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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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Sometimes I wonder why Wizchan feels so dead. so to find out I decided to create a survey in which we can find out if the majority of Wizchan users are workers or unemployed. and like that, we will know indirectly why there are few posts at certain times
here's the link to the survey poll: https://poll-maker.com/poll5314103x0bDd45f1-160
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Also I can realise a lot of them are just kids still, I used to socialise with some wizzies back on chatrooms and later found out they were all under 18 but now are mid 20s. This is the average user here.


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damn, under 25 do really, they're too young


in my expirience beying on here is better than the normalfag sites where i am out of place anyway


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This site is really depressing, its users are depressing, and in general everything is bad here. I think this makes men who do not have sexual relations, nor who focus on succubi, look bad, since the first thing someone outside will read will be threads of misfortune and misery. So I ask you, have you never tried to improve and improve?
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>just a passive aggressive way of saying you aren't good enough and you aren't fine as you are.
Except in the absolute worst of places online, the only times guys are told to "self improve" are after they've poured their heart out over how they themselves don't feel up to their own standards - how they're unsatisfied with who they are themselves regardless of other people's opinions on them. In this case, no, they aren't fine as they are. No man should have to play as a class he didn't chose, so if he can change it, then by all means tell him how.
>My life would be better if I put time into my hobbies instead
If the kind of self improvement you were doing didn't involve your personal hobbies and interests throughout all of it, then it wasn't "self" improvement - it was social improvement; conditionng yourself to be an integrated cog in the societal machine as per the standards laid before you by others. And this is why you shouldn't be angry when you see men suggesting self improvement among themselves, because most of the time they don't mean "learn to socialize, pay taxes, pick up chicks, and have a firm handshake". They really just mean find something you enjoy doing, do it, and get your body and mind healthy enough to keep doing for as long and as good as you possibly can.


This place is depressing because it's full of rants about normies and succubi. People experience real stress and anxiety from going outside, and the rants are their way of releasing that pressure.

Self-improvement is not the solution to this because it would only put you a bit higher in social status, but anon would still compare himself to other people. The key is self-acceptance and admitting before yourself that you are comfortable living as you do.


I don't think the average wizard here is trying to revert back to being oblivious and bluepilled.

If anything, the general consensus is either desperation or accepting the awful circumstances that led to the birth of a wizard.

And like you said it was predetermined genetically, so no point to go mad over it. It's just a bad draw of cards, an unlucky situation in nature. Someone statistically has to bear that load of grinding through an unlucky life and this time it was us.


Based post. You make some excellent points here.


Atleast for me personally the best way to actually improve is to just improve at a hobby.
Your will naturally improve just to get better at the thing.
Tried doing the normie youtube recommandation feed self improvement stuff and got stuck in a loop for like 4 years before just shutting all the self improvement content noise and figuring out what works for me.

Maybe those foundational mainstream self improvement books are atleast mildly helpful but fuck if I know… haven't read them beyond some of atomic habits.

Might not work for all the wizards out here but worked for me
(I might have aspergers and/or some form of ADHD, no formal Dx tho)

Seems I am not the only one who figured this one out.

Found bullet journaling to be useful personally.


I want to start saying I'm a college drop out and have been a neet for 7years long periods of isolation and now it's become noticeable that I have trouble doing basic arithmetic, short term memory issues, can't retain motor skills as well as i did when I was young
Other than dreams I can't visualize images in my head at all or think out logical problems.
I have a lot of difficulty with math even basic transactions counting smaller bills, I would be the type to get potentially ripped off if someone tried shorting me.
I have really shit slow inaccurate reflexes I found it impossible to do those rehabilitation exercises where you spin one finger clockwise the other counter clockwise I find tying knots or wrapping cables hard, can't remember shit in general and need timers and calendar marks for everything. When I did try to cope and channel my energy into normie shit like fps games and let me tell you I had been basically no lifeing the fucking things for about three years 24/7 through middle and high school I barely improved or could make it above anything but a near negative kd.
I'm low IQ in general (84) the zone where you aren't drooling from the mouth but know you are less competent than everyone else and can't name a single thing I've ever had come easy or been talented at.

Any other wizards expeireincing problems from neet life?
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I'm in a very similar situation. I dropped out of my country's equivalent of high school and ever since I've been NEET. I do nothing, but browse imageboards and watch anime all day, even at those things that are ought to interest me, I'm clearly below average. It saddens me, because my interest in for example computers is genuine and I really want to learn about it, but I'm not making any progress with programming or anything like that, even though I've been doing it since I was a kid. With math I'm stuck with basic trigonometry and algebra, despite trying really hard to understand them. My IQ is around 80 as well (I got tested by a psychiatrist).
>where you aren't drooling from the mouth but know you are less competent than everyone else and can't name a single thing I've ever had come easy or been talented at.
Hah, same…I'm not a drooling retard, but not that much better either, as I suck at everything I do, despite really wanting to get better.
As imageboards are in their nature a place for social outcasts, I wouldn't be surprised that both ends of the bell curve are represented here as well. While certainly a lot of wizards are high IQ and I don't intend on insulting anyone, I think there is going to be a lot of people at the other end of it as well, just because that's how things are if you're an wizard or outcast or loser or god knows what. Normal people tend to have normal IQ, people diverging too much from the norm, tend to be not normal in other things as well or rather the other way around.


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>I'm in a very similar situation. I dropped out of my country's equivalent of high school and ever since I've been NEET. I do nothing, but browse imageboards and watch anime all day, even at those things that are ought to interest me, I'm clearly below average. It saddens me, because my interest in for example computers is genuine and I really want to learn about it, but I'm not making any progress with programming or anything like that, even though I've been doing it since I was a kid. With math I'm stuck with basic trigonometry and algebra, despite trying really hard to understand them. My IQ is around 80 as well (I got tested by a psychiatrist).

I relate a whole a lot, I tried to learn math 3 years ago, and I could not even get past the basics of algebra despite spending 4-5 hours each day studying, my memory is horrendous and it takes me forever to process the informations compared to the average person, I was basically putting 10x the time and effort of the average person for the same resulsts


You don't sound to have that low IQ, I guess you did a brief IQ test, not a compressive one like WAIS, probably would have low score in some parts of the test, high in others, giving a very conflicted IQ composition scores.


>My IQ is around 80 as well (I got tested by a psychiatrist
damn that's harsh. I didn't do a test but I'm sure to be 80 like you thos is depressing


Experienced similar during the pandemic.
Scrolling and lack of mental stimulation (eg. Via hobbies) might be your issue but maybe you are already avoiding scrolling and doing this.

Even if it's not the cause… reducing scrolling and adding hobbies is bound to help.

You did mention you used to perform better in your youth , impling some sort of degredation.

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Something i do when i get bored and it may enchante your own creativity even if you are not interested in making music, just get a cracked FL Studio and Audacity and start in, make random things and discover new guitar solos, beats and more. Just focus on making your own music genra even if you didn't like it. Get a blank cd and grave/burn your music in it ans get a transparent CD case and print you own cover and just add it to your own or you can just post this in public anonymous area like /music/. Its not important to get views its not important to get fame or attention what important is that feeling of the piece you made with your own creativity.
>just dont write music about womens thats ass and you will ended up like Helen Reddy lmao
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In Judaism demons are presented as a hybrid being, fluctuating between the physical and non-physical plains.

It was said king achashverosh fucked a demoness in the image of queen Esther the Jewish.

So I called upon god to provide me with the same solution, it did not work.

We have still have the Golem resurrection route, although it would be even worse than a demon female.


very cool
what is the Golem resurrection route?


Yeah, I have been nineteen already. Thanks anyway, OP.


After about five years of experience with Fl Studio I sell my music online and make a bit of money. Good advice OP.


I actually got an E473 for this purpose and it is collecting dust. I know just enough music theory to read those wiggly symbols like an illiterate old redneck

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is there a wizard here who work from home, has is own house/apartment and earn lot of money and NEETing all day long (almost becoming a hikikomori)?
what's your job?
how did you end up like this?
what do you enjoy the most?
more importantly, how do you get food? do you leave your house or get delivered from someone?
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I know for you it's not that rich but for me it is because I'm poor


imagine getting 3000 BRL just to eat tendies while living in mommy's basement, house in the countryside of the united states of brazil… Life is good, life is good


living the life…


It just depends where you live, and if you have a tolerable family. I have no family, no residence rights in any cheaper country, and couldnt even pay rent with that income so it would mean i would be homeless and starving


ok fair

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Had a post about this here not a long time ago, how are you wizards doing with regarding to it? Do you suffer from it still? Or do you enjoy it?

What do you Maladaptively Daydream about?
For how long do you Maladaptively Daydream about?

I will share my experience, I daydream for about 7 hours a day. Here's what I daydream about, there's another planet in our solar system, hidden from us through advance technology, and then there are third type of aliens which we know nothing about (and I haven't thought it through), so these third type of aliens destroy our planet as in they miraculously kill 7.7 billions of our people leaving only a dozen of people alive.

Now the aliens from our nearby planet arrive and tell us how we got killed and why a dozen of us survived miraculously, this dozen of people include a few wizzes from other countries, some people that I know. Some people that I have envisioned and me.

The second kind of aliens have two countries on their planet, a crab state and a normie state, where once normies and crabs fought vigorously, after that the crabs managed to craft their own state with advanced tools like AGI, they engaged in genetic engineering, they have a standardised height, they all look good, and most importantly they make biological succubi in bio-facilities. Where they make a succubus specifically for a crab man, while normie state is a third world country of sorts (ironic cause irl I am a third worlder)

I am fucked in the head, I know.

And these people then come to earth to tell us what went through, they say us that they have been watching us for a thousand years and have recorded our history, they share the true history of my country and how it was destroyed by muzzrats and other colonial powers, we talk about history with them.

They tell our dozen of people to live together, and they offer me a same AI companion succubus who later becomes my wife, we have kids, and we live happily ever after.

So it sounds very weird now that I have laid it down, but in mind this is an epic story where I finally get a partner who is not a biological succubus in her head but an AI, she deeply cares for me, she accepts me despite of my Erectile Dysfunction and non-functioning dick, and other wizzes get their succubi and I make friends with the dozen of people and we start our life with the help of another planet's crablian state's aliens and we gradually repopulate the eartPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


yeah here's my thread about daydreaming >>>/lounge/312740

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Lil update! I'm that 18-years-old (now 19) apprentice that posted in May. That post was removed a couple of months ago, but I assume most of the people here remembers it.

I'm still a loser aspiring to become a wiz. Nothing has changed. The only thing is that I'm not as depressed as I was before, for some reason. But this is it. I'm still a loser.
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>I'm chronically sad because I don't get sex, so everyone else must be too


lil bro, noooooo! wizzies put so much faith in you, noooooo. you were supposed to be the one that got away noooooo. all our hopes and dreams, you blew it!! wtf but you're only 19 that's practically a baby your prefrontal cortex is barely moved. keep hitting the clubs and gym lil bruhhhhh lil wizzie you can do it c'moooonnnnn let's give lil wizzie our energy!!!!!! WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

fr tho, welcome back. start working on some neetbux and find a solitary hobby or two to pass the time. enjoy your health while it lasts, you'll be getting a wide variety of chronic issues in the coming years.


You are literally mentally ill if you don't want sex. It's like lacking the desire for food: such things are built in to our lizard brains. But stay in denial, some day you may even believe your own bullshit.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


>It's like lacking the desire for food
I'm not going to die because I don't have sex. My muscles won't stay small and weak because I don't have sex. My tummy wummy doesn't grumbly wumbly because I don't have sex.
>such things are built in to our lizard brains.
Sex isn't, actually. Many of our primate ancestors must learn how to sex through witnesing it being done already!

Projecting crab is going to be here all night trying to tell wizards that our wizardry is just a cope or whatever.


you're the one who made the post with the visual novel pic?

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There is a very good chance I will become homeless in the near future, what should I do to prepare and what should I do to survive? I appreciate all your answers and advice, stay strong, my brothers.
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If it's in any way a option then yeah, don't be homeless.
If you will end up homeless take every step you can to make being homeless as short as possible given your situation.
Being homeless, despite what RP posters who haven had to do it say, fucking sucks ESPECIALLY for wizardly types.


>Being homeless, despite what RP posters who haven had to do it say, fucking sucks ESPECIALLY for wizardly types.
No, your fearmongering still has no merit to this day. I'm sorry you feel that "wizard types" are perpetually frightened pants-shitting goobabies, but the reality is that we're just grown men who can endure just as much if not more hardship than any "normal" guy. The advice from us "larpers" (Guys who have actually been homeless at some point) has always been to the benefit of all, whereas your advice can be deduced to "Don't be homeless, and if you are, be scared forever and hide or the evil wraiths of normalfaggotry will sniff out your virginity and set you on fire because of it!". That's not hyperbole either; you 100% believe that being a virgin man on the street is a death sentence and have dedicated so much time to bringing guys here down to your pathetic level.

I'm sorry you had a bad experience on the streets as a result of your own cowardice and failure to adapt, but you are the odd one out. Your fright and plight just isn't applicable to anyone else. OP didn't even suggest that he has any real issue with his potential homelessness. He knows that to be a hobo adds just a few more steps to finding a place to lay his head and to boil his water. He's asking for advice that will help him fulfill his basic needs. He's not asking anyone to affirm any fears or paranoia he may have about the lifestyle, because that doesn't help anyone. And yet that's all you ever seem to contribute to these threads.


Being on the streets has no upsides.


Well then it's a good thing nobody said anything even close to that!


And here is the roleplayer people were warning against.
Don't listen to this retard and his attempts at manipulation using succubi tactics. Deep down even he knows he if full of shit.


In today’s hustle culture, chasing ‘success’ is like a religious duty. People push each other to achieve, often at the cost of their well-being, leading to stress, anxiety, and burnout. Society glorifies “winners” and treats “losers” as pariahs, almost as if not achieving is a moral failing. But is this fair? Is being a “loser” really so bad?


Eh, this is highly location dependent. If you were lucky enough to be born in Sweden or Norway, you can just give up instantly at 18 and be a NEET for decades with a decent apartment, car, food and all kinds of modern high quality electronics and internet.

Now, say you were born into a hellhole like India or Nigeria. No such option. In fact if you don't start wageslaving as a teenager (or in worst cases, as a kid) you'll get physically beaten.
No matter how hard you work, you will be seen as low value and worthless if you were born into the masses of ordinary families (not oligarchs).

A lot depends on luck in life. Many western neets live 100x better than a poor person in Bangladesh toiling away 16 hours a day in a factory 6 days a week.



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Long story short, I live in what you would say is a penal colony. Fortunately I've managed to get by. But I want more form life and thus, I wish I didn't have to deal with other people on a daily basis, as it is always so troublesome, I think I've always been a schizoid, so I need my space, in my dream life, I would only have to deal with characters on a screen on a daily basis. But I know that this is not how evolution shaped most humans, so at least, I would really like to limit how much time I have to interact with others face-to-face, and some beer money job (for a first worlder) would be a godsend for me.

The minimum salary in here is 250 dollars, that's all I would need to earn on a monthly basis and I have most of my waking time free, I've looked job listings on fiverr and all those other sites but if some anon here knows like a plan for me to eventually earn more (my dream salary would be 500 dollars) programming on whatever language, that would be ideal.

If I don't get many answers here, I plan to look up mostly east asian redditors looking for scraps, just like me and then team up with them. But I figured some wizards could come up with a more helpful plan for me, I think. SQL seems easy enough and I've done hours of exercises, but I don't know if there is some more profitable language.


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