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Life is wonderful, and although it is not always full of opportunities, nor the best people, we can create our own opportunities, and improve ourselves as human beings.
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What OP wrote is true. You may not have the resolve to pursue or even discover life's opportunities, but they are there.


life sux, thats inevitable


Life is good as it is God's creation, but in this life there is evil due to sin. If we repent God will forgive us and we can experience all the beauty and goodness he has created


Happiness comes from helping others, from being good to our brothers.


Absolutely, but helping others in the name of Jesus would be even better

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Older wizzie here, I spend a good decade on psych meds and constantly trying to work past my autism. It doesn't work, here's some advice for you high functioning spergs that are suffering.

1. Make dealings with the fact you'll never have a wife, girlfriend and children, and psychologically accept it. The crab blackpill stuff with autism is 100% correct, it is harder for us than someone with schizophrenia. I'm someone tall and good looking enough to be asked out by succubi in the past, but it doesn't work out as they ghost you the second they work out what you are.

2. If you have to socialize, socialize with old people. They're more forgiving than younger normalfags. Retirement homes advertise chatting and talking to the elderly, if you need to get your social fix in, you could easily sate the urge with that. They won't be mean to you and they'll be desperate for your company. If you're an extroverted aspie who needs socialization, have a grandma/grandpa or two you go and see every second day. You will absolutely make their day, and you'll be able to talk to someone in a safe environment.

3. Get offline. Computer addiction destroys aspies, and we're susceptible to porn addiction and absolutely depraved coomery. If you're NEETing you can easily spend 12+ hours a day doomscrolling. We're all trannying out at rapid rates because we're susceptible to that brainrot.

4. A part time job where you work alone is preferable to NEETdom. But make sure it is alone, you must always find work where you're alone. You will be victimized because of your condition in hyper-social normie workplaces, guaranteed. Even if you weren't at school, you will be at work. Autists are typically fine at school but suffer at work to the point where 85% of us live on NEETbux.

5. Understand that there's nothing in the normalfag life that will actually make you happy. I did it all, I pushed myself to the limits trying to suppress and overcome my autism. I lived a life that for a while could be considered normie. It will not satisfy you and it won't make you happy. Find a healthy routine and stick to it.

6. Kacazynski-maxx if you can. If you can live in the countryside with a bit of land, do it. Having a small garden, going fishing, being in nature and having a dog will make you pretty happy by yourself. I was my happiest the less I used screens and the more outdoors I was.
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>Young people


you are wise


I have 22


A lot people under 30 lurk here.


Let God in your life and he will help you find eternal peace and hapiness. Pray to Jesus

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Your virginity is a tremendeous and powerful gift from God which keeps the heart pure. If you pray to God and ask him he will guide you to a succubus thats right for you if thats meant for you


The people who spread the word of the Lord are virgins and have never touched or will ever touch a succubus in their life, completely surrendering to them.


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I prayed to god when I was younger and ask him to grant my wishes; it never happened. god isn't there to give you things, you must seek for yourselfbut I'm a lazy nigger so my wishes will never be fulfilled


Yes, you should try and try to achieve those good things yourself, with God's blessing and pray for courage from God
Also, in OP i meant to write w0man, didnt know theres a word filter

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I had been sad and discouraged for 3 weeks, today I went out to the park and I feel very happy. It reminded me that not everything is lost, I can still write a better future, and change my life.
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then you were never depressed to begin with.


Tell that to the multiple psychiatrists who diagnosed me then


Another "Depression is permanent, suffering is forever" loser trying to invalidate men's feelings and bring everyone else down at the same time.
Scalpel. Jugular vein.


I don't really have much reason to go outside these days. I got out to exercise and stretch occasionally.


I don't think I've ever had depression.


I don't like who I am genetically. I'm ugly, stupid, worthless, mentally ill and most people don't want anything to do with me. But are they right? Surely there's a reason behind that. It's probably because my reproduction would be really bad for the world. So I am viewed the way I'm viewed and treated the way I'm treated. So I can't even blame them. Right? I have no redeeming qualities. There is simply nothing good about me. I wish I ended everything in elementary school or even kindergarten. I wouldn't have experienced this life. When I die I hope nothing about me is remembered. I wish I left absolutely no trace in the world, but sadly I did
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People who don't procreate are literal genetical dead ends, like me.

There is no deeper connotation to it, it just means my family line ends at me.


You act as if that has any value, it doesn’t. It has value combined with ability and available action, in itself self-awareness is nothing.


Fuck this site


Get out of here, this is a men's forum, not for prostitutes who think their appearance is everything


Reach out to God and he will work through you so that you can grow and be truly at peace

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I used to cut myself but my parents forced me to stop.

Now I make maps to keep myself from committing suicide.

What do you guys do
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How is that rage? What's the tone of voice in your head when you read that?



I've been aiming to meditate every single day, It's not much tho but I don't know, I just do that, I don't know if it will always work


Wow nice map anon.

Excel/LibreOffice Calc? That one gives me very comfy "mall" vibes.


I found an old map of Rome and its old port and cleaned them up and added my own stuff for my little world-building stories.

Simply Calc.

I'm trying to make the best city design I can think of, the 'mall' feeling you are getting is probably from all the space between the blocky buildings, which is mostly pedestrian walkways in this image. My idea to have mixed-use development (orange=residential, teal=commercial, purple=government, pale yellow=sports fields, etc) and have complete grade separation as possible, so that most daily conveniences are easily accessible by foot.


Get out of here, this is not a place for succubi, or faggots.

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Before I had dreams, hopes, and worked for a better future. Maybe not in the best way, nor in the most constant way possible, but I had it, it made me happy, it made me move, and be someone better. Now I don't have dreams, I'm a lost cannon, and it's really sad, knowing that you can't fight for your dreams, since there is nothing to fight for.
Although sometimes I would like to see how far I can go, without internet, without a computer, focusing on books, business, walks, and similar things, but I feel that I am not very strong, and that bad emotions will end up attacking.
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Because there's not really any other way to convey it.


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Sometimes there are periods where I simply shut down for a couple of weeks, without anything or anyone caring. Time passes, and everything continues as if nothing had happened. But suddenly I have moments of lucidity where I want to improve, But I question whether the cure or the disease is better. Withdrawal is terrible, and once it passes I don't know what to do.
I had already done it, a month without a screen, a month without masturbation, the two crosses that I have been carrying for a long time, I did many things that I had never done. But I don't know what happened, I got sick for 4 weeks, and I fell again, and now I don't know how to get up again. The idea of cutting off the internet, anf masturbation has been around for a while, but I don't think I can bear it.
This is not life, one way or another I will have to fix it, so I wholeheartedly thank you for your great message.


Life is not only about and exclusively about pain, otherwise the individual will withdraw after reaching his limit of pain endurance.
Life is also about pleasure. Not pleasure in a hedonistic degenerate sense, but pleasure in a constructive way that helps you move forward. Like having pleasure studying, which will enable one to be more knowledgeable about a topic and also indirectly is constructive towards earning a degree.

If life is only about pain, dropping out is a matter of time. It needs to be balanced with moments of pleasure.
Like a pressure gauge, it needs to be balanced. Too low of a pressure and the machine won't start, too high and it will malfunction.


The thing is, I don't want to study for the sake of autistically repeating tasks in that specific field for the 40 years.

That's why I'm unfit for society. The only way someone like me can enjoy studying is by inheriting enough wealth to do it out of passion, not because I want to earn a living in the corporate world.
I'm mentally incapable of sticking to one single thing for the rest of my life. The concept itself makes me shudder and feel depressed.

That's why I've had to do all sorts of menial jobs and illegal stuff to earn money despite having a high degree.
I would also die before teaching other students for money. It's just not something I want to do.

There could be a time when I can no longer neetbuck around, and that is when 100 times out of 100 I choose suicide over wageslaving. I'd rather take my chances in the next world than be a worker drone here.


My goal was to solve my economic life. Being able to generate income without working or working very little. The problem is when I realized that once I achieved it, everything would remain the same, without change of any kind, and where happiness really was was in going out, learning new things, seeing new places, using money as an end.

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even if I was an anhiliationist(someone who believes there is "nothing" after (??) death) ,I would still have as my most cherished desire and wish in life to live on an Empty World. no animals, no humans..no internet . just plant life, trees, maybe shells and minerals…fungi, algae, all sorts of roots and moss and so on. People might deride this an escapist fantasy, or a survival game LARP but I believe the empty world, a mirror planet, is real and exists.
If I go there, I will stay there till I die.


The empty world exists for people who live in isolated areas


There are no isolated ares left on Earth.

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