>>218807>don't expect miracles>here's a bunch of placebo miraclesyou've committed to a self-flagellation cult based on pseudoscience pushed by insecure crabs in a bucket men, naturally you want your sunk cost fallacy to pay off and are inventing whatever effects you (they) want to perceive. what you think and dwell on are much more important than never releasing semen (which you will eventually in your sleep regardless) and if you believe something to be true it will be. mind over matter - what you think about is much more potent than muh testosterone special sauce.
you could say the same thing about video games, "playing games gives an unnatural amount of dopamine spikes and gives you brainfog" or whatever, ok? even if thats true (which i doubt) does that mean you should completely remove and demonize it, making a community on every site possible to commiserate with other guys that yes, these effects are definitely working guys, and lashout at anyone who suggests otherwise - or just simply regulate your time spent playing (if you have other things you need to do).
ive tried nofap before, nothing changed, and it wasnt hard for me because i only fap a couple times a week at best. some days ill fap and the next day ill be an absolute god gamer with quick as fuck reaction times making hundreds of calculations a second, the next day, after not fapping, ill be a complete shitter. theres a hundred other variables you could consider before busting a nut - what did i do today? what did i eat? what did i drink? how tired am i? am i content? or am i sad and despondent? this stuff is pretty nuanced.
one day i went for a sunny walk in the park, everyone tells you the sun is so good for you, right? well they convinced me, i felt great and put it down to that. the next week i tried again, it didnt work, if anything i felt worse and i wouldve preferred rain. after thinking about it, it was actually what i did in the morning which allowed me to feel good on that particular day, the weather was redundant. life is complicated but also very simple.
almost all nofappers are low status men unhappy with their lot in life, who erroneously think not touching their dick is gonna give them superpowers (as you described here) - if you decide to wake up one day, subscribe to nof
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