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There's any anon here that lived that type of lifestyle of a hobo, vagabond and streetNEET? How was it? Why is so tied to being a wizard?
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I've been living the streelife with no income for quite a while. I've traveled between the same 5 cities during all seasons. Being a wiz matters a lot less than you'd think, but you can't be fragile mentally or physically when temperatures start dropping.

I remember a wiz on this board from years back asking about this. They were facing imminent homelessness. I try to give advice to those who are interested.


>dude cuckoldry
sure stinks of 4chan here


Spill some truths about living the streetNEET lifestyle


Write a guide bro, some of us may need it.


I support this one >>220394


And people ask me, "Who are you to feel superior to everybody else? What makes you think you're better than them?"

Even with all my faults and defects, when picrel is consistently "everybody else", how can I NOT view myself as objectively Übermensch by comparison? What other logical conclusion is there after lining up my mind with that of the bootlicking, lizard-brained masses who bow down before the lying heads on TV time and time again?

If that makes me a narcopathic monster, well then, maybe onus should fall on "everybody else" to get gud and make the choice to suck less.


when cornered, normies will just point out your relative positions in the hierarchy of money, pussy and social status. it's their last cope when you absolutely mog them spiritually and morally. ultimately, being a npc drone is more profitable and they will always win out in terms of material conditions, they won't accept or even comprehend your attraction to a higher set of morals. a normie cannot understand that "truth" is valuable for its own sake, they will happily subvert it in order to gain more favor in their tribe and to escape any guilt for their crimes and to justify evil.

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I want to kill myself efficiently without much pain, what's a good way to do this?


hanging, if done properly


Dial 988 or check out this site for help with your issue.


ah the aul cheap fast painless quick method that also won't make mother cry or whoever discovers le body.

sorry, can't be done, champ. now go back to 4cuck you fucking tourist.


Moved to >>>/dep/296558.

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My mother got sick. Now I can't find a place for myself, I was NEET for several years, worked a couple of times in my life in a big city. But I live in a small one, where there is no work, and now I don't know what to do, they don't really hire me. And the work that is available won't suit me because of my poor health. I hate myself for not having achieved anything by the age of 26, and now I can lose a loved one who made sense in my meaningless life. I hate society, I hate people. But most of all I hate that I suffer because of all this, that now I need money, and I don't even know how to earn it. That I am such a worthless person with poor health and I am afraid of everything in life. You know, the worst thing is not to have no money, but to have no health to earn it. God, life is torture for autistics and losers, why didn't they strangle me with a half-penny as a child?
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>most of humanity
most isn't all
>he's not wrong
he is
>everyone suffers to varying degrees
ok, but I'd rather suffer because my yacht needs maintenance work


It's nearly "all", your example is an exception but even then physical and mental suffering still exist.


Nope, it's not nearly all. And labeling all unpleasant events with the same word does not make them all equally bad nor does it constitute a valuable insight.


>They have every feature of life unlocked as an unlimited sandbox game while you rot away no matter how hard you try to work
This. So fucking much. People really have no clue what having caring AND rich parents can do for someone's life trajectory. I had neither like most people on here. My parents wouldn't even let me play sports as a kid so that entire life path ended up locked off from the start.

dont even fucking start with that "hurrr at least youre not starving in africa" glib bullshit. Suffering from starvation, ailments or a lackluster numb existence are all various forms.

As for OP, start living at a local library, do odd jobs like housepainting/moving. buy a van to live in. Shit is fucked in most cities now. Once my job goes fully automated in a few years, I'll be up shit's creek too.


I have good health and I am financially okay, but my mom died and my dad left the house. Now I am worried I actually have to maintain and understand how to fix this house before I end up like Chris Chan.

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So, is it possible to be a NEET well into the 40s and 50s? Well all know it's possible to be a NEET in your 20s when you folks are alive, but… they don't live forever, so how a NEET can sustain himself and still be a NEET after their folks are gone? I hate wagiedom, any lucky NEET could share some tips?
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>The suicide rate among those with ASD was 9 times higher than the general population. There have only recently been studies showing the increased risk of suicide in those with autism spectrum disorder

I'm surprised suicide is only 900% more prevalent in autists. Life is literally hell as an autistic adult who is shunned by employers, succubi, other men and even public workers.


they are the same



Im old, and my Dad was a NEET mental case back in 1970s and 1980s. Literally everyone shamed him, mocked , and laughed in his face. It was so easy to find work and live a decent life back then, if you were a mental case like my dad was, your family knew, neighbors knew, etc…. you were the weirdo loser goof on the block, and people all would talk and say you belon in a mental hospital.

Now, at least there is some anonymity and community because of web.



my rule of thumb was always, If i dont Need it, as in Need it, i aint takin it.

As to what happens when you re older. Try havin a serious conversation about old age w/ Neets and autists for 5 minutes. You ll realize its a waste of time a minute in. i tell em, endin up homeless is no joke. Response is usually, i ll just sui., latest flavor is bein homeless could be fun,

housin for Normies / wagies is becomin an impossible situation. You think people will care about you when they find out, and believe me they ll ask, you never worked a day in your life, you been hiding in a basement since 8th grade, you dropped out of college and hid in an attic for 30 years….

they ll find it funny, and consider it the universe givin you what you deserve.

help, real help , is for down on their luck normies,


>any lucky NEET could share some tips?
sure give me your country and province/state, and municipality, and street address, and I can tell you specifically what government programs you can contact and show you how to do the paper work to apply for them and where to submit it.
>40s and 50s
When your parents can no longer take care of themselves, are you neet anymore?

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I have a small dick, small hands, shitty hairline, big nose, small and horribly misaligned teeth, ugly facial hair when I bother growing it out, and a faggoty sounding cuck voice. Just your typical genetically inferior dysgenic abomination muttmerican who gets indirectly cucked by Chad and Tyrone on a daily basis when they pump and dump all my crushes.

However, there has never been a greater blow to my confidence than being told on countless occasions, by multiple people, that I look like Mister Bean. Typically delivered in one of the following normalfaggoty manners:

"Ayo anyone ever told you you look like Mista Bean?"
(succubus) "Oh my god you know who you look like? You look just like that one guy on TV, what's his name? Ummmmmm, oh! Mr Beam! You look JUST like him."
"Hey man you ever seen Mr Bean's Holiday? No? You be lookin like him doe straight up"

At some point I tried playing it off. "Oh you mean Rowan Atkinson? Yeah I like his standup." (I really don't but I'm trying to get off the subject.)
"I dont know who dat iz cuz, all I know iz theres a dude on TV Mr Bean and you look like him"
Didn't work. The normalfags are completely fixated on my appearance and resemblance to a bumbling retard on TV.

I'm in my 30s now but this has been going on since high school ever since the niggers started calling me Bean, i.e. "What up Bean?"

One day at work some nigger started commenting on my appearance and said I look like someone… I was ready to be humiliated in front of everyone and called Bean once again. Imagine my relief when he revealed that he was thinking of "the guy from Step Brothers" (aka the ugly one.) It wasn't flattering in the least, but anything beats being called Bean.

If you're ever feeling down on yourself, just be glad and count your blessings that you don't resemble "Mr Bean from Mr Beans Holiday" or any other famously ugly person for that matter.
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>able to empathize
as if they have enough brain capacity to understand, normies see everyone as below themselves and and will lash at you in anger if you will say they look like Dr.Evil


He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth for his contribution to comedy and television. He holds a very high distinction (CBE, or Commander of the British Empire).
Yes he looks goofy but it's not the worst insult on the planet.


>"Ayo anyone ever told you you look like Mista Bean?"
>(succubus) "Oh my god you know who you look like? You look just like that one guy on TV, what's his name? Ummmmmm, oh! Mr Beam! You look JUST like him."
>"Hey man you ever seen Mr Bean's Holiday? No? You be lookin like him doe straight up"
literally respond
"Haha yeah I get told that a lot"
omit the laugh if you want
and remember to smile


This. Don't dwell on it, it's no use. They are vampires and will get only joy from you giving a fuck


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Why do the feds waste their time profiling me over a stupid email I sent to Putin's office? I'm just a random Australian citizen with broken teeth stuck at home who got lost in the system.. in an average ass taxpayer. Three times I've been in a psych ward and there's always a guy or a succubus that quotes something from my search history to me… Do they think this is a good strategy to find nuclear launch codes? Why the fuck would I have nuclear launch codes?? Ridiculous. Wasting your time but enjoy the entertainment I suppose. Billions of dollars and wizard grade technology and they waste their time on me as if I was god or something.. lmao. Jesus didn't even exist the calendar is fake and gay. Morons. Positivity only gang gang. Have my exif I don't give a fuck I'm angry because you're wasting tax dollars on me instead of giving me my goddamn jaw surgery and dental implants. Think I'd waste my time playing around with acoustics and 432 resonance otherwise? Jeez.. and yesz they will see this. Feel free to comment some shit for them to see.

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Are you autistic?

Here's a free test: https://rdos.net/eng/Aspie-quiz.php
Pic related are my results.

I feel that there should be at least some correlation between autism and wizardry. When I tried to apply for a job in military (since that's the kind of job that pays really well even if you don't have a degree) their psychologist told me to fuck off (in more polite terms) and that I could be autistic, but I don't have an official diagnosis or anything.
How about you, Anon? Are you on the spectrum?
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my asperger score 123/200 (probably asperger)
my autostic score 86/200 (non autistic)


non autistic asperger … that's a wild combination


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Yes, diagnosed
>Your score: 130 of 200
>96% probability of being atypical (autistic/neurodiverse)


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does this mean am special or else?

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>Maladjusted males, meanwhile, took to grooming all day—preening and licking themselves hour after hour. Calhoun called them “the beautiful ones.” And yet, even while obsessing over their appearance, these males had zero interest in courting females, zero interest in sex.
just like wizards
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I think the entire conceit of assuming there's anything significant to learn about human society based on an artificial mouse society to be flawed. My understanding is that scientific experiments are mostly done on mice because they're cheap, easy to manage and have negligible rights, not because they're actually ideal for making inferences.>>219932


Q - could the mice experiment can be applied to our soceities?

A - no


Of course it reflects our world. They were trapped by walls, we are trapped by our own kind and their shithole system of taxed property.


Because it had already been and follows same exact patterns.


Excessive population density will cause a form of trauma in most mammals, it seems. What happens when relatively high body mass mammals are crammed into population densities similar to that of an ant colony….

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Did anyone here fall for the psychiatric medication trap and then recover? I'm off meds, but I hate the emotional blunting.
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Well, they worked alright for me. I was going through the initial symptoms of some kind of psychotic desease. We never had a chance to pinpoint what it was, but I was really afraid of schizophrenia. At first I resisted taking anti psychotics, but after reading some medical articles on the subject I decided it was time to give it a try, the symptoms were getting worse and I was pretty spooked.

I took quetiapin in very little doses for one year and two months, maybe. The symptoms subsided and then I decided to slowly cut the treatment. I'm without psychotic symptoms for 5 years now. I'm always on the watch for signs of relapse and left some pills for an emergency, but I'm kinda free of psychiatric drugs.

I hope I'll never have to take them again.


I stopped caring about psychiatry when I realized no one has your best interests. From your parents to your employer to your psychiatrist, they will all watch you merrily run out of money and become homeless, as long as you are not self harming or doing anything hedonistic. In the end I did find a psychiatrist that respected me and treated me like a human, and didn't charge me a lot, but in the end my all wise health insurance dropped him. I'm trying to avoid my dad telling me to get a new one, as then I'd have to talk about the past 15 years of my life again yet to another quack who's 9/10 gonna be money grubbing. Hell I watched one office go through 5 psychiatrists in the span of a year, and only two of them seemed genuine. One pointed out how expensive therapy was and I agreed with her. Another asian bro just suggest I try to apply to a patent office, but you don't do that you apply to a patent law firm.


the thing that most irked me was how my therapist kept encouraging me to be social, despite my pay being shit. Pretty much the only option then was going to a church, which she even encouraged me to do.


>From your parents to your employer to your psychiatrist, they will all watch you merrily run out of money and become homeless, as long as you are not self harming or doing anything hedonistic.
true, if you act normal they let you do your things but if you're voilent they'll lock you lmao and youre fucked after that



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