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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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Recently I saw this video about BEN (Blue Eisenhower November) that claims that it is an alt-right dogwhistle spread on 8chan and wizardchan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVzukRQorws

Much of this video is inaccurate to what it is actually about. I have gone down a rabbit hole researching the topic and found this video: https://youtu.be/p-DEpiQMhZ8?feature=shared

Does anyone here know more about what is going on with this thing? Seems like it is related to reincarnating with all your memories. I think this may be the solution to many of our problems.


Come on wake up! The illuminati would never allow that

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After browsing no-fap threads across teh cyberverse, found that many struggles comes from those who are horny and also focused into normie behaviours, while rarely such topic (the struggle for no-fap) is given amongst those who spend their lives (mostly failed normies) feeling this dreadful thirst for sex or company without ever being able to do anything about it. Indeed, the last thing they are is horny, there is this horrible pull from inside them that leaves them drained already without spilling mana, curiously as they not even horny enough to fall into dangerous fap.

I wonder, since they lack this energy in such levels and form, could it be that deliberately going for solitary tantra (edging + redirection of energy) could slowly improve hidden corners of their soul? Since usual fapping gets people down and even ashamed of facing the public even if these know nothing about such acts, could it be that dominating the art of mana harvesting were to be a hidden, unspoken source of renewed energy and a way of combat against their miserable mood? To fall into the pit of shame, never touch its depths, collect the diamonds scarce as they were and come back up untouched by the trap inside it (given that this energetic flaw of theirs provides also advantage against bothersome levels of horniness).

When I had my phase of being a failed normie, tortured by this want, I never even thought about cooming to consolate myself. Even less about using anything like edging or treating myself into cultivating this type of manhood… not even after my face-heel turn into a redpill schizo.


another schizo rambling about fapping


just be careful 'cause you'll attract parasitic female entities (and i don't mean 3dpd). if some kind of female entity appears to you emanating pure love, don't believe her lies.


Of course. May you be blessed.


Another normalcuck whining about schizos

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Argentina is going through hard times, with 100% inflation in 6 months, increases in all kinds of taxes, 45% poverty, and increasing crime. Argentina is a strong country, and any of these things would destroy another country, but we have already gone through many similar crises, but in each crisis the country becomes smaller and has less sovereignty.

Argentina is suffering, and needs the support of all anons.
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It's over


Go fuck yourself, smelly shitskin


are you paranoid?


Every country who relies on taxcuckers without having chances of free selfsubsistance is deeply fucked. You just realizing it.

How could you hide some living space from the normie world, how could you?


>The problem is an old one, but disease and war have given it new life. COVID killed more than 1.1 million Russians, according to independent sources, and the war in Ukraine has blown a much bigger hole in Russia’s working-age population. An estimated 150,000 Russians have died on the battlefield, and over a million more have fled the country since the invasion, either to avoid conscription or to find better job prospects
>Results from the 2021 census are expected to show that Russia has 10.5 million more succubi than men, almost the same disparity as a decade ago
>"Russia saw up to 1.3 million people leave the country in 2022, including many younger and well-educated people in high-value industries," Britain's defense ministry added. For example, "about 10 percent (100,000) of [Russia's] IT workforce left the country in 2022 and did not return."
>The UK Defense Ministry expects Russia to lose 1,000 or more troops per day in the coming winter, saying Moscow will likely keep trying to overwhelm Ukraine in the next months despite difficult conditions
>Russia’s future will be characterized by a smaller population. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war has virtually guaranteed that for generations to come, Russia’s population will be not only smaller, but also older, more fragile, and less well-educated. It will almost certainly be ethnically less Russian and more religiously diverse. While some might view diversity as a strength, many Russians do not see it this way. In a world with hordes of people on the move to escape war, persecution, poverty, and the increasing impact of climate change, xenophobic political rhetoric sells well

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So, is it possible to be a NEET well into the 40s and 50s? Well all know it's possible to be a NEET in your 20s when you folks are alive, but… they don't live forever, so how a NEET can sustain himself and still be a NEET after their folks are gone? I hate wagiedom, any lucky NEET could share some tips?
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"Death's vastness holds no peace. I come at the end of the long road. Neither human, nor devil… all bends to my will."

Chapter 4, Book 3. Ouroboros destroyed


If you inherit money or retire, it's easier. On disability, they really move to kill you off by this age. Life expectancy is below 50, and you'll see more lockouts and shaming. They really hate anyone over 40 who isn't one of "them".


40 does seem to be the magic number when those without money are being increasingly seen as a blight on society and someone [[they]] wish were dead.


>They really move to kill you off
Tell us more about this, please.


The average life expectancy for an autistic adult male in the United States is 36. Primary cause of death is seizure, second place is suicide. I will not spend any time debating the efficacy of the medical establishment in balancing the tendency of autistic adults to develop seizures later-in-life with the tendency to prescribe neureleptogenic medication (and the question of whether or not it really is neuroleptic or if neuroleptics just tend to be the ones to take them.) That's too complicated. But there are a lot of places this conversation can go, such as "is the lifespan of an autist reflective of not surviving past the lifespan of his generally older parents?" so I'm not 100% clear on what you want to be told about. Do you just want links to the relevant research papers?

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 No.211212[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Is anyone else bothered by how much importance people place on sex?

I can't think of any other desire that you can satisfy entirely by yourself at no cost. And once you satisfy it you don't crave it anymore and might even feel disgust (aka post nut clarity/shame).

And yet because of sex people choose to ruin lives of others and their own, to ruin their health, to spend tons of money, to ruin relationships, to feel depressed and what affects me the most as wizard: also taint media with their horniness. Video games will have clearly cumbrained character design that looks stupid if you are not horny and if you criticize it you get called gay or a succubus. Movies have pointless sex scenes. They can't even comprehend people not being obsessed with sex 24/7. Imageboards are full with coomers shitposting and bitching and not getting laid.

Does no one else see how pointless it all is?
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Genuinely love when they do that. It gives me chance to counterpush their crap back and see how they seethe


Supposedly if you change your gender to female on apps all the coomer ads/game ads go away?


not really. it's actually a great thing for them to constantly seek such mindless pleasure and keep each other busy behind locked doors. more normies have sex less I have to see them on the street.


The world is yours to mock. Scorning degenerates is the only thing I would deem close to scattering them away, normies answer mostly to one type of language


normcoomer bait

>And Elliot Rodger was briefly at an all-boys catholic school and started crying when a boy proved he had sex by playing her screaming orgasms to his name on his phone
That's morbidly new, damn. Would you people call this situation "natural" or is it some really twisted degeneration otherwise? Amongst the greatest motives one can have to choose wizardom is that female actively look for instigating this feel, this rule upon those who do not lick them boots, may it get them laid or not.

Please, don't fall for the bait.

Again, falling for bait. Can't you even sense these posts are pobly coming from crystal cafe users?

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Ever since the US Department of Justice started recording prison rape figures in the 1970s, succubi's prisons have hald TWICE the rate of inmate-on-inmate sexual assault as recorded in male prisons.

Recent figures will often be attacked as a result of "transexual" prisoner transfers so I do expect you, personally, to look into the reality of female lesbian prison rape until such time as you personally are exhausted by the literal mountain of paper evidence on the subject.

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 No.214763[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I was arguing with some classmate today, who went on about how ugly people shouldn't have kids. And of course I am ugly too. Hence, eventually a wizard.

I don't know what happened to me today but I had almost a sudden change of mine, somewhere down the line of arguing with my classmates, I figured out that they don't give a shit about ugly people suffering. If they did they would do something to help them. Not fucking exterminate them.

It's like eradicating poverty by bombing people or eradicating cancer by shooting cancer patients. I don't know, now, I find myself of the opinion that if an ugly gut gets a chance he should have children. He too deserves all the happiness of having a child.

And who knows maybe due to the randomity of universe the child turns out to be Chad or Stacy. Do you guys ever have a change of mind like this? About a topic that you felt so deeply about?

Like I know my parents are ugly and responsible for my predicament. But I think that both of them have done a lot for me. And while it is their duty to do it. I feel grateful at times.
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ugly people aren't pleasant to look at, in some instances they're even painful to look at. it's not their fault for being born this way neither is it people's fault for being uncomfortable being in their presence.
not everyone has the patience to accommodate to a stranger's ugly face, their repulsion is only a natural response, so don't take it personally (unless they bully you for it, in which case they're real assholes).
it's beyond brutal but its the way things are.

on a more optimistic note, genetic engineering could solve this problem in a near (?) future. let's hope it happens in our lifetime


>on a more optimistic note, genetic engineering could solve this problem in a near (?) future. let's hope it happens in our lifetime
Why do you care ? You plan to have babies ?


then bad gnes wouldd be still be passsed on, making dependant on engineering more and more as shit gets folded down the carpet


genetic engineering as cosmetic surgeries but at a genetic level.
maybe it's not the right word but imagine being able to customize your body like in a video game, that's what i mean. things you see in sci-fi media like ghost in the shell.

i think the word i'm searching for is transhumanism


>Ugliness is not a disability.
I have been thinking about this for a few minutes. To be "disabled" is to be unable to perform a basic lifestyle function. I am physically disabled. However, some people are officially considered "socially disabled" if they are sufficiently bad at reading facial expressions. Why is this a disability when ugliness is not? The official answer is that jobs exist which they cannot fill, but that is a bit strange when you consider that men over a certain height cannot fly fighter craft or work in a submarine, and there are many, many jobs that ugly people in general and ugly succubi in particular cannot accomplish. Pretty much every example of an "ugly" successful salesman that I've seen for example has actually just been old, or fat, or balding, with no attention paid to the things the brain really responds to on a deep level like symmetry, skin health, facial structure etc.

I think the idea of social disability may really be that a socially disabled man's response to social situations is sufficiently unpredictable that accident or intentional violence is the most likely result of coercing them into a position that requires rather than simply requests appropriate social responses. A socially disabled lawyer or judge or police officer would not just be inept, he would present a danger to society by misjudgment.

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I've had this bottle for 5 years since I became 18 and realized my life is in a slow decline of low motivation and self hatred. Got into the part where I started playing a game I couldn't stand up to go to the bathroom because bad bladder and needed something close by. I've grown attached to my companion after a while. After it was full I'd not throw it out but empty it, wash it, and reuse. I don't know why but there was a connection. There was a time I fought with my dad because he said it was disgusting and tried to throw it out but he gave up and decided it was not worth it going back to the bottle from the outside garbage everytime he tried to throw it out. I don't know what is wrong with me or why I'm so attached to it. But there is this sense of guilt when I throw it out or the thought of doing it. I tried decorating it a bit too so it doesn't look so bland. I need help ffs.
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>though I prolly still be ineligible)
Do you believe that? They everyone from epileptics to AIDS ridden amputees. It is a wild time to be sure. At least in the some areas, in my shit town there is little of that bus throwing. Probably cause it's filled with eastern 'refugees' with fat purses. But I do know that if you are on their radar, you are going to serve even if half-dead.


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I can related a bit but instead of a piss bottle it's a cum sock, and I've been using it for only 1.5 ~ 2 years. No one's ever found it but I have to wash it like once per month because it starts stinking. I know that I should've thrown it away a long time ago, but I feel kind of bad about doing it, especially when I imagine that I might be depriving another sock of its pair.
I specifically use a sock because it's convenient – I just "wear" it on my dick when I'm about to cum, and I don't have to deal with the inconvenience of cumming on some surface/myself and cleaning afterwards, or awkwardly holding a tissue with another hand…
In my situation piss bottles aren't very useful or viable since the bathroom is a 10 second walk and piss bottles are harder to manage without being found out. I've only ever pissed in a bottle once, because the bathroom wasn't usable for a couple hours and I really wanted to piss.


>I can related
I can relate*
NOT an ESLism, just muscle memory.


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Do u men have to hide like jews in ww2?

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Has anyone here been able to astral project? I want to go make my own Avatar realm (last air bender not the blue fucks) and have fun being the avatar.



Sounds fun. Report back if you manage to do it.


Tried once but failed, it's like a veil of reality I had to break through or something. It felt intense near the breaking of this fabric I just stopped, I had a panic attack during that moment because I felt everything around me was small and I was a giant force orbiting around a small object of my body. Never doing it again.


i managed to do it a couple of times after a ton of effort, but they didn't last very long, unfortunately. then i stopped trying for some time and i'm now back to zero. not very motivating to get back on it, but i gotta do it.

it's awesome to experience. it was like waking up in an alternate reality. just being somewhere that is nowhere in this physical world is amazing on its own.


I tried doing the gateway tapes for a while but couldn't get it to stick. From what I've heard it takes a lot of mental conditioning and preparation before you can try to astral project.


That's because the feeling of leaving your body is the same as when you die so you subconsciously remember that feeling from dying in previous lifetimes. I've gotten to that point then gave into the fear and stopped a couple years ago, but I'm going to try to step onto the other side now.

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I usually think about wiz being well pressured by society. I mean, social relations like measurment of your quality as a DNA-container, normie-based entartainment and media, etc.
Moreover, in my country there are a lot of shit about duty and self-sacrifice. Fun fact, there is an option to be recruited and die as a virgin on a battlefield. 20-25 years ao there were a lot of such situations. Also, you need to work… I have good university- and self-education in IT and math, but todays job is based on normie tEaM bUildIng(a lot of such shit in our University) and I just dont want to think about the job perspectives.




Normies has this status morals, which prove theirselves to be utterly retard after narcissists and other cluster B freaks constantly mess up everything from everyside. Since they be cattle, no way that changes. Our duty ad wizards is to mock and disgrace them in their self inflicted wailing for our benefit, while passing unadverted and unharmed. That's the game.

>Be sure you take decisions from the best part of you: "strategy and authority"


>tEaM bUildIng
don't write like that because it's a normalfag meme


Then it's fine, because we must rob their stuff as they rob ours

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 No.211629[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What, my friend, made you a wizard? Was it ugliness, mental issues, being ethnic or a combination?
The first day of being born I knew it was over
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I got all of my self esteem beaten out of me from a very young age. I was terible at socializing because I was afraid no one would like me. Over time I kinda just forgot how to socialize and be myself around people so I naturally self isolated.


I was always naive and had zero self-awareness. Most of the time I didn't realize that nobody likes me. I even didn't know that people were bullying me. Just had this delusion that everybody likes me for some reason. I was gifted in terms of education - maybe that's why I held to that delusion that people respect me just because I have good grades. Up until 23 years old when I ralized how much of an idiot I've been. Doing insanely retarded stuff all the time, saying inapriopriate things, dressing like a moron. I guess I deserved to be bullied. That time I turned full recluse mode. Now I have extreme social anxiety and schizophrenia.


ok but when did you start studying the occult? surely you did not just sperg out and watch all of dan da dan without realizing that (you) need to start studying the occult learning from the planets and the stars to wield them. dont let big govt turn you into a human sacrifice in the space wars


use those pathetic feelings when meditating to make your self invisible. Dont bottle up your desire to be left alone. let it out and the universe will acquiesce to you

you can at do chaos magic surely


>I deserve to be bullied for not being aware enough of how to be loved by normies
If you despise yourself for having
our values, feel free to be abandoned inside your mental shithole.

I also was terrible at socializing, before I started thinking about how less than nothing others would do to correctly socialize with me. So I defined as correct socializing as whatever I feel to, often in disregard of normalcy. AS TRUWIZARDS SHOULD DO.

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