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/dep/ - Depression

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If you suffer from depression you probably experienced people calling you lazy or trying to gotcha you by psychoanalyzing that you subconsciously enjoy being miserable and that's why you don't do anything. If you disagree then you will be called in denial or making excuses.

What do you think?

I think someone who is lazy evades responsibilities but will put in effort into the things they enjoy like going out with friends. But if you don't do anything, even let yourself go and can't even be bothered to do stuff others do for fun then to me that's clearly depression.

I feel a lot of regret and hate myself for letting myself go but then when I do think of trying to start doing something like cooking or exercise or reading it feels so difficult because I have almost no energy and don't feel satisfaction from achieving something. I thought I could find a way to bypass feelings and function on logic alone but I don't think it's possible because in the end we are biological beings and need to feel pleasure for motivation.


i don't think we understand depression or the human mind yet. i believe you when you say that things feel difficult and that you feel like you don't have energy to do things. maybe there's like an unconscious part of your mind that does a sort of calculation of whether doing X, Y or Z is going to pay off in some way and being depressed is a state where almost everything ends up with a strong "no", so you're left with browsing the internet or jerking off.

the question is how to get out of that. it's not a conscious process, even though you do have the ability to override how you feel and just do things, this is very difficult and unsustainable because you're going against yourself and that causes friction and certainly doesn't bring any joy or relief, it's just a way to stop being a problem for other people since you're doing your duties and the psychotherapist can tick off a box and say they helped you in an observable way.

the goal is to get your unconscious system to say "yes" when the question of doing things comes up and i think what goes into the equation is mostly past experience. if your memories point to failure, then it's only natural to assume the next time you try something you will fail or it won't be enjoyable or pay off in any way, so you need new data to displace the old data. so you need new experiences that give your mind the foundation on which it can say "yes, let's do that because it worked out before". how would we get there? it makes sense to start small and with activities that require low amount of activation effort but have a reasonable chance of payoff and success. your mind will still say "no" but you can override that with a small amount of effort and take a gamble on it and as long as it leads to success and a payoff, your mind gets new data that can move the weight a little bit in the other direction. collect enough of those experiences and you succeed in a flipping it completely and now most things will receive a "yes" answer from the inside and you could say that you're not "depressed" anymore.

anyway, that's my thoughts about it. what do you think?


> What do you think?
I don't give a shit.

>you subconsciously enjoy being miserable and that's why you don't do anything

Bullshit. It is like saying that somebody who's broken a leg simulates pain as an excuse for not walking and enjoys it.


No, it's like a neuroinflammatory response to abuse or failing to reach your expectations or normal standards required for a contented life. That's like saying somebody who gets scar tissue from a burn spot is personally at fault for a known physiological process


Something as easy as lacking sunlight might have great incidence on this.
>If you disagree then you will be called in denial or making excuses
Stop bleeding in front of predators, you.


Do you think homeless people are the happiest because they have the most sunlight? Also you can't just stop bleeding it's not something dependent on your free will.


>diet, exercise, sunlight

the meme trifecta of depression advice.
>well, it certainly can't hurt!
you don't think taking away a person's favorite food, forcing them to do meaningless manual labor and sunbathe instead of actually dealing with their problems isn't going to hurt?
>wait, maybe sleep? i'm very cranky when i'm not getting enough
to these people depression is no different than being tired and needing a nap!
kill yourself if you've ever repeated this reddit tier myopic view of depression.


Life is all about money and all the sunlight, exercise people keep spouting their memes because they hate the thought of paying taxes so that someone might actually relieve their pain through being able to afford food and rent.

I live in a country with Neetbucks and couldn't be happier since I get free money every month just for existing and have done so for 20+ years.
I don't need constant sunlight, I don't need to work myself to exhaustion at the gym, I don't need to eat a perfect diet.
What I need is a guaranteed roof over my head and enough money to guarantee to feed me with reasonable food over the course of the next 31 days. Then the next 30 days after that, and the 31 days after that, rinse repeat.

That's what makes me happy and lets me sleep like a baby every night. Everything else on top of that is just icing on the cake or a bonus, like hobbies or volunteer work, reading books, playing games or whatever else there is to do in the world.

In case you forgot the point of my post, it's that all those bullshit advice givers fear paying taxes so others might actually have a life worth living.
That's why they hand out their stupid advice that doesn't cost a penny and also does nothing to help a person struggling with sustenance or homelessness.

Were the tables turned and those sociopaths were born poor instead of rich and had no real employment opportunities, they would be first in line to demand the state take care of them.
That's why civilized countries dispense minimum sustenance at a state level so nobody is at the mercy and charity of these stingy bastards.


Also: Make no mistake, tons of rich old sociopathic normies frequent boards with potential NEET's to mock them and influence them.

Nothing hurts these people more than the idea of those NEET's receiving free sustenance. To these people losing an extra $5000 a year is worse than their own family members dying. They worship money and detest anyone with less money than themselves.


Did anon say he is depressed due to homelessness? Depression can come out of nowhere if sunlight is scarce.

Also "bleeding" was figurative there. I'll let you guess what I really meant.

You should address each comment before answering their lines. But yes, depression sometimes comes from not following basic brain regulations, not saying that this be the almighty panacea

>I don't need constant sunlight, I don't need to work myself to exhaustion at the gym, I don't need to eat a perfect diet.
Nobody spoke about perfections here. Such quick way to escalate!

>let's just say that salt makes a dish of fish a bit more tasteful


>it's that all those bullshit advice givers fear paying taxes so others might actually have a life worth living
Dubiously, since those would then suffer a subsequent tax increase. It's middle class who pays for this scam of a society.


>Depression can come out of nowhere if sunlight is scarce.

bruh is just not sunbathing enough



>my case is worse so this cannot be real for others
>not giving a damn if it is, stay feeling like shit cos I can't get it through



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