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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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 No.208280[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What do you think of nofap, does it make sense or is it all a lie, is it worth abstaining from pornography, or is it not worth the effort?
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It makes a lot of sense to stop watching porn as a virgin for your own mental well being.


People should stop having this kind of discussion expecting immediate result. Pleasure is designed to addict and fool, it is not trivial, not even mildly hard, it is insanely difficult to see through it and abandon it.

We need to let the seed grow. An individual confronted with an opinion contradicting his infatuation with porn, no matter if he wants it or not, will pay attention. The notion will worm into his mind and remain there, waiting. If you start gaslighting him with some dumbass retarted reasons to stop jerking off NOW, he will mentally mark your opinion as invalid and thus the seed dies. Let him bear with it. Let him be angry with you. Just wait and remind sometimes. And the day comes when he is put exactly in the right life situation, where he can clearly observe the bad influence of porn on him. And when he notices it, he will stop watching porn.

I never thought much of you furious nofappers, most of you act like a bunch of retards. I'd never quit watching porn because of your retarded opinions and fixations. It was not until I started paying attention to my feelings that I discovered that porn and jerking off give me immediate pleasure, but in longer term make feel much worse. And then I quit. It took months to confirm the patterns, but I was consistently arriving at the conclusion that gooning is killing me mentally and physically and raw occasional rubbing fails to satisfy any particular needs at all. At this point I jerk off simply because I do not want to occasionally coom in my bed after a wet dream. Cleaning up that mess is abominable.


Sholmo not sending his best


exercise, do something physically demanding everyday, running or going on long walks are two examples



[Last 50 Posts]

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>be me
>go reddit
>full of normalcraziness, vomitive
>see a peak a roastie posting memes
>one of them is about how crazy her fun is while some man who pissed away from her face has some gray dull life
>inmediately feeling the scent of sweet, easy prey and go for it
>cannot exactly remember what I posted back but got dislike-raped furiosly by the cattle
>it angered me firstly how scarce my comrades are across the world but now that I remember it I feel joy about it since it must have hit some serious fiber within the mind of that succubus to have such ignited reaction from the drooling wokeness

It was probably something like "too bold to assume he shares that likeness of you, even more bold to say with such intensity, roastard" or something like "that's why you here still ranting about him, because you have oh-such-a-life". What about you wizards? Do you also take pleasure in such delicacy of itch, such tomfoolery for those inclined? Share your kicks, young apprentices might be reading us.

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any must-watch examples like the party (1968)? I find breaking down films such as these to be a stimulating activity, also, are there any other kinds of media besides cinema with that level of obvious display?


wrong board


Society (1989)


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Why NEETdom is so common among wizards? Even the wagies here had a NEETdom period in their life, why this type of lifestyle is so common among us? I'm genuinely curious to understand why.
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I really don't understand what's wrong with succubi. why are they flocking to the only place where the type of men they hate in real life take refuge in with each other? are they just programmed by nature to destroy every man made thing no matter what it is?


Low social connection and usually poor social skills make both romantic and business relationships difficult and unlikely to start.


Its about attention and control.


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succubi lives with attention it's like water and food for them.
in my life i see so many male social circles become shitshow because of succubi.
i can clearly say, in any high quality male social group if there's succubi started to penetrate inside of that group it becomes normie shitstorm so fucking fast.
even if there's full anonymity, succubi changes of that social circle's dna to fully destroy originality and quality of it.
if you want to keep the quality, you need to beware of any succubi interaction.


most putas are as full of shit as a xmas turkey and not half as bright, never worth it…

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Something i do when i get bored and it may enchante your own creativity even if you are not interested in making music, just get a cracked FL Studio and Audacity and start in, make random things and discover new guitar solos, beats and more. Just focus on making your own music genra even if you didn't like it. Get a blank cd and grave/burn your music in it ans get a transparent CD case and print you own cover and just add it to your own or you can just post this in public anonymous area like /music/. Its not important to get views its not important to get fame or attention what important is that feeling of the piece you made with your own creativity.
>just dont write music about womens thats ass and you will ended up like Helen Reddy lmao




how hard it is to make music in these softwares?


In general, about as easy or hard as it was 10 years ago.

Any idiot can make some simple fl beats and make a few audio shitpost but it's still very difficult to make actually good well made music that is worth being proud of or paying money for.
Even harder if you are doing it with live instruments.

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This site is really depressing, its users are depressing, and in general everything is bad here. I think this makes men who do not have sexual relations, nor who focus on succubi, look bad, since the first thing someone outside will read will be threads of misfortune and misery. So I ask you, have you never tried to improve and improve?
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Yeah I was thinking about why I felt miserable over the past few days, and it is because of wizchan. I was feeling fine until I decided to visit this shithole again. Shut down the website already, wizmin


Well don't let us keep you from your happy life. You're free to leave any time!


>since the first thing someone outside will read will be threads of misfortune and misery
Don't care about what some normie cogs thinks. 90% of them are shitty people anyway, in one way or other. out do them? they try to drag you down. under perform? they treat you less than human and act superior. no reason to care for these people
>So I ask you, have you never tried to improve and improve?
those who are improving are probably not the ones who post depressing shit. I just thought this place was for people to vent their grief with society. People post depressing shit like they genuinely don't want you to try to improve, just telling you it's pointless.
>you are a fatso in you 30s? bro don't try to lose weight, you are pass your 20s, there is no point now just keep living like a fatso
yeah it's not like being a 30-something fatty is much more suffering than being a 30-something fit guy.
it's like they wallow in their misery or want more people to be in the same situation as them so they don't have to feel bad about it and DO SOMETHING!
Even if some might have deformities, subpar IQ, health issues or whatever that could prevent them from improving their lives. It's still scummy of them to try to drag others down. that is normie behavior!


never crossed my mind.


((())) want it that way for a reason. Depressed people don't fight back.

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Making a baby is a "legal crime" , imagine you don't have even money to feed yourself and you marry a bitch ass succubi that always talk in more bitchy way. Stop making babies say no to families and stop fucking adopting. The only use for succubi is only sex, your are not going to be happy or rise a good looking kids. Im not married but i lived with my family a year ago and they are just poor as hell and always stop your life line you are not happy and they dont let you be happy.
But now i studied geography and shit so i can go to safaries and i went to Cuba as a geological scientist, have rented a house and have a bed and my computer and phone, also enough weed and glue to sniff. No succubi needed i block every succubi in my contact also my family and crack the fucking SIM card. I know soke people are looking at me but i can say im happy even with this small thing, i call my house the magical enclaves.
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Being pro-X doesn't necessarily mean that you are/have X or can easily achieve X? Retard.


it's true that you can make statements about things that doesn't affect you in any way but usually non-retarded people have reasons to feel strongly about things that seemingly does not affect them at all.


I didn't even make any statement about family. Even calling someone pro-family is a bit silly because pretty much all human societies had families, it's just a natural part of life. It's like calling non-vegans "pro-meat" or whatever.


not accurate. it's asking someone who never consumes meat and never will why he is attacking vegans.


>it's asking someone who never consumes meat and never will why he is attacking vegans.
Because he's a poor hobo or whatever, but doesn't have moral problems with meat consumption per se.


Is there any other place in the internet where wizardry is seriously handled and discussed, places like this where failed normies and trolls get permabanned? Any subreddit or forum?
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Too many normies


Yeah, plenty.





I don't think so. unfortunately this one is dying too. internet has been destroyed.

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Are you autistic?

Here's a free test: https://rdos.net/eng/Aspie-quiz.php
Pic related are my results.

I feel that there should be at least some correlation between autism and wizardry. When I tried to apply for a job in military (since that's the kind of job that pays really well even if you don't have a degree) their psychologist told me to fuck off (in more polite terms) and that I could be autistic, but I don't have an official diagnosis or anything.
How about you, Anon? Are you on the spectrum?
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led* you


I do not know man.
Partly due to my upbringing with strict parents controlling every aspect of my life and with me doing everything possible to be seen as the "goog boy" who "does not rock the boat", which in turn led me to glorifying the "martyr" role I see sacrificing my interests/goals as my greatest achievement, also this lack of self interst makes me indecisive and I have to be told what to do like a racehorse. Then there are my insecurities. People like me for my professional capabilities, my reliability etc not anything that is inherently "me". There is the fear that once I stop delivering results and lose my utility people will have no need for me. Also lack of self-respect/self-love I want people to like me for who I am but also do not want them to know who I really am (wizard/coomer) so I act according to their whims but do not let anyone get close and lie as needed.
In the end I think what is wrong with me is evident with this fantsay I have since my childhood where I die fighting to protect my family, school fellows, colleagues etc and only after my death they appreciate and mourn my loss.


A-social, probably good at coding or drawing


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I don't know what this says about me as a person. I've always felt that I was a little strange, and I've always gotten on better with strange people, and people always treated me like I was strange, but I'm mentally normal. I don't know what the hell happened man..


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Does anyone know of or have an archive of old wizchan/wizardchan threads? I'm specifically interested in threads from the beginning of the site up to circa 2016. Am curious to see what the site culture used to be like and how it changed. Other threads of note are welcome as well, I've seen some float around in the past and regret not saving them. I'm specifically remembering the tales of a wizzie that went on a solo trip to Japan, but there were others as well. Any help would be appreciated.


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here are 2 screencaps that I saved. There's also this archive.



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Doesn’t one of the major archives for 4chinz also support this place? Forgot which one xogifab

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