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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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 No.211629[View All]

What, my friend, made you a wizard? Was it ugliness, mental issues, being ethnic or a combination?
The first day of being born I knew it was over
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i wish i could help you somehow, you are not the only one to be getting ef'd over by reality…
people suck, if you show even the slightest weakness they will come at you…
if you can; live for yourself because anyone who shows the least weakness gets eaten…


you don't, you will be much happier without one of the creatures…


paresh sounds like the guy who'd do the succubi homework for free back in high school lmao
Jamal is better desu


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a mix of "do what you like anon :)", ingrown toenails preventing me from playing football (soccer for firsties) and being taught to never have friends during early childhood, which made me socially stunted during teen years, when i was getting demands from my grandmother to befriend other teens at my parish but I absolutely refused all demands.

do i really have any excuse?


Been overweight my entire life and have always been very much aware of, and self-conscious about it.

Then I gradually realized by observing others that I somehow never picked up essential social knowledge that is apparently natural for everyone else, and so at around wizardry level 34 I just gave up on desiring companionship.


>What, my friend, made you a wizard?
I dislike females because they lack souls.

So I decided to no longer be part of the ecosystem, live an unnatural life separated from nature and natural selection.


based tbh


>What, my friend, made you a wizard? Was it ugliness, mental issues, being ethnic or a combination?
I'm schizoid.


I'm bipolar 1 :)


I don't like humans. That's exactly what made me a wizard.


I want to say a combination of autism and ugliness but also just being a jaded misanthrope old man from a young age.


I'm a manlet and the shame of being one lead to me developing extreme agoraphobia and failing school and becoming a NEET. I have other issues too, like being an autist. But manletism deprived me of the ability to at least masquerade as normal.


I don't have any medical diagnostics like autism, i just simply never fit in as a child, and was fundamentally different from normies. Never cared about anything they cared about. Its simple as that. If you're not a normie theres nothing you can do.


I'm tall and good looking as well, which might trigger people but i'm not bnraging i never had a gf. If youre messed up inside it doesn't matter what you look like.


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I chose to be a wizard when I realized Satan controls earth and antinatalism is the logical course of action.



I think I pretty much have it figured out after all these years. Childhood emotional neglect, exposure to porn, my tendency to use avoidance as a way to cope.


I think a lot of people here decided to throw away their lives solely based on an old Japanese joke and the affirmations of on-screen text boxes


mad cuz ugli lol


not everyone is necessarily against you. Most people don't really care but I think its true that most people are inherently selfish. I'm sorry for what you went through and I hope you find some warmth but does it even matter anymore?


5 years of non-stop physical and mental bullying during my formative years at school where I was made out to be a pariah and had my few friends I'd known up to that point betray me. Nothing quite fucks you up like being drenched in water and then punched in the face in front of an entire classroom of your peers laughing at you and then having the teacher, a protective authority figure, fail to stifle a giggle and tell you to get out because you're disrupting her class. It finally made me realise that nobody will help you, nobody cares about you, the system only works for those who fit in, society is evil and you can't trust anybody because they will just hurt you in the end. All of them. I never recovered from those years and it made me avoidant and I've lived on the internet ever since. Except even this was taken from me post 2012 with the mass-influx of outsiders and the centralisation of the internet into just a handful of sites. Even on places like 4chan I no longer feel like I belong. My escapist hobbies in video games, anime and now even manga have been invaded. The feeling of belonging nowhere and a deep-rooted resentment of "normalfags" are core wizardly traits. As is being over 30. Never has this been more true.


yeah very early 1st grade bullying set me for life. and i also had an indifferent and mean teacher.

like i stood up for myself and had a fistfight in the middle of class, and she told both of us not to say hi to her next year. which i did. and then she was like dont u remember me?

but tbh ive come to realize its more about my own bad personality than the bad luck of especially mean classmates. because even in new enviroments with new kids i quickly found myself at the bottom.

> . It finally made me realise that nobody will help you, nobody cares about you, the system only works for those who fit in, society is evil and you can't trust anybody because they will just hurt you in the end. All of them. I never recovered from those years and it made me avoidant and I've lived on the internet ever since.

I wish I had learned all those lessons by age 6. But instead I clung to an idealistic optimism that people are actually good, that I only began to shake off in the last 5 years, and still haven't entirely.

> Even on places like 4chan I no longer feel like I belong.

The nastiness of places like 4chad, makes me forget why I ran away from people in meatspace to begin with. Can't be any worse.


i have a very similar story of events to yours
and now we're both here

my life was great after school for a while, but it was too late, the damage was already done and beginning to set in
picture a young me being relieved to get out of school and start anew, only to see that the world was exactly like school, and social behaviour doesn't change. you have people mostly around you that haven't moved beyond their school years.
i feel ground to a nub. people that think a lack of sex is their issue are fools. just wait until evil people break you


I mean songs like these are wonderful contraceptives.


>It finally made me realise that nobody will help you, nobody cares about you, the system only works for those who fit in, society is evil and you can't trust anybody because they will just hurt you in the end.
this isn't hyperbole. im disabled, and was severely injured, unable to walk, have to get around with a shopping trolley, and homeless. i did four months like that i begged hospitals to help me, i tried homelessness centers, hotlines, services. it was just like this, being bullied in high school, the nurses, the staff mockingly contemptful, making light of a severe injured. i desperately needed help for a few severe herniated discs, and one that was completely blown out, extreme pain. no help, none, only derision and judgement and humiliation then showing that it was entertaining for them to see me suffer. i wish i was exaggerating even in the slightest, if anything i don't convey well enough the serious tone and their outright cruelty to another human being. because i didn't get any help, i will never be able to walk normally again, i will never be able to live a normal life or do normal things or look after myself properly.

the world is truly evil, and i mean in a very real satanic sense, that the average person out there is a devil worshiper in their attitudes, beliefs, actions, and opinions, they think they are the salt of the earth too. it's insanely evil and demented and a sign that things are going to come to a head and very very badly for everyone when it collapses.


how are you doing now? Males get the sort end of the stick in this sick society.


>the world is truly evil, and i mean in a very real satanic sense, that the average person out there is a devil worshiper in their attitudes, beliefs, actions, and opinions, they think they are the salt of the earth too. it's insanely evil and demented and a sign that things are going to come to a head and very very badly for everyone when it collapses.
well said


Mental issues that were never addressed. Easy to feel worthless when even your family doesn't want you.


I will never know, I remember being sent to a psychologist because I wouldn't make friends along with a distant cousin. The cousin's mother was scolded and there was nothing wrong with him. My mother feared the same, because apparently there was nothing wrong with me. He is married with kids and here I am.


Low motivation and self hatred from an early age my dad was the one that made me try to function normally but that was short lived when I became 18, I began to look uglier so that plummet self esteem more. So I sit in my room and basically live how my mind lets me live. Unhygienic in my room


Most of us I assume were born ugly or on the autism spectrum so we did not socialize well.


>normies as reference
But do we socialize well with our own kind, anon? Do we at least?


Jesus fuck apparently wizards suffer from main character syndrome, Jerry level pity manipulation, and a textbook definition of spoiled failures.


give or take it's almost the same for everbody


Why shouldnt I be the main character of my own life? You must be some peak normalgoon lurker to say that against it.


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Autism basically, even being ugly you can get a gf. You just need to work on yourself, but autism fucks it all


this isnt my first magical experience but it is one that I will share…

>in 4th grade

i simply had a teacher that i hated so much. i even threw a book at her because she tried to make me read in the library.
>in 5th grade
every time i saw her in passing i gave her dirty hateful looks. i would whisper– not gossip– not rumours– but truths about her to my peers while making eye contact with her. this made the teacher see other kids facial reactions when i said things about her
>in 6th grade
we got a new guidance counselor at the school. she called me to individually talk to me about what was going on. she revealed to me that i had been making ms binci cry…

in that moment i realized i was selected by Saturn to wield the evil eye. i have honed it sense.
i was a wizard conceived in the ocean so there was no origin to be as my source is my self and is the source for all.


I got all of my self esteem beaten out of me from a very young age. I was terible at socializing because I was afraid no one would like me. Over time I kinda just forgot how to socialize and be myself around people so I naturally self isolated.


I was always naive and had zero self-awareness. Most of the time I didn't realize that nobody likes me. I even didn't know that people were bullying me. Just had this delusion that everybody likes me for some reason. I was gifted in terms of education - maybe that's why I held to that delusion that people respect me just because I have good grades. Up until 23 years old when I ralized how much of an idiot I've been. Doing insanely retarded stuff all the time, saying inapriopriate things, dressing like a moron. I guess I deserved to be bullied. That time I turned full recluse mode. Now I have extreme social anxiety and schizophrenia.


ok but when did you start studying the occult? surely you did not just sperg out and watch all of dan da dan without realizing that (you) need to start studying the occult learning from the planets and the stars to wield them. dont let big govt turn you into a human sacrifice in the space wars


use those pathetic feelings when meditating to make your self invisible. Dont bottle up your desire to be left alone. let it out and the universe will acquiesce to you

you can at do chaos magic surely


>I deserve to be bullied for not being aware enough of how to be loved by normies
If you despise yourself for having
our values, feel free to be abandoned inside your mental shithole.

I also was terrible at socializing, before I started thinking about how less than nothing others would do to correctly socialize with me. So I defined as correct socializing as whatever I feel to, often in disregard of normalcy. AS TRUWIZARDS SHOULD DO.


society wants slave conformity


Imagine having a shit life( not as bad as a kid). And abuse still livinf with my mother as an adult and not even ending up with schizo or anything extreme. Luckily i think im autistic. SSI going to be hard to get on


maybe but I am glad that I have seen it


Moved around a lot when I was younger and didn't make strong connections with people. Didn't really want to. Didn't want to be involved with succubi or "friend groups". Seemed fake. Dropped out of highschool and bummed around while reading a lot. Had to work so got shitty jobs and had no interest with making relationships with the people I met. Life kept on moving and I discovered more hobbies and a decent enough path in life. I would say it just kind of happened, but I think it's always been like this.


My parents were killed in an alley after we had been to see The Mark of Zorro.


Do you have a butler?


I too am secretly a super hero


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To put it plainly not only did America go the opposite direction but it even made a movie about it:
Ralph Breaks the Internet.


i am here because I like interesting website and people.

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