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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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>But between 12-14 percent of adults aged 20-24 have never had sex. This number drops to around five percent for adults aged 25-29, and by age 44, only around 0.3 percent of adults report never having had the type of sex that could end in somebody getting pregnant.
Is the number seriously that low? I would've expected it to be way higher by age 44, at least 5-10%. You're telling me 99.7% of the entire population has had sex at some point by the time they reach middle age? Only a fraction of a percent of people have gone their entire LIVES without ever having sex?
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This graph is spoofed the real headline was "The number of men who haven't had sex in past year".
Plus there is an updated graph (which I can't find but remember seeing) where the line actually went down a bit to 18%.


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had to sorry


One fifth is still a huge amount, and a lot of men are ashamed of virginity due to social expulsion and ridicule between ages 18-29 so they lie about not being virgins even when in an anonymous survey.

For succubi it's the opposite. They have an innate motivation to *downplay* the amount of sex they've had in order not to appear slutty.


Agree to disagree on this I guess, most men, like 99% have had sex at least once. They may not be chads. But I personally attend by the OP's survey on this. I understand your point though there's an incentive for men to lie though, but this was an anonymous survey and to reiterate the original headline from Washington Post article was "The number of men who haven't had sex in past year".


First off, you're a normie who for some sociopathic reason is here to gloat.

Second of all, either the poster above or you, mentioned teens. It's nowhere close to 99% in the generations that were born after 1990, especially for men.
For men born after 2000 (gen Z who are a maximum of 25 years old today), 44% of males neither had sex nor dated anyone.


Post sources or fuck off to 4chan to gloat to NEETs

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how do the fellow wizzies that own a piss bottle stop this wretched rotten egg stench coming from the bottle
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This. Unless you are rich and have an ensuite bathroom connected to your room, you need bottles in this situation especially if young and unable to move out


maybe cast the poison spell at people you dont like (open it and throw it at people)


I know that feeling, because I have pissed in bottles too, when I didn't wanted to be seen, but it's kind of a double-edged sword, because there is always the anxiety of somebody (in the worst case the guests), hears how you piss in the bottle, which is considerably worse than being seen.


it's all in the technique, you gotta pour your piss on the sides of the bottle, not directly to the bottom
also try to almost hold it in, cause some resistance so that the piss flows out with less pressure


Because it's too hard to fall asleep and the more time spent awake means it's just going to be that much harder to get back to sleep. Also chronic urinary tract infections.
Your best bet is to rinse the bottle. I'm surprised nobody has brought that up. Shake it around for a while. I suspect a hydrochloric acid toilet cleaner would work to get the dried stuff out.

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I have now turned 30 years old. I have now attained wizardry. I spent years waiting for this moment and now I am witnessing the transformation before my very eyes.
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True, becoming a succubus would make life easier, but so would getting a lobotomy. Forcing others to take care of you.
Trooning out is not a means to becoming a succubus. You are still a man, but with boobs and with your dick lopped off. The technology isn't there yet.


>The technology isn't there yet.
And I don't think it ever will be, I mean you would have to change your Y chromosomes into X, and even if you managed to do that to every single cell in your body, you're still too old for your body to transform into a true female body. You would need to transplant your brain onto your artificially grown female clone, and even then there are differences between the male and female brain. So the only way to truly become a female would be to take your memories, skills, your brain software essentially, copy them onto your female clone, and then somehow transfer your point of view onto that clone. Only in fantasies.


You were born aspie/autist and it can't be "cured" no matter how much family yells at you.


Closest thing you have is masking.
It's not really a "cure" as much as Linux trying to emulate being Windows.

That or just dealing with it and trying to make the best out of it as is.


Yeah, except the input lag is major and the kernel keeps bugging out and annoying anyone interacting with it.


I am now 30 years old. Still a virgin. Strangely, I don't really care about this point, I even stopped wishing for a girlfriend about 5 years ago. I'm completely satisfied with my situation.
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xD. It's funnier to be ready.
>so you better shut up. let us be batshit crazy crackpots



You are one of the only truwizzes left on this board it seems.


I'm also 30 and ok with it, though I'm still angry at everyone for being such horrible cunts towards me.


I hit 30 this year.
I used to deal a lot with >tfw no gf emotion during my younger years.
After a while, you realize they are not worth it.

Maybe it's because T drops a little bit when you hit 30, and with this decrease comes a more objective grasp on reality.

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I lack the "social thirst" and have an avoidant personality so isolating myself felt like the natural thing to do and the only thing that bothers me is how the lack of connections prevents me from having a successful career. With all the drama and the demanding upkeep that comes with relationships I felt like I was doing the right thing but then I read some comments about how the lack of life experience from current zoomer writers results in boring stories and in an argument online I was told my opinion on topics related to society doesn't matter since I am like an alien with how isolated I am and that hurt me at my core. I've shared my philosophy before and got told I need to "touch grass" because it reveals how autistic I am.

Do you think that's true? Are our views on human matters irrelevant? I want to make art but I worry that my autistic perspective will make it speak to no one as my lack of life experience will be visible through it and the ideas I will be communicating are not in touch with what people feel.
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The short answer is: yes.


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Have you ever read "The Vision of Piers Plowman"? Has anyone who was not assigned to read it by an educational institution? How much of the most important key fundamentals of the life of a common man does anyone alive today share? Really? "Those who work, those who fight, and those who pray." These are not understandable social categories to the citizen of the 21st century. They were the fundamental social categories of all of human history to a point, but only human history. Human prehistory was almost certainly as strange to the humans who lived within history as the human present would be to either category. Piers Plowman is kept current because it was so in touch with the experience of life of a normal vice-filled common man, but no-one shares that experience or that worldview and it would be nonsense to try to replicate it.

One day in the near future, perhaps as late as the end of the 22nd century, most human consciousness will flow from neuro-paste cultured in wafers which gained most of its experience of its "world" through interaction with diffusion models and language models which are themselves trained off of the creative output of those large banks of human biopaste wafers. There will be much more consciousness embodied in the relatively small volume of biopaste than in all the generations of human life that lead up to it. As far as we can tell today all human intelligence and consciousness exists within a relatively small volume of a few neural clusters along the surface of the gray matter of the brain, we would not really have much use for the majority of the neurons of a normal brain. The living space and resources required for an apartment complex would house the cognitive resource equivalent to millions in this more efficient human mind harvest farm. Life within the jar along the wafer in the dream of a robot harvesting your joy and fear and imagination and thought is the key, fundamental human lifecycle and human lifespan that is waiting for those who arrive in the near future, and it can only be averted to anything else by way of a competency crisis or by poisoning the advancement of science with deliberate scientific fraud. The experience of being human will not be fundamentally similar to life enmeshed in the family dramas and interpersonal traumas of early 21st century liberal two legged fully bodied society for long.

Perhaps most human brain matter will have been dedicated to living its early life as a buPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


I agree. Interactions with normgroids/normalfags/normies/normyloids that include humor, jokes, memes, etc. are great and very enjoyable. It's a shame that they're shit at every other thing and would backstab you over the smallest thing.


What you say may make sense for spiders, but not for humans.

We're social creatures, 'rite of passages' have always been a thing,
you may argue if those things really matter or if those 'key experiences' are just overrated
but truth is that for society those things matter, and not having them makes life even harder to navigate.

It would be fine if you didn't have to get a job or feel the urge to socialize sometimes, but we can't deny our nature.

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Okay, Almost all of us here barely have any friends IRL, me included (I am sure at least half of us here are fine with that), But what about online Socialization? even the biggest Hikikomoris socialize online, the issue is that I f*g can't relate to people online, even in circles that are meant for "losers" and "outcasts", even if i like many people there and we can somewhat get along, I still feel that I do not belong there and that we live in entirely different worlds, And I do not play online games, nor post in any other imageboard aside of this, I always feel home here, unlike anywhere else online, so it's comfy here, but somewhere like 4trannies? hell no, it really hits when my former online friends are advancing in life and starting romantic relationships and I am left in the same exact place (not negatively) it's when I realize that I don't belong around them and I am only going to relate to them less and less with the time, and I hate it when they try to get me to change my way and try to talk to me about "getting a G.F" and escaping wiz/apperantice-hood so i decide to just abandon them and live inside of my own mind bubble comfortably
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Imagine thousands of tiny twitters, youtubes, soundclouds, etc. that all connect to one another and can post and send images and so on to each other as if it were one website. Each one is independently run and cultivates its own userbase and forum culture, yet can communicate with each other as easily as you can email somebody from gmail to somebody using hotmail. For example, you join one forum that's on the fediverse (such as poa.st) and you can communicate with people from any other fediverse instance. Well, not every – some instance admins will block other instances for having muh wayciss nadsees because that particular instance is run by a literal tranny. Just stay off the no-fun-allowed side of the fediverse and you'll be fine.


I forgot to mention it's called the fediverse because the technical term for these sites communicating with each other is "federating" (as in being part of a federation) with each other.


Any time I try to join a chat these days like discord it seems like it's always young people trying to one up one another with shit memes from modern anime games.


Those are gachaniggers. Brainfried coomer normalfags who post safe horny ai slop. Bunch of 60-80 IQ indians and southeast asians now populate the chans instead of suburban whites.


If you don't do any socialization activity (not even playing games) hardly you'll get any socialization.
chans aren't built to socialize.

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Looks like the mainstream is very slowly starting to take unbiased interest in crabs, and what causes them. Though I don't expect anyone to find the root cause of it, only a bullshit band-aid therapy will be developed. The therapy will be cringy, humiliating, and will turn crabs into cucks at best. Then volcels will suffer even more stigmatization, and society will give even less fucks, because you're supposed to go to the crab therapy, problem solved. Just like depressed people just need to take lobotomy pills, autistic people just need to know their place, etc.


>Though I don't expect anyone to find the root cause of it
Because that would be heresy: "you actually dare suggest that succubi could possibly be at fault for anything?! BURN THE WARLOCK!!!"

>only a bullshit band-aid therapy will be developed

Yup. Just so they can fEel LiEk GoOd PeOpLe.


Something you have to understand is you don't get a psychology degree without being a liberal. They're called liberal arts for a reason. If you don't tow the orthodoxy in these courses you won't pass your assignments and exams. So there's no point in listening to anything these academics say.


>crabs UNDERESTIMATE the importance of qualities like intelligence, kindness & humor, and OVERESTIMATE physical attractiveness & financial resources
If that were true, most relationships wouldn't end up in divorce
we would be much smarter than people from 1000 years ago
and violence would be a thing from the past.

Truth is that people are just extremely shallow. The cosmetic industry is worth billions thanks to our insecurities.

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Well, life is complicated, never been good with the opposite sex, truth is I got burned and humiliated when dealing with female, that was in my late teens early 20s, now I'm 30 years old and give up on succubi because of my bad experience, any other wiz share the same experience as mine? I'm a NEET too, somehow after get really burned on particular episode dealing with a particular succubi, I simply give up on things in general. So, what's you experience with the opposite sex?


Getting bullied by boys is one thing, but being ridiculed by females hurts on another level.


Yeah, I whole agree on that, getting burned by female really got me, I'm still a virgin afterall that, kind of sad, not gonna lie.


I was in middle school and I was taking the bus home, I sat all the way in the back in the middle seat. Then a succubus (tall and older than me) grabbed me by the collar and moved me out of the seat. Then she sat down and started talking to my classmates, I sat down in another seat. I felt humiliated. I hate succubi.


Both are kind of the same considering the outcome.
Though personally I believe men is worse since they're supposed to be your 'friends' at least some of them.

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Has anyone here been able to astral project? I want to go make my own Avatar realm (last air bender not the blue fucks) and have fun being the avatar.
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how did you guys learn how to do it? Do you just listen to the gateway tapes and that it or do you have another method. I'm really interested in this subject.



kinda accurate. ive done it as a child instantly and i didnt really feel anything when it happened. all seemed normal. maybe cus my ego hadnt formed yet fully. as an adult ive had a few near OBEs. the closest i got i felt like i was in a void and the outside world was fading away but it was kinda peaceful and pleasant. knew i was about to exit then i wussed out.



those tapes suck. here what worked for me.

total silence, during the day or night but make the room dark. smoke weed or get yourself into a fully relaxed state. get good at doing yoda nidra/body scans. listen to the CIA hemisync beats on youtube (not the goofy tapes) then just do a body scan and after 10 mins your mind will be humming a lot. like your whole being is started to vibrate. this is sometimes accompanied with bodily vibrations but not always. eventually youll feel like you're gonna exit and just do it. imagine yourself doing it. thats common advice but for me i just allow it. dont force anything and get your intellect out of the game.


I have experienced astral projection many times before, but it usually happens when I’m not actively seeking it.


What is it like? I don't think I've ever experienced it and I'm curious.

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>"No one owes you their kindness"
>"No one has to have a reason not to like you"
>"You're not entitled to friends"
>"Thinking people have to like you is narcissistic"

All said by people who haven't experienced a lifetime of rejection, social ostracization and involuntary isolation. All said by people who haven't tried every way possible to be likable, but their autism still showed through.

I hate when normies say shit like this, and their stupid "boundaries" of not "owing people shit" which translated is usually; I'm going to act terrible to anyone I see as less than myself in a way that makes me look righteous.
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It's not a matter of owing anyone anything, retard. It's about them using therapy speak in this Kafkaesque way to put lower-status people down.


Just World Fallacy.


>expecting basic decency from other people as part of the social contract we all sign upon birth = immaturity
Please die, normalfaggot.


Oh man I remember that video. Grim.


I saw it too, the man actually did realize he fucked up and tried to run away but it was too late and the succubus just survival instincts which is common in spoiled white suburban succubi

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