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 No.285412[View All]

Death of the Uncool - End of the Wizards V

Watching Geekdom get absorbed into the monoculture over the last decade (and then some) has been a pretty demoralising experience.

Part of the process of commodification, streamlining and assimilation of geek culture into the all-consuming monoculture, is distortion and erasure of the original.

"These would be the successive phases of the image:

1 It is the reflection of a basic reality.

2 It masks and perverts a basic reality.

3 It masks the absence of a basic reality.

4 It bears no relation to any reality whatever: it is its own pure simulacrum.

In the first case, the image is a good appearance: the representation is of the order of sacrament. In the second, it is an evil appearance: of the order of malefice. In the third, it plays at being an appearance: it is of the order of sorcery. In the fourth, it is no longer in the order of appearance at all, but of simulation."

I'm probably using Baudrillard wrong, but I think we're either between phase 2 and 3 or on phase 3. We're at the point where we have "gamers" who don't like videogames as the faces of videogames.
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"lightening up" isn't a useful response to outsider transvestites getting their kicks from turning nice Japanese anime characters in to filthy niggers for meme-clout on Instagram.


>some interesting observations
>some dogshit points

I mean you essentially agree with the main point.

>Your identity being expressed in a character you saw on a screen or a video game you play is stupid and for cattle

>In the past being a geek meant at best you weren't worth interacting with or at worst painted a target on your back, but nothing major on a societal level, just that you were uncool. Now (or soon enough), you are no longer uncool or a geek but a crab or a potential shooter, an entitled manchild, or some other negative label. Geek is no longer uncool, uncool is no longer geek. The outcast is no longer a geek, the outcast is no longer uncool. The outcast is [NULL], ready to be redefined to whatever is required, irrespective of what the outcast themselves think. In fact, you can go one step further and say uncool is [NULL] itself. Many things now are either "good" or "bad" (usually in the service of shilling some kind of product).

>For the last 10+ years or so, probably since a certain idiot fucking gentleman, there's been an effort to paint the would-be geek as a born misanthropic miscreant, whose isolated miserable life is a failing of themselves as opposed to their material circumstances and/or external forces acting on them. Sole blame lies on them, "They didn't try hard enough" and when they snap on occasion it's just proves that were a bad egg to begin with. IIRC, and someone correct me if I'm wrong, but there was this bizarre attributing of frat boy/cool kid crimes (and sociology) to male geeks for a while in the early 10s and how male geeks/nerds/outcasts need to do better which eventually culminated in the "gamers are dead" fiasco and gamergate shit.

The crab/outcast/loser is the perma-boogeyman. It's one thing to lose geek culture, it's another to be suddenly blamed for all of society's ills even though you've kept out of everyone's way.



I don't understand how dogshit keeps getting released and still people keep preordering after so many turds.


Hmmmmmmmmm. It seems like I'm the one who is jaded. Having seen so many discussions relating to the thread topic and seeing it happen in real time, it has long ceased to be something I really put much thought or negative energy to.
You can even sometimes find ancient blogs and posts from (now) much older and (most likely) truer nerds through wiby.me making succintions of all the posts itt.
I won't waste your time any longer. All the best.


Helldivers 2, a sleeper hit, nearly fucked up it's PC release by trying to force people to sign up to PSN to play it. It's only because of PC-only gamers, in foreign lands where PSN doesn't exist made, enough noise to stop Sony reverse it's decision. And you KNOW that Sony has plans to make it mandatory for any future titles.


>a sleeper hit
More like a streamer hit. Helldivers 2 was a one week wonder. Half of those who were interested in it took a week to get experience all it had to offer, while the other half just watched jerks on Twitch play it. Trash game or not, what Sony tried to pull was bad, but the reality is that platforms such as Epic and Steam are already rolling out measures to tie users to their real identities but nobody is batting an eye because those platforms or held in higher regard than Sony. All this situation has revealed is that most gamers who blow hot air only do so when it is fashionable to do so, while remaining ignorant or hypocritical to the same issues elsewhere.


remember palworld? neither do they.

>tie users to their real identities
oh fuck, do you have any source for that? like many older guys here i grew up with a "dont put up your real info online" mentality. i dont play games anymore at all, but i keep an old account that must be worth almost $1,000. thats not much but its a lot for a zero income neet. i always feared steam one day locking me out and demanding proof of this fictional identity

im not that guy btw


>All this situation has revealed is that most gamers who blow hot air only do so when it is fashionable to do so, while remaining ignorant or hypocritical to the same issues elsewhere.
The Cyberpunk 2077 situation is absolutely insane, a game so broken on release that the Playstation Store issued refunds. Then they release an anime and the negative opinions starts going in reverse because every normalfag is now an anime fan.


There's a great irony in you posting this, in that people on /a/ (and otaku on Japanese imageboards according to some people) railed against this vehemently. They saw it as an appropriation of geek culture, a distillation, a perversion. It didn't help that the creator was a young early 20s Japanese that spent some of his childhood and teens in the States, so they could tar him with that brush labeled "pozzed and westernized". Distinguishing the authentic from the unauthentic is such a big problem for everyone nowadays and even an impassioned cry like the one in webm related is bound to have dirt thrown on it by the very same people it claims to speak for.


>Distinguishing the authentic from the unauthentic is such a big problem for everyone nowadays


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>Distinguishing the authentic from the unauthentic is such a big problem for everyone nowadays

Almost every modern geek personality seems to be either a sellout, a whore or a dudebro. And because there's no barriers to knowledge access (you can just google info on a game, or anime or whatever and just gauge the general consensus) and just pass it off as your own knowledge, truth be damned.


I'm coming across this opinion more and more, half the time from zoomers pretending to be millennials: Nerd/geek culture was never a thing, that it was always mainstream.

I'm not sure if it's possible to argue against this using just my personal memories of it.


nerd/geek/gaymer/weeb are the most cringe group of people that came to be in popular culture. only normalfags and youtubers call themselves like that. for 'otaku' it's still special because I associate it with only japanese population


gamers are insanely gay they take all the fun out of games. i came to play so i can do my share of escapism not to compete with anyone. competition as recreation is the most disgusting and filthy thing you can do as group activity. i still despise teachers that forced me to participate in this nonsense bullshit


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I agree with you


What point is there arguing? I remember a time when being called a geek or a nerd was an insult (sometimes if you push a millennial or older normalfag enough they might still use it) and it was a label the cool kids stuck on you to denigrate you. Then nerds started using it the same way black use the world nigger. Then when geek culture started to become more valuable normniggers started to describe themselves as nerds/geeks.

>only normalfags and youtubers call themselves like that.
Were you born yesterday?


>Were you born yesterday?
no but those take proud of calling themselves like that


I genuinely wonder what the world looks like to zoomer outcast. There's a generation where capeshit has been popular (and digestible) for most of their early lives.


they grow up to be very feminine soycuck redditors with liberal brainwashing since there is no more bullying in schools they grow up in a safe environment like useless slugs


>very feminine soycuck redditors with liberal brainwashing
You are a Chinese bot.


>zoomer outcasts are hostile to their own kind
I see.



Through watering down the media the avergae zoomer consumes, they've managed to stripe this generation of would-be-nerds of critical thinking.


>critical thinking
Zoomers, and it's *not entirely* their fault, got z-lib fucked because blasted it across social media.


*because they blasted it


>I forgot to add though, it's probably quite easy to lose yourself in your own otaku world if you can mentally blockout normalfags in Japan. There is so much in the way of anime, manga, figurines, puzzles, gunpla, games, etc and a solid second hand market for these things. Almost unbelievable since all our second hand markets got destroyed by ebay and every normalfag thinking their garbage is worth 1000s.

>I guess all you'd have to do is survive japanese school, though I don't know if Japan is better or worse for outcasts in the school system.

One thing japanese outcasts have over western ones, that and the proper ability to go full hikki.


You talk like wizarddom is the logical superior yet youre clearly trying to create a new hierarchy in which you are at the top. It isnt a bad thing for creating cukture with other people but ur literally hypocritical and half as smart as a dumb normalfag lol. Go suck some cock faggot.


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The temporary discourse around a certain film release and then watching the film itself, and all I can say is "wow".

I'd never thought I'd see a studio/director burn through at least $200 million to burn down a billion dollar franchise solely because it didn't like a specific demographic of the audience.

It's obviously a little deeper than that, but not by much. There's at least a couple of ways to look at this film.

The film itself is well-made, well-shot, well-acted, I can't find many faults in this regard. The musical aspect isn't too bad in a certain light. And if the story was actually leading to something meaningful, the first 2/3rd seems decent if a little overlong. It's essentially a court room drama to see if Fleck/Joker is culpable for the murders he committed in the last film.

However once it gets to the pivotal scene where Fleck is raped by the prison guards and consequently takes full responsibility for the murders and renounces his Joker persona, it's clear that there's no deeper meaning beyond "fuck you virgins/outcasts/crabs/etc you are inherently bad" and all the prior scenes *were* just a setup drive that point home, every character that was still alive or had sympathy for the Joker in the original was brought back to rescind that sympathy. Literally at one point they highlight that Fleck may be a virgin as if it was a cardinal sin. Fleck gets stabbed to death at the end for "doing the right thing".

I honestly think it's to perpetuate the idea of the would-be nerd as an inherently malevolent being to be used as a scapegoat for all of society's ills. And I honestly think that the would-be nerds have revolutionary potential too that they needed to negate.

The other way to look at this which isn't too different from the first way, is that the joker accidentally became a symbol of the downtrodden, that the idea that maybe our superiors won't come to save us or actually have our best interests at heart. I remember when both wings of the mainstream media started attacking the original film before it came out, as a "dangerous" movie, "crab" movie, that shouldn't be seen by anyone. Watching the original film you understand why that probably was the case, it's not a particularly subtle movie and has themes of class warfare running through it and a sympathetic view of why a person would become a "villain" in our dogshit system and ends in an uprising.

Somehow this derivative work of Taxi Driver and King of Comedy frightened the powers that be just enough for the initial media backlash and for a sequel to be greenlit to mar the original. Why a fucking comic book movie got them this worried, I don't really know.

After the Joker renounces his persona and is back in prison, he gets stabbed to death by the "real Joker" so not only does the message seem to be "do not fuck with the system or we will fuck you" but "we have a corporate stand-in to replace you".

Those are my 2 rusty pence.


Is Todd Philips jewish?


is there even a need to ask? lol


>Phillips was born in Brooklyn, New York City, to a Jewish family.He was raised in Dix Hills, New York, on Long Island.


Very astute. Don't go live in a cabin in the woods and hoard gunpowder and steel pipes now…


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Am I the only one who finds it strange that the nerd/outcast/geek/etc has become, metaphorically speaking, the enemy of the state, over the last 12 years?

Not the corrupt politicians, the crooks on wall street, the CEOs or whatever but some dudes playing videogames, reading comic books, indulging in niche hobbies and crafts?


>Not the corrupt politicians,
The state cannot be the enemy of the state, and the people elect their politicians to do political things. Everyone talks about hating "politicians" because that is a way of saying that they hate all the people, the voter demographics, those politicians represent. Deep down inside people know they don't hate Donald Trump or George Bush or Obama or Biden. They hate white trash or christians or blacks or Jews. Politicians are probably on an individual level less corrupt and less prone to lying than the average American voter. It's just that the voter doesn't have the opportunity to defraud billions.
>the crooks on wall street,
It is funny how Occupy failed so hard that current tiktok feminism literally involves succubi singing songs about initiating a sexual relationship with "a man who works in finance."
>the CEOs or whatever but some dudes playing videogames,
I am not sure the dudes playing video games are considered a social threat vector nowadays since the "problem" I see is generally that these dudes are not spending enough money to keep major AAA studios afloat and this is a big social problem since those multibillion dollar companies can't keep their development teams employed without taking all of your money for every project you don't even like playing forever.
>reading comic books,
Nobody does this anymore, and the whole satanic indie comics underground thing was tapped out by 1995.
>indulging in niche hobbies and crafts?
Linux users are legitimately an existential threat to the entire global economy given the risks in a Jia Tan event and it is entirely understandable why the US Department of Defense would intervene in kernel contributor lists to excise Russian state actors the way they have.


What are you trying to say?


That to the extent this phenomenon exists, it was entirely predictable and not at all strange. And that there are other places where this phenomenon is attributed but does not exist, specifically comic book readers.


Why would it be strange? Within living memory, when has it not been the case? Hip hop culture was into reading conspiracy theories like Upon a Pale Horse back in the 80s. Picking on weirdos is a lot easier than hating on someone like Musk or Bezos.


In this day and age, "The Geek", is the ultimate scapegoat.


This is 100% right. It's also what normgroids do when you're in school. They shit on the weak, ugly kid because it's easy and because it's a way to let off steam and increase their status.


No. "The Geek" is barely a scapegoat at all now that it has finalized its divorce from "the virgin." This divorce was formally filed with the public acknowledgement of "Nerd Culture." The Geek doesn't want anything to do with us and I see no reason to offer any form of social or financial support to people who despise us and spend their blog and vlog time sending derision and violent retributive fantasies our way because some decades old association with virgins made them personally slightly less sexually attractive to succubi.

I will particularly offer no social sympathies to the breeds of consumption media geeks, comic books and videogames in particular, who formalized Nerd Culture as a cultural arts thing instead of a matter of personality disposition. They're a distinctly lesser species compared with Computer and Electronics geeks who, by focusing on crafts that require active pursuit, were less likely to participate in social displays intended to create sociosexual hierarchies by insulting me for associating my mere presence with their product. These were two very different creatures all along. For the comic book geek what mattered was showing up, it matters who shows up, but for the electronics geek what mattered was craft and it matters what is being crafted. Almost all of the harm that has befallen the active craft type of "geek" happened because that space was entered by status seeking passive entertainment consumption geeks who brought their I Listen To Alternative Music To Bang Alternative Chicks attitude with them.


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as you said, geeks don't want to associate with losers like wizards. geeks and nerds have become normalfags these days and don't want to be associated with losers. they have wives and kids and friends and are proud to be geeks/nerds. as for weeaboo and otaku, i feel like there's still a not-so-positive connotation for those categories of people, what do you think of weeaboo and otaku?


>i feel like there's still a not-so-positive connotation for those categories of people, what do you think of weeaboo and otaku?
I feel that the negative connotation for those people is intensely sexual in nature and therefore temporary. The main problem that people have with eroticism in anime is in the perception of a serious problem of that eroticism being spent on erotically disfavored demographics.

It is not just that otaku are men who masturbate, since most men masturbate. Nor is it that they are men who use pornographic subforms of their preferred art form to aid in their masturbation. I could compare the treatment of film, even grindhouse film, to anime on that front.

Nobody despises succubi who read "literature" or practice "writing" just because 50 Shades of Gray dominated fem lit sales figures and embodies the purpose and social utility of literature for and by succubi and every succubus who writes or reads in public is probably applying the subtler motions succubi use to perform public gooning and edging, not even when they are shamelessly declarative about their public gooning sessions. If you are unfortunate enough to have a generally positive relationship with a socially active highly articulate sister you will be well acquainted with their bold discussions of public edging habits incl. on public transport with their female friends. And how often they deny the role of their own motions and choices in their arousal and eventual public orgasm, "I was just reading my favorite highly charged erotic novel on the bus and rubbing and clamping my thighs together, you know to take up less space and for no other reason, when I guess the vibrations got me…" But, again, not only does nobody look down on books, there is also nobody who looks down on book-associated public gooning. Once you realize that it is happening and have a sister who will brazenly point out other succubi who are doing it by identifying their bodylanguage you will start to see it occurring every day, and normalfags are all fine with it. Reddit is the official pillar of normalfaggotry online, and there are public bullying mostly-female reddits for public photographs of poor fashion but none for shaming photographs of caught in the act femgooning. And right now at this very moment the response you personally are thinking of to this is "lmao why did you spend so much time writing about that stupid shit imagine caring about that." It's natural and normal to not care about it at all, and it is pervasive within society to not care about it. But people do start to care when it's male otaku privately purchasing eroges to play on their desktop at home.

And erotically charged literature (not just erotica) was once deeply, deeply stigmatized. When the majority of pulpwood readers were men, and when photographic publications were newer and more expensive. I think the last, most recently published piece where I encountered in the wild any of that classification of stigma was when I read Stephen King's The Stand. Harold Lauder wasn't a weeb, furry, cartoonfag, Trekkie, disney adult, starwars marveldrone - he was a pulp reader who represented the problematic badperson nature of ugly men whose penises get hard when they imagine suddenly being not ugly and doing the sex with fantasy heroines.

Sometimes this sudden concern with other people's sexuality is justifiable–pedophiles are real and do really spend real money on pedophilic things, and other real people often like getting money enough to sell such things in exchange, and anyone can point to such things in weebtrash. But other media that also infamously catered to that demographic, such as older non-theatrical film productions, were generally treated as being separate from their "worst element." There are documentaries on youtube about established older European film production studios that legally distributed actual hard cheese pizza in the middle to mid-late 20th century. Film did not have to shake off any stigma from that, at all. Nor did theater goers, and you're more likely to see grindhouse skin flicks celebrated in major Hollywood productions than to see any nods to eroge made in animes that were specifically adapted from eroge. No, that justifiability is a dishonest pretense. People don't hate abusers for being abusive, otherwise in addition to seeing occasional bursts of people losing their minds at otaku you would see those same individual people in a constant state of rage against enthusiastic fans of r&b or hip hop. The people who hate hip hop fans are a separate demographic from the people who hate otaku.

I think we are going to see the same divorce in otaku/weeb subcultures that was seen earlier with "geek," because it is economically and socially beneficial to the majority of the people in that market to do so. At first it will hold up the pretense of only concerning itself with potential predators, but since predation is not the problem and has not overturned the world of hip hop this will extend to an attack on het-male-targeted erotizication in general, and then to simple direct attacks on the character of all the remaining sexually abject men who were not removed earlier. Since that remainder neither had perverse nor even basic erotic interests in the medium, and also did not recognize the social signals around them, we can assume that such attacks will be through a vector of criticizing them for insufficient masculine function, insufficient social function, or for insufficient economic function, thereby creating a sexual hierarchy in which the good otaku stand shoulder to shoulder with the good geeks and the good media literacy moviefags and spend their years defending Roman Polanski and Ruroni Kenshin as better than their worst moments while also gaining status by castigating insufficiently sexual losers for being bad people and Harold Lauders.


>geeks and nerds have become normalfags these days
lol no, normalfags just claimed it for themselves. Theoretically, I suppose now that there is a common ground between normalfags and the people who used to be called geeks and/or nerds, they could use it to lift themselves into normalfagdom. I suspect that what actually happens is that normalfags appoint themselves as experts and leaders and actual geeks/nerds carry water for them trying to climb the social ladder.

Just a theory though, only a zoomer could tell me if that's the case and even then, it will take while for it to click for the zoomer outcast, like it did for us millennials. It was only around the early 10s when it was undeniable that the normalfags had taken over.


its all mainstream now https://youtu.be/jGGI1_dcoiE?si=u65Rl6sMJF63Hvfh
there's no more reason to call yourself a geek nerd or oraku. everyone in the world is a bit of it


No, it's been rendered meaningless. Normalniggers consume trends, normalniggers like ready made, easy use things.

I mean, it's only explanation for things like OnlyFans got popular (that or massive money laundering). Nobody in the 90s or 00s would think it be anything other than sad to pay money to some random whore for a couple of pictures.

Now everything is behind a single tap of the screen.


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Normalfags invading geek/nerd culture reveals that morality/dignity for them is actually based on groupthink rather than any sort of innate concept of it.

Their need to own everything that is not theirs, including the unsavoury parts that they themselves have denounced or mocked, supersedes their personal tastes.

So you get strange shit like this image.


I agree that normalfags follow the rest of the herd without wondering where it takes them.
But I don't get the part about about owning what is not theirs. Do you mean they lack individuality?


>But I don't get the part about about owning what is not theirs.
Once something is en vogue or 'cool' they need to claim ownership of it, some way to prove their "authenticity".


What pisses you off the most in this regard? For me it's the amount of niggers that have poured in. It's not the outcast blacks that used to make up this demographic but jist your regular gold toothed nigger.


People wearing anime t-shirts, especially faux-hentai ones. I wonder when normalfags start wearing furry porn t-shirts because social media trends told them to.


>the surprising number of normalfags wearing eva shirts
I wouldn't be surprised if Legend of the Overfiend starts appearing on their fucking shirts.

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