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I'm so fucking ugly and disgusting
It's painful to look myself in the mirror
I wanna kill myself
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Yet, he killed himself. "Good looking" people aren't safe from misery.


Yet you still mask, knowing how much it hurts you, to be liked by normies who do not deserve a damn smile from anyone.

Be uneasy. Perfect that gift.


thanks retard kun. posts like these remind me that even if i fit here by definition, i shouldnt visit wizchan. why were you so angry about nothing? where did all that negative energy come from? i guess if i cared about you i would feel sorry for you.


>Disparage the pseudo-intelelctual, nu-nihilistic, drug pushing, rape loving, label slaving transvestite who openly encouraged young White men to kill themselves
>I'm the bad guy

Not only is your butthurt laughably misblamed, but you even talk like a schoolboy who just discovered black clothing.
>i guess if i cared about you i would feel sorry for you.
Like what was that even supposed to mean? You're using text on a slow imageboard, you can afford a few extra minutes to come up with a better way to say you dislike someone, or to say that you're an edgy emo kid, or whatever it was you were trying to get across.


That's cool. Did you know they remove wisdom teeth to keep you mouth breathing and ruin the connection from your left foot to your neck. You're not depressed they simply destroyed your body. Go and get implants you schlubby fucker.

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 No.291139[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Now i don't know if this is madness but can a person like really just be vexxed or cursed to never have a girlfriend ? It's the fact that even when you try it always seems to not go your way, it always goes wrongly, It's fucking insane how much tries you try yet it does not work, it's almost as if there is someone stopping that shit because it's fucking insane how one can keep trying even in any way yet he cannot succeed with getting a succubus.

Do you think there is really some fucking paranormal background to males not having the chance to get a girlfriend even though they do everything that seems to be accepted by Social standards and even break social standards just to get a girlfriend yet with no avail, Even the most handsome yet cannot get it, I remember there was a thread about how people are bound to be lonely well this is a continuation, Do you think there are some who are destined to never have a girlfriend even though it seems absurd ?

Is there anyway to break from this cycle ?
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Fuck ur god


>A w0man alone wont bring you happiness.
>Seek God and He will bring you real happiness


isn't that memegraphic from 4chan? it even has tfw and pepe in it


The Old Man of the Mountain


True, but I just want to point out that autism is not the only neurodivergent thing. There are various traits and personality disorders that can give a man this "paranormal aura".

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Any other Wizards deal with this borderline life ruining condition? I'm so sick of having this incurable disease that totally fucks my life; it's been 6 years now and the longest I've been able to maintain a decent sleep schedule (before midnight) is about a week. I know this is a total shot in the dark, but if anyone knows a way to combat this that isn't some meme-tier sleep hygiene advice it'd be much appreciated. Otherwise, please discuss your mental illness(s) and how they impact you in your day-to-day life.


It runs in my mother's side of the family. I cought those genes and have NEVER been able to sleep. My most crystalized memories of childhood were the long periods of time spent before the sun would finally start illuminating the sky outside the window and I would finally know its over. I'll spare you the life story just take my word for it. Two things have helped me
First) a breathing practice I begin at bed. When you sleep your breathing becomes shallow and longer drawn out. I came up with the idea in my teens to mimic that and just relax but in the beginning I had to struggle to remain relaxed. This doesn't intent to help me fall asleep just mimic. I've tried to use this to transition myself into sleep but it just won't connect BUT it's better than open eyes, staring at the ceiling with a silent mind. Or even worse with a noisy mind. The breathing practice is that simple and I have reaped immense benefits but still know actual sleep can't be replaced.
TWO) in my early twenties, my close friend introduced me to marijuana. At the time I thought it would freak me out so I always turned him down. But one day I tried hitting a joint in a circle. Later I went home and fell asleep. It was amazing. But I don't recommend smoking it because smoke in your lungs is not worth the trouble. INSTEAD GO FOR THE INFUSED DRINKS! I've been using the cannabis infused cola. I take two generous sips and it has a resealable top. Those two sips, followed by brushing, followed by slowly floating down into a comfortable drowse. I feel my eyelids heavier and eventually fall sleep. The can doesn't lose fizz at all and at two sips before bed, it lasts almost a week in the fridge.


I had to change home to sleep again, I was unable to sleep at my parents house


why? at least you live alone now so no one to tell you what to do


I drink a cannabis tincture I make to sleep. Works well enough


this cured my insomnia:
- blue light filter on max 2hrs before bed (blue light absolutely KILLS melatonin production)
- sublingual 0.5mg-2mg melatonin 1hr before sleep (or break it in half and take it 2 and 1hr before)
- do this and wakeup/sleep at the same time everyday consistently and never deviate
thats literally all there is to it. i thought i had insomnia but its literally just the phone (plus inconsistency)
i had to retrain my mind to wilfully go to sleep because it would always never work but now it always does yet i was still conditioned.

i used weed before learning this and it works like a charm the first few times but i really super do not suggest that because you probably cant medicate yourself (i couldnt).

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We're not sure where we came from and even less sure to whence we go to.We are in 24\7 uncertainty about WHEN we will go there, or just suffer a tremendous tragedy (I am aware of the Hedonic Treadmill ,but you could die before it kicks in)–or the opposite, you wait forever till you die (horribly) waiting for an impossibly lucky event to occur and solve your life.
I'm not complaining people are chill: I am ASKING why people are chill.For example I saw a short ad pop-up about medical students still doing their exams in the middle of bombings in Gaza–that isn't praiseworthy, that's lame and stupid shit.They have super high chances of dying within 1, 2 years…they will never get to be doctors no matter how much they ace the exams.
How do normies react around these topics? How do atheist-marxist plebbitors cope with daily soul-crushing jobs for years on end, reeeing at God or Jezz Bezos or whoever, but never ever coming close to offing themselves after offing their boss\es?
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>Why would you ever want to know that?
Where you done come from oughta' paint a good picture of where you're goin', and what baggage you're bringin' with you.



Google "Asch conformity experiment", then google "Milgram experiment", then google "The Third Wave experiment".

They do it like any other ape, dog or rat does it. Mindlessly, following their biological programming to survive and reproduce.


Just like me fr.


Very funny post


I know how you feel, wiz. I've been doing basically the same thing over the past year or so.

>Yet instead of exploring my potential and learning about the world I'm a slave to instant gratification.

Don't feel too bad about it, the world has been twisted into a design that is meant to discourage personal growth and keep people distracted and lazy. It's meant to be very easy to fall into that trap, it becomes even easier if you're pessimistic like I am, then you keep returning to the question 'what's even the point?' Personally, I keep losing hope and drive, at which point I return to my escapism and the hope that death will come soon to release me. It's good to seek out a hobby though, or a project, anything to make you feel like you're working on yourself and accomplishing something.

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Working in dementia wards and retirement homes, I've come to wonder if an increased life expectancy is not necessarily a good thing and we're just prolonging human suffering.

It seems like for most of history, if you had something wrong with you, you were quickly filtered off and didn't suffer too long. The congenitally sickly and disabled typically died early on as children, and if you got unwell in your 40s, 50s or 60s you typically died. Even things like Schizophrenia had a much shorter suffering period as you inevitably hurt yourself and got an infection, now schizos are kept alive until they die in their 50s or 60s.

Could it be that modern society has it wrong and having a leaner, meaner filter keeps the population fit and healthy? It seems like the burden of wah wah existentialism comes from living too long as well, as the whole literary movement is correlated with life expectancy starting to rise in Europe.


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I have thought about that before. I'd say you're right.


Solution: Give every citizen at the age of XX (2X) a free pill in a neutral envelope. Don't wait for a proposal, just send it to everyone generally. It's up to them whether to take it or not. This would solve all our problems.


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I also work in a similar environment. It makes me depressed to see all these old people who never get visitors and spend their days in chronic pain and misery, occasionally sitting in their own shit and kept alive because they have an advance directive that says to keep them alive written by their kids who have power of attorney and made it happen but also never visit or give a shit about them.
Kinda makes me wish we had pic related or something.

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There's nothing to do. Nobody to talk to. Nothing to experience in my prison-neighbourhood. I live in a multi dimensional prison and I'm slowly going insane. This thread will die while some faggot self improvement/coomer thread will hit bump limit.

Just share personal stories and feels in this thread I guess.
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>Lurk on dead hikikomori imageboards
link to them please?


If seriously, I know only
>Hello hikkach. How many of you are read-only? Why are you read-only
https://rfch.rocks/rf/index.html Моё почтение всем девственникам 30 лет и старше. >My respect to all 30-years of age and older virgins!


>its in russian
nevermind, thankyou


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I always had a connection to Russia. I'm East European myself (Hungarian) but Russia just seems like my homeland: it's depressing, poor and corrupt, rife with alcoholism/drug addiction (specifically opiates) deathly cold winters and surrounded by forests. I feel the spirit of my ancestors when I'm in the woods, it's calming and forces me to deeply respect it. It's sad the state Russia is in right now.


I watch this one guy doing RE 4 speedruns for many years. I don't come often, but it always keeps me calm. He is close to my age. Till this day, he didn't change his manners, his stream outlook. It calms me down. I am mostly a lurker though. But it calms me down seeing that this man never changes his ways. There's nothing quite like it.

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 No.291724[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

You always make threads of "I will never be pretty enough", "I will never have a job because I am ugly", "I am horrible :(". Everything related to physical appearance, and complexes. The truth is already unpleasant, and pathetic that men , and especially chaste men, give importance to something as trivial as appearance.
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And this is why men have been gang pressed and conscripted and forced to die all throughout history to the benefit of succubi who aren't, because we actually live in a "patriarchy" that benefits men at succubi's expense? You subhuman clown, fuck you.


So he was meant to fight someone wielding a knife, disarm them like an anime character and break their wrists? Are you people real?

This is why being a wizard means nothing, no empathy or respect, just callous strongman posturing and dismissal of lived experiences, no different to the response of your average pleb on the street.


>So he was meant to fight someone wielding a knife, disarm them like an anime character and break their wrists?
Absolutely. I haven't read the thread yet but I can say that in any fight-or-flight situation, fighting is the only option for a man. Kill kill kill


You have two legs, two hands, and a thinking brain, you can learn and work. You can be fine.


Men and succubi are different, but our similarities are greater than our differences, so it is important to have empathy and understand why succubi care so much about their appearance, and know how this can affect the life of a succubus.

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 No.286861[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Suicide general, - Discuss everything suicide related here.
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are you trying to kill yourself with this plant?


Yeah, poison hemlock and some opiate sedative is an effective and easy self euthanasia method. It's what they historically used to euthanize the elderly. The opiate keeps you sedated and calm, the hemlock freezes your breathing and you just suffocate.

I'm not sure about how I'll go about acquiring an opiate, do you think enough codine would do the job? I guess I can find some poppy seeds to grow.


>freezes your breathing and you just suffocate.

that will be painful


It's considered one of the more peaceful methods of going, it's what they used for euthanasia in ancient times. If you're passed out when the paralysis kicks in it's exactly like dying in your sleep, it's like pneumonia, one of the best death's a person can have.


I've spent three days looking for it now and it's just nowhere to be seen. I'm going to try going further out into the countryside to find it.

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Those in the older, successful and beloved part of the family seems to demand respect from those "beneath" them.
Yet they feel no need to respect anyone and blatantly disrespect and violate boundaries.
However, if you dare to return this behavior in kind, they will act like you are the one in the wrong.

Your sibling keeps pranking and annoy you, tell them you had enough, everyone just dismiss you telling you to learn to take a joke. Eventually when you snap and beat your sibling. Your parents will lecture you how this is not an acceptable response to someone merely pranking you, completely dismissing that this response was provoked. Then force you to apologize to the one provoking you!

Your parents berate you for failing the first year of uni, they even suggest that maybe you just too dumb and should dropout. You retort with that you don't care about the opinions of some high school dropouts and they can shove their opinions up their asses. You get told you have a horrible attitude, if you keep this up no one will bother to criticize and steer you in the right direction in the future.

I don't care what they think, if they won't respect me, I won't respect them. Who needs their dumb advice anyway? I can figure things out on my own. If they can berate and call you names, you can do the same thing to them.
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Very likely that you ended up that way as a result of their influence


Don't blame the player. Blame the game.


Looks like added-noise artifacting from "upscaling" on modern TVs, but I'm not sure how that would wind up represented in a screenshot off a PC media player.


They decided to have him, forcing him to live, therefore it is their moral obligation.


Just because you live under their roof, doesn't mean you should let them push you around either. Do some chores? sure no problem! letting them berate you over petty things? they can fuck off!
>why are you wasting time drawing? that is an useless hobby and won't pay the bills!
>says the guy who spend his free time binge watching tv, tell me how your hobby pay the bills?
Do people literally expect family members to just let you berate and disrespect them with no form of push back?


If you have absolutely nothing to strive for, no goal to work towards, no future you can imagine yourself in. If you know that you will never get anything you desire and that you will never be happy or fulfilled.
How is anyone expected to function like this? I can't kill myself because I don't have the balls. So I still have to work and go through life. But how?

Some people have different ways to cope with their situation, but I don't have any. One of the most powerful copes seems to be religion, but I simply can't believe. I know it's all made up and can't convince myself otherwise.
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Forced to play Oblivion forever…


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>be eternaloblivion believer
>work 8 hours a day+ up to 3 extra (commute, winding down, preparing, lunch break, etc)
>pay taxes
>never gonna retire, nor own a home, nor (if United Statian) have all needs covered to the point being homeless isn't an option ie; homelessness IS only one major accident away
>have to pay ambulance rides , can't sleep under a tree in the park at night, boomers live like petty kings and shit on you 24\7
>estranged from blood relatives- can't get a real spouse - can't afford pet
if it was ME whom believe in that shit of oblivion and eternal or, rather, non-temporal nothingness and cessation of all Qali…well. I wouldn't be so tame let's say.


I really should replay Oblivion


>I can't kill myself because I don't have the balls.

This is my problem. I don't even want to get better at this point, I literally just want to die. All I want is to either not be so fucking deformed or to be able to just die. I pray for cancer every day.

I've tried hanging myself, I've tried it so many times. I hope burning myself alive in my bedroom will be the way. Simply douse myself in petrol and just light myself up. I'll scream for a few minutes, collapse, and then the fire around me will consume me within minutes.

I thought about doing it in the forest but the idea of cats and rats munching on my still alive body terrifies me. I have a strong survival instinct, it's hard, but I'm just going to suffer staying alive.


you DO know cancer will, most probably, contribute significantly to your deformity, right?
You will weight like 30 kilos and be full of surgery scars and be bald -and not in the cholo gangster way, the ugly way-
Do you have a lot of cash for painkillers and\or a great healthcare plan? cancer isn't an instakill and it hurts much more than you ever felt pain.
>t. knows a bit about cancer

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