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Can you drive?
Can you parallel park?
Can you survive without parallel parking where you live?
If you don't drive then how do you get by in the country you live in?
Do you feel unmanly if you can't/don't drive?
How does one cope knowing that foids can drive while you don't?
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There was a 🇯🇵 neet here years ago whos dad was a professor, is that you?


It's just that it really bothers me that I am so close and yet so far, I can drive perfectly fine when I am driving forwards (or turning or in traffic or on challenging terrain) but when it comes to reversing, I am bad at it, I have no way to get the idea how close my rear end is to the car or fence behind me even if I turn my head around and look out of the rear windshield, I need to depend on a rear view camera to know how far away I am from the fence.

The other this is that it is perfectly acceptable in my country to stick your head out of the window and reverse, when people see you reversing they automatically stop and assume you have no idea of the other side but that is one way that we reverse.

Now, I am reading so much and learning so much, about how hard it is to get a licence in a country like Netherlands, UK, Germany, and Japan. Not only that you also can't use rear camera and rely on other aids. And how hard it is to park in European Cities, and major American cities, as I struggle with parallel parking in tight spots too. And I struggle with driving at night. Because oncoming headlights blind me.

Quite a depressing thing to realise, when you grew up as a kid loving cars and obsessed with them as an adult, only to realise you can't even drive properly and not being able to drive a car seriously limits you and cut you off from rest of the world and you have to be a dependent cuck. And watch succubi and normies out-skill you and emasculate you, very brutal feeling.

I don't even know if I practice will help with the nighttime driving and reversing as there is nothing I can do at the night as I am blinded by the headlights and as for reversing, I can't see much out of the rear windshield so I don't know if even practicing would help me even a bit as it's not like seeing through the front and being able to gauge distances.

Realising that I am not a true driver truly shattered my ego. If there is one wish that I have it is to be able to drive and park in all circumstances, but I am feeling very demotivated and the depression from it is spilling over to the rest of my life. I won't blame the system or these first world countries a bit cause other people are able to pass their tests so there must be something wrong with me. I just hope that I am not one of those who is not cut out for driving. Driving is the only bit of pleasure I get in my lonely life.


Driving isn't hard, but I don't like it because even if you only drive a short distance, you will encounter other drivers doing something crazy.


I can drive but yeah parallel parking gives me anxiety. Especially if it is on a busy street where people are waiting for you to pull in. But cities are cancer anyway.


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and there are assholes who do this


How did you lose your innocence? I was 14 and got bullied horrifically until I was suicidal, I figured out I liked drugs soon after and haven't felt real since.
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Via reddit. I never knew how hated I was, I always used to believe that succubi have hearts and don't care about looks but I only ever saw succubi with good looking guys so it was only a matter of time that I came across blackpilling content and got blackpilled.

The next was my height, I am just a tiny guy with shit genes. When I asked around the internet about my height, it was enough to blackpill me.


I was frequenting imageboards since 11 years old. It's horrible.


I'm similar, but I have a lot of nostalgia for the mid 2000s era of the internet


I got bullied until developing mania. When you get rid of the stupid want about fitting in then you realize how much filth is around you and that sets you into some sweet sadism. Still I say those normies did not get shit enough from me but, I was just one of my kind :(

They must be gloating at the mere thought of you being minimally sad about them using sex a rule enforcing factor which affects your soul.


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I rejected my mom's love and caused her to spiral into depression.

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This is the classic "suicide general", where we discuss methods and say farewell to our fellow wizards, quite different from that other thread in the catalog.

I'm currently 26, almost 27 (rings a bell?). And I can't take it anymore. I will soon depart from life through hanging. I haven't done it yet because I live in a shithole and there are always people around making noise and being nosy. I will just wait till it's very quiet so I can go to the woods and end this miserable existence.

I don't care if it might "get better". Existence itself is a curse and we're all gonna die anyway. I've read enough pessimist books and life affirming books and I side with the former. I don't need your compansion, because the thought that I will soon disappear is the only thing that makes me happy. I'm not even sad because of this.
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thats how i felt about >>297531


I wasn't joking


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I have been thinking too much about my future lately and the topic of suicide, I am saving some informative posts about some suicide methods in my google drive, so I can have all the instructions, dos and don'ts when my care taker passes away and I will be forced to endure homelesness, hunger, and worsening health (due to lack of income) I must finish my document, enable the offline mode, get the 2 password authentication, and download it in my device, so, I can have it when shit hits the fan, hopefully once I am done with this O.C.D-ish task, my anxiety will be minimum.


This thread is just skyrocket levels of cuckhoardary for telling wiz who to kill himself instead of some others


EFILism is supreme.

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I'm fucking jaded by life because of people and normalfags. I really can't take it anymore. I have limits and today I got my tolerence limit to the macimum, I don't feel good at all. normalfags make life disgusting when you're around them. I can't anymore today, I don't know if I could live like this during all my life.
I'm in pain physically. my heart hurts kind of. I feel depressed.
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I second fasting here.


>The more they laugh the more they be raging inside
like they want to punch you because theyre angry? if yes Its dangerous for me to stay near normalfags who laugh


I just assume they be celebrating whatever I do, so I keep on… . Feel not humilliated, it's all pure theater.


>it's all pure theater
the ability to detach yourself from your "role" is a blessing


My role is to trigger and sabotage cunts as much as I can. Not to seek respect, or love, or understanding.


Last time I mentioned that I have 2 weeks to kms someone asked if I have a test or something in school. Let me tell you something interesting. I won't talk about my life story but I will enlighten you how bad life can get and what real suicide out of necessity means.
I will tell you only the immediate reasons of my forced suicide:
1. Sick with infinite diseases and often in such pain that I want to stab myself or jump out the window. Can't eat walk make money or function for years due to this. Feel like I can die at any moment. I've been shitting black last few days which means internal bleeding.
2. I am broke and in infinite debt cause I chose to pursue treatment instead of paying taxes. I also lied to get money loaned to me because I needed it for drugs so I don't end up lobotomized. Its only a matter of time until they put me in prison.
3. I have a benzo addiction, if I don't take at least 10mg Xanax daily and skip one day I will have a grand mal seizure which will kill me or leave me with brain damage.
4. Stuck forever without a room or meter of space my whole life due to mentally retarded family.
…etc I probably forgot half but by now you should know the drill. Life took almost everything from me and I didn't do anything for a long time so I wouldn't call this living anyway. Only thing I have left is freedom of choice to die now or lose it and suffer a thousand times more and die later. I will die at age of 28 in 2024 via train guillotine or fail and become a vegetable. I have only one try and time is not on my side.
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Isnt a diary supposed to be daily? come on, just one post/update per day. What did you do on the 25th?


no i cant. im not from america, nobody gives a fuck around here and they charge thousands per tooth, it takes a fortune to do anything with your teeth. I also told my parents to go fuck themselves and i'm leaving already, i don't need useless trash around me, better to die homeless.
not much to report, my head hurt so much i went to sleep. I end up sleeping all the time if i just lie around, i prob already have a brain infection from all these issues. I slept through almost whole day and i can't even stay awake cause i don't see any point if i'm not going outside to kill myself.


Rapper OG Maco just died after weeks in a coma after shooting himself in the head. Not sure about the quality of the shooting but it's a problematic method.


Thank God, another dead rapper.


are you here OP?

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How often do you overthink about the future? what are your worries? how do you cope?
pic related
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Oh, Wizzie, employment is rough nowadays even in the developed world, let alone the third world, it's valid to want to be independant from your parents, why don't you start helping your mom a little bit with the house chores? it's not rocket science

>The other thing is that I am quickly losing my cognitive abilities

I have the same issue, years of NEETdom nuked my brain, I have 0 short term memory, I even forget the names of everyday objects and i need to describe them with hand gestures to people IRL, i even forget what i wanted to do a second ago, i also have a super slow brain procesing speed, and i am constantly distracted with my own thoughts, i literally can't focus on anything for a minute without my mind wandering, my brain has been out of shape since i dropped out of school, and it's making learning new things hard as HELL.


I try to help her by getting groceries and doing work that requires her to go outside, I have started small by cleaning my own dishes, cleaning the bathroom, but it still doesn't feel enough when I see how many chores my mom does. I really have to up my game but I am too lazy.

As for cognitive decline something has to be done quickly, let me know if you find some solution, it's becoming like a degenerative disease. And it has been happening more and more, not only am I not able to speak anymore, I also process things very slowly.

Like earlier I could just study for exams just a night before and could somehow remember all the information, but now even if I study a week before I am unable to remember that.

I have also had my own share of funny incidents. Like I had to put something outside of my house and lock the front door and then go through my back door, cause the lock of my front door doesn't work from the outside. So instead of putting the box just out of the front door, then locking it from inside, and going out through the back door. For some reason I decided to lock the front door first and move the box out of the back door, and then go all the way to the front. My mother started laughing seeing me do this and was like "Your head doesn't work does it?"

Same is happening while driving as well, one might thing the more I drive the more my skills would improve but instead they are deteriorating day after day. It's like I have constant mental fog, where I can't see properly.

Earlier I could explain anything to my friends and even explain to them in English but now I struggle to describe things in my own language. When I see some old screenshots of the posts that I have written, I am surprised that I could've explained something so well.

Not only that I feel like my IQ has been reduced, earlier I could easily understand complex video games, but now it takes me too long to understand even a simple video game.

I am in my 20s but it feels like my skills and abilities are at the par of 80 years old. Like when someone says something to me, I have to take my whole sweet ass time to understand and interpret what is being said.

I am also very bad with directions now, which I wasn't earlier, I could easily figure things out, easily do math, but it feels like nothing works.

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I am trying to increase my daily share to sun exposure, i heard vitamin D helps a lot with short term memory issues, all i will suggest is daily exercise, staying hydrated, and quality sleep everynight, i also tried to improve my short term memory less by memorizing rythmic poems, but i gave up after a while due to the lack of noticable progress, i cannot really give advice here, because my cognitive skills are probably way worse than yours, I can't even learn basic algebra, remember how to spell most english words without the usage of auto-correct or solve 4chan's captcha, you should look for a cognitive therapist or psychterist online on some subreddit or webform, the internet is a vast place.


>The other thing is that I am quickly losing my cognitive abilities
Yeah same, I'm just as you described there, down to developing a slight stutter.
I think the only cure is to use our brains, I never really test my brain with maths or complex thought any more.


Learn Human Design.

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I saw someone talkng about it here many years ago,he even posted images of some people who died in their bed rooms by carcoal poisoning, I even researched this on Google:

Any of you have an experience or knowledge about this? seems like a fine way to end it since Coal is dirt cheap everywhere, and All you need besides that is a fully closed room and for someone not to find you within a couple hours, It reminds me of the Carbon monoxide poisoning.



Good input.


Taking a screenshot for that whole post so I won't lose it if the site gets taken down.


Hell yeah, cook up some meat on your way out so the person that finds you can have a burger.

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/!\ this thread is for low IQ wizards /!\
>(80-95 IQ)
feels bad being a low IQ. everyone mocks you and you say absurdities.
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I feel it's just more people on the bottom, for the ones on the floor it won't be different. Like how mad people are about the "you will own nothing". Guess what, I already own nothing. And I'm unhappy either way.


There's a big difference between, say, the bottom in india or finland. If AI is created then it will be horrors beyond our imagination like a sci fi horror film where you cant get fresh food or use a computer. There is no reason why the rich people or the intelligent machines would provide resources to some useless neets


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us, low iq, can't lift up ourselves apon others or claim being the best. our brain is beaten by clever people, while our brains runs like a snail, theirs run like a tiger. the only thing to do to not look like a low iq in public places is to not talk too much, be polite and try to avoid as much as you xan other people. because if they see you, they're going to to tell to themselves:" yep, thats a low iq, lets make fun of him".


Well said.

I really like that AI exists because it allows me to do stuff I could never do before due to low IQ. I've been able to ask it for exercise and diet advice and I've lost 50 pounds so far. I've been able to ask it to make Userscripts and AutoHotKey scripts to make using my PC more convenient. It's been really nice.


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I really want(ed) to be a writer, poet or comic book artist. I really, really wanted that for myself. Instead I have been relegated to a life of waiting around for nothing in particular to occur. Someone in my position would probably find it beneficial to cultivate some sort of ruthlessness or vigor but I am irenic by nature so it never takes, it would always be fraudulent. On those rare occassions when I can muster up the energy and fortitude to comfort myself effectively for a few minutes I tell myself: If I can't create then I may as well appreciate. So for now that is the play. I will do my best to make those that were blessed with the necessary intellect and acumen feel appreciated for using their time to benefit my own. Thems the dice I guess.


Whitepillers don't have a retort for autism. You can get a good degree, pursue your hobbies and work on your self esteem but if you have autism you will never make it in this anti-autistic world, Life is all about one thing. Being born without autism. If you're born without autism the normies will make excuses for you, help you out, share money with you, give you 100 chances, etc. Meanwhile if you have autism you're evil and creepy just for existing and blinking the wrong way. Everybody gets to live for free except autists and only autists who are given this fake ass "you gotta pull yourself up by your bootstraps and make your life" "you gotta amount to something" "innovation" story. Shit that literally no one else has to follow.
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Being on the spectrum is bad enough, add being ugly as fuck to that and you're pretty much just stealing oxygen on this planet. Absolutely no one will tolerate your presence and normies will bully you away from any job. it's a hellish existence, especially if you live in a country where gettiing neetbux is not easy.


>normies will bully you away from any job
That is, if they can even land a job in the first place.


Any autist in a group home


Make sure you block out ALL sunlight and other lights if you want quality sleep.


I have to turn off my computer completely, even so that my monitor's "on" light doesn't blink to get good sleep.

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Is being a male with bpd a fate worse than death? Do any of you know for certain you have BPD?
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This do not try to appeal to empathy it's non existent


Lick my ballsack


It's still present but it has an effective field based on its strength, so in practice it's non existent. There's also the way that even while having empathy, a lot of people are genuinely too intellectually stunted to grasp when they're hurting others and so the empathy they are capable of won't even trigger.


the only good and based indian was osho. he wanted the whole villages in india to be sterilized.


Why not take meds?

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