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I went to the college today for some work regarding documentation and met a "friend", people in the college have nothing to talk about except bitches. The "friend" in question screamed my name from afar, later came running, and told me he has scored a bitch. Showed me a photo of a bitch and him cuddling. What is more shocking is that the guy is also kinda below average in looks but extremely out going to the point he just sleeps when he's at home.

I didn't know what I was supposed to respond like good for you, I guess. But now I am thinking maybe he did it purposefully, like he knows that someone who looks like me can't get love and sex. And hypothetically if I ever get sex, I probably won't be able to get it hard, and even if I do get it hard, I won't be able to cum cause of my tight foreskin, frenulum breve, and OCD.

I wonder if he somehow guessed that I had an inability to get sex or do sex which is why he rubbed it in my face, other times some other "friends" of mine also talk about their girlfriends infront of me and how cool is this and that.

Are normies just like this or do they do it on purpose with me?


was she beautiful?
also it's hard to tell, some are geniune and just want to share their lovestiry with others but some want to make you feel uncomformtable. to know if they rubb it in your face you must recall a moment if your friend did something like that to annoy you or has a two face personnality


regular normies are pretty chill. the more successful they are, the less they feel like they need to prove so these types of games are only played by the borderline failed normies like your "friend". they don't have a stable sense of self so they constantly need admiration and approval from others, or simply dunking on those perceived lower than them. they're the types to fight over a succubus or get into bar fights over someone dissing them because they can't afford to look like a loser because it activates all their insecurities so they deal with it with aggression and being an attention whore.


1. it wasnt about you at all. It was about him.
2. youre a normalfag for having frineds bcs I have 0


Yup, she seemed above average.
Could be, the friend in question however doesn't seem like a failed normie but just one of those guys who seem to stay out. Or as you said he could be doing this to show that he's not a failed normie.
My only friend is a virgin, fat, acne-ridden, glasses wearing person. Just like me. Although he's unaware of the blackpill and wizardry. All in all he seems to be happy with his life so I keep my peace and don't blackpill him. Ignorance is bliss and all. As for other people, like the one I mentioned, he's an annoyance and nothing more.


It is normal for your friends to want to show you their achievements, for the average person, and even more so if they are ugly it is difficult for them to find a partner, so it is important to them.

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My laptop died several weeks ago and I got no money to buy a new one, I have been doing nothing but going on long walks daily and looking at walls, I even hate using my smart phone (that i mostly only used to call my mother at work) anyone like me?
also, poorfag NEET general maybe?


Have you Tried not being poor?


>>297207 do you know where you are?


You have no idea how hard it's getting a job when you lack higher education and connections, I been trying to get a shitty job in over 5 years and non of these places want to hire me.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


Closing the thread because OP is just talking to himself.


I'm going to make this post very concise, and try to avoid rambling. I'm terrified of death: mortality itself, dying process, what may be after (punishment of some sort\duration for me, likely. if there's nothing I wont be there to notice..but RT the idea of nothing is uncomfy). Anyways Im almost deciding to become a professional insufferable person and mooch off my parents, demand they give me a given big amount of money, start being chastely desperate with everyone, take big risks, try new experiences, sleep almost nothing, etc
What to do? Therapists are s* for this; they literally will make me COPE. they can't erase my Mortality.
>how do I proceed? what to do?
>how do I manage my savings\ job\ investments, in view of me being liable to die ,ANY day?
>I don't think it's fair a corpse should make the living incur expenses. how can I have my body NOT receive any funeral \burial nor cremation,\ etc?


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You can delay death by being healthy.
While you're alive, you may as well find ways to have fun.

But remember that everyone else is in the exact same situation as you in regards of mortality.
There is no way to be sure if death is the end. Nothing in this world is ever lost, can only change form, so it's best to assume you will have to go through life again.
So try not to perpetuate harm and suffering.

But for now, focus on the first two points.


I'm already very healthy (no drugs, no alcohol, no s*x, 9 hours sleep, healthy air, etc) and yes, I DO try to have nice clean fun; but at the moment the fun ends (for example: I finish all available episodes of an anime) the dopamine crush is terrible; or when I when I just arrive home after eating out a nice meal, so on. those few seconds of "it's over..now remains the Void"
For some reason I seem to have an altruistic nature. i enjoy helping others and can't bring myself to be mean and violent (unless severely provoked).


yeah i lift weights when i get those moments


This post is completely incoherent to me

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 No.294941[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post here when you don't have enough to say for a topic and it's too depressing for the general crawl thread.
Previous: >>291261
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It's not that simple because drinking is a shitty part of my national culture, and a "manly" thing to do. If I say I don't drink, my family will think I'm either a faggot or I have an "alcohol problem" because teetotalers are mostly alcoholics who can't have any or they'll relapse. But I guess you're right, I shouldn't give a fuck and take their stupid shit like a man.

not easy to ghost a drunk family member who barges into my room and physically drags me out of my chair


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I started getting up earlier because I thought it'd be good for me - it's actually the opposite. I feel more pressure to be productive but don't have any real clue what to do and feel no inclination to do it. Without a purpose it just feels masochistic. It's not even that it was hard to go to sleep or get up on time, just that it felt weird and bad, very demoralizing. Peak NEET hours are the early morning (1am - 5am), only time I feel comfy, like it justifies my existence.


Have made the same observation for myself. I usually get up around 7:30-8:00 but tried waking up at 6:00. It was okay during late summer but waking up when it's dark out is just fucking demoralizing.


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Coping with overthinking the future and its anxieties becomes harder when you lose interest in the things you used to use to occupy your time with, since you 're no longer capeable of just forgetting about it and distracting your self with something else, it just become you and your own thoughts all the time.


cant stop watching gore

[Last 50 Posts]

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 No.292925[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I would like to be with a being with whom I can share everyday moments, to have a being to worry about, in which I can capture the most beautiful part of my being, to whom I can show my vulnerable parts, express my deepest emotions, and show them really who I am. But who am I really? Even in an anonymous forum, I would say he is a great guy, who went through some things, but who despite everything never gave up, someone who always wants the best for others, and who has an optimistic vision even in the most difficult moments. hard And although in a certain way the above is not a lie, the reality is that there is an uncivilized being inside me, someone so disgusting and unpleasant that I don't even like to admit that we are the same person, and hypocritically, whether consciously or unconsciously. , I pretend it doesn't exist. But this is an undeniable reality, and although it is something that can be hidden, it is something that I would never share with anyone, much less voluntarily. I prefer to be a hermit secluded from all social contact rather than show this part of my being. I'm not going to lie to you, life alone is not the best thing in the world, and it has some associated problems, but it is not something completely bad either, and it helps to value things, self-esteem, one's own thoughts, and leave aside vain issues. like social norms, or what someone outside of us may or may not think of us.
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I can't even how stupid you are. It sure is easy for some, but nearly impossible for others, especially in these times where technology has made the human male obsolete. It's not easy for everyone, there is a strong inequality based on factors you have little to no power over, and that's the main reason for these crab threads.


It is incredibly easy for any guy to land a succubus friend, to make in to a wife, to then procreate with. Of course if you have high standards for females or if you consider basic shit like having a job and not being doped down on SSRIs to be a herculean task, then yeah, tough shit.
>especially in these times where technology has made the human male obsolete
This just shows how shallow your view of succubi and humanity is. If technology has made men obsolete, then silicone production has made succubi obsolete. So buy an onahole if you're butthurt that you can't fuck a stacy who will suck you off while you play Terraria.


Are you literally a succubus, or did you learn from one to talk like that? Because that shallow, dismissive, "not my problem, not here to make you happy" thinking is very typical of succubi. Also the speed with which you replied to a sage post shows that you have this thread open and are waiting for replies. You really like getting attention, don't you?


>admin just posted
>you post this minutes later
Oh so you're Admin then


It's relatively simple, The question here is whether it is worth it . Apart from that, on social networks the succubi have many followers and people who send them messages in real life,

[Last 50 Posts]


I'm a thirdworlder loser, I can barely make enough half decently eat monthly.

My father fell sick, due this he's now slowly loosing his sight due cataracts.

I begin to see grey spots in my vision recently, I thought it was because of my lack of sleep. But isn't getting better and sometimes I feel this mild headache like somebody is pressing his finger in my head.

I don't know what I'll do if I fell sick to..

I want to leave, die, and disappear but I can't while my dad is still alive.
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What does a third worlder like you do on a website where majority of people hate third worlders?


No matter how much you hate third worlders, it will never be nearly as close to how much they hate themselves.


uhh anon you are not the majority


Hating one's conditions ≠ Hating oneself


No, they hate themselves. I'd bet at least half of the posts hating third worlders are by third worlders themselves.

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maybe all this is just a dream, a very long bad dream. this current era these people with no empathy for one another, this corrupt government and this polarization is just getting to me.

will it still come to me if i close myself off from the rest of the world wizards????


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It was all by design. You can pick your poison: Freemasonry, the Jesuits, Kabbalah, תיקון עולם, the Enkidu Gambit, Rothschilds, DEI, ESG, AGI, the written word, single-family zoning, Industrial Revolution, Stanford Prison Experiment, giving the third-world Internet access, Portrait Mode video, geoengineering, gratuity fees at restaurants, doomscroll algorithms… There is more good than bad in the material world, hence why one ought to retreat even if it seems counter-intuitive to all known rationale.


it really feels like it has become a bad dream within the last 15 or so years, and a very very bad dream within the last 3-4. the satanic jewish propaganda matrix we live under is enough to drive any aware person insane. but you can preserve your sanity by eating well, exercising (even just a little), not dwelling overmuch on bad things, getting good sleep, limiting contact with media lies, etc.

Freemasonry = anti-monarchical jews
Jesuits = jews installed around (((Rodrigo Borgia))) to insulate and protect his counterfeit papacy
Kabbalah = judaised neo-platonism
Tikkun Olam = jewish messianism and the hope for a one-world government
Enkidu Gambit = jewish mgtow/blackpill demoralisation purposed to keep the sexes apart
Red Shields/Rothschilds = psycho wealthy jews causing problems for many
DEI = jewish propaganda initiative meant to drown out whites
ESG = jewish climate change nonsense meant to limit the goyim's ability to travel
AGI = complete jewish hoax just like the kosher scam that is "quantum computing"

….all the other things too tired to respond to.

but yes there is more good than bad. however eliminating the influence of a certain group might help to lessen the preponderating evil that is suffocating us all.


I'm trying to quit porn (cold turkey) and 90% of the content I've seen online has been:

1. an anecdote from someone who has already succeded in quitting

2. an ad for an app

3. people who aren't addicted to porn talking about porn addiction

Is this shit just a grift? I want to hear about it from people who are actually struggling with it, not annoying liberal psychiatrists or infographics.

Please help me, I don't want to be like this anymore
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People have been obsessed with it all throughout history, most americans still mutilate their children just to decrease masturbatory pleasure


This is actually common. People get tired of fucking the same person especially if they are fat/annoying etc


I quit porn bro
stay strong, you can do it. anything is possible.


Good on you anon, you escaped the trap and no longer poisoning yourself.


When I try to quit porn, I always had these strange dreams where all kinds of fantasies come to my mind and make me ejaculate. The worst part is these dreams feels kinda real and I think entities such as succubus are a thing (not only the flesh succubi females, but esoteric beasts too)


Being neurodivergent in this world is a fucking death sentence. This world does not and will never understand what it's like to think the way that we do and will keep themselves in constant willful ignorance from here to kingdom come. Forcing us to get worse into mental health issues until we go actually insane and do something drastic, but even then we'll still be demonized and everything because again…willful ignorance. I can't stand this planet.
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Governments actually do. I remember seeing one western government specifically seek out autists for forensic accounting. It turns out that mulling over numbers all day looking for slight discrepancies is what they're good for.


Yup, pattern recognition is one of the strongest autistic powers


And these highly specified tasks requiring pattern recognition all will be made superfluous in the near past because of AI.


is anyone going to watch out for abuse of AI? watch for downplaying some things and emphasizing other things?
i guess we are going to just let the powers that be do their minor adjustments to society, like they always have been doing


Well what else are we gonna fucking do? There's not a lot of us here! Even if there were we're outnumbered heavily, so we'll just get bullied into the ground like we always do. We lose either way.


This is something that has been happening for a while, earlier I used to speak my opinions and type my opinions on the internet.

I was good at speaking, good at putting my point forwards, good at arguing, was witty and could think of replies to questions or things almost instantly.

These days it's like I have forgotten how to speak or even write. Like my parents are abusive, and earlier I was able to write/type down my feelings about my parents. But now, it's like someone asks me "How are they abusive?", I just can't explain anymore.

And this is a very recent phenomenon. Like I can't even type and be an internet keyboard warrior online.

I no longer put my opinion forwards, I no longer have anything left to say, I just don't understand what's happening with me. Like earlier I used to always have something to say, could always carry a conversation offline and online. But now I just do nothing and have nothing to say.

Is there anyone who has suffered from this? Is there any way to cure this? I need to cure this so that I can fit in better in professional and interpersonal world. So that I can earn money to feed myself and at least have some irl friends to shoot the shit with.
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I think it's much more likely that you subconsciously recognized that talking about these things and arguing never really changes anything substantially, it doesn't improve your life, you know that you held and hold the truths about these matters but repeating the arguments and shit talking and talking about for the sake of proving something to yourself simply became obsolete and useless. You need to replace these things, which in the mean time you have positively answered and proved to yourself and which don't need more elaboration and time waste, with new, useful things that improve your life instead of lamenting and be in self pity.


I think it's partly what you said that there is nothing I could accomplish just by talking about them, but it is frustrating not being able to explain my predicament, like someone online asked me "How exactly were your parents abusive?" and it's frustrating as I can't write down the answers.


Any ideas on how I can regain the skill to elaborate my thoughts clearly while writing or speaking? I didn't had this problem earlier, as earlier I was able to do all of this quite easily.


It's spirits all the way down, spirits give the ability to do many things. You've lost a spirit of clear thinking or writing or something. I've experienced somewhat the same issue, and got a taste of it back. Take heart, your condition is easily fixed, but will depend on your submission.


The thing is that it extends to other areas of life as well, earlier I could easily handle conversations with my colleagues and friends, I didn't stutter, I was always kind of chatty, I loved to talk and put my point forwards and listen to people (even if they were normies) but now when I sit with my colleagues, they look at me weird because oftentimes now I just sit completely silent, and it's like I have nothing to say, and the truth is I have forgotten how to talk.

Dare I say, I was good at speaking English as well, I could always make points in this language as good as I could do in my native language, I could seamlessly translate stuff between two languages in the back of my head. But now I struggle to structure basic sentences in English.

And the thing it's not just that this has happened to me while speaking. I used to play a game of cards with my friends, and I could remember the cards used successfully in the back of my head, I always felt in control, I felt at ease while playing the games, but now when I try to play these same games again, I can't remember my own cards in front of me.

So the consequences of whatever kind of problem that I am suffering from are wide reaching, and honestly I would love to talk to someone who has had the same problem and overcame it. I have even gotten worse at driving for some reason, my motor skills have been impacted too.

All of this happened very quickly over past 3-4 years when I was NEETing, I admit during this period, I didn't get out of my room much, and also I have had situations which have warranted serious stress out of me, keeping me awake at nights.

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