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Are you afraid of a situation where people assume that you are following them when you happen to walk in the same direction? I know I am.


Their worries are their own to bear the weight of. If they can't travel in public without sweating over delusions and poor threat assessment, then they shouldn't be in public at all.


When I use to walk in my old neighborhood a couple of times I remember females going off sidewalk to avoid me. I tend to do it myself a lot so I don't think much of it nowadays


It happens a little too much in the workplace and i receive nasty looks.
It's their problem not mine, i know the sight of my face triggers uncanny valley but brotherman sometimes i want to say "it's 12 pm, i'm going to eat some food not follow you, retard"

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I don't get why God doesn't punish people who have defective kids or ruin their bloodline by reproducing with someone inferior. I don't mean in terms of money or status, but nobility, spiritual nobility and maybe a bit of beauty. How they ruin an innocent soul that didn't ask to be born, to be limited by subhuman blood and ugliness. How their children are cursed to be defective. I get no one is perfect, but there is a difference between abomination and imperfection. People who actively ruin bloodlines deserve eternal punishment in the worst way possible.
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Being bullied on a daily or weekly basis since childhood into your adulthood simply for being particularly ugly isn't hell?

Then what is?


its suffering and i symphasize with you but its not hell , maybe metaphorical hell but not literal hell
and you dont want to try literal hell to know , believe me.


Childhood bullying is very close to hell I would argue. You are being exposed to intense social pain, physical pain, and social humiliation. You also have no narrative of why this is happening, you haven’t developed mental strength or concepts to protect your psyche, you are also in environments where you are alone and the world doesn’t help you.
It’s a combination of overwhelming suffering and cognitive suffering, kids being bullied is a level of unmanageable suffering. I was never heavily bullied but I regret not helping the people I saw who were.


This. Imagine thinking that a mortal locked in a 5-sense reality cage for maximum 100 years will be able to comprehend the totality of divine justice.


I'm sorry wizbro…
So Wizards deserve to be undesirable outcasts?

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Human design disgusts me, there is no beauty left outside of "being attractive" foids replicate this curse, soulless attraction that appeals to primitive desire. And I'm sick of it. I long for a meteorite to wipe out humanity for good. Humanity is ugly and is restricting ethereal divinity.


They put ugliest freckles, armpit hair succubi into YouTube and TV ads. And they lie how everybody is perfect. I know the ideology behind it yet the near-vomit feel is here. Now I know the beginning of that audio in my memory, so I look elsewhere or close my eyes. It's a huge crime and I'm against doing it irl, but the more I see that shit about armpits on the TV, the more I feel the urge to go on the massacre to the company office or whatever. Being weak against evil is like that. *Not a call to arms


i love the fact that there really are other people who are disgusted of humanity and humans , aside from me
and i think i like may love these people because they may lack that particular exact thing that disgusts me in humanity


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The depressed person does not care about their family, they do not care about their friends, they do not care about the injustices of the world, or anything other than their problems, where they lock themselves up, and constantly victimize their problems. Depression is a disease of selfishness, and its cure does not lie in stupid things like medications, playing sports, having a job or studying. Of course, this helps the patient, but it does not attack the root problem, and it can never go away. his self-fixation towards his life and his problems. That's why the only way to really deal with this is by helping others, getting out of yourself, and focusing on others, so that within the happiness of others you can find your own happiness.
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Nothing you wrote makes any sense. People help others because they expect help from others in return. Any feel good emotions resulting from it are just evolutionary mechanisms to reinforce it. They don't necessarily expect help from the exact people they helped, but they do expect those people to contribute to society, which will help them in turn. No one helps people who feel the best when they are alone for this very reason.


You are just trying to divert the thread, with issues that have nothing to do with it, applying fallacious and irrelevant arguments.

The thread is about selfishness, and the relationship with depression, and how helping others is an excellent way to treat it. Not about the Bible, virgin succubi, or misogyny.


Kindness towards strangers does not lie in the material things they can give them, but in the satisfaction that occurs when helping someone else.


This is bullshit. Normalfags end up not helping you if you are sad or look depressed, they will instead use it as opportunity for schadenfreude. If you look angry/sad they will just confront you and try to embarrass you publicly by talking down on you like a retard. Then they will justify it like "you are ruining the mood with your sour face, if i could have no reprecussions i would beat the shit out of you".

Another thing is if you help normalfags and expect nothing in return they will just abuse your good will and think you are an idiot."Oh this guy is so good and all I will ask him for more than necessary because he can't say no".

Normalfags are the selfish ones. It is in their best interest to stay selfish like a wolf pack and treat anyone who isn't normal like an outsider. They don't give a shit if you help them and their opinions on you don't change, maybe it'll even become worse since they already see you as an enemy and if you just helped them theyll only think it's because they are smart enough to trick you into helping through their own efforts. That's the normalfag mind for you.


Call me crazy, but maybe there is a middle ground between self-sacrificing altruism and psychopathy.

I think I would call it "being morally well-adjusted."


I decided to end it… even how i want to do it but now when it's decided i feel fear and what will await me on the other side. Has someone advices?
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What is your diet like? There all of kinds of foods that can greatly increase pain sensitivity or outright bring on painful ailments.


Whatever my parents decide to cook. Its quite diverse.
Cant change my diet since I m not the one who cooks, and I m too lazy to cook.


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I think nothing is stopping you from killing yourself, your life is the only thing you truly have. If we look at your life in third person as if we were god judging our own life we could also cut it short when we want. Close the book and move onto the next life in line waiting to experience another person's body and environment, another person's life.


Just because pain is created by the mind does not mean that it does not have repercussions on the rest of the body.

>I was prescribed muscle relaxants because I cant feel extremely sad without feeling totally sore in my left arm/chest/neck/jaw

As a small recommendation, you could bathe with very hot water, or cold water if you are in summer, that will help reduce muscle pain considerably.

>Some nights I stay awake till 5 and wake up at 9 or 10. My eyes feel sore, I have headaches and nausea from not being able to sleep.

It could be because of stress, anxiety, and similar shit. For a week I felt like this, and I couldn't sleep for 48 hours straight, and the time I slept was very short. What helped me were valerian drops, hot water baths, and masturbation (not excessively of course). Combining all of that I was able to sleep like a baby.


>valerian drops, hot water baths, and masturbation
This whole nature shit is not for me. Its good if it helps you, but personally I feel like its more about you thinking it helps you, rather than the chemical composition of the herb itself. It may help, but its strength is nothing compared to a drug that was manufactured specifically to counteract insomnia (I m looking at you Ambien). And even then, sometimes Ambien is completely useless and all I feel is weird and lightheaded, but not sleepy.

As for taking a bath, if it wasnt because I got long hair and is kinda hard to avoid "not getting it wet", I really dont like taking showers, because then I spend half or up to an hour drying the damn thing. What I do though is putting one of these hot water bottles against my chest and surrounding areas to get rid of the pain. Takes time, but its helpful.

On the other side, Idk if its just me, but when I masturbate at night, I feel more active and less prone to falling asleep, so I try to avoid it.

Yesterday at night was one of those nights, sore muscles and whatso, so I took a pill and also helped me to sleep (one thing I dont like is that I start to feel sleepy BEFORE the pain is even gone lol).

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Called the hotline. Was in a bad way mentally but clear enough to call. I needed somebody to talk to. Instead they made me feel like an idiot and sent the cops and medics to my home.

They then kicked in my front door without knocking, dragged me out to the medics and put me in the ambulance. The entire ride the medics just sat there looking at me as though I was wasting their time (which I guess I was seeing how I just wanted to talk to somebody).

In the end I still felt like shit, had an SI label on myedical record (which raised my insurance rates) and a $3500 hospital bill. Fuck the suicide hotline.
To this day I can't even get life insurance because the premiums are so insane. That night I needed help. I did NOT get help. All I got was a harder life.

The world is a hell planet, there is no escape except legal euthanasia. Most homebrew methods of killing yourself often fail and just turn you into a vegetable who then has to passively watch life in tubes for 50+ years which is even worse.
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You did not get a heck of what I just said. Show off


That's the phase when holotropic breathwork is required, since somatic blockages have already taken over


Not that guy but I feel almost exactly the same like you, i'm 32 however

you idiots can either help us or keep being smartasses


>call a suicide line and get semi arrested and issued an expensive bill

Fucking US, not even 3rd world countries do this shit, what kind of dystopian nightmare is that country


The US is literally hell on Earth if you're poor, and even worse if you're poor and need some kind of help.

What will happen is human predators will find a way to slap debt onto your name for "helping" you and make your situation even worse than before.

I'm not surprised we're the #1 hotspot for mass shootings in the world. It's really hard not to become a misanthrope if you're in the US while not rich.
Everyone is disgusting towards you and is just waiting at the sidelines to take advantage of you somehow and destroy you. It's like a constant Battle Royale.

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teenager here. im here because i wanted to ask how to forget someone and just move on with it. do you guys just pretend like it never happened or feel sad over it until it doesnt make you feel anything anymore. i came here because people here are almost the only people i relate. i appriciate every advice or personal stories.
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>teenager here


Doesn't matter what the law says. 18 is still a kid, a teenager, and he has plenty of time to turn his life around.

Like the poster above said, just leave this shithole unless you still want to be refreshing it 12 hours a day with no life at age 39 like me.
No, really, leave this site and imageboards in general. They will rot your brain and make you hate life.

Force yourself to go out and find hobbies or part time jobs even if you're neurodivergent like me.
Only use the internet as a tool for money making, email reading, news sites or the occassional TV show.

Forget imageboards and for all that is holy, forget massively multiplayed videogames that attempt to suck out every last penny and hour of spare time out of your body.


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There really isn't much too it, i'm 24 and all I do is work and sleep all day. You're only purpose in life is to make as much money to only still never afford to have anything, then die once your body can't work anymore. Welcome to life buddy, enjoy ya stay! :)


Don't tie yourself to this place, It's not a competition of who's more fucking miserable trust me ,but the problem you have is literally a teenager problem and is not even that problematic or sad, So go on live life before you die


Don't look for answers or magic solutions, the same things are always repeated because they are the ones that work.
>school ends
>learn a trade
>go do a sport
>enter university
>have a job from the trade you learned or the degree you completed
>earn money, and make it grow little by little


>let compare yourself with others

>stop worrying about things you can't change
>accept yourself as you are, and forgive your mistakes.

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(The theory behind my proyect is Tantric, to "find purity in the filthiest")
If I wanted to be as degenerate as possible, without being effeminate- so , no trooning out or becoming a gooner- what should I do? whom to associate with, where to go, what clubs or venues to join? I think of : going to a far-left fame public university, becoming a backpacker with a group of hippies, joining far-left political group of rich wiggers who LARP as victorian factory grunts, also joining punk ,black metal, hardcore and electronic music scenes…Going to slums and shanty towns with the leftist group or to buy drugs. Maybe even graffiti crew, or Vegan activism.
So: I will be extremely disciplined to be as degenerate as possible..Im willing to put quite the effort, time, resources and energy into it- as you may observe-

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Is it possible for me to get rid of my ties to the physical world and live entirely in my own imagination? If I can do the bare minimum for survival (eating, drinking water, maintaining some weight) I think I should be able to do this. Has anyone here tried or done this before? I understand 100% that I'm a loser in life and I like my imagination much better than I like the physical world anyway. Not that I ever wanted to partake in society from a young age anyway. I'm not at all surprised I am where I am.

I want to imagine having a comfy PC setup in my apartment of solitude with boarded up windows where I can burn many CDs and DVDs and have fun on the internet. I already daydream a lot, but I would like to do this fulltime. I don't like that I can't do the things I can't and I don't like that I can't find a job because I am who I am. I already know where all the furniture are, I even know every part of the computer!

I think if my physical body could survive just enough for my brain to continue imagining without issues (for ex. too much grey matter buildup) I would be content with existence.
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Are you >>293153 by chance? I think you (or you both) may have Aphantasia.


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no I'm not him.
>aphantasics may have problems recognizing faces, have a poor sense of direction or even difficulty projecting themselves into the future
>or even difficulty projecting themselves into the future
that's me. I can't think about my future
but I don't think I have aphantasia because I can make images in my mind since I was a child. it's just I didn't have an imaginery world during my young years


it's just I didn't have paracosm when a child*


Is kinda possible to live like that; when I was younger I basically lived inside my own fantasies, creating characters on my mind, and just watching as much anime and playing as many VN’s as possible, you eventually just forget about reality and stop caring, you live inside your own worlds.

Unfortunately I “grew up” got a job (against my will) and became an adult (not a functional adult with functional adult relationships but an adult anyway) so I can’t live like I used to.

But I do miss it, sometimes I fantasize about saying “fuck it” and going back to that, maybe someday, when I’m pushed to the edge.



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atheist wizzies: what's stopping you from being as EVIL as possible for the sake of your own interests?
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Most of us have an intrinsic sense of morality. Satisfying it, is in our own self interest.
>what's stopping you from being as EVIL as possible for the sake of your own interests?
In simple terms: the burden of bad conscience




Doing evil makes me feel bad. If I do something bad, my mind bothers me with it, until I fixed or apologized for the problem.


The law.
I don't wanna end up in jail. That's the worst place you could end up as a wizard. Imagine being forced to live with sociopathic turbo-normies without any sort of privacy or access to the internet.


There came a time in my life where I understood that there is very hard working people that can't get jewed. And everything you have - houses, food, doctors, requires strenuous effort of others to provide. You take your place in line, so naturally I want to be a good person but can't go without. I try not to take more than about 2k a month, there is only so much good for straight white males. And I realized I don't work hard enough for more.
And you catch more flies with honey than vinegar so it makes sense. Lessens your chance of getting killed or otherwise hurt. I used to go into unrest and shit down to a ward and sustain picks for binging booze and schmooze for money. They called it racketeering and hit me. Remember to stay in line if you can't get away with it

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