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 No.297444[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Can you drive?
Can you parallel park?
Can you survive without parallel parking where you live?
If you don't drive then how do you get by in the country you live in?
Do you feel unmanly if you can't/don't drive?
How does one cope knowing that foids can drive while you don't?
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maybe you should get a different car, some cars are build like that that you have poor visibility and all kinds of retarded blindspots, the mirrors are shitty, seat too low etc.
my first car was a huge mini van but I was sitting up high in there with huge windows and large mirrors and had good visibility so I never had a problem parking it anywhere even in somewhat tight spots.
when I later sold it I had gotten a station wagon and in there I was sitting low and had poor visibility and I fucked up the bumper and the paint multiple times.
and this was all before parking sensors and cameras and all this shit and if you have that in there then parking is basically automated piss easy mode and you know the distance by listening to beep sounds. some cars can even park automatically I heard.


>just by using my side mirrors
you are supposed to turn your entire upper body and head around and judge the distance that way. not just look at the mirrors.


I live in a rural area which means I have to drive to get anywhere. There's no need to parallel park, though. When I did that section on my driving test I bumped into one of the cones, but I was still able to pass. I've never had to do it outside of the test, thankfully. If I were in a situation where parallel parking were needed, I'd drive somewhere else and park a mile away if I had to. I'm bad at backing into a parking space as well, and I won't do it unless there are no other cars nearby.


I used to drive for a living, if you do the same shit every day it becomes like second nature, just do the same shit over and over again and your subconscious will automatically do it for you eventually


I primarily drive two cars, a hatchback and a sedan. And I can't gauge distances in the rear using just side mirrors in both of them, so I thought that the problem is with me, the thing is both of my cars don't have a rear view camera or sensors, so I have to do it only visually, I can judge distances in the rear using side mirrors only when the disparity in distances are huge.

Like when I have to reverse let's say towards a bush/kerb in a parking lot, I generally stop 3.5feet away from the bush/kerb looking in the side mirror, any closer than that and I can't judge the distances accurately, and when there is a situation like this, the rear windshield is essentially useless and turning back doesn't help either.

And this is the problem that I described here >>298119 while making a u-turn and >>298014 while parallel parking.

Well doing that in the case of the u-turn situation that I describe, the red car's hood dips below my door windows and the C-pillar get's in the way of view. And in the case of parallel parking the kerb is also below the car's door's windows so you have to rely on mirrors.

And the thing is, I believe that the parallel parking situation can't even be solved by rear cameras and sensors because it only helps to aid you in how far away you're from the car in the rear but doesn't tell you when to turn in such that you don't end up too far away from the kerb or on the kerb.

I have the same problems but live in a city so there is no option for me but to learn.

The things is I have been driving a lot for past 4 years, and I have gotten better at judging distances, like for example you can't see the tip of the hood/bonnet but now I know where it is because of experience over the last 4 years, but when it comes to the issues that I described, would you mind taking a read and suggesting some sort of remedy?Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Somehow i went and fell back into the bathtub after i already got out, almost like i slipped on air. Hit myself on the head and spine. I'm 90% sure that I have a hematoma in my brain because my head hasn't stopped hurting after a week and i had some very interesting symptoms. I hope it bursts my brain and kills me. I'm an illness-ridden, debt-broke hardcore benzo addict with no home(live like a rat without my own room for 30 years) that has to eat a pack a day or will have a grand mal seizure anyway, so very soon I would be forced to suicide anyway. I just hope that it won't turn me into a vegetable instead, but i lose every gamble so I can't count on luck. Well, something will do me in eventually, one thing or the other. I can feel death is half a step away. Goodbye brothers.


have you seen a doctor to check if youre really gonna die at least?



I hope you don't live in the first world cause healthcare unironically suck ass in the first world either it is too expensive or it too slow to respond. Get well soon.

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Is there anyone else who is trapped in routine and monotony and never notices the days going by, rotting alone in their room? I have lost the motivation to play games, watch anime, or even go on imageboards. I've experienced that since last year, well I don't even know anymore, I lost consciousness on how much time has passed and is passing by. I can't take the lack of genuine feelings anymore. I used to escape monotony with games but they don't bring me pleasure anymore. I used to have one or two online friends but time did it's thing and the interest vanished. My life consists of sleeping during the day, waking up to eat with my family and, at night, if my mind is not flooded by overthinking and negative/nonsensical obsessive thoughts, watching videos or listening to music.


what does your family think about you sitting in your room doing nothing all day?


Should've learned to code


They don't say anything because I'm taking a course at the moment. But it just started a week ago and I haven't done anything so far. My mom was telling me all the time to pursue a course and do something.
I've become too retarded to put in the effort, the process for things like this is more stressful than rewarding for me. At least for things I'm not passionate about and coding is one of them. The course I'm taking is focused on that, ironically. My only hope is that I'm young and still have time to learn productive things.

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why the WIZCK do i fall into the depths of anguish whenever i ask for something i see as so dumb or stupid to some cowagie or anyone at all? i keep mumbling randomly how much i want to die, filled with regret for merely sending a message to a groid, thinking i have done something severely stupid. i dont want to die but i hate when this happens and it is very frequent


i don't know. why do you?


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i wizh i knew, i wizh i knew, i all know is that i am going wizane


I feel like society has left me behind it is one of the most fastest moving things to ever exist, and I can never catch up to it because I've been quite stagnant my entire life. Even if I try to improve, I'm still leagues behind the average persons social progression. All I'm really left with is the mere remains of a career, wife, kids, etc.
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That's like going for an interview to assess how exploitable you are, maybe men did this decades ago but not today I think lmao


They do. It's the only way a balding awkward geek is getting any action even if he has a cushy Silicon Valley job.
The other option is prostitution.


Not the person you were replying to.

Let's also not forget how these female worshippers would ditch or betray their closest friends and family members at the request of their Goddess. Anything for that crumb of pussy.

From what I see, men are usually kept on a leash, even those high-value ones when married.


That's shocked me several times though my life. I saw a study once about 'support networks' that even showed how men generally enter a relationship and then cut off all their friends, so they have nobody else with a meaningful connection


>you might lose instantly because she got the "ick" when you told her that you voted for trump or that you don't want your son to transition into a daughter.

implying there arent a bunch of tradthots who pretend to acquiesce to their "alpha" husband by larping as a right wing housewife leech so they can have no responsibilities

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Does any of you get irritated with family gatherings or when guests come to visit you in your family's house?
I am 24 years old, little to not school education, no job, whenever I am with some relatives or in some family gathering I can sense how much they look down at me for being a massive loser, even if they almost never express it directly at all, since I was a child I would always be asked by them questions like "how are you doing in school?" or "are you getting any good grades" Of course they no longer ask me such question, But I still feel a lot of shame when I am around them, I try to avoid sitting with them like the plague
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I find posts like this so depressing because it is his fault that you turned out the way that you did but you blame yourself


I blame myself because I still haven't improved a lot since I left the house. Yeah he didn't exactly raised me right, but that doesn't mean I am doomed to never know how to cook just because he never taught me.

Although he has told me before that he is sorry for not teaching me a lot on how to be a adult, I don't think that means I can't learn how to be a adult.

I just wished I didn't have a starting line behind everyone else.


Yeah I had this problem. My sister even noted it when she remarked that since I didn't go to a good school like her I was going to be treated the same way she was at these events. But now a lot of people central to our family have died, and while they are doing a better job of reaching out i'm kinda over here thinking "I don't have a reason to have to come to these events anymore".
I've been called attractive, but if you cannot present yourself as passably normal you are already put in the same category as this anon. Succubi never have this problem.
I feel this way. I come from a long line of males to end it with nothing to show. But my dad can't blame me for trying. He even remarked how different things are in this day in age.


Men are mostly seen as human doings. That's why nobody bats an eye at the 70% of homeless people who are men, men's suicide statistics, the men who get drafted to go to war etc etc. You only ever hear PSAs for succubi's problems.
You can a) become competent in some sought after field and take your place inside the workforce meat grinder but at least you might be acknowledged positively for your contribution b) if you are good looking and charismatic, people (except low status/looks men who see this double standard) will usually still treat you with dignity and respect.
It's blackpill lookism all the way down.


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Not sure if this fits here, but

I often make bets with myself; for example, I have not eaten for 2 weeks, and if I do something good, maybe, and if I fail, something bad will happen again. This maybe is just coping, but I remember failing some of these challenges and something bad happening that still haunts me to this day and makes me feel deeply sad about it.


>I have not eaten for 2 weeks
you didn't die???
also, I did something like that too. I used to tell myself what to do and then toss a coin, and I'd do thing based on the result. but I don't do it anymore and it wadn't that long, during a short time



Human can last longer without food that water



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 No.285412[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Death of the Uncool - End of the Wizards V

Watching Geekdom get absorbed into the monoculture over the last decade (and then some) has been a pretty demoralising experience.

Part of the process of commodification, streamlining and assimilation of geek culture into the all-consuming monoculture, is distortion and erasure of the original.

"These would be the successive phases of the image:

1 It is the reflection of a basic reality.

2 It masks and perverts a basic reality.

3 It masks the absence of a basic reality.

4 It bears no relation to any reality whatever: it is its own pure simulacrum.

In the first case, the image is a good appearance: the representation is of the order of sacrament. In the second, it is an evil appearance: of the order of malefice. In the third, it plays at being an appearance: it is of the order of sorcery. In the fourth, it is no longer in the order of appearance at all, but of simulation."

I'm probably using Baudrillard wrong, but I think we're either between phase 2 and 3 or on phase 3. We're at the point where we have "gamers" who don't like videogames as the faces of videogames.
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Why does he keep insisting that gentrification is a "good" thing? Is he being facetious? He literally goes into detail about how awful it is and describes it as ultimately richer/more powerful/people of higher social capital performing a hostile takeover of the poor/weak/outcast/downtrodden, despite not even needing to, simply because they can.

He says it himself: "they could always go somewhere else, but the people they displace don't have anywhere else to go". Yet he calls it a net positive. What the hell? This is some serious doublethink going on.

I sincerely despise gentrification. I used to live in poverty and I'd wander on the old railroad tracks and old abandoned factories and warehouses because it was the only place to find seclusion. I had a dozen secret and forgotten places which were my soul, now its all lofts and yuppie restaurants. Gentrification is pure evil


please stop giving a damn about normalfaggot judgements. Put those pants on.


>Why does he keep insisting that gentrification is a "good" thing? Is he being facetious? He literally goes into detail about how awful it is and describes it as ultimately richer/more powerful/people of higher social capital performing a hostile takeover of the poor/weak/outcast/downtrodden, despite not even needing to, simply because they can.
According to their about page and if you read a couple of their articles, you'll sort of see why. But I don't want to turn this thread into a /pol/ thread, at least not until we're near the end.

>I sincerely despise gentrification. I used to live in poverty and I'd wander on the old railroad tracks and old abandoned factories and warehouses because it was the only place to find seclusion. I had a dozen secret and forgotten places which were my soul, now its all lofts and yuppie restaurants.

I used to live near blocks of flats in a run down part of the city, and to cut a long story short, basically most of the flats were knocked down for expensive luxury flats that the previous tenants couldn't afford and were forced moved to the far edges or even outside the city into ANOTHER deprived area. A few flats were saved as listed buildings but they still managed to kick all of the previous tenants out of those too. They refurbished the remaining flats as accommodation for wealthy hipster yuppies, complete with an indoor swimming pool, a garden rooftop and a floor for a cinema. What's funny that decades ago apparently that was the plan, to create nicer accommodation for working class people but for some reason that never transpired until years later when it became accommodation for rich fucks.

>Gentrification is pure evil

There's a distinct evil to the gentrifiers that's basically the same as the social gentrifiers of geek culture. I'll post about later.


>There's a distinct evil to the gentrifiers that's basically the same as the social gentrifiers of geek culture. I'll post about later.


>easily accessible internet pornography
This barely related to the point you're making but I don't know where to post this. I've noticed a lot, A LOT of "indie" animated cartoon and hentai porn videos/games being voiced by actual (western) succubi. Just like how there was very little trap hentai (not futa hentai, that was always plentiful) way back in the 00s then a massive explosion of trap hentai (and IRL trap porn), there's been an explosion of western hentai/cartoon porn VAs (for indie projects). Like I remember when hentai came overseas it was dubbed by literal pornstars (or nobodies), they had their headshots on the VHS covers IIRC but other than that was mostly just subtitles. I don't remember many (or any) hentai games being dubbed but regardless even when people started making their own hentai/cartoon porn games they were hardly voiced, with them being mostly text. Now actual western succubi are voicing some of the most /d/egenerate shit.

It's like in the last decade everybody suddenly had a price tag and were willing to give up their dignity for money or minor fame/infamy/attention.

Relax my man, this thread will keep and that anon will post.

[Last 50 Posts]

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At what age have you last time felt content, happy, hopeful about your situation? At which age it ended, and you changed? For me it's probably 14 years old. I enjoyed the hell out of the internet and videogames. But looking back I think it was always leading to this neet wiz suicide-considering lifestyle.


its the same for me, 14, and i wasted all the good years i have where you can actually enjoy stuff on browsing 4chan and listening to garbage avante garde music. thats what left an impression on me. as a result i am permanently fucked up and stunted.


Anxiety since childhood. Hopeful till 5 with relapses at 7 and then at about 9-10. Hopeful about the situation not related to filth and natalistic thingy thangs.


Life treats people that are lazy so badly. Im so lonely and sad. what do I do now. What should I do to fix my life. why. I wish I had more time. Time is what I need the most of. If I had even a little bit more my time randomly before each exam, a few days, then I couldve gotten a good grade. Im utterly incapable of making up a schedule and sticking to it Im so lazy, I dont engage with the material just going to university and back, what have a learned today? nothing. I couldnt understand anything, and here I am failing my studies because Im so utterly incapable of making a schedule. I failed my exam. Im getting bad grades all the time. I fail to give a fuck about passing. I study until my brain hurts each day take breaks watching slop intertwined with lectures and at the end I didnt have enough time and failed anyways. I fucked up hard.


Are you Indian?

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I'm older than people who have kids who're already graduating from high school. I know it shouldn't bother me, but I can't help it. I feel like my life hasn't progress at all. I already have grey hairs on my beard and I don't feel my age at all. life as a wizard is like living in a perpetual limbo where nothing ever happens until you grow old and die.
I know many young wizards will call me a failed normie for saying this, but it's only until you reach a certain age that the loneliness of the wiz life starts to creep in and you begin to wonder where did all go wrong.


the only thing life is meant to progress towards is death. all the academic, career and relationships milestones are just a way for people to distract themselves from the fact that every day they are getting closer to the grave and none of it matters fuck all. in reality, this common checklists is just a meme complex, a simple collective notion of what an adult should eventually become, to which individuals feel pressure to conform to in order to avoid feelings of shame & guilt. as a wizard you should know better than to give in to these external signals.


why? what do you even want that you can "progress" toward?

well said


That's the essence of life: misery.
It was always wrong. Even if you had kids, there is still wrongness or the myriad of consequences of having done s. They could hate you, they could be the pariahs, instead. They could haven been born genetically flawed, or sociopaths, or had their youth destroyed by wrong friendships and addictions…

Every chance in life is just a door for lots of new miseries. It's not "going wrong", it's wrongness disguised as its opposite, like everywhere. Sometimes it shows, sometimes it never was hidden.


Agree, we're born randomly only to be enslaved and killed by nature

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