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This is probably not big news, but you have much worse chances of getting anything done in life if you are not social. From jobs, to housing, to money. If you are trying to do everything alone, you will not be as successful. Except you have a godlike family and upbringing. But I suppose nobody here had this.
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If you're too dumb to read a few paragraphs stick to lurking. Stop posting.


Make me.


What matters is to follow your strategy and authority. https://www.thesimply.ca/blog/human-design-basics

Thanks to this I finally stopped my exhausting, humilliating job search, and stopped feeling the horrid dread that comes with it. I do NEET and happily! But not everyone could follow my path. Strategy stuff.


Up to himself whoever believes this bait.
glow off normals, you still cucked after the idea of calling this situation all the ways "a loser".

>People telling me to stop bitching about normies and to try to be social just made me more determined to isolate myself
See, failed normals? Learn from this guy.
>really getting older after 30
It's all in the manuals, men: https://wizchan.org/dep/res/291067.html#291423
>and realizing how much time you lose
So, you have things where time is worth? Time long enough to need to stay off the PC? Ooooh… shiny.
Your MBTI type, man. Contact those who share it, those are the ones who see the world through lenses like yours.
Yeah, it's not our fault you get roasted by not fitting what he said. I was like this as a kid, all the time.
Is this another triggered failed normie? What a mess…
We can make of ourselves whatever we want, put whichever names to it as you wish to build your copium.


Actually it's all predetermined by family and environment in which you grow up, so your life pretty much predetermined from the very beginning. Don't bother with it. You'll die anyway, to me it seems it's good enough to at least not die a sociopath. Everything else doesn't matter.

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What's the easiest way to get Nembutal nowadays? I'm suffering greatly and I would appreciate any help.


Be careful there are a lot of scammers online who ask money upfront and never deliver


I wish there were some replies to this. Sorry I don't have them. Not that I think I'd have the guts to order anything outside the surface web anyway.


Can you travel to Peru? Apparently you can buy it there.


Got me reading wiki about capital penalties now I am psychologically devastated for no reason.

 No.277007[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

The purpose of this thread is to counter the general tenor of sadness that defines all the other threads. This thread will therefore feature practical advice about reducing suicidal behavior even when we feel most suicidal. Naturally, being that I started the topic, I will be the first to contribute.

(1) Know that I care about you guys deeply and sincerely. Call me a faggot, I don't care.
(2) Examine what you are eating. For example, gluten especially produces depressive/psychotic episodes in sensitive autistic individuals. Sugar also is not healthy for your brain.
(3) Make sure you are getting sufficient sleep. Chronic sleeplessness or even a few days' worth of irregular sleep can seriously interfere with the clarity of our thinking.
(4) Clean up. Taking a warm shower and putting on fresh clean clothes always is refreshing and helps to break up darkened mental habits.
(5) Breathe fresh air. Open the windows to your wiz-cave and allow some wind to come in.
(6) Watch your breathing. When we are panicked, our breathing can become very disordered and we do not recognize the effect this has on our thinking. Take deep, purposeful breaths, and collect your thoughts.
(7) Respect yourself. You have done your best to survive in an awful world, and you should grant yourself forgiveness for any mistakes and the allowance to rest with a composed and balanced mind.

I've done my part. Anyone else?
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Don't worry too much about getting shit on OP. There are a significant amount of hostile users that aren't suicidal but try to provoke people here and elsewhere into suicide. They pose as fellow depressed wizards/anons/etc and encourage suicide, offer ways to get VAD and assisted suicide, and they operate discord servers for coordinating.

More than likely some of them are in this thread. Something you need to keep in mind is that if they were really so suicidal as to call you a faggot for just offering help in clearly marked thread (that no one has to click unless they want help), yet haven't killed themselves, then they are coming in order to get other people to commit suicide or to drive help away. I try to help people on other websites and get the same resistance, and I have found several of these groups (typically of a certain political leaning and sexual fetish) whose sole purpose is to get young men to commit suicide.

Don't be overwhelmed OP, and thanks for trying to be a good person.


Even if you care (you are still a stranger), I still don't want to be alive. I'm sorry.


are we in hell? does anyone else get the impression that the world we are in is actually hell?


In a way it is, and most cultures historically viewed it that way. Even in Christianity, no matter how hard they try to throw off the shadow of Gnosticism, there is the idea that the world is corrupted, and only rejection of the world can yield happiness. The Greeks have a similar belief in the "Fall" where the son of Iapetos condemned mankind to suffering through his trick against Zeus.

However, there is still HOPE. The Greeks believed hope was left there with mankind, there is hope of Salvation to the Christians, Hindus, and Muslims, hope of Enlightenment to the Buddhists, and so on and so forth. Letting go of the various sorts of evils and holding on to hope alone is all that one has. Yeah there's a lot of suffering, but there are rivers and birds and enormous mountains, majestic things that strike one with awe at their sight. Hopeless ones cannot regain their hope without someone else, at least not easily. If you're hopeless, you need someone to break down your door, wrench you from your home, and show you the world. I think every suicidal person can be saved by love, as much as they would fight against it. No one is an island and can live without someone that loves them, or without people they love.

You'd have to be dragged kicking and screaming, or maybe totally limp and lifeless, down rivers and up mountains to see the rays of hope beaming forth between dark clouds and reflecting off every thing on the wide Earth. You can't see it yet, but that's because you're blinded by suffering. You need someone else to forcibly, physically, and in the real world, tear open your fused eyelids.


That's true but I don't know how to stop. I was taken by surprise, all my mental fortitude utterly shattered and yeah I just can't stop considering to start researching on cheap suicide techniques. Imageboards have recommended me shitloads of some bullshit methods to iMpROvE, but I just can't do any of that. I don't even knos how to describe this fucking devastating feeling. My head just doesn't work. Simple as that.

[Last 50 Posts]


I don't think this has ever been done before. I also don't know what fellow wiz will think of this idea (but that doesn't really concern me). I just thought to make a general prayer thread for all true wiz so that every worthy reader of these sentences might feel just a little less alone in having understood that he has been prayed for. Be it known that I've prayed for you guys sincerely. I also wrote a brief latin poem to that end.

nos non recte sapientes senes qui intellexerint
dehinc pedibus invenire debeant velocibus exitum.
Unicus unicis detur animis locus serveturque
quoi vixdum aditum morio titubans unquam
seipsum supponat adeptum esse verum;
etiamsi erro per errorem in fallacem veniens
occultum gloriabitur intellectum rarorum campum.
parumper verestur huc dum plane nesciens,
magis modo initiatis veridicus ceditur thesaurus.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


denounce the talmud.


I had to translate, although I recognize many cognate words
I like the thought of this even if still remaining unsure about believing or not. Lovecraft wrote something to the effect that the traditions of our forefathers have moulded out a place for us in the cosmos; whether or not they are true or not, I enjoy contemplating Christian literature. Its a shared cultural sphere of thought and the spirt of Christianity has created much literature I find highly poetic and beautiful; even if ultimately its meaningless


Since Pascal's wager proves every atheist as the idiot they are, no need for middle ages or whatever to have a minimum brains.


nos non recte sapientes senes qui intellexerint
dehinc pedibus invenire debeant velocibus exitum.
Unicus unicis detur animis locus serveturque
quoi vixdum aditum morio titubans unquam
seipsum supponat adeptum esse verum;
etiamsi erro per errorem in fallacem veniens
occultum gloriabitur intellectum rarorum campum.
parumper verestur huc dum plane nesciens,
magis modo initiatis veridicus ceditur thesaurus.

they who not rightly shall have understood us old wise men
from here with swift feet may they owe to find exit.
let a unique place to unique minds be given and likewise kept
to which hardly yet a stumbling fool ever
may suppose himself to have found true entry;
even if a wanderer through wandering coming into a hidden field
shall boast hidden understanding of rare things.
for a little while let him here dwell while plainly not knowing
truth-speaking treasure is yielded to initiated wizards alone.

Thanks for reading my poem. I wrote it in defense of wizardry generally. Times are not easy and I find myself praying to die…somewhat contrary to where I was when I first posted this.


they who not rightly shall have understood us old wise men
from here with swift feet may they owe to find exit.
let a unique place to unique minds be given and likewise kept
to which hardly yet a stumbling fool ever
may suppose himself to have acquired true entry;
even if a wanderer through wandering coming into a hidden field
shall boast fallacious understanding of rare things.
for a little while let him here dwell while plainly not knowing
truth-speaking treasure is yielded to initiated wizards alone.

quick correction.


Serious question for any wizcels:

Do you ever wonder how you got here…as in, how or why you "woke up" when you did, where you did, to the people (parents) that you did? It's impossible to make sense of. Just on one fucking terrible day, we took up consciousness, literally out of nowhere we are in bodies and tasked with learning the mechanics of entire material world. What caused us to be born when we were, to whom we were? I don't accept that it was random, or mere bare biology..I feel within myself that this life is a targeted punishment and that were I smarter I would have avoided being born entirely. What piece of shit god thinks he/it has the right to do this to us? We are born, thereafter we spend a few years simply making basic sense of things, go off to school, probably suffer a lot, continue to grow up, endure more sadness, and now through all of it we just continue to get older and weaker and sadder. This life is a crime against our souls and whatever caused us to come here HAS TO PAY. Really the only thing I fear is being forced to come back to this shitheap of a world to suffer again…and I do worry about this precisely because I don't know how I got here in the first place. I feel deeply sorry for all the new souls born to this world…there is just so much to learn, but even more there is just so much to suffer through…and I cannot understand what kind of god would force this sort of existence on tender helpless beings? The demiurge must be overcome.
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As per your link
>Evidence under hypnosis
>Evidence under past-life regression hypnosis
>cobbled together Gnosticism
>remote viewing
>David Icke
>Psychedelics as direct evidence
>A CIA agent, various other bullshit peddlers
IE hokum. I've read this one before, and it is exactly what I'm talking about as peak /x/. I personally think Monroe is fraudulent after observing in his first book that he was unable to even accurately verify a basic OOB projection test. I've lucid dreamed of course and practiced mental imagery but that is not the same as claiming a person literally enters different planes of existence doing so.

peak /x/ is when people mold together various religious traditions with trendy new age concepts and not a lick of evidence proving it. Oh well


That isn't even an argument. You will never enjoy life with your mentality.
You don't have to be miserable, we are all going to die so why add more fuel to the fire.


what level of confidence do you guys have that once we've finally died we'll be at peace forever from whatever the hell this wretched existence actually is?


Hello buddy, I see that your post was insanely subjective and seem to come from hatred of Life and God.

But don't worry this hatred is not absurd and you're right, But don't be hatefully ignorant, Life is trully a punishment but you must know beyond punishment that the life you were given is atleast better than what the other misfortunate person had.

Be thankful that you atleast see and live in a better place and can afford internet and electricity and water. I know this may seem as sophism but truly you need to be thankful that in this punished World atleast you had the advantage 60% didn't have.


It seems unlikely that we will be reborn in the same conditions, but since we don't know what consciousness actually is we can't say for sure that we do not live again. Things are always worse than imagination.

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 No.289727[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

getting angry, getting frustrated edition

previous >>285492
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That's insane. You should have tried to get a car that was used and older.


It's beautiful isn't it? Only the rich gets to truly win while everyone has to keep working, I just want to join them to fucking retire and be left alone forever, don't wanna exploit people but i'm also not born in wealth so my only option is to try to become some clown e-celeb or something.


I really ran out of options, not exactly spoiled for choice when you go broke fixing a car and have to choose between getting scammed by randos who roll back the odometer or scammed by the stealership and their tacked on fees.


Yeah working in a convenience store in the center of hillbilly world is the most bullshit thing on the goddamn planet. Especially if it's a fucking "truck stop" where truckers that smell like LITERAL SHIT come in just to buy some food and bitch at us when it's not at the price they want. Fuck them in particular. As well as all the other retarded piece of shit that enters our doors.


For fucks sake. Working in a convenience store on a Monday near the interstate is a fucking death sentence. Like can the retarded hillbilly general public stay their asses at home or work? Like don't you fucktards have lives or jobs to get to instead of bothering the fuck out of us? Like get the fuck out of here and leave me alone.

[Last 50 Posts]

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I don't even know how to elaborate the sheer brutalness of life, I am so tired of being poor and be dependent upon my parents like a cuck. The state has no concept of neetbuxx. I have completed my degree, and I am sick of getting rejected from interviews, dancing all day long on LinkedIn out of the all fucking websites in the world, begging recruiter here and there. Changing my CV again and again, I do this all day, only to get an offer of a job that pays nothing, that wouldn't even qualify as stipend for internships.

Meanwhile, succubi in my college, particularly good looking succubi have no problem in life, they get paid so much, and get hired at an instant cause they look cool. They are truly untouchable. The new caste system is based upon looks and gender. With gender being the varna, and looks being your jaati. I don't usually get upset at things in life, as I have decided to not kill myself (maybe because of cowardice or simply it's rather unnatural), so the only logical conclusion is to improve the quality of my life that I am gonna live.

But today is one of those days, where you truly feel defeated and raped. It's quite remarkable how different my life is from an average bitch, who starts having sex at 15, travels the world, sleeps with whoever she wants, looks pretty, gets a job just for existing, good at socialising, sports, academics, etc. due to being in an extreme positive feedback loop. And most importantly despite of the cope that goes around in the online spaces, they are happier than the most.

Meanwhile, I have nothing, I don't care for relationships anymore cause damage is already done, but I can't even live a decent life alone and can't get a fucking job. A cunt who studied with me, got a job today for 11LPA INR (13K USD/YR) which is extremely good for India. Meanwhile, I can only get job a few job offers for (2K USD/YR), I mean what the fuck is this? Am I supposed to work 12 hours a day and six days a week for this, all while she goes around pilpuling her bosses and working for just 6 hours a day, 4 days a week?

This can't go on man, I can't live my like this, I don't know but this can't go on, this is wrong. I have legitimately not felt angry for like 3 years but today I really fucking am pissed of, my head hurts, I am just so fucking upset that I can't even cry, like what the fuck did I ever do to anyone to deserve this retarded fate.

I hate the fact that I have to put so much effort into tPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I don't the stated goal of white separation is really possible in the short term either, there's just absolutely no political will for it and as much as there is racial conflict, it isn't intense racial conflict. Whites pathetic existence as "cognitive slaves" that perform the cerebral work for a black ruling class, that taxes them into poverty, shows how much whites are willing to take. People in modern industrial society can retreat all schizo to their own ethnic enclaves and form parallel societies, which is what they're doing for the most part.

The gender divide is a self correcting problem. The ones that are conservative and breed will move on past it and the ones that don't will be filtered from the gene pool. The only risk is being swamped by a foreign culture that doesn't have internecine gender issues.

I think what's more likely is the US, and the rest of the western world, becomes like India and Brazil and just degenerates into a low trust stratified society. With socialist politics driven by envy and redistribution and being at the constant risk of becoming either a Junta or under the domination of a populist demagogue for a generation.

The contemporary fixation on DEI and reparations isn't just some passing fad. That's -literally- how the third world operates with these things, politics of envy and group identity, and a sign the west is becoming third world themselves.


Whites pathetic existence as "cognitive slaves" that perform the cerebral work for a black ruling class"*

In South Africa*

Kek, can't believe I forgot to add that


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At least some modern whites have a soul (their enslaving ancestors didn't).

Asians are the most soulless society on Earth. Any kind of display of emotion is also strictly barren and you must be happy to be a work-slave for your employer until you die.

I hate east asian societies so much. Regardless of whether it's China, Japan or Korea.


I'm telling you quite the same I told that one who felt his life was wasted away: If you are a PROJECTOR, forget about that! Just wait for the chance.
BUT if you are any other type… go on. Look for whatever and push yourself into it.

More data, here: https://www.thesimply.ca/blog/human-design-basics


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I would kill anyone to be in India and join either Naga or Aghori, sadhu order.
count your blessings.

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 No.284879[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

geniune question, why I can't enjoy video games anymore? do you have a theory or an answer on why one stop enjoying video games?
(I don't know if it's the good board to talk about it)
I believe it must be linked to my depression
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Because video games are for children


>most of them are predictable with similar boring platforming gameplay
I agree, that's why I don't really like video games anymore


I agree with you. companies must make money so they need a bigger audience. that's why they make video games for normals


gen z: 1998-nowdays
millenium: 1985-1997


youre learning japanese?

[Last 50 Posts]

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I can never connect with people there is always someone more interesting that breaks up my conversation and leaves me in the dark, whenever I say to them I am having a conversation, this was after realizing situation, the person who I initially talked to would tell me not to be rude, invite them back, and they have a conversation over me like I dont exist. Every, fucking, time. It hurts. When you are only there for temporary just because of what you offer. I used this time to reflect and realized I am the issue, but I can't help not be interesting, I can't help not expand my thoughts, I can't help but mentally go on auto pilot because my brain likes to not be there all the time. I can't help not know what to say half the time. Even autistic people online are able to have conversations and know what to say, carrying it out into long term friendships. While I drift from group to group, friends to friends, and so on.




18, Brasil


Stop. Doing. That. If they tell you "rude", ghost them.
>realized I am the issue, not interesting
Bullshit. That cruel mindset you hold by yourself is what kills you. You are just giving attention who does not deserve a shit.
>I don't know what to say
Ignore the pulse of needing to say whatever. If you don't have answers, that means there is no need to give an answer, or even better: they must not be given. Unless you wish to play by normie standards which shall get you broke inside.
>even autistic people know…
I do not consider them autistic. You just have the disease of the failed normie. Stop chasing. Judge first, shun their standards, acommodate your relationships to your exigences no matter how crazy these seem to be.

Foresee their reactions while having them like buzzing flies wanting you to be different: they are an enemy. And know that projectors will never triumph if they pass their life chasing stuff, they need to await. Delve about Human Design to know more, there is even an app to accurately know what you are in thoase terms.


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Talking to normalfags makes me physically exhausted. I feel like most chatty normies are just psychic vampires trying to leach on people's energy.

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I have a strange condition and super annoying condition where i literally, literally, literally, literally, literally cannot stop being distracted by my own thoughts, inner Voice and monologues, not Even for a minute, i cannot even focus while watching anime or cartoons with very simple plots, my eyes Would be staring at the screen but my Brain is not really there, it is Always wandering else where, i often have to repeat entrie sections in anime/cartoons/films because i keep being distracted and miss on important scenes, dialogues, details, and so on, often it feels Like a Big chore to constantly have to leave my chair to replay The thing to revisite The scenes i have "missed", let alone Read Books or watching a lecture, i just cannot Turn my Brain off, not even for a second, it causes me severe insomniac issues as well, i Can spend 12 hours in bed but only actually sleep for 5 hours max, the rest of The Time is me spent being awake and thinking endlessly About random things that don't seems to end, i been told i might have ADHD/ADD but i really cannot relate to most people with ADD/ADHD, they just seem as people with low patience, for me it's not that i get bored from Doing things or do stupid things Like not turning off my notifs, but my issue and Source of Endless distraction and concentration Issues Come from my inside.
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> I have a strange condition

Intrusive thoughts / OCD / etc. are not strange or never heard of. You simply might be a very severe case. In this case psychiatry and some drugs can help. Psychiatry generally sucks, but only for "fixing your life and your depressive view of the world" and things like that. But for very tangible practical brain issues like the one you're described, it can definitely help.


>i Would end up not understanding what happened and Missing on Many important details or/and jokes, it's like me leaving The room to go to the bathroom without pausing The episode Every minute just to return and notice How much i missed
How can this not be a cause for failing to concentrate? If you're constantly getting distracted by intrusive thoughts you obviously won't be able to pay attention, also what you're describing is a common OCD thought which is called "memory hoarding".
The way OCD functions is it creates an anxiety inducing thought, and then you are compelled to perform an action which will momentarily relieve this anxiety, but this usually doesn't last long and in the long-term it only makes things worse. The only solution is to identify the thought, acknowledge it as irrational, stop being afraid of it, and resist carrying out the compulsion, although this is easier said than done.
Also, no offense, but from the way you write, you might be dyslexic.


WE learn something New


Maybe, but for this one I am just phone-posting from my small phone's screen, I hate it but I have a good reason to do so.


Every guy here seems to have the same stuff inside. Symptoms are not identical yet they share a common frame.

Have your piece of wisdom: https://wizchan.org/dep/res/291067.html#291423

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