Since it is something I can't have, and it seems like the end purpose of life is to fuck and reproduce. I have started viewing everything from a very sexual perspective.
I am sorry but I am not able to explain this phenomenon properly but hopefully you got the gist of it.
Everytime I see someone, I know that they have sex, and weirdly in my head I start picturing them doing so. I absolutely detest sex havers. I have a weird inferiority complex with them, I kinda wish that they'd all die in an instant but then I realise that people in my family have had sex.
Whenever I go to a family meet, and see someone's kids, I start imagining how their parents have had sex. How the guy actually left pussy dripping. I can't help but feel anger, inferiority, and curiosity at the same time. It's a weird fucking feeling. It makes me wanna lose my shit and swallow a bullet.
I absolutely detest degeneracy and sex. Everytime I meet someone who is non-virgin, I feel like I am meeting someone from the enemy tribe, and that they are out to get me. Everytime I see them talk to me normally, I pretend to be normal and give normal answers but in the back of my head I feel like I am being subconsciously cucked as I think about them have sex with someone.
I especially hate this feeling when succubi are involved, when I see them do something that they are more skilled than me at, I immediately in the back of my head start seething internally like I am some stupid fucking kid throwing a tantrum.
Since I can't have sex. I feel inferior even to the wizards here cause if you guys are given the opportunity to do sex you will be able to do so, but if I was given the opportunity I wouldn't be able to get hard, do movements, or be able to cum.
All of this makes me feel like a cuck in the back of my head, I pretend to be a normalnigger, but in the back of my head, deep down inside, I am eternally messed up. Whenever I see someone wearing short clothes, partying, or being flirty. I feel an innate urge of great anger and defeat.
I hate that sex exists, I hate that I can't do it, I can't stand the people who do it, I can't stand seeing the fact that there are literal fucking succubi more successful than me at life. I hate it all. I want to burn it all down.
21 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view. No.221195
>>221178They do. Chimpanzees even fuck for fun every 1-2 hours.
>>221186Yes, i will enjoy it while you pointlessly hurt yourself with your anger
>>221185lol at this level of delusion
who have you rejected socially exactly? Nobody is looking for you less want to associate with you, you're posting on an anonymous imageboard.
You're in for a rude awakening, kid.
>>221178Dolphins literally gang rape female dolphins. You think only humans have sex for pleasure and not necessarily only for breeding?
>>221198I was going to mention dolphins as well but didn't bother since my post focused on primates.
There are other species as well which just have sex for passing time or out of boredom 5-10+ times a day.