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my parents want to move: sell the house, move to an apartment in the God-Accursed capital city.If I had money, I would cut them off and go live alone; I don't have enough and THEY won't pay for me to live alone.
I have no reason to support the family unit, because it would make me go to the Capital. leftists want to abolish the "traditional" family-I want to oppose ANY family, the very notion of blood-ties being binding, and parental authority over their children.
I guess I will become a psychologist to be a militant anti-family, anti-parent\adult authority activist.
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>high social status
Why care?


just mentioning that basic fact


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yeah I don't know. I'm clumsy and remiss. thank you for trying helping me, I appreciate


i will suggest daily physical exercise (or at least 1 hour of walking) as well as getting your fair share of daily vitamin D, not to mention quality sleep and diet, when you have spent a long time as a NEET out of education and learning, your brain becomes out of shape, i can't help you fully with this issue because i have not even solved it yet my self, i will suggest you have an honest conversation with your parents, explain to them how it is irrational for them to expect someone with 0 skills to get a job and try find some useful skill that you can learn, if needed convince them to get you a refurbished PC, and show them that you are dedicated to learn skills that will help you find employment online, I.D.k, just think and find ways to at least delay being kicked out from the house.


Normies are savage wild animals, especially succubi. You must maintain integrity when dealing with them. They will see your autism but at least you can herd them a bit.

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There are a whole hosts of posts here where we explain how we're dependent upon our parents and how when they die we will die with them, I am starting to think that the lack of money is a real problem.

Additionally, I am 22, but pursuing a worthless degree in IT, I don't know if I'd be able to get a job, I feel like I need to do something immediately to avoid this impending catastrophe. But I don't know what, it's like I have seen the writing on the wall.

And of course I have no other reason to believe that I am better than people here on the contrary I might be inferior, hell, I can't even drive properly, you've probably read a thousand of my posts here lamenting that by now.

Fuck man, I need to do something, upskill or some sort of productivity or self-improooovement shit or something, in the odd case that it might works. But this path is scary as fuck, this is leading straight up towards suicide. I am not as gutsy as other users here, who are fine with the idea of dying, I kind of want to live properly for a minute first before contemplating dying and I don't think I am even capable of suicide.

I don't even get along very well with my parents, we have a weird hate-love relationship where I am dependent upon them because I have no option.

I don't understand how I can be so unlucky, there are millions and millions of people, literally 99% of them just living their lives normally, I don't understand why do I have to be in the bottom 1% of this planet's population.

I feel an urgent need to do something to prevent this ship to colliding with an iceberg but I am just sitting and watching, if things continue this way, this is not going to end well.

But man all the posts here just scare me to no end. Everyone is talking about the problem but no one is really offering any real and followable solutions, this is not going to end well for either of us.

I don't know why I decided to make this post I feel a sheer sense of urgency and helplessness yet all I do is bedrot.
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Absolutely true. It's unbelievable how bad things truly are in this country, we have a lot of money in India in that hands of top 0.1%. Anyways, my problem is not with rich people. But the problem is that they do not pay the workers their fair wages and the thing is that Indians don't care about being united. If every Indian worker stopped doing jobs that don't pay shit, employers would be forced to pay them adequate salaries. But we don't have any unity among people. We don't even have something called minimum wage in this shithole. I bet if you post a job vacancy of 1 person for eating shit at 1000 USD in an year you will get literally 1 million or so people applying for that job. Like I am no commie but this country could overnight turn into a first world country if EACH AND EVERYONE stopped working and demanded higher salaries, employers would be forced to pay up. But people have no unity. But instead it has become a competiton to the bottom with people ready to work for nothing, they don't understand if none of us is gonna work they are gonna be forced to pay us a decent salary.


Ps. I understand the pain of firstworlders. They feel the exact same way as I do when they see someone from poor country doing their jobs for fuck all. Collectively bringing down the standard of living for all including themselves. I now understand what you guys feel. I feel the same thing when I see people in my country working for 1000 USD a year. And I have questions like why are they doing this? Do they not value themselves? And it is because of them that value of my IT degree is worthless. Because my fellow ITniggers in India are ready for a 90hr 7 days a week for 1000USD a year (even if you convert this money to INR it isn't work jackshit) of work and it's because of the fact that these people put up with this shit, I too am left with no other option to put up just to survive. Fuck these rich niggas and desperate niggas man who don't value themselves bringing others down with them.


Now ofc I am not smart or anything but this problem seems so easy to solve if ALL people get on board and ALL of them collectively say we ain't gonna work till you pay us a fair share and if you jack up the prices of other things in response we are still not gonna work and I bet if the 99% of this planet combines and say this shit. They will be forced to pay.


Yes, I do agree with you. Telling people to go into tech right now tells me the person has no clue what they're talking about. Because no one in tech would advocate for such a thing knowing about the layoffs, high post-grad unemployment, AI job replacement, hiring freezes, and economic depression. Tech is shit-tier for jobs right now (and may be over.) It seems like only the most senior niche engineers are still doing well. Or people "in AI" (which won't last forever. It's hard to say how many years they will get out of that boom.)


>this country could overnight turn into a first world country if EACH AND EVERYONE stopped working and demanded higher salaries
Definitely not. Even if all production in India right now were perfectly distributed, everybody would still just live in shit.


How did you lose your innocence? I was 14 and got bullied horrifically until I was suicidal, I figured out I liked drugs soon after and haven't felt real since.
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Via reddit. I never knew how hated I was, I always used to believe that succubi have hearts and don't care about looks but I only ever saw succubi with good looking guys so it was only a matter of time that I came across blackpilling content and got blackpilled.

The next was my height, I am just a tiny guy with shit genes. When I asked around the internet about my height, it was enough to blackpill me.


I was frequenting imageboards since 11 years old. It's horrible.


I'm similar, but I have a lot of nostalgia for the mid 2000s era of the internet


I got bullied until developing mania. When you get rid of the stupid want about fitting in then you realize how much filth is around you and that sets you into some sweet sadism. Still I say those normies did not get shit enough from me but, I was just one of my kind :(

They must be gloating at the mere thought of you being minimally sad about them using sex a rule enforcing factor which affects your soul.


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I rejected my mom's love and caused her to spiral into depression.

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How often do you overthink about the future? what are your worries? how do you cope?
pic related
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Oh, Wizzie, employment is rough nowadays even in the developed world, let alone the third world, it's valid to want to be independant from your parents, why don't you start helping your mom a little bit with the house chores? it's not rocket science

>The other thing is that I am quickly losing my cognitive abilities

I have the same issue, years of NEETdom nuked my brain, I have 0 short term memory, I even forget the names of everyday objects and i need to describe them with hand gestures to people IRL, i even forget what i wanted to do a second ago, i also have a super slow brain procesing speed, and i am constantly distracted with my own thoughts, i literally can't focus on anything for a minute without my mind wandering, my brain has been out of shape since i dropped out of school, and it's making learning new things hard as HELL.


I try to help her by getting groceries and doing work that requires her to go outside, I have started small by cleaning my own dishes, cleaning the bathroom, but it still doesn't feel enough when I see how many chores my mom does. I really have to up my game but I am too lazy.

As for cognitive decline something has to be done quickly, let me know if you find some solution, it's becoming like a degenerative disease. And it has been happening more and more, not only am I not able to speak anymore, I also process things very slowly.

Like earlier I could just study for exams just a night before and could somehow remember all the information, but now even if I study a week before I am unable to remember that.

I have also had my own share of funny incidents. Like I had to put something outside of my house and lock the front door and then go through my back door, cause the lock of my front door doesn't work from the outside. So instead of putting the box just out of the front door, then locking it from inside, and going out through the back door. For some reason I decided to lock the front door first and move the box out of the back door, and then go all the way to the front. My mother started laughing seeing me do this and was like "Your head doesn't work does it?"

Same is happening while driving as well, one might thing the more I drive the more my skills would improve but instead they are deteriorating day after day. It's like I have constant mental fog, where I can't see properly.

Earlier I could explain anything to my friends and even explain to them in English but now I struggle to describe things in my own language. When I see some old screenshots of the posts that I have written, I am surprised that I could've explained something so well.

Not only that I feel like my IQ has been reduced, earlier I could easily understand complex video games, but now it takes me too long to understand even a simple video game.

I am in my 20s but it feels like my skills and abilities are at the par of 80 years old. Like when someone says something to me, I have to take my whole sweet ass time to understand and interpret what is being said.

I am also very bad with directions now, which I wasn't earlier, I could easily figure things out, easily do math, but it feels like nothing works.

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I am trying to increase my daily share to sun exposure, i heard vitamin D helps a lot with short term memory issues, all i will suggest is daily exercise, staying hydrated, and quality sleep everynight, i also tried to improve my short term memory less by memorizing rythmic poems, but i gave up after a while due to the lack of noticable progress, i cannot really give advice here, because my cognitive skills are probably way worse than yours, I can't even learn basic algebra, remember how to spell most english words without the usage of auto-correct or solve 4chan's captcha, you should look for a cognitive therapist or psychterist online on some subreddit or webform, the internet is a vast place.


>The other thing is that I am quickly losing my cognitive abilities
Yeah same, I'm just as you described there, down to developing a slight stutter.
I think the only cure is to use our brains, I never really test my brain with maths or complex thought any more.


Learn Human Design.

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I saw someone talkng about it here many years ago,he even posted images of some people who died in their bed rooms by carcoal poisoning, I even researched this on Google:

Any of you have an experience or knowledge about this? seems like a fine way to end it since Coal is dirt cheap everywhere, and All you need besides that is a fully closed room and for someone not to find you within a couple hours, It reminds me of the Carbon monoxide poisoning.



Good input.


Taking a screenshot for that whole post so I won't lose it if the site gets taken down.


Hell yeah, cook up some meat on your way out so the person that finds you can have a burger.


Whitepillers don't have a retort for autism. You can get a good degree, pursue your hobbies and work on your self esteem but if you have autism you will never make it in this anti-autistic world, Life is all about one thing. Being born without autism. If you're born without autism the normies will make excuses for you, help you out, share money with you, give you 100 chances, etc. Meanwhile if you have autism you're evil and creepy just for existing and blinking the wrong way. Everybody gets to live for free except autists and only autists who are given this fake ass "you gotta pull yourself up by your bootstraps and make your life" "you gotta amount to something" "innovation" story. Shit that literally no one else has to follow.
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Being on the spectrum is bad enough, add being ugly as fuck to that and you're pretty much just stealing oxygen on this planet. Absolutely no one will tolerate your presence and normies will bully you away from any job. it's a hellish existence, especially if you live in a country where gettiing neetbux is not easy.


>normies will bully you away from any job
That is, if they can even land a job in the first place.


Any autist in a group home


Make sure you block out ALL sunlight and other lights if you want quality sleep.


I have to turn off my computer completely, even so that my monitor's "on" light doesn't blink to get good sleep.

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We all are not having sex. But at least you guys possess the ability to have sex. I on the other hand know that I won't be able to cum during sex because I have OCD, tight foreskin and tight frenulum.

This is actively ruining my fantasy life. I can't daydream properly because of this. It's like a one handed man daydreaming of being two handed which simply can't happen so even in his daydreams he's one handed.

What can I do? There is no solution for OCD. And no money to fix tight foreskin and frenulum breve.
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Doctor said so.


oh ok, and do you have all the symptoms you described to me?


Mostly but it has been better lately I am trying to control myself. But can't help much with the masturbation expect of things.


wizchan 2025

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So I turned 20 recently and for already 6 years I'm confident that you don't need a relationship or a gf to live a happy life. I won't deny that I wanted a gf at some point, but I was kid and stupid (like 11-13 y/o. Now I *want* to be alone until I die. And before saying anything consider the following: no relationship means no one will cheat on you, no one will break up with you, you don't have to spent shit ton of money on a succubus, you don't have to raise kids, which means even more money saved. And if you're feeling lonely, get yourself a pet.
It's a peaceful life waking up knowing that your happiness does not rely on someone (pets are exception)
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If I had a succubus I would trade her for videogames


It's just a natural urge, when you get to a certain age you realize it's just not for you.


I'd rather my gf-less state be of my own volition rather than being made for me.


if you believe this then you never belonged in here to start with, @mods do the needful!


im not sure I even do at this point. yet our biology still tortures us. maybe if there were some alternative that satisfied the need, but I don't know of any.

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>graduate high school
>go on indeed.com
>be qualified for literally 0 jobs
>all the shit manual labour jobs you ARE qualified for have thousands of applicants and are effectively blackvoids
>okay you realize now you need to go to college to get anywhere
>go to college
>figure out you need to make connections to get a job
>you have to be literally top 1% turbonormie with ZERO flaws ZERO mental illnesses ZERO doubt ALL confidence NEVER went through any major obstacle in life had a HEALTHY LOVING life to make the necessary connections for someone to like you and get you a job
>realize you're not that person
>you graduate
>you have tons of debt for a degree, doesn't matter if it's STEM, that isn't earning you money because you didn't make the right connections
>you still don't qualify for any jobs
>skilled trades are just as nepotistic if not more
>even if you DO miracolously get some shit job, it won't be enough to pay your bills or anything
>this is the reality of 80% of young westerners
>this is the reality of 100% of Wizards
So please tell me again is there even any point in getting a degree anymore if you lack connections?
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they use "autism" as an object to blame for all their issues like laziness and prefering to waste time endlessly and complaining about life being shit instead of getting their shit together and finding a way to improve, and the worst thing is the fact they drag other people online like you said at the end of your post, at least i try to motivate people to learn skills and spend their free NEET time doing something that might help them avoid absolute poverty or homelesness.



The hell, connections. That was a normie scam which never worked for me. If you are one of us you can totally forget about going after people with that purpose. You might as well just get badly used…


This, your only hope is a family remember knowing someone and your family relative convincing them to give you a chance, that is the only networking we can have, the closest thing to it at least.


It's probably worth it in hindsight, but the whole "getting a degree/learning skill/trade" phase probably requires you to be under the illusion it will bring you happiness. Idk if I'd be able to do it knowing what I know now.


I was at work and had to just fucking sit there and listen to this guy go on and on about how succubi constantly hit him up and fucked him. I normally don't react to this kind of stuff. But then he showed video after video after video and it eventually got to me. This fuck is the same age as me but his life just seemed so much easier. I legitimately didn't understand what it's like to have a fucking succubus text you. Want to see you. He even said "You're not ugly. How?" I just didn't have an answer. I just live with the cope that some people just have it easier and others like myself emit and anti succubus field. I am happier the further away from sex and relationship shit I hear. Normally I can just live around it and it doesn't bother me. This time was different some how. What the fuck.
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My bigger problem is that I have avoidant personality disorder and therefore have no friends or social life at all. I don't even have time to worry about not having a gf when I haven't even cleared the basic prerequisites to get one. Honestly if I could just get a normal social life, my life would be 1000% better and I doubt I would care about such a trivial thing as no gf.


Why do you think that? Socialising with normal people doesnt feel good at all for me, and likely you too, otherwise you wouldnt have been harmed by normies and developed AvPD


>I do not understand the hobby cope offered by normalfags.

Zoomers are fucking gay. Before normalfags took over geekdom and several nerd niches, hobbies and crafts were the thing many wizards and crabs had in place of friends or succubi.


I weaponise the frustration. When I used to be angry, I'm now motivated and spiteful. I don't wallow in a missed life, but instead use it to justify my NEET life and fuel my suicidal planning. We didn't fail, we got unlucky. Normalfags didn't work hard, it just simply happened to them. Anger is when you tried and failed, spite is when it was denied to you.


you have my admiration
normies don't realise how privileged they are
I can't help but internally roll eyes when rich, successful normies complain about their "problems" that they have brought on themselves through greed and depravity

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