex isn't everything, but still, it dawn on me that I never had some (in theory) fundamental aspect of human experience, or something. Honestly, I just don't know if I'm either sad, mad or just don't care. Feels like a door has closed to me.
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how do i give myself schizophrenia to have a cute loli voice in my head?


Abuse drugs, eventually you will have a psychotic episode


>be 30 years old
>possibly not have a college degree
>good economic income
>useful skills
>artistic skills
>worries about something as vain as sex
I understand if you care about love, a couple, friends, a family, things a little more relevant, but sex? Come on.


>Man, some of you have it so good you don't know what it feels being a real outcast, unloved and undersired even among your family.
care to tell us about?


Maybe 1% of men age 30+ who are virgins are so by choice.

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>But between 12-14 percent of adults aged 20-24 have never had sex. This number drops to around five percent for adults aged 25-29, and by age 44, only around 0.3 percent of adults report never having had the type of sex that could end in somebody getting pregnant.
Is the number seriously that low? I would've expected it to be way higher by age 44, at least 5-10%. You're telling me 99.7% of the entire population has had sex at some point by the time they reach middle age? Only a fraction of a percent of people have gone their entire LIVES without ever having sex?
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This graph is spoofed the real headline was "The number of men who haven't had sex in past year".
Plus there is an updated graph (which I can't find but remember seeing) where the line actually went down a bit to 18%.


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had to sorry


One fifth is still a huge amount, and a lot of men are ashamed of virginity due to social expulsion and ridicule between ages 18-29 so they lie about not being virgins even when in an anonymous survey.

For succubi it's the opposite. They have an innate motivation to *downplay* the amount of sex they've had in order not to appear slutty.


Agree to disagree on this I guess, most men, like 99% have had sex at least once. They may not be chads. But I personally attend by the OP's survey on this. I understand your point though there's an incentive for men to lie though, but this was an anonymous survey and to reiterate the original headline from Washington Post article was "The number of men who haven't had sex in past year".


First off, you're a normie who for some sociopathic reason is here to gloat.

Second of all, either the poster above or you, mentioned teens. It's nowhere close to 99% in the generations that were born after 1990, especially for men.
For men born after 2000 (gen Z who are a maximum of 25 years old today), 44% of males neither had sex nor dated anyone.


Post sources or fuck off to 4chan to gloat to NEETs

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how do the fellow wizzies that own a piss bottle stop this wretched rotten egg stench coming from the bottle
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This. Unless you are rich and have an ensuite bathroom connected to your room, you need bottles in this situation especially if young and unable to move out


maybe cast the poison spell at people you dont like (open it and throw it at people)


I know that feeling, because I have pissed in bottles too, when I didn't wanted to be seen, but it's kind of a double-edged sword, because there is always the anxiety of somebody (in the worst case the guests), hears how you piss in the bottle, which is considerably worse than being seen.


it's all in the technique, you gotta pour your piss on the sides of the bottle, not directly to the bottom
also try to almost hold it in, cause some resistance so that the piss flows out with less pressure


Because it's too hard to fall asleep and the more time spent awake means it's just going to be that much harder to get back to sleep. Also chronic urinary tract infections.
Your best bet is to rinse the bottle. I'm surprised nobody has brought that up. Shake it around for a while. I suspect a hydrochloric acid toilet cleaner would work to get the dried stuff out.

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