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There is a very good chance I will become homeless in the near future, what should I do to prepare and what should I do to survive? I appreciate all your answers and advice, stay strong, my brothers.
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If it's in any way a option then yeah, don't be homeless.
If you will end up homeless take every step you can to make being homeless as short as possible given your situation.
Being homeless, despite what RP posters who haven had to do it say, fucking sucks ESPECIALLY for wizardly types.


>Being homeless, despite what RP posters who haven had to do it say, fucking sucks ESPECIALLY for wizardly types.
No, your fearmongering still has no merit to this day. I'm sorry you feel that "wizard types" are perpetually frightened pants-shitting goobabies, but the reality is that we're just grown men who can endure just as much if not more hardship than any "normal" guy. The advice from us "larpers" (Guys who have actually been homeless at some point) has always been to the benefit of all, whereas your advice can be deduced to "Don't be homeless, and if you are, be scared forever and hide or the evil wraiths of normalfaggotry will sniff out your virginity and set you on fire because of it!". That's not hyperbole either; you 100% believe that being a virgin man on the street is a death sentence and have dedicated so much time to bringing guys here down to your pathetic level.

I'm sorry you had a bad experience on the streets as a result of your own cowardice and failure to adapt, but you are the odd one out. Your fright and plight just isn't applicable to anyone else. OP didn't even suggest that he has any real issue with his potential homelessness. He knows that to be a hobo adds just a few more steps to finding a place to lay his head and to boil his water. He's asking for advice that will help him fulfill his basic needs. He's not asking anyone to affirm any fears or paranoia he may have about the lifestyle, because that doesn't help anyone. And yet that's all you ever seem to contribute to these threads.


Being on the streets has no upsides.


Well then it's a good thing nobody said anything even close to that!


And here is the roleplayer people were warning against.
Don't listen to this retard and his attempts at manipulation using succubi tactics. Deep down even he knows he if full of shit.


In today’s hustle culture, chasing ‘success’ is like a religious duty. People push each other to achieve, often at the cost of their well-being, leading to stress, anxiety, and burnout. Society glorifies “winners” and treats “losers” as pariahs, almost as if not achieving is a moral failing. But is this fair? Is being a “loser” really so bad?


Eh, this is highly location dependent. If you were lucky enough to be born in Sweden or Norway, you can just give up instantly at 18 and be a NEET for decades with a decent apartment, car, food and all kinds of modern high quality electronics and internet.

Now, say you were born into a hellhole like India or Nigeria. No such option. In fact if you don't start wageslaving as a teenager (or in worst cases, as a kid) you'll get physically beaten.
No matter how hard you work, you will be seen as low value and worthless if you were born into the masses of ordinary families (not oligarchs).

A lot depends on luck in life. Many western neets live 100x better than a poor person in Bangladesh toiling away 16 hours a day in a factory 6 days a week.



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Long story short, I live in what you would say is a penal colony. Fortunately I've managed to get by. But I want more form life and thus, I wish I didn't have to deal with other people on a daily basis, as it is always so troublesome, I think I've always been a schizoid, so I need my space, in my dream life, I would only have to deal with characters on a screen on a daily basis. But I know that this is not how evolution shaped most humans, so at least, I would really like to limit how much time I have to interact with others face-to-face, and some beer money job (for a first worlder) would be a godsend for me.

The minimum salary in here is 250 dollars, that's all I would need to earn on a monthly basis and I have most of my waking time free, I've looked job listings on fiverr and all those other sites but if some anon here knows like a plan for me to eventually earn more (my dream salary would be 500 dollars) programming on whatever language, that would be ideal.

If I don't get many answers here, I plan to look up mostly east asian redditors looking for scraps, just like me and then team up with them. But I figured some wizards could come up with a more helpful plan for me, I think. SQL seems easy enough and I've done hours of exercises, but I don't know if there is some more profitable language.


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To add, I also came across a commentary which told a story about how the other shapes launched a whole coalition to drill a single otherly hole into the wall, and how the circle was in shambles after that.



Good one, I like it. Even the smug, shit-eating grin on the round shape, it's somehow really punchable.


The cracks around the hole show that the circle had to struggle to break through the hole, meaning he didn't have it easy. Also now that the wall is already damaged the other guys can also get through with light effort thanks to the work the circle did in breaking it.


no, the other shapes should lobotomize their pointy bits until they become a worse, but conforming version of the round shape


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And people ask me, "Who are you to feel superior to everybody else? What makes you think you're better than them?"

Even with all my faults and defects, when picrel is consistently "everybody else", how can I NOT view myself as objectively Übermensch by comparison? What other logical conclusion is there after lining up my mind with that of the bootlicking, lizard-brained masses who bow down before the lying heads on TV time and time again?

If that makes me a narcopathic monster, well then, maybe onus should fall on "everybody else" to get gud and make the choice to suck less.


when cornered, normies will just point out your relative positions in the hierarchy of money, pussy and social status. it's their last cope when you absolutely mog them spiritually and morally. ultimately, being a npc drone is more profitable and they will always win out in terms of material conditions, they won't accept or even comprehend your attraction to a higher set of morals. a normie cannot understand that "truth" is valuable for its own sake, they will happily subvert it in order to gain more favor in their tribe and to escape any guilt for their crimes and to justify evil.

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I want to kill myself efficiently without much pain, what's a good way to do this?


hanging, if done properly


Dial 988 or check out this site for help with your issue.


ah the aul cheap fast painless quick method that also won't make mother cry or whoever discovers le body.

sorry, can't be done, champ. now go back to 4cuck you fucking tourist.


Moved to >>>/dep/296558.

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My mother got sick. Now I can't find a place for myself, I was NEET for several years, worked a couple of times in my life in a big city. But I live in a small one, where there is no work, and now I don't know what to do, they don't really hire me. And the work that is available won't suit me because of my poor health. I hate myself for not having achieved anything by the age of 26, and now I can lose a loved one who made sense in my meaningless life. I hate society, I hate people. But most of all I hate that I suffer because of all this, that now I need money, and I don't even know how to earn it. That I am such a worthless person with poor health and I am afraid of everything in life. You know, the worst thing is not to have no money, but to have no health to earn it. God, life is torture for autistics and losers, why didn't they strangle me with a half-penny as a child?
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>most of humanity
most isn't all
>he's not wrong
he is
>everyone suffers to varying degrees
ok, but I'd rather suffer because my yacht needs maintenance work


It's nearly "all", your example is an exception but even then physical and mental suffering still exist.


Nope, it's not nearly all. And labeling all unpleasant events with the same word does not make them all equally bad nor does it constitute a valuable insight.


>They have every feature of life unlocked as an unlimited sandbox game while you rot away no matter how hard you try to work
This. So fucking much. People really have no clue what having caring AND rich parents can do for someone's life trajectory. I had neither like most people on here. My parents wouldn't even let me play sports as a kid so that entire life path ended up locked off from the start.

dont even fucking start with that "hurrr at least youre not starving in africa" glib bullshit. Suffering from starvation, ailments or a lackluster numb existence are all various forms.

As for OP, start living at a local library, do odd jobs like housepainting/moving. buy a van to live in. Shit is fucked in most cities now. Once my job goes fully automated in a few years, I'll be up shit's creek too.


I have good health and I am financially okay, but my mom died and my dad left the house. Now I am worried I actually have to maintain and understand how to fix this house before I end up like Chris Chan.

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When the average normie is afraid and shy, and they don't have the balls to talk to a succubus, or even for more important things like getting a job, or opportunities in life other than a simple vagina, they don't do it, Nor will they either, since they are locked in their screens, which covers them from their ridiculous fear. I am not a normie, I lack a complement of normality, too much time locked up posting on image boards rotted my head, my social skills are broken, but you know one thing I don't care, the world eats introverts, shy people, socially stupid people, and I'm tired of being one of them.

Even with everything against me, I will show that I can do it, I don't care if I'm afraid, if I'm not ready, and with multiple insecurities involved, I will prevail in the face of adversity, and I will show myself that I can.
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Normie is a mainstream word used in all sort of different places. Its meaning depends entirely on context of the community using it.

A crab has always been a sex-desiring misogynist without a succubus at that moment (celibacy is not well defined, it is not clear how long you need to not have sex for to be celibate). Its definition never changed.


no it's not, it's superior to extraversion


Muh misogyny.
Grow some balls.


Wrong, there are actual ideological crabs, and then the smear/slur crab used against men for basically any reason. It's often conflated with "loser" or "virgin" regardless of actual ideology. It's also used to discredit any contentious, less than glamorous opinion one might have about succubi (similar opinions about men are fine though) as milquetoast as it might be. Basically: "You don't know your place, shut up crab (nigger)." That's three different meanings depending on context. I've even seen gamers call each other crab for disagreeing over game mechanics.

Also they aren't misogynists. If they were, they would not literally kill themselves over not being with a succubus. If they wanted to "use them for their body" as you might suggest, they would simply use prostitutes - but they don't, because they want intimacy, not sex. They are, actually, succubus worshipers turned bitter and resentful. The concept of misogyny is as vague and nebulous as the word crab itself.

You also can't just say these words only have one true, *real* definition, and that's the only one that counts, because that would just be playing dumb. If you call someone a pig, you aren't literally calling them a pig. Most words have multiple meanings and use cases.


>Also they aren't misogynists. If they were, they would not literally kill themselves over not being with a succubus. If they wanted to "use them for their body" as you might suggest, they would simply use prostitutes - but they don't, because they want intimacy, not sex. They are, actually, succubus worshipers turned bitter and resentful. The concept of misogyny is as vague and nebulous as the word crab itself.
That's correct.

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Hello, fellow wizzies, I'm making this thread with the idea of gathering knowledge about how to maximize well being as a wizard, we all know how hard life can be, specially as a wiz, so we our combine lived experience I thought we could make a "rule for life" on how to better maximize our well being. So, what should every wizard should know?
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Can't you use your own brain to think? You zoomers are so braindead and creative bankrupt that you need to upload any mental effort to a soulless hive mind. A wizard must think, always think by himself, exercise his mind because it is the most valuable asset a wizard can have to survive in this wicked world.


It's better to look into what others have discovered first to avoid wasting time reinventing the wheel. It's very ironic that you invoke the tired "kids these days" meme ("you zoomers") but it's to be expected of a weak minded individual.


it's because you zoomers never invent or come up with anything new
you rely so heavily on already existing solutions, that you lack the ability to observe and make your own conclusions
chat bots only regurgitate and coagulate words to form passable sentences, but there is no meaning behind them
those 10 points are truisms applicable to almost anyone

for example
this is infinitely better advice than the "be good and don't be bad" AI slop


>look into what others have discovered first
You had asked a thing incapable of thought or reason or any kind of feeling, made out of data collected from normies with all of their hypocrisies and fallacies for an advice on how to live as a wizard, you completely missed the point of my post and it was not intended to be an insult but as a critique and if it read like an insult then my bad


I'm not that anon.
>kids these days
You're ironically being more cliched and off-topic than GPT.

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I have a small dick, small hands, shitty hairline, big nose, small and horribly misaligned teeth, ugly facial hair when I bother growing it out, and a faggoty sounding cuck voice. Just your typical genetically inferior dysgenic abomination muttmerican who gets indirectly cucked by Chad and Tyrone on a daily basis when they pump and dump all my crushes.

However, there has never been a greater blow to my confidence than being told on countless occasions, by multiple people, that I look like Mister Bean. Typically delivered in one of the following normalfaggoty manners:

"Ayo anyone ever told you you look like Mista Bean?"
(succubus) "Oh my god you know who you look like? You look just like that one guy on TV, what's his name? Ummmmmm, oh! Mr Beam! You look JUST like him."
"Hey man you ever seen Mr Bean's Holiday? No? You be lookin like him doe straight up"

At some point I tried playing it off. "Oh you mean Rowan Atkinson? Yeah I like his standup." (I really don't but I'm trying to get off the subject.)
"I dont know who dat iz cuz, all I know iz theres a dude on TV Mr Bean and you look like him"
Didn't work. The normalfags are completely fixated on my appearance and resemblance to a bumbling retard on TV.

I'm in my 30s now but this has been going on since high school ever since the niggers started calling me Bean, i.e. "What up Bean?"

One day at work some nigger started commenting on my appearance and said I look like someone… I was ready to be humiliated in front of everyone and called Bean once again. Imagine my relief when he revealed that he was thinking of "the guy from Step Brothers" (aka the ugly one.) It wasn't flattering in the least, but anything beats being called Bean.

If you're ever feeling down on yourself, just be glad and count your blessings that you don't resemble "Mr Bean from Mr Beans Holiday" or any other famously ugly person for that matter.
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>able to empathize
as if they have enough brain capacity to understand, normies see everyone as below themselves and and will lash at you in anger if you will say they look like Dr.Evil


He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth for his contribution to comedy and television. He holds a very high distinction (CBE, or Commander of the British Empire).
Yes he looks goofy but it's not the worst insult on the planet.


>"Ayo anyone ever told you you look like Mista Bean?"
>(succubus) "Oh my god you know who you look like? You look just like that one guy on TV, what's his name? Ummmmmm, oh! Mr Beam! You look JUST like him."
>"Hey man you ever seen Mr Bean's Holiday? No? You be lookin like him doe straight up"
literally respond
"Haha yeah I get told that a lot"
omit the laugh if you want
and remember to smile


This. Don't dwell on it, it's no use. They are vampires and will get only joy from you giving a fuck


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