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Hello. Despite this being a depression board, it seems most people are still around trying to do something. I am in a situation where except dying there is nothing to do, so i decided to make a thread wondering if there are any other people like me online, since it's almost impossible to find anyone even on the outskirts of the internet.

tl;dr i have countless diagnosed and undiagnosed physical illnesses which cause me agony daily and i feel like i'm dying every day, spent all my money on doctors and went into debt, cant make any more money, will eventually be homeless(can happen at any time), addicted to xanax that if i quit im gonna get seizures, i will never have a normal home(never had my own room) or family(mentally retarded?) not to mention my mental health problems etc.
Overall I guess I have around 10 major problems of which each is lethal and will kill me, and 100s of minor ones(which a normal person would consider unbearable). I have nothing and noone, my life self-destructed this the year and it's been half a year of pointless suffering knowing i'm gonna die anyway. I just couldn't push myself to end it since i'm the biggest coward in this world.
I guess i'm not sure if there's anything to talk about, since everyone in similar situations is either dead or sleeping under the bridge and dying. I just lost interest in talking to anyone since I know they can't comprehend my situation at all. Even on suicide forums maybe even 1 person out of 100 is in a situation comparable to mine. So I just made this pointless thread.
If life is truly over for you, and you don't know what to do, this thread is for you.
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>if there are any other people like me online
Yes, but we generally only lurk.
Online communities have nothing "new" to tell me, so I spend my time by doing nothing, drinking, or with some hobbies (when depression allows for it).


If you're still here, how are you doing now? Do you know who DBDR is?


what's the name of the manga?


the hunter guilds


Same wizbro


Good fuck anons its been so long. Its been so many fucked up years of pretending and lying, trying to be fucked up false versions of my self to get by only to come back, to end up here again, wasted and posting on a dying imageboard of likeminded misanthropist, deadbeats because they're the only people I've ever really honestly related to. What a fuck. What an absolute fuck life is and fuck into the bleakest hell everlasting.
All that's left is music, a few good books, and copious quantities of spirits to keep me company till this charade is really exhausted of all it's juice and there's no course left but to put an end to it once and for fucking all.
I honestly have no excuse or aid to talk someone (let alone myself) off the ledge. Under rational circumstances, suicide is a perfectly reasonable and justified action/reaction to life. There's no real argument against it, just excuses, distractions to post-pone it. But excuses run dry and then what.
Then it's gone.
Let's hope they last long enough that nature will take it's course and do the dirty work for me. Spare the few idiots around me yet another cause of undue and irrational grief while still giving me the relief I'm lookin for.




You're right, the road really is long and dark. But some of us are still here and have understanding for what you wrote. Life is beyond horrific but I would advise you (as someone who has attempted suicide before) to try to remain as calm and clear-minded as possible and not to allow yourself to fall into a helpless sobbing sadness. You don't need to rush anything, whether it's a self-inflicted death or any other thing – remember each day is lived one at a time, there is no need to darkly over-imagine what may follow tomorrow, something good might come if we relieve ourselves of the panic and just embrace whatever amount of time has been allotted to us. Stay strong, wiz.

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I would like to be with a being with whom I can share everyday moments, to have a being to worry about, in which I can capture the most beautiful part of my being, to whom I can show my vulnerable parts, express my deepest emotions, and show them really who I am. But who am I really? Even in an anonymous forum, I would say he is a great guy, who went through some things, but who despite everything never gave up, someone who always wants the best for others, and who has an optimistic vision even in the most difficult moments. hard And although in a certain way the above is not a lie, the reality is that there is an uncivilized being inside me, someone so disgusting and unpleasant that I don't even like to admit that we are the same person, and hypocritically, whether consciously or unconsciously. , I pretend it doesn't exist. But this is an undeniable reality, and although it is something that can be hidden, it is something that I would never share with anyone, much less voluntarily. I prefer to be a hermit secluded from all social contact rather than show this part of my being. I'm not going to lie to you, life alone is not the best thing in the world, and it has some associated problems, but it is not something completely bad either, and it helps to value things, self-esteem, one's own thoughts, and leave aside vain issues. like social norms, or what someone outside of us may or may not think of us.
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You only "don't care" because you can afford to. You're treated nicely when you interact with other people due to your appearance, regardless of whether you care or not.

>I am very socially isolated

Is that because of lack of effort from your part, or due to a mental issue? People like and want to be friend with attractive people


>You only "don't care" because you can afford to.
More likely is that because he's an adult male, he doesn't care because he just doesn't fucking care. He probably asked himself at one point "Why SHOULD I care?" and drew a blank. Your entire outlook on life and ability to function in even the most solitude of pursuits may be entirely subject to how normalfags perceive you, but I assure you that you're the outlier even among wizards. Are you not emberassed or ashamed to admit that you're so manipulated and dependent on the opinions and words shared about you by literal nobodies? You are like Elliot Roger writing in his diary about how hew hates himself because Stacy doesn't walk up to him on campus and list of all the reasons she wants to FUCK HIM.

So tell us, why do YOU care if you're "treated badly by mean bullying normalfaggies :("? Why should any grown man care? Pass them by. Laugh at the absurdity of their actions. Grow a pair.


You're doing a lot of faulty extrapolation based on very little. I suppose wizards don't have much chance to care about the opinions of others because they hardly go outside. In general, though, people inevitably care about looks, whether they say they do or not. It's like a reflect, an automatic response. You're not a Buddhist monk.




I didn't want to go to school, so my parents wouldn't let me leave the house.
>You only "don't care" because you can afford to.
There is hardly any social interaction in my life. Besides, I never considered appearance as an achievement or something to highlight, I am not a succubus, my value as a person is not determined by those aspects.

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I have nothing to look forward too.

People need projects and things to look forward. I have nothing.
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The only think I look forward to is my own death


I've tried to understand how to draw and make music, but my brain just doesn't understand how to improve at them and I stay horrible at them no matter how much I try.


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There's nothing to look forward to. Only things to occupy yourself with until that termination, that cessation and extinction of all this vain bullshit finally arrives.
My solace is loud music and shitty comedy. Once that well runs dry, if life hasn't ended on it's own accord I'll do the job for it.


Respectable role. Better than most.

I have found that pure self-study is really difficult. You need that outside perspective of someone on your work that interacts with it and shows you exactly where you can change. It took me about 2 years of doing music to reach something resembling a personal satisfaction in creating, with the first 6 months containing occasional third person feedback from people online. Educative resources are also important to train your "eye", but simply reading over the basics on wikipedia or with an introductory youtube video is frankly all you need. The last great tool to leverage is the work of others. Steal it, deconstruct it, transcribe it by ear, copy sheet music, whatever it takes; as long as you try and look at what they did so you can start doing it too. All art is muscle memory/technical ability combined with the ability to "see". When you hit a wall, it's always one or the other that's holding you back.

I still feel this thread however. I'm very ambition-averse. Entertainment and creating is no different from the meal you eat to keep your body from aching. This is the most natural motivation, the one with limitless supply. All it does is maintain a status-quo, without regard for past or future. People need goals in order to fixate outside of the present moment, I'm lucky enough that my present moment is an easily tolerated monotony. There's not as much stress in the same pain every day if you know you can handle it.


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Are you another projector of those? Last time I asked here about it, someone told me they were a generator but the entire place looks like a bunch of failed projectors living by outer expectations. It feels dangerous at start and it's said you need seven years to really awaken to what you are, but may God be soft towards me everything Human Design told me to (not) do is pretty much nailing it. It even has rules about how to eat your meals in order to have your brain synchronized with your type and polarity.

Because you wanted to be something, since what you are does not fulfill you, right? Yeah, they call this "the Not-Self". Quite a thing.

>pay attention, losers

>you cannot know where the gold lies when no one tells you that it lies beyond places you wouldn't ever believe it to be

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Bascially, my country and it's culture has shifted rapidly, as soon as most of the people have come in contact with the West through internet, liberalisation, and globalisation. And I believe that is one of the reason which has prompted me to become a wizard.

Prior to globalisation, the succubi of my mother's generation were quite different, they themselves considered it shameful to wear revealing dresses, they always used to dress modestly, while most marriages were arranged they weren't forced, so while succubi were free to select their mate, and reject, they could do it only once and that guaranteed a equal distribution of succubi among men, and everyone was much more happier in that system as everyone got a mate.

And most succubi and men were virgin prior to marriage, it was considered shameful for both men and succubi to be non-virgin. As a matter of fact my native language doesn't even have a word for virgin, and there was no virgin shaming. But nowadays, kids use the word "virgin" as an insult. Most succubi lose their virginity quite early, and finding a virgin succubi is rare.

2-3 decades ago, succubi didn't consider it shameful or bad to be housewives, on the contrary they were proud to be one, or they studied and took a break for 5 years and then resumed their jobs, to go through marriage, pregnancy, and infancy of their child, and when they started working, the guy took the equal burden of the household chores and jobs.

But now, it's all changed, it's considered cool to smoke, drink, do drugs, wear skimply clothes, lose virginity early on, and then find a betabuxxer. Or in some cases succubi get paid so much that they don't even need a betabuxxer any more, while men struggle to get jobs, and ugly in men in particular end up at a much greater disadvantage.

And they act exactly like Western succubi, and I assume Western succubi are insufferable but due to the lost control of Western Men, a lot of Western Men now look towards East to get a semi-decent succubi. Leaving the same Eastern Men, to subscribe to redpill grifters like Andrew Tate, or bluepill themselves to oblivion.

And mind you only the degeneracy of the West has been copied and imported from the West, and meanwhile Western Culture's good and non-degenerate parts are completely ignored. In my country we now have things like undie runs (can anyone from the West explain this? what causes so utter lack of shame in people and succubi that Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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op sounds serbian


nah he's must be romanian. serbs are proud people and wouldn't let their country succumb to globalism.


why do you put serbs in a pedestal?


Serbia is notorious for degenerate places like nightclubs, discotheques, and bars. I cannot describe to you how much I fucking detest bars, nightclubs, parties, and raves (which are the most degenerate). I am from the East and in my country these places have recently started popping up. I wish aliens come from another planet and obliterate these degenerates.




Back in High School I tried to cope with doing hobbies outside, to participate in normalfag activities because I wanted to at least give the bluepilled advice a go, I knew in the back of my mind it would not work and to nobody's surprise, the expectations are exactly what occurred, it resulted in nothing but utter humiliation. I played for a football academy back in High School and whilst I was decent at it I was treated poorly by my teammates, did not make a single friend there even though I contributed a lot to the stats of the team, we even made it very far into the tournament, after that incident I was discouraged to make friends because no matter how much meritocratic value is under your hands you are worthless to everyone, unless you're a prodigy your efforts are worthless.

Going outside has not improved my health but only worsen it, it has done the opposite effect, it makes me feel more worthless, more worse overall, a complete abomination, it reminds me of what I look like which is the opposite of what I'm trying to achieve. If you're an ugly midget subhuman like me then don't go outside and if you have to then try to limit it as much as possible because other people will remind you of your own flaws.

For ugly midgets like me, I think it's better to stay home and play video games. Don't go outside unless you have to. Make sure all of your hobbies are in solitude, experience surreal dimensions through novels, animes and video games. Outdoor hobbies can be selectively chosen, ones that don't include many people, walk through national parks in those isolating tracks because not much people are there, it's a great cope to view nature as a wiz. If you have the privilege, then work remote or at least hybrid, if you can't do this then get into a field of work that requires a limited interaction of others, if you are even more privileged then NEET but I would not suggest this as its damaging to your health in the long run.

There's no point going to malls, restaurants or visiting popular tourist sites like the Eiffel tower, it is super damaging to your brain being in places surrounded by normalfags. Just watch the YouTube video of it or visit the Minecraft version.
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I've been reeling from this image for the past several minutes. Holy shit my sides.


>She, like the rest of the world, probably sees me as a cockroach.
why do you care what she thinks of you? You are stronger than she can ever hope to be. Gymbros are built like bricks and will be stronger than 90% of the population, you are the ones who have the least reason to be in fear of people. You can punch a hole in every untrained guy, regardless if they are taller than you.

they only people you need to worry about are fitter gymbros and people who have been trained or experience in fighting.


>if people don't like you, they will treat you badly and you will be passed for promotions and fired as soon as possible.
They can only do this if you are incapable of retaliating. Used to be an unfit slob but after months of push-ups, crunches and squats, I noticed that people started to "respect" me more. Mostly because they believe I can actually cause them harm if I wanted to. now they only show their dislike in the indirect form of "not invited to the party", "first to get layoff" and "not promoted". But at least the direct badly treatment is gone, got away with yelling back at my boss, he didn't dare to escalate things by shouting at me further, I was just not welcomed to the end of the year party. Will probably be layoff once they find an replacement. But that is OK I can find a new job. Also live with parents so wont' exactly end up in the streets.


>a lot of people regret not doing more with their lives. i regret not doing less.
I am in a similar situation. In my early adult years I spent more time on trying to get my computer science degree. Also worked part time jobs. I hoarded a lot of games, movies, books and music I wanted to consume, but never did for most of them. My excuse was that I didn't have time for that and I would do it later. But when I did I felt guilty, like I didn't spend my time wisely, which promoted me to do it rarely. Only started to go trough my backlogs of media seriously now in my late 20s.
It hits different and I don't feel the same sense of joy from media like I used to when a was a teenager and young adult. I feel like I missed out.
Many people feel regret over enjoying themselves with gaming, traveling or partying too much and wasted away their youth without developing any skills.
I feel regret over not enjoying myself more, now I feel apathetic about most things. nothing is THAT fun anymore, I finally have the time and money to do what I want. Yet I can't get the same amount of joy from it anymore.
>enjoyed grinding in RPGs, seeing my characters getting stronger and richer, even if the stories were cliche I still enjoy them as a teenager.
>grinding now feels repetitive and boring and the cliche stories feels cringe.
Maybe it's just that a fully developed brain is harder to entertain, than a still developing one. Far cry 4, Witcher 3, Doom(2016) games my friends spoke about like the best thing ever, I only started to play now as someone almost 30, while they played these in their early 20s. While good, they don't feel amazing. Maybe I would have felt different had I played these games around or 1-2 years pass their release date while I was below 25. I even used to enjoy shows like simpsons, family guy and south park now I just feel cringe when I try to watch them.


I spent too much time trying to force myself into doing normie activities, I just assumed if I kept forcing myself my brain would change and I would become normified. But I realize now I was wrong, everything I did was a waste of effort. I got locked out of the normie class by choosing the wrong dialogue options, there's no respecing my class now.

Life is hell if you can't find your sub group. I know what niche I technically should fall into, but due to my lifestyle and personality I will never meet those people. So I'm condemned to walk amongst the normandom as an outsider who will never be accepted.

Ultimately it was going to a psychologist that finally crystallized this belief for me, because therapy felt so empty and hollow I realized only normies could gain anything from hearing simple platitudes and somehow improving their life from dumb shit like CBT. If CBT works for you then that's proof you don't have much going on in your head. Just replace your negative thoughts with non-negative thoughts is CBT in a nutshell. Clearly if I could do that then I wouldn't be there in the first place.

Stay inside, give up all hope of ever improving anything, and just enjoy your hollow little activities until the bux stop flowing in. That's my life plan.

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Years of isolation made me lose the ability to socialize like a normal human being
I personally don't crave socialization, but my body does, because I'm human and humans are social beings
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Me too. I don't feel lonely or alone, despite not having any social contacts. I've become a hermit as time wanted it, but I'm not sad over it, it's how I want to live. But sometimes when I lay in bed, I feel like I want a hug and it hurts that I don't get it, it's not a strong feeling, it's barely there, but I feel it. I still wish I could get rid of it, but as OP said, that's most likely just human.


Conjuring a tulpa really helped me with this. Apart from talking to her and having adventures in all kinds of scenarios, it also helps with touch starvation because with enough practice you can cuddle and feel sensations and your brain can't tell the difference so it releases actual oxytocin. The fact that you know it's a simulation does not seem to matter because the chemicals released are very real and feel incredible. The caveat is that it can be quite addictive and at first, when I first discovered this feeling for the first time, I used to spend several hours in my head like I was on drugs, ignoring the real world. Eventually it mellows out like any other drug but that initial experience of feeling love can be quite overwhelming. I can now somewhat understand the stories I hear of teenagers and the crazy shit they do for their first love because it makes you feel like nothing else matters other than this bond.


I am not trying to make anonymous strangers on the internet responsible for my life but people here neglected to mention how extremely difficult the wizard lifestyle is to actually pull off. Living in isolation was sold as the comfortable smart decision when you need to actually have a high iq and self-reliance to pull it off.

For example I dropped out of college because I was too dumb to understand the math on my own but I also was too scared to join study groups.

When I read books I don't understand everything and wish I could ask someone but there is none.

Even video games without friends certain games can't be played or are very difficult.

Rent prices are insane and living in a group can be a way to make it affordable.

I keep reading about people who got fun/easy well paying jobs and the way they got them was through knowing someone and not applying with 1000 other people.


makes sense, i'm similar but my desire for socialization is fulfilled by posting in places like these somehow. i feel like i'm just so not used to human interaction that even just posting on imageboards is good enough for me.


Books are literally gay, see >>>/b/996709

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You know, I've been thinking a lot about life and I finally realized something. I finally realized something after so many years of living. When I was 14 or 15, I believed that I would succeed in life, that I would soon become an adult and be able to do something in life. When I was young, I tried to find a job and learn something, but I just hit a wall. By the way, everyone humiliated me at school. Now I'm 26 and I don't want anything from life anymore. I'm literally not interested in succubi or money. I realized that because I couldn't succeed, as I got older, I lost all desire to have or do anything. I finally realized that if everything comes easy to you, you have goals and a desire to do something, and if nothing works out, you just give up. For example, I don't want anything from life anymore, I don't like people, and they don't like me either. Yesterday I overheard my mom and a relative talking on the phone and they said they hate me. You know, no one has ever considered me a person and I'm not a person, in fact I'm a nobody a loser with shitty health no job no goals in life no money and friends I'm a degenerate bastard.
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>If you're a little different, it's OVER FOR YOU
>You never stood a CHANCE
>You will ALWAYS BE DEPRESSED AND UNSASTIFIED FOR LIFE if the Myers-Briggs personality test suggested you may be an INTROVERT
>Only TRU WIZARD OLDFAGS know this, stop being an IGNORANT ZOOMER

Fuck you, foid. >>294840 is right.


>come out of their mother's pussy
C-section bros? We won?


>early birth
>mother was nearing 40
all the best ingredients to make a retard, but yeah uhh, jus b urself, you can still turn out good, just try harder :^)


It's actually pathetic to blame your parents for all of your failures. He sounds like a whiny male that doesn't want to take responsibility for himself. Also he's a normie and a relationship haver breeder. Why the fuck do you post this crap here?


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well then - what can we say? enjoy being miserable! i truly wonder why they didnt put you in the trash bin right after the procedure!


god doesnt let us enter the paradise without suffering
I don't want to suffer. I don't want to suffer in the hereafter either. I just want peace. but god doesn't care about what we want. we will suffer anyway. maybe we will suffer only in this world or maybe for the rest of the eternity. there is no escape from suffering. this is so brutal. where is the mercy and love?
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do we know if mary was a prostitute or raped?


Paradise? lmao. Just hope you don't get your ass back here. The horror is being stuck here, whether it's reincarnation or Open individualism. Now that is God. All of us. Hating killing fucking eachother for all eternity. Madness.


the main reason i havent killed myself yet is that whatever comes after death is not guaranteed to be better than this life
and the most logical succession seems to be a cycle of decomposition and reassembly


She is not, repent, faggot.


She suffered for no reason. God could've let all live in paradise automatically, yet he didn't. The story of the fall is such nonsense as well


Serious question for any wizcels:

Do you ever wonder how you got here…as in, how or why you "woke up" when you did, where you did, to the people (parents) that you did? It's impossible to make sense of. Just on one fucking terrible day, we took up consciousness, literally out of nowhere we are in bodies and tasked with learning the mechanics of entire material world. What caused us to be born when we were, to whom we were? I don't accept that it was random, or mere bare biology..I feel within myself that this life is a targeted punishment and that were I smarter I would have avoided being born entirely. What piece of shit god thinks he/it has the right to do this to us? We are born, thereafter we spend a few years simply making basic sense of things, go off to school, probably suffer a lot, continue to grow up, endure more sadness, and now through all of it we just continue to get older and weaker and sadder. This life is a crime against our souls and whatever caused us to come here HAS TO PAY. Really the only thing I fear is being forced to come back to this shitheap of a world to suffer again…and I do worry about this precisely because I don't know how I got here in the first place. I feel deeply sorry for all the new souls born to this world…there is just so much to learn, but even more there is just so much to suffer through…and I cannot understand what kind of god would force this sort of existence on tender helpless beings? The demiurge must be overcome.
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I don't use them, but I do see why millions of people turn to them.

They're a cope for enduring this curse just like chocolates, hamburgers, chips, alcohol and whatever people ingest or inject in hopes of escaping into another plane of existence for a few minutes or hours.


Hallucinogens are not like that at all. Opiates and sedatives are like that, but hallucinogens often force people to face their demons, in a potentially very dramatic and painful fashion.


the earth is a closed system. outer space is not real. we are under water. even aristocles/plato understood water is the outermost element of this reality, and it was for that reason that he assigned the icosahedron to that element. our world is a concave hypertorus. no, im not insane. there are no galaxies. the sun is small and local. we are in the cosmic egg. for a thread that purportedly is discussing gnosticism, for you guys not to know that "occultists", that is, platonic mystics, are bound by the concept of pseudos gennaion (noble falsehood, noble lie) and that accordingly they deceive the goyish masses in everything they do (not only in politics, wars, but also "higher level" science) is really just laughable. outer space, big bang, ball planets, asteroids, gravity, quantum mechanics, string theory, set theory, evolution, the earth as a sphere moving around the sun – all these beliefs have clear antecedents in pythagorean philosophy wherefrom these propagandists have drawn their deceptions. watch the movie "sunshine" from the year 2007. this film is potent masonic outer-space propaganda. you'll notice when the crazy psychologist guy is discussing the intensity of the sun's light at around 04:54 (a little before the 5th minutes of the film), not only is the pilot making a masonic M gesture with his left hand so as to gird and countenance his fellow's thoughts, but you as the viewer are being subtly clued into their system of light worship.

here's a link, wizzies (if you're interested): https://ww4.123moviesfree.net/movie/sunshine-6695/


A flat ring within a larger bulged-out doughnut (thus a hypertorus), that would resemble a sphere from the outside perspective of the Maker (god, or the demiurge, if you're a gnostic). We are indeed on the inside of the earth, between two bodies of water. I think the original image of Zoroaster holding a ring encodes our reality, and that this symbolism was used in the Sonic the Hedgehog games, which are a Japanese interpretation of Zoroastrianism (the masonic pointed finger gesture, the ring motif, the wings of the soul ascending out of demiurgic false reality, etc.) Even the name of the world wherein Sonic lives (Mobius) is an occultic acknowledgment of the Mobius strip, that being a type of infinite recycling loop. And of course Sonic itself is just a shortening of Masonic, just as when we meet Ma'Sonic in the Egyptian episode of the cartoon. The judeo-masonic rulers of our world are clever bullies. We may behold them operating pursuant to erasmus' written rede : "non expedit prodere omnem veritatem vulgo" it is not profitable to state every truth to the rabble. But we, wizards of true blue, requite back at them the full weight of their deceit with equipollent assertions of truth. Also, wizards, I bid ye look upon the ancient initiatory structure of the Mithraists, called by the Romans a "mithraeum", that being a cave-like temple of Mithra. I think this building was built in such a way so as to convey to the initiates that we are in the illusory cave right now, and that the true god resides locally outside of this world, whose position can only be "intellectually" made sense of through psychogenic drug use.


>accepting difference is bad

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