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maybe all this is just a dream, a very long bad dream. this current era these people with no empathy for one another, this corrupt government and this polarization is just getting to me.

will it still come to me if i close myself off from the rest of the world wizards????


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It was all by design. You can pick your poison: Freemasonry, the Jesuits, Kabbalah, תיקון עולם, the Enkidu Gambit, Rothschilds, DEI, ESG, AGI, the written word, single-family zoning, Industrial Revolution, Stanford Prison Experiment, giving the third-world Internet access, Portrait Mode video, geoengineering, gratuity fees at restaurants, doomscroll algorithms… There is more good than bad in the material world, hence why one ought to retreat even if it seems counter-intuitive to all known rationale.


it really feels like it has become a bad dream within the last 15 or so years, and a very very bad dream within the last 3-4. the satanic jewish propaganda matrix we live under is enough to drive any aware person insane. but you can preserve your sanity by eating well, exercising (even just a little), not dwelling overmuch on bad things, getting good sleep, limiting contact with media lies, etc.

Freemasonry = anti-monarchical jews
Jesuits = jews installed around (((Rodrigo Borgia))) to insulate and protect his counterfeit papacy
Kabbalah = judaised neo-platonism
Tikkun Olam = jewish messianism and the hope for a one-world government
Enkidu Gambit = jewish mgtow/blackpill demoralisation purposed to keep the sexes apart
Red Shields/Rothschilds = psycho wealthy jews causing problems for many
DEI = jewish propaganda initiative meant to drown out whites
ESG = jewish climate change nonsense meant to limit the goyim's ability to travel
AGI = complete jewish hoax just like the kosher scam that is "quantum computing"

….all the other things too tired to respond to.

but yes there is more good than bad. however eliminating the influence of a certain group might help to lessen the preponderating evil that is suffocating us all.


I'm trying to quit porn (cold turkey) and 90% of the content I've seen online has been:

1. an anecdote from someone who has already succeded in quitting

2. an ad for an app

3. people who aren't addicted to porn talking about porn addiction

Is this shit just a grift? I want to hear about it from people who are actually struggling with it, not annoying liberal psychiatrists or infographics.

Please help me, I don't want to be like this anymore
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People have been obsessed with it all throughout history, most americans still mutilate their children just to decrease masturbatory pleasure


This is actually common. People get tired of fucking the same person especially if they are fat/annoying etc


I quit porn bro
stay strong, you can do it. anything is possible.


Good on you anon, you escaped the trap and no longer poisoning yourself.


When I try to quit porn, I always had these strange dreams where all kinds of fantasies come to my mind and make me ejaculate. The worst part is these dreams feels kinda real and I think entities such as succubus are a thing (not only the flesh succubi females, but esoteric beasts too)


Being neurodivergent in this world is a fucking death sentence. This world does not and will never understand what it's like to think the way that we do and will keep themselves in constant willful ignorance from here to kingdom come. Forcing us to get worse into mental health issues until we go actually insane and do something drastic, but even then we'll still be demonized and everything because again…willful ignorance. I can't stand this planet.
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Governments actually do. I remember seeing one western government specifically seek out autists for forensic accounting. It turns out that mulling over numbers all day looking for slight discrepancies is what they're good for.


Yup, pattern recognition is one of the strongest autistic powers


And these highly specified tasks requiring pattern recognition all will be made superfluous in the near past because of AI.


is anyone going to watch out for abuse of AI? watch for downplaying some things and emphasizing other things?
i guess we are going to just let the powers that be do their minor adjustments to society, like they always have been doing


Well what else are we gonna fucking do? There's not a lot of us here! Even if there were we're outnumbered heavily, so we'll just get bullied into the ground like we always do. We lose either way.


This is something that has been happening for a while, earlier I used to speak my opinions and type my opinions on the internet.

I was good at speaking, good at putting my point forwards, good at arguing, was witty and could think of replies to questions or things almost instantly.

These days it's like I have forgotten how to speak or even write. Like my parents are abusive, and earlier I was able to write/type down my feelings about my parents. But now, it's like someone asks me "How are they abusive?", I just can't explain anymore.

And this is a very recent phenomenon. Like I can't even type and be an internet keyboard warrior online.

I no longer put my opinion forwards, I no longer have anything left to say, I just don't understand what's happening with me. Like earlier I used to always have something to say, could always carry a conversation offline and online. But now I just do nothing and have nothing to say.

Is there anyone who has suffered from this? Is there any way to cure this? I need to cure this so that I can fit in better in professional and interpersonal world. So that I can earn money to feed myself and at least have some irl friends to shoot the shit with.
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I think it's much more likely that you subconsciously recognized that talking about these things and arguing never really changes anything substantially, it doesn't improve your life, you know that you held and hold the truths about these matters but repeating the arguments and shit talking and talking about for the sake of proving something to yourself simply became obsolete and useless. You need to replace these things, which in the mean time you have positively answered and proved to yourself and which don't need more elaboration and time waste, with new, useful things that improve your life instead of lamenting and be in self pity.


I think it's partly what you said that there is nothing I could accomplish just by talking about them, but it is frustrating not being able to explain my predicament, like someone online asked me "How exactly were your parents abusive?" and it's frustrating as I can't write down the answers.


Any ideas on how I can regain the skill to elaborate my thoughts clearly while writing or speaking? I didn't had this problem earlier, as earlier I was able to do all of this quite easily.


It's spirits all the way down, spirits give the ability to do many things. You've lost a spirit of clear thinking or writing or something. I've experienced somewhat the same issue, and got a taste of it back. Take heart, your condition is easily fixed, but will depend on your submission.


The thing is that it extends to other areas of life as well, earlier I could easily handle conversations with my colleagues and friends, I didn't stutter, I was always kind of chatty, I loved to talk and put my point forwards and listen to people (even if they were normies) but now when I sit with my colleagues, they look at me weird because oftentimes now I just sit completely silent, and it's like I have nothing to say, and the truth is I have forgotten how to talk.

Dare I say, I was good at speaking English as well, I could always make points in this language as good as I could do in my native language, I could seamlessly translate stuff between two languages in the back of my head. But now I struggle to structure basic sentences in English.

And the thing it's not just that this has happened to me while speaking. I used to play a game of cards with my friends, and I could remember the cards used successfully in the back of my head, I always felt in control, I felt at ease while playing the games, but now when I try to play these same games again, I can't remember my own cards in front of me.

So the consequences of whatever kind of problem that I am suffering from are wide reaching, and honestly I would love to talk to someone who has had the same problem and overcame it. I have even gotten worse at driving for some reason, my motor skills have been impacted too.

All of this happened very quickly over past 3-4 years when I was NEETing, I admit during this period, I didn't get out of my room much, and also I have had situations which have warranted serious stress out of me, keeping me awake at nights.

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I think it's genuinely just plain over if you don't have education, skills or job experience at the age of 25. It feels like I should just play videogames until anhedonia reaches critical condition and then to just off myself. I lost to job market. I lost to capitalism. My ego and my weakness won't allow me to live as burger king worker. Not to mention i'd be a useless worthless asset in any job anyway. Fuck
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i give up in life. never fit in. mental problems. makes no sense. kicker is i'm good looking and i've had many succubi say it but no one will date me because i'm broken inside. I'd rather be ugly then to know io've wasted my looks.


People with degrees dont need neetbux


Not true in many European countries. There are literal PhD's who can't even get a warehouse stacking or office cleaning job because there are too many damn applicants and only a minuscule amount of paying jobs.

Let alone a paying job in the field they studied.


why would you write that? I am completely incapable of talking to people but i got degrees without leaving my room. There are no jobs i can do without talking to people.


This is so wrong, I have bought so much pain upon my parents, who wanted me just to have a job to support myself but I ended up a NEET. I hang out here because there are some people like me here but I guess that is not the case anymore.

You need money just to live, having money doesn't make you happy I get it, I don't strive for succubi and impressing other normalfags but I deeply care about my parents, I just want to not be a burden on them and I can't be. What will I do when they die? I live in the third world.

I am a total failure, I don't cook, I don't clean, I don't earn, all I do is bedrot all day long, life can't go by like this, I need to do something, and I try, or maybe I don't try as I keep bedrotting everyday.
same. I am in so much pain, I don't know where to go or what to do, I don't know where to start and where to end, it all seems to be collapsing, the worst part is I don't have a gun to off myself, I don't know I would be able to off myself if I had a gun. Life is genuinely so much pain.

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It's shit for my mental health nothing there is no "cosmic caretaker" out there, also no rules\ethics or morals (So the evil go Unpunished, the good go Unrewarded) BUT, the stuff with massive social media\clickbait\ tiktok format youtube shorts, and specially AI images..Im realizing more and more how retarded it all is.
I have read proper books tho: Will Durant, historiography of the Bible (Jesus Seminar, critical studies, archeological reports on codexes and papyri, parchments, etc) ,Mircea Eliade…Im not just a zoomer basing opinions off social media shit.
>I also consider Communism a "secular religion" hence some pics


What makes you think you're smart enough for metaphysics and understanding basic reality? You probably have a prole face with bad physiognomy, but go ahead and tell us how you've grasped the nature of existence.


You are WEAK if you put social class\wealth before Celibacy


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HEY! I made more silly religion images!


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I have been studying secular\non religious but "paranormal" topics: UFOS, contactees, possessions, cryptids, etc for a decade now. materialism is BULLSHIT but I hadn't made progress until I used gateway process tapes.
now, I think the only important thing is to learn Ethics\practical Morality, and be assured a good afterlife exists, and trying to get there.


It seems like learning English was one of the worst mistakes of my life, I am someone who live in India and doesn't plan to leave the country. Any idea how I can cope with racism online?

It's very hard to be online, my self-esteem and self-confidence has been wrecked primarily because of internet. I will admit as a kid, I really wanted to see the west, playing video games like NFS, GTA, and, watching Hollywood movies late in the night, were some of the fondest memories of mine as a child.

But as an adult I think immigrating would be a very bad idea, because I would probably be homeless in a few days because I don't know how the system works. Forget about all that, I am too poor to immigrate. So that is out of the question.

A lot of times, I just want to use internet in peace and make friends with people over online websites. But as soon as they find out I am Indian they start hurling abuses. It's terrible.

Honestly a lot of it has destroyed my self-esteem and self-confidence and I don't know how to regain it even when knowing that for the most of my life I am rarely ever going to encounter a white person.

And then there is the whole blackpill thing as well, because we Indians aren't attractive (speaking for myself mostly but still) most of Indian succubi in the West tend to date white just like East Asian succubi. So that's like another insult to injury to be honest.

Overall it kinda sucked to realise that I am so hated and life in the West if I could immigrate that is, would probably suck for me greatly. Like all the parties and fun that I saw in Hollywood movies are only reserved for succubi and few attractive men. In real life in the West I would be bullied mercilessly.

On the other hand, something good has come out of it as well, which is, I have stopped resenting India a bit because I have realised that at least I don't face racism here in real life and won't be bullied here too much. In the end, I guess it is for the best that I couldn't immigrate I imagine.

Anyways, now that I have learned English Any suggestions on how to not feel bad about myself while being exposed to extreme and never ending racism online? It really has given a hit to my self-esteem.
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>Any idea how I can cope with racism online?
Simple: you kill yourself and take as many of your inferior subhumans along with you as you can.


>inferior subhuman
You know what website you're on and why you're here. Don't you?


I am merely short and ugly. It has no bearing on my character or integrity even if society thinks so.


Not according to Aristotle.


Indians are literally hitler
they even had the swastika long before nazis

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i have strange urges when i watch lights flicker on the screen. they do it so smoothly and nicely. i feel like i want to flicker with them but i can't. what the fuck, jesus christ


You were a firefly in a past life


you should stop abusing substances


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I don't abuse substances. It is childish and naive to assume only those on drugs can feel this way. What a tiny little life you must lead.


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I unironically think I'm starting to develop some kind of dementia. I'm 35 almost 36. More and more often I find myself spacing out and completely forgetting what I'm doing. I can't focus. I know it's not depression. I was very depressed 10 years ago and nearly killed myself, and I'm a lot happier now than back then, I haven't even thought about suicide in years, so that's not it. I'm not even as stressed as I used to be anymore. I don't even have a lot of negative thoughts. I get confused easily when talking to people and end up doing or saying inappropriate things unintentionally. For example I start dissociating while talking to people and start humming a song, put my hand on their shoulders, other stuff like that. This is going to sound like a massive troll but just the other day I visited my parents, I sat down at the dinner table, I started dissociating, my mom put her hand on my shoulder to get my attention, I couldn't snap out of it fast enough and nearly kissed her. She was horrified and turned away and didn't say anything the rest of the night.

I think one possible solution is to move back in with my parents. Being alone all the time is not good for me. But obviously after what happened there's no way they're going to let me, they probably don't feel safe and for good reason. Lmao. That was my only hope. I don't know what's going to happen to me.

And no, I'm not a drug addict, alcoholic or any of that stuff.
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Is it true antipsychotics give you ginecomastia? Do they help at all? Do you behave less erratically on them?


They have many side effects sadly but I'm a different person when I take them, I am no longer hallucinating or alienating myself


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I know what you mean, I sometimes struggle to find the correct words to express myself. I have also had multiple head injuries, many self-inflicted. So, there's TBI at the very least and possibly early CTE which would explain some things I feel.

I've heard for years from my mother that something such as learning a new language helps the brain's 'neuroplasticity.'
Another needed thing is going outside and having some kind of unpredictable stimulation that only an outside environment can provide. This is said to keep the brain active.
Attached is a quick tidbit that touches on the matter, I'll remove it if it goes beyond anything allowable or permitted.


shaky shake your ass🕺🎶🎵


this is what happens after consuming too much touhou and fumo culture


This is probably not big news, but you have much worse chances of getting anything done in life if you are not social. From jobs, to housing, to money. If you are trying to do everything alone, you will not be as successful. Except you have a godlike family and upbringing. But I suppose nobody here had this.
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Of course not. Being unsociable helps you to filter away environments governed by toxic normalfaggotry. Find your place.


yes, having a social network or at least a good family is the greatest advantage you can have to get ahead in life


I would literally be dead (probably at age 20-21) without parents, relatives etc. who always lifted me up with endless money injections.

In a state of nature there is no way in hell my autistic self would have survived to 36 years of age.


What is your field/major?
You seem lucky with job opportunities despite of everything you said


>there is foremost a genetic component to personality disorders
source? There would need to be a twin study or something difficult and unlikely like that. Almost all studies are incapable of teasing apart genetics from the influence of being raised by the family that has those genes, and many people mischaracterize data by not acknowledging this

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