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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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Why NEETdom is so common among wizards? Even the wagies here had a NEETdom period in their life, why this type of lifestyle is so common among us? I'm genuinely curious to understand why.
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You would LDAR if your dad was nice? Confused and im sorry for your torment bro


Yep same here i refuse to work and will burdenmaxx this sick world


I've come to realize this site selects for people with mental and physical illness. It also selects for low IQ neet types who voluntarily choose unemployment. Both are barriers to finding a career or work


I don't know what to tell you. If I say it's because we're losers (according to society)
,some will tell you they're not losers because they don't kneel to society standards


Normalfags don't like us, we get the message and remove ourselves from society. That's what most hermits, sages and philosophers have done through the ages. All of them were neuroatypical people who were outcasted by the normalcattle.

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 No.211629[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What, my friend, made you a wizard? Was it ugliness, mental issues, being ethnic or a combination?
The first day of being born I knew it was over
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My parents were killed in an alley after we had been to see The Mark of Zorro.


Do you have a butler?


I too am secretly a super hero


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To put it plainly not only did America go the opposite direction but it even made a movie about it:
Ralph Breaks the Internet.


i am here because I like interesting website and people.

[Last 50 Posts]


Is there any other place in the internet where wizardry is seriously handled and discussed, places like this where failed normies and trolls get permabanned? Any subreddit or forum?
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I don't think so. unfortunately this one is dying too. internet has been destroyed.


Is this meant to trigger us?
Ok, let's say I give that place a try, which section is somehow worth it even a bit?

Would you like to have some wordpress site where troons, normies, trolls and redditors are banned and we have a nice track kept about any wizardly lore of useful knowledge from our years of lurking?


Reddit is exactly like The Hunger Games…only you're being hunted by troons for the amusement of hyper-foids.


there was this imageboard called "nanochan" tor only, which had some intelligent people on it. I stopped visiting for few months, when I tried to find it, it was gone


what smart discussion do you remember to share please?


Thread dedicated for those who are practicing abstinence. Share the changes you experience in your journey of self-control and celibacy as you reject porn and masturbation. What you’ve learnt so far about yourself. Your struggles with self-control, and what you expect to accomplish. The numbers of days you plan to go without it and why.

I plan to accomplish at least 5 months without wasting my seed this year and that time I’d squander watching porn I want to use it to improve at digital painting and become better at japanese which have always been goals of mine.

Disregard porn and destructive habits, acquire magic
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I rest my case.
>eat shit


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Ths isn't Discord. You can type up your opinion in detail. You don't need to settle for embedding some gay retard's YouTube video


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>this has to be like Discord for whatever reasons
>Can't get simple statments, wants everything brainfarted
>seething exactly as the guy in the video says normalfags do


Around 120 days.


use it or lose it idiot

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So, is it possible to be a NEET well into the 40s and 50s? Well all know it's possible to be a NEET in your 20s when you folks are alive, but… they don't live forever, so how a NEET can sustain himself and still be a NEET after their folks are gone? I hate wagiedom, any lucky NEET could share some tips?
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40 does seem to be the magic number when those without money are being increasingly seen as a blight on society and someone [[they]] wish were dead.


>They really move to kill you off
Tell us more about this, please.


The average life expectancy for an autistic adult male in the United States is 36. Primary cause of death is seizure, second place is suicide. I will not spend any time debating the efficacy of the medical establishment in balancing the tendency of autistic adults to develop seizures later-in-life with the tendency to prescribe neureleptogenic medication (and the question of whether or not it really is neuroleptic or if neuroleptics just tend to be the ones to take them.) That's too complicated. But there are a lot of places this conversation can go, such as "is the lifespan of an autist reflective of not surviving past the lifespan of his generally older parents?" so I'm not 100% clear on what you want to be told about. Do you just want links to the relevant research papers?


low quality trolling, using invented statistics.


Oh, that. But I was already mistrusting meds anyway.

Thank you so much

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I fucking hate normalfags. the worst is we can't fight back when we try to hurt them, they act smug instead and we're distraught. insultting them ? it will show you're above them and will spout some facts that shakle your soul.
We are losers, we are punchingbags for them, we're nothing just usless cattle
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I feel no connection to God and stop shoveling me into your cuckery. Hatred is legit in many cases according to religion, even Jesus is said to have ruined merchant tents around the temple.


Hate heals. You should try it sometime. Biblical proverbs and passages about loving thy neighbor were only applicable when our neighbors didn't want to fucking decapitate us just for merely owning a Bible. You don't agree with the Bible - you agree with the bubble that you live in.


What kind of bullying are we even talking about? Straight out inults in your face? Making jokes about you that you don't like when in groups? Mocking you behind your back? Do they get physical?

Imo, its best to not laugh about their "jokes" about you, say that is not funny, leave and avoid them. Straight out figthing normies in certain situations (i.e. workplace, school, family) can be a loss, because you are probably outnumbered, they can twist the truth and sway your peers against you, even your family. Going in insult fights is kind childish too.


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>Hate heals. You should try it sometime


Couldn't relate. I usually end up getting their weak points even if I need several tries.

You must find the best reaction. Even if it's ghosting. Also expect to receive different attacks from them, like getting robbed or pranked.

>kinda kiwifarmer resenting not bewing a wizard cause this sad shitsite is still better than where he comes from

Go tell those succubi about you posting here. Go, go! xD

Ok, OP. Give a read to "The Art of War" while you are on your way.

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How can I stop feeling jelous or envious of my peers who have countless things that I lack (not speaking about muh sex or circles of friends), I recognize nature, genetics, and luck are not in everyone's favor and people are different hence it is irrational to envy someone else since we are different, you just thrown into this world and the rest is history, I wish to end my Īrṣyā:
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Is there any podcasts/interiews with him i must listen to?


I think it's pretty much as you say, we're all on different paths. You have to come to terms with the fact that not everything in life is granted or possible to everybody. My disposition made it so that I spent my teens inside playing games and watching anime instead of seeking interaction with peers. Then later in higher education, it took me about twice as long as 'normal people' to finish my degree because I couldn't handle a full course load. Feeling bad about it won't change anything. Wishing it was different will only make the pain worse. It's probably about detachment and acceptance.


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Thank you, Thank you


>probably a brainrotting coomer in denial


Any wizard here got so deep into the ways of handling urges that he can fap edging (like weekly, lets say) without finishing it and zero consequences (like night pollutions) because he learned to handle the energy?

Please elders share the ways of aura charging. I wish to thrive in this path


Doing what you are describing will just make you significantly hornier while also giving you a really bad case of blue balls and cramps.

It's stupid and achieves nothing.
You won't get magic powers from beating your dick then not cumming.


70+ years experience; summation: the creatures are not worth the air they breathe…
they bring nothing but stress aggravation frustration deceit greed misery treachery lies betrayal illness and death…
if you let your dick do your thinking, you are already fucked.
everyone i know who married wishes he hadn't, the creatures are evil incarnate…
i could provide all kinds of examples, but i will keep this short and to the point…
it isn't worth it, never has been never will be…
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Don't care, won't have a child as to make me care about the state of le world, beside caring about "moral corruption" is a chuld crab mentality with idea of some idyllic past that never existed in the first place


You could care because they also bully the outcast a.k.a. truwizard. And they fuck their bullies.

And that is so worth of blooddripping I am not explaining any further.

Those delta males. That's what a crab is: a delta.


what's a delta male?
and which type of male are you? i assume you consider yourself a skibidi sigma?


The very ugly, balding, short guys who make fun of wizards and virgins despite being virgins themselves as well.

They try to larp as a "normie" thinking they will get brownie points from society.


Crabs are delta. Also the types the previous poster described yea.

And I was sigma while in high school out of pure hatred. Neither woetomen nor their normal friends are worth an ounce of my time.

Now that I neet, I am omega. Goes quite stable if you care about fitness and health properly.
>Aitherwise it can be a fatal error

May you goon your ways into paradise. Stay away from any pronzorz for your own sake.

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Hello, fellow wizzies, I'm making this thread with the idea of gathering knowledge about how to maximize well being as a wizard, we all know how hard life can be, specially as a wiz, so we our combine lived experience I thought we could make a "rule for life" on how to better maximize our well being. So, what should every wizard should know?
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This is true


Peak schizo


I think the basis of all is to remain sane. Going for a walk every so often is enough as someone stated. Also, a hobby is necessary to get into a flow state. Also, limit internet and screen usage.


To really thrive practice seemn retention and raise your chi from the lower chakras up the 33 vertebrae to your higher Chakras in your head and beyond. It's like a drug I feel like I'm on cocaine, I have these songs that enter my mind like I'm possessed, all kinds of ideas, energies rushing up my spine like a train, may be the kundalini I've had. It's the key, to unlocking your true self and your true potential. To not just exist, but really start living.


Kundalini is not me. I want that thing to stay still and not giving me psychosis, kriyas or whatever crap it brings. The more you read about kundalini the more of an annoyance it seems to be.

Better if that thing goes down the dark chakras so these may be stimulated by a superior energy, rather than irritating bodily chakras who are otherwise superior to kundalini.

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