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File: 1700449170883.jpg (59.24 KB, 1264x945, 1264:945, There's no one here.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

 No.285412[View All]

Death of the Uncool - End of the Wizards V

Watching Geekdom get absorbed into the monoculture over the last decade (and then some) has been a pretty demoralising experience.

Part of the process of commodification, streamlining and assimilation of geek culture into the all-consuming monoculture, is distortion and erasure of the original.

"These would be the successive phases of the image:

1 It is the reflection of a basic reality.

2 It masks and perverts a basic reality.

3 It masks the absence of a basic reality.

4 It bears no relation to any reality whatever: it is its own pure simulacrum.

In the first case, the image is a good appearance: the representation is of the order of sacrament. In the second, it is an evil appearance: of the order of malefice. In the third, it plays at being an appearance: it is of the order of sorcery. In the fourth, it is no longer in the order of appearance at all, but of simulation."

I'm probably using Baudrillard wrong, but I think we're either between phase 2 and 3 or on phase 3. We're at the point where we have "gamers" who don't like videogames as the faces of videogames.
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>The event put it's foot through wizardchan (in addition to a bunch of other shit that I wasn't around for, I only came to wizardchan just before it died). Go look for yourself it's documented decently enough.

Ok, I understand that Wizardchan was a big player in GG. But how does that effect what I said about wizchan erlier?
Particularily this part:
>Just look at Wizchan itself, have you seen the gatekeeping? us who post on /dep/ are being piled on by the rest of the board.


>But how does that effect what I said about wizchan erlier?
What part of "it could get me banned" don't you understand? The dude spelled it out as clear as he could without crossing the line.


> I doubt anyone who play that will have the courage to tell me games nowadays are all shit. It's simply not true.
No one said that. That's a strawman. You don't believe that games are in a bad state, fine, but to state that nothing is wrong is insane.


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2014 seems to be the endpoint of all things geekdom and internet culture related. Things might have started dying 2008 but 2014 seems to be a fixed point.


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You should take a look at the Russo-Ukrainian War. There's literal Russian and Ukrainian troops with anime succubus stickers on their guns, wearing anime themed patches, posing with waifu pillows, or posting anime memes on their telegram channels. Hell, there was even a Russian "anime squad" that managed to capture the first American lend-lease M2 Bradely that the Ukrainians got (and if you don't believe me, just look it up). It's just all absolutely fucking surreal.


>It's just all absolutely fucking surreal.
I genuinely don't know what to think here. You know I remember late 90s/early 00s Japan documentaries where minor celebrities and presenters would go to Japan to document the culture and every now and again they'd wander into some "odd" shop or stall selling japanese hentai or porn, and they'd have this incredibly confused expression on why there was cartoon porn with "pokemon" (pokemon being used in place of anime) characters.


It's pederasty, it's literally the return of pederasty. They've brought the collective self-esteem of young zoomer male nerds to such a low level and made degenerate porn freely available anywhere anytime, that "would-be" zoomers nerds have taken to dressing like a succubus and getting fucked as a form of positive attention.


There are lots of autists in slavic countries. One of my online friends lives in Ukraine and is a grown ass 30 year old man who posts anime memes and has anime pillows. He barely ever leaves his home.


Are they sending autists to the warfront?


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I think I might be vindicated, now that there's a gamergate 2 on the horizon and various articles about the alphabet agencies are looking to crack down on "extremist" gamers.


And somewhat of a tangent whatever happened to working class movies?


You guys are aware that ER was a hoax, a psyop to push gun control, right? It was literally a (((Hollywood))) production and a poor one at that. The acting from all involved – ER himself in his car with his pathetic soliloquies, to the falsely moralistic father expressing a fake disbelief, to the weeping retarded bespectacled man grossly over-acting his part…it was all just a theatre play for the uncritical public. The Jews who control the media seem especially focused on demonising young men who do not submit to the feminised rules of psycho-commie world and they do this through loudly making all kinds of logical appeals that sway the minds of unthinking goyim. Fabricating a large-scale argumentum ad misericordiam (appeal to pity) usually works, because the rushing weight of the emotional reaction to the embellished and fake "mass shooting" blocks out whatever counter-balancing weight even just a little critical thinking could have supplied. Masculine men, authentically masculine men who can think independently, do represent a threat to their power, and so it naturally redounds upon them to think out strategies for doing away with them.


You do realize Alex Jones got sued for everything he owns for posts like this and became homeless


seems like even more evidence of a global jewish conspiracy


I don't know what ER is but capitalist jew vampires aren't communist.

>Masculine men, authentically masculine men who can think independently,

Man, they did a number on the zoomer nerds. You don't even remember who you are, but then again how can you? You never became nerds.


Two birds with one stone, ensuring another occupy wall street never happens and they have a boogyman that they can use indefinitely.


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Any actual millennial wizards around? Do you, like me, feel like this is the worst time to be a wizard?

Something about being a wizard now feels particularly dire, though I can't put my finger on it.


Zoomers chew and spit out internet culture and sadly I believe this happened to wizchan. We had a period where zoomers thought this was like a cool new trendy identity to be and they found out here people are just fat,bald,ugly losers and left us alone.

The new trendy now is "schizo" for zoomers. Schizocore music (some harsh electronic with anime pics). Schizo movies aka what was just horror/thrillers. Schizo games..
>Join this schizo discord we have egirls + insels


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>The new trendy now is "schizo" for zoomers. Schizocore music (some harsh electronic with anime pics). Schizo movies aka what was just horror/thrillers. Schizo games..
>Join this schizo discord we have egirls + insels
This world never ceases to befuddle me



Those retards don't understand schizoids are 1% of the population and generally hate interacting with anyone on Discord.

But what can you do, zoomers will appropriate all sorts of cool "tags" just like millennials did, and countless generations before them.


>just like millennials did, and countless generations before them.
What? Neither early millennials nor generations before us did, simoly because social media wasn't a thing.


>Those retards don't understand schizoids are 1% of the population and generally hate interacting with anyone on Discord.

100% true.

Confused about the second sentence though, like anon >>290475
There were some kinds of IRL meme, sure, but I mean, that's quite different, and it allowed for niche things to be niche things for real


There are plenty of niche communities that haven't been infiltrated. Accept that you're just as lame as any typical neurotypical, you're posting on wizchan.


dat chicken has seen enough


Yeah, I am. Born 1992. It's sad because we were born just at the right time to watch this pivotal change for the worst in internet culture and society as a whole. Born too late to have it easy like the Boomers and born too early to be a braindead zoomer that just enjoys consuming product.


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>It's sad because we were born just at the right time to watch this pivotal change for the worst in internet culture and society as a whole.

I mean, we still got the good stuff while it lasted. We just didn't anticipate it crumbling before our very eyes.

>but there was this bizarre attributing of frat boy/cool kid crimes (and sociology) to male geeks for a while in the early 10s and how male geeks/nerds/outcasts need to do better which eventually culminated in the "gamers are dead" fiasco and gamergate shit.

In recent news, there is now a Gamergate 2, a group of jocks have murdered a kid and cops shot a weaboo samurai neckbeard to death.

I read somewhere that gamergate is/was accidentally part of a larger push to control narratives through social media/the internet and that it was a testbed of sorts.


I'm paraphrasing but
>imagine being a loser and then being told that you're a threat to society because of that

If you told me 20 years ago geek would become completely mainstream and that jocks and stacies would become the face of geek culture I would have called you a liar.


so we won


Not sure how you call that a win.


>sarcastic reply

Speaking of games, Skull and Bones, Kill the Justice League and Battlefront Collection. I've never seen a string of big name flops like that. Modern gaming is in such dire state because normalfags somehow became whales.


like back when you were a kid if you knew you nerdy lil hobies were gonna become billion dollar media empires that everyone loves, you would think you won


succubi still mock nerds and geeks, even those who made it big in tech. Nobody thinks Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg is "sexy" even as their billions of dollars keep mounting up.


New generations of programmers and creators are also mostly aspies with severely limited imaginations who spent their childhoods in front of tablets instead of exploring the world.

There will never, ever be a gaming company like Blizzard North where the composer (Matt Uelmen) goes to Haiti to get sound samples from military marches for Diablo 2 background bits.

Or epic Starcraft characters like Alarak voiced by seasoned pros like John de Lancie (who was an original voice actor in Star Trek).
Gameplay that challenged players, had multiple layers of complexity and stopped handholding after the initial beginning.

Why? Because the people who make modern games are garbage. They are post-geeks who have zero insight or life experience.
These are the people who did nothing except stare at a screen for 20 years and now they're creating video games because all they can do as a profession is stare at a screen.

But they don't know what makes a good soundtrack immersive. They don't know how to captivate audiences with gameplay mechanisms that feel immersive. They don't know how to create color layouts, dungeons or maps that don't feel dull and repetitive.

Games are now purely geared to extract microtransaction money from other retards who have done nothing except pay for microtransactions to 'speed up their next process by 2 hours' from ages 5-20 and have no life experience, and thus expect nothing better.

It's simply better to quit gaming or only play pre-2020 games. There are a handful of good games still being released today, but for every such game, you have 99% utter burning garbage.


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>Games are now purely geared to extract microtransaction money from other retards who have done nothing except pay for microtransactions to 'speed up their next process by 2 hours' from ages 5-20 and have no life experience, and thus expect nothing better.

I've seen normalfag zoomers stick up for microtransactions and companies shutting down servers for games that could easily run on private servers. I honestly think it would blow zoomers minds that people used to host their own MP servers for games.

I mean, like a basic ass MP shooter made now lives and dies based on a central server owned by the company. Imagine if you couldn't play Quake 3 online anymore because id software shutdown their servers and there was no way to run your own.


Imageboard user: writes thread about anything

retards with no personality: yeah but ZOOMERS


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Did you refute anything except use a meme format that's been in use for 15 years because zoomers can't create anything new? You aren't even wizards.

I bet you're dying to use pepe and wojak memes.



commodification - dead giveaway for when you are talking with a marxist


>continues his retarded zoomer tantrum
Why are you even on an imageboard for wizards?


This is why I enjoy my hobbies by myself. What I like is still rather niche but has some annoying normiefags into it and doing this like constantly harassing and crying about a guy who contributes to it. I ignore them and cut myself off from them. I won't let some normie ruin the few things I enjoy.


geek "culture" became a brand. Nobody today really plays d&d 2e, they play meme dnd for normies. Nobody today really plays wargames, they play miniatures tabletop cancer. Few people watch the original shows like trek, they watch animeshit for succubi and people with aspbergers and adhd. Capeshit is of course cancer incarnate. And of course vidya 2024 is triple A handholding cutscene crap and cod simulators whereas the old genres don't even resemble the current ones

It's as if they switched the product just a little bit every year to make it more marketable and now the very nature of it changed into slop. I guess I'm rambling, but who cares. Your identity being expressed in a character you saw on a screen or a video game you play is stupid and for cattle


Check out the Youtube channels "Rites of Pestilence" "No Gleaming Light" and "Mão da Glória" for good modern raw black metal


Just learn all you can about a specific genre and find all the works whether it be writers, mangaka, music you enjoy. If you search you'll delve deeper and deeper and necessarily discover more obscure works. Weirder works will never become popular because of their very nature.


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Lain is a literal meme now lol


That .jpg is the concentrated brainrot of 12,000 chemically castrated nail-painters. I don't even like using a board that has the phrase "Former otaku idols smoking weed" anywhere on it. I hope you posted it to make fun of the kind of people who would post it in earnest.


Lmao it's just a dumb filename for a dumb pic. You sound jaded. You're on here more than I am let's be real.


That's the type of response I feared most…

I must warn the other.


Lighten up, man. Nothing here has been srs bsns since
I honestly don't remember.


"lightening up" isn't a useful response to outsider transvestites getting their kicks from turning nice Japanese anime characters in to filthy niggers for meme-clout on Instagram.


>some interesting observations
>some dogshit points

I mean you essentially agree with the main point.

>Your identity being expressed in a character you saw on a screen or a video game you play is stupid and for cattle

>In the past being a geek meant at best you weren't worth interacting with or at worst painted a target on your back, but nothing major on a societal level, just that you were uncool. Now (or soon enough), you are no longer uncool or a geek but a crab or a potential shooter, an entitled manchild, or some other negative label. Geek is no longer uncool, uncool is no longer geek. The outcast is no longer a geek, the outcast is no longer uncool. The outcast is [NULL], ready to be redefined to whatever is required, irrespective of what the outcast themselves think. In fact, you can go one step further and say uncool is [NULL] itself. Many things now are either "good" or "bad" (usually in the service of shilling some kind of product).

>For the last 10+ years or so, probably since a certain idiot fucking gentleman, there's been an effort to paint the would-be geek as a born misanthropic miscreant, whose isolated miserable life is a failing of themselves as opposed to their material circumstances and/or external forces acting on them. Sole blame lies on them, "They didn't try hard enough" and when they snap on occasion it's just proves that were a bad egg to begin with. IIRC, and someone correct me if I'm wrong, but there was this bizarre attributing of frat boy/cool kid crimes (and sociology) to male geeks for a while in the early 10s and how male geeks/nerds/outcasts need to do better which eventually culminated in the "gamers are dead" fiasco and gamergate shit.

The crab/outcast/loser is the perma-boogeyman. It's one thing to lose geek culture, it's another to be suddenly blamed for all of society's ills even though you've kept out of everyone's way.



I don't understand how dogshit keeps getting released and still people keep preordering after so many turds.


Hmmmmmmmmm. It seems like I'm the one who is jaded. Having seen so many discussions relating to the thread topic and seeing it happen in real time, it has long ceased to be something I really put much thought or negative energy to.
You can even sometimes find ancient blogs and posts from (now) much older and (most likely) truer nerds through wiby.me making succintions of all the posts itt.
I won't waste your time any longer. All the best.

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