>>298129I primarily drive two cars, a hatchback and a sedan. And I can't gauge distances in the rear using just side mirrors in both of them, so I thought that the problem is with me, the thing is both of my cars don't have a rear view camera or sensors, so I have to do it only visually, I can judge distances in the rear using side mirrors only when the disparity in distances are huge.
Like when I have to reverse let's say towards a bush/kerb in a parking lot, I generally stop 3.5feet away from the bush/kerb looking in the side mirror, any closer than that and I can't judge the distances accurately, and when there is a situation like this, the rear windshield is essentially useless and turning back doesn't help either.
And this is the problem that I described here
>>298119 while making a u-turn and
>>298014 while parallel parking.
>>298130Well doing that in the case of the u-turn situation that I describe, the red car's hood dips below my door windows and the C-pillar get's in the way of view. And in the case of parallel parking the kerb is also below the car's door's windows so you have to rely on mirrors.
And the thing is, I believe that the parallel parking situation can't even be solved by rear cameras and sensors because it only helps to aid you in how far away you're from the car in the rear but doesn't tell you when to turn in such that you don't end up too far away from the kerb or on the kerb.
>>298131I have the same problems but live in a city so there is no option for me but to learn.
>>298132The things is I have been driving a lot for past 4 years, and I have gotten better at judging distances, like for example you can't see the tip of the hood/bonnet but now I know where it is because of experience over the last 4 years, but when it comes to the issues that I described, would you mind taking a read and suggesting some sort of remedy?
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