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Will probably delete this but had a terrible week (not that I'm not used to it by now) but I was asked to take care of a cat for someone down the street and the first week everything went fine. I fed it emptied the litter box but one night I accidentally left the garage door it used to get in and out too high and noticed something else got in. Since then I haven't seen the cat but last night (almost 2 weeks after) I found the poor things body underneath where he sleeps. I had only gone over twice in about a week and a half due to a cop giving me a speeding ticket for going 7 over the speed limit and my boss at work saying I had to meet for disciplinary action but refusing to say why other than my "behavior". I feel so bad that I killed someones pet and don't know what to do. I had also just planned my first vacation ever after over a decade of wage slaving but I can't take it now because I would be staying with the persons pet I killed for 2 weeks. I was honestly having a hard time not wanting to kill myself as it is and now I just don't know what to do. Cats have been one of the few things that have ever been nice to me and I killed one being irresponsible and preoccupied with my own problems, I feel so bad having killed someones pet kitty.


destroy the body and just claim the cat ran away, that way you dont get blamed for killing it.
good luck bro, also my condolences.


I don't get how did you killed the cat?

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36 years old Wizard here with Schizophrenia living with mom (dad died a long time ago) I don't have any qualifications or income I am disabled and there is no NEETbux in my under developed country my hairline is receding due to how much I stress on my future in every single hour once my mom passes away I will be beyond doomed nobody in my family will support me they all live far away and they can barely support their own survival let alone to support another useless eater my mom already has health issues but nothing too severe (yet) is it possible to turn my life around in this late ago? people say "it's never too late" God I wish my parents never gave birth to me I heard stories og people who spent decades in prison and left by their 40s and still ended up starting a business and buying a house but I can tell it's an abnormal case once you enter your 30s without any skills qualifications or are capeable of work the chance of you being capeable of turning your life around becomes too small.
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If OP is like me, he better forget those stories about young entrepreneurs opening new bussinesses for the mere sake of keeping up with the modern world. He stop trying on and on about finding somewhere to fit in as a wagie.

I insist on this being important knowledge, not so important for the usual normie but us… we are mostly living a continuous crisis. Some of you may find it quite casual, some others could receive a very much needed enlightenment about their circumstances.


It feels like the more I get older the more the world becomes shittier


I'm finding that my thoughts in my 30s have become severely mentally ill. Such frequent thoughts torment me. Flashes of memories from painful experiences many times a day, maybe hundreds, where I relive them. A general sense of unease. Mood swings, clash regularly. Horribly, pessimistic thoughts; A sense of impending doom. Then: countless times a day I insult myself and curse how stupid I am.

I never realized this but… every experience you have leaves a mark on your psyche. The longer you live, the more marks. Eventually, you are completely ravaged by what you've been through… Even if your body survives a near death experience… I have almost died many times now. I have been through immense stress. Having to fight for my survival. My experiences have left me mentally broken. Yet, I persist because that is what living things do.


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It feels so surreal to be 30+.

I remember browsing this site in my early 20s and the life people described of being 30yo and still living with parents jobless felt so horrible I thought there was no way I could let it get that bad. But the years somehow snuck up on me. I don't have memory problems yet I can't remember what I did all these years. It feels so impossible to waste so much time doing absolutely nothing and making 0 progress of any kind.

Life with aging and time moving relentlessly feels unlivable if you are always aware of it. You learn from your mistakes but then you get older and opportunities decrease so what does that help? If I could go back 15 years I think I could fix my life but now my body hurts, I got no energy, all the financial support you get when you are young is gone and everyone has expectations of me now because of my age and it will only get worse. And on top of that now is the worst time to be weak in this social and financial climate.


>It feels so surreal to be 30+.
It was better to be a wizard as an early millennials (and earlier up to a point). They had their niches basically untouched because normalfags thought they were shit for losers and had no way to exploit them for their own ends.

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To value or not to value, To care or not to care, Do we truly care that much about our value that we defend it with any possible way, But to what extent ? What will we garner from showering with praises and value, A temporary feeling of having worth ? It all fades away after a period of time and you have to do that all again, Like anything in life, Everything fades away, That love that disillusioned you at that first sight fades away after 1 month if the other person doesn’t reciprocate, That’s the same as your value, If you don’t give more to your value then the other person will just get bored, Boredom is our nemesis in this world.
We truly love to wallow in our shit and feces and believe that we’re different than the other person, That we’re different than the other insipid and superficial people, But that’s the same as the other barn of shit that others pile in too and believe they’re better than you, All in for the same ending, For the same pointless and meaningless argument to escape the feeling of being “normal”, of being “mid”, of not having any specialities in this World, We fear that we will be perceived as lower, But in reality the damage is already done, We literally diminish our principles in other to not be perceived as lower by others, That’s just wallowing in the shit of the other person. For what is the worth of a person who died right now as you’re reading this ? For what is the worth of a person living in extreme poverty ? A person living in harsh condition, or someone getting tortured by the mafia right now.. Etc, They have more value than people who consider themselves high and almighty, Hell even a garbage collector holds more value than anyone who has “Villas, Cars, money… etc” Because they’re exploring life in their own condition, And the garbage collector is doing something for society, We just give value to ourselves because we’re pitiful and rely so much on another person’s praise to not fall, But you will fall and the fall will be so hard that you will cease to exist in another person’s eyesight. You can easily trick others by giving them value and watch them as they spiral down into madness when you cease to give them any value, People are evil, They rely on others to give them a shoulder to be another’s shoulder and when that shoulder carrying them ceases to exist, they fall because they were used to standing on the other’s shoulder.

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Do you have good or bad experiences in your host country or do you feel accepted or tolerated in the society of the country? Have you had problems because you were a foreigner? Can you tell us about them?
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Yeah I am going to school but I am not sure if I am going to get a job. Seems to be very hard at this moment.


Nah just light skin and black hair.

This is enough for me to be targeted by non-white people trying to use the racism card while I am at work.

I had a couple of stories from retail about those events but that is a story for another day and isn't that interesting.


It might be that because I don't go outside that much, my skin is far more pale than even my parents.



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Yea, my family's Hungarian but my parents came to Australia in the 90's. I have blonde hair and green eyes and look mostly Australian but people can still tell I'm a foreigner sometimes. I have dual citizenship and can speak Hungarian but I'm not very nationalistic over a post-soviet shithole with almost no accomplishments. I feel a bit of envy over the rich upper-class whites here; my family's from a poor area here so we have to deal with druggies and shit, it sucks but you get used to it. I can't really complain too much though, the only major difference is that the only family I have are the ones I live with. Also no, I haven't had any major problems being eastern european here.

My family are refugees from the Hungarian Revolution basically, although my parents never talk about it; I'm 22 and I still have almost no idea what happened besides my mom's birth certificate lists her as born in Austria and she had to go into hiding from the government at one point - probably explains why they're so fucking neurotic.

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Does anyone else live like they will have another chance at life despite not being religious? I am so displeased with my starting point in life and how much better others have it without needing to put in any effort that I mentally checked out and have been a low-effort hedonist focusing on being comfortable with the least effort in the moment. Like refusing to play an unbalanced game. But there is no alternative, no one is going to balance life. I'm still in disbelief that this will be the only way I get to experience life. Born in times of great technological progress and opportunity but unable to enjoy it.
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I've felt like I'm waiting for something for a very long time. Since I was 10, maybe even 8 years old. I distinctly remember when I was at that age, I said to my mom "I feel like I'm waiting for something". Now I've pinned it down to pretty much what OP described. There is now point in putting all the effort when what is going to happen, will happen anyway. What that will be, I don't know, but I have a strong feeling that it will be like a great reset - nothing up to that point will matter, and the outcome will be the same no matter what. So I'd rather just enjoy my time until then.


Nah, some are aware of it. The only reason I don't kill myself as an autist is because I realize how lucky I was to be born into a western country with generous Neetbucks for life (permanent disability).

In a third world country I wouldn't even be alive.

So even if there is rebirth in some form, I get to prolong a comfy existence for at least 80-100 years and postpone being born as a rat or slum indian who has to scavenge garbage for sustenance.

(And I don't loathe those people - I'm just scared of that fate, and grateful it wasn't bestowed upon me)


what country? how hard was it getting permabux for autism? im in the uk and i reckon i could swing it somehow


Retarded argument. Human existence is nothing but an attempt to rid ourselves of these naturally imposed horrors. Carnivores and herbivores balance each other out in the bigger picture. Rich/poor, west/rest are just a result of some form of 'winners' externalizing the cost of their winning to those with less power and then solidifying that difference in power. Such a thing could not happen in the natural world. The reason we suffer so much is because we know that things could be different if the human soul weren't such an ugly thing.


yeah we could easily have a utopia if it wasn't for greedy bitches who always want more, to be better than the rest, to be #1

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i'm 27, i live with my parents, i don't have a job and to be honest i don't give a fuck anymore. i would have wanted to move out 5 years ago, when i had a ton of ambitions, but my fuckin overprotective mother didn't give me a hint of freedom. now they hate me just for being. like everyone else. i used to be good at history and wanted to move in that direction, and now i'm NEET who spends all my free time on the internet and goes to the store once a week. i hate them for not letting me realize myself in a life that i don't see any point in right now.
thank u mom
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I relate to the section about overly-protective parents lashing at you years later for HOW they raised you and blaming you as if it's your fault, impossible to reason with them.


i hate it when they accuse me of my lack of independence. like, mom, u didn't give me the opportunity to be independent.


>its too dangerous to go ride your bike outside with the other kids, 10 year old anon


they tell you "be a man, do not blame other people for your problems"
but parenting is the foundtion of everything, it can make a sky-ground difference in the kind of person you end up becoming in the future.

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i have no reason to live anymore. ask me anything.

- no, i will not kill myself
- yes, i have tried hobbies
- no, i am not diagnosed with depression
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Keep going, nothing to lose right? The disgust of the female form hits immediately. The male divinity is supreme, and if you practice the arts (magick), you experience weird shit. Shaman dreams, succubus attacking you, feeling like absolute shit, psychical/mental withdrawls. Yes, you give up addiction and heavy priced pleasure for the the weird ways. The easy peasy method really helped me in this. Anyways fuck porn.


fucking hell I thought I was the only one. after a few days the habitual urges were already pretty much gone and I flatlined completely. I got back into pmo but mostly due to boredome more than actual horniness. planning on quitting for good though


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He isn't addicted though, he just happened to not jerk off for 30 days because he didn't feel like it. If you don't buy into the nofap cult brainrot beforehand you'll notice there's actually no benefits because it's all in your head. You'll also notice there's much crossover with deranged /pol/tards who think it's a Jewish plot to keep da whit man down. The creator of the easy peasy method is also a male feminist who thinks men watching porn are going around beating up succubi, as if violent media causes violence, so he's a retard, grifting off other gullible retards and making a brand for himself.

The only thing which makes me feel alive is doing something which contributes to my goals, like getting better at a hobby, whether I fap or not is irrelevant. If your goal is: people on the internet said I shouldn't touch me willy, and you *want* to attribute everything good in life to not shooting ropes, of course, you'll get the desired effect. That doesn't make it true, though. Self-reported testimonials are not hard data.


Look i understand where you coming from. I'm not antifap, mast can def be healthy. PORN is not, atleast for me. It actually caused me severe physical withdrawls like an opiod addict. My stomach is finally getting better after years looking at the cause. My aches are disappearing. It's like a fucking drug. I will never touch that poison again. I'm just saying if you are depressed, feeling like shit and you a porn user. Try going without. And no it doesn't mean fapping. PMO is the problem here. I was on the other side for years belittling antiporn wizzies. But they are right. The easy peasy method is great for deconstructing the need for porn, dont give a fuck about feminist it's bad for females blablabla. It says it's a DRUG and you an addict, everything the brain thinks of tricking you back into it. And yes even boredom is a need to get that insta dopa fix. Do what you want if you happy with it and you can live and have it under control. I never could and never will. I'm better without that's all that matters.


you have some sort of core problem with self-control. You should work on that directly instead of focusing on porn as one particular manifestation of your weakness

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How old are you? What brought you to where you are? What prevents you from changing?
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are you learning C.S?
I have some experience with C.S courses, basically if you are not willing to put maximum effort and practice coding for 10 hours each day OUTSIDE of your classes, then you are doomed, it's a skill based major, companies value your skills way more than your degree, when you apply for a job at google corpo, they will give you an algorithmic equation or ask you build a project for them to test your skills, I only suggest people who are willing to put all their free time into it to get into it.


>How old are you?
>What brought you to where you are?
Twisted perception of the world since forever. No one in my entourage can't read my way of thinking.
Childhood : The classic, constantly bullied, self image disorder, undiagnosed autism, beaten by both classmates and parents. But it was mostly deserved. Grew up poor didn't help.
Teenager : losing friends, social anxiety becomes worse, doing some misdemeanors, but somehow having good grades. Had a failed suicide attempt.
Adulthood : no friend at all but it is good as it is, KHV, the classic again. Balding at 25. Have a shitty, underpaid IT job. Never gone neet, but I'll probably rope myself if that happens. Anyway I still want to exit life but I have not enough resolve nor access to firearms.
>What prevents you from changing?
No self-discipline, health decline beyond repair, unfixable body, short-temper. Living on autopilot for at least 25 years.


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Not the other guy but I'm in C.S. and where I live it's basically a requirement to get some sort of computer related office job (beyond a basic excel sheet filling job or whatever). Unless you have a degree or finished an apprenticeship in something related, you won't get the job in 98% of cases. But I agree that if you want to get into programming, you have to be excited about the process of programming itself cause most of the time you will be coding nonsense globohomo projects with no real value.

26yo apprentice
>why am I here
Social rejection from middle school onward. Became convinced early on that humans are an ugly, evil species and we're stuck in a system where we do meaningless labour for most of our waking hours and get nothing out of it besides the privilege of continuing to work. Retreated into my room, started living on the computer. Got by in school but am struggling to finish my degree now. Relationship with parents is good, we live in a large house and I never have anyone over so I never had any reasons to move out or "make something" of myself.
>why won't I change
I am convinced that we will experience absolute ecological and following that economical and social collapse within our lifetimes. There is nothing out of life that I want that I don't already have. I am reasonably content with reading books, going on walks and such. I'm lucky as it is to live in my current circumstances. I have no hope, no positive outlook for the future and as such, zero motivation to change.


>I am convinced that we will experience absolute ecological and following that economical and social collapse within our lifetimes.
why bother working hard for your future, when everything points to disasters?
better to live for the day and enjoy life while it's enjoyable


>How old are you?

>What brought you to where you are?

Many things. Maybe it has something to do with my mother being depressed ever since I known her. Maybe it has something to do with my dad being a workaholic and thus I never really had a parent, just people who gave me food, clothes and a place to sleep, but where never there. Maybe it has something to do with my brother, who constantly bullied and beaten me almost every day.

What prevents you from changing?

Idk what to call it, maybe it would be bipolar but I don't get anything moment of betterment, just forgetting why I am depressed. And when I become depressed I don't wanna do anything, nothing brings me joy and I get to waste one of the few days off work laying in bed sulking in nothingness because out of no where, nothing makes me happy, I am a shitty person who will never reach my dreams and I should just die. And when this stupid passing phase ends, I don't feel any better, I just get to ignore what is making me depressed.


Last time I mentioned that I have 2 weeks to kms someone asked if I have a test or something in school. Let me tell you something interesting. I won't talk about my life story but I will enlighten you how bad life can get and what real suicide out of necessity means.
I will tell you only the immediate reasons of my forced suicide:
1. Sick with infinite diseases and often in such pain that I want to stab myself or jump out the window. Can't eat walk make money or function for years due to this. Feel like I can die at any moment. I've been shitting black last few days which means internal bleeding.
2. I am broke and in infinite debt cause I chose to pursue treatment instead of paying taxes. I also lied to get money loaned to me because I needed it for drugs so I don't end up lobotomized. Its only a matter of time until they put me in prison.
3. I have a benzo addiction, if I don't take at least 10mg Xanax daily and skip one day I will have a grand mal seizure which will kill me or leave me with brain damage.
4. Stuck forever without a room or meter of space my whole life due to mentally retarded family.
…etc I probably forgot half but by now you should know the drill. Life took almost everything from me and I didn't do anything for a long time so I wouldn't call this living anyway. Only thing I have left is freedom of choice to die now or lose it and suffer a thousand times more and die later. I will die at age of 28 in 2024 via train guillotine or fail and become a vegetable. I have only one try and time is not on my side.
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Thank God, another dead rapper.


are you here OP?


Op are you okay ?

I can help you with a lot of advice trust me it's not worth ending your life, there is too much alternative and other ways in which you can rebuild yourself.

First one could easily be leaving your own country, Trust me suicide is so easy but it's just a solution for a temporary problem, Don't let life rape you, Rape life until it becomes bored of you

And fuck every faggot who endorsed this anon on suicide


>just a solution for a temporary problem

This is so ordinary advice that you must be a bot.


it must be, i cant imagine any real user writing that


Do you think normies could ever accept us or even tolerate us for real? It's obvious that absolute majority people is repulsed by a NEET lifestyle, failed dating/life/work experience, motivational or existential problems. Do you think there's a space for us to exist at all? Is it acceptable, is it planned for? Or we are truly just the trash of the world that should be cut out from society the sooner the better?
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Fucking awful writing.


>Or maybe I don't know, maybe it's hard to get welfare in developed western countries too and I am just coping that thinking life could be better elsewhere
This used to be true, but now the West is actually crumbling, specifically because it allowed the 3rd-world mass entrance which squeezed every governmental budget to breaking point. There are no longer the budgets for the safety net that was in place just 15 years ago, and the economy is only making survival exponentially harder for those at the lower end - even those employed. So no, it's no better anywhere else but for marginal examples.

We can't choose our parents but they are the ones we are stuck with. The best you can do is be courteous and helpful, and hope that they will reciprocate. For many years I used to hate the content about "Self-improvement", but it is really the only tangible way to 'improve'. How it will materialise is an unknown metric, however. Regardless, try not to rot and stagnate as that only makes tomorrow all the more intolerable. Even if it is just tidying up, learning to fix things or building things, this kind of thing resonates with parents, knowing that their child is at least doing something. This changes absolutely nothing about the outside world, but I say this from personal experience with my parents over the last 20 years. They now depend on me to keep their house in order and save them thousands in home repairs and improvements. They treat me like an actual human being now. It's quite a nice environment that I didn't ever expect.


It's insane that you got to be proving your value and have "somethihg to offer" just to be allowed to live.


It is, and says a lot about people who claim to be "liberals". Total double-standards. I suspect human beings have a genetic predisposition towards attacking downward, and liberals practice this while simultaneously denying it, counteracting this betrayal of their value system by overcompensating in forms such as compassion for criminals and open-border posturing etc. The fact that the authority-figure of the mainstream media is so openly hostile to our kind justifies individual behaviours of this sort.

But again there is a necessity to accept that this will not change, and adaptation is the only mechanism for survival, save for the impractical and indirectly self-destructive option of "removing the problem".


Never began for him

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