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is there a wizard here who work from home, has is own house/apartment and earn lot of money and NEETing all day long (almost becoming a hikikomori)?
what's your job?
how did you end up like this?
what do you enjoy the most?
more importantly, how do you get food? do you leave your house or get delivered from someone?
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Damn, literally me, I live on my own but came to the same conclusions about money.
I'm not lazy but it allows me to isolate myself even more than being poor, where at least you're forced to socialize through work.

Also, what are your farms?


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This is one of those quintessential humans can never be happy posts. You won life and get to play on creative mode but are finding issues that aren't there. If you didn't get rich, you'd probably just be as lazy, fat and lonely + getting stressed about your uncertain future.

I understand where you're coming from - being immediately rich wouldn't fix my wizproblems either, but you're in the best position possible to fix them. Everything you listed are things you can work on and the benefit is you can do them completely voluntary rather than compelled to when your parents die as I might find myself.

Fat? Just eat less and walk more. If you wanna be independent, go rent a house in literally any city anywhere on Earth and live there for a few months. If you truly have millions there's literally nothing to worry about because as bad as things get you'll always have food and a roof over your head and you won't have to waste your life away working. You could start with a house in your town/city and see how that goes, just tell your parents you got a normal job or whatever.

Looking at beautiful places online is also no replacement for physically being there, feeling the wind and rain on your face. It's equivalent to a virtual fireplace versus a real one. Book a trip somewhere close and stay there for a day, then gradually expand out. You could go to Japan and just walk around, do anything, stay anywhere - larp as a wandering Ronin with infinite money glitch.

35 isn't old, you can still learn and do anything and the benefit is you have literally all the time in the world because you never need to work. You can study anything and never worry about whether it'll pay you back monetarily. I'm extremely jealous. Please learn to enjoy your life for all us unlucky wizards out there.


I don't understand people like you, who seem to think that their job is useless. You have studied a lot to earn this much money and figured a way to make a living, you aren't stealing nor murdering, you get to earn without dealing with rude customers who gets to force you to redo all the work (happens with devs, engineers, and artists all the time).

I'm not rich but I have my own house and you are right, I can't keep everything tidy and neat, but that is just because I have a lot of clutter and furniture, all of that disencourages me from cleaning, but the privacy is worth it. If I was in your position, I would buy a large land and build a tiny house (easier to clean) in the middle, and plant a bunch of fruit trees.

I don't understand this mindset on traveling at all, I don't recall ever having a kick out of going to different places


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I've never traveled but I like walking and exploring places and nature, providing they're nice looking places. When you find a cozy street and some cool building sits opposite a nice tree which frames the image in your vision like a well constructed composition, I appreciate that.

I can't drive either + don't have money so I'm very limited in where I can go, hence I'm jealous and slightly irate at someone with infinite money saying something as trite as: why go anywhere when you can see it online.


Since you start out with a meme format this is almost certainly a LARP post. The thing about the blockchain is you could prove you had wealth cryptographically. Seeing as how you "studied" it and you didn't do that, I'm incline to think that you're lying which is quite cruel. You're here flaunting your wealth in front of people who will probably never have anything. While claiming that you don't like to flaunt said money because you're too sensible? Makes sense.

Seems like rage bait to me. Though with no proof I'll just disregard it. You're probably just some dumb zoomer that heard about blockchain tech from meme coins. So from the council of elders: kys my man!


I think I grew to understand why normies are so fond of some philosophers whose ideas they do not follow at all, even worse, philosophers that even criticize the cattle mindset actively…

It's a trap to seduce the unexpert neurodiverse who really and deeply understands and agrees with these philosophers while still having traits of failed normie. They lure him into this deceit to mock and deceive him, praising what in depth they hate with demonic impotence.

Or that's at least the vibe I felt from watching comments about some philosophers on the internet.

Ever found yourselves in any situation like this one, wizzes?
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>please tell me the truth
Not that dude but, basically:
"Life is suffering."
That's it.
Have a nice day.


>trying to share with others this ultimate truth that had been revealed to me,
share it again in this thread


I need to stop coming to this place.


This happens to philosophy and almost every damn thing coming from them. Remember the Hidden War meme.


>Remember the Hidden War meme.
the one about Duende and Guende?

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20, 10 and even 5 years ago being called a virgin was seen as an insult by normies. Same could be said about being called "a crab", yet more and more often we see people who have regular sex, gfs and social lives say "they are basically crabs". Is it for attention? Is it some misguided idea that crabism is a mindset? Is it to make yourself feel "superior" to other normies? Same thing have happened with nerds: what used to be a simple demographic, later became a label to proudly asign to yourself (Oh, I'm such a nerd, I just love watching mainstream movies like Star Wars!).

Is there a way to stop it, or just every term loses it's meaning after 5 or 10 years these days?
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What is a level 4


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>>221042 was posted at the same time as an on-going discussion about autism in another thread, and someone posted this image
i meant it as a joke because it's a very long post about minotaurs and labirynths, and the joke is that only an autistic mind would write such a long response, using abstract concepts from mythology


Well, I guess it isn't often you find long responses here, or anywhere these days, let alone responses contextualized from mythos…
It's too conjectural, too speculative as well, for something that really ought to be straightforward and simple.
I'll take note of that.


2014 nigger. It was a bad but understandable decision.


Do not stop it. What feel makes you to want them to stop this self-inflicted thing? they know they are pretty much drooling apes and their self-worth is tied to succubi no matter how retarded or sociopathic they be.

You have an issue if this affects you, and that's the thing to solve.

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is male celibacy a sort of phenomena that become more common with the time? I am especially looking for the answers of older wizards here, but everyone's are welcome.
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Must've been boring back in the day, imagine not having games and a computer

I guess they amused themselves with stuff like early electronics, steam power and radiation and other such interests and ideas

Pretty cool, now I can play minecraft and other survival games to experience the joy of being a primitive caveman again


It wasn't all gloom and doom before. Surely, escapism now reached all time high and there are whole industries catered towards providing addictive escapism (anime, vidya, AI girlfriends, pornography).
People before didn't have grade A escapism, but they still had means to entertain themselves.
Men before were interested in collecting (stamps, newspaper cutouts, rocks, all sorts of stuff), literature (like pulp fiction and adventure novels), radio shows (those were HUGE in the beginning of 20th century), a lot of events existed like amusement parks, circus performances etc.
Religion also was popular. Wizzies of old were highly religious, partly due to autistic obsession with religion and partly because churches were good places to meet people. Now, not in a sense they were accepted in the church and were able to form some meaningful relationships there (unlike what some tradguys would tell you), but because they weren't kicked out. There was still social stratification in the church (my great grandmother told me she was excluded from a lot of church events because she was dirty poor), but "bechelors" attended the Mass almost daily since they didn't have anything better to do.
And last but not least: just day to day survival. A lot of domestic chores took more time and effort before. Now we have vacuum cleaners, washing machines, all sorts of kitchen utensils etc. An average single man who wasn't married and couldn't afford a maid probably spent a lot of time and effort just doing basic chores like washing and ironing his clothes or even grooming himself.


>experience the joy of being a primitive caveman again

But quicker and having guides and not risking your ass


This world of humans is just like "universe 25" and we are the dodgy mice


No I play on hard survival, always max difficulty

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do you refer as one (or more) of these group of people or you don't want to asociate with it because it is full of normalfags?
the categories of which are:
as you can see it is groups from pouplar activity in the twenty oneth century. Or do you prefer to call yourself a wizard only
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I just want a place free of sex-having normies


well, thats why we have wizchan


wizchan has been breached.


I call myself nothing. Low profile as much as possible.


by whom?

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How do I get rid of my desire to have children and to continue my lineage?

I’ve been able to eliminate my desire for succubi and stop fantasizing about romantic relationships but I still have a desire to be a father and at times daydream about having children to raise and play with.

I feel once I rid myself of this want I can truly be content with my existence as a solitary invisible man in this decaying world.
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Think about how many disasters those children could suffer after being born. research antinatalists, imagine them reprimanding you for having conceived them into this world into a suddenly horrible age after their mother just died before their eyes, knowing that they would stay disabled after some disaster that will make them entirely dependant on you because their futures got destroyed due to human inability to supress irreversible misfortune.

Also, knowing that they might grow very differently as people, than the ones you fantasize with. You could even find you hate them with bitter regret.

The human gene pool is cursed and we are part of the proofs about it.


>Almost all (not all) men want to raise a kid because it's a primal, ancient biological instinct.
You are avoiding answering the question of why you want children. The key is in this. Our biology manifests as psychology, thoughts, feelings, rationality. Your brain makes a world view, life plan and expectations. I think if the desire is still there then you haven't truly given up on it, and you still have a dilemma about whether to try to achieve it or not. You could either give up, accept that you dont know if it will happen and accept both scenarios without struggling, or make a concerted effort to breed. You suffer because you are conflicted.


Nobody truly and fully gets rid of the impulse and subconscious desire to multiply, because it's what hundreds of thousands of people directly up your bloodline did for eons and which ultimately made you exist.

Even the most hardliner antinatalist has the occassional intrusive "what if" thought and imagines how his son would look like himself, propagating the endless life cycle.


>"we are animals and not machines!"
>"I'm programmed to want X"

So which one is it?


Simply wrong. I've never been attracted to succubi, in my late 30s and have never had an urge like that in my life. The idea is completely alien and horrifies me. Stop making ridiculous unjustified claims.

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Hello, fellow wizzies, I'm making this thread with the idea of gathering knowledge about how to maximize well being as a wizard, we all know how hard life can be, specially as a wiz, so we our combine lived experience I thought we could make a "rule for life" on how to better maximize our well being. So, what should every wizard should know?
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it's because you zoomers never invent or come up with anything new
you rely so heavily on already existing solutions, that you lack the ability to observe and make your own conclusions
chat bots only regurgitate and coagulate words to form passable sentences, but there is no meaning behind them
those 10 points are truisms applicable to almost anyone

for example
this is infinitely better advice than the "be good and don't be bad" AI slop


>look into what others have discovered first
You had asked a thing incapable of thought or reason or any kind of feeling, made out of data collected from normies with all of their hypocrisies and fallacies for an advice on how to live as a wizard, you completely missed the point of my post and it was not intended to be an insult but as a critique and if it read like an insult then my bad


I'm not that anon.
>kids these days
You're ironically being more cliched and off-topic than GPT.


-Bully not confronted, bully resented.
-Fights must not be sustained through time, but harshly ended or fled.
-Prolonged stress of any kind (sensory, emotional, workforce, etc) will harm our system in unexpected ways, do not try to keep up against what your body says. Learn to listen its unexplainable signals.
-Hidden enemies and traps are to be expected. Practice useful paranoid mindsets.
-Conspiracy-minded culture is a moral value.
-Question your own steps often, and the words you accept from the world.
-Desiring to fit in is dangerous for your mental health. Be sure it's them who have to go through your radar instead.
-Learn to wage mental war on normies and psychos. Subterfuge.
-Health care and hygiene are often neglected. Routines are to be enforced.
-Never coom. Sex control is holy and a source of power or at least a barrier against deeper misery.
-Never take any addictive substances, your brain is weaker in some aspects than the one of a normie.
-This: >>219441
-Improve your fitness. To be ready against physical engagements or urgencies because our body types are the weakest by default.
-We are sort of scholars, even if not the traditional way. We set the ways.

Do you want me to upload a shitton of brainyquote-like memes?


if youre fat wizard, you have more strengh to fight than skinnyfats or skinny wizards


Any wiz here that are self discipline monster? Like has really good self discipline or being a wiz inevitable is tied to be lazy?
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It's also more urgent to change. Being 30+ now and I've never been more fit, because it had to be done. I train my body regularly. I lost weight very slowly over many months and I've never felt better. The extra strength, agility, reach, balance, etc. have been amazing. I've done all this at 32-33.


i’m sorry, guys, i failed nnn because i had a wet dream with harley quinn. then when i woke up i thought, fuck it, might as well fap all i want, already came anyway. all my accumulated essence down the drain because of some hot psycho clown. i feel like shit. it’s not worth it.



that image is retarded lol watching porn does not make you perform worse with holes in real life nor does it make you desire the less


Brahmacharya tips can help you through it.


And people ask me, "Who are you to feel superior to everybody else? What makes you think you're better than them?"

Even with all my faults and defects, when picrel is consistently "everybody else", how can I NOT view myself as objectively Übermensch by comparison? What other logical conclusion is there after lining up my mind with that of the bootlicking, lizard-brained masses who bow down before the lying heads on TV time and time again?

If that makes me a narcopathic monster, well then, maybe onus should fall on "everybody else" to get gud and make the choice to suck less.


when cornered, normies will just point out your relative positions in the hierarchy of money, pussy and social status. it's their last cope when you absolutely mog them spiritually and morally. ultimately, being a npc drone is more profitable and they will always win out in terms of material conditions, they won't accept or even comprehend your attraction to a higher set of morals. a normie cannot understand that "truth" is valuable for its own sake, they will happily subvert it in order to gain more favor in their tribe and to escape any guilt for their crimes and to justify evil.


"I don't feel superior. It's just the scent of mediocrity that can't be deleted from what I have in front of me"

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I just came across a post where they said,

>"what is the point of a man if he cannot provide children?"

And now I'm all kinds of pissed off, because I am so fucking sick and fucking tired of these asswipes thinking they're so high and mighty just because they jizzed in a vagina. Oh wow, you've accomplished precisely what every other street-shitting animal on earth can. *golf clap*

These shitstains love to punch down on people like me because the almighty pussy won't select us. They worship their victim-blaming, just world fallacy faggotry all because… why. That they have won the genetic lottery in being enabled to pursue perverse animal lusts instead of being a human fucking being, instead of engaging in higher things?

Was Aristotle a pussy-chaser? Albert Einstein? Isaac Newton? Nikola Tesla? JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH? But oh, I guess these and every other philosopher, inventor, etc. are "pointless" all because children-in-adult-bodies were more interested in inviting "big tuff manly men" like shit-shoveling meatheads and other animal-adjacents into their stinky holes.

No, I personally haven't invented anything/etc AND NEITHER HAVE THEY. WE ARE EQUAL in this regard, but according to their lizard-brained logic they honestly believe they're better than me when they've built precisely zero skyscrapers, invented precisely zero new forms of engines or energy or what-have-you, created precisely zero pieces of art or media, or engaged in any other other higher human endeavor that objectively makes the world a better place for us all.

It's always the socially-rejected outliers like myself who do these things, not them, not any of those leeches. Not only are we the only ones who keep the gears of society running but we're the ones who built these gears in the first place – up to and including society itself!

If it weren't for us, the human race would all still be living in caves and grunting at each other.

It's long past due for you normalcattle to show some fucking respect to the only people on earth who qualify as human beings, you ungrateful parasites.
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That's basically what all geek and íncel spaces have insinuated for decades. If you look good facially, are tall, go to the gym, you're a scumbag who toys around witjh succubi and causes heartbreak for purely selfish reasons.

When in fact those "chads" can have just as much depression, suicidality or problems as the 42 year old WoW-addict virgin.
Being a sexhaver doesn't excuse you of the problems and terrors of life.

I'm a very ugly short virgin and I don't envy chads. I know life hands everyone shit even if they do good on one front (in their case succubi and casual sex).


More like dense kids who didn't nor will ever get the joke
Yeah, I'm an attractive somewhat short gymgoer and I'm a turbovirgin. People don't understand life doesn't simply happen to people like me


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>the point of a person is to create a person whose point is to create a person whose point is to create a person whose point is to create a person whose point is to create a person whose point is to create a person whose point is to create a person whose point is to create a person…


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Yet you didn't just shove on them how pathetic it is to worship pussy at the levels they do.

what is the point of a man? A man needs no point, even less for such a retard question.

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