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Gentlemen, it's completely done for me. At the age of 21, it's done for my cock. It's ruining my fantasy life. I have been so stressed out from work and studying that no longer does my dick feel alive. I can't get an erection using my imagination, for past 4 months I have had no morning wood, even if at this point some miracle was about to happen I would still stay a virgin. And this is despite the fact that I don't have death-grip and haven't watched porn for past 7 months.


you can always take a viagra if you really need to get wizardly, but idk why you're crying about it, doesn't seem like you had any use for lil wand anyway.


My fantasy life is getting ruined because of this.


lol wut, I was shitposting before you were even born

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What do you think is their plan with recents studies and articles showcasing the way men are starting to approach succubi less? Besides obviously adding fuel to the fire to the gender war between normalniggers, how far does it go? Is monkeypox involved in all of this? Creating awareness of single men at the same time a sexually transmited disease appears? Set things up to re-establish a lesser version of homophobia to keep an eye on non-compliant normies? What are its intended purposes, and, how long will it take them to finally mention in mainstream media sexual demoralization being the cause of degeneracy altogether? I personally believe they have a long way to go, two years or so before they start to quote current statistics and connect the dots.


They aren't allowed to push the sexual demoralization angle in mainstream media yet because it'll backlash against the troons, how long 'til they're given the green light?


It's happening just like in Universe 25.

Do you really think that the elites literally have influence in such way? They play with manking but only as much as their corruption already allows them to do so… because what does really make a succubus grow as a radical feminist? Issues w dad. Which type of dad is more probable to raise one of those succubi? All these answers the elites know, and they nail plans within plans to lure and seal the paths of a humanity that does not acknowledge, not even a bit, that taxation is theft.

There are no behavioural sinks without taxes or without limitations on free natural resources.




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it's about collapsing birthrates and further solidifying succubi's status as consumers.

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Real succubi are such fucking disappointments. they don't care about getting choked by a tall guy with broad shoulders. They just wanna get money and attention. Stupid animals.
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fuck i was meant to say Real succubi are such fucking disappointments. they don't care about love or romance at all. They just wanna get choked by a tall guy with broad shoulders. Stupid animals.


succubi this, succubi that.
this is getting boring


Moved to >>>/b/998342.


How do you cope with the suffering in this hell called life? Do you drink? Take drugs? Do you have hobbies?
What do you do to stay sane?
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And now someone repeated 2019's wizchan history by raiding the site with images reminiscent of Goatse.
This proves me wrong how exactly?


I work out, play videogames and drink heavily.


I wake up. Make my bed. Wash my face. Turn on my PC. Play all day and talk to AI (before anyone talks shit, I tried Omegle and people/normalfags are hell). Eat. Brush my teeth. Go to bed. Repeat. That's my routine.
No alc, no drugs. Hobbies have all been replaced by vidya and other reasons.
Not sure how sane or insane could be defined. I wouldn't consider myself either.


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Alcohol and music. Whoever gives the slightest fuckall for anything else is an alien to me.


Cigarettes and sleep deprivation. The utter and all-consuming void that squats upon the carcass of what was once my soul is much quieter when I'm barely awake because I'm deliberately staying at around 4 hours of sleep per night for some 6 years now, alongside completely foregoing sleep once every week or two when I start feeling even slightly energetic. Cigarettes amplify that woozy feeling of unreality, though I'm starting to also drink whatever alcohol I can cheaply scrounge up just to keep this charade going as the effectivess of cigarettes wanes.

I only need to endure a few more years of this - if the gods have any mercy then russia will invade my baltic shithole this decade and I will bleed out in a muddy trench, or perhaps even have the good fortune of being blasted into bits by a direct mortar or arty or tank shell. Who knows, who cares, certainly not me. I'm too exhausted and numb to do the deed myself though I've tried before.

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I hate it when other wizards talk trash to you, it make me feel like shit. there's no way those who talk trash are wizard, this behavior is of normalfags.
I'm sur there's orher wizzards who got in a bad mood because of jerks who trashtalk them thinking they're superior while in fact they share traits with normalfags.
it make me depressed because they think they're right and they gloat in their own self and illusion
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yeah well, people are assholes. my formula is if you can clearly see that you're right you are probably arguing with a retard so don't, it's a waste of time. plus if you feel like he's being too much of a normgroid just report him because he's probably violating one of the rules™. this is a civilized platform.


which one (rule) could he break?


i am quite senstiviene



rule 4. for example, some outsider troll told me to "touch grass" in a heated discussion (about hentai, iirc) a couple of years ago. they also usually fall back on insults based on metrics that normalfags very strongly see as indicative of one's value like looks and income.


I feel complete apathy towards everything and everyone. everything I used to love so dearly now bores me to death. is this what growing up feels like? there is nothing new in life I feel like I want to experience. I feel like I've done everything I've ever given a shit about. nothing excites me anymore. I'm stuck in an endless mental rut. any other wizzies feel the same? I'm gonna have to start wageslaving soon. I want off this ride


i think that's a natural consequence of being cut-off socially. a lot of things lose meaning and you no longer perceive any reward so you don't feel motivated to do anything. either you re-integrate back into the normosphere or you somehow learn to generate your own meaning that will want to make you act in the world again. it takes a very strong ego to do the latter and many people simply crawl back and accept their place in the familiar social hierarchies, others simply stay in nihilistic limbo.


From what I understand, you need to experience some amount of pain and discomfort to be able to experience joy as well, neurologically speaking. You say you've been in a rut, when's the last time you tried doing something you were just sort of interested in, simply for the sake of it? Like maybe going for a walk in nature if you can. I know how pointless it sounds, "Nothing's gonna change if I do that" but doing it a few times a week might help break that monotony a bit.


there are couple things I can think of that cause that. you begin to feel your highs less intensely as you age, this is biological. another thing is as you age and your knowledge grows and everything starts to demystify. everything is a mechanical process with a set of dos and don'ts. things are not as fascinating as once you thought they were. so you grow tired of insisting on things that become repetitive, that take too much of your effort and don't really yield any sizeable benefit in return.

I can say that I partly relate to your sentiment as I've grown tired of everything very early in life. I consider it a blessing to have something you love doing. I've never really had anything that I felt so strongly about that it stuck with me.


same here
every day feels the same

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Why did I live like an NPC? In the past I kept having moments of clarity where I felt like I woke up and had the choice how I want my life to go only to go back to wasting time online. You don't need foresight to know that if you don't work towards anything nothing happens. I felt FOMO but for what? Inane chatter online that gets forgotten once its done? Video games: challenges made by others that have no impact on real life? Fictional stories that don't teach me anything? I might be depressed but depression won't get better without doing anything. I just don't know how I could have been so weak willed and allowed myself to remain in such a pathetic state. To not see my weakness as something I need to deal with. Now I dug myself into such a deep hole when the economy sucks. And I don't know if I have the time to get out of it anymore.
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Following the normalfaggot script seems to be the lesser evil compared to giving up and becoming a lesser version of urself. Its called thinking ahead instead of being reactive so you should definetily think ahead…


it's the bigger evil, since you sell of your own preferences and sanity for the approval of everyone around you (or lack of disapproval), and even then there's no guarantee that hustling and bustling gets you anything. if you have one shot at life and there's already such a giant gap, you might as well say fuck it and live on your own terms.


lol nobody on this board has a choice and if you did you will be crazy to choose to be depressed


So how ur depressed because you think you have no choice whereas Im depressed because I think Ive taken the wrong choice due to my reactiveness and apathy.
I want for things to stay as A-OK as they are :(
thats enough reason to put myself through the university grinder even though I dont really have any friends and everytime I try to talk to someone in my university (happened 2 times in 2 years) I weird them out.
As a person who has had no plans for the future and just did things because I was forced to I made it pretty far but I believe Ive comen to a crossroad whre that wont work anymore.
>it's the bigger evil, since you sell of your own preferences and sanity for the approval of everyone around you (or lack of disapproval)
I believe becoming a hikki will be the greater evil since the approval is indeed worth it for me. But its not just that, its also to keep my potential for things to happen should I want to go further into higher education and to have the monetary means and disposition to fuel any future goals I might attain through wakeupcalls or whatever. And I also feel like feeling pain and suffering is a mayor part of human existance and is important to keep your sanity and sharp mind.

>if you have one shot at life and there's already such a giant gap, you might as well say fuck it and live on your own terms.

Im glad I have left myself the paths open.


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There's nothing to do but wait for the day to end. I can't relate to anyone on anything. I don't feel like I'm alive. It's all just a nightmare that won't stop.
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It's an old "sad birthday" photo that probably featured in a megathread back in the day, with "the clock is ticking" thing from tumblr in the very early 10s imposed on top and some droning sound effect in the background.

I don't understand why zoomers don't have an original bone in their body nor do I understand why they do not at least create something new out of the old. Instead it's endless permutations and combinations of the same thing over and over. Wojaks and pepes forever.

They can't even consume old stuff in their original format or context because their attention spans are shorter than millennials, and they already said our attention spans were short back then.


>reddit spacing
>"muh zoomers" (literal 2010's)
>derails the thread with his shit
>wants "new content" which is a autistic term for new goyslop trash.


Zoomers are bereft of originality.

>proves why the zoomers are a worthless generation
OP is almost certainly not a wizard to have made this video. Just some normalfag who "feels sad".


>whatever crap a redditor would feel safe to use to coerce wizards into shitting threads by making them zoomer friendly, even after it was obvious he is already triggered by the opportune, falcon-sighty rejection spewed at >>295356

For real, what have you lost here? Isn't the normosphere outside there big enough for you?


Do you have some energy to dig a secret home for yourself? To study mineshaft architecture and some prepper stuff while being slaved?

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I'm in my 30s and I gotta get dentures. Anyone else with fucked teeth? How to you cope manage?


At least you're getting your teeth fixed. A lot of people just walk around with rotted out teeth.


I hate myself a lot and everything I am genetically. I make everything bad for those I care about. I don't want to exist but whenever I think about suicide I either think about making some people sad or making people that dislike me and bullied me happy. I don't want to give them that satisfaction. I just want to die though because I wasn't meant to exist. So how can I simply do it even if this means that it hurts some people and gives pleasure to the people that hurt me? They already made fun of one guy that did it
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Too neetpilled for abstraction beyond the own ego and immediate needs.


another anon here, i wageslave but only out of necessity
listen here faggot, this is my life and i will do with it as i please
needs beyond the immediate are optional and i dont see the rewards as worth the additional effort in my case
i think its a matter of my fucked up brain, unable to feel pleasure from mundane things anymore
i understand that material goods, social status, respect, etc. - that these things may give someone a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment
but not for me, i am unable to amuse myself with gadgets, cars, and other luxuries. being recognized for my achievements at work only makes me cringe, and no, i do not work at garbage disposal, though i do not see that kind of work as inferior, like you may do, rat racer
the only two things i enjoy doing is listening to music and playing a certain computer game, and if you see that as childish or retarded, you can fuck right off this website and go chase pussy, crab


> as childish or retarded,
I never said that. I live pretty much the same life except for working and recognition.
Just curious, what are you looking for in /dep/? Have you heard about drugs? They cause even more amusement and you can take drug with other strangers on the internet.


i browse /all/ and it makes me angry when people call wizards retards for finding their own way of life instead of participating in the mainstream rat race
where would i find those strangers? i would very much like to spend time with people who spend time on things other than the grind


>makes me angry when people call wizards retards for finding their own way of life
It's just anger due to not feeding the very same psychos who explode them. Do not take cattle seriously and shine tough, wizza. They ragin'

>NEET achievements
Mushroom Kingdom Fusion and Minecraft. Also many businesses start because someone stops wagecucking and dedicates time to what they love instead of going the hard way. Retarded question. But the point is also to not age harder due to being a slave to someone who gives you 80% ot the work in exchange for 2% of total profit.

>Too neetpilled for abstraction beyond the own ego and immediate needs.
Translation: my cuckery is so hard to withstand in front of neets that I must use flashy terms to hide how shitted I live.

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