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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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So, I'm entering my 30s soon as NEET, what thing should I look out for to maximize my comfort and lower te probability of problems as I become a more older NEET? So, what wisdom older NEET can share with us?
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when things got to the point where my back was so bad i could no longer feed or look after myself, i moved from the tent in the bush, to sleeping on the streets outright. the tent was good because it was in deeper bush, you had to risk danger there are highly poisonous snakes that can kill you there are also many ticks and i was bitten dozens of times, so people did not go there and i could leave a few personal items there, some clothes. use camo tent colors, hide with branches, people cannot see even when looking at it from 30m away. sleeping place. i did join a gym and would use a facecloth to wash with and dry with in total, then hang it on trees or shrub somewhere and pick it up later. sometimes for clothes i have to wash them in the shower with me then take and go in bush and hide it to dry somewhere or walk for an hr in the morning wearing it dry on me. ticks made getting in and out of tent difficult as ticks they do wait for you to get out of tent and drop down from tent entrance. i had to study them. in my tent incapacitated while my mind going over the horror of my situation, total outcast pariah from society sent to the wilderness to die, a modern socrates actually.

i had very close encounters with snakes, had to carry snake bite kit. did get many tick bites, and in the area there was a person that took it upon themselves, to keep me awake all night blowing a whistle several times an hr, just because i was a homeless person in the area. they did work at a local football field near the bush, and did 24/7 watch this facility, well they knew i was in the bush near there, keep me awake, make me move. really all it did was make my back injury and then i had to stay there longer. i tried to clean up the field and nearby area with garbage bags, after all the normans did pollute it, to humble myself thinking maybe they would see i'm no a bad man, and leave me alone, they didnt.

eventually so injured have to push myself around with shopping trolley it was the only way i could move around. the injur got worse over months, i did try get help multiple times from hospital, none took me too hard basket. i believe they expected me to kill myself and they would hide from consequences because i'm nobody. while on street i slept on air bed under a 1st story carpark. i met disabled vet and a mentally ill female. females arent suited for this life and her condition deteriorated very quickly, she made life difficult for me and my veteran schizobro, Post too long. Click here to view the full text.



sorry for you, hope you make it.

As for edgy teens. yea, theres real homeless. sounds real fun eh.

lesson to me to take away is dont be homeless. i know my fake family would not help me or take me in. id either aim for a trailer home is some sad town in a sad poor state. if i cant make that work, a room for rent. And stay on my best behavior for rest of my life. i curse myself everyday for ever lettin end up homeless be a possibility


Thats how I always envisioned it being like for apprentices and wizards. Just non-stop suffering and further dehumanization. Commendable you managed to keep your faith throughout all that. Your posts won't go to waste, I promise that.
> i did all the coping strategy, mental health tricks, biology hacks, every single thing they say to do i did, i did it all, some of it really works you owe it to yourself to try
What kind of things worked and did not work for you? That's actually fascinating. I seriously doubt CBT can convince your life is awesome when you just got mugged by some crippled methhead and you're sleeping under a bridge.


try to have a hobby that might be profitable if things get to worse so you can use it and survive off it


Knowing your mbti type, enneagram, endotype, natal chart and human design bodygraph might do. The last one helps me quite noticeably today.

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why is so hard to connect with people?
everyday it seems like im different from other people, as if im in a different dimension from them. its almost like i was incompatible with them. the way they act, what they say and etc. i somehow feel close yet really distant from them.

why is that?


That's what it is to be on the autism spectrum.


Considering that the morals of this world have been inverted to some degree, a being outside of the middle of the bell-curve is perceived as some kind of villain; it is too socially unacceptable to be honest about what evils are really at play, so the difference represented by anyone who diverges from "normal" is amplified and they become an acceptable target for scorn. In some sense we're outcasts from society at large, while the jumbled up senses of those around us can't make an accurate judgement of what's really going on, so we become targets for them to unload their frustrations and grievances. It's a completely ridiculous and literally retarded way of being, but it's unlikely to be a state that can last for a long period of time… At the end of the day, it's likely not you who is at fault: we're just safe targets for social shame at a time when the middle of that bell-curve has to re-evaluate what the fuck is going on. In other words, some kind of karma is being re-directed in the wrong way and people like us are being victimized by this fucked up breakdown of sense perception and social disorder. I know it's hard. I'm tired of waiting for things to come back into order, myself. You're not alone.


Not sure but it's happened to me a few times as well where I am just walking about and am suddenly hit with this deep sense of seperation from other people around me, as if I do not belong in their world for I do not share their interest and enjoyment in it.


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same fr fr


You might not be doing it genuinely, but out of despair for interaction, and that's so filthy…

Do the opposite. Find yourself first.

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In less than a year I will be a bonafide wizard and I have already started to feel at peace I feel great all the sadness and worries of my mid 20s are melting away. I love this new state of mind. What other powers come with wizzardship? One minor one is the general sexual disinterest in porn and the succubus that pass me by.
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Unironically I am a good looking man just have been a sperg my entire life with barely an interest in succubi besides boobs and ass in the mid 20s I just could never figure out how to talk to them and I was too polite just to pump and dump them even though I had many chances now that I'm here I have no more interest. It's weird and uplifting at the same time. What does it mean my response looks automated? Screw you I'm speaking from the heart.


This isn't cope, this is acceptance. He is free, no desire no pain.


It was an addition to >>215323.
Coping and bluepilled dude is >>215311 >>215319 >>215322


Impending Sarcopenia requires you to get ripped. Now.


I assume the only wizards who are content in their old age are wageslaves. Being a neet at this age just gives you a sense of the walls closing in around you. I can't imagine feeling more content at 30. 30 was when life finally started catching up with me and I realized I couldn't just hide away in my room forever.


Have you stopped enjoying things that you were once into because of tiktok and normalfags driving them to popularity? I've lost interest and appreciation in a lot of old media and hobbies that I grew up with because these unwanted parasites find out about them, form communities around them, tell more people about them, and turn them into mockery. You can't have a niche space or interest without the whole internet finding out about it. This really pisses me off.
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lolno. You've clearly never been around actual normalfags. plebbit lingo comes from 4chan, but not normalfags from tiktok and instagram lingo


sadly it's the other way around


There are 8 billion people in the world. Almost any hobby you can think of has been normaltarded to shit.


>really pisses me off
Just cause you don't have the balls to start your own site.


thz only hobby normalshits didn't stole yet is lolis


I am now 30 years old. Still a virgin. Strangely, I don't really care about this point, I even stopped wishing for a girlfriend about 5 years ago. I'm completely satisfied with my situation.
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Nice try Shlomo.


why does everything needs to be a conspiracy? the world is just chaos and war and suffering, it's very complex but it's simpler than crazy conspiracies.


i reached that point about a year ago on my birthday. you get to a point where just start asking yourself "whats the point of stressing over something thats probably not gonna change anytime soon or ever?". At some point it your life you just stop caring and learn to enjoy the little shit you have like coming home to comfy bed and watching anime or some shit.


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>I am completely satisfied with my situation
Oh, rly?

Yes, you seemingly go down the drain. Wait for some years when consequences of lowered mana capacity starts hitting your door.

Holotropic breathwork has same benefits without the risks


xD. It's funnier to be ready.
>so you better shut up. let us be batshit crazy crackpots


Wizards never lost their morals unless you count degenerates as wizards but hear me out.
If we were able to have sex at a young age we would’ve lost our morals and become putrid but by us not being able to because we were not Neurotypicals we were able to keep our morals.
We still think morally and in terms of what's ethical or unethical and normalfags don’t. They are soulless and want to corrupt the rest of us who who have souls.
Have you ever noticed how someone might be EVIL and still be liked by males and females? That's because they are soulless. They are demons with no regards to justice, truth, or love. This means they’ll be accepted into big groups of people where everyone has signed a contract to praise the devil.

THE SOUL IS A REAL THING. Whether you want to believe in it or not, we the true celibate virgins are closer to GOD we are like monks and can get to heaven while they don't we are hated for it by normies and females.
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>a belief system that aims to punish sinners and the morally wicked with the intention of building a better society for virgin males and males in general to live in peace has no place on wizchan a site that's primarily anti sex, promiscuity, and moral decay


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> the intention of building a better society for virgin males
Do you actually believe that?


i've noticed this growing up. We are more than human, normalfags and socialfags are animals.


I've noticed this as well because growing up there was this peer pressure to get a gf or lose your virginity, it's like if you didn't want to submit to the degeneracy of others they will mark you as an outcast and try to bully you. Being a wizc is pretty hard so there is only isolation from those beats


This is no new stuff. I'd love to hear your games against some of those fools out there, either.

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Old internet is dead. I don't even bother anymore but when I do I just end up wasting time on the same old sites which aren't even fun to begin with. I tried to quit and go out instead and for a while I think I became a normalfag and even sorta enjoyed it for a while. But then I got disillusioned with it all and realized that it's not for me, so now I am back here again but everything is dead.
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These are great posts that will likely go ignored due to their length, elite banking families and Matrix references. Most of what you've described I have seen and experienced first hand in online communities. At this point, given my skills and interests, I will take my chances fostering a community locally. I wish you the best of luck and I really hope you don't waste more than a few minutes on sites like these. Godspeed and I hope you find your happiness.


Old internet is not dead. The fediverse has taken that banner.



old internet was good because the people on it weren't awful. You can't fix current internet without fixing people in general. It's not that the normies got access and that's why it went to shit, people in general have just gone to shit, and their access to internet probably has something to do with it. The commercialization of the internet has only resulted in better content and sites being built. They succeed because they're better than whatever BBS people built themselves. You act like people using pepe memes was some plague that ruined the internet, but that had nothing to do with it. Access to internet is literally changing people. Their desires drive what content is created, so we've seen increasingly shorter and shorter form content with its entertainment value increased to the max because people are becoming addicts to this sort of content and their attention spans have been diminished.

This is the main problem that is driving this dynamic, and the commercialization does have something to do with it because it drives people to create what content is most engaging and addictive, but it would have happened without that as people are naturally drawn to what they are drawn to. There is constant competition for people's attention and anything that fails to be entertaining enough, to deliver those hits of dopamine, is ignored. With the ad funded model of the internet, being ignored is literally a death sentence. Everything that is not "fun" is being drowned out by things that are and the non-fun things can't compete and slowly get squeezed out.

You can see the effects of this dynamic on imageboards when people will just outright refuse to read long posts saying that it is too much effort. Their attention spans have been worn down with constant exposure to "content" and they now need a hit of content that releases that dopamine with minimal effort because after time your dopamine hit gets reduced and even the best stuff barely gives you a hit. People can't make themselves get through a long post unless it is constantly slapping them with that dopamine. What triggers that response determines what people are addicted to. For some, they end up addicted to the feelings of self esteem and self worth that come from attaching themselves to a group identity then masturbating about that group's achievements and "vanquishing" its enemies. WhaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>But I think - it's almost like most people on that site today are so CONFORMIST to how they THINK the average 4channer should be, that they're afraid of complaining about this, they have become accepting of it, even though the intent of posting that 99 times out of 100 is to just derail, annoy, and harass.

This is another effect of the addiction. What triggers bad feelings, what triggers good feelings? People do what triggers the good feelings. Being accepted feels good. Being challenged feels bad. For leftists especially (but not exclusively), feeling morally superior feels good so they will engage in the "woke mob" to shout down anyone who engages in insufficiently polite speech. The right doesn't like that so they go to spaces where the opposite is true, saying anything that isn't racist gets you violently shouted down. groupthink dominates in dynamics like this simply because people are seeking that next hit of good feelings and groupthink helps them get it.

The problem is that the format itself is so conducive to delivering these opportunites over and over again. That's why people become addicts. It's not like normal life where you can only interact with so many things in such an amount of time because of the limits of physical reality. The format of the internet is fundamentally mindfucking them.

I also think that the long term credit cycle has something to do with it, the global interest rates of near 0%. Debt to GDP ratio is becoming unsustainable. Too much credit has been extended, too many debts remain to repay, too much competition between everyone and too much inequality. All that credit being extended leads to lots of growth and wealth, but because access to credit and capitial is not equally distributed, those with better knowledge of how to navigate the financial system end up reaping outsize rewards, especially the lenders themselves. The last time we had this global dynamic there were eerily similar things happening to people. We had the world wars, Hitler, fascism and all that. Now we have the same situation with people becoming fascist and interest rates low. The central bank choosing to do QE to deal with it is not helping. QE is inflationary which is a regressive tax that makes inequality worse. Eventually if inequality gets too bad, people end up feeling like slaves to the Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Some places only show you what carry inside when going into.

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>normalfag: people who generally lead normal lives and have a social life, its connotation varies widely between users; aliases include normie or normal
>its connotation varies widely between users
what id for you a normalfag? I'm asking this because I'm not sure anymore about the definition; enlighten me
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im wiz and im a loser with no accomplishments
nothing will ever change that


For me personally I'd say people leaning towards extraversion while being relatively "normal" mentally. Having sex can be one of indicators however a lot of people here still would be asocial spergs even if they weren't virgins and such I wouldn't classify them as normies.

Also I wouldn't call people who are like borderline, bipolar, etc normies even if they have families, jobs and such, extreme personalities are out of the norm.


This is important.


Evil neurotypical


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So, I was thinking if already exist a guide to maximize happiness and tranquility as a wizard, I'm looking at the idea of guide made by older and wiser truwiz to help younger wiz avoid major troubles and problems, does a guide like that exist or not?
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Happiness is not a thing for people like us, even serenity is only temporary for us. Tranquility, yes, pessimistic philosophy specifically does help with that.


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>99% of cases you can't escape social interactions with others, at one point in your life, you're going to talk with people several times even if you don't like it

>getting rich is one of the goal of the wizard. with money you can live life you always dreamed about.

>do not get into troubles. avoid them, you don't need to struggle with life more than it is. flee problems the most possible.

>friends are useless. acquire pet instead

>always hide your power level (redpill/blackpill/wizpill). you'll get mocked by others or in some serious troubles. stay bluepilled when talking to someone

>stay neutral politically speaking. you want to stay comfy all your life in a stable country and not some shithole with crazy shifts in the country

that's all I have for now desu!


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Start a wordpress, for this site is not reliable for such purposes. Then contact me, and I might give you some real crazy stuff to start with.


can't you write it down?


It is written down. But when you ready, for this place has proven unworthy of elders' teachings.

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What are highly-specific criteria for autism?
High specificity = if I DON’T have this stuff, then i am NOT autistic.

Psychiatrist (female) thinks I have it because i am an asocial loner and i cut like a fucking teenage succubus but there are alot of stuff that can make me an asocial loser eg schizoid PD (whose definition is pretty much « asocial loner »)

I know autism is overdiagnosed and i want to avoid that in my case
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Guys, I've never asked to go to a psychiatrist in the first place. Im a wagie who needed some days off cause I was near burnout so I cut and went to my GP who sent me to psych.

I didn't expect anything from it since I have a (sub)normal life. I just expected her to give me SSRI or whatever.

But she told me about sperg and now I have doubts.

Self-diagnosis is for pussies, having a professional put it on the table is something else.


hence asking your psychatrist next time you see her


Ask her what happens if people decide to start hunting and killing psychiatrists


that was that FX steve carel show


WWhy would you want to avoid something that can get you some bux?

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