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are Brahmin-caste Naga Sadhus the gigagest chads on the Planet?
>can enter all Temples of Dharma ;ram, shiva, ganesha, vishnu etc
>legal permit to smoke Hash ,even dature seeds or opium, etc 24\7
>legal permit to go naked
>they don't work -just beg-
>know ancient martial arts, even weapon based ones such as sword, trident, maze etc. Partake in intense grappling, and stick fighting, matches
>untrimmed beard and dreadlocks, some dreaded hair-masses reach meters of length.
>just sleep on the side of the road, or temple shrine, or river side. no ta*es, no house own*rship or any other bureaucratic LSC bulls*
>can hang out with hundreds of ashram cows (cows are much more cooler than humans), never have to bathe ,legally dead as per Indian State registers also. can walk 100s of KM per month and just go chill in a cave system in the himalayas for a couple ov decades
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>NOOO my poor rich pampered everything-given-to-them brats!!!
I'm sure having the chance of not NEEDING college \parents gifted you car 1t 18\ paid for 3-weeks long holiday in (((paris))), etc is so much more horrible than having to scavenge cow shit since being a toddler to have a chance at not starving to death, amerite, Mr Brahmin Sir?


Are you able to fucking read? I am not a Brahmin. Do you think all Brahmins live a life of luxury? As a matter of fact Brahmins are the ones involved in cleaning cowshit, and since they were ostracised by Kshatriyas they have to resort to begging, but they worked their way up during British Raj, as Brahmins and the British found something in common and that was affinity for education. So did other castes, my ancestors were Vaishyas, below Kshatriyas in varna "ranking" system as prescribed by the West.


In some rural areas what you're describing does happen, however, in most rural areas it can't happen because most villages either belong to one caste or another, or adjacent castes. As for castism, it does exist, it's not completely eradicated, and it will never be completely eradicated, as with racism. People are always going to be fighting each other, so it does exist but it is hugely overblown. I have personally seen reverse castism more then I have seen from Upper Castes, as they tend to be Westernised, they also tend to be liberal, and more "self-hating", but my point still stands the reason why we can't and we never will develop like China is because of inherent appeasement done by the Indian State towards "minorities", completely destroying any sense of meritocracy like what exists in China.


Ban Indians already.


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>be liberal
human waste literally.imagine simping for the (((w*st))) when you have glorious Vedic Theocracy as a possible group-shared goal if you join an extremist hindutva faction or whatever


Are you afraid of a situation where people assume that you are following them when you happen to walk in the same direction? I know I am.


Their worries are their own to bear the weight of. If they can't travel in public without sweating over delusions and poor threat assessment, then they shouldn't be in public at all.


When I use to walk in my old neighborhood a couple of times I remember females going off sidewalk to avoid me. I tend to do it myself a lot so I don't think much of it nowadays


It happens a little too much in the workplace and i receive nasty looks.
It's their problem not mine, i know the sight of my face triggers uncanny valley but brotherman sometimes i want to say "it's 12 pm, i'm going to eat some food not follow you, retard"


Yes. It is pathetic but the situations give me lots of anxiety. I took a detour the other day because there were couples walking dogs on both sides of the street at night.

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I wasted my youth locked up, and with the screen as the only company. it's not something I wanted or chose, but that's how things were. I knew I could never make up for lost time, and I thought that by sorting out my financial life and earning a lifetime income at an early age, I could achieve freedom and live once and for all.
I started this when I was 16, it was supposed to be a 5 year plan, investing, and saving everything. Now that time has passed and I have 3 months to go before turning 22, I was unable to achieve my goals. I only got a third of the way to achieve them due to my indiscipline. I have the ability and the means to be a great businessman, but the determination and discipline of a child.

The sad part is that you realize that the most important capital is not in the land, money or a vehicle, a man's most important capital is his knowledge, something I don't have, living in agonizing ignorance. There really is no better feeling than coming home with a wad of cash, and seeing your entire house slowly fill up with boxes and more boxes. When you see what you have built, And even though in reality everything remains the same, there is a really nice feeling of growth.
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When I was 6 years old, I lived so badly, in such a terrible environment, that I told my parents that if they didn't stop screaming I would jump out of the moving car, opening the vehicle door. Time passed, and something like committing suicide never happened to me again.


Getting really sick of these doom and gloom zoomers posting here


I have a car that I can't drive, many boxes of merchandise that I don't feel like selling. I used to be motivated by making money, then I asked myself why, and I realized that fixing my financial life would just keep it the same as it is now, and it wouldn't change my life.


Nah he's right. After 30

>Family stop caring to try and help make you better, they accept you're basically Chris Chan

>If you turn up to your family's place with your problems, you'll be slowly cut out of their life
>People on the street start treating you like you're a disgusting hobo instead of a delinquent teen
>You don't bounce back from mental illness like you used to. You start actually accumulating health problems

Even if you don't change mentally, shit gets a lot worse just based on how you're seen and treated.


I've been seen and treated like that my whole life.

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If you're feeling unhappy or down or depressed, come to this thread and draw an oekaki
some will remember the last oekaki threads 2-3 years ago made by me, here's a new one haha
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You realise they remove wisdom teeth so you can't connect your body to your head properly and it ruins your breathing tone of voice and posture? For the love of god find somebody willing to replace your wisdom teeth. Say that it's for cosmetic reasons or some shit. You all deserve to be happy. Your depression is from shit breathing ability. God bless the anons.


Sleep on the floor. Use just a mat.
>Wisdom teeth
Mine had cavities, if anyone tells you that brushing them with baking soda harms your enamel, they be liars. It even kills the biofilms if you mouthwash with it after 2 mins brushing. Whity white.


>found myself surfing the web, as usual
>some chat group of anti-breeders
>talking about men beyond 30 who still live with mom
>suddenly feeling attacked
>putting myself in the place of the opposite person, as I sometimes do to cope
>found that pessimism helps me a lot against many peer pressure moves
>like this:

Imagine cucking yourself to a mortgage while wageslaving to be liked by a succubus who starts by asking you to spend half your money on her fuzzy social life and ends up cheating on you because you were too exhausted from wageslavery to even enjoy sex or parties or whatever, just because you found too ashaming to stay with mom in the eyes of people you don't even know you dislike. No doubt she'd try to keep the house for herself after breaking up, while crying bitchly lies to everyone about how it was your fault and how much you mistreated her.


Based. Have a (you)


It's just… Perfect.

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anyone else pretend in their heads to be in the same or similar position as a nation's dictator, such as putin?

everyone around you must treat you with respect, you have total command over much of the world that surrounds you, only have to keep up high power public appearances - but beyond that you can retreat into social solitude, can experience unmatched luxury without thinking of costs

i sometimes walk around my house handshaking the air

i dont talk to anyone irl or online
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Remember they are experts hiding things.

Sadistically laughable


Good excuse to die while looking like a hero


>normalfags who see you as subhuman
They don't. Blackpill retard trying to bring wizards down.


Yeah, this is the only way I would have been able to stay optimistic in life. Being able to go pretty much anywhere and meld with the populace and remain in good graces seems like a superpower.


Feel the opposite, I fantasize about doing the killing.

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Have you ever dealt with crazy family members trying to destroy your life? My aunt is a sadistic psychopath and together with her fiance she enjoys harassing me and my parents. After a quarrel almost a year ago she claimed she will destroy us. Unfortunately we live next to each other so it's impossible to avoid her. She already has a history of odd behaviour, she is unemployed and has a lot of free time on her hands. Every week or so she tries to initiate some kind of conflict. Sometimes she just shows middle finger, sometimes she talks crap so everyone can hear her, sometimes it's other things like snooping on us, stealing mail or bringing random junk close to our border. Yesterday when I told her to shut up her fiance rushed at me, grabbed me by my shirt and I punched him in the face. I already tried contacting police when he threatened to kill me and my parents but they didn't care.
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I just wanted to see the pics or videos you can leave the details out


Don't give >>294862 any videos. He has no use for them aside from harboring drama and basking in the despair of others. Too many people hunting for 'cringe content' these days to trust sending such personally significant dramas on to the net.


You must go by yourself to set an impeachment


OP here. For obvious reasons I won't post any materials


unironically hire some hood niggers to beat the shit out of them

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I don't even know how to elaborate the sheer brutalness of life, I am so tired of being poor and be dependent upon my parents like a cuck. The state has no concept of neetbuxx. I have completed my degree, and I am sick of getting rejected from interviews, dancing all day long on LinkedIn out of the all fucking websites in the world, begging recruiter here and there. Changing my CV again and again, I do this all day, only to get an offer of a job that pays nothing, that wouldn't even qualify as stipend for internships.

Meanwhile, succubi in my college, particularly good looking succubi have no problem in life, they get paid so much, and get hired at an instant cause they look cool. They are truly untouchable. The new caste system is based upon looks and gender. With gender being the varna, and looks being your jaati. I don't usually get upset at things in life, as I have decided to not kill myself (maybe because of cowardice or simply it's rather unnatural), so the only logical conclusion is to improve the quality of my life that I am gonna live.

But today is one of those days, where you truly feel defeated and raped. It's quite remarkable how different my life is from an average bitch, who starts having sex at 15, travels the world, sleeps with whoever she wants, looks pretty, gets a job just for existing, good at socialising, sports, academics, etc. due to being in an extreme positive feedback loop. And most importantly despite of the cope that goes around in the online spaces, they are happier than the most.

Meanwhile, I have nothing, I don't care for relationships anymore cause damage is already done, but I can't even live a decent life alone and can't get a fucking job. A cunt who studied with me, got a job today for 11LPA INR (13K USD/YR) which is extremely good for India. Meanwhile, I can only get job a few job offers for (2K USD/YR), I mean what the fuck is this? Am I supposed to work 12 hours a day and six days a week for this, all while she goes around pilpuling her bosses and working for just 6 hours a day, 4 days a week?

This can't go on man, I can't live my like this, I don't know but this can't go on, this is wrong. I have legitimately not felt angry for like 3 years but today I really fucking am pissed of, my head hurts, I am just so fucking upset that I can't even cry, like what the fuck did I ever do to anyone to deserve this retarded fate.

I hate the fact that I have to put so much effort into tPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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woops wrong thread


what did you do to go in prison?


You don't just "join" the special forces of any country out of pure force of will.

There is a small % of genetically fit people in every nation who have the physical and mental capabilities to make the cut. (Probably less than 0,1%)
The rest can try all they want and all they will achieve is hitting their head against a wall.


save up and move out to a first world country


First world countries don't want immigrants anymore unless they are brain surgeons and cancer researcher phds.

There is currently a huge political shift to the right and many people want zero immigration that isn't ultra highly educated.

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Do you think growing up with video games ruined me?

I can't help but get angry at how life is a roguelike game with a randomly generated starter character you only get to play once. Fucked up your health permanently through bad decisions? Too bad you have to live with it even if you now have a healthy lifetyle. Found a new passion in life? Too bad you are now too old to pursue it. Want to study math? Well too bad you were born with a low IQ…

I just hate how you can get locked out of certain routes in life as time goes on or they were locked from the start. I hate how you have no control over what thoughts you get so you can waste your youth doing dumb shit only to realize it once you are an adult and the damage has been done.

I should just focus on what I can change and on the future but I can't help but feel frustrated over this. I can't help but feel envy towards those who managed to be in the right place and make the right decisions to end up with an amazing life and be frustarted at my past self for being so careless.
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Unlike a videogame/rouge-like there is no "winning".


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If at least it had been my decision… my life was sabotaged by my retarded parents. I can't cope, i just want to die. No social circle, no education, garbage health. Just fucking kill me.


Redpill me on IQ and autism.


Niether are for real


There is. When you feel happy most of the time you won life.

I have felt happy once or twice in the last 10 years

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