I would like to be with a being with whom I can share everyday moments, to have a being to worry about, in which I can capture the most beautiful part of my being, to whom I can show my vulnerable parts, express my deepest emotions, and show them really who I am. But who am I really? Even in an anonymous forum, I would say he is a great guy, who went through some things, but who despite everything never gave up, someone who always wants the best for others, and who has an optimistic vision even in the most difficult moments. hard And although in a certain way the above is not a lie, the reality is that there is an uncivilized being inside me, someone so disgusting and unpleasant that I don't even like to admit that we are the same person, and hypocritically, whether consciously or unconsciously. , I pretend it doesn't exist. But this is an undeniable reality, and although it is something that can be hidden, it is something that I would never share with anyone, much less voluntarily. I prefer to be a hermit secluded from all social contact rather than show this part of my being. I'm not going to lie to you, life alone is not the best thing in the world, and it has some associated problems, but it is not something completely bad either, and it helps to value things, self-esteem, one's own thoughts, and leave aside vain issues. like social norms, or what someone outside of us may or may not think of us.
77 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. No.295200
>>295199You're doing a lot of faulty extrapolation based on very little. I suppose wizards don't have much chance to care about the opinions of others because they hardly go outside. In general, though, people inevitably care about looks, whether they say they do or not. It's like a reflect, an automatic response. You're not a Buddhist monk.
>>295198I didn't want to go to school, so my parents wouldn't let me leave the house.
>You only "don't care" because you can afford to.There is hardly any social interaction in my life. Besides, I never considered appearance as an achievement or something to highlight, I am not a succubus, my value as a person is not determined by those aspects.
You might get used to it and become dead inside like most of us
The sad thing is, you're right. Worst part is, these succubi no longer exist. As a result a lot of us, myself included, have given up on finding any semblance of love and have learned to cope…and cope hard despite the objections of family members. But they'll continue to reject the truth no matter what so arguing with them, at least to me, is a lost cause. How to get them off my back…well I've yet to find out how. If anyone's got any suggestions I'm all ears.