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How did you lose your innocence? I was 14 and got bullied horrifically until I was suicidal, I figured out I liked drugs soon after and haven't felt real since.
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Via reddit. I never knew how hated I was, I always used to believe that succubi have hearts and don't care about looks but I only ever saw succubi with good looking guys so it was only a matter of time that I came across blackpilling content and got blackpilled.

The next was my height, I am just a tiny guy with shit genes. When I asked around the internet about my height, it was enough to blackpill me.


I was frequenting imageboards since 11 years old. It's horrible.


I'm similar, but I have a lot of nostalgia for the mid 2000s era of the internet


I got bullied until developing mania. When you get rid of the stupid want about fitting in then you realize how much filth is around you and that sets you into some sweet sadism. Still I say those normies did not get shit enough from me but, I was just one of my kind :(

They must be gloating at the mere thought of you being minimally sad about them using sex a rule enforcing factor which affects your soul.


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I rejected my mom's love and caused her to spiral into depression.

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How often do you overthink about the future? what are your worries? how do you cope?
pic related
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Oh, Wizzie, employment is rough nowadays even in the developed world, let alone the third world, it's valid to want to be independant from your parents, why don't you start helping your mom a little bit with the house chores? it's not rocket science

>The other thing is that I am quickly losing my cognitive abilities

I have the same issue, years of NEETdom nuked my brain, I have 0 short term memory, I even forget the names of everyday objects and i need to describe them with hand gestures to people IRL, i even forget what i wanted to do a second ago, i also have a super slow brain procesing speed, and i am constantly distracted with my own thoughts, i literally can't focus on anything for a minute without my mind wandering, my brain has been out of shape since i dropped out of school, and it's making learning new things hard as HELL.


I try to help her by getting groceries and doing work that requires her to go outside, I have started small by cleaning my own dishes, cleaning the bathroom, but it still doesn't feel enough when I see how many chores my mom does. I really have to up my game but I am too lazy.

As for cognitive decline something has to be done quickly, let me know if you find some solution, it's becoming like a degenerative disease. And it has been happening more and more, not only am I not able to speak anymore, I also process things very slowly.

Like earlier I could just study for exams just a night before and could somehow remember all the information, but now even if I study a week before I am unable to remember that.

I have also had my own share of funny incidents. Like I had to put something outside of my house and lock the front door and then go through my back door, cause the lock of my front door doesn't work from the outside. So instead of putting the box just out of the front door, then locking it from inside, and going out through the back door. For some reason I decided to lock the front door first and move the box out of the back door, and then go all the way to the front. My mother started laughing seeing me do this and was like "Your head doesn't work does it?"

Same is happening while driving as well, one might thing the more I drive the more my skills would improve but instead they are deteriorating day after day. It's like I have constant mental fog, where I can't see properly.

Earlier I could explain anything to my friends and even explain to them in English but now I struggle to describe things in my own language. When I see some old screenshots of the posts that I have written, I am surprised that I could've explained something so well.

Not only that I feel like my IQ has been reduced, earlier I could easily understand complex video games, but now it takes me too long to understand even a simple video game.

I am in my 20s but it feels like my skills and abilities are at the par of 80 years old. Like when someone says something to me, I have to take my whole sweet ass time to understand and interpret what is being said.

I am also very bad with directions now, which I wasn't earlier, I could easily figure things out, easily do math, but it feels like nothing works.

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I am trying to increase my daily share to sun exposure, i heard vitamin D helps a lot with short term memory issues, all i will suggest is daily exercise, staying hydrated, and quality sleep everynight, i also tried to improve my short term memory less by memorizing rythmic poems, but i gave up after a while due to the lack of noticable progress, i cannot really give advice here, because my cognitive skills are probably way worse than yours, I can't even learn basic algebra, remember how to spell most english words without the usage of auto-correct or solve 4chan's captcha, you should look for a cognitive therapist or psychterist online on some subreddit or webform, the internet is a vast place.


>The other thing is that I am quickly losing my cognitive abilities
Yeah same, I'm just as you described there, down to developing a slight stutter.
I think the only cure is to use our brains, I never really test my brain with maths or complex thought any more.


Learn Human Design.

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I saw someone talkng about it here many years ago,he even posted images of some people who died in their bed rooms by carcoal poisoning, I even researched this on Google:

Any of you have an experience or knowledge about this? seems like a fine way to end it since Coal is dirt cheap everywhere, and All you need besides that is a fully closed room and for someone not to find you within a couple hours, It reminds me of the Carbon monoxide poisoning.



Good input.


Taking a screenshot for that whole post so I won't lose it if the site gets taken down.


Hell yeah, cook up some meat on your way out so the person that finds you can have a burger.


I was at work and had to just fucking sit there and listen to this guy go on and on about how succubi constantly hit him up and fucked him. I normally don't react to this kind of stuff. But then he showed video after video after video and it eventually got to me. This fuck is the same age as me but his life just seemed so much easier. I legitimately didn't understand what it's like to have a fucking succubus text you. Want to see you. He even said "You're not ugly. How?" I just didn't have an answer. I just live with the cope that some people just have it easier and others like myself emit and anti succubus field. I am happier the further away from sex and relationship shit I hear. Normally I can just live around it and it doesn't bother me. This time was different some how. What the fuck.
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My bigger problem is that I have avoidant personality disorder and therefore have no friends or social life at all. I don't even have time to worry about not having a gf when I haven't even cleared the basic prerequisites to get one. Honestly if I could just get a normal social life, my life would be 1000% better and I doubt I would care about such a trivial thing as no gf.


Why do you think that? Socialising with normal people doesnt feel good at all for me, and likely you too, otherwise you wouldnt have been harmed by normies and developed AvPD


>I do not understand the hobby cope offered by normalfags.

Zoomers are fucking gay. Before normalfags took over geekdom and several nerd niches, hobbies and crafts were the thing many wizards and crabs had in place of friends or succubi.


I weaponise the frustration. When I used to be angry, I'm now motivated and spiteful. I don't wallow in a missed life, but instead use it to justify my NEET life and fuel my suicidal planning. We didn't fail, we got unlucky. Normalfags didn't work hard, it just simply happened to them. Anger is when you tried and failed, spite is when it was denied to you.


you have my admiration
normies don't realise how privileged they are
I can't help but internally roll eyes when rich, successful normies complain about their "problems" that they have brought on themselves through greed and depravity


I can't pass the driving test in Germany while foids drive BMWs. I am a total genetic subhuman. Driving involves genetic based machinery like Spatial Awareness and good motor controls, my subhuman genetics have none of that I failed despite spending 2500 euros. I am truly an embarrassment.

When I see men and succubi drive i feel like a cuck. I feel so emasculated. I have not felt this bad since I got kicked in the balls by a teenager in 4th grade.

The only silver lining is I am not in a completely car dependent country. I wonder how do people in America who don't have driving license survive. Fuck it. I am so fucking charred from within. Fucking teenage sluts can drive and I can't. Fuck it. Fuck fuck fuck it. Please God kill me in my sleep tonight.
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I got my driving license in 2014 and haven't driven since.
Tbh, I don't feel the need to own a car. Public transport is comfy in Yurop.


>Public transport is comfy in Yurop.
You mean full of niggers?


Do you really live in Manhattan? Must be cool as fuck, I see a lot videos by drones online, it looks spectacular, I am jealous! BTW I wrote more about parallel parking here >>>/wiz/220853
You're not alone, but we're in the wrong minority unfortunately.


The trick is to ask your family to carry you to somewhere away from dense traffic with their car, so you may practice a lot before even stepping into that robbery named "driving schools".

Just like those succubi do


I ran into the curb when parallel parking. He asked if I always drive this slow. Passed the exam. I was 22.
Driving is really hard because I have hundreds of times a day where a second "skips" and I'm unaware of what happens. Also about 10% of the time one of my eyes gets blurry and I have to close it to see out of the other one. I also have to use cruise control most of the time and drive barefoot to keep my feet from becoming numb. I keep at least 5 seconds between me and the guy ahead of me.

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People, who do escapism, how do you cope with returning back to reality?

No matter how many times I finish the game/movie/anime it always hard for me to realize that in fact I live in THIS world, and in fact nothing will ever change
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I wish escapism worked for me. No matter what I do to try to distract myself my real life worries still nag at the back of my head.


I often took lots of weed to make literally everything in my life seem like a distant dream and to just live in my island. But i stopped bc it always made me stupid as shit and really unhappy once i got sober


Not necesarilly dreams but intrussive thoughts (basically OCD) about scenarios I would like to take part in. These fuckers keep me from actually engaging in "truly" escapist activities like everyone has such as watching some anime, a movie, series, reading a book, vidya, looking onto interesting stuff on Jewtube.
Sorry for avoiding the actual question, I just wanted to take it off my chest.


just wait till you get sick and start being in constant pain&dying, it will resolve itself and escapism will become impossible


This, I am in my late 30s, I no longer enjoy gaming, anime or even masturbating, No job, no social life, no hobbies, no interests, just existing.

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what does he want from us?
why is he torturing us?
why does he give great amount of suffering and horror to poor believers while giving happiness and wealth to evil disbelieving people?
why is he so careless?
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>God can’t exist if he has qualities that contradict his existence.
Such as all its qualities. God is non-existence or nothingness and therefore definitionally doesn’t exist. If you stop subjecting God to personification and anthropomorphism, you’ll be able to think more rationally as opposed to pinning everything down to his incomprehensibility.


excuse me why the fuck is this thread in /dep/ ??
you have the best images, and the best music, the works of the greatest minds of all time, you have them at your fingertips, and still you are unhappy
what the fuck man, what else do you want?
is a succubus really what you want? really?? >:D


If God exists, that adds nothing new to my idea of Him or his essence. And if He doesn't exist, then how can He lack anything. Qualities of being good, omniscient etc. presuppose existence. Now existence is just a relation between an object and certain concepts, and in case of God and other imaginary entities, no corresponding object in physical reality can be found. It's a spook or I must acquire the proof of his existence from other sources like the intuition of the aforementioned will manifesting at different levels or something, this probably would be the difference between the ontological and cosmological arguments.
Basically this, but since dispensing with anthropormphisms is such an impossible task for us, I think the difference between pantheism and atheism is mostly a matter of semantics
Basically Plato's chariot allegory
There's a good thread about free will in /lounge/ with retards saying it absolutely doesn't exist


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visit the website and YouTube channel vaticancatholic. com for crucial information on this topic


He created the universe because he was horny and he jerks off to this stuff

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My laptop died several weeks ago and I got no money to buy a new one, I have been doing nothing but going on long walks daily and looking at walls, I even hate using my smart phone (that i mostly only used to call my mother at work) anyone like me?
also, poorfag NEET general maybe?


Have you Tried not being poor?


>>297207 do you know where you are?


You have no idea how hard it's getting a job when you lack higher education and connections, I been trying to get a shitty job in over 5 years and non of these places want to hire me.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


Closing the thread because OP is just talking to himself.


I'm going to make this post very concise, and try to avoid rambling. I'm terrified of death: mortality itself, dying process, what may be after (punishment of some sort\duration for me, likely. if there's nothing I wont be there to notice..but RT the idea of nothing is uncomfy). Anyways Im almost deciding to become a professional insufferable person and mooch off my parents, demand they give me a given big amount of money, start being chastely desperate with everyone, take big risks, try new experiences, sleep almost nothing, etc
What to do? Therapists are s* for this; they literally will make me COPE. they can't erase my Mortality.
>how do I proceed? what to do?
>how do I manage my savings\ job\ investments, in view of me being liable to die ,ANY day?
>I don't think it's fair a corpse should make the living incur expenses. how can I have my body NOT receive any funeral \burial nor cremation,\ etc?


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You can delay death by being healthy.
While you're alive, you may as well find ways to have fun.

But remember that everyone else is in the exact same situation as you in regards of mortality.
There is no way to be sure if death is the end. Nothing in this world is ever lost, can only change form, so it's best to assume you will have to go through life again.
So try not to perpetuate harm and suffering.

But for now, focus on the first two points.


I'm already very healthy (no drugs, no alcohol, no s*x, 9 hours sleep, healthy air, etc) and yes, I DO try to have nice clean fun; but at the moment the fun ends (for example: I finish all available episodes of an anime) the dopamine crush is terrible; or when I when I just arrive home after eating out a nice meal, so on. those few seconds of "it's over..now remains the Void"
For some reason I seem to have an altruistic nature. i enjoy helping others and can't bring myself to be mean and violent (unless severely provoked).


yeah i lift weights when i get those moments


This post is completely incoherent to me

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 No.294941[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post here when you don't have enough to say for a topic and it's too depressing for the general crawl thread.
Previous: >>291261
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I was really struggling with intrusive thoughts and anxiety in the past 2 weeks and I decided to return to my old steam group and play games with the fellows there, but, it's now dead and only like 5 people are active there, I thought hunging out with them would make my mind distracted from the negative thoughts, but it made me remember why I left the group in the first place, while I enjoy hunging out with many people over there, I just feel alien amongst them, and it's too dead anyways, I am too much of an avoidant person even online, I don't like people even if i actually enjoy hunging around with them paradoxically.


When I feel that way, I think on using them as cannonfodder. Pretty much my experience at WoW's dungeons when someone pissed them.


You ever just walk into your room and almost start crying because you just realize you are becoming just like your parents and everything you tried to do to escape from this is meaningless?

Well I just had that experience.


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Every time I buy clothes I look like an over-sized child. Like, you actually had the audacity to think you would look cool in these? Nah, of course not. Fucking waste of money.


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